%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-pyromod Version: 2.0.0 Release: 1 Summary: A monkeypatcher add-on for Pyrogram that does conversation handling License: LGPLv3+ URL: https://pypi.org/project/pyromod/ Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/48/e2/9123bb8d324bcce50a9006de4ab7712693a0bfafa98e2443214b377e9871/pyromod-2.0.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-pyrogram %description # pyromod [![Telegram](https://img.shields.io/badge/Telegram-2CA5E0?style=flat&logo=telegram&logoColor=white)](https://t.me/pyromodchat) ![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/usernein/pyromod) ![GitHub commits since latest release (by date) for a branch](https://img.shields.io/github/commits-since/usernein/pyromod/latest) ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/pyromod?color=388E3C) A monkeypatcher add-on for Pyrogram which does conversation handling and other cool stuff. In other words, it is a compilation of utilities i developed for improving my personal experience with Pyrogram. It works **together** with Pyrogram, it is **not** a fork/modded version. It does monkeypatching to add features to Pyrogram classes on the go (so i don't need to update on every Pyrogram's release). ## Usage Import `pyromod` one time in your script and you'll already be able to use the modified pyrogram in all your handlers. Example: ```python # config.py import pyromod from pyrogram import Client app = Client('my_session') ``` Then you can, from another file, do `from config import app` to import the modded Pyrogram Client we created above. It will be modded globally. All the patches are applied automatically as soon as pyromod is imported. ## Methods All pyromod methods are callable by any of these ways: - `await Client.(identifier, ...)` - `await Chat.()` - `await User.()` In the last two, Pyrogram automatically gets the ids from the object, to compound the `identifier` tuple that `Client.listen` uses. These are the methods pyromod adds: - `listen(identifier, filters=None, listener_type=ListenerTypes.MESSAGE, timeout=None, unallowed_click_alert=True)` Awaits for a new message in the specified chat and returns its Message object. If listener_type is set to `ListenerTypes.CALLBACK_QUERY`, it awaits and returns a CallbackQuery object. You can pass Update Filters to the `filters` parameter just like you do for the update handlers. e.g. `filters=filters.photo & filters.bot` `identifier` is a tuple containing, in this exact order, (chat_id, user_id, message_id). It lets you specify exactly which update you want. You don't need to worry about that if you mostly use the bound methods. `unnalowed_click_alert` is the text that users will see in an alert when the button is not waiting for them to click. If True, it uses the default text at `PyromodConfig.unnalowed_click_alert_text`. If False, no text is shown. - `ask(text, identifier, filters=None, listener_type=ListenerTypes.MESSAGE, timeout=None, unallowed_click_alert=True)` Same as `listen`, but sends a message to identifier[0] before and only then waits for a response. You can additionally pass any of the `Client.send_message()` parameters. Check the example below. The object of the sent message is returned inside of the attribute `request` Example: ```python answer = await message.chat.ask('*Send me your name:*', parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.MARKDOWN) await answer.request.edit_text("Name received!") await answer.reply(f'Your name is: {answer.text}', quote=True) ``` - `Message.wait_for_click(from_user_id=None, timeout=None, filters=None, alert=True)` Awaits from a click on any button on the Message object. If `from_user_id` is passed, pyromod will wait for a click of that user. If you pass any text to `alert`, it will be shown to any other user. If `alert` is True, it will use the default text. If False, no text will be shown. ## `pyromod.helpers` Tools for creating inline keyboards a lot easier. ### `pyromod.helpers.ikb` Creates a inline keyboard. Its first and only argument is a list (the keyboard itself) containing lists (the lines) of buttons, which can be lists or tuples. I use tuples to avoid a mess with a lot of brackets. Tuples makes it easier to read. The button syntax is very simple: `(TEXT, VALUE, TYPE)`, with TYPE being any existent button type (e.g. `url`) and VALUE is its value. If you omit the type, it will be considered as a callback button. If you pass only a string as button, it will be used as text and callback_data for the InlineKeyboardButton. This syntax will be automagically converted by pyromod. Examples: ```python from pyromod.helpers import ikb ... keyboard = ikb([ [('Button 1', 'call_1'), ('Button 2', 'call_2')], [('Another button', 't.me/pyromodchat', 'url')] ]) await message.reply('Easy inline keyboard', reply_markup=keyboard) ``` ```python keyboard = ikb([ ["Mars", "Earth", "Venus"], ["Saturn", "Jupyter"] ]) await message.reply("Easiest inline keyboard", reply_markup=keyboard) ``` - `pyromod.helpers.array_chunk` Chunk the elements of a list into small lists. i.e. [1, 2, 3, 4] can become [[1,2], [3,4]]. This is extremely useful if you want to build a keyboard dinamically with more than 1 column. You just put all buttons together in a list and run: ```python lines = array_chunk(buttons, 2) keyboard = ikb(lines) ``` This will generate a list of lines with 2 buttons on each one. ### `pyromod.nav` Tools for creating navigation keyboards. - `pyromod.nav.Pagination` Creates a full paginated keyboard. Usage: ```python from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyromod.nav import Pagination from pyromod.helpers import ikb def page_data(page): return f'view_page {page}' def item_data(item, page): return f'view_item {item} {page}' def item_title(item, page): return f'Item {item} of page {page}' @Client.on_message(filters.regex('/nav')) async def on_nav(c,m): objects = [*range(1,100)] page = Pagination( objects, page_data=page_data, # callback to define the callback_data for page buttons in the bottom item_data=item_data, # callback to define the callback_data for each item button item_title=item_title # callback to define the text for each item button ) index = 0 # in which page is it now? (used to calculate the offset) lines = 5 # how many lines of the keyboard to include for the items columns = how many columns include in each items' line kb = page.create(index, lines, columns) await m.reply('Test', reply_markup=ikb(kb)) ``` ## pyromod.PyrogramConfig It lets you do some tweaks on pyromod behavior. ```python class PyromodConfig: timeout_handler = None stopped_handler = None throw_exceptions = True unallowed_click_alert = True unallowed_click_alert_text = ( "[pyromod] You're not expected to click this button." ) ``` `timeout_handler` and `stopped_handler` are callbacks that receive (identifier, listener_data) as arguments. timeout_handler receives an extra arg `timeout`. When they are in use, pyromod won't throw the exceptions ListenerStopped and ListenedTimeout. ### Copyright & License This project may include snippets of Pyrogram code - Pyrogram - Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python. Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Dan <> Licensed under the terms of the [GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)](COPYING.lesser) %package -n python3-pyromod Summary: A monkeypatcher add-on for Pyrogram that does conversation handling Provides: python-pyromod BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-pyromod # pyromod [![Telegram](https://img.shields.io/badge/Telegram-2CA5E0?style=flat&logo=telegram&logoColor=white)](https://t.me/pyromodchat) ![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/usernein/pyromod) ![GitHub commits since latest release (by date) for a branch](https://img.shields.io/github/commits-since/usernein/pyromod/latest) ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/pyromod?color=388E3C) A monkeypatcher add-on for Pyrogram which does conversation handling and other cool stuff. In other words, it is a compilation of utilities i developed for improving my personal experience with Pyrogram. It works **together** with Pyrogram, it is **not** a fork/modded version. It does monkeypatching to add features to Pyrogram classes on the go (so i don't need to update on every Pyrogram's release). ## Usage Import `pyromod` one time in your script and you'll already be able to use the modified pyrogram in all your handlers. Example: ```python # config.py import pyromod from pyrogram import Client app = Client('my_session') ``` Then you can, from another file, do `from config import app` to import the modded Pyrogram Client we created above. It will be modded globally. All the patches are applied automatically as soon as pyromod is imported. ## Methods All pyromod methods are callable by any of these ways: - `await Client.(identifier, ...)` - `await Chat.()` - `await User.()` In the last two, Pyrogram automatically gets the ids from the object, to compound the `identifier` tuple that `Client.listen` uses. These are the methods pyromod adds: - `listen(identifier, filters=None, listener_type=ListenerTypes.MESSAGE, timeout=None, unallowed_click_alert=True)` Awaits for a new message in the specified chat and returns its Message object. If listener_type is set to `ListenerTypes.CALLBACK_QUERY`, it awaits and returns a CallbackQuery object. You can pass Update Filters to the `filters` parameter just like you do for the update handlers. e.g. `filters=filters.photo & filters.bot` `identifier` is a tuple containing, in this exact order, (chat_id, user_id, message_id). It lets you specify exactly which update you want. You don't need to worry about that if you mostly use the bound methods. `unnalowed_click_alert` is the text that users will see in an alert when the button is not waiting for them to click. If True, it uses the default text at `PyromodConfig.unnalowed_click_alert_text`. If False, no text is shown. - `ask(text, identifier, filters=None, listener_type=ListenerTypes.MESSAGE, timeout=None, unallowed_click_alert=True)` Same as `listen`, but sends a message to identifier[0] before and only then waits for a response. You can additionally pass any of the `Client.send_message()` parameters. Check the example below. The object of the sent message is returned inside of the attribute `request` Example: ```python answer = await message.chat.ask('*Send me your name:*', parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.MARKDOWN) await answer.request.edit_text("Name received!") await answer.reply(f'Your name is: {answer.text}', quote=True) ``` - `Message.wait_for_click(from_user_id=None, timeout=None, filters=None, alert=True)` Awaits from a click on any button on the Message object. If `from_user_id` is passed, pyromod will wait for a click of that user. If you pass any text to `alert`, it will be shown to any other user. If `alert` is True, it will use the default text. If False, no text will be shown. ## `pyromod.helpers` Tools for creating inline keyboards a lot easier. ### `pyromod.helpers.ikb` Creates a inline keyboard. Its first and only argument is a list (the keyboard itself) containing lists (the lines) of buttons, which can be lists or tuples. I use tuples to avoid a mess with a lot of brackets. Tuples makes it easier to read. The button syntax is very simple: `(TEXT, VALUE, TYPE)`, with TYPE being any existent button type (e.g. `url`) and VALUE is its value. If you omit the type, it will be considered as a callback button. If you pass only a string as button, it will be used as text and callback_data for the InlineKeyboardButton. This syntax will be automagically converted by pyromod. Examples: ```python from pyromod.helpers import ikb ... keyboard = ikb([ [('Button 1', 'call_1'), ('Button 2', 'call_2')], [('Another button', 't.me/pyromodchat', 'url')] ]) await message.reply('Easy inline keyboard', reply_markup=keyboard) ``` ```python keyboard = ikb([ ["Mars", "Earth", "Venus"], ["Saturn", "Jupyter"] ]) await message.reply("Easiest inline keyboard", reply_markup=keyboard) ``` - `pyromod.helpers.array_chunk` Chunk the elements of a list into small lists. i.e. [1, 2, 3, 4] can become [[1,2], [3,4]]. This is extremely useful if you want to build a keyboard dinamically with more than 1 column. You just put all buttons together in a list and run: ```python lines = array_chunk(buttons, 2) keyboard = ikb(lines) ``` This will generate a list of lines with 2 buttons on each one. ### `pyromod.nav` Tools for creating navigation keyboards. - `pyromod.nav.Pagination` Creates a full paginated keyboard. Usage: ```python from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyromod.nav import Pagination from pyromod.helpers import ikb def page_data(page): return f'view_page {page}' def item_data(item, page): return f'view_item {item} {page}' def item_title(item, page): return f'Item {item} of page {page}' @Client.on_message(filters.regex('/nav')) async def on_nav(c,m): objects = [*range(1,100)] page = Pagination( objects, page_data=page_data, # callback to define the callback_data for page buttons in the bottom item_data=item_data, # callback to define the callback_data for each item button item_title=item_title # callback to define the text for each item button ) index = 0 # in which page is it now? (used to calculate the offset) lines = 5 # how many lines of the keyboard to include for the items columns = how many columns include in each items' line kb = page.create(index, lines, columns) await m.reply('Test', reply_markup=ikb(kb)) ``` ## pyromod.PyrogramConfig It lets you do some tweaks on pyromod behavior. ```python class PyromodConfig: timeout_handler = None stopped_handler = None throw_exceptions = True unallowed_click_alert = True unallowed_click_alert_text = ( "[pyromod] You're not expected to click this button." ) ``` `timeout_handler` and `stopped_handler` are callbacks that receive (identifier, listener_data) as arguments. timeout_handler receives an extra arg `timeout`. When they are in use, pyromod won't throw the exceptions ListenerStopped and ListenedTimeout. ### Copyright & License This project may include snippets of Pyrogram code - Pyrogram - Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python. Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Dan <> Licensed under the terms of the [GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)](COPYING.lesser) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for pyromod Provides: python3-pyromod-doc %description help # pyromod [![Telegram](https://img.shields.io/badge/Telegram-2CA5E0?style=flat&logo=telegram&logoColor=white)](https://t.me/pyromodchat) ![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/usernein/pyromod) ![GitHub commits since latest release (by date) for a branch](https://img.shields.io/github/commits-since/usernein/pyromod/latest) ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/pyromod?color=388E3C) A monkeypatcher add-on for Pyrogram which does conversation handling and other cool stuff. In other words, it is a compilation of utilities i developed for improving my personal experience with Pyrogram. It works **together** with Pyrogram, it is **not** a fork/modded version. It does monkeypatching to add features to Pyrogram classes on the go (so i don't need to update on every Pyrogram's release). ## Usage Import `pyromod` one time in your script and you'll already be able to use the modified pyrogram in all your handlers. Example: ```python # config.py import pyromod from pyrogram import Client app = Client('my_session') ``` Then you can, from another file, do `from config import app` to import the modded Pyrogram Client we created above. It will be modded globally. All the patches are applied automatically as soon as pyromod is imported. ## Methods All pyromod methods are callable by any of these ways: - `await Client.(identifier, ...)` - `await Chat.()` - `await User.()` In the last two, Pyrogram automatically gets the ids from the object, to compound the `identifier` tuple that `Client.listen` uses. These are the methods pyromod adds: - `listen(identifier, filters=None, listener_type=ListenerTypes.MESSAGE, timeout=None, unallowed_click_alert=True)` Awaits for a new message in the specified chat and returns its Message object. If listener_type is set to `ListenerTypes.CALLBACK_QUERY`, it awaits and returns a CallbackQuery object. You can pass Update Filters to the `filters` parameter just like you do for the update handlers. e.g. `filters=filters.photo & filters.bot` `identifier` is a tuple containing, in this exact order, (chat_id, user_id, message_id). It lets you specify exactly which update you want. You don't need to worry about that if you mostly use the bound methods. `unnalowed_click_alert` is the text that users will see in an alert when the button is not waiting for them to click. If True, it uses the default text at `PyromodConfig.unnalowed_click_alert_text`. If False, no text is shown. - `ask(text, identifier, filters=None, listener_type=ListenerTypes.MESSAGE, timeout=None, unallowed_click_alert=True)` Same as `listen`, but sends a message to identifier[0] before and only then waits for a response. You can additionally pass any of the `Client.send_message()` parameters. Check the example below. The object of the sent message is returned inside of the attribute `request` Example: ```python answer = await message.chat.ask('*Send me your name:*', parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.MARKDOWN) await answer.request.edit_text("Name received!") await answer.reply(f'Your name is: {answer.text}', quote=True) ``` - `Message.wait_for_click(from_user_id=None, timeout=None, filters=None, alert=True)` Awaits from a click on any button on the Message object. If `from_user_id` is passed, pyromod will wait for a click of that user. If you pass any text to `alert`, it will be shown to any other user. If `alert` is True, it will use the default text. If False, no text will be shown. ## `pyromod.helpers` Tools for creating inline keyboards a lot easier. ### `pyromod.helpers.ikb` Creates a inline keyboard. Its first and only argument is a list (the keyboard itself) containing lists (the lines) of buttons, which can be lists or tuples. I use tuples to avoid a mess with a lot of brackets. Tuples makes it easier to read. The button syntax is very simple: `(TEXT, VALUE, TYPE)`, with TYPE being any existent button type (e.g. `url`) and VALUE is its value. If you omit the type, it will be considered as a callback button. If you pass only a string as button, it will be used as text and callback_data for the InlineKeyboardButton. This syntax will be automagically converted by pyromod. Examples: ```python from pyromod.helpers import ikb ... keyboard = ikb([ [('Button 1', 'call_1'), ('Button 2', 'call_2')], [('Another button', 't.me/pyromodchat', 'url')] ]) await message.reply('Easy inline keyboard', reply_markup=keyboard) ``` ```python keyboard = ikb([ ["Mars", "Earth", "Venus"], ["Saturn", "Jupyter"] ]) await message.reply("Easiest inline keyboard", reply_markup=keyboard) ``` - `pyromod.helpers.array_chunk` Chunk the elements of a list into small lists. i.e. [1, 2, 3, 4] can become [[1,2], [3,4]]. This is extremely useful if you want to build a keyboard dinamically with more than 1 column. You just put all buttons together in a list and run: ```python lines = array_chunk(buttons, 2) keyboard = ikb(lines) ``` This will generate a list of lines with 2 buttons on each one. ### `pyromod.nav` Tools for creating navigation keyboards. - `pyromod.nav.Pagination` Creates a full paginated keyboard. Usage: ```python from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyromod.nav import Pagination from pyromod.helpers import ikb def page_data(page): return f'view_page {page}' def item_data(item, page): return f'view_item {item} {page}' def item_title(item, page): return f'Item {item} of page {page}' @Client.on_message(filters.regex('/nav')) async def on_nav(c,m): objects = [*range(1,100)] page = Pagination( objects, page_data=page_data, # callback to define the callback_data for page buttons in the bottom item_data=item_data, # callback to define the callback_data for each item button item_title=item_title # callback to define the text for each item button ) index = 0 # in which page is it now? (used to calculate the offset) lines = 5 # how many lines of the keyboard to include for the items columns = how many columns include in each items' line kb = page.create(index, lines, columns) await m.reply('Test', reply_markup=ikb(kb)) ``` ## pyromod.PyrogramConfig It lets you do some tweaks on pyromod behavior. ```python class PyromodConfig: timeout_handler = None stopped_handler = None throw_exceptions = True unallowed_click_alert = True unallowed_click_alert_text = ( "[pyromod] You're not expected to click this button." ) ``` `timeout_handler` and `stopped_handler` are callbacks that receive (identifier, listener_data) as arguments. timeout_handler receives an extra arg `timeout`. When they are in use, pyromod won't throw the exceptions ListenerStopped and ListenedTimeout. ### Copyright & License This project may include snippets of Pyrogram code - Pyrogram - Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python. Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Dan <> Licensed under the terms of the [GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)](COPYING.lesser) %prep %autosetup -n pyromod-2.0.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-pyromod -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue Apr 25 2023 Python_Bot - 2.0.0-1 - Package Spec generated