%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-db-sync-tool-kmi
Version: 2.10.9
Release: 1
Summary: Synchronize a database from and to host systems.
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/jackd248/db-sync-tool
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/93/ae/732555703efac18b1dd3b28a28d7c26ccf75aedd0680b21cc8e40ec9157f/db_sync_tool-kmi-2.10.9.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-paramiko
Requires: python3-future-fstrings
Requires: python3-pyyaml
Requires: python3-jsonschema
Requires: python3-requests
Requires: python3-semantic-version
Requires: python3-yaspin
# db sync tool

Python script to synchronize a database from an origin to a target system with automatic database credential extraction depending on the selected framework.
## Features
- __Database sync__ from and to a remote system
- [MySQL](https://www.mysql.com/) (>= 5.5)
- [MariaDB](https://mariadb.org/) (>= 10.0)
- __Proxy mode__ between two remote systems
- Several [synchronisation modes](docs/MODE.md)
- Automatic database __credential extraction__ using a supported framework
- [TYPO3](https://typo3.org/) (>= v7.6)
- [Symfony](https://symfony.com/) (>= v2.8)
- [Drupal](https://www.drupal.org/) (>= v8.0)
- [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org) (>= v5.0)
- [Laravel](https://laravel.com/) (>= v4.0)
- Easily dump creation (database __backup__)
- __Cleanup__ feature for backups
- Extended __logging__ capabilities
- Many more possibilities for [customization](docs/CONFIG.md)
## Installation
### Prerequisite
The script needs [python](https://python.org/) __3.5__ or higher. It is necessary for some additional functionalities to have [pip](https://pypi.org/project/pip/) installed on your local machine.
### pip
The library can be installed from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/db-sync-tool-kmi/):
$ pip3 install db-sync-tool-kmi
### composer
While using the script within the PHP framework context, the script is available via [packagist.org](https://packagist.org/packages/kmi/db-sync-tool) using composer:
$ composer require kmi/db-sync-tool
Additionally install the python requirements via the following pip command:
$ pip3 install -e vendor/kmi/db-sync-tool/
## Quickstart
Detailed instructions for:
- [Manual database sync](docs/quickstart/START.md)
- [TYPO3 database sync](docs/quickstart/TYPO3.md)
- [Symfony database sync](docs/quickstart/SYMFONY.md)
- [Drupal database sync](docs/quickstart/DRUPAL.md)
- [Wordpress database sync](docs/quickstart/WORDPRESS.md)
If you want to have an inside in more configuration examples, see the [test scenarios](tests/scenario).
## Usage
### Command line
Run the python script via command line.
Installed via [pip](#install-pip):
$ db_sync_tool
Installed via [composer](#install-composer):
$ python3 vendor/kmi/db-sync-tool/db_sync_tool

#### Shell arguments
usage: db_sync_tool [-h] [-f CONFIG_FILE] [-v] [-y] [-m] [-dr] [-i IMPORT_FILE] [-dn DUMP_NAME] [-kd KEEP_DUMP] [-o HOST_FILE] [-l LOG_FILE] [-cd] [-ta TABLES] [-r] [-t TYPE] [-tp TARGET_PATH]
[origin] [target]
A tool for automatic database synchronization from and to host systems.
positional arguments:
origin Origin database defined in host file
target Target database defined in host file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Path to configuration file
-v, --verbose Enable extended console output
-y, --yes Skipping user confirmation for database import
-m, --mute Mute console output
-dr, --dry-run Testing process without running database export, transfer or import.
-i IMPORT_FILE, --import-file IMPORT_FILE
Import database from a specific file dump
-dn DUMP_NAME, --dump-name DUMP_NAME
Set a specific dump file name (default is "_[dbname]_[date]")
-kd KEEP_DUMP, --keep-dump KEEP_DUMP
Skipping target import of the database dump and saving the available dump file in the given directory
-o HOST_FILE, --host-file HOST_FILE
Using an additional hosts file for merging hosts information with the configuration file
-l LOG_FILE, --log-file LOG_FILE
File path for creating a additional log file
-cd, --clear-database
Dropping all tables before importing a new sync to get a clean database.
-ta TABLES, --tables TABLES
Defining specific tables to export, e.g. --tables=table1,table2
-r, --reverse Reverse origin and target hosts
-t TYPE, --type TYPE Defining the framework type [TYPO3, Symfony, Drupal, Wordpress]
-tp TARGET_PATH, --target-path TARGET_PATH
File path to target database credential file depending on the framework type
-tn TARGET_NAME, --target-name TARGET_NAME
Providing a name for the target system
-th TARGET_HOST, --target-host TARGET_HOST
SSH host to target system
-tu TARGET_USER, --target-user TARGET_USER
SSH user for target system
SSH password for target system
-tk TARGET_KEY, --target-key TARGET_KEY
File path to SSH key for target system
-tpo TARGET_PORT, --target-port TARGET_PORT
SSH port for target system
-tdd TARGET_DUMP_DIR, --target-dump-dir TARGET_DUMP_DIR
Directory path for database dump file on target system
-tkd TARGET_KEEP_DUMPS, --target-keep-dumps TARGET_KEEP_DUMPS
Keep dump file count for target system
-tdn TARGET_DB_NAME, --target-db-name TARGET_DB_NAME
Database name for target system
-tdh TARGET_DB_HOST, --target-db-host TARGET_DB_HOST
Database host for target system
-tdu TARGET_DB_USER, --target-db-user TARGET_DB_USER
Database user for target system
-tdpw TARGET_DB_PASSWORD, --target-db-password TARGET_DB_PASSWORD
Database password for target system
-tdpo TARGET_DB_PORT, --target-db-port TARGET_DB_PORT
Database port for target system
-tad TARGET_AFTER_DUMP, --target-after-dump TARGET_AFTER_DUMP
Additional dump file to insert after the regular database import
-op ORIGIN_PATH, --origin-path ORIGIN_PATH
File path to origin database credential file depending on the framework type
-on ORIGIN_NAME, --origin-name ORIGIN_NAME
Providing a name for the origin system
-oh ORIGIN_HOST, --origin-host ORIGIN_HOST
SSH host to origin system
-ou ORIGIN_USER, --origin-user ORIGIN_USER
SSH user for origin system
SSH password for origin system
-ok ORIGIN_KEY, --origin-key ORIGIN_KEY
File path to SSH key for origin system
-opo ORIGIN_PORT, --origin-port ORIGIN_PORT
SSH port for origin system
-odd ORIGIN_DUMP_DIR, --origin-dump-dir ORIGIN_DUMP_DIR
Directory path for database dump file on origin system
-okd ORIGIN_KEEP_DUMPS, --origin-keep-dumps ORIGIN_KEEP_DUMPS
Keep dump file count for origin system
-odn ORIGIN_DB_NAME, --origin-db-name ORIGIN_DB_NAME
Database name for origin system
-odh ORIGIN_DB_HOST, --origin-db-host ORIGIN_DB_HOST
Database host for origin system
-odu ORIGIN_DB_USER, --origin-db-user ORIGIN_DB_USER
Database user for origin system
-odpw ORIGIN_DB_PASSWORD, --origin-db-password ORIGIN_DB_PASSWORD
Database password for origin system
-odpo ORIGIN_DB_PORT, --origin-db-port ORIGIN_DB_PORT
Database port for origin system
-fpw, --force-password
Force password user query
-ur, --use-rsync Use rsync as transfer method
-uro USE_RSYNC_OPTIONS, --use-rsync-options USE_RSYNC_OPTIONS
Additional rsync options
If you haven't declare a path to a SSH key, during the script execution you are requested to enter the SSH password for the given user in the shell argument or the `config.json` to enable a SSH connection for the remote system.
### Import
You can import the python package and use them inside your project:
from db_sync_tool import sync
if __name__ == "__main__":
sync.Sync(config={}, args*)
## Configuration
You can configure the script with [shell arguments](#shell-arguments) or using a separate configuration file.
### Configuration File
The `config.json` contains important information about the origin and the target system. In dependence on the given configuration the [synchronisation mode](docs/MODE.md) is implicitly selected.
Example structure of a `config.yml` for a Symfony system in receiver mode (`path` defines the location of the Symfony database configuration file):
type: Symfony
user: ssh_demo_user
path: /var/www/html/project/shared/.env
path: /var/www/html/app/.env
It is possible to adjust the `config.yml` [configuration](docs/CONFIG.md).
## File sync
There is an addon script available to sync files to. Use the [file-sync-tool](https://github.com/jackd248/file-sync-tool) to easily transfer files between origin and target system.
## Release Guide
A detailed guide is available to release a new version. See [here](docs/RELEASE.md).
## Tests
A docker container set up is available for testing purpose. See [here](tests/README.md).
## Support
If you like the project, feel free to support the development.
%package -n python3-db-sync-tool-kmi
Summary: Synchronize a database from and to host systems.
Provides: python-db-sync-tool-kmi
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-db-sync-tool-kmi
# db sync tool

Python script to synchronize a database from an origin to a target system with automatic database credential extraction depending on the selected framework.
## Features
- __Database sync__ from and to a remote system
- [MySQL](https://www.mysql.com/) (>= 5.5)
- [MariaDB](https://mariadb.org/) (>= 10.0)
- __Proxy mode__ between two remote systems
- Several [synchronisation modes](docs/MODE.md)
- Automatic database __credential extraction__ using a supported framework
- [TYPO3](https://typo3.org/) (>= v7.6)
- [Symfony](https://symfony.com/) (>= v2.8)
- [Drupal](https://www.drupal.org/) (>= v8.0)
- [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org) (>= v5.0)
- [Laravel](https://laravel.com/) (>= v4.0)
- Easily dump creation (database __backup__)
- __Cleanup__ feature for backups
- Extended __logging__ capabilities
- Many more possibilities for [customization](docs/CONFIG.md)
## Installation
### Prerequisite
The script needs [python](https://python.org/) __3.5__ or higher. It is necessary for some additional functionalities to have [pip](https://pypi.org/project/pip/) installed on your local machine.
### pip
The library can be installed from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/db-sync-tool-kmi/):
$ pip3 install db-sync-tool-kmi
### composer
While using the script within the PHP framework context, the script is available via [packagist.org](https://packagist.org/packages/kmi/db-sync-tool) using composer:
$ composer require kmi/db-sync-tool
Additionally install the python requirements via the following pip command:
$ pip3 install -e vendor/kmi/db-sync-tool/
## Quickstart
Detailed instructions for:
- [Manual database sync](docs/quickstart/START.md)
- [TYPO3 database sync](docs/quickstart/TYPO3.md)
- [Symfony database sync](docs/quickstart/SYMFONY.md)
- [Drupal database sync](docs/quickstart/DRUPAL.md)
- [Wordpress database sync](docs/quickstart/WORDPRESS.md)
If you want to have an inside in more configuration examples, see the [test scenarios](tests/scenario).
## Usage
### Command line
Run the python script via command line.
Installed via [pip](#install-pip):
$ db_sync_tool
Installed via [composer](#install-composer):
$ python3 vendor/kmi/db-sync-tool/db_sync_tool

#### Shell arguments
usage: db_sync_tool [-h] [-f CONFIG_FILE] [-v] [-y] [-m] [-dr] [-i IMPORT_FILE] [-dn DUMP_NAME] [-kd KEEP_DUMP] [-o HOST_FILE] [-l LOG_FILE] [-cd] [-ta TABLES] [-r] [-t TYPE] [-tp TARGET_PATH]
[origin] [target]
A tool for automatic database synchronization from and to host systems.
positional arguments:
origin Origin database defined in host file
target Target database defined in host file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Path to configuration file
-v, --verbose Enable extended console output
-y, --yes Skipping user confirmation for database import
-m, --mute Mute console output
-dr, --dry-run Testing process without running database export, transfer or import.
-i IMPORT_FILE, --import-file IMPORT_FILE
Import database from a specific file dump
-dn DUMP_NAME, --dump-name DUMP_NAME
Set a specific dump file name (default is "_[dbname]_[date]")
-kd KEEP_DUMP, --keep-dump KEEP_DUMP
Skipping target import of the database dump and saving the available dump file in the given directory
-o HOST_FILE, --host-file HOST_FILE
Using an additional hosts file for merging hosts information with the configuration file
-l LOG_FILE, --log-file LOG_FILE
File path for creating a additional log file
-cd, --clear-database
Dropping all tables before importing a new sync to get a clean database.
-ta TABLES, --tables TABLES
Defining specific tables to export, e.g. --tables=table1,table2
-r, --reverse Reverse origin and target hosts
-t TYPE, --type TYPE Defining the framework type [TYPO3, Symfony, Drupal, Wordpress]
-tp TARGET_PATH, --target-path TARGET_PATH
File path to target database credential file depending on the framework type
-tn TARGET_NAME, --target-name TARGET_NAME
Providing a name for the target system
-th TARGET_HOST, --target-host TARGET_HOST
SSH host to target system
-tu TARGET_USER, --target-user TARGET_USER
SSH user for target system
SSH password for target system
-tk TARGET_KEY, --target-key TARGET_KEY
File path to SSH key for target system
-tpo TARGET_PORT, --target-port TARGET_PORT
SSH port for target system
-tdd TARGET_DUMP_DIR, --target-dump-dir TARGET_DUMP_DIR
Directory path for database dump file on target system
-tkd TARGET_KEEP_DUMPS, --target-keep-dumps TARGET_KEEP_DUMPS
Keep dump file count for target system
-tdn TARGET_DB_NAME, --target-db-name TARGET_DB_NAME
Database name for target system
-tdh TARGET_DB_HOST, --target-db-host TARGET_DB_HOST
Database host for target system
-tdu TARGET_DB_USER, --target-db-user TARGET_DB_USER
Database user for target system
-tdpw TARGET_DB_PASSWORD, --target-db-password TARGET_DB_PASSWORD
Database password for target system
-tdpo TARGET_DB_PORT, --target-db-port TARGET_DB_PORT
Database port for target system
-tad TARGET_AFTER_DUMP, --target-after-dump TARGET_AFTER_DUMP
Additional dump file to insert after the regular database import
-op ORIGIN_PATH, --origin-path ORIGIN_PATH
File path to origin database credential file depending on the framework type
-on ORIGIN_NAME, --origin-name ORIGIN_NAME
Providing a name for the origin system
-oh ORIGIN_HOST, --origin-host ORIGIN_HOST
SSH host to origin system
-ou ORIGIN_USER, --origin-user ORIGIN_USER
SSH user for origin system
SSH password for origin system
-ok ORIGIN_KEY, --origin-key ORIGIN_KEY
File path to SSH key for origin system
-opo ORIGIN_PORT, --origin-port ORIGIN_PORT
SSH port for origin system
-odd ORIGIN_DUMP_DIR, --origin-dump-dir ORIGIN_DUMP_DIR
Directory path for database dump file on origin system
-okd ORIGIN_KEEP_DUMPS, --origin-keep-dumps ORIGIN_KEEP_DUMPS
Keep dump file count for origin system
-odn ORIGIN_DB_NAME, --origin-db-name ORIGIN_DB_NAME
Database name for origin system
-odh ORIGIN_DB_HOST, --origin-db-host ORIGIN_DB_HOST
Database host for origin system
-odu ORIGIN_DB_USER, --origin-db-user ORIGIN_DB_USER
Database user for origin system
-odpw ORIGIN_DB_PASSWORD, --origin-db-password ORIGIN_DB_PASSWORD
Database password for origin system
-odpo ORIGIN_DB_PORT, --origin-db-port ORIGIN_DB_PORT
Database port for origin system
-fpw, --force-password
Force password user query
-ur, --use-rsync Use rsync as transfer method
-uro USE_RSYNC_OPTIONS, --use-rsync-options USE_RSYNC_OPTIONS
Additional rsync options
If you haven't declare a path to a SSH key, during the script execution you are requested to enter the SSH password for the given user in the shell argument or the `config.json` to enable a SSH connection for the remote system.
### Import
You can import the python package and use them inside your project:
from db_sync_tool import sync
if __name__ == "__main__":
sync.Sync(config={}, args*)
## Configuration
You can configure the script with [shell arguments](#shell-arguments) or using a separate configuration file.
### Configuration File
The `config.json` contains important information about the origin and the target system. In dependence on the given configuration the [synchronisation mode](docs/MODE.md) is implicitly selected.
Example structure of a `config.yml` for a Symfony system in receiver mode (`path` defines the location of the Symfony database configuration file):
type: Symfony
user: ssh_demo_user
path: /var/www/html/project/shared/.env
path: /var/www/html/app/.env
It is possible to adjust the `config.yml` [configuration](docs/CONFIG.md).
## File sync
There is an addon script available to sync files to. Use the [file-sync-tool](https://github.com/jackd248/file-sync-tool) to easily transfer files between origin and target system.
## Release Guide
A detailed guide is available to release a new version. See [here](docs/RELEASE.md).
## Tests
A docker container set up is available for testing purpose. See [here](tests/README.md).
## Support
If you like the project, feel free to support the development.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for db-sync-tool-kmi
Provides: python3-db-sync-tool-kmi-doc
%description help
# db sync tool

Python script to synchronize a database from an origin to a target system with automatic database credential extraction depending on the selected framework.
## Features
- __Database sync__ from and to a remote system
- [MySQL](https://www.mysql.com/) (>= 5.5)
- [MariaDB](https://mariadb.org/) (>= 10.0)
- __Proxy mode__ between two remote systems
- Several [synchronisation modes](docs/MODE.md)
- Automatic database __credential extraction__ using a supported framework
- [TYPO3](https://typo3.org/) (>= v7.6)
- [Symfony](https://symfony.com/) (>= v2.8)
- [Drupal](https://www.drupal.org/) (>= v8.0)
- [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org) (>= v5.0)
- [Laravel](https://laravel.com/) (>= v4.0)
- Easily dump creation (database __backup__)
- __Cleanup__ feature for backups
- Extended __logging__ capabilities
- Many more possibilities for [customization](docs/CONFIG.md)
## Installation
### Prerequisite
The script needs [python](https://python.org/) __3.5__ or higher. It is necessary for some additional functionalities to have [pip](https://pypi.org/project/pip/) installed on your local machine.
### pip
The library can be installed from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/db-sync-tool-kmi/):
$ pip3 install db-sync-tool-kmi
### composer
While using the script within the PHP framework context, the script is available via [packagist.org](https://packagist.org/packages/kmi/db-sync-tool) using composer:
$ composer require kmi/db-sync-tool
Additionally install the python requirements via the following pip command:
$ pip3 install -e vendor/kmi/db-sync-tool/
## Quickstart
Detailed instructions for:
- [Manual database sync](docs/quickstart/START.md)
- [TYPO3 database sync](docs/quickstart/TYPO3.md)
- [Symfony database sync](docs/quickstart/SYMFONY.md)
- [Drupal database sync](docs/quickstart/DRUPAL.md)
- [Wordpress database sync](docs/quickstart/WORDPRESS.md)
If you want to have an inside in more configuration examples, see the [test scenarios](tests/scenario).
## Usage
### Command line
Run the python script via command line.
Installed via [pip](#install-pip):
$ db_sync_tool
Installed via [composer](#install-composer):
$ python3 vendor/kmi/db-sync-tool/db_sync_tool

#### Shell arguments
usage: db_sync_tool [-h] [-f CONFIG_FILE] [-v] [-y] [-m] [-dr] [-i IMPORT_FILE] [-dn DUMP_NAME] [-kd KEEP_DUMP] [-o HOST_FILE] [-l LOG_FILE] [-cd] [-ta TABLES] [-r] [-t TYPE] [-tp TARGET_PATH]
[origin] [target]
A tool for automatic database synchronization from and to host systems.
positional arguments:
origin Origin database defined in host file
target Target database defined in host file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Path to configuration file
-v, --verbose Enable extended console output
-y, --yes Skipping user confirmation for database import
-m, --mute Mute console output
-dr, --dry-run Testing process without running database export, transfer or import.
-i IMPORT_FILE, --import-file IMPORT_FILE
Import database from a specific file dump
-dn DUMP_NAME, --dump-name DUMP_NAME
Set a specific dump file name (default is "_[dbname]_[date]")
-kd KEEP_DUMP, --keep-dump KEEP_DUMP
Skipping target import of the database dump and saving the available dump file in the given directory
-o HOST_FILE, --host-file HOST_FILE
Using an additional hosts file for merging hosts information with the configuration file
-l LOG_FILE, --log-file LOG_FILE
File path for creating a additional log file
-cd, --clear-database
Dropping all tables before importing a new sync to get a clean database.
-ta TABLES, --tables TABLES
Defining specific tables to export, e.g. --tables=table1,table2
-r, --reverse Reverse origin and target hosts
-t TYPE, --type TYPE Defining the framework type [TYPO3, Symfony, Drupal, Wordpress]
-tp TARGET_PATH, --target-path TARGET_PATH
File path to target database credential file depending on the framework type
-tn TARGET_NAME, --target-name TARGET_NAME
Providing a name for the target system
-th TARGET_HOST, --target-host TARGET_HOST
SSH host to target system
-tu TARGET_USER, --target-user TARGET_USER
SSH user for target system
SSH password for target system
-tk TARGET_KEY, --target-key TARGET_KEY
File path to SSH key for target system
-tpo TARGET_PORT, --target-port TARGET_PORT
SSH port for target system
-tdd TARGET_DUMP_DIR, --target-dump-dir TARGET_DUMP_DIR
Directory path for database dump file on target system
-tkd TARGET_KEEP_DUMPS, --target-keep-dumps TARGET_KEEP_DUMPS
Keep dump file count for target system
-tdn TARGET_DB_NAME, --target-db-name TARGET_DB_NAME
Database name for target system
-tdh TARGET_DB_HOST, --target-db-host TARGET_DB_HOST
Database host for target system
-tdu TARGET_DB_USER, --target-db-user TARGET_DB_USER
Database user for target system
-tdpw TARGET_DB_PASSWORD, --target-db-password TARGET_DB_PASSWORD
Database password for target system
-tdpo TARGET_DB_PORT, --target-db-port TARGET_DB_PORT
Database port for target system
-tad TARGET_AFTER_DUMP, --target-after-dump TARGET_AFTER_DUMP
Additional dump file to insert after the regular database import
-op ORIGIN_PATH, --origin-path ORIGIN_PATH
File path to origin database credential file depending on the framework type
-on ORIGIN_NAME, --origin-name ORIGIN_NAME
Providing a name for the origin system
-oh ORIGIN_HOST, --origin-host ORIGIN_HOST
SSH host to origin system
-ou ORIGIN_USER, --origin-user ORIGIN_USER
SSH user for origin system
SSH password for origin system
-ok ORIGIN_KEY, --origin-key ORIGIN_KEY
File path to SSH key for origin system
-opo ORIGIN_PORT, --origin-port ORIGIN_PORT
SSH port for origin system
-odd ORIGIN_DUMP_DIR, --origin-dump-dir ORIGIN_DUMP_DIR
Directory path for database dump file on origin system
-okd ORIGIN_KEEP_DUMPS, --origin-keep-dumps ORIGIN_KEEP_DUMPS
Keep dump file count for origin system
-odn ORIGIN_DB_NAME, --origin-db-name ORIGIN_DB_NAME
Database name for origin system
-odh ORIGIN_DB_HOST, --origin-db-host ORIGIN_DB_HOST
Database host for origin system
-odu ORIGIN_DB_USER, --origin-db-user ORIGIN_DB_USER
Database user for origin system
-odpw ORIGIN_DB_PASSWORD, --origin-db-password ORIGIN_DB_PASSWORD
Database password for origin system
-odpo ORIGIN_DB_PORT, --origin-db-port ORIGIN_DB_PORT
Database port for origin system
-fpw, --force-password
Force password user query
-ur, --use-rsync Use rsync as transfer method
-uro USE_RSYNC_OPTIONS, --use-rsync-options USE_RSYNC_OPTIONS
Additional rsync options
If you haven't declare a path to a SSH key, during the script execution you are requested to enter the SSH password for the given user in the shell argument or the `config.json` to enable a SSH connection for the remote system.
### Import
You can import the python package and use them inside your project:
from db_sync_tool import sync
if __name__ == "__main__":
sync.Sync(config={}, args*)
## Configuration
You can configure the script with [shell arguments](#shell-arguments) or using a separate configuration file.
### Configuration File
The `config.json` contains important information about the origin and the target system. In dependence on the given configuration the [synchronisation mode](docs/MODE.md) is implicitly selected.
Example structure of a `config.yml` for a Symfony system in receiver mode (`path` defines the location of the Symfony database configuration file):
type: Symfony
user: ssh_demo_user
path: /var/www/html/project/shared/.env
path: /var/www/html/app/.env
It is possible to adjust the `config.yml` [configuration](docs/CONFIG.md).
## File sync
There is an addon script available to sync files to. Use the [file-sync-tool](https://github.com/jackd248/file-sync-tool) to easily transfer files between origin and target system.
## Release Guide
A detailed guide is available to release a new version. See [here](docs/RELEASE.md).
## Tests
A docker container set up is available for testing purpose. See [here](tests/README.md).
## Support
If you like the project, feel free to support the development.
%autosetup -n db-sync-tool-kmi-2.10.9
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-db-sync-tool-kmi -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Mon May 15 2023 Python_Bot - 2.10.9-1
- Package Spec generated