%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-c4v-py
Version: 0.1.0.dev202201291921
Release: 1
Summary: Code for Venezuela python library.
License: Apache-2.0
URL: https://www.codeforvenezuela.org/
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/6a/d8/ffc6e5a5f276c7ee1e615bff2f5bf97169f720e84bfea5e209e00868bd5e/c4v-py-0.1.0.dev202201291921.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-pip
Requires: python3-tensorflow
Requires: python3-tensorflow_hub[make_image_classifier]
Requires: python3-tensorflow-probability
Requires: python3-scikit-learn
Requires: python3-scikit-multilearn
Requires: python3-pandas
Requires: python3-nltk
Requires: python3-google-cloud-bigquery
Requires: python3-google-cloud-logging
Requires: python3-Scrapy
Requires: python3-beautifulsoup4
Requires: python3-tabulate
Requires: python3-click
Requires: python3-scipy
Requires: python3-nbconvert
Requires: python3-traitlets
Requires: python3-ipykernel
Requires: python3-ipython
Requires: python3-zipp
Requires: python3-importlib-metadata
Requires: python3-importlib-resources
Requires: python3-dataclasses
Requires: python3-transformers
Requires: python3-datasets
Requires: python3-torch
Requires: python3-dynaconf
Requires: python3-transformers-interpret
Requires: python3-streamlit
Requires: python3-Flask
Requires: python3-pytz
Requires: python3-google-cloud-storage
Requires: python3-google-cloud-functions
Requires: python3-firebase-admin
Requires: python3-scrapydo
# c4v-py
> Solving Venezuela pressing matters one commmit at a time
`c4v-py` is a library used to address Venezuela's pressing issues
using computer and data science. Check the [online documentation](https://code-for-venezuela.github.io/c4v-py/)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Development](#development)
- [Pending](#pending)
## Installation
Use pip to install the package:
pip install c4v-py
## Usage
[Can you help us? Open a new issue in
## Contributing
The following tools are used in this project:
- [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) is used as package manager.
- [Nox](https://nox.thea.codes/) is used as automation tool, mainly for testing.
- [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/) is the mandatory formatter tool.
- [PyEnv](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki) is recommended as a tool to handle multiple python versions in your machine.
The library is intended to be compatible with python ~3.6.9, ~3.7.4 and ~3.8.2. But the primary version to support is ~3.8.2.
The general structure of the project is trying to follow the recommendations
in [Cookiecutter Data Science](https://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science/).
The main difference lies in the source code itself which is not constraint to data science code.
### Setup
1. Install pyenv and select a version, ie: 3.8.2. Once installed run `pyenv install 3.8.2`
2. Install poetry in your system
3. Clone this repo in a desired location `git clone https://github.com/code-for-venezuela/c4v-py.git`
4. Navigate to the folder `cd c4v-py`
5. Make sure your poetry picks up the right version of python by running `pyenv local 3.8.2`, if 3.8.2 is your right version.
6. Since our toml file is already created, we need to get all dependencies by running `poetry install`. This step might take a few minutes to complete.
7. Install nox
8. From `c4v-py` directory, on your terminal, run the command `nox -s tests` to make sure all the tests run.
If you were able to follow every step with no error, you are ready to start contributing. Otherwise, [open a new issue](https://github.com/code-for-venezuela/c4v-py/issues/new/choose)!
## Roadmap
- [ ] Add CONTRIBUTING guidelines
- [ ] Add issue templates
- [ ] Document where to find things (datasets, more info, etc.)
- This might be done (in conjunction) with Github Projects. Managing tasks there might be a good idea.
- [ ] Add LICENSE
- [ ] Change the authors field in pyproject.toml
- [ ] Change the repository field in pyproject.toml
- [ ] Move the content below to a place near to the data in the data folder or use the reference folder.
Check [Cookiecutter Data Science](https://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science/) for details.
- [ ] Understand what is in the following folders and decide what to do with them.
- [ ] brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog
- [ ] creating_models
- [x] data/data_to_annotate
- [ ] data_analysis
- [ ] Set symbolic links between `brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog/data` and `data/data_to_annotate`. `data_sampler` extracts to `data/data_to_annotate`. Files placed here are read by Brat.
- [ ] Download Brat - `wget https://brat.nlplab.org/index.html`
- [ ] untar brat - `tar -xzvf brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog.tar.gz`
- [ ] install brat - `cd brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog && ./install.sh`
- [ ] replace default annotation conf for current configuration - `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dieko95/c4v-py/master/brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog/annotation.conf -O annotation.conf`
- [ ] replace default config.py for current configuration - `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dieko95/c4v-py/master/brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog/config.py -O config.py`
%package -n python3-c4v-py
Summary: Code for Venezuela python library.
Provides: python-c4v-py
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-c4v-py
# c4v-py
> Solving Venezuela pressing matters one commmit at a time
`c4v-py` is a library used to address Venezuela's pressing issues
using computer and data science. Check the [online documentation](https://code-for-venezuela.github.io/c4v-py/)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Development](#development)
- [Pending](#pending)
## Installation
Use pip to install the package:
pip install c4v-py
## Usage
[Can you help us? Open a new issue in
## Contributing
The following tools are used in this project:
- [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) is used as package manager.
- [Nox](https://nox.thea.codes/) is used as automation tool, mainly for testing.
- [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/) is the mandatory formatter tool.
- [PyEnv](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki) is recommended as a tool to handle multiple python versions in your machine.
The library is intended to be compatible with python ~3.6.9, ~3.7.4 and ~3.8.2. But the primary version to support is ~3.8.2.
The general structure of the project is trying to follow the recommendations
in [Cookiecutter Data Science](https://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science/).
The main difference lies in the source code itself which is not constraint to data science code.
### Setup
1. Install pyenv and select a version, ie: 3.8.2. Once installed run `pyenv install 3.8.2`
2. Install poetry in your system
3. Clone this repo in a desired location `git clone https://github.com/code-for-venezuela/c4v-py.git`
4. Navigate to the folder `cd c4v-py`
5. Make sure your poetry picks up the right version of python by running `pyenv local 3.8.2`, if 3.8.2 is your right version.
6. Since our toml file is already created, we need to get all dependencies by running `poetry install`. This step might take a few minutes to complete.
7. Install nox
8. From `c4v-py` directory, on your terminal, run the command `nox -s tests` to make sure all the tests run.
If you were able to follow every step with no error, you are ready to start contributing. Otherwise, [open a new issue](https://github.com/code-for-venezuela/c4v-py/issues/new/choose)!
## Roadmap
- [ ] Add CONTRIBUTING guidelines
- [ ] Add issue templates
- [ ] Document where to find things (datasets, more info, etc.)
- This might be done (in conjunction) with Github Projects. Managing tasks there might be a good idea.
- [ ] Add LICENSE
- [ ] Change the authors field in pyproject.toml
- [ ] Change the repository field in pyproject.toml
- [ ] Move the content below to a place near to the data in the data folder or use the reference folder.
Check [Cookiecutter Data Science](https://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science/) for details.
- [ ] Understand what is in the following folders and decide what to do with them.
- [ ] brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog
- [ ] creating_models
- [x] data/data_to_annotate
- [ ] data_analysis
- [ ] Set symbolic links between `brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog/data` and `data/data_to_annotate`. `data_sampler` extracts to `data/data_to_annotate`. Files placed here are read by Brat.
- [ ] Download Brat - `wget https://brat.nlplab.org/index.html`
- [ ] untar brat - `tar -xzvf brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog.tar.gz`
- [ ] install brat - `cd brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog && ./install.sh`
- [ ] replace default annotation conf for current configuration - `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dieko95/c4v-py/master/brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog/annotation.conf -O annotation.conf`
- [ ] replace default config.py for current configuration - `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dieko95/c4v-py/master/brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog/config.py -O config.py`
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for c4v-py
Provides: python3-c4v-py-doc
%description help
# c4v-py
> Solving Venezuela pressing matters one commmit at a time
`c4v-py` is a library used to address Venezuela's pressing issues
using computer and data science. Check the [online documentation](https://code-for-venezuela.github.io/c4v-py/)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Development](#development)
- [Pending](#pending)
## Installation
Use pip to install the package:
pip install c4v-py
## Usage
[Can you help us? Open a new issue in
## Contributing
The following tools are used in this project:
- [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) is used as package manager.
- [Nox](https://nox.thea.codes/) is used as automation tool, mainly for testing.
- [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/) is the mandatory formatter tool.
- [PyEnv](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki) is recommended as a tool to handle multiple python versions in your machine.
The library is intended to be compatible with python ~3.6.9, ~3.7.4 and ~3.8.2. But the primary version to support is ~3.8.2.
The general structure of the project is trying to follow the recommendations
in [Cookiecutter Data Science](https://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science/).
The main difference lies in the source code itself which is not constraint to data science code.
### Setup
1. Install pyenv and select a version, ie: 3.8.2. Once installed run `pyenv install 3.8.2`
2. Install poetry in your system
3. Clone this repo in a desired location `git clone https://github.com/code-for-venezuela/c4v-py.git`
4. Navigate to the folder `cd c4v-py`
5. Make sure your poetry picks up the right version of python by running `pyenv local 3.8.2`, if 3.8.2 is your right version.
6. Since our toml file is already created, we need to get all dependencies by running `poetry install`. This step might take a few minutes to complete.
7. Install nox
8. From `c4v-py` directory, on your terminal, run the command `nox -s tests` to make sure all the tests run.
If you were able to follow every step with no error, you are ready to start contributing. Otherwise, [open a new issue](https://github.com/code-for-venezuela/c4v-py/issues/new/choose)!
## Roadmap
- [ ] Add CONTRIBUTING guidelines
- [ ] Add issue templates
- [ ] Document where to find things (datasets, more info, etc.)
- This might be done (in conjunction) with Github Projects. Managing tasks there might be a good idea.
- [ ] Add LICENSE
- [ ] Change the authors field in pyproject.toml
- [ ] Change the repository field in pyproject.toml
- [ ] Move the content below to a place near to the data in the data folder or use the reference folder.
Check [Cookiecutter Data Science](https://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science/) for details.
- [ ] Understand what is in the following folders and decide what to do with them.
- [ ] brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog
- [ ] creating_models
- [x] data/data_to_annotate
- [ ] data_analysis
- [ ] Set symbolic links between `brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog/data` and `data/data_to_annotate`. `data_sampler` extracts to `data/data_to_annotate`. Files placed here are read by Brat.
- [ ] Download Brat - `wget https://brat.nlplab.org/index.html`
- [ ] untar brat - `tar -xzvf brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog.tar.gz`
- [ ] install brat - `cd brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog && ./install.sh`
- [ ] replace default annotation conf for current configuration - `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dieko95/c4v-py/master/brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog/annotation.conf -O annotation.conf`
- [ ] replace default config.py for current configuration - `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dieko95/c4v-py/master/brat-v1.3_Crunchy_Frog/config.py -O config.py`
%autosetup -n c4v-py-0.1.0.dev202201291921
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-c4v-py -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Fri May 05 2023 Python_Bot - 0.1.0.dev202201291921-1
- Package Spec generated