%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter
Version: 3.2.0
Release: 1
Summary: Python library which is extensively used for all AI projects
License: Apache License 2.0
URL: https://github.com/dxc-technology/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/f4/0b/4f7fa3428c36e4db8cd3613198ad1d0f18e484c1810b9648c0eff0948359/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter-3.2.0.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-TPOT
Requires: python3-yellowbrick
Requires: python3-scrubadub
Requires: python3-feature-engine
Requires: python3-pymongo
Requires: python3-pmdarima
Requires: python3-ftfy
Requires: python3-interpret-community
Requires: python3-missingno
Requires: python3-arrow
Requires: python3-pyjanitor
Requires: python3-pyaf
Requires: python3-pandas-profiling
Requires: python3-datacleaner
Requires: python3-GitPython
Requires: python3-ipython
Requires: python3-raiwidgets
Requires: python3-scikit-learn
Requires: python3-flatten-json
Requires: python3-sqlalchemy
Requires: python3-dnspython
Requires: python3-pytest
Requires: python3-PyGithub
Requires: python3-google-api-python-client

# DXC Industrialized AI Starter
DXC Industrialized AI Starter makes it easy for you to deploy your AI algorithms (Industrialize). If you are a data scientist, working on an algorithm that you would like to deploy across the enterprise, DXC's Industrialized AI starter makes it easier for you to:
- Access, clean, and explore raw data
- Build data pipelines
- Run AI experiments
- Publish microservices
## Installation
In order to install and use the DXC AI Starter library, please use the below code snippet:
1. pip install DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter
2. from dxc import ai
## Getting Started
### Access, Clean, and Explore Raw Data
Use the library to access, clean, and explore your raw data.
``` python
#Access raw data
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_remote_json(json_url)
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_remote_csv(csv_url)
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_local_json()
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_local_csv()
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_local_excel_file()
#Clean data: Imputes missing data, removes empty rows and columns, anonymizes text.
raw_data = ai.clean_dataframe(df)
#Explore complete data as a HTML interactive report
report = ai.explore_complete_data(df)
#Explore raw data:
ai.visualize_missing_data(raw_data) #visualizes relationships between all features in data.
ai.explore_features(raw_data) #creates a visual display of missing data.
ai.plot_distributions(raw_data) #creates a distribution graph for each column.
[Click here](https://dxc-technology.github.io/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter/access_clean/) for details about Acess,clean,explore raw data.
### Build Data Pipelines
Pipelines are a standard way to process your data towards modeling and interpreting. By default, the DXC AI Starter library uses the free tier of [MongoDB Atlas](https://account.mongodb.com/account/register) to store raw data and execute pipelines. In order to get started, you need to first have an MongoDB account which you can signup for free and create a database "connection_string" and specify those details in the data_layer below. The following code connects to MongoDB and stores raw data for processing.
#Insert data into MongoDB:
data_layer = {
"connection_string": "",
"collection_name": "",
"database_name": "",
wrt_raw_data = ai.write_raw_data(data_layer, raw_data, date_fields = [])
Once raw data is stored, you can run pipelines to transform the data. This code instructs the data store on how to refine the output of raw data into something that can be used to train a machine-learning model. Please refer to the syntax of [MongDB pipelines](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/) for the details of how to write a pipeline. Below is an example of creating and executing a pipeline.
pipeline = [
'_id': {
"avg_est_unit_cost_error":{"$avg":{ "$subtract": [ "$est_unit_cost", "$actual_unit_cost" ] }}
df = ai.access_data_from_pipeline(wrt_raw_data, pipeline) #refined data will be stored in pandas dataframe.
Click here for details about building data pipeline.
### Run AI Experiments
Use the DXC AI Starter to build and test algorithms. This code executes an experiment by running run_experiment() on an experiment design.
experiment_design = {
#model options include ['tpot_regression()', 'tpot_classification()', 'timeseries']
"model": ai.tpot_regression(),
"labels": df.avg_est_unit_cost_error,
"data": df,
#Tell the model which column is 'output'
#Also note columns that aren't purely numerical
#Examples include ['nlp', 'date', 'categorical', 'ignore']
"meta_data": {
"avg_est_unit_cost_error": "output",
"_id.funding_source": "categorical",
"_id.department_name": "categorical",
"_id.replacement_body_style": "categorical",
"_id.replacement_make": "categorical",
"_id.replacement_model": "categorical",
"_id.procurement_plan": "categorical"
trained_model = ai.run_experiment(experiment_design, verbose = False, max_time_mins = 5, max_eval_time_mins = 0.04, config_dict = None, warm_start = False, export_pipeline = True, scoring = None)
[Click here](https://dxc-technology.github.io/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter/experiment/) for details about run AI experiments.
### Publish Microservice
The DXC AI Starter library makes it easy to publish your models as working microservices. By default, the DXC AI Starter library uses free tier of [Algorithmia](https://algorithmia.com/signup) to publish models as microservices. You must create an [Algorithmia](https://algorithmia.com/signup) account to use. Below is the example for publishing a microservice.
#trained_model is the output of run_experiment() function
microservice_design = {
"microservice_name": "",
"microservice_description": "",
"execution_environment_username": "",
"api_key": "",
"api_namespace": "",
#publish the micro service and display the url of the api
api_url = ai.publish_microservice(microservice_design, trained_model)
print("api url: " + api_url)
[Click here](https://dxc-technology.github.io/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter/publish_microservice/) for details about publishing microservice.
## Docs
For detailed and complete documentation, please click here
### Example notebooks
Here are example notebooks for individual models. These sample notebooks help to understand on how to use each function, what parameters are expected for each function and what will be the output of each function in a model.
### Contributing Guide
To know more about the contribution and guidelines please click here
### Reporting Issues
If you find any issues, feel free to report them here with clear description of your issue. You can use the existing templates for creating issues.
%package -n python3-DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter
Summary: Python library which is extensively used for all AI projects
Provides: python-DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter

# DXC Industrialized AI Starter
DXC Industrialized AI Starter makes it easy for you to deploy your AI algorithms (Industrialize). If you are a data scientist, working on an algorithm that you would like to deploy across the enterprise, DXC's Industrialized AI starter makes it easier for you to:
- Access, clean, and explore raw data
- Build data pipelines
- Run AI experiments
- Publish microservices
## Installation
In order to install and use the DXC AI Starter library, please use the below code snippet:
1. pip install DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter
2. from dxc import ai
## Getting Started
### Access, Clean, and Explore Raw Data
Use the library to access, clean, and explore your raw data.
``` python
#Access raw data
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_remote_json(json_url)
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_remote_csv(csv_url)
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_local_json()
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_local_csv()
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_local_excel_file()
#Clean data: Imputes missing data, removes empty rows and columns, anonymizes text.
raw_data = ai.clean_dataframe(df)
#Explore complete data as a HTML interactive report
report = ai.explore_complete_data(df)
#Explore raw data:
ai.visualize_missing_data(raw_data) #visualizes relationships between all features in data.
ai.explore_features(raw_data) #creates a visual display of missing data.
ai.plot_distributions(raw_data) #creates a distribution graph for each column.
[Click here](https://dxc-technology.github.io/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter/access_clean/) for details about Acess,clean,explore raw data.
### Build Data Pipelines
Pipelines are a standard way to process your data towards modeling and interpreting. By default, the DXC AI Starter library uses the free tier of [MongoDB Atlas](https://account.mongodb.com/account/register) to store raw data and execute pipelines. In order to get started, you need to first have an MongoDB account which you can signup for free and create a database "connection_string" and specify those details in the data_layer below. The following code connects to MongoDB and stores raw data for processing.
#Insert data into MongoDB:
data_layer = {
"connection_string": "",
"collection_name": "",
"database_name": "",
wrt_raw_data = ai.write_raw_data(data_layer, raw_data, date_fields = [])
Once raw data is stored, you can run pipelines to transform the data. This code instructs the data store on how to refine the output of raw data into something that can be used to train a machine-learning model. Please refer to the syntax of [MongDB pipelines](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/) for the details of how to write a pipeline. Below is an example of creating and executing a pipeline.
pipeline = [
'_id': {
"avg_est_unit_cost_error":{"$avg":{ "$subtract": [ "$est_unit_cost", "$actual_unit_cost" ] }}
df = ai.access_data_from_pipeline(wrt_raw_data, pipeline) #refined data will be stored in pandas dataframe.
Click here for details about building data pipeline.
### Run AI Experiments
Use the DXC AI Starter to build and test algorithms. This code executes an experiment by running run_experiment() on an experiment design.
experiment_design = {
#model options include ['tpot_regression()', 'tpot_classification()', 'timeseries']
"model": ai.tpot_regression(),
"labels": df.avg_est_unit_cost_error,
"data": df,
#Tell the model which column is 'output'
#Also note columns that aren't purely numerical
#Examples include ['nlp', 'date', 'categorical', 'ignore']
"meta_data": {
"avg_est_unit_cost_error": "output",
"_id.funding_source": "categorical",
"_id.department_name": "categorical",
"_id.replacement_body_style": "categorical",
"_id.replacement_make": "categorical",
"_id.replacement_model": "categorical",
"_id.procurement_plan": "categorical"
trained_model = ai.run_experiment(experiment_design, verbose = False, max_time_mins = 5, max_eval_time_mins = 0.04, config_dict = None, warm_start = False, export_pipeline = True, scoring = None)
[Click here](https://dxc-technology.github.io/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter/experiment/) for details about run AI experiments.
### Publish Microservice
The DXC AI Starter library makes it easy to publish your models as working microservices. By default, the DXC AI Starter library uses free tier of [Algorithmia](https://algorithmia.com/signup) to publish models as microservices. You must create an [Algorithmia](https://algorithmia.com/signup) account to use. Below is the example for publishing a microservice.
#trained_model is the output of run_experiment() function
microservice_design = {
"microservice_name": "",
"microservice_description": "",
"execution_environment_username": "",
"api_key": "",
"api_namespace": "",
#publish the micro service and display the url of the api
api_url = ai.publish_microservice(microservice_design, trained_model)
print("api url: " + api_url)
[Click here](https://dxc-technology.github.io/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter/publish_microservice/) for details about publishing microservice.
## Docs
For detailed and complete documentation, please click here
### Example notebooks
Here are example notebooks for individual models. These sample notebooks help to understand on how to use each function, what parameters are expected for each function and what will be the output of each function in a model.
### Contributing Guide
To know more about the contribution and guidelines please click here
### Reporting Issues
If you find any issues, feel free to report them here with clear description of your issue. You can use the existing templates for creating issues.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter
Provides: python3-DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter-doc
%description help

# DXC Industrialized AI Starter
DXC Industrialized AI Starter makes it easy for you to deploy your AI algorithms (Industrialize). If you are a data scientist, working on an algorithm that you would like to deploy across the enterprise, DXC's Industrialized AI starter makes it easier for you to:
- Access, clean, and explore raw data
- Build data pipelines
- Run AI experiments
- Publish microservices
## Installation
In order to install and use the DXC AI Starter library, please use the below code snippet:
1. pip install DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter
2. from dxc import ai
## Getting Started
### Access, Clean, and Explore Raw Data
Use the library to access, clean, and explore your raw data.
``` python
#Access raw data
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_remote_json(json_url)
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_remote_csv(csv_url)
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_local_json()
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_local_csv()
df = ai.read_data_frame_from_local_excel_file()
#Clean data: Imputes missing data, removes empty rows and columns, anonymizes text.
raw_data = ai.clean_dataframe(df)
#Explore complete data as a HTML interactive report
report = ai.explore_complete_data(df)
#Explore raw data:
ai.visualize_missing_data(raw_data) #visualizes relationships between all features in data.
ai.explore_features(raw_data) #creates a visual display of missing data.
ai.plot_distributions(raw_data) #creates a distribution graph for each column.
[Click here](https://dxc-technology.github.io/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter/access_clean/) for details about Acess,clean,explore raw data.
### Build Data Pipelines
Pipelines are a standard way to process your data towards modeling and interpreting. By default, the DXC AI Starter library uses the free tier of [MongoDB Atlas](https://account.mongodb.com/account/register) to store raw data and execute pipelines. In order to get started, you need to first have an MongoDB account which you can signup for free and create a database "connection_string" and specify those details in the data_layer below. The following code connects to MongoDB and stores raw data for processing.
#Insert data into MongoDB:
data_layer = {
"connection_string": "",
"collection_name": "",
"database_name": "",
wrt_raw_data = ai.write_raw_data(data_layer, raw_data, date_fields = [])
Once raw data is stored, you can run pipelines to transform the data. This code instructs the data store on how to refine the output of raw data into something that can be used to train a machine-learning model. Please refer to the syntax of [MongDB pipelines](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/) for the details of how to write a pipeline. Below is an example of creating and executing a pipeline.
pipeline = [
'_id': {
"avg_est_unit_cost_error":{"$avg":{ "$subtract": [ "$est_unit_cost", "$actual_unit_cost" ] }}
df = ai.access_data_from_pipeline(wrt_raw_data, pipeline) #refined data will be stored in pandas dataframe.
Click here for details about building data pipeline.
### Run AI Experiments
Use the DXC AI Starter to build and test algorithms. This code executes an experiment by running run_experiment() on an experiment design.
experiment_design = {
#model options include ['tpot_regression()', 'tpot_classification()', 'timeseries']
"model": ai.tpot_regression(),
"labels": df.avg_est_unit_cost_error,
"data": df,
#Tell the model which column is 'output'
#Also note columns that aren't purely numerical
#Examples include ['nlp', 'date', 'categorical', 'ignore']
"meta_data": {
"avg_est_unit_cost_error": "output",
"_id.funding_source": "categorical",
"_id.department_name": "categorical",
"_id.replacement_body_style": "categorical",
"_id.replacement_make": "categorical",
"_id.replacement_model": "categorical",
"_id.procurement_plan": "categorical"
trained_model = ai.run_experiment(experiment_design, verbose = False, max_time_mins = 5, max_eval_time_mins = 0.04, config_dict = None, warm_start = False, export_pipeline = True, scoring = None)
[Click here](https://dxc-technology.github.io/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter/experiment/) for details about run AI experiments.
### Publish Microservice
The DXC AI Starter library makes it easy to publish your models as working microservices. By default, the DXC AI Starter library uses free tier of [Algorithmia](https://algorithmia.com/signup) to publish models as microservices. You must create an [Algorithmia](https://algorithmia.com/signup) account to use. Below is the example for publishing a microservice.
#trained_model is the output of run_experiment() function
microservice_design = {
"microservice_name": "",
"microservice_description": "",
"execution_environment_username": "",
"api_key": "",
"api_namespace": "",
#publish the micro service and display the url of the api
api_url = ai.publish_microservice(microservice_design, trained_model)
print("api url: " + api_url)
[Click here](https://dxc-technology.github.io/DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter/publish_microservice/) for details about publishing microservice.
## Docs
For detailed and complete documentation, please click here
### Example notebooks
Here are example notebooks for individual models. These sample notebooks help to understand on how to use each function, what parameters are expected for each function and what will be the output of each function in a model.
### Contributing Guide
To know more about the contribution and guidelines please click here
### Reporting Issues
If you find any issues, feel free to report them here with clear description of your issue. You can use the existing templates for creating issues.
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* Fri May 05 2023 Python_Bot - 3.2.0-1
- Package Spec generated