%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-openmodule Version: 11.0.3 Release: 1 Summary: Libraries for developing the arivo openmodule License: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2) URL: https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule.git Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/87/7e/ea6cadd11413dc8bccf030e6d17f2c263aba1e1873ad1b83fcb774e47d40/openmodule-11.0.3.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-pydantic Requires: python3-sentry-sdk Requires: python3-orjson Requires: python3-pyzmq Requires: python3-pyyaml Requires: python3-editdistance Requires: python3-sqlalchemy Requires: python3-alembic Requires: python3-requests Requires: python3-dateutil Requires: python3-dotenv Requires: python3-redis Requires: python3-openmodule-commands Requires: python3-openmodule-test %description # OpenModule V2 Some additional documentation: * [Openmodule Core](docs/core.md) * [RPC Server / Client](docs/rpc.md) ## Changes Breaking changes are annotated [here](docs/migrations.md). To quickly check if your service is susceptible to a known issue have a look [here](docs/migrations.md). ## Coding Standard For ARIVO developers we have defined a simple coding standard [here](docs/coding_standard.md) ## Features The openmodule package provides a lot of features: ### Settings The openmodule package uses a global lazy configuration `openmodule.config.settings`. This setting includes some standard parameters defined in `openmodule.config.GlobalSettings` and parameters from a customizable module. To specify the module you can call `settings.configure(module)` or you can set the environment variable `SETTINGS_MODULE`. Per default settings looks for the `config` module (it also looks for the `tests/config` module first for test cases) #### Setting functions The framework also provides multiple functions for more complex behaviours: * debug(): Returns true if working in a debug environment, i.e. `DEBUG=True` or not in docker and unknown version * testing(): Returns true if the `TESTING` env variable is set * database_folder(): Returns the default database folder, depending on testing() and debug() * version(): Returns the version of the package * resource(): Returns the auth resource * dev_device(): Returns if the device is authenticated at the dev device server or not, useful for connecting to the correct dev/prod server * config_yaml_path(): Returns either the env varibale `CONFIG_YAML`or the default value depending on the environment ( testing, debug, prod) * yaml(model, path=None): Returns the parsed yaml config based on the model and the path (default config_yaml_path()) * dist_folder(): Returns either the env variable `DIST_FOLDER` or the default value depending on the environment #### Global variables Some variables are already mapped and usable by default. These settings can be used normally and can also be overwritten ```python class GlobalSettings: # usual NAME = string("NAME", "om_dev_unnamed_1") VERSION = version() RESOURCE = resource() DEBUG = debug() TESTING = testing() LOG_LEVEL = log_level() DATABASE_FOLDER = database_folder() # broker env vars BROKER_SUB = broker_sub() BROKER_PUB = broker_pub() LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT = bool("LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT", False) is_bridged_slave = is_bridged_slave() DIST_FOLDER = dist_folder() DEV_DEVICE = dev_device() # redis REDIS_HOST = string("REDIS_HOST", "localhost") REDIS_PASSWORD = string("REDIS_PASSWORD", "") or None REDIS_PORT = int("REDIS_PORT", 6379) REDIS_DB = int("REDIS_DB", 0) ``` #### Examples of usage ```python HOST_URL = "https://operator.arivo.fun" if dev_device() else "https://operator.arivo.app" class YAMLConfig(OpenModuleModel): test: bool YAML = config.yaml(YAMLConfig) ``` #### Models Inherit from `OpenModuleModel` or in case of ZMQ messages from `ZMQMessage`. Models use pydantic ([docs](https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/types/)), check openmodule.models.* for some examples (e.g. PresenceBaseMessage for alias) ### Core The base of the new openmodule, every package should have exactly one. The core handles various things: * sentry * logging * dsvgo * messaging * health * alerting * database ``` python core = init_openmodule(config, **kwargs) shutdown_openmodule() ``` #### Messaging ##### Receiving messages The core handles message distribution with a dispatcher. You only need to register your callback. * **register_schema**: Automatically create a schema for your message handler and its models -> Beware that you need to document your handler method ```python core.messages.register_handler("topic", MessageClass, callback, filter={type = "demo"}, register_schema = True) ``` It may also be used together with an event listener to provide further functionality ```python event_listener = EventListener(log=logger) core.messages.register_handler("topic", MessageClass, event_listener, filter={type = "demo"}) ... event_listener.append(some_function) ``` #### Sending messages It is even easier to send messages ```python message = ZMQMessage(name=core.config.NAME, type="demo") core.publish(message, "topic") ``` #### Health Due to the new convention, the health message should only represent if the service is still alive. This is done automatically by the core. If you need to specify some meta data or errors you can pass your handler to the core or set it later ```python def healthy() -> HealthResult: if error: return health_error("we have an error", meta=dict(error="error")) return health_ok(meta=dict(this="is_easy")) core = init_openmodule(config, health_handler=healthy) # or core.health.health_hanlder = healthy ``` #### Alerting The new core also includes an alert handler. ```python core.alerts.send(...) alert_id = core.alerts.get_or_add_alert_id(...) core.alerts.send_with_alert_id(alert_id, ...) ``` #### Database The openmodule package now also feature a simple database which can be also specified during the template creation. If you missed it there, just copy the directory src/database from the template. For more infos see [here](docs/database.md) ### RPCs A new RPC server/client was implemented. It works like before and also includes better filtering: * if a channel is provided for a filter, only rpcs of that channel will be subject to that filter * if a type is provided for a filter, only rpcs of that type will be subject to that filter * **register_schema**: Automatically create a schema for your rpc and its models -> Beware that you need to document your handler method ```python def handler(request: AccessRequest): """ awesome description """ rpc = RPCServer(config=core.config, context=core.context) rpc_server.add_filter(self._backend_filter, "backend", "auth") rpc_server.register_handler("backend", "auth", request_class=AccessRequest, response_class=AccessResponse, handler=handler, register_schema=True) rpc.run() ``` ### Utils #### Api (**DEPRECATED**) We implemented a very basic Api class you can use for http request and that handles errors and authentication. Either inherit it or create a class. ```python api = Api(**kwargs) try: res = api.post("some_url", payload=stuff) except ApiException as e: if e.retry: # <- makes sense to try again - timeouts or server not available ... ... ``` #### Backend (**DEPRECATED**) There is also a basic implementation of a backend that provides registration and message passing. ```python class MyAccessService(AccessService): def __init__(self): super().__init__(implements_session_handling=...) ... def rpc_check_access(self, request: AccessRequest) -> AccessCheckResponse: ... # session handling def check_in_session(self, message: SessionStartMessage): ... def check_out_session(self, message: SessionFinishMessage): ... def session_error_message(self, message: Union[SessionDeleteMessage, SessionIncompleteMessage, SessionExitWithoutEntryMessage]): ... ``` #### Access Service #### Charset Useful functions for character manipulation #### Connection Status Helper class that checks the connection status of the rpc client to our server: see [here](docs/connection_status_listener.md) #### Matching Useful functions for license plate matching #### Presence Helper class for listening to presence messages. ```python presence_listener = PresenceListener(core.messages) presence_listener.on_enter.append(some_function) ``` #### Package Reader See [Package Reader](docs/package_reader.md). #### Bridged Slave/Master Detection Some services should behave differently if they are started on a bridged master device or bridged slave device (i.e. prevent double rpc-responses, prevent double code execution). For this each NUC is setup with a COMPUTE_ID. The master NUC always has `COMPUTE_ID=1`. For easier detection the functions `is_bridged_slave()` and `is_bridged_master()` are available. ##### Config * The `COMPUTE_ID` env variable is responsible for the slave/master detection. Per default the COMPUTE_ID is set to `COMPUTE_ID=1`, therefore a master NUC. * If you want to switch to a "slave" NUC, you can either set it directly with the env variable or override it for test cases (@override_settings(COMPUTE_ID=2)) ##### Example The DSGVO container takes care of the anonymization. For this it saves links between vehicle_ids and session_ids and forwards requests to anonymize session_ids with the appropriate vehicle_ids. If we have a bridged installation only the master DSGVO container should perform these tasks. The DSGVO container on slave devices should only anonymize data on its device. * RPC for anonymization and linking session to vehicle only registered `if is_bridged_slave() is False` ### Anonymization The openmodule framework uses rpc requests and messages to trigger the anonymization of data. * **Message:** You can send a AnonymizeMessage (topic: `privacy`). The message includes a session_id and vehicle_ids to delete. * **RPC Request:** You can send an AnonymizeRequest with channel=`privacy`, type=`anonymize` to the DSGVO container. This request only includes session_ids. The DSGVO container will then match vehicle_ids to the session_ids and redistribute the request with the prior mentioned message. A container with sensible data then needs to implement the message listener for the privacy messages (see example) ##### Example 1 The controller checked that a parking session was finished an fully paid. After a specified time, the DSGVO relevant data has to be anonymized. The controller then triggers the anonymization ```python request = AnonymizeRequest(session_ids=[session_id]) result = core.rpc_client.rpc("privacy", "anonymize", request) if result.response.status == "ok": self.log.info(f"Anonymized session {session_id}") ``` ##### Example 2 The controller checked that a parking session was finished an fully paid. After a specified time, the DSGVO relevant data has to be anonymized. The controller then triggers the anonymization ```python msg = AnonymizeMessage(vehicle_ids=[vid1, vid2]) self.core.publish(msg, "privacy") ``` The DSGVO container receives the request, matches session_ids with vehicle_ids and publishes the anonymization message. It also listens on said messages an deletes vehicle images based on the vehicle_ids in the message. ```python core.messages.register("privacy", AnonymizeMessage, anonymize_data) def anonymize_data(message: AnonymizeMessage): for vid in message.vehicle_ids: delete_vehicle_image_by_vehicle_id(vid) ``` **IMPORTANT** You still have to take care of data retention in each service separately, meaning you have to delete data independently of these anonymization messages. i.e. the DSGVO service deletes data if we need disk space or the eventlog deletes events after 30 days by default ## Documentation Openmodule >= 3.0.5 features automatic generation of Rpc and Message Schemas including their models. The generation uses data that is generated during the test runs to create an OpenApi Schema. Your RPCs and Message handlers are automatically documented if: * You use the message dispatcher of the core (OpenModuleCoreTestMixin) * You use the RPCServer of Openmodule You can also register models yourself if you want them documented, but you may need to save the Schema in this case: ```python from openmodule.utils.schema import Schema Schema.save_model(Model) Schema.save_rpc(channel, type, request, reqponse, handler) Schema.save_message(topic, message_class, handler, filter) Schema.to_file() ``` With default parameters, you need to document your handler functions with a doc string, that is then included as a description. ## Testing A separate package for testing openmodule packages exists within openmodule - openmodule-test. For more infos see [here](docs/testing.md) ## Commands A separate package for commands useful for developing openmodule package exists within openmoduel - openmodule-commands. The commands will be automatically available if you installed the package For a full list of the commands see [here](docs/commands.md) ## Installing from Git During development it might be necessary to install a version of openmodule, where no pip package exists. Below you can find how to install a certain openmodule branch for your application with pip: * **openmodule:** `pip install "git+https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule@#egg=openmodule"` * ** openmodule-test:** `pip install "git+https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule@#egg=openmodule-test&subdirectory=openmodule_test"` * ** openmodule-commands:** `pip install "git+https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule@#egg=openmodule-commands&subdirectory=openmodule_commands"` %package -n python3-openmodule Summary: Libraries for developing the arivo openmodule Provides: python-openmodule BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-openmodule # OpenModule V2 Some additional documentation: * [Openmodule Core](docs/core.md) * [RPC Server / Client](docs/rpc.md) ## Changes Breaking changes are annotated [here](docs/migrations.md). To quickly check if your service is susceptible to a known issue have a look [here](docs/migrations.md). ## Coding Standard For ARIVO developers we have defined a simple coding standard [here](docs/coding_standard.md) ## Features The openmodule package provides a lot of features: ### Settings The openmodule package uses a global lazy configuration `openmodule.config.settings`. This setting includes some standard parameters defined in `openmodule.config.GlobalSettings` and parameters from a customizable module. To specify the module you can call `settings.configure(module)` or you can set the environment variable `SETTINGS_MODULE`. Per default settings looks for the `config` module (it also looks for the `tests/config` module first for test cases) #### Setting functions The framework also provides multiple functions for more complex behaviours: * debug(): Returns true if working in a debug environment, i.e. `DEBUG=True` or not in docker and unknown version * testing(): Returns true if the `TESTING` env variable is set * database_folder(): Returns the default database folder, depending on testing() and debug() * version(): Returns the version of the package * resource(): Returns the auth resource * dev_device(): Returns if the device is authenticated at the dev device server or not, useful for connecting to the correct dev/prod server * config_yaml_path(): Returns either the env varibale `CONFIG_YAML`or the default value depending on the environment ( testing, debug, prod) * yaml(model, path=None): Returns the parsed yaml config based on the model and the path (default config_yaml_path()) * dist_folder(): Returns either the env variable `DIST_FOLDER` or the default value depending on the environment #### Global variables Some variables are already mapped and usable by default. These settings can be used normally and can also be overwritten ```python class GlobalSettings: # usual NAME = string("NAME", "om_dev_unnamed_1") VERSION = version() RESOURCE = resource() DEBUG = debug() TESTING = testing() LOG_LEVEL = log_level() DATABASE_FOLDER = database_folder() # broker env vars BROKER_SUB = broker_sub() BROKER_PUB = broker_pub() LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT = bool("LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT", False) is_bridged_slave = is_bridged_slave() DIST_FOLDER = dist_folder() DEV_DEVICE = dev_device() # redis REDIS_HOST = string("REDIS_HOST", "localhost") REDIS_PASSWORD = string("REDIS_PASSWORD", "") or None REDIS_PORT = int("REDIS_PORT", 6379) REDIS_DB = int("REDIS_DB", 0) ``` #### Examples of usage ```python HOST_URL = "https://operator.arivo.fun" if dev_device() else "https://operator.arivo.app" class YAMLConfig(OpenModuleModel): test: bool YAML = config.yaml(YAMLConfig) ``` #### Models Inherit from `OpenModuleModel` or in case of ZMQ messages from `ZMQMessage`. Models use pydantic ([docs](https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/types/)), check openmodule.models.* for some examples (e.g. PresenceBaseMessage for alias) ### Core The base of the new openmodule, every package should have exactly one. The core handles various things: * sentry * logging * dsvgo * messaging * health * alerting * database ``` python core = init_openmodule(config, **kwargs) shutdown_openmodule() ``` #### Messaging ##### Receiving messages The core handles message distribution with a dispatcher. You only need to register your callback. * **register_schema**: Automatically create a schema for your message handler and its models -> Beware that you need to document your handler method ```python core.messages.register_handler("topic", MessageClass, callback, filter={type = "demo"}, register_schema = True) ``` It may also be used together with an event listener to provide further functionality ```python event_listener = EventListener(log=logger) core.messages.register_handler("topic", MessageClass, event_listener, filter={type = "demo"}) ... event_listener.append(some_function) ``` #### Sending messages It is even easier to send messages ```python message = ZMQMessage(name=core.config.NAME, type="demo") core.publish(message, "topic") ``` #### Health Due to the new convention, the health message should only represent if the service is still alive. This is done automatically by the core. If you need to specify some meta data or errors you can pass your handler to the core or set it later ```python def healthy() -> HealthResult: if error: return health_error("we have an error", meta=dict(error="error")) return health_ok(meta=dict(this="is_easy")) core = init_openmodule(config, health_handler=healthy) # or core.health.health_hanlder = healthy ``` #### Alerting The new core also includes an alert handler. ```python core.alerts.send(...) alert_id = core.alerts.get_or_add_alert_id(...) core.alerts.send_with_alert_id(alert_id, ...) ``` #### Database The openmodule package now also feature a simple database which can be also specified during the template creation. If you missed it there, just copy the directory src/database from the template. For more infos see [here](docs/database.md) ### RPCs A new RPC server/client was implemented. It works like before and also includes better filtering: * if a channel is provided for a filter, only rpcs of that channel will be subject to that filter * if a type is provided for a filter, only rpcs of that type will be subject to that filter * **register_schema**: Automatically create a schema for your rpc and its models -> Beware that you need to document your handler method ```python def handler(request: AccessRequest): """ awesome description """ rpc = RPCServer(config=core.config, context=core.context) rpc_server.add_filter(self._backend_filter, "backend", "auth") rpc_server.register_handler("backend", "auth", request_class=AccessRequest, response_class=AccessResponse, handler=handler, register_schema=True) rpc.run() ``` ### Utils #### Api (**DEPRECATED**) We implemented a very basic Api class you can use for http request and that handles errors and authentication. Either inherit it or create a class. ```python api = Api(**kwargs) try: res = api.post("some_url", payload=stuff) except ApiException as e: if e.retry: # <- makes sense to try again - timeouts or server not available ... ... ``` #### Backend (**DEPRECATED**) There is also a basic implementation of a backend that provides registration and message passing. ```python class MyAccessService(AccessService): def __init__(self): super().__init__(implements_session_handling=...) ... def rpc_check_access(self, request: AccessRequest) -> AccessCheckResponse: ... # session handling def check_in_session(self, message: SessionStartMessage): ... def check_out_session(self, message: SessionFinishMessage): ... def session_error_message(self, message: Union[SessionDeleteMessage, SessionIncompleteMessage, SessionExitWithoutEntryMessage]): ... ``` #### Access Service #### Charset Useful functions for character manipulation #### Connection Status Helper class that checks the connection status of the rpc client to our server: see [here](docs/connection_status_listener.md) #### Matching Useful functions for license plate matching #### Presence Helper class for listening to presence messages. ```python presence_listener = PresenceListener(core.messages) presence_listener.on_enter.append(some_function) ``` #### Package Reader See [Package Reader](docs/package_reader.md). #### Bridged Slave/Master Detection Some services should behave differently if they are started on a bridged master device or bridged slave device (i.e. prevent double rpc-responses, prevent double code execution). For this each NUC is setup with a COMPUTE_ID. The master NUC always has `COMPUTE_ID=1`. For easier detection the functions `is_bridged_slave()` and `is_bridged_master()` are available. ##### Config * The `COMPUTE_ID` env variable is responsible for the slave/master detection. Per default the COMPUTE_ID is set to `COMPUTE_ID=1`, therefore a master NUC. * If you want to switch to a "slave" NUC, you can either set it directly with the env variable or override it for test cases (@override_settings(COMPUTE_ID=2)) ##### Example The DSGVO container takes care of the anonymization. For this it saves links between vehicle_ids and session_ids and forwards requests to anonymize session_ids with the appropriate vehicle_ids. If we have a bridged installation only the master DSGVO container should perform these tasks. The DSGVO container on slave devices should only anonymize data on its device. * RPC for anonymization and linking session to vehicle only registered `if is_bridged_slave() is False` ### Anonymization The openmodule framework uses rpc requests and messages to trigger the anonymization of data. * **Message:** You can send a AnonymizeMessage (topic: `privacy`). The message includes a session_id and vehicle_ids to delete. * **RPC Request:** You can send an AnonymizeRequest with channel=`privacy`, type=`anonymize` to the DSGVO container. This request only includes session_ids. The DSGVO container will then match vehicle_ids to the session_ids and redistribute the request with the prior mentioned message. A container with sensible data then needs to implement the message listener for the privacy messages (see example) ##### Example 1 The controller checked that a parking session was finished an fully paid. After a specified time, the DSGVO relevant data has to be anonymized. The controller then triggers the anonymization ```python request = AnonymizeRequest(session_ids=[session_id]) result = core.rpc_client.rpc("privacy", "anonymize", request) if result.response.status == "ok": self.log.info(f"Anonymized session {session_id}") ``` ##### Example 2 The controller checked that a parking session was finished an fully paid. After a specified time, the DSGVO relevant data has to be anonymized. The controller then triggers the anonymization ```python msg = AnonymizeMessage(vehicle_ids=[vid1, vid2]) self.core.publish(msg, "privacy") ``` The DSGVO container receives the request, matches session_ids with vehicle_ids and publishes the anonymization message. It also listens on said messages an deletes vehicle images based on the vehicle_ids in the message. ```python core.messages.register("privacy", AnonymizeMessage, anonymize_data) def anonymize_data(message: AnonymizeMessage): for vid in message.vehicle_ids: delete_vehicle_image_by_vehicle_id(vid) ``` **IMPORTANT** You still have to take care of data retention in each service separately, meaning you have to delete data independently of these anonymization messages. i.e. the DSGVO service deletes data if we need disk space or the eventlog deletes events after 30 days by default ## Documentation Openmodule >= 3.0.5 features automatic generation of Rpc and Message Schemas including their models. The generation uses data that is generated during the test runs to create an OpenApi Schema. Your RPCs and Message handlers are automatically documented if: * You use the message dispatcher of the core (OpenModuleCoreTestMixin) * You use the RPCServer of Openmodule You can also register models yourself if you want them documented, but you may need to save the Schema in this case: ```python from openmodule.utils.schema import Schema Schema.save_model(Model) Schema.save_rpc(channel, type, request, reqponse, handler) Schema.save_message(topic, message_class, handler, filter) Schema.to_file() ``` With default parameters, you need to document your handler functions with a doc string, that is then included as a description. ## Testing A separate package for testing openmodule packages exists within openmodule - openmodule-test. For more infos see [here](docs/testing.md) ## Commands A separate package for commands useful for developing openmodule package exists within openmoduel - openmodule-commands. The commands will be automatically available if you installed the package For a full list of the commands see [here](docs/commands.md) ## Installing from Git During development it might be necessary to install a version of openmodule, where no pip package exists. Below you can find how to install a certain openmodule branch for your application with pip: * **openmodule:** `pip install "git+https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule@#egg=openmodule"` * ** openmodule-test:** `pip install "git+https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule@#egg=openmodule-test&subdirectory=openmodule_test"` * ** openmodule-commands:** `pip install "git+https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule@#egg=openmodule-commands&subdirectory=openmodule_commands"` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for openmodule Provides: python3-openmodule-doc %description help # OpenModule V2 Some additional documentation: * [Openmodule Core](docs/core.md) * [RPC Server / Client](docs/rpc.md) ## Changes Breaking changes are annotated [here](docs/migrations.md). To quickly check if your service is susceptible to a known issue have a look [here](docs/migrations.md). ## Coding Standard For ARIVO developers we have defined a simple coding standard [here](docs/coding_standard.md) ## Features The openmodule package provides a lot of features: ### Settings The openmodule package uses a global lazy configuration `openmodule.config.settings`. This setting includes some standard parameters defined in `openmodule.config.GlobalSettings` and parameters from a customizable module. To specify the module you can call `settings.configure(module)` or you can set the environment variable `SETTINGS_MODULE`. Per default settings looks for the `config` module (it also looks for the `tests/config` module first for test cases) #### Setting functions The framework also provides multiple functions for more complex behaviours: * debug(): Returns true if working in a debug environment, i.e. `DEBUG=True` or not in docker and unknown version * testing(): Returns true if the `TESTING` env variable is set * database_folder(): Returns the default database folder, depending on testing() and debug() * version(): Returns the version of the package * resource(): Returns the auth resource * dev_device(): Returns if the device is authenticated at the dev device server or not, useful for connecting to the correct dev/prod server * config_yaml_path(): Returns either the env varibale `CONFIG_YAML`or the default value depending on the environment ( testing, debug, prod) * yaml(model, path=None): Returns the parsed yaml config based on the model and the path (default config_yaml_path()) * dist_folder(): Returns either the env variable `DIST_FOLDER` or the default value depending on the environment #### Global variables Some variables are already mapped and usable by default. These settings can be used normally and can also be overwritten ```python class GlobalSettings: # usual NAME = string("NAME", "om_dev_unnamed_1") VERSION = version() RESOURCE = resource() DEBUG = debug() TESTING = testing() LOG_LEVEL = log_level() DATABASE_FOLDER = database_folder() # broker env vars BROKER_SUB = broker_sub() BROKER_PUB = broker_pub() LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT = bool("LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT", False) is_bridged_slave = is_bridged_slave() DIST_FOLDER = dist_folder() DEV_DEVICE = dev_device() # redis REDIS_HOST = string("REDIS_HOST", "localhost") REDIS_PASSWORD = string("REDIS_PASSWORD", "") or None REDIS_PORT = int("REDIS_PORT", 6379) REDIS_DB = int("REDIS_DB", 0) ``` #### Examples of usage ```python HOST_URL = "https://operator.arivo.fun" if dev_device() else "https://operator.arivo.app" class YAMLConfig(OpenModuleModel): test: bool YAML = config.yaml(YAMLConfig) ``` #### Models Inherit from `OpenModuleModel` or in case of ZMQ messages from `ZMQMessage`. Models use pydantic ([docs](https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/types/)), check openmodule.models.* for some examples (e.g. PresenceBaseMessage for alias) ### Core The base of the new openmodule, every package should have exactly one. The core handles various things: * sentry * logging * dsvgo * messaging * health * alerting * database ``` python core = init_openmodule(config, **kwargs) shutdown_openmodule() ``` #### Messaging ##### Receiving messages The core handles message distribution with a dispatcher. You only need to register your callback. * **register_schema**: Automatically create a schema for your message handler and its models -> Beware that you need to document your handler method ```python core.messages.register_handler("topic", MessageClass, callback, filter={type = "demo"}, register_schema = True) ``` It may also be used together with an event listener to provide further functionality ```python event_listener = EventListener(log=logger) core.messages.register_handler("topic", MessageClass, event_listener, filter={type = "demo"}) ... event_listener.append(some_function) ``` #### Sending messages It is even easier to send messages ```python message = ZMQMessage(name=core.config.NAME, type="demo") core.publish(message, "topic") ``` #### Health Due to the new convention, the health message should only represent if the service is still alive. This is done automatically by the core. If you need to specify some meta data or errors you can pass your handler to the core or set it later ```python def healthy() -> HealthResult: if error: return health_error("we have an error", meta=dict(error="error")) return health_ok(meta=dict(this="is_easy")) core = init_openmodule(config, health_handler=healthy) # or core.health.health_hanlder = healthy ``` #### Alerting The new core also includes an alert handler. ```python core.alerts.send(...) alert_id = core.alerts.get_or_add_alert_id(...) core.alerts.send_with_alert_id(alert_id, ...) ``` #### Database The openmodule package now also feature a simple database which can be also specified during the template creation. If you missed it there, just copy the directory src/database from the template. For more infos see [here](docs/database.md) ### RPCs A new RPC server/client was implemented. It works like before and also includes better filtering: * if a channel is provided for a filter, only rpcs of that channel will be subject to that filter * if a type is provided for a filter, only rpcs of that type will be subject to that filter * **register_schema**: Automatically create a schema for your rpc and its models -> Beware that you need to document your handler method ```python def handler(request: AccessRequest): """ awesome description """ rpc = RPCServer(config=core.config, context=core.context) rpc_server.add_filter(self._backend_filter, "backend", "auth") rpc_server.register_handler("backend", "auth", request_class=AccessRequest, response_class=AccessResponse, handler=handler, register_schema=True) rpc.run() ``` ### Utils #### Api (**DEPRECATED**) We implemented a very basic Api class you can use for http request and that handles errors and authentication. Either inherit it or create a class. ```python api = Api(**kwargs) try: res = api.post("some_url", payload=stuff) except ApiException as e: if e.retry: # <- makes sense to try again - timeouts or server not available ... ... ``` #### Backend (**DEPRECATED**) There is also a basic implementation of a backend that provides registration and message passing. ```python class MyAccessService(AccessService): def __init__(self): super().__init__(implements_session_handling=...) ... def rpc_check_access(self, request: AccessRequest) -> AccessCheckResponse: ... # session handling def check_in_session(self, message: SessionStartMessage): ... def check_out_session(self, message: SessionFinishMessage): ... def session_error_message(self, message: Union[SessionDeleteMessage, SessionIncompleteMessage, SessionExitWithoutEntryMessage]): ... ``` #### Access Service #### Charset Useful functions for character manipulation #### Connection Status Helper class that checks the connection status of the rpc client to our server: see [here](docs/connection_status_listener.md) #### Matching Useful functions for license plate matching #### Presence Helper class for listening to presence messages. ```python presence_listener = PresenceListener(core.messages) presence_listener.on_enter.append(some_function) ``` #### Package Reader See [Package Reader](docs/package_reader.md). #### Bridged Slave/Master Detection Some services should behave differently if they are started on a bridged master device or bridged slave device (i.e. prevent double rpc-responses, prevent double code execution). For this each NUC is setup with a COMPUTE_ID. The master NUC always has `COMPUTE_ID=1`. For easier detection the functions `is_bridged_slave()` and `is_bridged_master()` are available. ##### Config * The `COMPUTE_ID` env variable is responsible for the slave/master detection. Per default the COMPUTE_ID is set to `COMPUTE_ID=1`, therefore a master NUC. * If you want to switch to a "slave" NUC, you can either set it directly with the env variable or override it for test cases (@override_settings(COMPUTE_ID=2)) ##### Example The DSGVO container takes care of the anonymization. For this it saves links between vehicle_ids and session_ids and forwards requests to anonymize session_ids with the appropriate vehicle_ids. If we have a bridged installation only the master DSGVO container should perform these tasks. The DSGVO container on slave devices should only anonymize data on its device. * RPC for anonymization and linking session to vehicle only registered `if is_bridged_slave() is False` ### Anonymization The openmodule framework uses rpc requests and messages to trigger the anonymization of data. * **Message:** You can send a AnonymizeMessage (topic: `privacy`). The message includes a session_id and vehicle_ids to delete. * **RPC Request:** You can send an AnonymizeRequest with channel=`privacy`, type=`anonymize` to the DSGVO container. This request only includes session_ids. The DSGVO container will then match vehicle_ids to the session_ids and redistribute the request with the prior mentioned message. A container with sensible data then needs to implement the message listener for the privacy messages (see example) ##### Example 1 The controller checked that a parking session was finished an fully paid. After a specified time, the DSGVO relevant data has to be anonymized. The controller then triggers the anonymization ```python request = AnonymizeRequest(session_ids=[session_id]) result = core.rpc_client.rpc("privacy", "anonymize", request) if result.response.status == "ok": self.log.info(f"Anonymized session {session_id}") ``` ##### Example 2 The controller checked that a parking session was finished an fully paid. After a specified time, the DSGVO relevant data has to be anonymized. The controller then triggers the anonymization ```python msg = AnonymizeMessage(vehicle_ids=[vid1, vid2]) self.core.publish(msg, "privacy") ``` The DSGVO container receives the request, matches session_ids with vehicle_ids and publishes the anonymization message. It also listens on said messages an deletes vehicle images based on the vehicle_ids in the message. ```python core.messages.register("privacy", AnonymizeMessage, anonymize_data) def anonymize_data(message: AnonymizeMessage): for vid in message.vehicle_ids: delete_vehicle_image_by_vehicle_id(vid) ``` **IMPORTANT** You still have to take care of data retention in each service separately, meaning you have to delete data independently of these anonymization messages. i.e. the DSGVO service deletes data if we need disk space or the eventlog deletes events after 30 days by default ## Documentation Openmodule >= 3.0.5 features automatic generation of Rpc and Message Schemas including their models. The generation uses data that is generated during the test runs to create an OpenApi Schema. Your RPCs and Message handlers are automatically documented if: * You use the message dispatcher of the core (OpenModuleCoreTestMixin) * You use the RPCServer of Openmodule You can also register models yourself if you want them documented, but you may need to save the Schema in this case: ```python from openmodule.utils.schema import Schema Schema.save_model(Model) Schema.save_rpc(channel, type, request, reqponse, handler) Schema.save_message(topic, message_class, handler, filter) Schema.to_file() ``` With default parameters, you need to document your handler functions with a doc string, that is then included as a description. ## Testing A separate package for testing openmodule packages exists within openmodule - openmodule-test. For more infos see [here](docs/testing.md) ## Commands A separate package for commands useful for developing openmodule package exists within openmoduel - openmodule-commands. The commands will be automatically available if you installed the package For a full list of the commands see [here](docs/commands.md) ## Installing from Git During development it might be necessary to install a version of openmodule, where no pip package exists. Below you can find how to install a certain openmodule branch for your application with pip: * **openmodule:** `pip install "git+https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule@#egg=openmodule"` * ** openmodule-test:** `pip install "git+https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule@#egg=openmodule-test&subdirectory=openmodule_test"` * ** openmodule-commands:** `pip install "git+https://gitlab.com/arivo-public/device-python/openmodule@#egg=openmodule-commands&subdirectory=openmodule_commands"` %prep %autosetup -n openmodule-11.0.3 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-openmodule -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 11.0.3-1 - Package Spec generated