%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-nearup Version: 1.16.0 Release: 1 Summary: Public scripts to launch near blockchain nodes License: BSD License URL: https://github.com/near/nearup Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/e0/ba/847f0fb6af6d9afe210dbbf44daad1534cd9e306bae8c4331e043c653b93/nearup-1.16.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-boto3 Requires: python3-click Requires: python3-psutil %description # nearup [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/nearup.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/nearup/) Launch NEAR `betanet` and `testnet` nodes. - [Prepare](#prepare) - [Install](#install) * [Upgrade](#upgrade) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Using the official binary](#using-the-official-binary) * [Using a locally compiled binary](#using-a-locally-compiled-binary) * [Spawn a local network](#spawn-a-local-network) - [Operating](#operating) * [Stop a running node or all running nodes in local network](#stop-a-running-node-or-all-running-nodes-in-local-network) * [Additional options](#additional-options) - [Docker](#docker) * [Building the docker image](#building-the-docker-image) * [Pull the docker image](#pull-the-docker-image) * [Running `nearup` with Docker](#running-nearup-with-docker) + [Running in detached mode](#running-in-detached-mode) * [Check if the container is running](#check-if-the-container-is-running) * [Execute `nearup` commands in container](#execute-nearup-commands-in-container) * [`nearup` logs](#nearup-logs) * [Stop the docker container](#stop-the-docker-container) - [Development](#development) * [Common commands](#common-commands) ## Prepare Before you proceed, make sure you have `Python 3` and `pip3` installed. On ubuntu, you can install with, ``` sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev ``` :warning: Upgrade pip if needed you are getting a Permission Denied error or version of pip (pip3 --version) is below 20. ``` pip3 install --upgrade pip ``` ## Install :warning: Make sure that you are installing with the `--user` flag. ``` pip3 install --user nearup ``` Verify that you local installation is in `python3 -m site --user-base` under bin directory by running: ``` which nearup ``` :warning: If the above returns nothing, add `nearup` to your `$PATH` in `~/.profile`, `~/.bashrc`, or appropriate shell config. ``` USER_BASE_BIN=$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin export PATH="$USER_BASE_BIN:$PATH" ``` ### Upgrade :warning: If you have already installed `nearup`, you can upgrade to the latest version by using the command below ``` pip3 install --user --upgrade nearup ``` ## Getting Started ### Using the official binary **This is recommended for running on servers** You can start your node with (remove the `--interactive` flag if you don't want to be prompted): ``` nearup run betanet --interactive ``` Replace `betanet` if you want to use a different network. ### Using a locally compiled binary **Recommended for security critical validators or during development.** Clone and compile nearcore with `make release` or `make debug` first. ``` nearup run betanet --binary-path path/to/nearcore/target/{debug, release} ``` Replace `betanet` with `testnet` if you want to use a different network. ### Spawn a local network Clone and compile nearcore with `make release` or `make debug` first. ``` nearup run localnet --binary-path path/to/nearcore/target/{debug, release} ``` By default it will spawn 4 nodes validating in 1 shard. RPC ports of each nodes will be consecutive starting from 3030. Access one node status using http://localhost:3030/status ## Operating ### Stop a running node or all running nodes in local network ``` nearup stop ``` ### Additional options ``` nearup run betanet --help ``` ## Docker ### Building the docker image ``` docker build . -t nearprotocol/nearup ``` ### Pull the docker image If you don't want to build a docker image locally, you can pull the `latest` from Docker Hub, ``` docker pull nearprotocol/nearup ``` ### Running `nearup` with Docker :warning: `nearup` and `neard` are running inside the container, to ensure you don't lose your data which should live on the host you have to mount the ~/.near folder. To run the `nearup` docker image run: ``` docker run -v $HOME/.near:/root/.near -p 3030:3030 --name nearup nearprotocol/nearup run betanet ``` #### Running in detached mode To run `nearup` in docker's detached (non-blocking) mode, you can add `-d` to the `docker run` command, ``` docker run -v $HOME/.near:/root/.near -p 3030:3030 -d --name nearup nearprotocol/nearup run betanet ``` ### Check if the container is running ``` docker ps ``` ``` CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES fc17f7f7fae0 nearup "/root/start.sh run …" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes 324324 mystifying_moore ``` ### Execute `nearup` commands in container To execute other `nearup` commands like `logs`, `stop`, `run`, you can use `docker exec`, ``` docker exec nearup nearup logs docker exec nearup nearup stop docker exec nearup nearup run {betanet/testnet} ``` (The container is running in a busy wait loop, so the container won't die.) ### `nearup` logs To get the `neard` logs run: ``` docker exec nearup nearup logs ``` or, ``` docker exec nearup nearup logs --follow ``` To get the `nearup` logs run: ``` docker logs -f nearup ``` ### Stop the docker container ``` docker kill nearup ``` ## Development To build a development image: ``` docker build . -t nearprotocol/nearup:dev ``` The following will mount your repo directory into the running container and drop you into a shell to run test commands. ``` docker run -it --entrypoint "" -v $PWD:/root/nearup -v $HOME/.near:/root/.near -w /root/nearup nearprotocol/nearup:dev bash ``` ### Common commands For testing and other checks, `nearup` uses `tox`. To install, ``` pip3 install --user tox ``` **Unit tests** ``` tox ``` **Unit tests w/ coverage** ``` tox -e coverage ``` **Linter checks** ``` tox -e lint ``` **Python style checks** ``` tox -e style ``` %package -n python3-nearup Summary: Public scripts to launch near blockchain nodes Provides: python-nearup BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-nearup # nearup [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/nearup.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/nearup/) Launch NEAR `betanet` and `testnet` nodes. - [Prepare](#prepare) - [Install](#install) * [Upgrade](#upgrade) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Using the official binary](#using-the-official-binary) * [Using a locally compiled binary](#using-a-locally-compiled-binary) * [Spawn a local network](#spawn-a-local-network) - [Operating](#operating) * [Stop a running node or all running nodes in local network](#stop-a-running-node-or-all-running-nodes-in-local-network) * [Additional options](#additional-options) - [Docker](#docker) * [Building the docker image](#building-the-docker-image) * [Pull the docker image](#pull-the-docker-image) * [Running `nearup` with Docker](#running-nearup-with-docker) + [Running in detached mode](#running-in-detached-mode) * [Check if the container is running](#check-if-the-container-is-running) * [Execute `nearup` commands in container](#execute-nearup-commands-in-container) * [`nearup` logs](#nearup-logs) * [Stop the docker container](#stop-the-docker-container) - [Development](#development) * [Common commands](#common-commands) ## Prepare Before you proceed, make sure you have `Python 3` and `pip3` installed. On ubuntu, you can install with, ``` sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev ``` :warning: Upgrade pip if needed you are getting a Permission Denied error or version of pip (pip3 --version) is below 20. ``` pip3 install --upgrade pip ``` ## Install :warning: Make sure that you are installing with the `--user` flag. ``` pip3 install --user nearup ``` Verify that you local installation is in `python3 -m site --user-base` under bin directory by running: ``` which nearup ``` :warning: If the above returns nothing, add `nearup` to your `$PATH` in `~/.profile`, `~/.bashrc`, or appropriate shell config. ``` USER_BASE_BIN=$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin export PATH="$USER_BASE_BIN:$PATH" ``` ### Upgrade :warning: If you have already installed `nearup`, you can upgrade to the latest version by using the command below ``` pip3 install --user --upgrade nearup ``` ## Getting Started ### Using the official binary **This is recommended for running on servers** You can start your node with (remove the `--interactive` flag if you don't want to be prompted): ``` nearup run betanet --interactive ``` Replace `betanet` if you want to use a different network. ### Using a locally compiled binary **Recommended for security critical validators or during development.** Clone and compile nearcore with `make release` or `make debug` first. ``` nearup run betanet --binary-path path/to/nearcore/target/{debug, release} ``` Replace `betanet` with `testnet` if you want to use a different network. ### Spawn a local network Clone and compile nearcore with `make release` or `make debug` first. ``` nearup run localnet --binary-path path/to/nearcore/target/{debug, release} ``` By default it will spawn 4 nodes validating in 1 shard. RPC ports of each nodes will be consecutive starting from 3030. Access one node status using http://localhost:3030/status ## Operating ### Stop a running node or all running nodes in local network ``` nearup stop ``` ### Additional options ``` nearup run betanet --help ``` ## Docker ### Building the docker image ``` docker build . -t nearprotocol/nearup ``` ### Pull the docker image If you don't want to build a docker image locally, you can pull the `latest` from Docker Hub, ``` docker pull nearprotocol/nearup ``` ### Running `nearup` with Docker :warning: `nearup` and `neard` are running inside the container, to ensure you don't lose your data which should live on the host you have to mount the ~/.near folder. To run the `nearup` docker image run: ``` docker run -v $HOME/.near:/root/.near -p 3030:3030 --name nearup nearprotocol/nearup run betanet ``` #### Running in detached mode To run `nearup` in docker's detached (non-blocking) mode, you can add `-d` to the `docker run` command, ``` docker run -v $HOME/.near:/root/.near -p 3030:3030 -d --name nearup nearprotocol/nearup run betanet ``` ### Check if the container is running ``` docker ps ``` ``` CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES fc17f7f7fae0 nearup "/root/start.sh run …" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes 324324 mystifying_moore ``` ### Execute `nearup` commands in container To execute other `nearup` commands like `logs`, `stop`, `run`, you can use `docker exec`, ``` docker exec nearup nearup logs docker exec nearup nearup stop docker exec nearup nearup run {betanet/testnet} ``` (The container is running in a busy wait loop, so the container won't die.) ### `nearup` logs To get the `neard` logs run: ``` docker exec nearup nearup logs ``` or, ``` docker exec nearup nearup logs --follow ``` To get the `nearup` logs run: ``` docker logs -f nearup ``` ### Stop the docker container ``` docker kill nearup ``` ## Development To build a development image: ``` docker build . -t nearprotocol/nearup:dev ``` The following will mount your repo directory into the running container and drop you into a shell to run test commands. ``` docker run -it --entrypoint "" -v $PWD:/root/nearup -v $HOME/.near:/root/.near -w /root/nearup nearprotocol/nearup:dev bash ``` ### Common commands For testing and other checks, `nearup` uses `tox`. To install, ``` pip3 install --user tox ``` **Unit tests** ``` tox ``` **Unit tests w/ coverage** ``` tox -e coverage ``` **Linter checks** ``` tox -e lint ``` **Python style checks** ``` tox -e style ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for nearup Provides: python3-nearup-doc %description help # nearup [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/nearup.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/nearup/) Launch NEAR `betanet` and `testnet` nodes. - [Prepare](#prepare) - [Install](#install) * [Upgrade](#upgrade) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Using the official binary](#using-the-official-binary) * [Using a locally compiled binary](#using-a-locally-compiled-binary) * [Spawn a local network](#spawn-a-local-network) - [Operating](#operating) * [Stop a running node or all running nodes in local network](#stop-a-running-node-or-all-running-nodes-in-local-network) * [Additional options](#additional-options) - [Docker](#docker) * [Building the docker image](#building-the-docker-image) * [Pull the docker image](#pull-the-docker-image) * [Running `nearup` with Docker](#running-nearup-with-docker) + [Running in detached mode](#running-in-detached-mode) * [Check if the container is running](#check-if-the-container-is-running) * [Execute `nearup` commands in container](#execute-nearup-commands-in-container) * [`nearup` logs](#nearup-logs) * [Stop the docker container](#stop-the-docker-container) - [Development](#development) * [Common commands](#common-commands) ## Prepare Before you proceed, make sure you have `Python 3` and `pip3` installed. On ubuntu, you can install with, ``` sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev ``` :warning: Upgrade pip if needed you are getting a Permission Denied error or version of pip (pip3 --version) is below 20. ``` pip3 install --upgrade pip ``` ## Install :warning: Make sure that you are installing with the `--user` flag. ``` pip3 install --user nearup ``` Verify that you local installation is in `python3 -m site --user-base` under bin directory by running: ``` which nearup ``` :warning: If the above returns nothing, add `nearup` to your `$PATH` in `~/.profile`, `~/.bashrc`, or appropriate shell config. ``` USER_BASE_BIN=$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin export PATH="$USER_BASE_BIN:$PATH" ``` ### Upgrade :warning: If you have already installed `nearup`, you can upgrade to the latest version by using the command below ``` pip3 install --user --upgrade nearup ``` ## Getting Started ### Using the official binary **This is recommended for running on servers** You can start your node with (remove the `--interactive` flag if you don't want to be prompted): ``` nearup run betanet --interactive ``` Replace `betanet` if you want to use a different network. ### Using a locally compiled binary **Recommended for security critical validators or during development.** Clone and compile nearcore with `make release` or `make debug` first. ``` nearup run betanet --binary-path path/to/nearcore/target/{debug, release} ``` Replace `betanet` with `testnet` if you want to use a different network. ### Spawn a local network Clone and compile nearcore with `make release` or `make debug` first. ``` nearup run localnet --binary-path path/to/nearcore/target/{debug, release} ``` By default it will spawn 4 nodes validating in 1 shard. RPC ports of each nodes will be consecutive starting from 3030. Access one node status using http://localhost:3030/status ## Operating ### Stop a running node or all running nodes in local network ``` nearup stop ``` ### Additional options ``` nearup run betanet --help ``` ## Docker ### Building the docker image ``` docker build . -t nearprotocol/nearup ``` ### Pull the docker image If you don't want to build a docker image locally, you can pull the `latest` from Docker Hub, ``` docker pull nearprotocol/nearup ``` ### Running `nearup` with Docker :warning: `nearup` and `neard` are running inside the container, to ensure you don't lose your data which should live on the host you have to mount the ~/.near folder. To run the `nearup` docker image run: ``` docker run -v $HOME/.near:/root/.near -p 3030:3030 --name nearup nearprotocol/nearup run betanet ``` #### Running in detached mode To run `nearup` in docker's detached (non-blocking) mode, you can add `-d` to the `docker run` command, ``` docker run -v $HOME/.near:/root/.near -p 3030:3030 -d --name nearup nearprotocol/nearup run betanet ``` ### Check if the container is running ``` docker ps ``` ``` CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES fc17f7f7fae0 nearup "/root/start.sh run …" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes 324324 mystifying_moore ``` ### Execute `nearup` commands in container To execute other `nearup` commands like `logs`, `stop`, `run`, you can use `docker exec`, ``` docker exec nearup nearup logs docker exec nearup nearup stop docker exec nearup nearup run {betanet/testnet} ``` (The container is running in a busy wait loop, so the container won't die.) ### `nearup` logs To get the `neard` logs run: ``` docker exec nearup nearup logs ``` or, ``` docker exec nearup nearup logs --follow ``` To get the `nearup` logs run: ``` docker logs -f nearup ``` ### Stop the docker container ``` docker kill nearup ``` ## Development To build a development image: ``` docker build . -t nearprotocol/nearup:dev ``` The following will mount your repo directory into the running container and drop you into a shell to run test commands. ``` docker run -it --entrypoint "" -v $PWD:/root/nearup -v $HOME/.near:/root/.near -w /root/nearup nearprotocol/nearup:dev bash ``` ### Common commands For testing and other checks, `nearup` uses `tox`. To install, ``` pip3 install --user tox ``` **Unit tests** ``` tox ``` **Unit tests w/ coverage** ``` tox -e coverage ``` **Linter checks** ``` tox -e lint ``` **Python style checks** ``` tox -e style ``` %prep %autosetup -n nearup-1.16.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-nearup -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Wed May 31 2023 Python_Bot - 1.16.0-1 - Package Spec generated