%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-udkundoku Version: 2.2.7 Release: 1 Summary: Classical Chinese to Modern Japanese Translator License: MIT URL: https://github.com/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kundoku Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/5e/66/3278ca52a669eebb26add6a8f21320c2545d86f08353ffcbcba23e166bd9/udkundoku-2.2.7.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description [![Current PyPI packages](https://badge.fury.io/py/udkundoku.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/udkundoku/) # UD-Kundoku Classical Chinese to Modern Japanese Translator, working on [Universal Dependencies](https://universaldependencies.org/format.html). ## Basic usage ```py >>> import udkundoku >>> lzh=udkundoku.load() >>> s=lzh("不入虎穴不得虎子") >>> t=udkundoku.translate(s) >>> print(t) # text = 虎の穴に入らずして虎の子を得ず 1 虎 虎 NOUN n,名詞,主体,動物 _ 3 nmod _ Gloss=tiger|SpaceAfter=No 2 の _ ADP _ _ 1 case _ SpaceAfter=No 3 穴 穴 NOUN n,名詞,固定物,地形 Case=Loc 5 obj _ Gloss=cave|SpaceAfter=No 4 に _ ADP _ _ 3 case _ SpaceAfter=No 5 入ら 入 VERB v,動詞,行為,移動 _ 0 root _ Gloss=enter|SpaceAfter=No 6 ずして 不 AUX v,副詞,否定,無界 Polarity=Neg 5 advmod _ Gloss=not|SpaceAfter=No 7 虎 虎 NOUN n,名詞,主体,動物 _ 9 nmod _ Gloss=tiger|SpaceAfter=No 8 の _ ADP _ _ 7 case _ SpaceAfter=No 9 子 子 NOUN n,名詞,人,関係 _ 11 obj _ Gloss=child|SpaceAfter=No 10 を _ ADP _ _ 9 case _ SpaceAfter=No 11 得 得 VERB v,動詞,行為,得失 _ 5 parataxis _ Gloss=get|SpaceAfter=No 12 ず 不 AUX v,副詞,否定,無界 Polarity=Neg 11 advmod _ Gloss=not|SpaceAfter=No >>> print(t.sentence()) 虎の穴に入らずして虎の子を得ず >>> print(s.to_tree()) 不 <════╗ advmod 入 ═══╗═╝═╗ root 虎 <╗ ║ ║ nmod 穴 ═╝<╝ ║ obj 不 <════╗ ║ advmod 得 ═══╗═╝<╝ parataxis 虎 <╗ ║ nmod 子 ═╝<╝ obj >>> print(t.to_tree()) 虎 ═╗<╗ nmod(体言による連体修飾語) の <╝ ║ case(格表示) 穴 ═╗═╝<╗ obj(目的語) に <╝ ║ case(格表示) 入 ═╗═══╝═╗ root(親) ら ║ ║ ず <╝ ║ advmod(連用修飾語) し ║ て ║ 虎 ═╗<╗ ║ nmod(体言による連体修飾語) の <╝ ║ ║ case(格表示) 子 ═╗═╝<╗ ║ obj(目的語) を <╝ ║ ║ case(格表示) 得 ═╗═══╝<╝ parataxis(隣接表現) ず <╝ advmod(連用修飾語) ``` `udkundoku.load()` is an alias for `udkanbun.load()` of [UD-Kanbun](https://github.com/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kanbun/). `udkundoku.translate()` is a transcriptive converter from Classical Chinese (under Universal Dependencies of UD-Kanbun) into Modern Japanese (under Universal Dependencies of [UniDic2UD](https://github.com/KoichiYasuoka/UniDic2UD/)). `udkundoku.reorder()` is called to rearrange Classical Chinese into Japanese word-order inside `udkundoku.translate()`. `to_tree()` and `to_svg()` are borrowed from those of UD-Kanbun. You can simply use `udkundoku` on the command line: ```sh echo 不入虎穴不得虎子 | udkundoku -j ``` ## HTTP-server usage ```sh python -m udkundoku.server 5000 ``` Try to connect `` with your local browser. Input a Classical Chinese sentence there and push 解析-button (at least) three times. ![不入虎穴不得虎子](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kundoku/master/example.png) ## Installation for Linux Tar-ball is available for Linux, and is installed by default when you use `pip`: ```sh pip install udkundoku ``` [旧仮名口語UniDic](https://clrd.ninjal.ac.jp/unidic/download_all.html#unidic_qkana) is automatically downloaded for UniDic2UD. ## Installation for Cygwin Make sure to get `gcc-g++` `python37-pip` `python37-devel` packages, and then: ```sh pip3.7 install udkundoku ``` Use `python3.7` command in [Cygwin](https://www.cygwin.com/install.html) instead of `python`. ## Installation for Jupyter Notebook (Google Colaboratory) ```py !pip install udkundoku ``` Try [notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/github/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kundoku/blob/master/udkundoku.ipynb) for Google Colaboratory. ## Author Koichi Yasuoka (安岡孝一) ## References * 安岡孝一: [漢文の依存文法解析にもとづく自動訓読システム](http://hdl.handle.net/2433/259315), 日本漢字学会第3回研究大会予稿集(2020年11月), pp.60-73. * 安岡孝一: [漢文の依存文法解析と返り点の関係について](http://hdl.handle.net/2433/235609), 日本漢字学会第1回研究大会予稿集(2018年12月), pp.33-48. %package -n python3-udkundoku Summary: Classical Chinese to Modern Japanese Translator Provides: python-udkundoku BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-udkundoku [![Current PyPI packages](https://badge.fury.io/py/udkundoku.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/udkundoku/) # UD-Kundoku Classical Chinese to Modern Japanese Translator, working on [Universal Dependencies](https://universaldependencies.org/format.html). ## Basic usage ```py >>> import udkundoku >>> lzh=udkundoku.load() >>> s=lzh("不入虎穴不得虎子") >>> t=udkundoku.translate(s) >>> print(t) # text = 虎の穴に入らずして虎の子を得ず 1 虎 虎 NOUN n,名詞,主体,動物 _ 3 nmod _ Gloss=tiger|SpaceAfter=No 2 の _ ADP _ _ 1 case _ SpaceAfter=No 3 穴 穴 NOUN n,名詞,固定物,地形 Case=Loc 5 obj _ Gloss=cave|SpaceAfter=No 4 に _ ADP _ _ 3 case _ SpaceAfter=No 5 入ら 入 VERB v,動詞,行為,移動 _ 0 root _ Gloss=enter|SpaceAfter=No 6 ずして 不 AUX v,副詞,否定,無界 Polarity=Neg 5 advmod _ Gloss=not|SpaceAfter=No 7 虎 虎 NOUN n,名詞,主体,動物 _ 9 nmod _ Gloss=tiger|SpaceAfter=No 8 の _ ADP _ _ 7 case _ SpaceAfter=No 9 子 子 NOUN n,名詞,人,関係 _ 11 obj _ Gloss=child|SpaceAfter=No 10 を _ ADP _ _ 9 case _ SpaceAfter=No 11 得 得 VERB v,動詞,行為,得失 _ 5 parataxis _ Gloss=get|SpaceAfter=No 12 ず 不 AUX v,副詞,否定,無界 Polarity=Neg 11 advmod _ Gloss=not|SpaceAfter=No >>> print(t.sentence()) 虎の穴に入らずして虎の子を得ず >>> print(s.to_tree()) 不 <════╗ advmod 入 ═══╗═╝═╗ root 虎 <╗ ║ ║ nmod 穴 ═╝<╝ ║ obj 不 <════╗ ║ advmod 得 ═══╗═╝<╝ parataxis 虎 <╗ ║ nmod 子 ═╝<╝ obj >>> print(t.to_tree()) 虎 ═╗<╗ nmod(体言による連体修飾語) の <╝ ║ case(格表示) 穴 ═╗═╝<╗ obj(目的語) に <╝ ║ case(格表示) 入 ═╗═══╝═╗ root(親) ら ║ ║ ず <╝ ║ advmod(連用修飾語) し ║ て ║ 虎 ═╗<╗ ║ nmod(体言による連体修飾語) の <╝ ║ ║ case(格表示) 子 ═╗═╝<╗ ║ obj(目的語) を <╝ ║ ║ case(格表示) 得 ═╗═══╝<╝ parataxis(隣接表現) ず <╝ advmod(連用修飾語) ``` `udkundoku.load()` is an alias for `udkanbun.load()` of [UD-Kanbun](https://github.com/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kanbun/). `udkundoku.translate()` is a transcriptive converter from Classical Chinese (under Universal Dependencies of UD-Kanbun) into Modern Japanese (under Universal Dependencies of [UniDic2UD](https://github.com/KoichiYasuoka/UniDic2UD/)). `udkundoku.reorder()` is called to rearrange Classical Chinese into Japanese word-order inside `udkundoku.translate()`. `to_tree()` and `to_svg()` are borrowed from those of UD-Kanbun. You can simply use `udkundoku` on the command line: ```sh echo 不入虎穴不得虎子 | udkundoku -j ``` ## HTTP-server usage ```sh python -m udkundoku.server 5000 ``` Try to connect `` with your local browser. Input a Classical Chinese sentence there and push 解析-button (at least) three times. ![不入虎穴不得虎子](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kundoku/master/example.png) ## Installation for Linux Tar-ball is available for Linux, and is installed by default when you use `pip`: ```sh pip install udkundoku ``` [旧仮名口語UniDic](https://clrd.ninjal.ac.jp/unidic/download_all.html#unidic_qkana) is automatically downloaded for UniDic2UD. ## Installation for Cygwin Make sure to get `gcc-g++` `python37-pip` `python37-devel` packages, and then: ```sh pip3.7 install udkundoku ``` Use `python3.7` command in [Cygwin](https://www.cygwin.com/install.html) instead of `python`. ## Installation for Jupyter Notebook (Google Colaboratory) ```py !pip install udkundoku ``` Try [notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/github/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kundoku/blob/master/udkundoku.ipynb) for Google Colaboratory. ## Author Koichi Yasuoka (安岡孝一) ## References * 安岡孝一: [漢文の依存文法解析にもとづく自動訓読システム](http://hdl.handle.net/2433/259315), 日本漢字学会第3回研究大会予稿集(2020年11月), pp.60-73. * 安岡孝一: [漢文の依存文法解析と返り点の関係について](http://hdl.handle.net/2433/235609), 日本漢字学会第1回研究大会予稿集(2018年12月), pp.33-48. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for udkundoku Provides: python3-udkundoku-doc %description help [![Current PyPI packages](https://badge.fury.io/py/udkundoku.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/udkundoku/) # UD-Kundoku Classical Chinese to Modern Japanese Translator, working on [Universal Dependencies](https://universaldependencies.org/format.html). ## Basic usage ```py >>> import udkundoku >>> lzh=udkundoku.load() >>> s=lzh("不入虎穴不得虎子") >>> t=udkundoku.translate(s) >>> print(t) # text = 虎の穴に入らずして虎の子を得ず 1 虎 虎 NOUN n,名詞,主体,動物 _ 3 nmod _ Gloss=tiger|SpaceAfter=No 2 の _ ADP _ _ 1 case _ SpaceAfter=No 3 穴 穴 NOUN n,名詞,固定物,地形 Case=Loc 5 obj _ Gloss=cave|SpaceAfter=No 4 に _ ADP _ _ 3 case _ SpaceAfter=No 5 入ら 入 VERB v,動詞,行為,移動 _ 0 root _ Gloss=enter|SpaceAfter=No 6 ずして 不 AUX v,副詞,否定,無界 Polarity=Neg 5 advmod _ Gloss=not|SpaceAfter=No 7 虎 虎 NOUN n,名詞,主体,動物 _ 9 nmod _ Gloss=tiger|SpaceAfter=No 8 の _ ADP _ _ 7 case _ SpaceAfter=No 9 子 子 NOUN n,名詞,人,関係 _ 11 obj _ Gloss=child|SpaceAfter=No 10 を _ ADP _ _ 9 case _ SpaceAfter=No 11 得 得 VERB v,動詞,行為,得失 _ 5 parataxis _ Gloss=get|SpaceAfter=No 12 ず 不 AUX v,副詞,否定,無界 Polarity=Neg 11 advmod _ Gloss=not|SpaceAfter=No >>> print(t.sentence()) 虎の穴に入らずして虎の子を得ず >>> print(s.to_tree()) 不 <════╗ advmod 入 ═══╗═╝═╗ root 虎 <╗ ║ ║ nmod 穴 ═╝<╝ ║ obj 不 <════╗ ║ advmod 得 ═══╗═╝<╝ parataxis 虎 <╗ ║ nmod 子 ═╝<╝ obj >>> print(t.to_tree()) 虎 ═╗<╗ nmod(体言による連体修飾語) の <╝ ║ case(格表示) 穴 ═╗═╝<╗ obj(目的語) に <╝ ║ case(格表示) 入 ═╗═══╝═╗ root(親) ら ║ ║ ず <╝ ║ advmod(連用修飾語) し ║ て ║ 虎 ═╗<╗ ║ nmod(体言による連体修飾語) の <╝ ║ ║ case(格表示) 子 ═╗═╝<╗ ║ obj(目的語) を <╝ ║ ║ case(格表示) 得 ═╗═══╝<╝ parataxis(隣接表現) ず <╝ advmod(連用修飾語) ``` `udkundoku.load()` is an alias for `udkanbun.load()` of [UD-Kanbun](https://github.com/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kanbun/). `udkundoku.translate()` is a transcriptive converter from Classical Chinese (under Universal Dependencies of UD-Kanbun) into Modern Japanese (under Universal Dependencies of [UniDic2UD](https://github.com/KoichiYasuoka/UniDic2UD/)). `udkundoku.reorder()` is called to rearrange Classical Chinese into Japanese word-order inside `udkundoku.translate()`. `to_tree()` and `to_svg()` are borrowed from those of UD-Kanbun. You can simply use `udkundoku` on the command line: ```sh echo 不入虎穴不得虎子 | udkundoku -j ``` ## HTTP-server usage ```sh python -m udkundoku.server 5000 ``` Try to connect `` with your local browser. Input a Classical Chinese sentence there and push 解析-button (at least) three times. ![不入虎穴不得虎子](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kundoku/master/example.png) ## Installation for Linux Tar-ball is available for Linux, and is installed by default when you use `pip`: ```sh pip install udkundoku ``` [旧仮名口語UniDic](https://clrd.ninjal.ac.jp/unidic/download_all.html#unidic_qkana) is automatically downloaded for UniDic2UD. ## Installation for Cygwin Make sure to get `gcc-g++` `python37-pip` `python37-devel` packages, and then: ```sh pip3.7 install udkundoku ``` Use `python3.7` command in [Cygwin](https://www.cygwin.com/install.html) instead of `python`. ## Installation for Jupyter Notebook (Google Colaboratory) ```py !pip install udkundoku ``` Try [notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/github/KoichiYasuoka/UD-Kundoku/blob/master/udkundoku.ipynb) for Google Colaboratory. ## Author Koichi Yasuoka (安岡孝一) ## References * 安岡孝一: [漢文の依存文法解析にもとづく自動訓読システム](http://hdl.handle.net/2433/259315), 日本漢字学会第3回研究大会予稿集(2020年11月), pp.60-73. * 安岡孝一: [漢文の依存文法解析と返り点の関係について](http://hdl.handle.net/2433/235609), 日本漢字学会第1回研究大会予稿集(2018年12月), pp.33-48. %prep %autosetup -n udkundoku-2.2.7 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-udkundoku -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri May 05 2023 Python_Bot - 2.2.7-1 - Package Spec generated