%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-pysolnp
Version: 2022.3.13
Release: 1
Summary: This provides the SOLNP optimizaiton Algorithm.
License: Boost Software License
URL: https://github.com/KristerSJakobsson/solnp
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/7a/7e/aabec9721b0696983001974f9534ede9773cf9d2b9e4ec849450e04ca8f4/pysolnp-2022.3.13.tar.gz
Requires: python3-autopep8
Requires: python3-pytest
See full documentation on [http://solnp.readthedocs.io](https://solnp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
# pysolnp - Nonlinear optimization with the augmented Lagrange method
## Description
SOLNP solves the general nonlinear optimization problem on the form:
minimize f(x)
subject to
g(x) = e_x
l_h <= h(x) <= u_h
l_x < x < u_X
where f(x), g(x) and h(x) are smooth functions.
## Compatibility
Precompiled Wheels are available for CPython:
- Windows: Python 3.6+
- Linux: Python 3.6+
- Mac OS: Python 3.6+
For other systems, or to have BLAS and LAPACK support, please build the wheels manually.
Note: For best results, building it from source is recommended, as BLAS and LAPACK will make a difference.
## Installation
Simply install the package through PyPi with:
`pip install pysolnp`
When compiling from source code you will need CMake.
See the [README for the C++ code](https://github.com/KristerSJakobsson/solnp/blob/master/README.md) for details.
## Usage
Below is the Box example, for the complete example see [/python_examples/example_box.py](/python_examples/example_box.py).
import pysolnp
def f_objective_function(x):
return -1 * x[0] * x[1] * x[2]
def g_equality_constraint_function(x):
return [4 * x[0] * x[1] + 2 * x[1] * x[2] + 2 * x[2] * x[0]]
x_starting_point = [1.1, 1.1, 9.0]
x_l = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
x_u = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0]
e_x = [100]
result = pysolnp.solve(
>>> result.solve_value
>>> result.optimum
[2.8867750707815447, 2.8867750713194273, 5.773407748939196]
>>> result.callbacks
>>> result.converged
## Parameters
The basic signature is:
solve(obj_func: function, par_start_value: List, par_lower_limit: object = None, par_upper_limit: object = None, eq_func: object = None, eq_values: object = None, ineq_func: object = None, ineq_lower_bounds: object = None, ineq_upper_bounds: object = None, rho: float = 1.0, max_major_iter: int = 10, max_minor_iter: int = 10, delta: float = 1e-05, tolerance: float = 0.0001, debug: bool = False) -> pysolnp.Result
| Parameter | Type | Default value* | Description |
| -------------------|:--------------------------|:-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| obj_func | Callable\[List, float\] | - | The objective function f(x) to minimize. |
| par_start_value | List | - | The starting parameter x_0. |
| par_lower_limit | List | None | The parameter lower limit x_l. |
| par_upper_limit | List | None | The parameter upper limit x_u. |
| eq_func | Callable\[List, float\] | None | The equality constraint function h(x). |
| eq_values | List | None | The equality constraint values e_x. |
| ineq_func | Callable\[List, float\] | None | The inequality constraint function g(x). |
| ineq_lower_bounds | List | None | The inequality constraint lower limit g_l. |
| ineq_upper_bounds | List | None | The inequality constraint upper limit g_l. |
| rho | float | 1.0 | Penalty weighting scalar for infeasability in the augmented objective function.** |
| max_major_iter | int | 400 | Maximum number of outer iterations. |
| max_minor_iter | int | 800 | Maximum number of inner iterations. |
| delta | float | 1e-07 | Step-size for forward differentiation. |
| tolerance | float | 1e-08 | Relative tolerance on optimality. |
| debug | bool | False | If set to true some debug output will be printed. |
*Defaults for configuration parameters are based on the defaults for Rsolnp.
**Higher values means the solution will bring the solution into the feasible region with higher weight. Very high values might lead to numerical ill conditioning or slow down convergence.
The function returns the `pysolnp.Result` with the below properties.
| Property | Type | Description |
| -------------------|:----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|
| solve_value | float | The value of the objective function at optimum f(x*). |
| optimum | List\[float\] | A list of parameters for the optimum x*. |
| callbacks | int | Number of callbacks done to find this optimum. |
| converged | boolean | Indicates if the algorithm converged or not. |
| hessian_matrix | List\[List\[float\]\] | The final Hessian Matrix used by pysolnp. |
## Use-cases and Applications
* NMPC - Nonlinear model predictive controls-case studies using Matlab, REXYGEN and pysolnp NLP solver under Python environment by Štěpán Ožana.
[[NMPC Overhead Crane (PDF)](https://github.com/StepanOzana/NMPC/raw/main/NMPC_Overhead_Crane/NMPC_overhead_crane_description.pdf)]
[[GitHub Source Code](https://github.com/StepanOzana/NMPC)]
[[Štěpán's Homepage](http://stepan-ozana.com/index.php?lang=EN)]
## Authors
* **Krister S Jakobsson** - *Implementation* - krister.s.jakobsson@gmail.com
## License
This project is licensed under the Boost License - see the [license](LICENSE.md) file for details.
## Acknowledgments
* **Yinyu Ye** - Publisher and mastermind behind the original SOLNP algorithm,
[Original Sources](https://web.stanford.edu/~yyye/matlab/)
* **Alexios Ghalanos and Stefan Theussl** - The people behind RSOLNP,
[Github repository](https://github.com/cran/Rsolnp)
* **Davis King** - The mastermind behind Dlib, check out his blog! [Blog](http://blog.dlib.net/)
%package -n python3-pysolnp
Summary: This provides the SOLNP optimizaiton Algorithm.
Provides: python-pysolnp
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
BuildRequires: python3-cffi
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: gdb
%description -n python3-pysolnp
See full documentation on [http://solnp.readthedocs.io](https://solnp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
# pysolnp - Nonlinear optimization with the augmented Lagrange method
## Description
SOLNP solves the general nonlinear optimization problem on the form:
minimize f(x)
subject to
g(x) = e_x
l_h <= h(x) <= u_h
l_x < x < u_X
where f(x), g(x) and h(x) are smooth functions.
## Compatibility
Precompiled Wheels are available for CPython:
- Windows: Python 3.6+
- Linux: Python 3.6+
- Mac OS: Python 3.6+
For other systems, or to have BLAS and LAPACK support, please build the wheels manually.
Note: For best results, building it from source is recommended, as BLAS and LAPACK will make a difference.
## Installation
Simply install the package through PyPi with:
`pip install pysolnp`
When compiling from source code you will need CMake.
See the [README for the C++ code](https://github.com/KristerSJakobsson/solnp/blob/master/README.md) for details.
## Usage
Below is the Box example, for the complete example see [/python_examples/example_box.py](/python_examples/example_box.py).
import pysolnp
def f_objective_function(x):
return -1 * x[0] * x[1] * x[2]
def g_equality_constraint_function(x):
return [4 * x[0] * x[1] + 2 * x[1] * x[2] + 2 * x[2] * x[0]]
x_starting_point = [1.1, 1.1, 9.0]
x_l = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
x_u = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0]
e_x = [100]
result = pysolnp.solve(
>>> result.solve_value
>>> result.optimum
[2.8867750707815447, 2.8867750713194273, 5.773407748939196]
>>> result.callbacks
>>> result.converged
## Parameters
The basic signature is:
solve(obj_func: function, par_start_value: List, par_lower_limit: object = None, par_upper_limit: object = None, eq_func: object = None, eq_values: object = None, ineq_func: object = None, ineq_lower_bounds: object = None, ineq_upper_bounds: object = None, rho: float = 1.0, max_major_iter: int = 10, max_minor_iter: int = 10, delta: float = 1e-05, tolerance: float = 0.0001, debug: bool = False) -> pysolnp.Result
| Parameter | Type | Default value* | Description |
| -------------------|:--------------------------|:-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| obj_func | Callable\[List, float\] | - | The objective function f(x) to minimize. |
| par_start_value | List | - | The starting parameter x_0. |
| par_lower_limit | List | None | The parameter lower limit x_l. |
| par_upper_limit | List | None | The parameter upper limit x_u. |
| eq_func | Callable\[List, float\] | None | The equality constraint function h(x). |
| eq_values | List | None | The equality constraint values e_x. |
| ineq_func | Callable\[List, float\] | None | The inequality constraint function g(x). |
| ineq_lower_bounds | List | None | The inequality constraint lower limit g_l. |
| ineq_upper_bounds | List | None | The inequality constraint upper limit g_l. |
| rho | float | 1.0 | Penalty weighting scalar for infeasability in the augmented objective function.** |
| max_major_iter | int | 400 | Maximum number of outer iterations. |
| max_minor_iter | int | 800 | Maximum number of inner iterations. |
| delta | float | 1e-07 | Step-size for forward differentiation. |
| tolerance | float | 1e-08 | Relative tolerance on optimality. |
| debug | bool | False | If set to true some debug output will be printed. |
*Defaults for configuration parameters are based on the defaults for Rsolnp.
**Higher values means the solution will bring the solution into the feasible region with higher weight. Very high values might lead to numerical ill conditioning or slow down convergence.
The function returns the `pysolnp.Result` with the below properties.
| Property | Type | Description |
| -------------------|:----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|
| solve_value | float | The value of the objective function at optimum f(x*). |
| optimum | List\[float\] | A list of parameters for the optimum x*. |
| callbacks | int | Number of callbacks done to find this optimum. |
| converged | boolean | Indicates if the algorithm converged or not. |
| hessian_matrix | List\[List\[float\]\] | The final Hessian Matrix used by pysolnp. |
## Use-cases and Applications
* NMPC - Nonlinear model predictive controls-case studies using Matlab, REXYGEN and pysolnp NLP solver under Python environment by Štěpán Ožana.
[[NMPC Overhead Crane (PDF)](https://github.com/StepanOzana/NMPC/raw/main/NMPC_Overhead_Crane/NMPC_overhead_crane_description.pdf)]
[[GitHub Source Code](https://github.com/StepanOzana/NMPC)]
[[Štěpán's Homepage](http://stepan-ozana.com/index.php?lang=EN)]
## Authors
* **Krister S Jakobsson** - *Implementation* - krister.s.jakobsson@gmail.com
## License
This project is licensed under the Boost License - see the [license](LICENSE.md) file for details.
## Acknowledgments
* **Yinyu Ye** - Publisher and mastermind behind the original SOLNP algorithm,
[Original Sources](https://web.stanford.edu/~yyye/matlab/)
* **Alexios Ghalanos and Stefan Theussl** - The people behind RSOLNP,
[Github repository](https://github.com/cran/Rsolnp)
* **Davis King** - The mastermind behind Dlib, check out his blog! [Blog](http://blog.dlib.net/)
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for pysolnp
Provides: python3-pysolnp-doc
%description help
See full documentation on [http://solnp.readthedocs.io](https://solnp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
# pysolnp - Nonlinear optimization with the augmented Lagrange method
## Description
SOLNP solves the general nonlinear optimization problem on the form:
minimize f(x)
subject to
g(x) = e_x
l_h <= h(x) <= u_h
l_x < x < u_X
where f(x), g(x) and h(x) are smooth functions.
## Compatibility
Precompiled Wheels are available for CPython:
- Windows: Python 3.6+
- Linux: Python 3.6+
- Mac OS: Python 3.6+
For other systems, or to have BLAS and LAPACK support, please build the wheels manually.
Note: For best results, building it from source is recommended, as BLAS and LAPACK will make a difference.
## Installation
Simply install the package through PyPi with:
`pip install pysolnp`
When compiling from source code you will need CMake.
See the [README for the C++ code](https://github.com/KristerSJakobsson/solnp/blob/master/README.md) for details.
## Usage
Below is the Box example, for the complete example see [/python_examples/example_box.py](/python_examples/example_box.py).
import pysolnp
def f_objective_function(x):
return -1 * x[0] * x[1] * x[2]
def g_equality_constraint_function(x):
return [4 * x[0] * x[1] + 2 * x[1] * x[2] + 2 * x[2] * x[0]]
x_starting_point = [1.1, 1.1, 9.0]
x_l = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
x_u = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0]
e_x = [100]
result = pysolnp.solve(
>>> result.solve_value
>>> result.optimum
[2.8867750707815447, 2.8867750713194273, 5.773407748939196]
>>> result.callbacks
>>> result.converged
## Parameters
The basic signature is:
solve(obj_func: function, par_start_value: List, par_lower_limit: object = None, par_upper_limit: object = None, eq_func: object = None, eq_values: object = None, ineq_func: object = None, ineq_lower_bounds: object = None, ineq_upper_bounds: object = None, rho: float = 1.0, max_major_iter: int = 10, max_minor_iter: int = 10, delta: float = 1e-05, tolerance: float = 0.0001, debug: bool = False) -> pysolnp.Result
| Parameter | Type | Default value* | Description |
| -------------------|:--------------------------|:-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| obj_func | Callable\[List, float\] | - | The objective function f(x) to minimize. |
| par_start_value | List | - | The starting parameter x_0. |
| par_lower_limit | List | None | The parameter lower limit x_l. |
| par_upper_limit | List | None | The parameter upper limit x_u. |
| eq_func | Callable\[List, float\] | None | The equality constraint function h(x). |
| eq_values | List | None | The equality constraint values e_x. |
| ineq_func | Callable\[List, float\] | None | The inequality constraint function g(x). |
| ineq_lower_bounds | List | None | The inequality constraint lower limit g_l. |
| ineq_upper_bounds | List | None | The inequality constraint upper limit g_l. |
| rho | float | 1.0 | Penalty weighting scalar for infeasability in the augmented objective function.** |
| max_major_iter | int | 400 | Maximum number of outer iterations. |
| max_minor_iter | int | 800 | Maximum number of inner iterations. |
| delta | float | 1e-07 | Step-size for forward differentiation. |
| tolerance | float | 1e-08 | Relative tolerance on optimality. |
| debug | bool | False | If set to true some debug output will be printed. |
*Defaults for configuration parameters are based on the defaults for Rsolnp.
**Higher values means the solution will bring the solution into the feasible region with higher weight. Very high values might lead to numerical ill conditioning or slow down convergence.
The function returns the `pysolnp.Result` with the below properties.
| Property | Type | Description |
| -------------------|:----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|
| solve_value | float | The value of the objective function at optimum f(x*). |
| optimum | List\[float\] | A list of parameters for the optimum x*. |
| callbacks | int | Number of callbacks done to find this optimum. |
| converged | boolean | Indicates if the algorithm converged or not. |
| hessian_matrix | List\[List\[float\]\] | The final Hessian Matrix used by pysolnp. |
## Use-cases and Applications
* NMPC - Nonlinear model predictive controls-case studies using Matlab, REXYGEN and pysolnp NLP solver under Python environment by Štěpán Ožana.
[[NMPC Overhead Crane (PDF)](https://github.com/StepanOzana/NMPC/raw/main/NMPC_Overhead_Crane/NMPC_overhead_crane_description.pdf)]
[[GitHub Source Code](https://github.com/StepanOzana/NMPC)]
[[Štěpán's Homepage](http://stepan-ozana.com/index.php?lang=EN)]
## Authors
* **Krister S Jakobsson** - *Implementation* - krister.s.jakobsson@gmail.com
## License
This project is licensed under the Boost License - see the [license](LICENSE.md) file for details.
## Acknowledgments
* **Yinyu Ye** - Publisher and mastermind behind the original SOLNP algorithm,
[Original Sources](https://web.stanford.edu/~yyye/matlab/)
* **Alexios Ghalanos and Stefan Theussl** - The people behind RSOLNP,
[Github repository](https://github.com/cran/Rsolnp)
* **Davis King** - The mastermind behind Dlib, check out his blog! [Blog](http://blog.dlib.net/)
%autosetup -n pysolnp-2022.3.13
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* Wed May 10 2023 Python_Bot - 2022.3.13-1
- Package Spec generated