%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-sceptre Version: 4.1.0 Release: 1 Summary: Cloud Provisioning Tool License: Apache2 URL: https://github.com/Sceptre/sceptre Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/ce/1b/64be41a3accf8e6a319e70609cfb7931bb9959b586f9b4c059a90b13cbf5/sceptre-4.1.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-boto3 Requires: python3-click Requires: python3-cfn-flip Requires: python3-deepdiff Requires: python3-deprecation Requires: python3-PyYaml Requires: python3-Jinja2 Requires: python3-jsonschema Requires: python3-colorama Requires: python3-packaging Requires: python3-sceptre-cmd-resolver Requires: python3-sceptre-file-resolver Requires: python3-six Requires: python3-networkx Requires: python3-troposphere %description # Sceptre [![CircleCI](https://img.shields.io/circleci/build/github/Sceptre/sceptre?logo=circleci)](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/Sceptre) [![Docker Image Version (latest semver)](https://img.shields.io/docker/v/sceptreorg/sceptre?logo=docker&sort=semver)](https://hub.docker.com/r/sceptreorg/sceptre) [![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![PyPI - Status](https://img.shields.io/pypi/status/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/sceptre?logo=apache)](https://github.com/Sceptre/sceptre/blob/main/LICENSE) ## About Sceptre is a tool to drive [AWS CloudFormation](https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation). It automates the mundane, repetitive and error-prone tasks, enabling you to concentrate on building better infrastructure. ## Features - Code reuse by separating a Stack's template and its configuration - Support for templates written in JSON, YAML, Jinja2 or Python DSLs such as Troposphere - Dependency resolution by passing of Stack outputs to parameters of dependent Stacks - Stack Group support by bundling related Stacks into logical groups (e.g. dev and prod) - Stack Group-level commands, such as creating multiple Stacks with a single command - Fast, highly parallelised builds - Built in support for working with Stacks in multiple AWS accounts and regions - Infrastructure visibility with meta-operations such as Stack querying protection - Support for inserting dynamic values in templates via customisable Resolvers - Support for running arbitrary code as Hooks before/after Stack builds ## Benefits - Utilises cloud-native Infrastructure as Code engines (CloudFormation) - You do not need to manage state - Simple templates using popular templating syntax - Yaml & Jinja - Powerful flexibility using a mature programming language - Python - Easy to integrate as part of a CI/CD pipeline by using Hooks - Simple CLI and API - Unopinionated - Sceptre does not force a specific project structure ## Install ### Using pip `$ pip install sceptre` More information on installing sceptre can be found in our [Installation Guide](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/latest/docs/install.html) ### Using Docker Image View our [Docker repository](https://hub.docker.com/repositories/sceptreorg). Images available from version 2.0.0 onward. To use our Docker image follow these instructions: 1. Pull the image `docker pull sceptreorg/sceptre:[SCEPTRE_VERSION_NUMBER]` e.g. `docker pull sceptreorg/sceptre:2.5.0`. Leave out the version number if you wish to run `latest` or run `docker pull sceptreorg/sceptre:latest`. 2. Run the image. You will need to mount the working directory where your project resides to a directory called `project`. You will also need to mount a volume with your AWS config to your docker container. E.g. `docker run -v $(pwd):/project -v /Users/me/.aws/:/root/.aws/:ro sceptreorg/sceptre:latest --help` If you want to use a custom ENTRYPOINT simply amend the Docker command: `docker run -ti --entrypoint='' sceptreorg/sceptre:latest sh` The above command will enter you into the shell of the Docker container where you can execute sceptre commands - useful for development. If you have any other environment variables in your non-docker shell you will need to pass these in on the Docker CLI using the `-e` flag. See Docker documentation on how to achieve this. ## Example Sceptre organises Stacks into "Stack Groups". Each Stack is represented by a YAML configuration file stored in a directory which represents the Stack Group. Here, we have two Stacks, `vpc` and `subnets`, in a Stack Group named `dev`: ```sh $ tree . ├── config │   └── dev │   ├── config.yaml │   ├── subnets.yaml │   └── vpc.yaml └── templates ├── subnets.py └── vpc.py ``` We can create a Stack with the `create` command. This `vpc` Stack contains a VPC. ```sh $ sceptre create dev/vpc.yaml dev/vpc - Creating stack dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC CREATE_IN_PROGRESS dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC CREATE_COMPLETE dev/vpc sceptre-demo-dev-vpc AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE ``` The `subnets` Stack contains a subnet which must be created in the VPC. To do this, we need to pass the VPC ID, which is exposed as a Stack output of the `vpc` Stack, to a parameter of the `subnets` Stack. Sceptre automatically resolves this dependency for us. ```sh $ sceptre create dev/subnets.yaml dev/subnets - Creating stack dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_IN_PROGRESS dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_COMPLETE dev/subnets sceptre-demo-dev-subnets AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE ``` Sceptre implements meta-operations, which allow us to find out information about our Stacks: ```sh $ sceptre list resources dev/subnets.yaml - LogicalResourceId: Subnet PhysicalResourceId: subnet-445e6e32 dev/vpc: - LogicalResourceId: VirtualPrivateCloud PhysicalResourceId: vpc-c4715da0 ``` Sceptre provides Stack Group level commands. This one deletes the whole `dev` Stack Group. The subnet exists within the vpc, so it must be deleted first. Sceptre handles this automatically: ```sh $ sceptre delete dev Deleting stack dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet DELETE_IN_PROGRESS dev/subnets - Stack deleted dev/vpc Deleting stack dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC DELETE_IN_PROGRESS dev/vpc - Stack deleted ``` > Note: Deleting Stacks will _only_ delete a given Stack, or the Stacks that are > directly in a given StackGroup. By default Stack dependencies that are > external to the StackGroup are not deleted. Sceptre can also handle cross Stack Group dependencies, take the following example project: ```sh $ tree . ├── config │   ├── dev │   │   ├── network │   │   │   └── vpc.yaml │   │   ├── users │   │   │   └── iam.yaml │   │   ├── compute │   │   │   └── ec2.yaml │   │   └── config.yaml │   └── staging │   └── eu │   ├── config.yaml │   └── stack.yaml ├── hooks │   └── stack.py ├── templates │   ├── network.json │   ├── iam.json │   ├── ec2.json │   └── stack.json └── vars ├── dev.yaml └── staging.yaml ``` In this project `staging/eu/stack.yaml` has a dependency on the output of `dev/users/iam.yaml`. If you wanted to create the Stack `staging/eu/stack.yaml`, Sceptre will resolve all of it's dependencies, including `dev/users/iam.yaml`, before attempting to create the Stack. ## Usage Sceptre can be used from the CLI, or imported as a Python package. ## CLI ```text Usage: sceptre [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Sceptre is a tool to manage your cloud native infrastructure deployments. Options: --version Show the version and exit. --debug Turn on debug logging. --dir TEXT Specify sceptre directory. --output [text|yaml|json] The formatting style for command output. --no-colour Turn off output colouring. --var TEXT A variable to replace the value of an item in config file. --var-file FILENAME A YAML file of variables to replace the values of items in config files. --ignore-dependencies Ignore dependencies when executing command. --merge-vars Merge variables from successive --vars and var files. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: create Creates a stack or a change set. delete Deletes a stack or a change set. describe Commands for describing attributes of stacks. estimate-cost Estimates the cost of the template. execute Executes a Change Set. generate Prints the template. launch Launch a Stack or StackGroup. list Commands for listing attributes of stacks. new Commands for initialising Sceptre projects. set-policy Sets Stack policy. status Print status of stack or stack_group. update Update a stack. validate Validates the template. ``` ## Python Using Sceptre as a Python module is very straightforward. You need to create a SceptreContext, which tells Sceptre where your project path is and which path you want to execute on, we call this the "command path". After you have created a SceptreContext you need to pass this into a SceptrePlan. On instantiation the SceptrePlan will handle all the required steps to make sure the action you wish to take on the command path are resolved. After you have instantiated a SceptrePlan you can access all the actions you can take on a Stack, such as `validate()`, `launch()`, `list()` and `delete()`. ```python from sceptre.context import SceptreContext from sceptre.plan.plan import SceptrePlan context = SceptreContext("/path/to/project", "command_path") plan = SceptrePlan(context) plan.launch() ``` Full API reference documentation can be found in the [Documentation](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/) ## Tutorial and Documentation - [Get Started](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/latest/docs/get_started.html) - [Documentation](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/) ## Communication Sceptre community discussions happen in the #sceptre chanel in the [og-aws Slack](https://github.com/open-guides/og-aws). To join click on to create an account and join the #sceptre channel. Follow the [SceptreOrg Twitter account](https://twitter.com/SceptreOrg) to get announcements on the latest releases. ## Contributing See our [Contributing Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) ## Sponsors [![Sage Bionetworks](sponsors/sage_bionetworks_logo.png "Sage Bionetworks")](https://sagebionetworks.org) [![GoDaddy](sponsors/godaddy_logo.png "GoDaddy")](https://www.godaddy.com) [![Cloudreach](sponsors/cloudreach_logo.png "Cloudreach")](https://www.cloudreach.com) %package -n python3-sceptre Summary: Cloud Provisioning Tool Provides: python-sceptre BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-sceptre # Sceptre [![CircleCI](https://img.shields.io/circleci/build/github/Sceptre/sceptre?logo=circleci)](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/Sceptre) [![Docker Image Version (latest semver)](https://img.shields.io/docker/v/sceptreorg/sceptre?logo=docker&sort=semver)](https://hub.docker.com/r/sceptreorg/sceptre) [![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![PyPI - Status](https://img.shields.io/pypi/status/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/sceptre?logo=apache)](https://github.com/Sceptre/sceptre/blob/main/LICENSE) ## About Sceptre is a tool to drive [AWS CloudFormation](https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation). It automates the mundane, repetitive and error-prone tasks, enabling you to concentrate on building better infrastructure. ## Features - Code reuse by separating a Stack's template and its configuration - Support for templates written in JSON, YAML, Jinja2 or Python DSLs such as Troposphere - Dependency resolution by passing of Stack outputs to parameters of dependent Stacks - Stack Group support by bundling related Stacks into logical groups (e.g. dev and prod) - Stack Group-level commands, such as creating multiple Stacks with a single command - Fast, highly parallelised builds - Built in support for working with Stacks in multiple AWS accounts and regions - Infrastructure visibility with meta-operations such as Stack querying protection - Support for inserting dynamic values in templates via customisable Resolvers - Support for running arbitrary code as Hooks before/after Stack builds ## Benefits - Utilises cloud-native Infrastructure as Code engines (CloudFormation) - You do not need to manage state - Simple templates using popular templating syntax - Yaml & Jinja - Powerful flexibility using a mature programming language - Python - Easy to integrate as part of a CI/CD pipeline by using Hooks - Simple CLI and API - Unopinionated - Sceptre does not force a specific project structure ## Install ### Using pip `$ pip install sceptre` More information on installing sceptre can be found in our [Installation Guide](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/latest/docs/install.html) ### Using Docker Image View our [Docker repository](https://hub.docker.com/repositories/sceptreorg). Images available from version 2.0.0 onward. To use our Docker image follow these instructions: 1. Pull the image `docker pull sceptreorg/sceptre:[SCEPTRE_VERSION_NUMBER]` e.g. `docker pull sceptreorg/sceptre:2.5.0`. Leave out the version number if you wish to run `latest` or run `docker pull sceptreorg/sceptre:latest`. 2. Run the image. You will need to mount the working directory where your project resides to a directory called `project`. You will also need to mount a volume with your AWS config to your docker container. E.g. `docker run -v $(pwd):/project -v /Users/me/.aws/:/root/.aws/:ro sceptreorg/sceptre:latest --help` If you want to use a custom ENTRYPOINT simply amend the Docker command: `docker run -ti --entrypoint='' sceptreorg/sceptre:latest sh` The above command will enter you into the shell of the Docker container where you can execute sceptre commands - useful for development. If you have any other environment variables in your non-docker shell you will need to pass these in on the Docker CLI using the `-e` flag. See Docker documentation on how to achieve this. ## Example Sceptre organises Stacks into "Stack Groups". Each Stack is represented by a YAML configuration file stored in a directory which represents the Stack Group. Here, we have two Stacks, `vpc` and `subnets`, in a Stack Group named `dev`: ```sh $ tree . ├── config │   └── dev │   ├── config.yaml │   ├── subnets.yaml │   └── vpc.yaml └── templates ├── subnets.py └── vpc.py ``` We can create a Stack with the `create` command. This `vpc` Stack contains a VPC. ```sh $ sceptre create dev/vpc.yaml dev/vpc - Creating stack dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC CREATE_IN_PROGRESS dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC CREATE_COMPLETE dev/vpc sceptre-demo-dev-vpc AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE ``` The `subnets` Stack contains a subnet which must be created in the VPC. To do this, we need to pass the VPC ID, which is exposed as a Stack output of the `vpc` Stack, to a parameter of the `subnets` Stack. Sceptre automatically resolves this dependency for us. ```sh $ sceptre create dev/subnets.yaml dev/subnets - Creating stack dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_IN_PROGRESS dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_COMPLETE dev/subnets sceptre-demo-dev-subnets AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE ``` Sceptre implements meta-operations, which allow us to find out information about our Stacks: ```sh $ sceptre list resources dev/subnets.yaml - LogicalResourceId: Subnet PhysicalResourceId: subnet-445e6e32 dev/vpc: - LogicalResourceId: VirtualPrivateCloud PhysicalResourceId: vpc-c4715da0 ``` Sceptre provides Stack Group level commands. This one deletes the whole `dev` Stack Group. The subnet exists within the vpc, so it must be deleted first. Sceptre handles this automatically: ```sh $ sceptre delete dev Deleting stack dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet DELETE_IN_PROGRESS dev/subnets - Stack deleted dev/vpc Deleting stack dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC DELETE_IN_PROGRESS dev/vpc - Stack deleted ``` > Note: Deleting Stacks will _only_ delete a given Stack, or the Stacks that are > directly in a given StackGroup. By default Stack dependencies that are > external to the StackGroup are not deleted. Sceptre can also handle cross Stack Group dependencies, take the following example project: ```sh $ tree . ├── config │   ├── dev │   │   ├── network │   │   │   └── vpc.yaml │   │   ├── users │   │   │   └── iam.yaml │   │   ├── compute │   │   │   └── ec2.yaml │   │   └── config.yaml │   └── staging │   └── eu │   ├── config.yaml │   └── stack.yaml ├── hooks │   └── stack.py ├── templates │   ├── network.json │   ├── iam.json │   ├── ec2.json │   └── stack.json └── vars ├── dev.yaml └── staging.yaml ``` In this project `staging/eu/stack.yaml` has a dependency on the output of `dev/users/iam.yaml`. If you wanted to create the Stack `staging/eu/stack.yaml`, Sceptre will resolve all of it's dependencies, including `dev/users/iam.yaml`, before attempting to create the Stack. ## Usage Sceptre can be used from the CLI, or imported as a Python package. ## CLI ```text Usage: sceptre [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Sceptre is a tool to manage your cloud native infrastructure deployments. Options: --version Show the version and exit. --debug Turn on debug logging. --dir TEXT Specify sceptre directory. --output [text|yaml|json] The formatting style for command output. --no-colour Turn off output colouring. --var TEXT A variable to replace the value of an item in config file. --var-file FILENAME A YAML file of variables to replace the values of items in config files. --ignore-dependencies Ignore dependencies when executing command. --merge-vars Merge variables from successive --vars and var files. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: create Creates a stack or a change set. delete Deletes a stack or a change set. describe Commands for describing attributes of stacks. estimate-cost Estimates the cost of the template. execute Executes a Change Set. generate Prints the template. launch Launch a Stack or StackGroup. list Commands for listing attributes of stacks. new Commands for initialising Sceptre projects. set-policy Sets Stack policy. status Print status of stack or stack_group. update Update a stack. validate Validates the template. ``` ## Python Using Sceptre as a Python module is very straightforward. You need to create a SceptreContext, which tells Sceptre where your project path is and which path you want to execute on, we call this the "command path". After you have created a SceptreContext you need to pass this into a SceptrePlan. On instantiation the SceptrePlan will handle all the required steps to make sure the action you wish to take on the command path are resolved. After you have instantiated a SceptrePlan you can access all the actions you can take on a Stack, such as `validate()`, `launch()`, `list()` and `delete()`. ```python from sceptre.context import SceptreContext from sceptre.plan.plan import SceptrePlan context = SceptreContext("/path/to/project", "command_path") plan = SceptrePlan(context) plan.launch() ``` Full API reference documentation can be found in the [Documentation](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/) ## Tutorial and Documentation - [Get Started](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/latest/docs/get_started.html) - [Documentation](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/) ## Communication Sceptre community discussions happen in the #sceptre chanel in the [og-aws Slack](https://github.com/open-guides/og-aws). To join click on to create an account and join the #sceptre channel. Follow the [SceptreOrg Twitter account](https://twitter.com/SceptreOrg) to get announcements on the latest releases. ## Contributing See our [Contributing Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) ## Sponsors [![Sage Bionetworks](sponsors/sage_bionetworks_logo.png "Sage Bionetworks")](https://sagebionetworks.org) [![GoDaddy](sponsors/godaddy_logo.png "GoDaddy")](https://www.godaddy.com) [![Cloudreach](sponsors/cloudreach_logo.png "Cloudreach")](https://www.cloudreach.com) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for sceptre Provides: python3-sceptre-doc %description help # Sceptre [![CircleCI](https://img.shields.io/circleci/build/github/Sceptre/sceptre?logo=circleci)](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/Sceptre) [![Docker Image Version (latest semver)](https://img.shields.io/docker/v/sceptreorg/sceptre?logo=docker&sort=semver)](https://hub.docker.com/r/sceptreorg/sceptre) [![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![PyPI - Status](https://img.shields.io/pypi/status/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/sceptre?logo=pypi)](https://pypi.org/project/sceptre/) [![License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/sceptre?logo=apache)](https://github.com/Sceptre/sceptre/blob/main/LICENSE) ## About Sceptre is a tool to drive [AWS CloudFormation](https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation). It automates the mundane, repetitive and error-prone tasks, enabling you to concentrate on building better infrastructure. ## Features - Code reuse by separating a Stack's template and its configuration - Support for templates written in JSON, YAML, Jinja2 or Python DSLs such as Troposphere - Dependency resolution by passing of Stack outputs to parameters of dependent Stacks - Stack Group support by bundling related Stacks into logical groups (e.g. dev and prod) - Stack Group-level commands, such as creating multiple Stacks with a single command - Fast, highly parallelised builds - Built in support for working with Stacks in multiple AWS accounts and regions - Infrastructure visibility with meta-operations such as Stack querying protection - Support for inserting dynamic values in templates via customisable Resolvers - Support for running arbitrary code as Hooks before/after Stack builds ## Benefits - Utilises cloud-native Infrastructure as Code engines (CloudFormation) - You do not need to manage state - Simple templates using popular templating syntax - Yaml & Jinja - Powerful flexibility using a mature programming language - Python - Easy to integrate as part of a CI/CD pipeline by using Hooks - Simple CLI and API - Unopinionated - Sceptre does not force a specific project structure ## Install ### Using pip `$ pip install sceptre` More information on installing sceptre can be found in our [Installation Guide](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/latest/docs/install.html) ### Using Docker Image View our [Docker repository](https://hub.docker.com/repositories/sceptreorg). Images available from version 2.0.0 onward. To use our Docker image follow these instructions: 1. Pull the image `docker pull sceptreorg/sceptre:[SCEPTRE_VERSION_NUMBER]` e.g. `docker pull sceptreorg/sceptre:2.5.0`. Leave out the version number if you wish to run `latest` or run `docker pull sceptreorg/sceptre:latest`. 2. Run the image. You will need to mount the working directory where your project resides to a directory called `project`. You will also need to mount a volume with your AWS config to your docker container. E.g. `docker run -v $(pwd):/project -v /Users/me/.aws/:/root/.aws/:ro sceptreorg/sceptre:latest --help` If you want to use a custom ENTRYPOINT simply amend the Docker command: `docker run -ti --entrypoint='' sceptreorg/sceptre:latest sh` The above command will enter you into the shell of the Docker container where you can execute sceptre commands - useful for development. If you have any other environment variables in your non-docker shell you will need to pass these in on the Docker CLI using the `-e` flag. See Docker documentation on how to achieve this. ## Example Sceptre organises Stacks into "Stack Groups". Each Stack is represented by a YAML configuration file stored in a directory which represents the Stack Group. Here, we have two Stacks, `vpc` and `subnets`, in a Stack Group named `dev`: ```sh $ tree . ├── config │   └── dev │   ├── config.yaml │   ├── subnets.yaml │   └── vpc.yaml └── templates ├── subnets.py └── vpc.py ``` We can create a Stack with the `create` command. This `vpc` Stack contains a VPC. ```sh $ sceptre create dev/vpc.yaml dev/vpc - Creating stack dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC CREATE_IN_PROGRESS dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC CREATE_COMPLETE dev/vpc sceptre-demo-dev-vpc AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE ``` The `subnets` Stack contains a subnet which must be created in the VPC. To do this, we need to pass the VPC ID, which is exposed as a Stack output of the `vpc` Stack, to a parameter of the `subnets` Stack. Sceptre automatically resolves this dependency for us. ```sh $ sceptre create dev/subnets.yaml dev/subnets - Creating stack dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_IN_PROGRESS dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet CREATE_COMPLETE dev/subnets sceptre-demo-dev-subnets AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_COMPLETE ``` Sceptre implements meta-operations, which allow us to find out information about our Stacks: ```sh $ sceptre list resources dev/subnets.yaml - LogicalResourceId: Subnet PhysicalResourceId: subnet-445e6e32 dev/vpc: - LogicalResourceId: VirtualPrivateCloud PhysicalResourceId: vpc-c4715da0 ``` Sceptre provides Stack Group level commands. This one deletes the whole `dev` Stack Group. The subnet exists within the vpc, so it must be deleted first. Sceptre handles this automatically: ```sh $ sceptre delete dev Deleting stack dev/subnets Subnet AWS::EC2::Subnet DELETE_IN_PROGRESS dev/subnets - Stack deleted dev/vpc Deleting stack dev/vpc VirtualPrivateCloud AWS::EC2::VPC DELETE_IN_PROGRESS dev/vpc - Stack deleted ``` > Note: Deleting Stacks will _only_ delete a given Stack, or the Stacks that are > directly in a given StackGroup. By default Stack dependencies that are > external to the StackGroup are not deleted. Sceptre can also handle cross Stack Group dependencies, take the following example project: ```sh $ tree . ├── config │   ├── dev │   │   ├── network │   │   │   └── vpc.yaml │   │   ├── users │   │   │   └── iam.yaml │   │   ├── compute │   │   │   └── ec2.yaml │   │   └── config.yaml │   └── staging │   └── eu │   ├── config.yaml │   └── stack.yaml ├── hooks │   └── stack.py ├── templates │   ├── network.json │   ├── iam.json │   ├── ec2.json │   └── stack.json └── vars ├── dev.yaml └── staging.yaml ``` In this project `staging/eu/stack.yaml` has a dependency on the output of `dev/users/iam.yaml`. If you wanted to create the Stack `staging/eu/stack.yaml`, Sceptre will resolve all of it's dependencies, including `dev/users/iam.yaml`, before attempting to create the Stack. ## Usage Sceptre can be used from the CLI, or imported as a Python package. ## CLI ```text Usage: sceptre [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Sceptre is a tool to manage your cloud native infrastructure deployments. Options: --version Show the version and exit. --debug Turn on debug logging. --dir TEXT Specify sceptre directory. --output [text|yaml|json] The formatting style for command output. --no-colour Turn off output colouring. --var TEXT A variable to replace the value of an item in config file. --var-file FILENAME A YAML file of variables to replace the values of items in config files. --ignore-dependencies Ignore dependencies when executing command. --merge-vars Merge variables from successive --vars and var files. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: create Creates a stack or a change set. delete Deletes a stack or a change set. describe Commands for describing attributes of stacks. estimate-cost Estimates the cost of the template. execute Executes a Change Set. generate Prints the template. launch Launch a Stack or StackGroup. list Commands for listing attributes of stacks. new Commands for initialising Sceptre projects. set-policy Sets Stack policy. status Print status of stack or stack_group. update Update a stack. validate Validates the template. ``` ## Python Using Sceptre as a Python module is very straightforward. You need to create a SceptreContext, which tells Sceptre where your project path is and which path you want to execute on, we call this the "command path". After you have created a SceptreContext you need to pass this into a SceptrePlan. On instantiation the SceptrePlan will handle all the required steps to make sure the action you wish to take on the command path are resolved. After you have instantiated a SceptrePlan you can access all the actions you can take on a Stack, such as `validate()`, `launch()`, `list()` and `delete()`. ```python from sceptre.context import SceptreContext from sceptre.plan.plan import SceptrePlan context = SceptreContext("/path/to/project", "command_path") plan = SceptrePlan(context) plan.launch() ``` Full API reference documentation can be found in the [Documentation](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/) ## Tutorial and Documentation - [Get Started](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/latest/docs/get_started.html) - [Documentation](https://docs.sceptre-project.org/) ## Communication Sceptre community discussions happen in the #sceptre chanel in the [og-aws Slack](https://github.com/open-guides/og-aws). To join click on to create an account and join the #sceptre channel. Follow the [SceptreOrg Twitter account](https://twitter.com/SceptreOrg) to get announcements on the latest releases. ## Contributing See our [Contributing Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) ## Sponsors [![Sage Bionetworks](sponsors/sage_bionetworks_logo.png "Sage Bionetworks")](https://sagebionetworks.org) [![GoDaddy](sponsors/godaddy_logo.png "GoDaddy")](https://www.godaddy.com) [![Cloudreach](sponsors/cloudreach_logo.png "Cloudreach")](https://www.cloudreach.com) %prep %autosetup -n sceptre-4.1.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-sceptre -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Sun Apr 23 2023 Python_Bot - 4.1.0-1 - Package Spec generated