%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-pyinaturalist
Version: 0.18.0
Release: 1
Summary: iNaturalist API client for python
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/3f/b5/ff26526213070ac72c4215350a0c641491c3cc66f49ca13febcfae6630cd/pyinaturalist-0.18.0.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-attrs
Requires: python3-keyring
Requires: python3-platformdirs
Requires: python3-dateutil
Requires: python3-forge
Requires: python3-requests
Requires: python3-requests-cache
Requires: python3-requests-ratelimiter
Requires: python3-rich
Requires: python3-ujson
Requires: python3-furo
Requires: python3-ipython
Requires: python3-linkify-it-py
Requires: python3-myst-parser
Requires: python3-nbsphinx
Requires: python3-sphinx
Requires: python3-sphinx-automodapi
Requires: python3-sphinx-autodoc-typehints
Requires: python3-sphinx-copybutton
Requires: python3-sphinx-design
Requires: python3-sphinxcontrib-apidoc
# pyinaturalist
# Introduction
[**iNaturalist**](https://www.inaturalist.org) is a community science platform that helps people
get involved in the natural world by observing and identifying the living things around them.
Collectively, the community produces a rich source of global biodiversity data that can be valuable
to anyone from hobbyists to scientists.
**pyinaturalist** is a client for the [iNaturalist API](https://api.inaturalist.org/v1) that makes
these data easily accessible in the python programming language.
- [Features](#features)
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [Next Steps](#next-steps)
- [Feedback](#feedback)
- [Related Projects](#related-projects)
## Features
* β‘οΈ **Easier requests:** Simplified request formats, easy pagination, and complete request
parameter type annotations for better IDE integration
* β¬
οΈ **Convenient responses:** Type conversions to the things you would expect in python, and an
optional object-oriented inteface for response data
* π **Security:** Keyring integration for secure credential storage
* π **Docs:** Example requests, responses, scripts, and Jupyter notebooks to help get you started
* π **Responsible use:** Follows the
[API Recommended Practices](https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/api+recommended+practices)
by default, so you can be nice to the iNaturalist servers and not worry about rate-limiting errors
* π§ͺ **Testing:** A dry-run testing mode to preview your requests before potentially modifying data
### Supported Endpoints
Many of the most relevant API endpoints are supported, including:
* π Annotations and observation fields
* π Identifications
* π¬ Messages
* π Observations (multiple formats)
* π· Observation photos + sounds
* π Observation observers, identifiers, histograms, life lists, and species counts
* π Places
* π₯ Projects
* π¦Species
* π€ Users
## Quickstart
Here are usage examples for some of the most commonly used features.
First, install with pip:
pip install pyinaturalist
Then, import the main API functions:
from pyinaturalist import *
### Search observations
Let's start by searching for all your own observations. There are
[numerous fields you can search on](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.create_observation), but we'll just use `user_id` for now:
>>> observations = get_observations(user_id='my_username')
The full response will be in JSON format, but we can use `pyinaturalist.pprint()` to print out a summary:
>>> for obs in observations['results']:
>>> pprint(obs)
ID Taxon Observed on User Location
117585709 Genus: Hyoscyamus (henbanes) May 18, 2022 niconoe Calvi, France
117464920 Genus: Omophlus May 17, 2022 niconoe GalΓ©ria, France
117464393 Genus: Briza (Rattlesnake Grasses) May 17, 2022 niconoe GalΓ©ria, France
You can also get
[observation counts by species](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.get_observation_species_counts).
On iNaturalist.org, this information can be found on the 'Species' tab of search results.
For example, to get species counts of all your own research-grade observations:
>>> counts = get_observation_species_counts(user_id='my_username', quality_grade='research')
>>> pprint(counts)
ID Rank Scientific name Common name Count
47934 species π Libellula luctuosa Widow Skimmer 7
48627 species π» Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 6
504060 species π Pleurotus citrinopileatus Golden Oyster Mushroom 6
Another useful format is the
[observation histogram](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.get_observation_histogram),
which shows the number of observations over a given interval. The default is `month_of_year`:
>>> histogram = get_observation_histogram(user_id='my_username')
>>> print(histogram)
1: 8, # January
2: 1, # February
3: 19, # March
..., # etc.
### Create and update observations
To create or modify observations, you will first need to log in.
This requires creating an [iNaturalist app](https://www.inaturalist.org/oauth/applications/new),
which will be used to get an access token.
token = get_access_token(
See [Authentication](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html#authentication)
for more options including environment variables, keyrings, and password managers.
Now we can [create a new observation](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.create_observation):
from datetime import datetime
response = create_observation(
taxon_id=54327, # Vespa Crabro
description='This is a free text comment for the observation',
tag_list='wasp, Belgium',
positional_accuracy=50, # GPS accuracy in meters
photos=['~/observations/wasp1.jpg', '~/observations/wasp2.jpg'],
# Save the new observation ID
new_observation_id = response[0]['id']
We can then [update the observation](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.update_observation) information, photos, or sounds:
description='updated description !',
### Search species
Let's say you partially remember either a genus or family name that started with **'vespi'**-something.
The [taxa endpoint](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.taxa.html#pyinaturalist.v1.taxa.get_taxa)
can be used to search by name, rank, and several other criteria
>>> response = get_taxa(q='vespi', rank=['genus', 'family'])
As with observations, there is a lot of information in the response, but we'll print just a few basic details:
>>> pprint(response)
[52747] Family: Vespidae (Hornets, Paper Wasps, Potter Wasps, and Allies)
[92786] Genus: Vespicula
[84737] Genus: Vespina
## Next Steps
For more information, see:
* [User Guide](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html):
introduction and general features that apply to most endpoints
* [Endpoint Summary](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/endpoints.html):
a complete list of endpoints wrapped by pyinaturalist
* [Examples](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples.html):
data visualizations and other examples of things to do with iNaturalist data
* [Reference](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html): Detailed API documentation
* [Contributing Guide](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/contributing.html):
development details for anyone interested in contributing to pyinaturalist
* [History](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist/blob/dev/HISTORY.md):
details on past and current releases
* [Issues](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist/issues): planned & proposed features
## Feedback
If you have any problems, suggestions, or questions about pyinaturalist, please let us know!
Just [create an issue](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist/issues/new/choose).
Also, **PRs are welcome!**
**Note:** pyinaturalist is developed by members of the iNaturalist community, and is not endorsed by
iNaturalist.org or the California Academy of Sciences. If you have non-python-specific questions
about the iNaturalist API or iNaturalist in general, the
[iNaturalist Community Forum](https://forum.inaturalist.org/) is the best place to start.
## Related Projects
Other python projects related to iNaturalist:
* [naturtag](https://github.com/pyinat/naturtag): A desktop application for tagging image files with iNaturalist taxonomy & observation metadata
* [pyinaturalist-convert](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist-convert): Tools to convert observation data to and from a variety of useful formats
* [pyinaturalist-notebook](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist-notebook): Jupyter notebook Docker image for pyinaturalist
* [dronefly](https://github.com/dronefly-garden/dronefly): A Discord bot with iNaturalist integration, used by the iNaturalist Discord server.
%package -n python3-pyinaturalist
Summary: iNaturalist API client for python
Provides: python-pyinaturalist
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-pyinaturalist
# pyinaturalist
# Introduction
[**iNaturalist**](https://www.inaturalist.org) is a community science platform that helps people
get involved in the natural world by observing and identifying the living things around them.
Collectively, the community produces a rich source of global biodiversity data that can be valuable
to anyone from hobbyists to scientists.
**pyinaturalist** is a client for the [iNaturalist API](https://api.inaturalist.org/v1) that makes
these data easily accessible in the python programming language.
- [Features](#features)
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [Next Steps](#next-steps)
- [Feedback](#feedback)
- [Related Projects](#related-projects)
## Features
* β‘οΈ **Easier requests:** Simplified request formats, easy pagination, and complete request
parameter type annotations for better IDE integration
* β¬
οΈ **Convenient responses:** Type conversions to the things you would expect in python, and an
optional object-oriented inteface for response data
* π **Security:** Keyring integration for secure credential storage
* π **Docs:** Example requests, responses, scripts, and Jupyter notebooks to help get you started
* π **Responsible use:** Follows the
[API Recommended Practices](https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/api+recommended+practices)
by default, so you can be nice to the iNaturalist servers and not worry about rate-limiting errors
* π§ͺ **Testing:** A dry-run testing mode to preview your requests before potentially modifying data
### Supported Endpoints
Many of the most relevant API endpoints are supported, including:
* π Annotations and observation fields
* π Identifications
* π¬ Messages
* π Observations (multiple formats)
* π· Observation photos + sounds
* π Observation observers, identifiers, histograms, life lists, and species counts
* π Places
* π₯ Projects
* π¦Species
* π€ Users
## Quickstart
Here are usage examples for some of the most commonly used features.
First, install with pip:
pip install pyinaturalist
Then, import the main API functions:
from pyinaturalist import *
### Search observations
Let's start by searching for all your own observations. There are
[numerous fields you can search on](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.create_observation), but we'll just use `user_id` for now:
>>> observations = get_observations(user_id='my_username')
The full response will be in JSON format, but we can use `pyinaturalist.pprint()` to print out a summary:
>>> for obs in observations['results']:
>>> pprint(obs)
ID Taxon Observed on User Location
117585709 Genus: Hyoscyamus (henbanes) May 18, 2022 niconoe Calvi, France
117464920 Genus: Omophlus May 17, 2022 niconoe GalΓ©ria, France
117464393 Genus: Briza (Rattlesnake Grasses) May 17, 2022 niconoe GalΓ©ria, France
You can also get
[observation counts by species](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.get_observation_species_counts).
On iNaturalist.org, this information can be found on the 'Species' tab of search results.
For example, to get species counts of all your own research-grade observations:
>>> counts = get_observation_species_counts(user_id='my_username', quality_grade='research')
>>> pprint(counts)
ID Rank Scientific name Common name Count
47934 species π Libellula luctuosa Widow Skimmer 7
48627 species π» Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 6
504060 species π Pleurotus citrinopileatus Golden Oyster Mushroom 6
Another useful format is the
[observation histogram](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.get_observation_histogram),
which shows the number of observations over a given interval. The default is `month_of_year`:
>>> histogram = get_observation_histogram(user_id='my_username')
>>> print(histogram)
1: 8, # January
2: 1, # February
3: 19, # March
..., # etc.
### Create and update observations
To create or modify observations, you will first need to log in.
This requires creating an [iNaturalist app](https://www.inaturalist.org/oauth/applications/new),
which will be used to get an access token.
token = get_access_token(
See [Authentication](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html#authentication)
for more options including environment variables, keyrings, and password managers.
Now we can [create a new observation](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.create_observation):
from datetime import datetime
response = create_observation(
taxon_id=54327, # Vespa Crabro
description='This is a free text comment for the observation',
tag_list='wasp, Belgium',
positional_accuracy=50, # GPS accuracy in meters
photos=['~/observations/wasp1.jpg', '~/observations/wasp2.jpg'],
# Save the new observation ID
new_observation_id = response[0]['id']
We can then [update the observation](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.update_observation) information, photos, or sounds:
description='updated description !',
### Search species
Let's say you partially remember either a genus or family name that started with **'vespi'**-something.
The [taxa endpoint](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.taxa.html#pyinaturalist.v1.taxa.get_taxa)
can be used to search by name, rank, and several other criteria
>>> response = get_taxa(q='vespi', rank=['genus', 'family'])
As with observations, there is a lot of information in the response, but we'll print just a few basic details:
>>> pprint(response)
[52747] Family: Vespidae (Hornets, Paper Wasps, Potter Wasps, and Allies)
[92786] Genus: Vespicula
[84737] Genus: Vespina
## Next Steps
For more information, see:
* [User Guide](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html):
introduction and general features that apply to most endpoints
* [Endpoint Summary](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/endpoints.html):
a complete list of endpoints wrapped by pyinaturalist
* [Examples](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples.html):
data visualizations and other examples of things to do with iNaturalist data
* [Reference](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html): Detailed API documentation
* [Contributing Guide](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/contributing.html):
development details for anyone interested in contributing to pyinaturalist
* [History](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist/blob/dev/HISTORY.md):
details on past and current releases
* [Issues](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist/issues): planned & proposed features
## Feedback
If you have any problems, suggestions, or questions about pyinaturalist, please let us know!
Just [create an issue](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist/issues/new/choose).
Also, **PRs are welcome!**
**Note:** pyinaturalist is developed by members of the iNaturalist community, and is not endorsed by
iNaturalist.org or the California Academy of Sciences. If you have non-python-specific questions
about the iNaturalist API or iNaturalist in general, the
[iNaturalist Community Forum](https://forum.inaturalist.org/) is the best place to start.
## Related Projects
Other python projects related to iNaturalist:
* [naturtag](https://github.com/pyinat/naturtag): A desktop application for tagging image files with iNaturalist taxonomy & observation metadata
* [pyinaturalist-convert](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist-convert): Tools to convert observation data to and from a variety of useful formats
* [pyinaturalist-notebook](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist-notebook): Jupyter notebook Docker image for pyinaturalist
* [dronefly](https://github.com/dronefly-garden/dronefly): A Discord bot with iNaturalist integration, used by the iNaturalist Discord server.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for pyinaturalist
Provides: python3-pyinaturalist-doc
%description help
# pyinaturalist
# Introduction
[**iNaturalist**](https://www.inaturalist.org) is a community science platform that helps people
get involved in the natural world by observing and identifying the living things around them.
Collectively, the community produces a rich source of global biodiversity data that can be valuable
to anyone from hobbyists to scientists.
**pyinaturalist** is a client for the [iNaturalist API](https://api.inaturalist.org/v1) that makes
these data easily accessible in the python programming language.
- [Features](#features)
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [Next Steps](#next-steps)
- [Feedback](#feedback)
- [Related Projects](#related-projects)
## Features
* β‘οΈ **Easier requests:** Simplified request formats, easy pagination, and complete request
parameter type annotations for better IDE integration
* β¬
οΈ **Convenient responses:** Type conversions to the things you would expect in python, and an
optional object-oriented inteface for response data
* π **Security:** Keyring integration for secure credential storage
* π **Docs:** Example requests, responses, scripts, and Jupyter notebooks to help get you started
* π **Responsible use:** Follows the
[API Recommended Practices](https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/api+recommended+practices)
by default, so you can be nice to the iNaturalist servers and not worry about rate-limiting errors
* π§ͺ **Testing:** A dry-run testing mode to preview your requests before potentially modifying data
### Supported Endpoints
Many of the most relevant API endpoints are supported, including:
* π Annotations and observation fields
* π Identifications
* π¬ Messages
* π Observations (multiple formats)
* π· Observation photos + sounds
* π Observation observers, identifiers, histograms, life lists, and species counts
* π Places
* π₯ Projects
* π¦Species
* π€ Users
## Quickstart
Here are usage examples for some of the most commonly used features.
First, install with pip:
pip install pyinaturalist
Then, import the main API functions:
from pyinaturalist import *
### Search observations
Let's start by searching for all your own observations. There are
[numerous fields you can search on](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.create_observation), but we'll just use `user_id` for now:
>>> observations = get_observations(user_id='my_username')
The full response will be in JSON format, but we can use `pyinaturalist.pprint()` to print out a summary:
>>> for obs in observations['results']:
>>> pprint(obs)
ID Taxon Observed on User Location
117585709 Genus: Hyoscyamus (henbanes) May 18, 2022 niconoe Calvi, France
117464920 Genus: Omophlus May 17, 2022 niconoe GalΓ©ria, France
117464393 Genus: Briza (Rattlesnake Grasses) May 17, 2022 niconoe GalΓ©ria, France
You can also get
[observation counts by species](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.get_observation_species_counts).
On iNaturalist.org, this information can be found on the 'Species' tab of search results.
For example, to get species counts of all your own research-grade observations:
>>> counts = get_observation_species_counts(user_id='my_username', quality_grade='research')
>>> pprint(counts)
ID Rank Scientific name Common name Count
47934 species π Libellula luctuosa Widow Skimmer 7
48627 species π» Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 6
504060 species π Pleurotus citrinopileatus Golden Oyster Mushroom 6
Another useful format is the
[observation histogram](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.get_observation_histogram),
which shows the number of observations over a given interval. The default is `month_of_year`:
>>> histogram = get_observation_histogram(user_id='my_username')
>>> print(histogram)
1: 8, # January
2: 1, # February
3: 19, # March
..., # etc.
### Create and update observations
To create or modify observations, you will first need to log in.
This requires creating an [iNaturalist app](https://www.inaturalist.org/oauth/applications/new),
which will be used to get an access token.
token = get_access_token(
See [Authentication](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html#authentication)
for more options including environment variables, keyrings, and password managers.
Now we can [create a new observation](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.create_observation):
from datetime import datetime
response = create_observation(
taxon_id=54327, # Vespa Crabro
description='This is a free text comment for the observation',
tag_list='wasp, Belgium',
positional_accuracy=50, # GPS accuracy in meters
photos=['~/observations/wasp1.jpg', '~/observations/wasp2.jpg'],
# Save the new observation ID
new_observation_id = response[0]['id']
We can then [update the observation](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.observations.html#pyinaturalist.v1.observations.update_observation) information, photos, or sounds:
description='updated description !',
### Search species
Let's say you partially remember either a genus or family name that started with **'vespi'**-something.
The [taxa endpoint](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/pyinaturalist.v1.taxa.html#pyinaturalist.v1.taxa.get_taxa)
can be used to search by name, rank, and several other criteria
>>> response = get_taxa(q='vespi', rank=['genus', 'family'])
As with observations, there is a lot of information in the response, but we'll print just a few basic details:
>>> pprint(response)
[52747] Family: Vespidae (Hornets, Paper Wasps, Potter Wasps, and Allies)
[92786] Genus: Vespicula
[84737] Genus: Vespina
## Next Steps
For more information, see:
* [User Guide](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html):
introduction and general features that apply to most endpoints
* [Endpoint Summary](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/endpoints.html):
a complete list of endpoints wrapped by pyinaturalist
* [Examples](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples.html):
data visualizations and other examples of things to do with iNaturalist data
* [Reference](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html): Detailed API documentation
* [Contributing Guide](https://pyinaturalist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/contributing.html):
development details for anyone interested in contributing to pyinaturalist
* [History](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist/blob/dev/HISTORY.md):
details on past and current releases
* [Issues](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist/issues): planned & proposed features
## Feedback
If you have any problems, suggestions, or questions about pyinaturalist, please let us know!
Just [create an issue](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist/issues/new/choose).
Also, **PRs are welcome!**
**Note:** pyinaturalist is developed by members of the iNaturalist community, and is not endorsed by
iNaturalist.org or the California Academy of Sciences. If you have non-python-specific questions
about the iNaturalist API or iNaturalist in general, the
[iNaturalist Community Forum](https://forum.inaturalist.org/) is the best place to start.
## Related Projects
Other python projects related to iNaturalist:
* [naturtag](https://github.com/pyinat/naturtag): A desktop application for tagging image files with iNaturalist taxonomy & observation metadata
* [pyinaturalist-convert](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist-convert): Tools to convert observation data to and from a variety of useful formats
* [pyinaturalist-notebook](https://github.com/pyinat/pyinaturalist-notebook): Jupyter notebook Docker image for pyinaturalist
* [dronefly](https://github.com/dronefly-garden/dronefly): A Discord bot with iNaturalist integration, used by the iNaturalist Discord server.
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* Thu May 18 2023 Python_Bot - 0.18.0-1
- Package Spec generated