%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-corona-api
Version: 0.9.0
Release: 1
Summary: An asynchronous wrapper for the corona.lmao.ninja API written in Python.
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/apex2504/python-corona-api
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/5c/e0/67c68fe134d1ff0674dbbcb88c30328d93a168629c6dab43b37d08beef53/corona_api-0.9.0.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
# corona-api
An asynchronous wrapper for the [NovelCOVID API](https://github.com/NovelCOVID/API) written in Python.
This is designed for bots using [discord.py](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py) but there is no discord-specific code so you are free to use this in any project as required.
# Requirements
- Python 3.5 or above
- aiohttp (`python3 -m pip install -U aiohttp`)
# Installation
### Using pip (recommended)
- `python3 -m pip install -U corona_api`
# Support
Get support for this on Discord, either on our [official server](https://takagisan.xyz/support) or the [NovelCOVID server](https://discord.gg/cEDxzfW).
# Optional parameters in methods
| Parameter | Supported methods | Accepted values |
|---------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `yesterday` | - `all()`
- `get_country_data()`
- `get_country_list()`
- `get_all_countries()`
- `get_all_states()`
- `get_single_state()`
- `get_state_list()`
- `get_all_continents()`
- `get_single_continent()` | - `True`
- `False` |
| `two_days_ago` | - `all()`
- `get_country_data()`
- `get_country_list()`
- `get_all_countries()`
- `get_single_continent()`
- `get_all_continents()` | - `True`
- `False` |
| `sort` | - `get_all_countries()`
- `get_all_states()`
- `get_all_continents()` | - `'cases'`
- `'deaths'`
- `'recovered'`
- `'active'`
- `'tests'`
- `'critical'`
- `'deathsPerOneMillion'`
- `'testsPerOneMillion'`
- `'todayCases'`
- `'todayDeaths'`
- `'casesPerOneMillion'`
- `'active'` |
| `allow_none` | - `all()`
- `get_country_data()`
- `get_country_list()`
- `get_all_countries()`
- `get_all_continents()`
- `get_single_continent()`
- `get_single_state()`
- `get_state_list()`
- `get_all_states()`
- `gov_country()` | - `True`
- `False` |
# Examples
The following examples cover the basic usage of the library and its various features.
Note; many methods also support `yesterday=True`, `sort='sort method'` and `allow_none=True` kwargs to get data from the previous day or sorted by various parameters. Refer to the table above to find out which ones do and do not.
### Discord bot
There is an example cog for your Discord bot [here](https://github.com/apex2504/python-corona-api/blob/master/examples/discord_cog.py).
## Basic data
### Global data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_all():
data = await client.all() #get global data
print(data.cases, data.deaths) #print the number of global cases and deaths
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Data for a specific country
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_country():
data = await client.get_country_data('UK') #get data for the UK today,
print(data.cases, data.deaths) #print the number of cases and deaths for the UK
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Data for more than one country
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_countries():
data = await client.get_country_list('UK', 'USA', 'China') #get data for specified countries
#to get data for every country supported, use: get_all_countries()
print(data) #prints a list of CountryStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## US States
### Data for a specific state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_state():
data = await client.get_single_state('Ohio') #get data for Ohio today,
print(data.cases, data.deaths) #print the number of cases and deaths for Ohio
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for more than one state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_states():
data = await client.get_state_list('Ohio', 'California', 'Texas') #get data for specified states
#to get data for every state supported, use: get_all_states()
print(data) #prints a list of StateStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Historical statistics
### Historical data globally
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_history():
data = await client.get_country_history('all', 'all') #get all the historical data for the world
print(data.name, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print name (in this case 'Global'), the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Historical data for a country
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_history():
data = await client.get_country_history('UK', 7) #get the past week of historical data for the UK
print(data.name, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print name, the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Historical data for a province
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_history_province():
data = await client.get_province_history('UK', 'Gibraltar', 7) #get the past week of historical data for Gibraltar, UK
print(data.province, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print province name, the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Historical data for a county within a US state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_county():
data = await client.get_state_county_history('Ohio', 'Adams') #get all historical data for Adams, Ohio, USA
print(data.name, data.province, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print state and county name, the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## John Hopkins CSSE
### All data from the JHU CSSE
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_jhu():
data = await client.get_jhu_csse_data() #get data for every province and country JHU supports
print(data) #print a long list of JhuCsseStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for a county within a US state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_jhu_county():
data = await client.get_jhu_county_data('Ohio', 'Adams') #get data for Adams, Ohio
print(data.province_name, data.county_name, data.confirmed_cases) #print the state, county and case number
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for every county in the USA
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_jhu_counties():
data = await client.get_jhu_all_counties()
print(data) #print a long list of JhuCsseStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Continental data
### Data for every continent
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_conts():
data = await client.get_all_continents()
first = data[0]
print(first.name, first.cases, first.deaths) #print some info for the first continent in the list
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for a single continent
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_one_cont():
data = await client.get_single_continent('Europe')
print(data.name, data.cases, data.deaths) #print some info for the specified continent
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## New York Times
### USA data from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_nyt_us():
data = await client.get_nyt_usa_data()
first = data[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print first piece of data
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### All USA state data from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_nyt_states():
data = await client.get_nyt_all_states()
first = data[0]
print(first.state, first.date, first.cases) #print some data from the frst element
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for a single state from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_nyt_state():
data = await client.get_nyt_single_state('Ohio')
first = date[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print the first date, and case/death number
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Every county from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_counts():
data = await client.get_nyt_all_counties()
first = data[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print part of the first piece of data
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Counties from NYT filtered by name
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_one_county():
data = await client.get_nyt_single_county('Adams')
first = data[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print part of the first piece of data
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Apple Mobility
### Every country supported by Apple Mobility Data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def all_apples():
data = await client.apple_all_countries()
print(data) #print all supported countries
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Every subregion within a country for Apple Mobility
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_subregions():
data = await client.apple_subregions('UK')
print(data.subregions) #print all supported subregions within the country
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Apple's Mobility data for a subregion
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_one_sub():
data = await client.apple_mobility_data('UK', 'London')
first = data.statistics[0]
print(first.date, first.name, first.driving) #print some data about the first result
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Governmental data
### All countries supported by the API for government data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_gov_countries():
data = await client.gov_all_countries()
print(data) #print the supported countries
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Get the data from a country's governmental data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_country_gov():
data = await client.gov_country('UK')
print(data) #probably will return a large amount of dict data.
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
# Note
Due to the fact that each country's governmental/official statistics website is different, it is not feasible to create a standardised class for the data. However, if you interpret the data received from the API, it should be relatively simple to work with the given information.
%package -n python3-corona-api
Summary: An asynchronous wrapper for the corona.lmao.ninja API written in Python.
Provides: python-corona-api
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-corona-api
# corona-api
An asynchronous wrapper for the [NovelCOVID API](https://github.com/NovelCOVID/API) written in Python.
This is designed for bots using [discord.py](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py) but there is no discord-specific code so you are free to use this in any project as required.
# Requirements
- Python 3.5 or above
- aiohttp (`python3 -m pip install -U aiohttp`)
# Installation
### Using pip (recommended)
- `python3 -m pip install -U corona_api`
# Support
Get support for this on Discord, either on our [official server](https://takagisan.xyz/support) or the [NovelCOVID server](https://discord.gg/cEDxzfW).
# Optional parameters in methods
| Parameter | Supported methods | Accepted values |
|---------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `yesterday` | - `all()`
- `get_country_data()`
- `get_country_list()`
- `get_all_countries()`
- `get_all_states()`
- `get_single_state()`
- `get_state_list()`
- `get_all_continents()`
- `get_single_continent()` | - `True`
- `False` |
| `two_days_ago` | - `all()`
- `get_country_data()`
- `get_country_list()`
- `get_all_countries()`
- `get_single_continent()`
- `get_all_continents()` | - `True`
- `False` |
| `sort` | - `get_all_countries()`
- `get_all_states()`
- `get_all_continents()` | - `'cases'`
- `'deaths'`
- `'recovered'`
- `'active'`
- `'tests'`
- `'critical'`
- `'deathsPerOneMillion'`
- `'testsPerOneMillion'`
- `'todayCases'`
- `'todayDeaths'`
- `'casesPerOneMillion'`
- `'active'` |
| `allow_none` | - `all()`
- `get_country_data()`
- `get_country_list()`
- `get_all_countries()`
- `get_all_continents()`
- `get_single_continent()`
- `get_single_state()`
- `get_state_list()`
- `get_all_states()`
- `gov_country()` | - `True`
- `False` |
# Examples
The following examples cover the basic usage of the library and its various features.
Note; many methods also support `yesterday=True`, `sort='sort method'` and `allow_none=True` kwargs to get data from the previous day or sorted by various parameters. Refer to the table above to find out which ones do and do not.
### Discord bot
There is an example cog for your Discord bot [here](https://github.com/apex2504/python-corona-api/blob/master/examples/discord_cog.py).
## Basic data
### Global data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_all():
data = await client.all() #get global data
print(data.cases, data.deaths) #print the number of global cases and deaths
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Data for a specific country
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_country():
data = await client.get_country_data('UK') #get data for the UK today,
print(data.cases, data.deaths) #print the number of cases and deaths for the UK
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Data for more than one country
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_countries():
data = await client.get_country_list('UK', 'USA', 'China') #get data for specified countries
#to get data for every country supported, use: get_all_countries()
print(data) #prints a list of CountryStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## US States
### Data for a specific state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_state():
data = await client.get_single_state('Ohio') #get data for Ohio today,
print(data.cases, data.deaths) #print the number of cases and deaths for Ohio
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for more than one state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_states():
data = await client.get_state_list('Ohio', 'California', 'Texas') #get data for specified states
#to get data for every state supported, use: get_all_states()
print(data) #prints a list of StateStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Historical statistics
### Historical data globally
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_history():
data = await client.get_country_history('all', 'all') #get all the historical data for the world
print(data.name, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print name (in this case 'Global'), the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Historical data for a country
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_history():
data = await client.get_country_history('UK', 7) #get the past week of historical data for the UK
print(data.name, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print name, the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Historical data for a province
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_history_province():
data = await client.get_province_history('UK', 'Gibraltar', 7) #get the past week of historical data for Gibraltar, UK
print(data.province, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print province name, the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Historical data for a county within a US state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_county():
data = await client.get_state_county_history('Ohio', 'Adams') #get all historical data for Adams, Ohio, USA
print(data.name, data.province, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print state and county name, the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## John Hopkins CSSE
### All data from the JHU CSSE
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_jhu():
data = await client.get_jhu_csse_data() #get data for every province and country JHU supports
print(data) #print a long list of JhuCsseStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for a county within a US state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_jhu_county():
data = await client.get_jhu_county_data('Ohio', 'Adams') #get data for Adams, Ohio
print(data.province_name, data.county_name, data.confirmed_cases) #print the state, county and case number
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for every county in the USA
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_jhu_counties():
data = await client.get_jhu_all_counties()
print(data) #print a long list of JhuCsseStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Continental data
### Data for every continent
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_conts():
data = await client.get_all_continents()
first = data[0]
print(first.name, first.cases, first.deaths) #print some info for the first continent in the list
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for a single continent
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_one_cont():
data = await client.get_single_continent('Europe')
print(data.name, data.cases, data.deaths) #print some info for the specified continent
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## New York Times
### USA data from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_nyt_us():
data = await client.get_nyt_usa_data()
first = data[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print first piece of data
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### All USA state data from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_nyt_states():
data = await client.get_nyt_all_states()
first = data[0]
print(first.state, first.date, first.cases) #print some data from the frst element
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for a single state from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_nyt_state():
data = await client.get_nyt_single_state('Ohio')
first = date[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print the first date, and case/death number
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Every county from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_counts():
data = await client.get_nyt_all_counties()
first = data[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print part of the first piece of data
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Counties from NYT filtered by name
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_one_county():
data = await client.get_nyt_single_county('Adams')
first = data[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print part of the first piece of data
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Apple Mobility
### Every country supported by Apple Mobility Data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def all_apples():
data = await client.apple_all_countries()
print(data) #print all supported countries
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Every subregion within a country for Apple Mobility
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_subregions():
data = await client.apple_subregions('UK')
print(data.subregions) #print all supported subregions within the country
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Apple's Mobility data for a subregion
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_one_sub():
data = await client.apple_mobility_data('UK', 'London')
first = data.statistics[0]
print(first.date, first.name, first.driving) #print some data about the first result
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Governmental data
### All countries supported by the API for government data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_gov_countries():
data = await client.gov_all_countries()
print(data) #print the supported countries
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Get the data from a country's governmental data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_country_gov():
data = await client.gov_country('UK')
print(data) #probably will return a large amount of dict data.
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
# Note
Due to the fact that each country's governmental/official statistics website is different, it is not feasible to create a standardised class for the data. However, if you interpret the data received from the API, it should be relatively simple to work with the given information.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for corona-api
Provides: python3-corona-api-doc
%description help
# corona-api
An asynchronous wrapper for the [NovelCOVID API](https://github.com/NovelCOVID/API) written in Python.
This is designed for bots using [discord.py](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py) but there is no discord-specific code so you are free to use this in any project as required.
# Requirements
- Python 3.5 or above
- aiohttp (`python3 -m pip install -U aiohttp`)
# Installation
### Using pip (recommended)
- `python3 -m pip install -U corona_api`
# Support
Get support for this on Discord, either on our [official server](https://takagisan.xyz/support) or the [NovelCOVID server](https://discord.gg/cEDxzfW).
# Optional parameters in methods
| Parameter | Supported methods | Accepted values |
|---------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `yesterday` | - `all()`
- `get_country_data()`
- `get_country_list()`
- `get_all_countries()`
- `get_all_states()`
- `get_single_state()`
- `get_state_list()`
- `get_all_continents()`
- `get_single_continent()` | - `True`
- `False` |
| `two_days_ago` | - `all()`
- `get_country_data()`
- `get_country_list()`
- `get_all_countries()`
- `get_single_continent()`
- `get_all_continents()` | - `True`
- `False` |
| `sort` | - `get_all_countries()`
- `get_all_states()`
- `get_all_continents()` | - `'cases'`
- `'deaths'`
- `'recovered'`
- `'active'`
- `'tests'`
- `'critical'`
- `'deathsPerOneMillion'`
- `'testsPerOneMillion'`
- `'todayCases'`
- `'todayDeaths'`
- `'casesPerOneMillion'`
- `'active'` |
| `allow_none` | - `all()`
- `get_country_data()`
- `get_country_list()`
- `get_all_countries()`
- `get_all_continents()`
- `get_single_continent()`
- `get_single_state()`
- `get_state_list()`
- `get_all_states()`
- `gov_country()` | - `True`
- `False` |
# Examples
The following examples cover the basic usage of the library and its various features.
Note; many methods also support `yesterday=True`, `sort='sort method'` and `allow_none=True` kwargs to get data from the previous day or sorted by various parameters. Refer to the table above to find out which ones do and do not.
### Discord bot
There is an example cog for your Discord bot [here](https://github.com/apex2504/python-corona-api/blob/master/examples/discord_cog.py).
## Basic data
### Global data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_all():
data = await client.all() #get global data
print(data.cases, data.deaths) #print the number of global cases and deaths
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Data for a specific country
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_country():
data = await client.get_country_data('UK') #get data for the UK today,
print(data.cases, data.deaths) #print the number of cases and deaths for the UK
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Data for more than one country
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_countries():
data = await client.get_country_list('UK', 'USA', 'China') #get data for specified countries
#to get data for every country supported, use: get_all_countries()
print(data) #prints a list of CountryStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## US States
### Data for a specific state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_state():
data = await client.get_single_state('Ohio') #get data for Ohio today,
print(data.cases, data.deaths) #print the number of cases and deaths for Ohio
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for more than one state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_states():
data = await client.get_state_list('Ohio', 'California', 'Texas') #get data for specified states
#to get data for every state supported, use: get_all_states()
print(data) #prints a list of StateStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Historical statistics
### Historical data globally
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_history():
data = await client.get_country_history('all', 'all') #get all the historical data for the world
print(data.name, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print name (in this case 'Global'), the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Historical data for a country
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_history():
data = await client.get_country_history('UK', 7) #get the past week of historical data for the UK
print(data.name, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print name, the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Historical data for a province
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_history_province():
data = await client.get_province_history('UK', 'Gibraltar', 7) #get the past week of historical data for Gibraltar, UK
print(data.province, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print province name, the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Historical data for a county within a US state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_county():
data = await client.get_state_county_history('Ohio', 'Adams') #get all historical data for Adams, Ohio, USA
print(data.name, data.province, data.case_history[0].date, data.case_history[0].value) #print state and county name, the date of the first entry, and the number of cases for that date
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## John Hopkins CSSE
### All data from the JHU CSSE
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_jhu():
data = await client.get_jhu_csse_data() #get data for every province and country JHU supports
print(data) #print a long list of JhuCsseStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for a county within a US state
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_jhu_county():
data = await client.get_jhu_county_data('Ohio', 'Adams') #get data for Adams, Ohio
print(data.province_name, data.county_name, data.confirmed_cases) #print the state, county and case number
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for every county in the USA
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_jhu_counties():
data = await client.get_jhu_all_counties()
print(data) #print a long list of JhuCsseStatistics
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Continental data
### Data for every continent
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_conts():
data = await client.get_all_continents()
first = data[0]
print(first.name, first.cases, first.deaths) #print some info for the first continent in the list
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for a single continent
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_one_cont():
data = await client.get_single_continent('Europe')
print(data.name, data.cases, data.deaths) #print some info for the specified continent
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## New York Times
### USA data from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_nyt_us():
data = await client.get_nyt_usa_data()
first = data[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print first piece of data
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### All USA state data from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_nyt_states():
data = await client.get_nyt_all_states()
first = data[0]
print(first.state, first.date, first.cases) #print some data from the frst element
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Data for a single state from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_nyt_state():
data = await client.get_nyt_single_state('Ohio')
first = date[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print the first date, and case/death number
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Every county from NY Times
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_counts():
data = await client.get_nyt_all_counties()
first = data[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print part of the first piece of data
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Counties from NYT filtered by name
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_one_county():
data = await client.get_nyt_single_county('Adams')
first = data[0]
print(first.date, first.cases, first.deaths) #print part of the first piece of data
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Apple Mobility
### Every country supported by Apple Mobility Data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def all_apples():
data = await client.apple_all_countries()
print(data) #print all supported countries
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Every subregion within a country for Apple Mobility
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_subregions():
data = await client.apple_subregions('UK')
print(data.subregions) #print all supported subregions within the country
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Apple's Mobility data for a subregion
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_one_sub():
data = await client.apple_mobility_data('UK', 'London')
first = data.statistics[0]
print(first.date, first.name, first.driving) #print some data about the first result
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
## Governmental data
### All countries supported by the API for government data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_gov_countries():
data = await client.gov_all_countries()
print(data) #print the supported countries
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
### Get the data from a country's governmental data
import corona_api
import asyncio
client = corona_api.Client()
async def get_country_gov():
data = await client.gov_country('UK')
print(data) #probably will return a large amount of dict data.
await client.request_client.close() #close the ClientSession
# Note
Due to the fact that each country's governmental/official statistics website is different, it is not feasible to create a standardised class for the data. However, if you interpret the data received from the API, it should be relatively simple to work with the given information.
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* Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 0.9.0-1
- Package Spec generated