%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-cykhash Version: 2.0.1 Release: 1 Summary: cython wrapper for khash-sets/maps, efficient implementation of isin and unique License: MIT URL: https://github.com/realead/cykhash Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/a5/24/bc570e0f3bb769ebdc178dce52b5be3575ced0c8135a32f0299dff2c138e/cykhash-2.0.1.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description # cykhash cython wrapper for khash-sets/maps, efficient implementation of `isin` and `unique` ## About: * Brings functionality of khash (https://github.com/attractivechaos/klib/blob/master/khash.h) to Python and Cython and can be used seamlessly in numpy or pandas. * Numpy's world is lacking the concept of a (hash-)set. This shortcoming is fixed and efficient (memory- and speedwise compared to pandas') `unique` and `isin` are implemented. * Python-set/dict have big memory-footprint. For some datatypes the overhead can be reduced by using khash by factor 4-8. ## Installation: The recommended way to install the library is via `conda` package manager using the `conda-forge` channel: conda install -c conda-forge cykhash You can also install the library using `pip`. To install the latest release: pip install cykhash To install the most recent version of the module: pip install https://github.com/realead/cykhash/zipball/master Attention: On Linux/Mac `python-dev` should be installed for that (see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21530577/fatal-error-python-h-no-such-file-or-directory) and MSVC on Windows. ## Dependencies: To build the library from source, Cython>=0.28 is required as well as a c-build tool chain. See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README4DEVELOPER.md) for dependencies needed for development. ## Quick start #### Hash set and isin Creating a hashset and using it in `isin`: # prepare data: >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64) >>> b = np.arange(84, dtype=np.int64) >>> result = np.empty(b.size, dtype=np.bool_) # actually usage >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer, isin_int64 >>> lookup = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) # create a hashset >>> isin_int64(b, lookup, result) # running time O(b.size) >>> isin_int64(b, lookup, result) # lookup is reused and not recreated ### `unique` Finding `unique` in `O(n)` (compared to numpy's `np.unique` - `O(n*logn)`) and smaller memory-footprint than pandas' `pd.unique`: # prepare input >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,3,2,1], dtype=np.int64) # actual usage: >>> from cykhash import unique_int64 >>> unique_buffer = unique_int64(a) # unique element are exposed via buffer-protocol # can be converted to a numpy-array without copying via >>> unique_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_buffer) >>> unique_array.shape (3,) ### Hash map Maps and sets handle `nan`-correctly (try it out with Python's dict/set): >>> from cykhash import Float64toInt64Map >>> my_map = Float64toInt64Map() # values are 64bit integers >>> my_map[float("nan")] = 1 >>> my_map[float("nan")] 1 ## Functionality overview ### Hash sets `Int64Set`, `Int32Set`, `Float64Set`, `Float32Set` ( and `PyObjectSet`) are implemented. They are more or less drop-in replacements for Python's `set`. Furthermore, given the Cython-interface, efficient extensions of functionality are easily done. The biggest advantage of these sets is that they need about 4-8 times less memory than the usual Python-sets and are somewhat faster for integers or floats. As `PyObjectSet` is somewhat slower than the usual `set` and needs about the same amount of memory, it should be used only if all `nan`s should be treated as equivalent. The most efficient way to create such sets is to use `XXXXSet_from_buffer(...)`, e.g. `Int64Set_from_buffer`, if the data container at hand supports buffer protocol (e.g. numpy-arrays, `array.array` or `ctypes`-arrays). Or `XXXXSet_from(...)` for any iterator. ### Hash maps `Int64toInt64Map`, `Int32toInt32Map`, `Float64toInt64Map`, `Float32toInt32Map` ( and `PyObjectMap`) are implemented. They are more or less drop-in replacements for Python's `dict` (however, not every piece of `dict`'s functionality makes sense, for example `setdefault(x, default)` without `default`-argument, because `None` cannot be inserted, also the khash-maps don't preserve the insertion order, so there is also no `reversed`). Furthermore, given the Cython-interface, efficient extensions of functionality are easily done. Biggest advantage of these sets is that they need about 4-8 times less memory than the usual Python-dictionaries and are somewhat faster for integers or floats. As `PyObjectMap` is somewhat slower than the usual `dict` and needs about the same amount of memory, it should be used only if all `nan`s should be treated as equivalent. ### isin * implemented are `isin_int64`, `isin_int32`, `isin_float64`, `isin_float32` * using hash set instead of arrays in `isin` function has the advantage, that the look-up data structure doesn't have to be reconstructed for every call, thus reducing the running time from `O(n+m)`to `O(n)`, where `n` is the number of queries and `m`-number of elements in the look up array. * Thus cykash's `isin` can be order of magnitude faster than the numpy's or pandas' versions. #### all, none, any, and count_if * siblings functions of `isin_XXX` are: * `all_XXX`/`all_XXX_from_iterator` which return `True` if all elements of the query array can be found in the set. * `any_XXX`/`any_XXX_from_iterator` which return `True` if at least one element of the query array can be found in the set. * `none_XXX`/`none_XXX_from_iterator` which return `True` if none of elements from the query array can be found in the set. * `count_if_XXX`/`count_if_XXX_from_iterator` which return the number of elements from the query array can be found in the set. * `all_XXX`, `any_XXX`, `none_XXX` and `count_if_XXX` are faster than using `isin_XXX` and applying numpy's versions of these function on the resulting array. * `from_iterator` version works with any iterable, but the version for buffers are more efficient. ### unique * implemented are `unique_int64`, `unique_int32`, `unique_float64`, `unique_float32` * returns an object which implements the buffer protocol, so `np.ctypeslib.as_array` (recommended) or `np.frombuffer` (less safe, as memory can get reinterpreted) can be used to create numpy arrays. * differently as pandas, the returned uniques aren't in the order of the appearance. If order of appearence is important use `unique_stable_xxx`-versions, which needs somewhat more memory. * the signature is `unique_xxx(buffer, size_hint=0.0)` the initial memory-consumption of the hash-set will be `len(buffer)*size_hint` unless `size_hint<=0.0`, in this case it will be ensured, that no rehashing is needed even if all elements are unique in the buffer. As pandas uses maps instead of sets internally for `unique`, it needs about 4 times more peak memory and is 1.6-3 times slower. ### Floating-point numbers as keys There is a problem with floating-point sets or maps, i.e. `Float64Set`, `Float32Set`, `Float64toInt64Map` and `Float32toInt32Map`: The standard definition of "equal" and hash-function based on the bit representation don't define a meaningful or desired behavior for the hash set: * `NAN != NAN` and thus it is not equivalence relation * `-0.0 == 0.0` but `hash(-0.0)!=hash(0.0)`, but `x==y => hash(x)==hash(y)` is neccessary for set to work properly. This problem is resolved through following special case handling: * `hash(-0.0):=hash(0.0)` * `hash(x):=hash(NAN)` for any not a number `x`. * `x is equal y <=> x==y || (x!=x && y!=y)` A consequence of the above rule, that the equivalence classes of `{0.0, -0.0}` and `e{x | x is not a number}` have more than one element. In the set these classes are represented by the first seen element from the class. The above holds also for `PyObjectSet` (this behavior is not the same as fro Python-`set` which shows a different behavior for nans). ### Examples: #### Hash sets Python: Creates a set from a numpy-array and looks up whether an element is in the resulting set: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer >>> a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64) >>> my_set = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) # no reallocation will be needed >>> 41 in my_set True >>> 42 not in my_set True Python: Create a set from an iterable and looks up whether an element is in the resulting set: >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from >>> my_set = Int64Set_from(range(42)) # no reallocation will be needed >>> assert 41 in my_set and 42 not in my_set Cython: Create a set and put some values into it: from cykhash.khashsets cimport Int64Set my_set = Int64Set(number_of_elements_hint=12) # reserve place for at least 12 integers cdef Py_ssize_t i for i in range(12): my_set.add(i) assert 11 in my_set and 12 not in my_set #### Hash maps Python: Creating `int64->float64` map using `Int64toFloat64Map_from_buffers`: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64toFloat64Map_from_buffers >>> keys = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int64) >>> vals = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8], dtype=np.float64) >>> my_map = Int64toFloat64Map_from_buffers(keys, vals) # there will be no reallocation >>> assert my_map[4] == 8.0 Python: Creating `int64->int64` map from scratch: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64toInt64Map # my_map will not need reallocation for at least 12 elements >>> my_map = Int64toInt64Map(number_of_elements_hint=12) >>> for i in range(12): my_map[i] = i+1 >>> assert my_map[5] == 6 #### isin Python: Creating look-up data structure from a numpy-array, performing `isin`-query >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer, isin_int64 >>> a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64) >>> lookup = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) >>> b = np.arange(84, dtype=np.int64) >>> result = np.empty(b.size, dtype=np.bool_) >>> isin_int64(b, lookup, result) # running time O(b.size) >>> assert np.sum(result.astype(np.int_)) == 42 #### unique Python: using `unique_int64`: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import unique_int64 >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,3,2,1], dtype=np.int64) >>> u = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_int64(a)) # there will be no reallocation >>> assert set(u) == {1,2,3} Python: using `unique_stable_int64`: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import unique_stable_int64 >>> a = np.array([3,2,1,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64) >>> u = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_stable_int64(a)) # there will be no reallocation >>> assert list(u) == [3,2,1] ## API See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README_API.md) for a more detailed API description. ## Performance See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README_PERFORMANCE.md) for results of performance tests. ## Trivia * This project was inspired by the following stackoverflow question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50779617/pandas-pd-series-isin-performance-with-set-versus-array. * pandas also uses `khash` (and thus was a source of inspiration), but wraps only maps and doesn't wrap sets. Thus, pandas' `unique` needs more memory as it should. Those maps are also never exposed, so there is no way to reuse the look-up structure for multiple calls to `isin`. * `khash` is a good choice, but there are other alternatives, e.g. https://github.com/sparsehash/sparsehash. See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48129713/fastest-way-to-find-all-unique-elements-in-an-array-with-cython/48142655#48142655 for a comparison for different `unique` implementations. * A similar approach for sets/maps in pure Cython: https://github.com/realead/tighthash, which is quite slower than khash. * There is no dependency on `numpy`: this library uses buffer protocol, thus it works for `array.array`, `numpy.ndarray`, `ctypes`-arrays and anything else. However, some interfaces are somewhat cumbersome (which type should be created as answer?) and for convenient usage it might be a good idea to wrap the functionality so objects of right types are created. ## Compatibility between cykhash-versions: There are different levels of compatibility: * for code using only pure python interface * for code using cython/cdef-interface and built against a particular cykash version Ther rules are as follows: * there is no warranty for major versions mismatch: i.e. code written with cykhash `1.x.y` might not run with cykhash `2.z.w` and vice versa. * if only pure python interface is used, code for the same major version will ran for version with higher minor version, i.e. code for cykhash `2.0.x` will run with cykhash `2.1.y` (but not the other way around: that means new functions could be added to pure python interface) * if cython's `cdef` interface is used, i.e. a cython-extension was build using pxi-files from cykhash, then versions are compartible only if the the minor versions are the same, e.g. `2.0.x` could be replaced by `2.0.y` in the installation, but when replacing with `2.1.z` the dependent cython-extension must be rebuilt. ## History: ### Release 2.0.1 (05.02.2022): * Tests work for Python 3.11 * Tests work for numpy 1.24 * Drops support for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 #### Release 2.0.0 (09.11.2021): * Implementation of `any`, `all`, `none` and `count_if` * Hash-sets are now (almost) drop-in replacements of Python's sets * Breaking change: iterator from maps doesn't no longer returns items but only keys. However there are following new methods `keys()`, `values()` and `items()`which return so called mapvies, which correspond more or less to dictviews (but for mapsview doesn't hold that "Dictionary order is guaranteed to be insertion order."). * Hash-Maps are now (almost) drop-in replacements of Python's dicts. Differences: insertion order isn't preserved, thus there is also no `reversed()`-method, `setdefault(key, default)` isn't possible without `default` because `None` cannot be inserted in the map * Better hash-functions for float64, float32, int64 and int32 (gh-issue #4). * Breaking change: different names/signatures for maps * supports tracemalloc for Py3.6+ * supports Python 3.10 #### Release 1.0.2 (30.05.2020): * can be installed via conda-forge to all operating systems * can be installed via pip in a clean environment (Cython>=0.28 is now fetched automatically) #### Release 1.0.1 (27.05.2020): * released on PyPi #### Older: * 0.4.0: uniques_stable, preparing for release * 0.3.0: PyObjectSet, Maps for Int64/32 and also Float64/32, unique-versions * 0.2.0: Int32Set, Float64Set, Float32Set * 0.1.0: Int64Set %package -n python3-cykhash Summary: cython wrapper for khash-sets/maps, efficient implementation of isin and unique Provides: python-cykhash BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-cykhash # cykhash cython wrapper for khash-sets/maps, efficient implementation of `isin` and `unique` ## About: * Brings functionality of khash (https://github.com/attractivechaos/klib/blob/master/khash.h) to Python and Cython and can be used seamlessly in numpy or pandas. * Numpy's world is lacking the concept of a (hash-)set. This shortcoming is fixed and efficient (memory- and speedwise compared to pandas') `unique` and `isin` are implemented. * Python-set/dict have big memory-footprint. For some datatypes the overhead can be reduced by using khash by factor 4-8. ## Installation: The recommended way to install the library is via `conda` package manager using the `conda-forge` channel: conda install -c conda-forge cykhash You can also install the library using `pip`. To install the latest release: pip install cykhash To install the most recent version of the module: pip install https://github.com/realead/cykhash/zipball/master Attention: On Linux/Mac `python-dev` should be installed for that (see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21530577/fatal-error-python-h-no-such-file-or-directory) and MSVC on Windows. ## Dependencies: To build the library from source, Cython>=0.28 is required as well as a c-build tool chain. See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README4DEVELOPER.md) for dependencies needed for development. ## Quick start #### Hash set and isin Creating a hashset and using it in `isin`: # prepare data: >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64) >>> b = np.arange(84, dtype=np.int64) >>> result = np.empty(b.size, dtype=np.bool_) # actually usage >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer, isin_int64 >>> lookup = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) # create a hashset >>> isin_int64(b, lookup, result) # running time O(b.size) >>> isin_int64(b, lookup, result) # lookup is reused and not recreated ### `unique` Finding `unique` in `O(n)` (compared to numpy's `np.unique` - `O(n*logn)`) and smaller memory-footprint than pandas' `pd.unique`: # prepare input >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,3,2,1], dtype=np.int64) # actual usage: >>> from cykhash import unique_int64 >>> unique_buffer = unique_int64(a) # unique element are exposed via buffer-protocol # can be converted to a numpy-array without copying via >>> unique_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_buffer) >>> unique_array.shape (3,) ### Hash map Maps and sets handle `nan`-correctly (try it out with Python's dict/set): >>> from cykhash import Float64toInt64Map >>> my_map = Float64toInt64Map() # values are 64bit integers >>> my_map[float("nan")] = 1 >>> my_map[float("nan")] 1 ## Functionality overview ### Hash sets `Int64Set`, `Int32Set`, `Float64Set`, `Float32Set` ( and `PyObjectSet`) are implemented. They are more or less drop-in replacements for Python's `set`. Furthermore, given the Cython-interface, efficient extensions of functionality are easily done. The biggest advantage of these sets is that they need about 4-8 times less memory than the usual Python-sets and are somewhat faster for integers or floats. As `PyObjectSet` is somewhat slower than the usual `set` and needs about the same amount of memory, it should be used only if all `nan`s should be treated as equivalent. The most efficient way to create such sets is to use `XXXXSet_from_buffer(...)`, e.g. `Int64Set_from_buffer`, if the data container at hand supports buffer protocol (e.g. numpy-arrays, `array.array` or `ctypes`-arrays). Or `XXXXSet_from(...)` for any iterator. ### Hash maps `Int64toInt64Map`, `Int32toInt32Map`, `Float64toInt64Map`, `Float32toInt32Map` ( and `PyObjectMap`) are implemented. They are more or less drop-in replacements for Python's `dict` (however, not every piece of `dict`'s functionality makes sense, for example `setdefault(x, default)` without `default`-argument, because `None` cannot be inserted, also the khash-maps don't preserve the insertion order, so there is also no `reversed`). Furthermore, given the Cython-interface, efficient extensions of functionality are easily done. Biggest advantage of these sets is that they need about 4-8 times less memory than the usual Python-dictionaries and are somewhat faster for integers or floats. As `PyObjectMap` is somewhat slower than the usual `dict` and needs about the same amount of memory, it should be used only if all `nan`s should be treated as equivalent. ### isin * implemented are `isin_int64`, `isin_int32`, `isin_float64`, `isin_float32` * using hash set instead of arrays in `isin` function has the advantage, that the look-up data structure doesn't have to be reconstructed for every call, thus reducing the running time from `O(n+m)`to `O(n)`, where `n` is the number of queries and `m`-number of elements in the look up array. * Thus cykash's `isin` can be order of magnitude faster than the numpy's or pandas' versions. #### all, none, any, and count_if * siblings functions of `isin_XXX` are: * `all_XXX`/`all_XXX_from_iterator` which return `True` if all elements of the query array can be found in the set. * `any_XXX`/`any_XXX_from_iterator` which return `True` if at least one element of the query array can be found in the set. * `none_XXX`/`none_XXX_from_iterator` which return `True` if none of elements from the query array can be found in the set. * `count_if_XXX`/`count_if_XXX_from_iterator` which return the number of elements from the query array can be found in the set. * `all_XXX`, `any_XXX`, `none_XXX` and `count_if_XXX` are faster than using `isin_XXX` and applying numpy's versions of these function on the resulting array. * `from_iterator` version works with any iterable, but the version for buffers are more efficient. ### unique * implemented are `unique_int64`, `unique_int32`, `unique_float64`, `unique_float32` * returns an object which implements the buffer protocol, so `np.ctypeslib.as_array` (recommended) or `np.frombuffer` (less safe, as memory can get reinterpreted) can be used to create numpy arrays. * differently as pandas, the returned uniques aren't in the order of the appearance. If order of appearence is important use `unique_stable_xxx`-versions, which needs somewhat more memory. * the signature is `unique_xxx(buffer, size_hint=0.0)` the initial memory-consumption of the hash-set will be `len(buffer)*size_hint` unless `size_hint<=0.0`, in this case it will be ensured, that no rehashing is needed even if all elements are unique in the buffer. As pandas uses maps instead of sets internally for `unique`, it needs about 4 times more peak memory and is 1.6-3 times slower. ### Floating-point numbers as keys There is a problem with floating-point sets or maps, i.e. `Float64Set`, `Float32Set`, `Float64toInt64Map` and `Float32toInt32Map`: The standard definition of "equal" and hash-function based on the bit representation don't define a meaningful or desired behavior for the hash set: * `NAN != NAN` and thus it is not equivalence relation * `-0.0 == 0.0` but `hash(-0.0)!=hash(0.0)`, but `x==y => hash(x)==hash(y)` is neccessary for set to work properly. This problem is resolved through following special case handling: * `hash(-0.0):=hash(0.0)` * `hash(x):=hash(NAN)` for any not a number `x`. * `x is equal y <=> x==y || (x!=x && y!=y)` A consequence of the above rule, that the equivalence classes of `{0.0, -0.0}` and `e{x | x is not a number}` have more than one element. In the set these classes are represented by the first seen element from the class. The above holds also for `PyObjectSet` (this behavior is not the same as fro Python-`set` which shows a different behavior for nans). ### Examples: #### Hash sets Python: Creates a set from a numpy-array and looks up whether an element is in the resulting set: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer >>> a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64) >>> my_set = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) # no reallocation will be needed >>> 41 in my_set True >>> 42 not in my_set True Python: Create a set from an iterable and looks up whether an element is in the resulting set: >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from >>> my_set = Int64Set_from(range(42)) # no reallocation will be needed >>> assert 41 in my_set and 42 not in my_set Cython: Create a set and put some values into it: from cykhash.khashsets cimport Int64Set my_set = Int64Set(number_of_elements_hint=12) # reserve place for at least 12 integers cdef Py_ssize_t i for i in range(12): my_set.add(i) assert 11 in my_set and 12 not in my_set #### Hash maps Python: Creating `int64->float64` map using `Int64toFloat64Map_from_buffers`: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64toFloat64Map_from_buffers >>> keys = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int64) >>> vals = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8], dtype=np.float64) >>> my_map = Int64toFloat64Map_from_buffers(keys, vals) # there will be no reallocation >>> assert my_map[4] == 8.0 Python: Creating `int64->int64` map from scratch: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64toInt64Map # my_map will not need reallocation for at least 12 elements >>> my_map = Int64toInt64Map(number_of_elements_hint=12) >>> for i in range(12): my_map[i] = i+1 >>> assert my_map[5] == 6 #### isin Python: Creating look-up data structure from a numpy-array, performing `isin`-query >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer, isin_int64 >>> a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64) >>> lookup = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) >>> b = np.arange(84, dtype=np.int64) >>> result = np.empty(b.size, dtype=np.bool_) >>> isin_int64(b, lookup, result) # running time O(b.size) >>> assert np.sum(result.astype(np.int_)) == 42 #### unique Python: using `unique_int64`: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import unique_int64 >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,3,2,1], dtype=np.int64) >>> u = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_int64(a)) # there will be no reallocation >>> assert set(u) == {1,2,3} Python: using `unique_stable_int64`: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import unique_stable_int64 >>> a = np.array([3,2,1,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64) >>> u = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_stable_int64(a)) # there will be no reallocation >>> assert list(u) == [3,2,1] ## API See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README_API.md) for a more detailed API description. ## Performance See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README_PERFORMANCE.md) for results of performance tests. ## Trivia * This project was inspired by the following stackoverflow question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50779617/pandas-pd-series-isin-performance-with-set-versus-array. * pandas also uses `khash` (and thus was a source of inspiration), but wraps only maps and doesn't wrap sets. Thus, pandas' `unique` needs more memory as it should. Those maps are also never exposed, so there is no way to reuse the look-up structure for multiple calls to `isin`. * `khash` is a good choice, but there are other alternatives, e.g. https://github.com/sparsehash/sparsehash. See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48129713/fastest-way-to-find-all-unique-elements-in-an-array-with-cython/48142655#48142655 for a comparison for different `unique` implementations. * A similar approach for sets/maps in pure Cython: https://github.com/realead/tighthash, which is quite slower than khash. * There is no dependency on `numpy`: this library uses buffer protocol, thus it works for `array.array`, `numpy.ndarray`, `ctypes`-arrays and anything else. However, some interfaces are somewhat cumbersome (which type should be created as answer?) and for convenient usage it might be a good idea to wrap the functionality so objects of right types are created. ## Compatibility between cykhash-versions: There are different levels of compatibility: * for code using only pure python interface * for code using cython/cdef-interface and built against a particular cykash version Ther rules are as follows: * there is no warranty for major versions mismatch: i.e. code written with cykhash `1.x.y` might not run with cykhash `2.z.w` and vice versa. * if only pure python interface is used, code for the same major version will ran for version with higher minor version, i.e. code for cykhash `2.0.x` will run with cykhash `2.1.y` (but not the other way around: that means new functions could be added to pure python interface) * if cython's `cdef` interface is used, i.e. a cython-extension was build using pxi-files from cykhash, then versions are compartible only if the the minor versions are the same, e.g. `2.0.x` could be replaced by `2.0.y` in the installation, but when replacing with `2.1.z` the dependent cython-extension must be rebuilt. ## History: ### Release 2.0.1 (05.02.2022): * Tests work for Python 3.11 * Tests work for numpy 1.24 * Drops support for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 #### Release 2.0.0 (09.11.2021): * Implementation of `any`, `all`, `none` and `count_if` * Hash-sets are now (almost) drop-in replacements of Python's sets * Breaking change: iterator from maps doesn't no longer returns items but only keys. However there are following new methods `keys()`, `values()` and `items()`which return so called mapvies, which correspond more or less to dictviews (but for mapsview doesn't hold that "Dictionary order is guaranteed to be insertion order."). * Hash-Maps are now (almost) drop-in replacements of Python's dicts. Differences: insertion order isn't preserved, thus there is also no `reversed()`-method, `setdefault(key, default)` isn't possible without `default` because `None` cannot be inserted in the map * Better hash-functions for float64, float32, int64 and int32 (gh-issue #4). * Breaking change: different names/signatures for maps * supports tracemalloc for Py3.6+ * supports Python 3.10 #### Release 1.0.2 (30.05.2020): * can be installed via conda-forge to all operating systems * can be installed via pip in a clean environment (Cython>=0.28 is now fetched automatically) #### Release 1.0.1 (27.05.2020): * released on PyPi #### Older: * 0.4.0: uniques_stable, preparing for release * 0.3.0: PyObjectSet, Maps for Int64/32 and also Float64/32, unique-versions * 0.2.0: Int32Set, Float64Set, Float32Set * 0.1.0: Int64Set %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for cykhash Provides: python3-cykhash-doc %description help # cykhash cython wrapper for khash-sets/maps, efficient implementation of `isin` and `unique` ## About: * Brings functionality of khash (https://github.com/attractivechaos/klib/blob/master/khash.h) to Python and Cython and can be used seamlessly in numpy or pandas. * Numpy's world is lacking the concept of a (hash-)set. This shortcoming is fixed and efficient (memory- and speedwise compared to pandas') `unique` and `isin` are implemented. * Python-set/dict have big memory-footprint. For some datatypes the overhead can be reduced by using khash by factor 4-8. ## Installation: The recommended way to install the library is via `conda` package manager using the `conda-forge` channel: conda install -c conda-forge cykhash You can also install the library using `pip`. To install the latest release: pip install cykhash To install the most recent version of the module: pip install https://github.com/realead/cykhash/zipball/master Attention: On Linux/Mac `python-dev` should be installed for that (see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21530577/fatal-error-python-h-no-such-file-or-directory) and MSVC on Windows. ## Dependencies: To build the library from source, Cython>=0.28 is required as well as a c-build tool chain. See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README4DEVELOPER.md) for dependencies needed for development. ## Quick start #### Hash set and isin Creating a hashset and using it in `isin`: # prepare data: >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64) >>> b = np.arange(84, dtype=np.int64) >>> result = np.empty(b.size, dtype=np.bool_) # actually usage >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer, isin_int64 >>> lookup = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) # create a hashset >>> isin_int64(b, lookup, result) # running time O(b.size) >>> isin_int64(b, lookup, result) # lookup is reused and not recreated ### `unique` Finding `unique` in `O(n)` (compared to numpy's `np.unique` - `O(n*logn)`) and smaller memory-footprint than pandas' `pd.unique`: # prepare input >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,3,2,1], dtype=np.int64) # actual usage: >>> from cykhash import unique_int64 >>> unique_buffer = unique_int64(a) # unique element are exposed via buffer-protocol # can be converted to a numpy-array without copying via >>> unique_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_buffer) >>> unique_array.shape (3,) ### Hash map Maps and sets handle `nan`-correctly (try it out with Python's dict/set): >>> from cykhash import Float64toInt64Map >>> my_map = Float64toInt64Map() # values are 64bit integers >>> my_map[float("nan")] = 1 >>> my_map[float("nan")] 1 ## Functionality overview ### Hash sets `Int64Set`, `Int32Set`, `Float64Set`, `Float32Set` ( and `PyObjectSet`) are implemented. They are more or less drop-in replacements for Python's `set`. Furthermore, given the Cython-interface, efficient extensions of functionality are easily done. The biggest advantage of these sets is that they need about 4-8 times less memory than the usual Python-sets and are somewhat faster for integers or floats. As `PyObjectSet` is somewhat slower than the usual `set` and needs about the same amount of memory, it should be used only if all `nan`s should be treated as equivalent. The most efficient way to create such sets is to use `XXXXSet_from_buffer(...)`, e.g. `Int64Set_from_buffer`, if the data container at hand supports buffer protocol (e.g. numpy-arrays, `array.array` or `ctypes`-arrays). Or `XXXXSet_from(...)` for any iterator. ### Hash maps `Int64toInt64Map`, `Int32toInt32Map`, `Float64toInt64Map`, `Float32toInt32Map` ( and `PyObjectMap`) are implemented. They are more or less drop-in replacements for Python's `dict` (however, not every piece of `dict`'s functionality makes sense, for example `setdefault(x, default)` without `default`-argument, because `None` cannot be inserted, also the khash-maps don't preserve the insertion order, so there is also no `reversed`). Furthermore, given the Cython-interface, efficient extensions of functionality are easily done. Biggest advantage of these sets is that they need about 4-8 times less memory than the usual Python-dictionaries and are somewhat faster for integers or floats. As `PyObjectMap` is somewhat slower than the usual `dict` and needs about the same amount of memory, it should be used only if all `nan`s should be treated as equivalent. ### isin * implemented are `isin_int64`, `isin_int32`, `isin_float64`, `isin_float32` * using hash set instead of arrays in `isin` function has the advantage, that the look-up data structure doesn't have to be reconstructed for every call, thus reducing the running time from `O(n+m)`to `O(n)`, where `n` is the number of queries and `m`-number of elements in the look up array. * Thus cykash's `isin` can be order of magnitude faster than the numpy's or pandas' versions. #### all, none, any, and count_if * siblings functions of `isin_XXX` are: * `all_XXX`/`all_XXX_from_iterator` which return `True` if all elements of the query array can be found in the set. * `any_XXX`/`any_XXX_from_iterator` which return `True` if at least one element of the query array can be found in the set. * `none_XXX`/`none_XXX_from_iterator` which return `True` if none of elements from the query array can be found in the set. * `count_if_XXX`/`count_if_XXX_from_iterator` which return the number of elements from the query array can be found in the set. * `all_XXX`, `any_XXX`, `none_XXX` and `count_if_XXX` are faster than using `isin_XXX` and applying numpy's versions of these function on the resulting array. * `from_iterator` version works with any iterable, but the version for buffers are more efficient. ### unique * implemented are `unique_int64`, `unique_int32`, `unique_float64`, `unique_float32` * returns an object which implements the buffer protocol, so `np.ctypeslib.as_array` (recommended) or `np.frombuffer` (less safe, as memory can get reinterpreted) can be used to create numpy arrays. * differently as pandas, the returned uniques aren't in the order of the appearance. If order of appearence is important use `unique_stable_xxx`-versions, which needs somewhat more memory. * the signature is `unique_xxx(buffer, size_hint=0.0)` the initial memory-consumption of the hash-set will be `len(buffer)*size_hint` unless `size_hint<=0.0`, in this case it will be ensured, that no rehashing is needed even if all elements are unique in the buffer. As pandas uses maps instead of sets internally for `unique`, it needs about 4 times more peak memory and is 1.6-3 times slower. ### Floating-point numbers as keys There is a problem with floating-point sets or maps, i.e. `Float64Set`, `Float32Set`, `Float64toInt64Map` and `Float32toInt32Map`: The standard definition of "equal" and hash-function based on the bit representation don't define a meaningful or desired behavior for the hash set: * `NAN != NAN` and thus it is not equivalence relation * `-0.0 == 0.0` but `hash(-0.0)!=hash(0.0)`, but `x==y => hash(x)==hash(y)` is neccessary for set to work properly. This problem is resolved through following special case handling: * `hash(-0.0):=hash(0.0)` * `hash(x):=hash(NAN)` for any not a number `x`. * `x is equal y <=> x==y || (x!=x && y!=y)` A consequence of the above rule, that the equivalence classes of `{0.0, -0.0}` and `e{x | x is not a number}` have more than one element. In the set these classes are represented by the first seen element from the class. The above holds also for `PyObjectSet` (this behavior is not the same as fro Python-`set` which shows a different behavior for nans). ### Examples: #### Hash sets Python: Creates a set from a numpy-array and looks up whether an element is in the resulting set: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer >>> a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64) >>> my_set = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) # no reallocation will be needed >>> 41 in my_set True >>> 42 not in my_set True Python: Create a set from an iterable and looks up whether an element is in the resulting set: >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from >>> my_set = Int64Set_from(range(42)) # no reallocation will be needed >>> assert 41 in my_set and 42 not in my_set Cython: Create a set and put some values into it: from cykhash.khashsets cimport Int64Set my_set = Int64Set(number_of_elements_hint=12) # reserve place for at least 12 integers cdef Py_ssize_t i for i in range(12): my_set.add(i) assert 11 in my_set and 12 not in my_set #### Hash maps Python: Creating `int64->float64` map using `Int64toFloat64Map_from_buffers`: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64toFloat64Map_from_buffers >>> keys = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int64) >>> vals = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8], dtype=np.float64) >>> my_map = Int64toFloat64Map_from_buffers(keys, vals) # there will be no reallocation >>> assert my_map[4] == 8.0 Python: Creating `int64->int64` map from scratch: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64toInt64Map # my_map will not need reallocation for at least 12 elements >>> my_map = Int64toInt64Map(number_of_elements_hint=12) >>> for i in range(12): my_map[i] = i+1 >>> assert my_map[5] == 6 #### isin Python: Creating look-up data structure from a numpy-array, performing `isin`-query >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer, isin_int64 >>> a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64) >>> lookup = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) >>> b = np.arange(84, dtype=np.int64) >>> result = np.empty(b.size, dtype=np.bool_) >>> isin_int64(b, lookup, result) # running time O(b.size) >>> assert np.sum(result.astype(np.int_)) == 42 #### unique Python: using `unique_int64`: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import unique_int64 >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,3,2,1], dtype=np.int64) >>> u = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_int64(a)) # there will be no reallocation >>> assert set(u) == {1,2,3} Python: using `unique_stable_int64`: >>> import numpy as np >>> from cykhash import unique_stable_int64 >>> a = np.array([3,2,1,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64) >>> u = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_stable_int64(a)) # there will be no reallocation >>> assert list(u) == [3,2,1] ## API See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README_API.md) for a more detailed API description. ## Performance See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README_PERFORMANCE.md) for results of performance tests. ## Trivia * This project was inspired by the following stackoverflow question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50779617/pandas-pd-series-isin-performance-with-set-versus-array. * pandas also uses `khash` (and thus was a source of inspiration), but wraps only maps and doesn't wrap sets. Thus, pandas' `unique` needs more memory as it should. Those maps are also never exposed, so there is no way to reuse the look-up structure for multiple calls to `isin`. * `khash` is a good choice, but there are other alternatives, e.g. https://github.com/sparsehash/sparsehash. See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48129713/fastest-way-to-find-all-unique-elements-in-an-array-with-cython/48142655#48142655 for a comparison for different `unique` implementations. * A similar approach for sets/maps in pure Cython: https://github.com/realead/tighthash, which is quite slower than khash. * There is no dependency on `numpy`: this library uses buffer protocol, thus it works for `array.array`, `numpy.ndarray`, `ctypes`-arrays and anything else. However, some interfaces are somewhat cumbersome (which type should be created as answer?) and for convenient usage it might be a good idea to wrap the functionality so objects of right types are created. ## Compatibility between cykhash-versions: There are different levels of compatibility: * for code using only pure python interface * for code using cython/cdef-interface and built against a particular cykash version Ther rules are as follows: * there is no warranty for major versions mismatch: i.e. code written with cykhash `1.x.y` might not run with cykhash `2.z.w` and vice versa. * if only pure python interface is used, code for the same major version will ran for version with higher minor version, i.e. code for cykhash `2.0.x` will run with cykhash `2.1.y` (but not the other way around: that means new functions could be added to pure python interface) * if cython's `cdef` interface is used, i.e. a cython-extension was build using pxi-files from cykhash, then versions are compartible only if the the minor versions are the same, e.g. `2.0.x` could be replaced by `2.0.y` in the installation, but when replacing with `2.1.z` the dependent cython-extension must be rebuilt. ## History: ### Release 2.0.1 (05.02.2022): * Tests work for Python 3.11 * Tests work for numpy 1.24 * Drops support for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 #### Release 2.0.0 (09.11.2021): * Implementation of `any`, `all`, `none` and `count_if` * Hash-sets are now (almost) drop-in replacements of Python's sets * Breaking change: iterator from maps doesn't no longer returns items but only keys. However there are following new methods `keys()`, `values()` and `items()`which return so called mapvies, which correspond more or less to dictviews (but for mapsview doesn't hold that "Dictionary order is guaranteed to be insertion order."). * Hash-Maps are now (almost) drop-in replacements of Python's dicts. Differences: insertion order isn't preserved, thus there is also no `reversed()`-method, `setdefault(key, default)` isn't possible without `default` because `None` cannot be inserted in the map * Better hash-functions for float64, float32, int64 and int32 (gh-issue #4). * Breaking change: different names/signatures for maps * supports tracemalloc for Py3.6+ * supports Python 3.10 #### Release 1.0.2 (30.05.2020): * can be installed via conda-forge to all operating systems * can be installed via pip in a clean environment (Cython>=0.28 is now fetched automatically) #### Release 1.0.1 (27.05.2020): * released on PyPi #### Older: * 0.4.0: uniques_stable, preparing for release * 0.3.0: PyObjectSet, Maps for Int64/32 and also Float64/32, unique-versions * 0.2.0: Int32Set, Float64Set, Float32Set * 0.1.0: Int64Set %prep %autosetup -n cykhash-2.0.1 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-cykhash -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri May 05 2023 Python_Bot - 2.0.1-1 - Package Spec generated