%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-buildbot-UnrealEngine
Version: 1.7.1
Release: 1
Summary: Easy configuration for the Unreal Automation Tool
License: MIT License
URL: https://github.com/pampersrocker/buildbot-UnrealEngine
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/e3/88/7b65b68571bca2c9a531355c8ab646a4e08a1f02a46b53ef0570690c10ac/buildbot_UnrealEngine-1.7.1.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
# buildbot-UnrealEngine
Buildbot Plugin to run Commands using the Unreal Automation Tool
[](https://badge.fury.io/py/buildbot-UnrealEngine) [](https://travis-ci.org/pampersrocker/buildbot-UnrealEngine) [](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pampersrocker/buildbot-UnrealEngine/master/LICENSE)
# Installation
pip install buildbot_UnrealEngine
This enables the additional step commands as plugins inside buildbot (which are imported via `from buildbot.plugins import steps`)
# Usage
from buildbot.plugins import steps
factory = util.BuildFactory()
###### Build commands
# Additional Parameters, see below
# Additional Parameters, see below
# Additional Parameters, see below
###### BuildCookRun
# Additional Parameters, see below
# Parameters
All commands share the following base parameters:
| Parameter | Type/Options | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| engine_path |string (required) | The location to the used engine, the path needs to point to the root folder of the engine (in this folder are at least the `Engine`, `FeaturePacks`, `Samples` and `Templates` folders) |
| project_path | string (required) | The absolute location to the uproject file to be used. (Usually a `Interpolate("...")` to build the path using the current builddir) |
| build_platform | string (default `"Windows"`), Options: `"Windows"` `"Linux"` `"Mac"` | The platform on which the build itself will run, used to determine which scripts to run |
| engine_type | string (default `"Rocket"`), Options: `"Source"` `"Installed"` `"Rocket"` |
- `Source`: Engine is built from GitHub Source
- `Installed`: Engine is self build from GitHub source and made a binary build via the BuildGraph tool
- `Rocket`: Pre-built engine from Epic Games via EpicGamesLauncher
# Build Cook Run Parameters
| Parameter | Type/Options | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| no_compile_editor | bool | If true adds `-NoCompileEditor` to the command line. Skip compiling the editor target for game (needed for cooking), useful if already done before. |
| compile | bool | If true adds `-Compile` to the command line. `-NoCompile` if false. This switch is usually required on source builds. It tells the UAT to compile itself before running any commandlets, however on Installed/Rocket builds this will result in an error as the sources for UAT are not part of those engine distributions. |
| cook | bool | If true adds `-Cook` to the command line. `-SkipCook` if false. Enables or disables the cook step. |
| cook_on_the_fly | bool | If true adds `-CookOnTheFly` to the command line. `-SkipCookOnTheFly` if false. Does not cook the content, but starts the cook process in servermode, where a game can connect to using the `-FileHostIP=` parameter to connect to this server. The server will then cook requested content on the fly. |
| build | bool | If true adds `-Build` to the command line. Enables the build step, compiling the game for the target platform. |
| clean | bool | If true adds `-Clean` to the command line. Perform a clean build |
| archive | bool | If true adds `-Archive` to the command line. Archive the build after completion. |
| archive_directory | string | If true adds `-ArchiveDirectory=` to the command line. Specify the archive directory. If omitted, the path in the configuration file will be used. |
| p4 | bool | If true adds `-P4` to the command line, `-NoP4` if false. Enables disabled interaction with Perforce. |
| unversioned_cooked_content | bool | If true adds `-UnversionedCookedContent` to the command line. This writes no version into the cooked assets. |
| encrypt_ini_files | bool | If true adds `-EncryptIniFiles` to the command line. Encrypts the packaged ini files. |
| release_version | string | If set adds `-CreateReleaseVersion=` to the command line. This creates a releasee version of the game for later patching (see BasedOnReleaseVersion) |
| base_version | string | If set adds `-BasedOnReleaseVersion=` to the command line. This creates a patch or dlc based on the given release version, containing only changes that differ from the release version. |
| compressed | bool | If true adds `-Compressed` to the command line. This compressed your pak files to be to use fewer disk space, but increased loading times. |
| distribution | bool | If true adds `-Distribution` to the command line. Creates a distribution build (used for mobile) |
| iterate | bool | If true adds `-Iterate` to the command line. Only cooks changed files if run on the same directory as before |
| run | bool | If true adds `-Run` to the command line. Runs the packaged game after completion. |
| devices | string array | If set adds `-Device=` to the command line. Specifies on which devices the game will be run upon completion. |
| null_rhi | bool | If true adds `-NullRHI` to the command line. Runs the packaged games with no renderer. |
| nativize | bool | If true adds `-NativizeAssets` to the command line. Runs blueprint nativization during the cook process |
| stage | bool | If true adds `-Stage` to the command line. Save the cooked result in a staging directory |
| map | string array | If set adds `-Map= to the command line. Sets the map to include for the cook process. If omitted, used the one specified on the project documentation. |
| pak | bool | If true adds `-Pak` to the command line. Use pak files for packaging, if omitted uassets file will be directly in the content directory. |
| prereqs | bool | If true adds `-Prereqs` to the command line. Include prerequisites in the packaged game. |
| package | bool | If true adds `-Package` to the command line. Package the game for the target platform (app file on Mac, apk on Android or ipa on iPhone) |
| crash_reporter | bool | If true adds `-CrashReporter` to the command line. Includes the crash reporter during packaging. |
| dlc_name | string | If set adds -DLCName= to the command line. This will cook the specified Plugin as DLC. |
| dlc_include_engine | bool | If true adds `-DLCIncludEngineContent` to the command line. DLC should include Engine content. |
| generate_patch | bool | If true adds `-GeneratePatch` to the command line. Create a patch, requires `base_version` to be set. |
| add_patch_level | bool | If true adds `-AddPatchLevel` to the command line. Adds a patch pak level, when creating a patch. |
| generate_remaster | bool | If true adds `-GenerateRemaster` to the command line. PS4 specific patch option. |
| title_id | string or list of strings | If true adds `-TitleId=` to the command line. PS4 specific title id command. |
| extra_args | string or list of strings | If set adds the given arguments to the command line. Can be used for custom or missing command line parameters. |
# Development Setup under Windows
* Download and install [Python 2.7](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
* Install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
* Create a virtualenv in `.workspace\venv`
mkdir .workspace
cd workspace
C:\Python27\Scripts\virtualenv.exe venv
cd ..\..\
pip install -r requirements.txt
* Download [PyWin32](https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/) (for twisted) and install it in your venv
* Clone Buildbot (in Version 0.9.1) somewhere and install it and its test setup
git clone https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot.git -b v0.9.1
cd buildbot\master
pip install -e .
python setup.py test
* Install buildbot-UnrealEngine (inside your buildbot-UnrealEngine repo)
pip install -e .
* Now you can run the tests by writing
trial buildbot_UnrealEngine.test
* For code coverage install txcovreport:
easy_install http://darcs.idyll.org/~t/projects/figleaf-latest.tar.gz
pip install git+https://github.com/jrydberg/txcovreport.git
Now you can run code coverage using
trial --reporter=tree-coverage buildbot_UnrealEngine.test
%package -n python3-buildbot-UnrealEngine
Summary: Easy configuration for the Unreal Automation Tool
Provides: python-buildbot-UnrealEngine
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-buildbot-UnrealEngine
# buildbot-UnrealEngine
Buildbot Plugin to run Commands using the Unreal Automation Tool
[](https://badge.fury.io/py/buildbot-UnrealEngine) [](https://travis-ci.org/pampersrocker/buildbot-UnrealEngine) [](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pampersrocker/buildbot-UnrealEngine/master/LICENSE)
# Installation
pip install buildbot_UnrealEngine
This enables the additional step commands as plugins inside buildbot (which are imported via `from buildbot.plugins import steps`)
# Usage
from buildbot.plugins import steps
factory = util.BuildFactory()
###### Build commands
# Additional Parameters, see below
# Additional Parameters, see below
# Additional Parameters, see below
###### BuildCookRun
# Additional Parameters, see below
# Parameters
All commands share the following base parameters:
| Parameter | Type/Options | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| engine_path |string (required) | The location to the used engine, the path needs to point to the root folder of the engine (in this folder are at least the `Engine`, `FeaturePacks`, `Samples` and `Templates` folders) |
| project_path | string (required) | The absolute location to the uproject file to be used. (Usually a `Interpolate("...")` to build the path using the current builddir) |
| build_platform | string (default `"Windows"`), Options: `"Windows"` `"Linux"` `"Mac"` | The platform on which the build itself will run, used to determine which scripts to run |
| engine_type | string (default `"Rocket"`), Options: `"Source"` `"Installed"` `"Rocket"` | - `Source`: Engine is built from GitHub Source
- `Installed`: Engine is self build from GitHub source and made a binary build via the BuildGraph tool
- `Rocket`: Pre-built engine from Epic Games via EpicGamesLauncher
# Build Cook Run Parameters
| Parameter | Type/Options | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| no_compile_editor | bool | If true adds `-NoCompileEditor` to the command line. Skip compiling the editor target for game (needed for cooking), useful if already done before. |
| compile | bool | If true adds `-Compile` to the command line. `-NoCompile` if false. This switch is usually required on source builds. It tells the UAT to compile itself before running any commandlets, however on Installed/Rocket builds this will result in an error as the sources for UAT are not part of those engine distributions. |
| cook | bool | If true adds `-Cook` to the command line. `-SkipCook` if false. Enables or disables the cook step. |
| cook_on_the_fly | bool | If true adds `-CookOnTheFly` to the command line. `-SkipCookOnTheFly` if false. Does not cook the content, but starts the cook process in servermode, where a game can connect to using the `-FileHostIP=` parameter to connect to this server. The server will then cook requested content on the fly. |
| build | bool | If true adds `-Build` to the command line. Enables the build step, compiling the game for the target platform. |
| clean | bool | If true adds `-Clean` to the command line. Perform a clean build |
| archive | bool | If true adds `-Archive` to the command line. Archive the build after completion. |
| archive_directory | string | If true adds `-ArchiveDirectory=` to the command line. Specify the archive directory. If omitted, the path in the configuration file will be used. |
| p4 | bool | If true adds `-P4` to the command line, `-NoP4` if false. Enables disabled interaction with Perforce. |
| unversioned_cooked_content | bool | If true adds `-UnversionedCookedContent` to the command line. This writes no version into the cooked assets. |
| encrypt_ini_files | bool | If true adds `-EncryptIniFiles` to the command line. Encrypts the packaged ini files. |
| release_version | string | If set adds `-CreateReleaseVersion=` to the command line. This creates a releasee version of the game for later patching (see BasedOnReleaseVersion) |
| base_version | string | If set adds `-BasedOnReleaseVersion=` to the command line. This creates a patch or dlc based on the given release version, containing only changes that differ from the release version. |
| compressed | bool | If true adds `-Compressed` to the command line. This compressed your pak files to be to use fewer disk space, but increased loading times. |
| distribution | bool | If true adds `-Distribution` to the command line. Creates a distribution build (used for mobile) |
| iterate | bool | If true adds `-Iterate` to the command line. Only cooks changed files if run on the same directory as before |
| run | bool | If true adds `-Run` to the command line. Runs the packaged game after completion. |
| devices | string array | If set adds `-Device=` to the command line. Specifies on which devices the game will be run upon completion. |
| null_rhi | bool | If true adds `-NullRHI` to the command line. Runs the packaged games with no renderer. |
| nativize | bool | If true adds `-NativizeAssets` to the command line. Runs blueprint nativization during the cook process |
| stage | bool | If true adds `-Stage` to the command line. Save the cooked result in a staging directory |
| map | string array | If set adds `-Map= to the command line. Sets the map to include for the cook process. If omitted, used the one specified on the project documentation. |
| pak | bool | If true adds `-Pak` to the command line. Use pak files for packaging, if omitted uassets file will be directly in the content directory. |
| prereqs | bool | If true adds `-Prereqs` to the command line. Include prerequisites in the packaged game. |
| package | bool | If true adds `-Package` to the command line. Package the game for the target platform (app file on Mac, apk on Android or ipa on iPhone) |
| crash_reporter | bool | If true adds `-CrashReporter` to the command line. Includes the crash reporter during packaging. |
| dlc_name | string | If set adds -DLCName= to the command line. This will cook the specified Plugin as DLC. |
| dlc_include_engine | bool | If true adds `-DLCIncludEngineContent` to the command line. DLC should include Engine content. |
| generate_patch | bool | If true adds `-GeneratePatch` to the command line. Create a patch, requires `base_version` to be set. |
| add_patch_level | bool | If true adds `-AddPatchLevel` to the command line. Adds a patch pak level, when creating a patch. |
| generate_remaster | bool | If true adds `-GenerateRemaster` to the command line. PS4 specific patch option. |
| title_id | string or list of strings | If true adds `-TitleId=` to the command line. PS4 specific title id command. |
| extra_args | string or list of strings | If set adds the given arguments to the command line. Can be used for custom or missing command line parameters. |
# Development Setup under Windows
* Download and install [Python 2.7](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
* Install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
* Create a virtualenv in `.workspace\venv`
mkdir .workspace
cd workspace
C:\Python27\Scripts\virtualenv.exe venv
cd ..\..\
pip install -r requirements.txt
* Download [PyWin32](https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/) (for twisted) and install it in your venv
* Clone Buildbot (in Version 0.9.1) somewhere and install it and its test setup
git clone https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot.git -b v0.9.1
cd buildbot\master
pip install -e .
python setup.py test
* Install buildbot-UnrealEngine (inside your buildbot-UnrealEngine repo)
pip install -e .
* Now you can run the tests by writing
trial buildbot_UnrealEngine.test
* For code coverage install txcovreport:
easy_install http://darcs.idyll.org/~t/projects/figleaf-latest.tar.gz
pip install git+https://github.com/jrydberg/txcovreport.git
Now you can run code coverage using
trial --reporter=tree-coverage buildbot_UnrealEngine.test
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for buildbot-UnrealEngine
Provides: python3-buildbot-UnrealEngine-doc
%description help
# buildbot-UnrealEngine
Buildbot Plugin to run Commands using the Unreal Automation Tool
[](https://badge.fury.io/py/buildbot-UnrealEngine) [](https://travis-ci.org/pampersrocker/buildbot-UnrealEngine) [](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pampersrocker/buildbot-UnrealEngine/master/LICENSE)
# Installation
pip install buildbot_UnrealEngine
This enables the additional step commands as plugins inside buildbot (which are imported via `from buildbot.plugins import steps`)
# Usage
from buildbot.plugins import steps
factory = util.BuildFactory()
###### Build commands
# Additional Parameters, see below
# Additional Parameters, see below
# Additional Parameters, see below
###### BuildCookRun
# Additional Parameters, see below
# Parameters
All commands share the following base parameters:
| Parameter | Type/Options | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| engine_path |string (required) | The location to the used engine, the path needs to point to the root folder of the engine (in this folder are at least the `Engine`, `FeaturePacks`, `Samples` and `Templates` folders) |
| project_path | string (required) | The absolute location to the uproject file to be used. (Usually a `Interpolate("...")` to build the path using the current builddir) |
| build_platform | string (default `"Windows"`), Options: `"Windows"` `"Linux"` `"Mac"` | The platform on which the build itself will run, used to determine which scripts to run |
| engine_type | string (default `"Rocket"`), Options: `"Source"` `"Installed"` `"Rocket"` | - `Source`: Engine is built from GitHub Source
- `Installed`: Engine is self build from GitHub source and made a binary build via the BuildGraph tool
- `Rocket`: Pre-built engine from Epic Games via EpicGamesLauncher
# Build Cook Run Parameters
| Parameter | Type/Options | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| no_compile_editor | bool | If true adds `-NoCompileEditor` to the command line. Skip compiling the editor target for game (needed for cooking), useful if already done before. |
| compile | bool | If true adds `-Compile` to the command line. `-NoCompile` if false. This switch is usually required on source builds. It tells the UAT to compile itself before running any commandlets, however on Installed/Rocket builds this will result in an error as the sources for UAT are not part of those engine distributions. |
| cook | bool | If true adds `-Cook` to the command line. `-SkipCook` if false. Enables or disables the cook step. |
| cook_on_the_fly | bool | If true adds `-CookOnTheFly` to the command line. `-SkipCookOnTheFly` if false. Does not cook the content, but starts the cook process in servermode, where a game can connect to using the `-FileHostIP=` parameter to connect to this server. The server will then cook requested content on the fly. |
| build | bool | If true adds `-Build` to the command line. Enables the build step, compiling the game for the target platform. |
| clean | bool | If true adds `-Clean` to the command line. Perform a clean build |
| archive | bool | If true adds `-Archive` to the command line. Archive the build after completion. |
| archive_directory | string | If true adds `-ArchiveDirectory=` to the command line. Specify the archive directory. If omitted, the path in the configuration file will be used. |
| p4 | bool | If true adds `-P4` to the command line, `-NoP4` if false. Enables disabled interaction with Perforce. |
| unversioned_cooked_content | bool | If true adds `-UnversionedCookedContent` to the command line. This writes no version into the cooked assets. |
| encrypt_ini_files | bool | If true adds `-EncryptIniFiles` to the command line. Encrypts the packaged ini files. |
| release_version | string | If set adds `-CreateReleaseVersion=` to the command line. This creates a releasee version of the game for later patching (see BasedOnReleaseVersion) |
| base_version | string | If set adds `-BasedOnReleaseVersion=` to the command line. This creates a patch or dlc based on the given release version, containing only changes that differ from the release version. |
| compressed | bool | If true adds `-Compressed` to the command line. This compressed your pak files to be to use fewer disk space, but increased loading times. |
| distribution | bool | If true adds `-Distribution` to the command line. Creates a distribution build (used for mobile) |
| iterate | bool | If true adds `-Iterate` to the command line. Only cooks changed files if run on the same directory as before |
| run | bool | If true adds `-Run` to the command line. Runs the packaged game after completion. |
| devices | string array | If set adds `-Device=` to the command line. Specifies on which devices the game will be run upon completion. |
| null_rhi | bool | If true adds `-NullRHI` to the command line. Runs the packaged games with no renderer. |
| nativize | bool | If true adds `-NativizeAssets` to the command line. Runs blueprint nativization during the cook process |
| stage | bool | If true adds `-Stage` to the command line. Save the cooked result in a staging directory |
| map | string array | If set adds `-Map= to the command line. Sets the map to include for the cook process. If omitted, used the one specified on the project documentation. |
| pak | bool | If true adds `-Pak` to the command line. Use pak files for packaging, if omitted uassets file will be directly in the content directory. |
| prereqs | bool | If true adds `-Prereqs` to the command line. Include prerequisites in the packaged game. |
| package | bool | If true adds `-Package` to the command line. Package the game for the target platform (app file on Mac, apk on Android or ipa on iPhone) |
| crash_reporter | bool | If true adds `-CrashReporter` to the command line. Includes the crash reporter during packaging. |
| dlc_name | string | If set adds -DLCName= to the command line. This will cook the specified Plugin as DLC. |
| dlc_include_engine | bool | If true adds `-DLCIncludEngineContent` to the command line. DLC should include Engine content. |
| generate_patch | bool | If true adds `-GeneratePatch` to the command line. Create a patch, requires `base_version` to be set. |
| add_patch_level | bool | If true adds `-AddPatchLevel` to the command line. Adds a patch pak level, when creating a patch. |
| generate_remaster | bool | If true adds `-GenerateRemaster` to the command line. PS4 specific patch option. |
| title_id | string or list of strings | If true adds `-TitleId=` to the command line. PS4 specific title id command. |
| extra_args | string or list of strings | If set adds the given arguments to the command line. Can be used for custom or missing command line parameters. |
# Development Setup under Windows
* Download and install [Python 2.7](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
* Install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
* Create a virtualenv in `.workspace\venv`
mkdir .workspace
cd workspace
C:\Python27\Scripts\virtualenv.exe venv
cd ..\..\
pip install -r requirements.txt
* Download [PyWin32](https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/) (for twisted) and install it in your venv
* Clone Buildbot (in Version 0.9.1) somewhere and install it and its test setup
git clone https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot.git -b v0.9.1
cd buildbot\master
pip install -e .
python setup.py test
* Install buildbot-UnrealEngine (inside your buildbot-UnrealEngine repo)
pip install -e .
* Now you can run the tests by writing
trial buildbot_UnrealEngine.test
* For code coverage install txcovreport:
easy_install http://darcs.idyll.org/~t/projects/figleaf-latest.tar.gz
pip install git+https://github.com/jrydberg/txcovreport.git
Now you can run code coverage using
trial --reporter=tree-coverage buildbot_UnrealEngine.test
%autosetup -n buildbot_UnrealEngine-1.7.1
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-buildbot-UnrealEngine -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Fri Jun 09 2023 Python_Bot - 1.7.1-1
- Package Spec generated