%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-serpent Version: 1.41 Release: 1 Summary: Serialization based on ast.literal_eval License: MIT URL: https://github.com/irmen/Serpent Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/5c/b4/6dee78c531270d98b4166971c0d8b1432af05e10f887d52dbf536aaa23e3/serpent-1.41.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description Serpent is a simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval. Because it only serializes literals and recreates the objects using ast.literal_eval(), the serialized data is safe to transport to other machines (over the network for instance) and de-serialize it there. *There is also a Java and a .NET (C#) implementation available. This allows for easy data transfer between the various ecosystems. You can get the full source distribution, a Java .jar file, and a .NET assembly dll.* The java library can be obtained from Maven central (groupid ``net.razorvine`` artifactid ``serpent``), and the .NET assembly can be obtained from Nuget.org (package ``Razorvine.Serpent``). **API** - ``ser_bytes = serpent.dumps(obj, indent=False, module_in_classname=False):`` # serialize obj tree to bytes - ``obj = serpent.loads(ser_bytes)`` # deserialize bytes back into object tree - You can use ``ast.literal_eval`` yourself to deserialize, but ``serpent.deserialize`` works around a few corner cases. See source for details. Serpent is more sophisticated than a simple repr() + literal_eval(): - it serializes directly to bytes (utf-8 encoded), instead of a string, so it can immediately be saved to a file or sent over a socket - it encodes byte-types as base-64 instead of inefficient escaping notation that repr would use (this does mean you have to base-64 decode these strings manually on the receiving side to get your bytes back. You can use the serpent.tobytes utility function for this.) - it contains a few custom serializers for several additional Python types such as uuid, datetime, array and decimal - it tries to serialize unrecognised types as a dict (you can control this with __getstate__ on your own types) - it can create a pretty-printed (indented) output for readability purposes - it outputs the keys of sets and dicts in alphabetical order (when pretty-printing) - it works around a few quirks of ast.literal_eval() on the various Python implementations Serpent allows comments in the serialized data (because it is just Python source code). Serpent can't serialize object graphs (when an object refers to itself); it will then crash with a ValueError pointing out the problem. Works with Python 3 recent versions. **FAQ** - Why not use XML? Answer: because XML. - Why not use JSON? Answer: because JSON is quite limited in the number of datatypes it supports, and you can't use comments in a JSON file. - Why not use pickle? Answer: because pickle has security problems. - Why not use ``repr()``/``ast.literal_eval()``? See above; serpent is a superset of this and provides more convenience. Serpent provides automatic serialization mappings for types other than the builtin primitive types. ``repr()`` can't serialize these to literals that ``ast.literal_eval()`` understands. - Why not a binary format? Answer: because binary isn't readable by humans. - But I don't care about readability. Answer: doesn't matter, ``ast.literal_eval()`` wants a literal string, so that is what we produce. - But I want better performance. Answer: ok, maybe you shouldn't use serpent in this case. Find an efficient binary protocol (protobuf?) - Why only Python, Java and C#/.NET, but no bindings for insert-favorite-language-here? Answer: I don't speak that language. Maybe you could port serpent yourself? - Where is the source? It's on Github: https://github.com/irmen/Serpent - Can I use it everywhere? Sure, as long as you keep the copyright and disclaimer somewhere. See the LICENSE file. **Demo** .. code:: python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import ast import uuid import datetime import pprint import serpent class DemoClass: def __init__(self): self.i=42 self.b=False data = { "names": ["Harry", "Sally", "Peter"], "big": 2**200, "colorset": { "red", "green" }, "id": uuid.uuid4(), "timestamp": datetime.datetime.now(), "class": DemoClass(), "unicode": "€" } # serialize it ser = serpent.dumps(data, indent=True) open("data.serpent", "wb").write(ser) print("Serialized form:") print(ser.decode("utf-8")) # read it back data = serpent.load(open("data.serpent", "rb")) print("Data:") pprint.pprint(data) # you can also use ast.literal_eval if you like ser_string = open("data.serpent", "r", encoding="utf-8").read() data2 = ast.literal_eval(ser_string) assert data2==data When you run this it prints: .. code:: python Serialized form: # serpent utf-8 python3.2 { 'big': 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376, 'class': { '__class__': 'DemoClass', 'b': False, 'i': 42 }, 'colorset': { 'green', 'red' }, 'id': 'e461378a-201d-4844-8119-7c1570d9d186', 'names': [ 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Peter' ], 'timestamp': '2013-04-02T00:23:00.924000', 'unicode': '€' } Data: {'big': 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376, 'class': {'__class__': 'DemoClass', 'b': False, 'i': 42}, 'colorset': {'green', 'red'}, 'id': 'e461378a-201d-4844-8119-7c1570d9d186', 'names': ['Harry', 'Sally', 'Peter'], 'timestamp': '2013-04-02T00:23:00.924000', 'unicode': '€'} %package -n python3-serpent Summary: Serialization based on ast.literal_eval Provides: python-serpent BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-serpent Serpent is a simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval. Because it only serializes literals and recreates the objects using ast.literal_eval(), the serialized data is safe to transport to other machines (over the network for instance) and de-serialize it there. *There is also a Java and a .NET (C#) implementation available. This allows for easy data transfer between the various ecosystems. You can get the full source distribution, a Java .jar file, and a .NET assembly dll.* The java library can be obtained from Maven central (groupid ``net.razorvine`` artifactid ``serpent``), and the .NET assembly can be obtained from Nuget.org (package ``Razorvine.Serpent``). **API** - ``ser_bytes = serpent.dumps(obj, indent=False, module_in_classname=False):`` # serialize obj tree to bytes - ``obj = serpent.loads(ser_bytes)`` # deserialize bytes back into object tree - You can use ``ast.literal_eval`` yourself to deserialize, but ``serpent.deserialize`` works around a few corner cases. See source for details. Serpent is more sophisticated than a simple repr() + literal_eval(): - it serializes directly to bytes (utf-8 encoded), instead of a string, so it can immediately be saved to a file or sent over a socket - it encodes byte-types as base-64 instead of inefficient escaping notation that repr would use (this does mean you have to base-64 decode these strings manually on the receiving side to get your bytes back. You can use the serpent.tobytes utility function for this.) - it contains a few custom serializers for several additional Python types such as uuid, datetime, array and decimal - it tries to serialize unrecognised types as a dict (you can control this with __getstate__ on your own types) - it can create a pretty-printed (indented) output for readability purposes - it outputs the keys of sets and dicts in alphabetical order (when pretty-printing) - it works around a few quirks of ast.literal_eval() on the various Python implementations Serpent allows comments in the serialized data (because it is just Python source code). Serpent can't serialize object graphs (when an object refers to itself); it will then crash with a ValueError pointing out the problem. Works with Python 3 recent versions. **FAQ** - Why not use XML? Answer: because XML. - Why not use JSON? Answer: because JSON is quite limited in the number of datatypes it supports, and you can't use comments in a JSON file. - Why not use pickle? Answer: because pickle has security problems. - Why not use ``repr()``/``ast.literal_eval()``? See above; serpent is a superset of this and provides more convenience. Serpent provides automatic serialization mappings for types other than the builtin primitive types. ``repr()`` can't serialize these to literals that ``ast.literal_eval()`` understands. - Why not a binary format? Answer: because binary isn't readable by humans. - But I don't care about readability. Answer: doesn't matter, ``ast.literal_eval()`` wants a literal string, so that is what we produce. - But I want better performance. Answer: ok, maybe you shouldn't use serpent in this case. Find an efficient binary protocol (protobuf?) - Why only Python, Java and C#/.NET, but no bindings for insert-favorite-language-here? Answer: I don't speak that language. Maybe you could port serpent yourself? - Where is the source? It's on Github: https://github.com/irmen/Serpent - Can I use it everywhere? Sure, as long as you keep the copyright and disclaimer somewhere. See the LICENSE file. **Demo** .. code:: python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import ast import uuid import datetime import pprint import serpent class DemoClass: def __init__(self): self.i=42 self.b=False data = { "names": ["Harry", "Sally", "Peter"], "big": 2**200, "colorset": { "red", "green" }, "id": uuid.uuid4(), "timestamp": datetime.datetime.now(), "class": DemoClass(), "unicode": "€" } # serialize it ser = serpent.dumps(data, indent=True) open("data.serpent", "wb").write(ser) print("Serialized form:") print(ser.decode("utf-8")) # read it back data = serpent.load(open("data.serpent", "rb")) print("Data:") pprint.pprint(data) # you can also use ast.literal_eval if you like ser_string = open("data.serpent", "r", encoding="utf-8").read() data2 = ast.literal_eval(ser_string) assert data2==data When you run this it prints: .. code:: python Serialized form: # serpent utf-8 python3.2 { 'big': 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376, 'class': { '__class__': 'DemoClass', 'b': False, 'i': 42 }, 'colorset': { 'green', 'red' }, 'id': 'e461378a-201d-4844-8119-7c1570d9d186', 'names': [ 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Peter' ], 'timestamp': '2013-04-02T00:23:00.924000', 'unicode': '€' } Data: {'big': 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376, 'class': {'__class__': 'DemoClass', 'b': False, 'i': 42}, 'colorset': {'green', 'red'}, 'id': 'e461378a-201d-4844-8119-7c1570d9d186', 'names': ['Harry', 'Sally', 'Peter'], 'timestamp': '2013-04-02T00:23:00.924000', 'unicode': '€'} %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for serpent Provides: python3-serpent-doc %description help Serpent is a simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval. Because it only serializes literals and recreates the objects using ast.literal_eval(), the serialized data is safe to transport to other machines (over the network for instance) and de-serialize it there. *There is also a Java and a .NET (C#) implementation available. This allows for easy data transfer between the various ecosystems. You can get the full source distribution, a Java .jar file, and a .NET assembly dll.* The java library can be obtained from Maven central (groupid ``net.razorvine`` artifactid ``serpent``), and the .NET assembly can be obtained from Nuget.org (package ``Razorvine.Serpent``). **API** - ``ser_bytes = serpent.dumps(obj, indent=False, module_in_classname=False):`` # serialize obj tree to bytes - ``obj = serpent.loads(ser_bytes)`` # deserialize bytes back into object tree - You can use ``ast.literal_eval`` yourself to deserialize, but ``serpent.deserialize`` works around a few corner cases. See source for details. Serpent is more sophisticated than a simple repr() + literal_eval(): - it serializes directly to bytes (utf-8 encoded), instead of a string, so it can immediately be saved to a file or sent over a socket - it encodes byte-types as base-64 instead of inefficient escaping notation that repr would use (this does mean you have to base-64 decode these strings manually on the receiving side to get your bytes back. You can use the serpent.tobytes utility function for this.) - it contains a few custom serializers for several additional Python types such as uuid, datetime, array and decimal - it tries to serialize unrecognised types as a dict (you can control this with __getstate__ on your own types) - it can create a pretty-printed (indented) output for readability purposes - it outputs the keys of sets and dicts in alphabetical order (when pretty-printing) - it works around a few quirks of ast.literal_eval() on the various Python implementations Serpent allows comments in the serialized data (because it is just Python source code). Serpent can't serialize object graphs (when an object refers to itself); it will then crash with a ValueError pointing out the problem. Works with Python 3 recent versions. **FAQ** - Why not use XML? Answer: because XML. - Why not use JSON? Answer: because JSON is quite limited in the number of datatypes it supports, and you can't use comments in a JSON file. - Why not use pickle? Answer: because pickle has security problems. - Why not use ``repr()``/``ast.literal_eval()``? See above; serpent is a superset of this and provides more convenience. Serpent provides automatic serialization mappings for types other than the builtin primitive types. ``repr()`` can't serialize these to literals that ``ast.literal_eval()`` understands. - Why not a binary format? Answer: because binary isn't readable by humans. - But I don't care about readability. Answer: doesn't matter, ``ast.literal_eval()`` wants a literal string, so that is what we produce. - But I want better performance. Answer: ok, maybe you shouldn't use serpent in this case. Find an efficient binary protocol (protobuf?) - Why only Python, Java and C#/.NET, but no bindings for insert-favorite-language-here? Answer: I don't speak that language. Maybe you could port serpent yourself? - Where is the source? It's on Github: https://github.com/irmen/Serpent - Can I use it everywhere? Sure, as long as you keep the copyright and disclaimer somewhere. See the LICENSE file. **Demo** .. code:: python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import ast import uuid import datetime import pprint import serpent class DemoClass: def __init__(self): self.i=42 self.b=False data = { "names": ["Harry", "Sally", "Peter"], "big": 2**200, "colorset": { "red", "green" }, "id": uuid.uuid4(), "timestamp": datetime.datetime.now(), "class": DemoClass(), "unicode": "€" } # serialize it ser = serpent.dumps(data, indent=True) open("data.serpent", "wb").write(ser) print("Serialized form:") print(ser.decode("utf-8")) # read it back data = serpent.load(open("data.serpent", "rb")) print("Data:") pprint.pprint(data) # you can also use ast.literal_eval if you like ser_string = open("data.serpent", "r", encoding="utf-8").read() data2 = ast.literal_eval(ser_string) assert data2==data When you run this it prints: .. code:: python Serialized form: # serpent utf-8 python3.2 { 'big': 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376, 'class': { '__class__': 'DemoClass', 'b': False, 'i': 42 }, 'colorset': { 'green', 'red' }, 'id': 'e461378a-201d-4844-8119-7c1570d9d186', 'names': [ 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Peter' ], 'timestamp': '2013-04-02T00:23:00.924000', 'unicode': '€' } Data: {'big': 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376, 'class': {'__class__': 'DemoClass', 'b': False, 'i': 42}, 'colorset': {'green', 'red'}, 'id': 'e461378a-201d-4844-8119-7c1570d9d186', 'names': ['Harry', 'Sally', 'Peter'], 'timestamp': '2013-04-02T00:23:00.924000', 'unicode': '€'} %prep %autosetup -n serpent-1.41 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-serpent -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri Apr 21 2023 Python_Bot - 1.41-1 - Package Spec generated