%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-fugashi Version: 1.2.1 Release: 1 Summary: A Cython MeCab wrapper for fast, pythonic Japanese tokenization. License: MIT URL: https://github.com/polm/fugashi Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/4d/aa/008562fae5099633dfe87b68627f2a532b4f92f5348f75edaeec25c990f4/fugashi-1.2.1.tar.gz Requires: python3-unidic Requires: python3-unidic-lite %description [![Open in Streamlit](https://static.streamlit.io/badges/streamlit_badge_black_white.svg)](https://share.streamlit.io/polm/fugashi-streamlit-demo/main/demo.py) [![Current PyPI packages](https://badge.fury.io/py/fugashi.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/fugashi/) ![Test Status](https://github.com/polm/fugashi/workflows/test-manylinux/badge.svg) [![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/fugashi)](https://pypi.org/project/fugashi/) ![Supported Platforms](https://img.shields.io/badge/platforms-linux%20macosx%20windows-blue) # fugashi fugashi by Irasutoya fugashi is a Cython wrapper for [MeCab](https://taku910.github.io/mecab/), a Japanese tokenizer and morphological analysis tool. Wheels are provided for Linux, OSX, and Win64, and UniDic is [easy to install](#installing-a-dictionary). **issueを英語で書く必要はありません。** Check out the [interactive demo][], see the [blog post](https://www.dampfkraft.com/nlp/fugashi.html) for background on why fugashi exists and some of the design decisions, or see [this guide][guide] for a basic introduction to Japanese tokenization. [guide]: https://www.dampfkraft.com/nlp/how-to-tokenize-japanese.html [interactive demo]: https://share.streamlit.io/polm/fugashi-streamlit-demo/main/demo.py If you are on an unsupported platform (like PowerPC), you'll need to install MeCab first. It's recommended you install [from source](https://github.com/taku910/mecab). If you need to build from source on Windows, [@chezou's fork](https://github.com/chezou/mecab) is recommended; see [issue #44](https://github.com/polm/fugashi/issues/44#issuecomment-954426115) for an explanation of the problems with the official repo. ## Usage ```python from fugashi import Tagger tagger = Tagger('-Owakati') text = "麩菓子は、麩を主材料とした日本の菓子。" tagger.parse(text) # => '麩 菓子 は 、 麩 を 主材 料 と し た 日本 の 菓子 。' for word in tagger(text): print(word, word.feature.lemma, word.pos, sep='\t') # "feature" is the Unidic feature data as a named tuple ``` ## Installing a Dictionary fugashi requires a dictionary. [UniDic](https://unidic.ninjal.ac.jp/) is recommended, and two easy-to-install versions are provided. - [unidic-lite](https://github.com/polm/unidic-lite), a slightly modified version 2.1.2 of Unidic (from 2013) that's relatively small - [unidic](https://github.com/polm/unidic-py), the latest UniDic 3.1.0, which is 770MB on disk and requires a separate download step If you just want to make sure things work you can start with `unidic-lite`, but for more serious processing `unidic` is recommended. For production use you'll generally want to generate your own dictionary too; for details see the [MeCab documentation](https://taku910.github.io/mecab/learn.html). To get either of these dictionaries, you can install them directly using `pip` or do the below: ```sh pip install fugashi[unidic-lite] # The full version of UniDic requires a separate download step pip install fugashi[unidic] python -m unidic download ``` For more information on the different MeCab dictionaries available, see [this article](https://www.dampfkraft.com/nlp/japanese-tokenizer-dictionaries.html). ## Dictionary Use fugashi is written with the assumption you'll use Unidic to process Japanese, but it supports arbitrary dictionaries. If you're using a dictionary besides Unidic you can use the GenericTagger like this: ```python from fugashi import GenericTagger tagger = GenericTagger() # parse can be used as normal tagger.parse('something') # features from the dictionary can be accessed by field numbers for word in tagger(text): print(word.surface, word.feature[0]) ``` You can also create a dictionary wrapper to get feature information as a named tuple. ```python from fugashi import GenericTagger, create_feature_wrapper CustomFeatures = create_feature_wrapper('CustomFeatures', 'alpha beta gamma') tagger = GenericTagger(wrapper=CustomFeatures) for word in tagger.parseToNodeList(text): print(word.surface, word.feature.alpha) ``` ## Citation If you use fugashi in research, it would be appreciated if you cite this paper. You can read it at [the ACL Anthology](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.nlposs-1.7/) or [on Arxiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.06858). @inproceedings{mccann-2020-fugashi, title = "fugashi, a Tool for Tokenizing {J}apanese in Python", author = "McCann, Paul", booktitle = "Proceedings of Second Workshop for NLP Open Source Software (NLP-OSS)", month = nov, year = "2020", address = "Online", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.nlposs-1.7", pages = "44--51", abstract = "Recent years have seen an increase in the number of large-scale multilingual NLP projects. However, even in such projects, languages with special processing requirements are often excluded. One such language is Japanese. Japanese is written without spaces, tokenization is non-trivial, and while high quality open source tokenizers exist they can be hard to use and lack English documentation. This paper introduces fugashi, a MeCab wrapper for Python, and gives an introduction to tokenizing Japanese.", } ## Alternatives If you have a problem with fugashi feel free to open an issue. However, there are some cases where it might be better to use a different library. - If you don't want to deal with installing MeCab at all, try [SudachiPy](https://github.com/WorksApplications/sudachi.rs). - If you need to work with Korean, try [pymecab-ko](https://github.com/NoUnique/pymecab-ko) or [KoNLPy](https://konlpy.org/en/latest/). ## License and Copyright Notice fugashi is released under the terms of the [MIT license](./LICENSE). Please copy it far and wide. fugashi is a wrapper for MeCab, and fugashi wheels include MeCab binaries. MeCab is copyrighted free software by Taku Kudo `` and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, and is redistributed under the [BSD License](./LICENSE.mecab). %package -n python3-fugashi Summary: A Cython MeCab wrapper for fast, pythonic Japanese tokenization. Provides: python-fugashi BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip BuildRequires: python3-cffi BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: gdb %description -n python3-fugashi [![Open in Streamlit](https://static.streamlit.io/badges/streamlit_badge_black_white.svg)](https://share.streamlit.io/polm/fugashi-streamlit-demo/main/demo.py) [![Current PyPI packages](https://badge.fury.io/py/fugashi.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/fugashi/) ![Test Status](https://github.com/polm/fugashi/workflows/test-manylinux/badge.svg) [![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/fugashi)](https://pypi.org/project/fugashi/) ![Supported Platforms](https://img.shields.io/badge/platforms-linux%20macosx%20windows-blue) # fugashi fugashi by Irasutoya fugashi is a Cython wrapper for [MeCab](https://taku910.github.io/mecab/), a Japanese tokenizer and morphological analysis tool. Wheels are provided for Linux, OSX, and Win64, and UniDic is [easy to install](#installing-a-dictionary). **issueを英語で書く必要はありません。** Check out the [interactive demo][], see the [blog post](https://www.dampfkraft.com/nlp/fugashi.html) for background on why fugashi exists and some of the design decisions, or see [this guide][guide] for a basic introduction to Japanese tokenization. [guide]: https://www.dampfkraft.com/nlp/how-to-tokenize-japanese.html [interactive demo]: https://share.streamlit.io/polm/fugashi-streamlit-demo/main/demo.py If you are on an unsupported platform (like PowerPC), you'll need to install MeCab first. It's recommended you install [from source](https://github.com/taku910/mecab). If you need to build from source on Windows, [@chezou's fork](https://github.com/chezou/mecab) is recommended; see [issue #44](https://github.com/polm/fugashi/issues/44#issuecomment-954426115) for an explanation of the problems with the official repo. ## Usage ```python from fugashi import Tagger tagger = Tagger('-Owakati') text = "麩菓子は、麩を主材料とした日本の菓子。" tagger.parse(text) # => '麩 菓子 は 、 麩 を 主材 料 と し た 日本 の 菓子 。' for word in tagger(text): print(word, word.feature.lemma, word.pos, sep='\t') # "feature" is the Unidic feature data as a named tuple ``` ## Installing a Dictionary fugashi requires a dictionary. [UniDic](https://unidic.ninjal.ac.jp/) is recommended, and two easy-to-install versions are provided. - [unidic-lite](https://github.com/polm/unidic-lite), a slightly modified version 2.1.2 of Unidic (from 2013) that's relatively small - [unidic](https://github.com/polm/unidic-py), the latest UniDic 3.1.0, which is 770MB on disk and requires a separate download step If you just want to make sure things work you can start with `unidic-lite`, but for more serious processing `unidic` is recommended. For production use you'll generally want to generate your own dictionary too; for details see the [MeCab documentation](https://taku910.github.io/mecab/learn.html). To get either of these dictionaries, you can install them directly using `pip` or do the below: ```sh pip install fugashi[unidic-lite] # The full version of UniDic requires a separate download step pip install fugashi[unidic] python -m unidic download ``` For more information on the different MeCab dictionaries available, see [this article](https://www.dampfkraft.com/nlp/japanese-tokenizer-dictionaries.html). ## Dictionary Use fugashi is written with the assumption you'll use Unidic to process Japanese, but it supports arbitrary dictionaries. If you're using a dictionary besides Unidic you can use the GenericTagger like this: ```python from fugashi import GenericTagger tagger = GenericTagger() # parse can be used as normal tagger.parse('something') # features from the dictionary can be accessed by field numbers for word in tagger(text): print(word.surface, word.feature[0]) ``` You can also create a dictionary wrapper to get feature information as a named tuple. ```python from fugashi import GenericTagger, create_feature_wrapper CustomFeatures = create_feature_wrapper('CustomFeatures', 'alpha beta gamma') tagger = GenericTagger(wrapper=CustomFeatures) for word in tagger.parseToNodeList(text): print(word.surface, word.feature.alpha) ``` ## Citation If you use fugashi in research, it would be appreciated if you cite this paper. You can read it at [the ACL Anthology](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.nlposs-1.7/) or [on Arxiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.06858). @inproceedings{mccann-2020-fugashi, title = "fugashi, a Tool for Tokenizing {J}apanese in Python", author = "McCann, Paul", booktitle = "Proceedings of Second Workshop for NLP Open Source Software (NLP-OSS)", month = nov, year = "2020", address = "Online", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.nlposs-1.7", pages = "44--51", abstract = "Recent years have seen an increase in the number of large-scale multilingual NLP projects. However, even in such projects, languages with special processing requirements are often excluded. One such language is Japanese. Japanese is written without spaces, tokenization is non-trivial, and while high quality open source tokenizers exist they can be hard to use and lack English documentation. This paper introduces fugashi, a MeCab wrapper for Python, and gives an introduction to tokenizing Japanese.", } ## Alternatives If you have a problem with fugashi feel free to open an issue. However, there are some cases where it might be better to use a different library. - If you don't want to deal with installing MeCab at all, try [SudachiPy](https://github.com/WorksApplications/sudachi.rs). - If you need to work with Korean, try [pymecab-ko](https://github.com/NoUnique/pymecab-ko) or [KoNLPy](https://konlpy.org/en/latest/). ## License and Copyright Notice fugashi is released under the terms of the [MIT license](./LICENSE). Please copy it far and wide. fugashi is a wrapper for MeCab, and fugashi wheels include MeCab binaries. MeCab is copyrighted free software by Taku Kudo `` and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, and is redistributed under the [BSD License](./LICENSE.mecab). %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for fugashi Provides: python3-fugashi-doc %description help [![Open in Streamlit](https://static.streamlit.io/badges/streamlit_badge_black_white.svg)](https://share.streamlit.io/polm/fugashi-streamlit-demo/main/demo.py) [![Current PyPI packages](https://badge.fury.io/py/fugashi.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/fugashi/) ![Test Status](https://github.com/polm/fugashi/workflows/test-manylinux/badge.svg) [![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/fugashi)](https://pypi.org/project/fugashi/) ![Supported Platforms](https://img.shields.io/badge/platforms-linux%20macosx%20windows-blue) # fugashi fugashi by Irasutoya fugashi is a Cython wrapper for [MeCab](https://taku910.github.io/mecab/), a Japanese tokenizer and morphological analysis tool. Wheels are provided for Linux, OSX, and Win64, and UniDic is [easy to install](#installing-a-dictionary). **issueを英語で書く必要はありません。** Check out the [interactive demo][], see the [blog post](https://www.dampfkraft.com/nlp/fugashi.html) for background on why fugashi exists and some of the design decisions, or see [this guide][guide] for a basic introduction to Japanese tokenization. [guide]: https://www.dampfkraft.com/nlp/how-to-tokenize-japanese.html [interactive demo]: https://share.streamlit.io/polm/fugashi-streamlit-demo/main/demo.py If you are on an unsupported platform (like PowerPC), you'll need to install MeCab first. It's recommended you install [from source](https://github.com/taku910/mecab). If you need to build from source on Windows, [@chezou's fork](https://github.com/chezou/mecab) is recommended; see [issue #44](https://github.com/polm/fugashi/issues/44#issuecomment-954426115) for an explanation of the problems with the official repo. ## Usage ```python from fugashi import Tagger tagger = Tagger('-Owakati') text = "麩菓子は、麩を主材料とした日本の菓子。" tagger.parse(text) # => '麩 菓子 は 、 麩 を 主材 料 と し た 日本 の 菓子 。' for word in tagger(text): print(word, word.feature.lemma, word.pos, sep='\t') # "feature" is the Unidic feature data as a named tuple ``` ## Installing a Dictionary fugashi requires a dictionary. [UniDic](https://unidic.ninjal.ac.jp/) is recommended, and two easy-to-install versions are provided. - [unidic-lite](https://github.com/polm/unidic-lite), a slightly modified version 2.1.2 of Unidic (from 2013) that's relatively small - [unidic](https://github.com/polm/unidic-py), the latest UniDic 3.1.0, which is 770MB on disk and requires a separate download step If you just want to make sure things work you can start with `unidic-lite`, but for more serious processing `unidic` is recommended. For production use you'll generally want to generate your own dictionary too; for details see the [MeCab documentation](https://taku910.github.io/mecab/learn.html). To get either of these dictionaries, you can install them directly using `pip` or do the below: ```sh pip install fugashi[unidic-lite] # The full version of UniDic requires a separate download step pip install fugashi[unidic] python -m unidic download ``` For more information on the different MeCab dictionaries available, see [this article](https://www.dampfkraft.com/nlp/japanese-tokenizer-dictionaries.html). ## Dictionary Use fugashi is written with the assumption you'll use Unidic to process Japanese, but it supports arbitrary dictionaries. If you're using a dictionary besides Unidic you can use the GenericTagger like this: ```python from fugashi import GenericTagger tagger = GenericTagger() # parse can be used as normal tagger.parse('something') # features from the dictionary can be accessed by field numbers for word in tagger(text): print(word.surface, word.feature[0]) ``` You can also create a dictionary wrapper to get feature information as a named tuple. ```python from fugashi import GenericTagger, create_feature_wrapper CustomFeatures = create_feature_wrapper('CustomFeatures', 'alpha beta gamma') tagger = GenericTagger(wrapper=CustomFeatures) for word in tagger.parseToNodeList(text): print(word.surface, word.feature.alpha) ``` ## Citation If you use fugashi in research, it would be appreciated if you cite this paper. You can read it at [the ACL Anthology](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.nlposs-1.7/) or [on Arxiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.06858). @inproceedings{mccann-2020-fugashi, title = "fugashi, a Tool for Tokenizing {J}apanese in Python", author = "McCann, Paul", booktitle = "Proceedings of Second Workshop for NLP Open Source Software (NLP-OSS)", month = nov, year = "2020", address = "Online", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.nlposs-1.7", pages = "44--51", abstract = "Recent years have seen an increase in the number of large-scale multilingual NLP projects. However, even in such projects, languages with special processing requirements are often excluded. One such language is Japanese. Japanese is written without spaces, tokenization is non-trivial, and while high quality open source tokenizers exist they can be hard to use and lack English documentation. This paper introduces fugashi, a MeCab wrapper for Python, and gives an introduction to tokenizing Japanese.", } ## Alternatives If you have a problem with fugashi feel free to open an issue. However, there are some cases where it might be better to use a different library. - If you don't want to deal with installing MeCab at all, try [SudachiPy](https://github.com/WorksApplications/sudachi.rs). - If you need to work with Korean, try [pymecab-ko](https://github.com/NoUnique/pymecab-ko) or [KoNLPy](https://konlpy.org/en/latest/). ## License and Copyright Notice fugashi is released under the terms of the [MIT license](./LICENSE). Please copy it far and wide. fugashi is a wrapper for MeCab, and fugashi wheels include MeCab binaries. MeCab is copyrighted free software by Taku Kudo `` and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, and is redistributed under the [BSD License](./LICENSE.mecab). %prep %autosetup -n fugashi-1.2.1 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-fugashi -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitearch}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Sun Apr 23 2023 Python_Bot - 1.2.1-1 - Package Spec generated