%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-nonion Version: 0.4.4 Release: 1 Summary: Python Functional Programming for Humans. License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3) URL: https://bitbucket.org/shkroba/nonion Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/f7/72/81e8bc2dbb61761b13c7dabda055296a0c32ef50749c69e5d103d0538d2e/nonion-0.4.4.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description # NOnion NOnion is a Python package that provides tools for Functional Programming. One of its aims is to eliminate nested function calls such as **z(g(f(x)))** which remind an __onion__. # Installing ```bash pip install nonion ``` # Tutorial NOnion contains a set of functions and types that __might__ simplify your workflow with Functional Programming in Python. Those tools are designed (but not limited) to work with *Function* and *Pipeline* wrappers. * *Function* - a wrapper of **any** Python *Callable*, * *Pipeline* - a wrapper of **any** Python *Iterable*. It is important to understand that *NOnion* provides tools used for FP in context of Python. Because it is impossible to fully implement some constructs from FP languages in Python, *NOnion* provides tools that resemble some of those constructs. ## *Function* In order to create a *Function*, you simply pass any *Callable*: ```python f = Function(lambda x: x + 1) f(5) # 6 ``` You can also create an identity *Function*: ```python g = Function() ``` Notice, that a *Function* takes exactly single value and returns exactly single value. ### *compose* A ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$ could be done in the following way: ```python z = f @ g # alternatively z = f.compose(g) ``` You can also use *compose* several times: ```python z = f @ g @ f ``` Instead of wrapping each *Callable* with a *Function*, you can wrap only __first__ *Callable* and use *compose* on the rest. ```python def f(x): return x + 1 g = Function() @ (lambda x: x * 2) @ f g(5) # 12 ``` ### *then* Function composition sometimes might be hard to read, because you have to read it from right-to-left. In order to achieve better readability, you can use *then*. ```python g = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f g(5) # 11 # alternatively g = Function().then(lambda x: x * 2).then(f) g(5) # 11 ``` ### *fanout* If you need to pass an argument to two functions, you can use *fanout*: ```python g = Function() / (lambda x: x + 1) & (lambda x: x * 2) g(5) # (6, 10) mean = (Function() / sum & len) / star(op.truediv) mean([1, 2, 3]) # 2.0 # alternatively g = Function().then(lambda x: x + 1).fanout(lambda x: x * 2) g(5) # (6, 10) mean = (Function().then(sum).fanout(len)).then(star(op.truediv)) mean([1, 2, 3]) # 2.0 ``` ### *split* If you need to apply first value of a pair to a first function and a second value of the pair to a second function, you can use *split*: ```python g = Function() / (lambda x: x + 1) ^ (lambda x: x * 2) g((2, 3)) # (3, 6) teams = {"team a": ["member 1", "member 2"], "team b": ["member 3"]} f = Function() / str.capitalize ^ len for t in teams.items(): print(f(t)) # ('Team a', 2) # ('Team b', 1) # alternatively g = Function().then(lambda x: x + 1).split(lambda x: x * 2) g((2, 3)) # (3, 6) f = Function().then(str.capitalize).split(len) for t in teams.items(): print(f(t)) # ('Team a', 2) # ('Team b', 1) ``` ### *call* Sometimes you want to call a function ``inline'' after several compositions. In this case, you might use: ```python (Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f)(5) # 11 ``` But it might be hard to read. Especially, when you mostly pass lambdas. A better way to call a function is by using: ```python Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f | 5 # 11 ``` ### *star* (function) Suppose, that you defined a function with multiple arguments such as: ```python def f(x, y): return x + y * x ``` And you want to wrap that function using Function. In this case, you have to use *star*. ```python Function() @ star(f) | (1, 2) # 3 ``` *star* simply passes arguments to a function using Python *\** (star) operator. ### *unstar* (function) *unstar* is the opposite function to *star*: ```python names = unstar(", ".join)("Haskell Curry", "John Smith", "George Sand") print(names) # Haskell Curry, John Smith, George Sand ``` ### *foreach* You can also call a function for each value in some *Iterable* in the following way: ```python ys = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / (lambda x: x + 1) * range(5) for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 3 # 5 # 7 # 9 # ``` ## *Pipeline* In order to create a *Pipeline*, you simply pass any *Iterable*: ```python xs = Pipeline(range(5)) # notation abuse, do not use that: xs = Function() / Pipeline | range(5) ``` You can also create an empty *Pipeline*: ```python xs = Pipeline() ``` Under the hood *Pipeline* is simply uses *iter* on a passed *Iterable*. It means, that if you will pass an *Iterable*, that could be exhausted, you iterate over *Pipeline* only once. ```python xs = Pipeline(range(2)) for x in xs: print(x) # 1 # 2 # # perfectly fine, because range(x) returns a special object for x in xs: print(x) # 1 # 2 # xs = Pipeline(x for x in range(2)) for x in xs: print(x) # 1 # 2 # # xs already exhausted for x in xs: print(x) ``` ### *map* *map* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes a single value and returns a single value, on each value of the *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(3)) / (lambda x: x + 1) / (lambda x: (x, x + 1)) / star(lambda x, y: x + y * x) for y in ys: print(y) # 3 # 8 # 15 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(3)).map(lambda x: x + 1).map(lambda x: (x, x + 1)).map(star(lambda x, y: x + y * x)) ``` ### *filter* *filter* allows you to filter *Pipeline* values. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(3)) % (lambda x: x > 1) for y in ys: print(y) # 2 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(3)).filter(lambda x: x > 1) ``` ### *flatmap* *flatmap* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes a single value and returns an *Iterable*, on each value of the *Pipeline* and flatten results into single *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) * (lambda x: (x, x + 1)) for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 2 # 2 # 3 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).flatmap(lambda x: (x, x + 1)) ``` ### *apply* *apply* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes an *Iterable* and returns an *Iterable*, on whole *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) // tuple # internally Pipeline now has a tuple for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 2 # # now multiple itertations is possible for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 2 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).apply(tuple) ``` ### *collect* *collect* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes an *Iterable* and returns any single value, on whole *Pipeline*. The difference between *apply* and *collect* is that *collect* returns the result of a function instead of wrapping it with *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> tuple print(ys) # (1, 2) # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).collect(tuple) ``` You can also combine *collect* with any function which takes an *Iterator*: ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> next_ print(ys) # (1,) ys = Pipeline(range(2)) % (lambda x: x == 5) >> next_ print(ys) # () ys = Pipeline(range(5)) >> shift(islice, 2) for y in ys: print(y) # 0 # 1 # alternatively you can use apply ys = Pipeline(range(5)) // shift(islice, 2) | print # 0 # 1 ``` ### *foreach* *foreach* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes a single value, on each value of the *Pipeline*. ```python Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) | print # 1 # 2 # # alternatively Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).foreach(print) ``` ## *groupon* *groupon* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Y]*, and returns some function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[X]* grouped on *Callable[[X], Y]* function. The *groupon* function uses Python *groupby* function under the hood. *groupon* adds a grouping key using passed *Callable[[X], Y]* function and sorts values by that key before applying *groupby*. ```python xs = -3, 1, 0, -1, 5 ( Pipeline(xs) // groupon(lambda x: x > 0) / value(tuple) | print ) # (False, (-3, 0, -1)) # (True, (1, 5)) ``` ## *nonion.tools* ### *Either* *Either* is a type alias. *Either* is defined as follows: ```python Either = Tuple[Maybe[X], Maybe[Y]] ``` *Either* can be used when you need to return either left (bad) value or a right (good) value: ```python def readline(path: str) -> Either[str, str]: h: Maybe[IOBase] = try_(open)(path) if not h: return (("error occurred during open",), ()) h, *_ = h line = h.readline() h.close() return ((), line) error, line = readline("requirements.txt") if line: print(*line) else: print(*error) ``` Because *Either* is simply a type alias, it does not checks whether only left or only right value is passed. ### *Maybe* *Maybe* is a type alias. *Maybe* resembles Haskell's *Maybe* in Python. *Maybe* is defined as follows: ```python Maybe = Union[Tuple[X], Tuple[()]] ``` As we can see *Maybe* is simply some *tuple* that might contain a single value or be an empty *tuple*. It means that in order to initialize an *Maybe* you can simply write: ```python x = () # empty Maybe y = (3,) # Maybe with value 3 ``` You can easily check whether an *Maybe* is empty: ```python def f(x: int) -> Maybe[int]: return (x,) if x < 3 else () x: Maybe[int] = f(5) if not x: print("Maybe is empty") # Maybe is empty ``` You can also provide an alternative value if *Maybe* is empty and immediately try to unwrap the *Maybe*: ```python x: Maybe[int] = f(5) y, *_ = x or (42,) print(y) # 42 ``` ```python # alternatively x: Maybe[int] = f(1) z = x or (42,) # notice: if you pass an empty *z to a single argument function, you will get an error print(*z) # 1 ``` Because *Maybe* is simply a *tuple* under the hood, you can apply any Python function (that operates on *tuple*) to an instance of an *Maybe*. ### *as_catch* *as_catch* is simply: ```python @curry def as_catch(default: Callable[[X], Y], xys: Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]) -> Callable[[X], Y]: return catch(as_match(xys), default=default) ``` Example of *as_catch* usage: ```python successor: Callable[[int], int] = Pipeline(range(10)) // zipmapr(lambda x: x + 1) >> as_catch(lambda _: -1) print(successor(1)) # 2 print(successor(100)) # -1 ``` ### *as_match* *as_match* is simply: ```python def as_match(xys: Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]) -> Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]: x_to_y = dict(xys) def lookup(x: X) -> Maybe[Y]: return (x_to_y[x],) if x in x_to_y else () return lookup ``` Example of *as_match* usage: ```python successor: Callable[[int], Maybe[int]] = Pipeline(range(10)) // zipmapr(lambda x: x + 1) >> as_match print(successor(1)) # (2,) print(successor(100)) # () ``` ### *between* *between* is simply: ```python def between(low: float, high: float) -> Callable[[float], bool]: return lambda x: low <= x and x <= high ``` Example of *between* usage: ```python ys = filter(between(3, 5), range(10)) print(tuple(ys)) # (3, 4, 5) ``` ### *both* *both* is a function that takes a function *Callable[[X], Y]* and returns a function *Callable[[Tuple[X, X]], Tuple[Y, Y]]*. The returned function takes a pair and applies *Callable[[X], Y]* to both values. ```python both(lambda x: x + 1)((1, 2)) # (2, 3) ``` ### *cache* *cache* is a decorator which returns a function that always returns a value that was returned in the first call. ```python def f(x: int) -> int: return x + 5 g = cache(f) print(g(5)) # 10 print(g()) # 10 print(g("abc", 1, {})) # 10 h = cache(f) print(h(7)) # 12 ``` ### *catch* *catch* is a function that resembles pattern-matching in Python. It takes some functions `*fs: Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]` with some catch-all function `default: Callable[..., Y]` and returns a function `Callable[..., Y]` which executes `fs` functions one by one until some function will return non-empty `Maybe[Y]`. If none of those functions will return a non-empty `Maybe[Y]`, the result of `default` function is returned. ```python # let's say that we want to parse age ranges that we have in our data: age_ranges = ( "10-20", "20-30", "30+", "60+", "invalid input" ) # we consider 30+ to be a valid range <30, 100) def parse_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw = x.split("-") low, high, *_ = map(int, raw) return low, high def parse_unbounded_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw, *_ = x.split("+") return int(raw), 100 # we will use <18, 100) as our default range parse = catch( try_(parse_range), try_(parse_unbounded_range), default=lambda _: (18, 100) ) for x in age_ranges: print(parse(x)) # (10, 20) # (20, 30) # (30, 100) # (60, 100) # (18, 100) ``` ### *compose* *compose* is an implementation of a ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$. ```python xs = "a", "ab", "c" yxs = enumerate(xs) p: Callable[[Tuple[int, str]], bool] = compose(lambda x: x.startswith("a"), snd) filtered: Iterable[Tuple[int, str]] = filter(p, yxs) ys = map(fst, filtered) print(tuple(ys)) # (0, 1) ``` ### *cons* *cons* allows you to prepend value of type *X* to an *Iterable[X]*. ```python print(tuple(cons(1)((2, 3, 4, 5)))) # (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ``` ### *const* *const* is a function that takes a value of type *X* and returns a function of type *Callable[[Y], X]*. The returned function will ignore its argument and will return the value that was passed to *const*. ```python print(const(1)("abc")) # 1 ``` ### *curry* *curry* is simply: ```python def curry(f: Callable[..., Y]) -> Callable[..., Y]: return lambda *args, **kwargs: partial(f, *args, **kwargs) ``` ### *cycle* *cycle* is a function which takes *Tuple[X, ...]* and returns *Iterable[X]*. *Iterable[X]* is created by repeatedly yielding elements from passed *Tuple[X, ...]*. ```python xs = take(10)(cycle([1, 2, 3])) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1) ``` ### *drop* *drop* is simply: ```python def drop(n: int) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]: return (lambda xs: islice(xs, n, None)) if n > 0 else (lambda _: ()) ``` Example of *drop* usage: ```python xs = drop(1)(range(3)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2) xs = islice(range(3), 1, None) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2) ``` ### *either* *either* is a function that takes a function of type *Callable[[X], Z]* and a function of type *Callable[[Y], Z]* and returns a function of type *Callable[[Either[X, Y]], Z]*. The returned function takes *Either[X, Y]*. If the *Either* contains left value, the value will be applied to *Callable[[X], Z]*. If the *Either* contains right value, the value will be applied to *Callable[[Y], Z]*. The result of application is returned. ```python f = either(lambda x: f"Error: {x}", lambda y: f"OK: {y}") print(f((("unable to parse",), ()))) # Error: unable to parse print(f(((), (1,)))) # OK: 1 ``` ### *either_to_maybe* *either_to_maybe* is an alias for *snd*. ### *except_* *except_* is a decorator which returns a function that returns *Either* with some value or an *Exception* that was raised. ```python f = except_(next) xs = iter(range(2)) print(f(xs)) # ((), (0,)) print(f(xs)) # ((), (1,)) print(f(xs)) # ((StopIteration(),), ()) ``` ### *fail* *fail* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[Exception], Y]* and returns a decorator which takes a function *Callable[..., Y]* and returns *Callable[..., Y]*. The function returned by the decorator uses passed *Callable[[Exception], Y]* to handle possible errors produced by a decorated function. If no errors produced, *Callable[[Exception], Y]* will not be executed and the result of the decorated function will be returned. ```python # Let's say that you want to write is_repeated function # which tells you whether you have a collection consisting # only from the single value. # The simplest function you could think of might look like this: def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: x, *rest = xs return all(x == y for y in rest) # It works on collections that have at least one value: print(is_repeated((1, 1))) # True print(is_repeated((1, 2, 3))) # False # but when you have an empty collection, this function will result # in an error: print(is_repeated(())) # ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0) # In order to handle this case, you can rewrite this function in a # following manner: def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: xs = iter(xs) wrapped_x = next_(xs) if wrapped_x: x, *_ = wrapped_x return all(x == y for y in xs) else: return True # And it would work: print(is_repeated((1, 1))) # True print(is_repeated((1, 2, 3))) # False print(is_repeated(())) # True # You might also use a *fail* function which will surround your # function with try-except clause, to deal with empty collection. @fail(lambda _: True) def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: x, *rest = xs return all(x == y for y in rest) # In case when error is raised by is_repeated, the # lambda _: True # function will be executed. The raised error will be passed to # that function. def g(e: Exception) -> bool: print(e) return True @fail(g) def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: x, *rest = xs return all(x == y for y in rest) print(is_repeated((1,))) # True print(is_repeated(())) # not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0) # True ``` ### *find* *find* is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function which takes some *Iterable* and returns an *Maybe* with value that matches the predicate if such value exists: ```python x: Maybe[int] = find(lambda x: x == 3)(range(5)) print(x) # (3,) x: Maybe[int] = find(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5)) print(x) # () ``` ### *findindex* *findindex* is a function that works like *find*, but instead of returning a function which returns a value in *Iterable* that matches some predicate, it returns a function which returns an index of that value in *Iterable*. ```python x: Maybe[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == 8)(range(5, 10)) print(x) # (3,) x: Maybe[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5, 10)) print(x) # () ``` ### *finds* *finds* is a function which takes an *Iterable[Callable[[X], bool]]* of predicates and returns a function which takes some *Iterable[X]* and returns an *Iterable[Maybe[X]]*. *finds* iterates over each predicate and searches for a matching value for that predicate in the passed *Iterable[X]*. *finds* will store checked *Iterable[X]* values in a buffer, so that the buffer will be checked at first and (if needed) the remaining *Iterable[X]* will be checked at last. ```python fs = (lambda x: x == 2), (lambda x: x == 4), (lambda x: x == 1), (lambda x: x == -1) ys: Iterable[Maybe[int]] = finds(fs)(range(5)) for y in ys: print(y) # (2,) # (4,) # (1,) # () ``` ### *flattenl* *flattenl* is a function which takes a *Tuple* which contains another *Tuple* on the beginning and flattens that inner *Tuple* inside of outer *Tuple*. ```python xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14} Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flattenl | print # ('A', 2.5, 1) # ('B', 3.14, 2) ``` ### *flattenr* *flattenr* is a function which takes a *Tuple* which contains another *Tuple* on the end and flattens that inner *Tuple* inside of outer *Tuple*. ```python xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14} Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipl(count(1)) / flattenr | print # (1, 'A', 2.5) # (2, 'B', 3.14) ``` ### *flip* *flip* is simply: ```python def flip(f: Callable[[Y, X], Z]) -> Callable[[X, Y], Z]: return lambda x, y: f(y, x) ``` Example of *flip* usage: ```python xs = "A", "B", "C" Pipeline(enumerate(xs)) / key(lambda x: x + 1) * star(flip(repeat)) | print # A # B # B # C # C # C ``` ### *foldl* *foldl* is a function which takes a binary function *Callable[[Y, X], Y]* and some accumulator *Y* and returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*. This function allows you to fold *Iterable[X]* from __left__ using passed binary function. The accumulator is being passed as the __first__ argument of the binary function. Example of *foldl* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1) alphabet = Pipeline(xs) / chr >> foldl(operator.add, "") print(alphabet) # ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ``` ### *foldl1* *foldl1* is a similar function to *foldl*. The difference between *foldl1* and *foldl* is that *foldl1* takes *Callable[[X, X], X]*, uses *Iterable[X]* __first__ element as the accumulator and returns *X*. *foldl1* will raise an error if the supplied *Iterable[X]* is empty. ### *foldr* *foldr* is a function which takes a binary function *Callable[[X, Y], Y]* and some accumulator *Y* and returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*. This function allows you to fold *Iterable[X]* from __right__ using passed binary function. The accumulator is being passed as the __last__ argument of the binary function. Example of *foldr* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1) reversed_alphabet = ( Pipeline(xs) / chr // foldr(lambda x, acc: acc + [x], []) >> foldl(operator.add, "") ) print(reversed_alphabet) # ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ``` ### *foldr1* *foldr1* is a similar function to *foldr*. The difference between *foldr1* and *foldr* is that *foldr1* takes *Callable[[X, X], X]*, uses *Iterable[X]* __last__ element as the accumulator and returns *X*. *foldr1* will raise an error if the supplied *Iterable[X]* is empty. Under the hood *foldr1* will use *tuple* on passed *Iterable[X]* in order to extract the accumulator. ### *fst* *fst* is simply: ```python def fst(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> X: return xy[0] ``` ### *group* *group* is a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Tuple[X, ...]]*. This function groups passed elements by equality comparison `==`. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 print(tuple(group(xs))) # ((1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (3,), (1, 1, 1)) ``` ### *groupby* *groupby* is a function which takes an equality comparison function *Callable[[X, X], bool]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, ...]]]* which groups passed elements by the equality comparison function. ```python people = ( ("Alex", 23), ("John", 23), ("Sam", 27), ("Kate", 27), ("Fred", 23), ) grouped = groupby(lambda x, y: snd(x) == snd(y))(people) print(tuple(grouped)) # ((('Alex', 23), ('John', 23)), (('Sam', 27), ('Kate', 27)), (('Fred', 23),)) # or you can use *on* function: grouped = groupby(on(operator.eq, snd))(people) print(tuple(grouped)) # ((('Alex', 23), ('John', 23)), (('Sam', 27), ('Kate', 27)), (('Fred', 23),)) ``` ### *in_* *in_* is simply: ```python def in_(xs: Tuple[X, ...]) -> Callable[[X], bool]: return lambda x: x in xs ``` ### *key* *key* is simply: ```python def key(f: Callable[[X], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[Z, Y]]: g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = compose(f, fst) return lambda xy: (g(xy), snd(xy)) ``` Example of *key* usage: ```python xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]} zys = map(key(str.casefold), xys.items()) for zy in zys: print(zy) # ('a', [1, 2, 3]) # ('b', [3, 4]) ``` ### *length* *length* is a function which takes an *Iterable* and returns number of elements in that *Iterable*. *length* exhausts the *Iterable*. ```python xs = 1, 2, 3 print(len(xs)) # 3 # len(iter(xs)) will raise an error print(length(iter(xs))) # 3 ``` ### *lift* *lift* is simply: ```python lift = curry(map) ``` ### *match_* *match_* is a function that resembles pattern-matching in Python. It takes some functions `*fs: Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]` and returns a function `Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]` which executes `fs` functions one by one until some function will return non-empty `Maybe[Y]`. If none of those functions will return a non-empty `Maybe[Y]`, an empty `Maybe[Y]` (i.e. `()`) is returned. ```python # let's say that we want to parse age ranges that we have in our data: age_ranges = ( "10-20", "20-30", "30+", "60+", "invalid input" ) # we consider 30+ to be a valid range <30, 100) def parse_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw = x.split("-") low, high, *_ = map(int, raw) return low, high def parse_unbounded_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw, *_ = x.split("+") return int(raw), 100 parse = match_( try_(parse_range), try_(parse_unbounded_range) ) for x in age_ranges: print(parse(x)) # ((10, 20),) # ((20, 30),) # ((30, 100),) # ((60, 100),) # () ``` ### *maybe* *maybe* is a function that takes a function of type *Callable[[], Y]* and a function of type *Callable[[X], Y]* and returns a function of type *Callable[[Maybe[X]], Y]*. The returned function takes *Maybe[X]*. If the *Maybe* contains value, the value will be applied to *Callable[[X], Y]* and a result of application is returned. If the *Maybe* contains no value, the *Callable[[], Y]* is called and a result is returned. ```python f = maybe(lambda: "Error", lambda x: f"OK: {x}") print(f(())) # Error print(f((1,))) # OK: 1 ``` ### *maybe_to_either* *maybe_to_either* is a function which allows you to create an *Either[Y, X]* from an *Maybe[X]*. *maybe_to_either* takes a function *Callable[[], Y]* and returns a function *Callable[[Maybe[X]], Either[Y, X]]*. ```python raw_numbers = "1\n22\nten\n333".splitlines() xs = ( Pipeline(raw_numbers) / try_(int) / maybe_to_either(lambda: f"Failed to parse.") | print ) # ((), (1,)) # ((), (22,)) # (('Failed to parse.',), ()) # ((), (333,)) ``` The difference between using *maybe_to_either* and explicitly creating *Either* using tuples is that *maybe_to_either* will not evaluate the left part if the right part is present. That is why *Callable[[], Y]* is being passed to *maybe_to_either* instead of *Y*. ### *merge* *merge* is a function which takes two sorted *Iterable[X]* and merges them into single sorted *Iterable[X]*. It uses *lambda x, y: x <= y* comparison function. Use *key* parameter to specify a function *Callable[[X], Y]* to be called on each element prior to making comparisons. ```python xs = merge((1, 3, 5), (1, 2, 4)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) xs, ys = [(1, "a"), (3, "d"), (5, "f")], [(1, "b"), (2, "c"), (4, "e")] print(tuple((merge(xs, ys, key=fst)))) # ((1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'e'), (5, 'f')) ``` ### *next_* *next_* is simply: ```python next_: Callable[[Iterator[X]], Maybe[X]] = try_(next) ``` Example of *next_* usage: ```python xs = iter(range(2)) print(next_(xs)) # (0,) print(next_(xs)) # (1,) print(next_(xs)) # () ``` ### *not_* *not_* is a function which takes a predicate and returns negation of that predicate. ```python print(not_(lambda x, y: x == y)(1, 5)) # True ``` ### *on* *on* is simply: ```python def on(f: Callable[[Y, Y], Z], g: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[X, X], Z]: return lambda p, n: f(g(p), g(n)) ``` Example of *on* usage could be found in *groupby* section. ### *padl* *padl* is a function which allows you to pad some *Iterable* from the __left__ using a filler. This function takes a number *n* and a filler *x*. In case when **exact=False** option is passed, it returns a function which prepends *n - k* fillers to the passed *Iterable*, where *k* is a length of the passed *Iterable*. In case when **exact=True** option is passed, it returns a function which prepends __exactly__ *n* fillers to the passed *Iterable*. ```python xs = "".join(padl(5, "x")("abc")) print(xs) # xxabc xs = "".join(padl(5, "x", exact=True)("abc")) print(xs) # xxxxxabc ``` ### *padr* *padr* is a function which allows you to pad some *Iterable* from the __right__ using a filler. This function takes a number *n* and a filler *x*. In case when **exact=False** option is passed, it returns a function which appends *n - k* fillers to the passed *Iterable*, where *k* is a length of the passed *Iterable*. In case when **exact=True** option is passed, it returns a function which appends __exactly__ *n* fillers to the passed *Iterable*. ```python xs = "".join(padr(5, "x")("abc")) print(xs) # abcxx xs = "".join(padr(5, "x", exact=True)("abc")) print(xs) # abcxxxxx ``` ### *partition* *partition* is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Tuple[Tuple[X, ...], Tuple[X, ...]]]*. This returned function splits passed elements into those that do match the predicate and the rest. The difference between *span* and *partition* is that *span* stops when it finds the first element that does not match the predicate and *partition* goes until the end. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 matched, rest = partition(lambda x: x == 1)(xs) print(matched) # (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) print(rest) # (2, 2, 2, 3) ``` ### *peek* *peek* is a decorator which allows you to apply some function to a passed argument and return back the passed argument instead of a function's result. ```python x = peek(print)(5) # 5 print(x) # 5 xs = ( Pipeline(range(3, 0, -1)) / peek(print, "Countdown:", file=sys.stderr) >> tuple ) # Countdown: 3 # Countdown: 2 # Countdown: 1 print(xs) # (3, 2, 1) ``` ### *pick* *pick* is a function which takes some aggregate function *Callable[[Tuple[X, ...]], X]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]*. This returned function __picks__ all elements from the passed collection *Iterable[X]* which are equal to the value returned by the aggregate function. The equal function might be substituted with any other function of type signature *Callable[[X, X], bool]* by passing a *compare* parameter. ```python print(min([1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1])) # 1 ys = tuple(pick(min)([1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1])) print(ys) # (1, 1, 1, 1) print(min([])) # ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence ys = tuple(pick(min)([])) print(ys) # () ``` ### *pickby* *pickby* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Y]*, an aggregate function *Callable[[Tuple[Y, ...]], Y]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]*. This returned function __picks__ all elements from the passed collection *Iterable[X]* which corresponding *Y* values, created by the *Callable[[X], Y]* function, are equal to the value returned by the aggregate function. The equal function might be substituted with any other function of type signature *Callable[[Y, Y], bool]* by passing a *compare* parameter. The function *Callable[[X], Y]* will be used exactly once on the whole collection. ```python cars_and_prices = ( ("Audi", 25000), ("BMW", 70000), ("Mercedes", 25000), ) cheapest_car = min(cars_and_prices, key=snd) print(cheapest_car) # ('Audi', 25000) cheapest_cars = pickby(snd, min)(cars_and_prices) print(tuple(cheapest_cars)) # (('Audi', 25000), ('Mercedes', 25000)) ``` ### *powerset* *powerset* is a function which takes a *Tuple[X, ...]* and produces power set of those elements in form of *Iterable[Iterable[X]]*. ```python xs = tuple(range(3)) ps = tuple(map(tuple, powerset(xs))) print(ps) # ((), (2,), (1,), (1, 2), (0,), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 1, 2)) ``` ### *replicate* *replicate* is a function which takes a number *n* and returns a function, which takes some value *x* and repeats *n* times value *x*. ```python xs = tuple(replicate(5)("hello")) print(xs) # ('hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello') ``` ### *reverse* *reverse* is a function which takes an *Iterable[X]* and returns *Deque[X]* which contains elements from *Iterable[X]* in reversed order. ```python xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1) reversed_alphabet = ( Pipeline(xs) / chr // reverse # Python reversed would not work on Iterable >> foldl(operator.add, "") ) print(reversed_alphabet) # ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ``` ### *scanl* *scanl* is a similar function to *foldl*. The difference between *scanl* and *foldl* is that *scanl* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Y]*. The resulting *Iterable[Y]* contains all accumulators used in *foldl*. ```python xs = scanl(operator.mul, 1)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120) ``` ### *scanl1* *scanl1* is a similar function to *foldl1*. The difference between *scanl1* and *foldl1* is that *scanl1* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *X*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[X]*. The resulting *Iterable[X]* contains all accumulators used in *foldl1*. ```python xs = scanl1(operator.mul)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2, 6, 24, 120) ``` ### *scanr* *scanr* is a similar function to *foldr*. The difference between *scanr* and *foldr* is that *scanr* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Deque[Y]*. The resulting *Deque[Y]* contains all accumulators used in *foldr*. ```python xs = scanr(operator.mul, 1)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(xs) # deque([120, 120, 60, 20, 5, 1]) ``` ### *scanr1* *scanr1* is a similar function to *foldr1*. The difference between *scanr1* and *foldr1* is that *scanr1* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *X*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Deque[X]*. The resulting *Deque[X]* contains all accumulators used in *foldr1*. ```python xs = scanr1(operator.mul)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(xs) # deque([120, 120, 60, 20, 5]) ``` ### *search* *search* is a function which takes a predicate *Callable[[X], bool]* along with *Iterable[Y]* and returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Y]*. This function zips *Iterable[Y]* with *Iterable[X]* and returns those *Y*s for which corresponding *X*s match the predicate. ```python xs = search(lambda x: x > 3, count())(range(1, 6)) print(tuple(xs)) # (3, 4) ``` ### *shift* *shift* is a decorator which returns a partially applied function. The difference between Python's *functools.partial* and *shift* is that *shift* will return a function which prepends *\*args* and *\*\*kwargs*: ```python def dummy(*args: object, **kwargs: object): print(args) print(kwargs) partial(dummy, 1, 2, a=1, b="b")(3, 4, c="c") print("-" * 10) shift(dummy, 1, 2, a=1, b="b")(3, 4, c="c") # (1, 2, 3, 4) # {'a': 1, 'b': 'b', 'c': 'c'} # ---------- # (3, 4, 1, 2) # {'c': 'c', 'a': 1, 'b': 'b'} ``` Example of *shift* usage: ```python take_3 = shift(islice, 3) xs: Iterable[int] = take_3(range(5)) for x in xs: print(x) # 0 # 1 # 2 ``` ### *slide* *slide* is a function which takes a sliding window length **n** and a **step**, and returns a function which takes an *Iterable* and applies sliding window over it resulting in an *Iterable* of *tuple*s. Each *tuple* has at most length equal to **n**. In case when **exact=True** option is passed, each *tuple* has length equal to **n**. **step** is simply a shift of a sliding window. ```python xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide()(range(10)) print(tuple(xs)) # ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9,)) xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(n=3, step=2)(range(10)) print(tuple(xs)) # ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8), (8, 9)) xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(n=3, step=2, exact=True)(range(10)) print(tuple(xs)) # ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8)) def is_sorted(xs: Iterable[X], compare: Callable[[X, X], bool] = operator.le) -> bool: return ( Pipeline(slide(exact=True)(xs)) / star(compare) >> all ) print(is_sorted((1, 2, 5))) # True print(is_sorted((1, 2, -5))) # False ``` ### *snd* *snd* is simply: ```python def snd(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> Y: return xy[1] ``` ### *span* *span* is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Tuple[Tuple[X, ...], Iterable[X]]]*. This returned function splits passed elements into those that do match the predicate on the beginning and the rest. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 matched, rest = span(lambda x: x == 1)(xs) print(matched) # (1, 1) print(tuple(rest)) # (2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1) ``` ### *splitat* *splitat* is a function which takes an index *i* and returns a function which splits an *Iterable[X]* into *Tuple[X, ...]* and *Iterable[X]*. The *Tuple[X, ...]* will contain first *i* elements and the *Iterable[X]* will contain the rest. ```python xs, rest = splitat(1)(range(5)) print(xs) # (0,) print(tuple(rest)) # (1, 2, 3, 4) ``` ### *strip* *strip* is a function which takes an *Iterable[X]* and returns an *Iterable[X]* with removed consecutive duplicates. *strip* functions uses only equality comparison `==`. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 print(tuple(strip(xs))) # (1, 2, 3, 1) ``` ### *stripby* *stripby* is a function which takes an equality comparison function *Callable[[X, X], bool]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]* which removes consecutive duplicates in terms of the equality comparison function. ```python people = ( ("Alex", 23), ("John", 23), ("Sam", 27), ("Kate", 27), ("Fred", 23), ) stripped = stripby(lambda x, y: snd(x) == snd(y))(people) print(tuple(stripped)) # (('Alex', 23), ('Sam', 27), ('Fred', 23)) # or you can use *on* function: stripped = stripby(on(operator.eq, snd))(people) print(tuple(stripped)) # (('Alex', 23), ('Sam', 27), ('Fred', 23)) ``` ### *take* *take* is simply: ```python def take(n: int) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]: return (lambda xs: islice(xs, n)) if n > 0 else (lambda _: ()) ``` Example of *take* usage: ```python xs = take(1)(range(3)) print(tuple(xs)) # (0,) xs = islice(range(3), 1) print(tuple(xs)) # (0,) ``` ### *try_* *try_* is a decorator which returns a function that returns *Maybe* with some value or an empty *Maybe* if an *Exception* was raised. ```python load_json = try_(json.loads) print(load_json("{}")) # ({},) print(load_json("[1, 2, 3]")) # ([1, 2, 3],) print(load_json("abc")) # () ``` ### *unfoldr* *unfoldr* is a function that takes a function of type *Callable[[X], Maybe[Tuple[Y, X]]]* and returns a function of type *Callable[[X], Iterable[Y]]*. The returned function will repeatedly apply *X* to the function passed to *unfoldr* until it returns value *()*. ```python until_3 = unfoldr(lambda acc: ((acc, acc + 1),) if acc < 3 else ()) print(tuple(until_3(0))) # (0, 1, 2) ``` ### *value* *value* is simply: ```python def value(f: Callable[[Y], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[X, Z]]: g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = compose(f, snd) return lambda xy: (fst(xy), g(xy)) ``` Example of *value* usage: ```python xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]} xzs = map(value(len), xys.items()) for xz in xzs: print(xz) # ('A', 3) # ('B', 2) ``` ### *where* *where* is a similar function to *findindex*. The difference between *where* and *findindex* is that *where* returns indices of all elements that match given predicate instead of one. The other difference is that *where* returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Y]*, on the other hand *findindex* returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Maybe[int]*. ```python xs = where(lambda x: x >= 8)(range(5, 10)) print(tuple(xs)) # (3, 4) xs = where(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5, 10)) print(tuple(xs)) # () ``` ### *zipflatl* *zipflatl* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*, and returns some function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]* with only those elements from *Iterable[X]* that are mapped to non-empty *Maybe[Y]* by the function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*. ```python xs = "1", "hello", "2" f = try_(int) ys = zipflatl(f)(xs) print(tuple(ys)) # ((1, '1'), (2, '2')) ``` ### *zipflatr* *zipflatr* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*, and returns some function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Tuple[Y, X]]* with only those elements from *Iterable[X]* that are mapped to non-empty *Maybe[Y]* by the function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*. ```python xs = "1", "hello", "2" f = try_(int) ys = zipflatr(f)(xs) print(tuple(ys)) # (('1', 1), ('2', 2)) ``` ### *zipif* *zipif* is a function which allows you to zip *Iterable[X]* elements with *Iterable[Y]* elements that match a predicate *Callable[[X, Y], bool]*, using a binary function *Callable[[X, Y], Z]*, into *Iterable[Z]*. When a pair *x* and *y* do not match the predicate, a function *Callable[[X], Z]* is applied to *x* and its result is yielded. Also, in the next iteration only the first element *x* of the pair will be substituted with it's successor *x'* and *y* will remain unchanged (so that the predicate will get *x'* and *y*). ```python participants = ( ("Alex", 160.0), ("Sam", 0.0), ("Kate", 150.0), ("John", 155.0), ("Fred", 35.0) ) name = fst balance = snd tickets = ( (1, 160), (2, 150), (3, 300) ) ticket_id = fst price = snd sell_tickets = zipif( lambda user, ticket: balance(user) >= price(ticket), lambda user, ticket: (name(user), balance(user) - price(ticket), (ticket,)), lambda user: (*user, ()) ) for x in sell_tickets(tickets)(participants): print(x) # ('Alex', 0.0, ((1, 160),)) # ('Sam', 0.0, ()) # ('Kate', 0.0, ((2, 150),)) # ('John', 155.0, ()) # ('Fred', 35.0, ()) ``` ### *zipl* *zipl* is simply: ```python def zipl(xs: Iterable[X]) -> Callable[[Iterable[Y]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]: return lambda ys: zip(xs, ys) ``` Example of *zipl* usage: ```python xs = "A", "B", "C" Pipeline(xs) // zipl(count(1)) * star(flip(repeat)) | print # A # B # B # C # C # C ``` ### *zipmapl* *zipmapl* is simply: ```python def zipmapl(f: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[Y, X]]]: return lambda xs: map(lambda x: (f(x), x), xs) ``` Example of *zipmapl* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1) upper_to_lower = Pipeline(xs) / chr // zipmapl(str.upper) >> dict Pipeline(upper_to_lower.items()) // take(5) | print # ('A', 'a') # ('B', 'b') # ('C', 'c') # ('D', 'd') # ('E', 'e') ``` ### *zipmapr* *zipmapr* is simply: ```python def zipmapr(f: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]: return lambda xs: map(lambda x: (x, f(x)), xs) ``` Example of *zipmapr* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1) upper_to_lower = Pipeline(xs) / chr // zipmapr(str.upper) >> dict Pipeline(upper_to_lower.items()) // take(5) | print # ('a', 'A') # ('b', 'B') # ('c', 'C') # ('d', 'D') # ('e', 'E') ``` ### *zipr* *zipr* is simply: ```python def zipr(ys: Iterable[Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]: return lambda xs: zip(xs, ys) ``` Example of *zipl* usage: ```python xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14} Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flattenl | print # ('A', 2.5, 1) # ('B', 3.14, 2) ``` %package -n python3-nonion Summary: Python Functional Programming for Humans. Provides: python-nonion BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-nonion # NOnion NOnion is a Python package that provides tools for Functional Programming. One of its aims is to eliminate nested function calls such as **z(g(f(x)))** which remind an __onion__. # Installing ```bash pip install nonion ``` # Tutorial NOnion contains a set of functions and types that __might__ simplify your workflow with Functional Programming in Python. Those tools are designed (but not limited) to work with *Function* and *Pipeline* wrappers. * *Function* - a wrapper of **any** Python *Callable*, * *Pipeline* - a wrapper of **any** Python *Iterable*. It is important to understand that *NOnion* provides tools used for FP in context of Python. Because it is impossible to fully implement some constructs from FP languages in Python, *NOnion* provides tools that resemble some of those constructs. ## *Function* In order to create a *Function*, you simply pass any *Callable*: ```python f = Function(lambda x: x + 1) f(5) # 6 ``` You can also create an identity *Function*: ```python g = Function() ``` Notice, that a *Function* takes exactly single value and returns exactly single value. ### *compose* A ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$ could be done in the following way: ```python z = f @ g # alternatively z = f.compose(g) ``` You can also use *compose* several times: ```python z = f @ g @ f ``` Instead of wrapping each *Callable* with a *Function*, you can wrap only __first__ *Callable* and use *compose* on the rest. ```python def f(x): return x + 1 g = Function() @ (lambda x: x * 2) @ f g(5) # 12 ``` ### *then* Function composition sometimes might be hard to read, because you have to read it from right-to-left. In order to achieve better readability, you can use *then*. ```python g = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f g(5) # 11 # alternatively g = Function().then(lambda x: x * 2).then(f) g(5) # 11 ``` ### *fanout* If you need to pass an argument to two functions, you can use *fanout*: ```python g = Function() / (lambda x: x + 1) & (lambda x: x * 2) g(5) # (6, 10) mean = (Function() / sum & len) / star(op.truediv) mean([1, 2, 3]) # 2.0 # alternatively g = Function().then(lambda x: x + 1).fanout(lambda x: x * 2) g(5) # (6, 10) mean = (Function().then(sum).fanout(len)).then(star(op.truediv)) mean([1, 2, 3]) # 2.0 ``` ### *split* If you need to apply first value of a pair to a first function and a second value of the pair to a second function, you can use *split*: ```python g = Function() / (lambda x: x + 1) ^ (lambda x: x * 2) g((2, 3)) # (3, 6) teams = {"team a": ["member 1", "member 2"], "team b": ["member 3"]} f = Function() / str.capitalize ^ len for t in teams.items(): print(f(t)) # ('Team a', 2) # ('Team b', 1) # alternatively g = Function().then(lambda x: x + 1).split(lambda x: x * 2) g((2, 3)) # (3, 6) f = Function().then(str.capitalize).split(len) for t in teams.items(): print(f(t)) # ('Team a', 2) # ('Team b', 1) ``` ### *call* Sometimes you want to call a function ``inline'' after several compositions. In this case, you might use: ```python (Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f)(5) # 11 ``` But it might be hard to read. Especially, when you mostly pass lambdas. A better way to call a function is by using: ```python Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f | 5 # 11 ``` ### *star* (function) Suppose, that you defined a function with multiple arguments such as: ```python def f(x, y): return x + y * x ``` And you want to wrap that function using Function. In this case, you have to use *star*. ```python Function() @ star(f) | (1, 2) # 3 ``` *star* simply passes arguments to a function using Python *\** (star) operator. ### *unstar* (function) *unstar* is the opposite function to *star*: ```python names = unstar(", ".join)("Haskell Curry", "John Smith", "George Sand") print(names) # Haskell Curry, John Smith, George Sand ``` ### *foreach* You can also call a function for each value in some *Iterable* in the following way: ```python ys = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / (lambda x: x + 1) * range(5) for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 3 # 5 # 7 # 9 # ``` ## *Pipeline* In order to create a *Pipeline*, you simply pass any *Iterable*: ```python xs = Pipeline(range(5)) # notation abuse, do not use that: xs = Function() / Pipeline | range(5) ``` You can also create an empty *Pipeline*: ```python xs = Pipeline() ``` Under the hood *Pipeline* is simply uses *iter* on a passed *Iterable*. It means, that if you will pass an *Iterable*, that could be exhausted, you iterate over *Pipeline* only once. ```python xs = Pipeline(range(2)) for x in xs: print(x) # 1 # 2 # # perfectly fine, because range(x) returns a special object for x in xs: print(x) # 1 # 2 # xs = Pipeline(x for x in range(2)) for x in xs: print(x) # 1 # 2 # # xs already exhausted for x in xs: print(x) ``` ### *map* *map* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes a single value and returns a single value, on each value of the *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(3)) / (lambda x: x + 1) / (lambda x: (x, x + 1)) / star(lambda x, y: x + y * x) for y in ys: print(y) # 3 # 8 # 15 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(3)).map(lambda x: x + 1).map(lambda x: (x, x + 1)).map(star(lambda x, y: x + y * x)) ``` ### *filter* *filter* allows you to filter *Pipeline* values. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(3)) % (lambda x: x > 1) for y in ys: print(y) # 2 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(3)).filter(lambda x: x > 1) ``` ### *flatmap* *flatmap* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes a single value and returns an *Iterable*, on each value of the *Pipeline* and flatten results into single *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) * (lambda x: (x, x + 1)) for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 2 # 2 # 3 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).flatmap(lambda x: (x, x + 1)) ``` ### *apply* *apply* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes an *Iterable* and returns an *Iterable*, on whole *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) // tuple # internally Pipeline now has a tuple for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 2 # # now multiple itertations is possible for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 2 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).apply(tuple) ``` ### *collect* *collect* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes an *Iterable* and returns any single value, on whole *Pipeline*. The difference between *apply* and *collect* is that *collect* returns the result of a function instead of wrapping it with *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> tuple print(ys) # (1, 2) # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).collect(tuple) ``` You can also combine *collect* with any function which takes an *Iterator*: ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> next_ print(ys) # (1,) ys = Pipeline(range(2)) % (lambda x: x == 5) >> next_ print(ys) # () ys = Pipeline(range(5)) >> shift(islice, 2) for y in ys: print(y) # 0 # 1 # alternatively you can use apply ys = Pipeline(range(5)) // shift(islice, 2) | print # 0 # 1 ``` ### *foreach* *foreach* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes a single value, on each value of the *Pipeline*. ```python Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) | print # 1 # 2 # # alternatively Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).foreach(print) ``` ## *groupon* *groupon* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Y]*, and returns some function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[X]* grouped on *Callable[[X], Y]* function. The *groupon* function uses Python *groupby* function under the hood. *groupon* adds a grouping key using passed *Callable[[X], Y]* function and sorts values by that key before applying *groupby*. ```python xs = -3, 1, 0, -1, 5 ( Pipeline(xs) // groupon(lambda x: x > 0) / value(tuple) | print ) # (False, (-3, 0, -1)) # (True, (1, 5)) ``` ## *nonion.tools* ### *Either* *Either* is a type alias. *Either* is defined as follows: ```python Either = Tuple[Maybe[X], Maybe[Y]] ``` *Either* can be used when you need to return either left (bad) value or a right (good) value: ```python def readline(path: str) -> Either[str, str]: h: Maybe[IOBase] = try_(open)(path) if not h: return (("error occurred during open",), ()) h, *_ = h line = h.readline() h.close() return ((), line) error, line = readline("requirements.txt") if line: print(*line) else: print(*error) ``` Because *Either* is simply a type alias, it does not checks whether only left or only right value is passed. ### *Maybe* *Maybe* is a type alias. *Maybe* resembles Haskell's *Maybe* in Python. *Maybe* is defined as follows: ```python Maybe = Union[Tuple[X], Tuple[()]] ``` As we can see *Maybe* is simply some *tuple* that might contain a single value or be an empty *tuple*. It means that in order to initialize an *Maybe* you can simply write: ```python x = () # empty Maybe y = (3,) # Maybe with value 3 ``` You can easily check whether an *Maybe* is empty: ```python def f(x: int) -> Maybe[int]: return (x,) if x < 3 else () x: Maybe[int] = f(5) if not x: print("Maybe is empty") # Maybe is empty ``` You can also provide an alternative value if *Maybe* is empty and immediately try to unwrap the *Maybe*: ```python x: Maybe[int] = f(5) y, *_ = x or (42,) print(y) # 42 ``` ```python # alternatively x: Maybe[int] = f(1) z = x or (42,) # notice: if you pass an empty *z to a single argument function, you will get an error print(*z) # 1 ``` Because *Maybe* is simply a *tuple* under the hood, you can apply any Python function (that operates on *tuple*) to an instance of an *Maybe*. ### *as_catch* *as_catch* is simply: ```python @curry def as_catch(default: Callable[[X], Y], xys: Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]) -> Callable[[X], Y]: return catch(as_match(xys), default=default) ``` Example of *as_catch* usage: ```python successor: Callable[[int], int] = Pipeline(range(10)) // zipmapr(lambda x: x + 1) >> as_catch(lambda _: -1) print(successor(1)) # 2 print(successor(100)) # -1 ``` ### *as_match* *as_match* is simply: ```python def as_match(xys: Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]) -> Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]: x_to_y = dict(xys) def lookup(x: X) -> Maybe[Y]: return (x_to_y[x],) if x in x_to_y else () return lookup ``` Example of *as_match* usage: ```python successor: Callable[[int], Maybe[int]] = Pipeline(range(10)) // zipmapr(lambda x: x + 1) >> as_match print(successor(1)) # (2,) print(successor(100)) # () ``` ### *between* *between* is simply: ```python def between(low: float, high: float) -> Callable[[float], bool]: return lambda x: low <= x and x <= high ``` Example of *between* usage: ```python ys = filter(between(3, 5), range(10)) print(tuple(ys)) # (3, 4, 5) ``` ### *both* *both* is a function that takes a function *Callable[[X], Y]* and returns a function *Callable[[Tuple[X, X]], Tuple[Y, Y]]*. The returned function takes a pair and applies *Callable[[X], Y]* to both values. ```python both(lambda x: x + 1)((1, 2)) # (2, 3) ``` ### *cache* *cache* is a decorator which returns a function that always returns a value that was returned in the first call. ```python def f(x: int) -> int: return x + 5 g = cache(f) print(g(5)) # 10 print(g()) # 10 print(g("abc", 1, {})) # 10 h = cache(f) print(h(7)) # 12 ``` ### *catch* *catch* is a function that resembles pattern-matching in Python. It takes some functions `*fs: Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]` with some catch-all function `default: Callable[..., Y]` and returns a function `Callable[..., Y]` which executes `fs` functions one by one until some function will return non-empty `Maybe[Y]`. If none of those functions will return a non-empty `Maybe[Y]`, the result of `default` function is returned. ```python # let's say that we want to parse age ranges that we have in our data: age_ranges = ( "10-20", "20-30", "30+", "60+", "invalid input" ) # we consider 30+ to be a valid range <30, 100) def parse_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw = x.split("-") low, high, *_ = map(int, raw) return low, high def parse_unbounded_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw, *_ = x.split("+") return int(raw), 100 # we will use <18, 100) as our default range parse = catch( try_(parse_range), try_(parse_unbounded_range), default=lambda _: (18, 100) ) for x in age_ranges: print(parse(x)) # (10, 20) # (20, 30) # (30, 100) # (60, 100) # (18, 100) ``` ### *compose* *compose* is an implementation of a ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$. ```python xs = "a", "ab", "c" yxs = enumerate(xs) p: Callable[[Tuple[int, str]], bool] = compose(lambda x: x.startswith("a"), snd) filtered: Iterable[Tuple[int, str]] = filter(p, yxs) ys = map(fst, filtered) print(tuple(ys)) # (0, 1) ``` ### *cons* *cons* allows you to prepend value of type *X* to an *Iterable[X]*. ```python print(tuple(cons(1)((2, 3, 4, 5)))) # (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ``` ### *const* *const* is a function that takes a value of type *X* and returns a function of type *Callable[[Y], X]*. The returned function will ignore its argument and will return the value that was passed to *const*. ```python print(const(1)("abc")) # 1 ``` ### *curry* *curry* is simply: ```python def curry(f: Callable[..., Y]) -> Callable[..., Y]: return lambda *args, **kwargs: partial(f, *args, **kwargs) ``` ### *cycle* *cycle* is a function which takes *Tuple[X, ...]* and returns *Iterable[X]*. *Iterable[X]* is created by repeatedly yielding elements from passed *Tuple[X, ...]*. ```python xs = take(10)(cycle([1, 2, 3])) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1) ``` ### *drop* *drop* is simply: ```python def drop(n: int) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]: return (lambda xs: islice(xs, n, None)) if n > 0 else (lambda _: ()) ``` Example of *drop* usage: ```python xs = drop(1)(range(3)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2) xs = islice(range(3), 1, None) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2) ``` ### *either* *either* is a function that takes a function of type *Callable[[X], Z]* and a function of type *Callable[[Y], Z]* and returns a function of type *Callable[[Either[X, Y]], Z]*. The returned function takes *Either[X, Y]*. If the *Either* contains left value, the value will be applied to *Callable[[X], Z]*. If the *Either* contains right value, the value will be applied to *Callable[[Y], Z]*. The result of application is returned. ```python f = either(lambda x: f"Error: {x}", lambda y: f"OK: {y}") print(f((("unable to parse",), ()))) # Error: unable to parse print(f(((), (1,)))) # OK: 1 ``` ### *either_to_maybe* *either_to_maybe* is an alias for *snd*. ### *except_* *except_* is a decorator which returns a function that returns *Either* with some value or an *Exception* that was raised. ```python f = except_(next) xs = iter(range(2)) print(f(xs)) # ((), (0,)) print(f(xs)) # ((), (1,)) print(f(xs)) # ((StopIteration(),), ()) ``` ### *fail* *fail* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[Exception], Y]* and returns a decorator which takes a function *Callable[..., Y]* and returns *Callable[..., Y]*. The function returned by the decorator uses passed *Callable[[Exception], Y]* to handle possible errors produced by a decorated function. If no errors produced, *Callable[[Exception], Y]* will not be executed and the result of the decorated function will be returned. ```python # Let's say that you want to write is_repeated function # which tells you whether you have a collection consisting # only from the single value. # The simplest function you could think of might look like this: def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: x, *rest = xs return all(x == y for y in rest) # It works on collections that have at least one value: print(is_repeated((1, 1))) # True print(is_repeated((1, 2, 3))) # False # but when you have an empty collection, this function will result # in an error: print(is_repeated(())) # ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0) # In order to handle this case, you can rewrite this function in a # following manner: def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: xs = iter(xs) wrapped_x = next_(xs) if wrapped_x: x, *_ = wrapped_x return all(x == y for y in xs) else: return True # And it would work: print(is_repeated((1, 1))) # True print(is_repeated((1, 2, 3))) # False print(is_repeated(())) # True # You might also use a *fail* function which will surround your # function with try-except clause, to deal with empty collection. @fail(lambda _: True) def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: x, *rest = xs return all(x == y for y in rest) # In case when error is raised by is_repeated, the # lambda _: True # function will be executed. The raised error will be passed to # that function. def g(e: Exception) -> bool: print(e) return True @fail(g) def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: x, *rest = xs return all(x == y for y in rest) print(is_repeated((1,))) # True print(is_repeated(())) # not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0) # True ``` ### *find* *find* is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function which takes some *Iterable* and returns an *Maybe* with value that matches the predicate if such value exists: ```python x: Maybe[int] = find(lambda x: x == 3)(range(5)) print(x) # (3,) x: Maybe[int] = find(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5)) print(x) # () ``` ### *findindex* *findindex* is a function that works like *find*, but instead of returning a function which returns a value in *Iterable* that matches some predicate, it returns a function which returns an index of that value in *Iterable*. ```python x: Maybe[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == 8)(range(5, 10)) print(x) # (3,) x: Maybe[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5, 10)) print(x) # () ``` ### *finds* *finds* is a function which takes an *Iterable[Callable[[X], bool]]* of predicates and returns a function which takes some *Iterable[X]* and returns an *Iterable[Maybe[X]]*. *finds* iterates over each predicate and searches for a matching value for that predicate in the passed *Iterable[X]*. *finds* will store checked *Iterable[X]* values in a buffer, so that the buffer will be checked at first and (if needed) the remaining *Iterable[X]* will be checked at last. ```python fs = (lambda x: x == 2), (lambda x: x == 4), (lambda x: x == 1), (lambda x: x == -1) ys: Iterable[Maybe[int]] = finds(fs)(range(5)) for y in ys: print(y) # (2,) # (4,) # (1,) # () ``` ### *flattenl* *flattenl* is a function which takes a *Tuple* which contains another *Tuple* on the beginning and flattens that inner *Tuple* inside of outer *Tuple*. ```python xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14} Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flattenl | print # ('A', 2.5, 1) # ('B', 3.14, 2) ``` ### *flattenr* *flattenr* is a function which takes a *Tuple* which contains another *Tuple* on the end and flattens that inner *Tuple* inside of outer *Tuple*. ```python xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14} Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipl(count(1)) / flattenr | print # (1, 'A', 2.5) # (2, 'B', 3.14) ``` ### *flip* *flip* is simply: ```python def flip(f: Callable[[Y, X], Z]) -> Callable[[X, Y], Z]: return lambda x, y: f(y, x) ``` Example of *flip* usage: ```python xs = "A", "B", "C" Pipeline(enumerate(xs)) / key(lambda x: x + 1) * star(flip(repeat)) | print # A # B # B # C # C # C ``` ### *foldl* *foldl* is a function which takes a binary function *Callable[[Y, X], Y]* and some accumulator *Y* and returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*. This function allows you to fold *Iterable[X]* from __left__ using passed binary function. The accumulator is being passed as the __first__ argument of the binary function. Example of *foldl* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1) alphabet = Pipeline(xs) / chr >> foldl(operator.add, "") print(alphabet) # ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ``` ### *foldl1* *foldl1* is a similar function to *foldl*. The difference between *foldl1* and *foldl* is that *foldl1* takes *Callable[[X, X], X]*, uses *Iterable[X]* __first__ element as the accumulator and returns *X*. *foldl1* will raise an error if the supplied *Iterable[X]* is empty. ### *foldr* *foldr* is a function which takes a binary function *Callable[[X, Y], Y]* and some accumulator *Y* and returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*. This function allows you to fold *Iterable[X]* from __right__ using passed binary function. The accumulator is being passed as the __last__ argument of the binary function. Example of *foldr* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1) reversed_alphabet = ( Pipeline(xs) / chr // foldr(lambda x, acc: acc + [x], []) >> foldl(operator.add, "") ) print(reversed_alphabet) # ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ``` ### *foldr1* *foldr1* is a similar function to *foldr*. The difference between *foldr1* and *foldr* is that *foldr1* takes *Callable[[X, X], X]*, uses *Iterable[X]* __last__ element as the accumulator and returns *X*. *foldr1* will raise an error if the supplied *Iterable[X]* is empty. Under the hood *foldr1* will use *tuple* on passed *Iterable[X]* in order to extract the accumulator. ### *fst* *fst* is simply: ```python def fst(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> X: return xy[0] ``` ### *group* *group* is a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Tuple[X, ...]]*. This function groups passed elements by equality comparison `==`. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 print(tuple(group(xs))) # ((1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (3,), (1, 1, 1)) ``` ### *groupby* *groupby* is a function which takes an equality comparison function *Callable[[X, X], bool]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, ...]]]* which groups passed elements by the equality comparison function. ```python people = ( ("Alex", 23), ("John", 23), ("Sam", 27), ("Kate", 27), ("Fred", 23), ) grouped = groupby(lambda x, y: snd(x) == snd(y))(people) print(tuple(grouped)) # ((('Alex', 23), ('John', 23)), (('Sam', 27), ('Kate', 27)), (('Fred', 23),)) # or you can use *on* function: grouped = groupby(on(operator.eq, snd))(people) print(tuple(grouped)) # ((('Alex', 23), ('John', 23)), (('Sam', 27), ('Kate', 27)), (('Fred', 23),)) ``` ### *in_* *in_* is simply: ```python def in_(xs: Tuple[X, ...]) -> Callable[[X], bool]: return lambda x: x in xs ``` ### *key* *key* is simply: ```python def key(f: Callable[[X], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[Z, Y]]: g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = compose(f, fst) return lambda xy: (g(xy), snd(xy)) ``` Example of *key* usage: ```python xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]} zys = map(key(str.casefold), xys.items()) for zy in zys: print(zy) # ('a', [1, 2, 3]) # ('b', [3, 4]) ``` ### *length* *length* is a function which takes an *Iterable* and returns number of elements in that *Iterable*. *length* exhausts the *Iterable*. ```python xs = 1, 2, 3 print(len(xs)) # 3 # len(iter(xs)) will raise an error print(length(iter(xs))) # 3 ``` ### *lift* *lift* is simply: ```python lift = curry(map) ``` ### *match_* *match_* is a function that resembles pattern-matching in Python. It takes some functions `*fs: Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]` and returns a function `Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]` which executes `fs` functions one by one until some function will return non-empty `Maybe[Y]`. If none of those functions will return a non-empty `Maybe[Y]`, an empty `Maybe[Y]` (i.e. `()`) is returned. ```python # let's say that we want to parse age ranges that we have in our data: age_ranges = ( "10-20", "20-30", "30+", "60+", "invalid input" ) # we consider 30+ to be a valid range <30, 100) def parse_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw = x.split("-") low, high, *_ = map(int, raw) return low, high def parse_unbounded_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw, *_ = x.split("+") return int(raw), 100 parse = match_( try_(parse_range), try_(parse_unbounded_range) ) for x in age_ranges: print(parse(x)) # ((10, 20),) # ((20, 30),) # ((30, 100),) # ((60, 100),) # () ``` ### *maybe* *maybe* is a function that takes a function of type *Callable[[], Y]* and a function of type *Callable[[X], Y]* and returns a function of type *Callable[[Maybe[X]], Y]*. The returned function takes *Maybe[X]*. If the *Maybe* contains value, the value will be applied to *Callable[[X], Y]* and a result of application is returned. If the *Maybe* contains no value, the *Callable[[], Y]* is called and a result is returned. ```python f = maybe(lambda: "Error", lambda x: f"OK: {x}") print(f(())) # Error print(f((1,))) # OK: 1 ``` ### *maybe_to_either* *maybe_to_either* is a function which allows you to create an *Either[Y, X]* from an *Maybe[X]*. *maybe_to_either* takes a function *Callable[[], Y]* and returns a function *Callable[[Maybe[X]], Either[Y, X]]*. ```python raw_numbers = "1\n22\nten\n333".splitlines() xs = ( Pipeline(raw_numbers) / try_(int) / maybe_to_either(lambda: f"Failed to parse.") | print ) # ((), (1,)) # ((), (22,)) # (('Failed to parse.',), ()) # ((), (333,)) ``` The difference between using *maybe_to_either* and explicitly creating *Either* using tuples is that *maybe_to_either* will not evaluate the left part if the right part is present. That is why *Callable[[], Y]* is being passed to *maybe_to_either* instead of *Y*. ### *merge* *merge* is a function which takes two sorted *Iterable[X]* and merges them into single sorted *Iterable[X]*. It uses *lambda x, y: x <= y* comparison function. Use *key* parameter to specify a function *Callable[[X], Y]* to be called on each element prior to making comparisons. ```python xs = merge((1, 3, 5), (1, 2, 4)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) xs, ys = [(1, "a"), (3, "d"), (5, "f")], [(1, "b"), (2, "c"), (4, "e")] print(tuple((merge(xs, ys, key=fst)))) # ((1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'e'), (5, 'f')) ``` ### *next_* *next_* is simply: ```python next_: Callable[[Iterator[X]], Maybe[X]] = try_(next) ``` Example of *next_* usage: ```python xs = iter(range(2)) print(next_(xs)) # (0,) print(next_(xs)) # (1,) print(next_(xs)) # () ``` ### *not_* *not_* is a function which takes a predicate and returns negation of that predicate. ```python print(not_(lambda x, y: x == y)(1, 5)) # True ``` ### *on* *on* is simply: ```python def on(f: Callable[[Y, Y], Z], g: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[X, X], Z]: return lambda p, n: f(g(p), g(n)) ``` Example of *on* usage could be found in *groupby* section. ### *padl* *padl* is a function which allows you to pad some *Iterable* from the __left__ using a filler. This function takes a number *n* and a filler *x*. In case when **exact=False** option is passed, it returns a function which prepends *n - k* fillers to the passed *Iterable*, where *k* is a length of the passed *Iterable*. In case when **exact=True** option is passed, it returns a function which prepends __exactly__ *n* fillers to the passed *Iterable*. ```python xs = "".join(padl(5, "x")("abc")) print(xs) # xxabc xs = "".join(padl(5, "x", exact=True)("abc")) print(xs) # xxxxxabc ``` ### *padr* *padr* is a function which allows you to pad some *Iterable* from the __right__ using a filler. This function takes a number *n* and a filler *x*. In case when **exact=False** option is passed, it returns a function which appends *n - k* fillers to the passed *Iterable*, where *k* is a length of the passed *Iterable*. In case when **exact=True** option is passed, it returns a function which appends __exactly__ *n* fillers to the passed *Iterable*. ```python xs = "".join(padr(5, "x")("abc")) print(xs) # abcxx xs = "".join(padr(5, "x", exact=True)("abc")) print(xs) # abcxxxxx ``` ### *partition* *partition* is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Tuple[Tuple[X, ...], Tuple[X, ...]]]*. This returned function splits passed elements into those that do match the predicate and the rest. The difference between *span* and *partition* is that *span* stops when it finds the first element that does not match the predicate and *partition* goes until the end. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 matched, rest = partition(lambda x: x == 1)(xs) print(matched) # (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) print(rest) # (2, 2, 2, 3) ``` ### *peek* *peek* is a decorator which allows you to apply some function to a passed argument and return back the passed argument instead of a function's result. ```python x = peek(print)(5) # 5 print(x) # 5 xs = ( Pipeline(range(3, 0, -1)) / peek(print, "Countdown:", file=sys.stderr) >> tuple ) # Countdown: 3 # Countdown: 2 # Countdown: 1 print(xs) # (3, 2, 1) ``` ### *pick* *pick* is a function which takes some aggregate function *Callable[[Tuple[X, ...]], X]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]*. This returned function __picks__ all elements from the passed collection *Iterable[X]* which are equal to the value returned by the aggregate function. The equal function might be substituted with any other function of type signature *Callable[[X, X], bool]* by passing a *compare* parameter. ```python print(min([1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1])) # 1 ys = tuple(pick(min)([1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1])) print(ys) # (1, 1, 1, 1) print(min([])) # ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence ys = tuple(pick(min)([])) print(ys) # () ``` ### *pickby* *pickby* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Y]*, an aggregate function *Callable[[Tuple[Y, ...]], Y]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]*. This returned function __picks__ all elements from the passed collection *Iterable[X]* which corresponding *Y* values, created by the *Callable[[X], Y]* function, are equal to the value returned by the aggregate function. The equal function might be substituted with any other function of type signature *Callable[[Y, Y], bool]* by passing a *compare* parameter. The function *Callable[[X], Y]* will be used exactly once on the whole collection. ```python cars_and_prices = ( ("Audi", 25000), ("BMW", 70000), ("Mercedes", 25000), ) cheapest_car = min(cars_and_prices, key=snd) print(cheapest_car) # ('Audi', 25000) cheapest_cars = pickby(snd, min)(cars_and_prices) print(tuple(cheapest_cars)) # (('Audi', 25000), ('Mercedes', 25000)) ``` ### *powerset* *powerset* is a function which takes a *Tuple[X, ...]* and produces power set of those elements in form of *Iterable[Iterable[X]]*. ```python xs = tuple(range(3)) ps = tuple(map(tuple, powerset(xs))) print(ps) # ((), (2,), (1,), (1, 2), (0,), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 1, 2)) ``` ### *replicate* *replicate* is a function which takes a number *n* and returns a function, which takes some value *x* and repeats *n* times value *x*. ```python xs = tuple(replicate(5)("hello")) print(xs) # ('hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello') ``` ### *reverse* *reverse* is a function which takes an *Iterable[X]* and returns *Deque[X]* which contains elements from *Iterable[X]* in reversed order. ```python xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1) reversed_alphabet = ( Pipeline(xs) / chr // reverse # Python reversed would not work on Iterable >> foldl(operator.add, "") ) print(reversed_alphabet) # ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ``` ### *scanl* *scanl* is a similar function to *foldl*. The difference between *scanl* and *foldl* is that *scanl* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Y]*. The resulting *Iterable[Y]* contains all accumulators used in *foldl*. ```python xs = scanl(operator.mul, 1)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120) ``` ### *scanl1* *scanl1* is a similar function to *foldl1*. The difference between *scanl1* and *foldl1* is that *scanl1* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *X*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[X]*. The resulting *Iterable[X]* contains all accumulators used in *foldl1*. ```python xs = scanl1(operator.mul)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2, 6, 24, 120) ``` ### *scanr* *scanr* is a similar function to *foldr*. The difference between *scanr* and *foldr* is that *scanr* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Deque[Y]*. The resulting *Deque[Y]* contains all accumulators used in *foldr*. ```python xs = scanr(operator.mul, 1)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(xs) # deque([120, 120, 60, 20, 5, 1]) ``` ### *scanr1* *scanr1* is a similar function to *foldr1*. The difference between *scanr1* and *foldr1* is that *scanr1* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *X*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Deque[X]*. The resulting *Deque[X]* contains all accumulators used in *foldr1*. ```python xs = scanr1(operator.mul)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(xs) # deque([120, 120, 60, 20, 5]) ``` ### *search* *search* is a function which takes a predicate *Callable[[X], bool]* along with *Iterable[Y]* and returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Y]*. This function zips *Iterable[Y]* with *Iterable[X]* and returns those *Y*s for which corresponding *X*s match the predicate. ```python xs = search(lambda x: x > 3, count())(range(1, 6)) print(tuple(xs)) # (3, 4) ``` ### *shift* *shift* is a decorator which returns a partially applied function. The difference between Python's *functools.partial* and *shift* is that *shift* will return a function which prepends *\*args* and *\*\*kwargs*: ```python def dummy(*args: object, **kwargs: object): print(args) print(kwargs) partial(dummy, 1, 2, a=1, b="b")(3, 4, c="c") print("-" * 10) shift(dummy, 1, 2, a=1, b="b")(3, 4, c="c") # (1, 2, 3, 4) # {'a': 1, 'b': 'b', 'c': 'c'} # ---------- # (3, 4, 1, 2) # {'c': 'c', 'a': 1, 'b': 'b'} ``` Example of *shift* usage: ```python take_3 = shift(islice, 3) xs: Iterable[int] = take_3(range(5)) for x in xs: print(x) # 0 # 1 # 2 ``` ### *slide* *slide* is a function which takes a sliding window length **n** and a **step**, and returns a function which takes an *Iterable* and applies sliding window over it resulting in an *Iterable* of *tuple*s. Each *tuple* has at most length equal to **n**. In case when **exact=True** option is passed, each *tuple* has length equal to **n**. **step** is simply a shift of a sliding window. ```python xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide()(range(10)) print(tuple(xs)) # ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9,)) xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(n=3, step=2)(range(10)) print(tuple(xs)) # ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8), (8, 9)) xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(n=3, step=2, exact=True)(range(10)) print(tuple(xs)) # ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8)) def is_sorted(xs: Iterable[X], compare: Callable[[X, X], bool] = operator.le) -> bool: return ( Pipeline(slide(exact=True)(xs)) / star(compare) >> all ) print(is_sorted((1, 2, 5))) # True print(is_sorted((1, 2, -5))) # False ``` ### *snd* *snd* is simply: ```python def snd(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> Y: return xy[1] ``` ### *span* *span* is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Tuple[Tuple[X, ...], Iterable[X]]]*. This returned function splits passed elements into those that do match the predicate on the beginning and the rest. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 matched, rest = span(lambda x: x == 1)(xs) print(matched) # (1, 1) print(tuple(rest)) # (2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1) ``` ### *splitat* *splitat* is a function which takes an index *i* and returns a function which splits an *Iterable[X]* into *Tuple[X, ...]* and *Iterable[X]*. The *Tuple[X, ...]* will contain first *i* elements and the *Iterable[X]* will contain the rest. ```python xs, rest = splitat(1)(range(5)) print(xs) # (0,) print(tuple(rest)) # (1, 2, 3, 4) ``` ### *strip* *strip* is a function which takes an *Iterable[X]* and returns an *Iterable[X]* with removed consecutive duplicates. *strip* functions uses only equality comparison `==`. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 print(tuple(strip(xs))) # (1, 2, 3, 1) ``` ### *stripby* *stripby* is a function which takes an equality comparison function *Callable[[X, X], bool]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]* which removes consecutive duplicates in terms of the equality comparison function. ```python people = ( ("Alex", 23), ("John", 23), ("Sam", 27), ("Kate", 27), ("Fred", 23), ) stripped = stripby(lambda x, y: snd(x) == snd(y))(people) print(tuple(stripped)) # (('Alex', 23), ('Sam', 27), ('Fred', 23)) # or you can use *on* function: stripped = stripby(on(operator.eq, snd))(people) print(tuple(stripped)) # (('Alex', 23), ('Sam', 27), ('Fred', 23)) ``` ### *take* *take* is simply: ```python def take(n: int) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]: return (lambda xs: islice(xs, n)) if n > 0 else (lambda _: ()) ``` Example of *take* usage: ```python xs = take(1)(range(3)) print(tuple(xs)) # (0,) xs = islice(range(3), 1) print(tuple(xs)) # (0,) ``` ### *try_* *try_* is a decorator which returns a function that returns *Maybe* with some value or an empty *Maybe* if an *Exception* was raised. ```python load_json = try_(json.loads) print(load_json("{}")) # ({},) print(load_json("[1, 2, 3]")) # ([1, 2, 3],) print(load_json("abc")) # () ``` ### *unfoldr* *unfoldr* is a function that takes a function of type *Callable[[X], Maybe[Tuple[Y, X]]]* and returns a function of type *Callable[[X], Iterable[Y]]*. The returned function will repeatedly apply *X* to the function passed to *unfoldr* until it returns value *()*. ```python until_3 = unfoldr(lambda acc: ((acc, acc + 1),) if acc < 3 else ()) print(tuple(until_3(0))) # (0, 1, 2) ``` ### *value* *value* is simply: ```python def value(f: Callable[[Y], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[X, Z]]: g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = compose(f, snd) return lambda xy: (fst(xy), g(xy)) ``` Example of *value* usage: ```python xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]} xzs = map(value(len), xys.items()) for xz in xzs: print(xz) # ('A', 3) # ('B', 2) ``` ### *where* *where* is a similar function to *findindex*. The difference between *where* and *findindex* is that *where* returns indices of all elements that match given predicate instead of one. The other difference is that *where* returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Y]*, on the other hand *findindex* returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Maybe[int]*. ```python xs = where(lambda x: x >= 8)(range(5, 10)) print(tuple(xs)) # (3, 4) xs = where(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5, 10)) print(tuple(xs)) # () ``` ### *zipflatl* *zipflatl* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*, and returns some function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]* with only those elements from *Iterable[X]* that are mapped to non-empty *Maybe[Y]* by the function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*. ```python xs = "1", "hello", "2" f = try_(int) ys = zipflatl(f)(xs) print(tuple(ys)) # ((1, '1'), (2, '2')) ``` ### *zipflatr* *zipflatr* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*, and returns some function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Tuple[Y, X]]* with only those elements from *Iterable[X]* that are mapped to non-empty *Maybe[Y]* by the function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*. ```python xs = "1", "hello", "2" f = try_(int) ys = zipflatr(f)(xs) print(tuple(ys)) # (('1', 1), ('2', 2)) ``` ### *zipif* *zipif* is a function which allows you to zip *Iterable[X]* elements with *Iterable[Y]* elements that match a predicate *Callable[[X, Y], bool]*, using a binary function *Callable[[X, Y], Z]*, into *Iterable[Z]*. When a pair *x* and *y* do not match the predicate, a function *Callable[[X], Z]* is applied to *x* and its result is yielded. Also, in the next iteration only the first element *x* of the pair will be substituted with it's successor *x'* and *y* will remain unchanged (so that the predicate will get *x'* and *y*). ```python participants = ( ("Alex", 160.0), ("Sam", 0.0), ("Kate", 150.0), ("John", 155.0), ("Fred", 35.0) ) name = fst balance = snd tickets = ( (1, 160), (2, 150), (3, 300) ) ticket_id = fst price = snd sell_tickets = zipif( lambda user, ticket: balance(user) >= price(ticket), lambda user, ticket: (name(user), balance(user) - price(ticket), (ticket,)), lambda user: (*user, ()) ) for x in sell_tickets(tickets)(participants): print(x) # ('Alex', 0.0, ((1, 160),)) # ('Sam', 0.0, ()) # ('Kate', 0.0, ((2, 150),)) # ('John', 155.0, ()) # ('Fred', 35.0, ()) ``` ### *zipl* *zipl* is simply: ```python def zipl(xs: Iterable[X]) -> Callable[[Iterable[Y]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]: return lambda ys: zip(xs, ys) ``` Example of *zipl* usage: ```python xs = "A", "B", "C" Pipeline(xs) // zipl(count(1)) * star(flip(repeat)) | print # A # B # B # C # C # C ``` ### *zipmapl* *zipmapl* is simply: ```python def zipmapl(f: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[Y, X]]]: return lambda xs: map(lambda x: (f(x), x), xs) ``` Example of *zipmapl* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1) upper_to_lower = Pipeline(xs) / chr // zipmapl(str.upper) >> dict Pipeline(upper_to_lower.items()) // take(5) | print # ('A', 'a') # ('B', 'b') # ('C', 'c') # ('D', 'd') # ('E', 'e') ``` ### *zipmapr* *zipmapr* is simply: ```python def zipmapr(f: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]: return lambda xs: map(lambda x: (x, f(x)), xs) ``` Example of *zipmapr* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1) upper_to_lower = Pipeline(xs) / chr // zipmapr(str.upper) >> dict Pipeline(upper_to_lower.items()) // take(5) | print # ('a', 'A') # ('b', 'B') # ('c', 'C') # ('d', 'D') # ('e', 'E') ``` ### *zipr* *zipr* is simply: ```python def zipr(ys: Iterable[Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]: return lambda xs: zip(xs, ys) ``` Example of *zipl* usage: ```python xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14} Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flattenl | print # ('A', 2.5, 1) # ('B', 3.14, 2) ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for nonion Provides: python3-nonion-doc %description help # NOnion NOnion is a Python package that provides tools for Functional Programming. One of its aims is to eliminate nested function calls such as **z(g(f(x)))** which remind an __onion__. # Installing ```bash pip install nonion ``` # Tutorial NOnion contains a set of functions and types that __might__ simplify your workflow with Functional Programming in Python. Those tools are designed (but not limited) to work with *Function* and *Pipeline* wrappers. * *Function* - a wrapper of **any** Python *Callable*, * *Pipeline* - a wrapper of **any** Python *Iterable*. It is important to understand that *NOnion* provides tools used for FP in context of Python. Because it is impossible to fully implement some constructs from FP languages in Python, *NOnion* provides tools that resemble some of those constructs. ## *Function* In order to create a *Function*, you simply pass any *Callable*: ```python f = Function(lambda x: x + 1) f(5) # 6 ``` You can also create an identity *Function*: ```python g = Function() ``` Notice, that a *Function* takes exactly single value and returns exactly single value. ### *compose* A ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$ could be done in the following way: ```python z = f @ g # alternatively z = f.compose(g) ``` You can also use *compose* several times: ```python z = f @ g @ f ``` Instead of wrapping each *Callable* with a *Function*, you can wrap only __first__ *Callable* and use *compose* on the rest. ```python def f(x): return x + 1 g = Function() @ (lambda x: x * 2) @ f g(5) # 12 ``` ### *then* Function composition sometimes might be hard to read, because you have to read it from right-to-left. In order to achieve better readability, you can use *then*. ```python g = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f g(5) # 11 # alternatively g = Function().then(lambda x: x * 2).then(f) g(5) # 11 ``` ### *fanout* If you need to pass an argument to two functions, you can use *fanout*: ```python g = Function() / (lambda x: x + 1) & (lambda x: x * 2) g(5) # (6, 10) mean = (Function() / sum & len) / star(op.truediv) mean([1, 2, 3]) # 2.0 # alternatively g = Function().then(lambda x: x + 1).fanout(lambda x: x * 2) g(5) # (6, 10) mean = (Function().then(sum).fanout(len)).then(star(op.truediv)) mean([1, 2, 3]) # 2.0 ``` ### *split* If you need to apply first value of a pair to a first function and a second value of the pair to a second function, you can use *split*: ```python g = Function() / (lambda x: x + 1) ^ (lambda x: x * 2) g((2, 3)) # (3, 6) teams = {"team a": ["member 1", "member 2"], "team b": ["member 3"]} f = Function() / str.capitalize ^ len for t in teams.items(): print(f(t)) # ('Team a', 2) # ('Team b', 1) # alternatively g = Function().then(lambda x: x + 1).split(lambda x: x * 2) g((2, 3)) # (3, 6) f = Function().then(str.capitalize).split(len) for t in teams.items(): print(f(t)) # ('Team a', 2) # ('Team b', 1) ``` ### *call* Sometimes you want to call a function ``inline'' after several compositions. In this case, you might use: ```python (Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f)(5) # 11 ``` But it might be hard to read. Especially, when you mostly pass lambdas. A better way to call a function is by using: ```python Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f | 5 # 11 ``` ### *star* (function) Suppose, that you defined a function with multiple arguments such as: ```python def f(x, y): return x + y * x ``` And you want to wrap that function using Function. In this case, you have to use *star*. ```python Function() @ star(f) | (1, 2) # 3 ``` *star* simply passes arguments to a function using Python *\** (star) operator. ### *unstar* (function) *unstar* is the opposite function to *star*: ```python names = unstar(", ".join)("Haskell Curry", "John Smith", "George Sand") print(names) # Haskell Curry, John Smith, George Sand ``` ### *foreach* You can also call a function for each value in some *Iterable* in the following way: ```python ys = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / (lambda x: x + 1) * range(5) for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 3 # 5 # 7 # 9 # ``` ## *Pipeline* In order to create a *Pipeline*, you simply pass any *Iterable*: ```python xs = Pipeline(range(5)) # notation abuse, do not use that: xs = Function() / Pipeline | range(5) ``` You can also create an empty *Pipeline*: ```python xs = Pipeline() ``` Under the hood *Pipeline* is simply uses *iter* on a passed *Iterable*. It means, that if you will pass an *Iterable*, that could be exhausted, you iterate over *Pipeline* only once. ```python xs = Pipeline(range(2)) for x in xs: print(x) # 1 # 2 # # perfectly fine, because range(x) returns a special object for x in xs: print(x) # 1 # 2 # xs = Pipeline(x for x in range(2)) for x in xs: print(x) # 1 # 2 # # xs already exhausted for x in xs: print(x) ``` ### *map* *map* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes a single value and returns a single value, on each value of the *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(3)) / (lambda x: x + 1) / (lambda x: (x, x + 1)) / star(lambda x, y: x + y * x) for y in ys: print(y) # 3 # 8 # 15 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(3)).map(lambda x: x + 1).map(lambda x: (x, x + 1)).map(star(lambda x, y: x + y * x)) ``` ### *filter* *filter* allows you to filter *Pipeline* values. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(3)) % (lambda x: x > 1) for y in ys: print(y) # 2 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(3)).filter(lambda x: x > 1) ``` ### *flatmap* *flatmap* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes a single value and returns an *Iterable*, on each value of the *Pipeline* and flatten results into single *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) * (lambda x: (x, x + 1)) for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 2 # 2 # 3 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).flatmap(lambda x: (x, x + 1)) ``` ### *apply* *apply* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes an *Iterable* and returns an *Iterable*, on whole *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) // tuple # internally Pipeline now has a tuple for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 2 # # now multiple itertations is possible for y in ys: print(y) # 1 # 2 # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).apply(tuple) ``` ### *collect* *collect* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes an *Iterable* and returns any single value, on whole *Pipeline*. The difference between *apply* and *collect* is that *collect* returns the result of a function instead of wrapping it with *Pipeline*. ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> tuple print(ys) # (1, 2) # # alternatively ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).collect(tuple) ``` You can also combine *collect* with any function which takes an *Iterator*: ```python ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> next_ print(ys) # (1,) ys = Pipeline(range(2)) % (lambda x: x == 5) >> next_ print(ys) # () ys = Pipeline(range(5)) >> shift(islice, 2) for y in ys: print(y) # 0 # 1 # alternatively you can use apply ys = Pipeline(range(5)) // shift(islice, 2) | print # 0 # 1 ``` ### *foreach* *foreach* allows you to call a *Callable*, which takes a single value, on each value of the *Pipeline*. ```python Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) | print # 1 # 2 # # alternatively Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).foreach(print) ``` ## *groupon* *groupon* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Y]*, and returns some function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[X]* grouped on *Callable[[X], Y]* function. The *groupon* function uses Python *groupby* function under the hood. *groupon* adds a grouping key using passed *Callable[[X], Y]* function and sorts values by that key before applying *groupby*. ```python xs = -3, 1, 0, -1, 5 ( Pipeline(xs) // groupon(lambda x: x > 0) / value(tuple) | print ) # (False, (-3, 0, -1)) # (True, (1, 5)) ``` ## *nonion.tools* ### *Either* *Either* is a type alias. *Either* is defined as follows: ```python Either = Tuple[Maybe[X], Maybe[Y]] ``` *Either* can be used when you need to return either left (bad) value or a right (good) value: ```python def readline(path: str) -> Either[str, str]: h: Maybe[IOBase] = try_(open)(path) if not h: return (("error occurred during open",), ()) h, *_ = h line = h.readline() h.close() return ((), line) error, line = readline("requirements.txt") if line: print(*line) else: print(*error) ``` Because *Either* is simply a type alias, it does not checks whether only left or only right value is passed. ### *Maybe* *Maybe* is a type alias. *Maybe* resembles Haskell's *Maybe* in Python. *Maybe* is defined as follows: ```python Maybe = Union[Tuple[X], Tuple[()]] ``` As we can see *Maybe* is simply some *tuple* that might contain a single value or be an empty *tuple*. It means that in order to initialize an *Maybe* you can simply write: ```python x = () # empty Maybe y = (3,) # Maybe with value 3 ``` You can easily check whether an *Maybe* is empty: ```python def f(x: int) -> Maybe[int]: return (x,) if x < 3 else () x: Maybe[int] = f(5) if not x: print("Maybe is empty") # Maybe is empty ``` You can also provide an alternative value if *Maybe* is empty and immediately try to unwrap the *Maybe*: ```python x: Maybe[int] = f(5) y, *_ = x or (42,) print(y) # 42 ``` ```python # alternatively x: Maybe[int] = f(1) z = x or (42,) # notice: if you pass an empty *z to a single argument function, you will get an error print(*z) # 1 ``` Because *Maybe* is simply a *tuple* under the hood, you can apply any Python function (that operates on *tuple*) to an instance of an *Maybe*. ### *as_catch* *as_catch* is simply: ```python @curry def as_catch(default: Callable[[X], Y], xys: Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]) -> Callable[[X], Y]: return catch(as_match(xys), default=default) ``` Example of *as_catch* usage: ```python successor: Callable[[int], int] = Pipeline(range(10)) // zipmapr(lambda x: x + 1) >> as_catch(lambda _: -1) print(successor(1)) # 2 print(successor(100)) # -1 ``` ### *as_match* *as_match* is simply: ```python def as_match(xys: Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]) -> Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]: x_to_y = dict(xys) def lookup(x: X) -> Maybe[Y]: return (x_to_y[x],) if x in x_to_y else () return lookup ``` Example of *as_match* usage: ```python successor: Callable[[int], Maybe[int]] = Pipeline(range(10)) // zipmapr(lambda x: x + 1) >> as_match print(successor(1)) # (2,) print(successor(100)) # () ``` ### *between* *between* is simply: ```python def between(low: float, high: float) -> Callable[[float], bool]: return lambda x: low <= x and x <= high ``` Example of *between* usage: ```python ys = filter(between(3, 5), range(10)) print(tuple(ys)) # (3, 4, 5) ``` ### *both* *both* is a function that takes a function *Callable[[X], Y]* and returns a function *Callable[[Tuple[X, X]], Tuple[Y, Y]]*. The returned function takes a pair and applies *Callable[[X], Y]* to both values. ```python both(lambda x: x + 1)((1, 2)) # (2, 3) ``` ### *cache* *cache* is a decorator which returns a function that always returns a value that was returned in the first call. ```python def f(x: int) -> int: return x + 5 g = cache(f) print(g(5)) # 10 print(g()) # 10 print(g("abc", 1, {})) # 10 h = cache(f) print(h(7)) # 12 ``` ### *catch* *catch* is a function that resembles pattern-matching in Python. It takes some functions `*fs: Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]` with some catch-all function `default: Callable[..., Y]` and returns a function `Callable[..., Y]` which executes `fs` functions one by one until some function will return non-empty `Maybe[Y]`. If none of those functions will return a non-empty `Maybe[Y]`, the result of `default` function is returned. ```python # let's say that we want to parse age ranges that we have in our data: age_ranges = ( "10-20", "20-30", "30+", "60+", "invalid input" ) # we consider 30+ to be a valid range <30, 100) def parse_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw = x.split("-") low, high, *_ = map(int, raw) return low, high def parse_unbounded_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw, *_ = x.split("+") return int(raw), 100 # we will use <18, 100) as our default range parse = catch( try_(parse_range), try_(parse_unbounded_range), default=lambda _: (18, 100) ) for x in age_ranges: print(parse(x)) # (10, 20) # (20, 30) # (30, 100) # (60, 100) # (18, 100) ``` ### *compose* *compose* is an implementation of a ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$. ```python xs = "a", "ab", "c" yxs = enumerate(xs) p: Callable[[Tuple[int, str]], bool] = compose(lambda x: x.startswith("a"), snd) filtered: Iterable[Tuple[int, str]] = filter(p, yxs) ys = map(fst, filtered) print(tuple(ys)) # (0, 1) ``` ### *cons* *cons* allows you to prepend value of type *X* to an *Iterable[X]*. ```python print(tuple(cons(1)((2, 3, 4, 5)))) # (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ``` ### *const* *const* is a function that takes a value of type *X* and returns a function of type *Callable[[Y], X]*. The returned function will ignore its argument and will return the value that was passed to *const*. ```python print(const(1)("abc")) # 1 ``` ### *curry* *curry* is simply: ```python def curry(f: Callable[..., Y]) -> Callable[..., Y]: return lambda *args, **kwargs: partial(f, *args, **kwargs) ``` ### *cycle* *cycle* is a function which takes *Tuple[X, ...]* and returns *Iterable[X]*. *Iterable[X]* is created by repeatedly yielding elements from passed *Tuple[X, ...]*. ```python xs = take(10)(cycle([1, 2, 3])) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1) ``` ### *drop* *drop* is simply: ```python def drop(n: int) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]: return (lambda xs: islice(xs, n, None)) if n > 0 else (lambda _: ()) ``` Example of *drop* usage: ```python xs = drop(1)(range(3)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2) xs = islice(range(3), 1, None) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2) ``` ### *either* *either* is a function that takes a function of type *Callable[[X], Z]* and a function of type *Callable[[Y], Z]* and returns a function of type *Callable[[Either[X, Y]], Z]*. The returned function takes *Either[X, Y]*. If the *Either* contains left value, the value will be applied to *Callable[[X], Z]*. If the *Either* contains right value, the value will be applied to *Callable[[Y], Z]*. The result of application is returned. ```python f = either(lambda x: f"Error: {x}", lambda y: f"OK: {y}") print(f((("unable to parse",), ()))) # Error: unable to parse print(f(((), (1,)))) # OK: 1 ``` ### *either_to_maybe* *either_to_maybe* is an alias for *snd*. ### *except_* *except_* is a decorator which returns a function that returns *Either* with some value or an *Exception* that was raised. ```python f = except_(next) xs = iter(range(2)) print(f(xs)) # ((), (0,)) print(f(xs)) # ((), (1,)) print(f(xs)) # ((StopIteration(),), ()) ``` ### *fail* *fail* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[Exception], Y]* and returns a decorator which takes a function *Callable[..., Y]* and returns *Callable[..., Y]*. The function returned by the decorator uses passed *Callable[[Exception], Y]* to handle possible errors produced by a decorated function. If no errors produced, *Callable[[Exception], Y]* will not be executed and the result of the decorated function will be returned. ```python # Let's say that you want to write is_repeated function # which tells you whether you have a collection consisting # only from the single value. # The simplest function you could think of might look like this: def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: x, *rest = xs return all(x == y for y in rest) # It works on collections that have at least one value: print(is_repeated((1, 1))) # True print(is_repeated((1, 2, 3))) # False # but when you have an empty collection, this function will result # in an error: print(is_repeated(())) # ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0) # In order to handle this case, you can rewrite this function in a # following manner: def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: xs = iter(xs) wrapped_x = next_(xs) if wrapped_x: x, *_ = wrapped_x return all(x == y for y in xs) else: return True # And it would work: print(is_repeated((1, 1))) # True print(is_repeated((1, 2, 3))) # False print(is_repeated(())) # True # You might also use a *fail* function which will surround your # function with try-except clause, to deal with empty collection. @fail(lambda _: True) def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: x, *rest = xs return all(x == y for y in rest) # In case when error is raised by is_repeated, the # lambda _: True # function will be executed. The raised error will be passed to # that function. def g(e: Exception) -> bool: print(e) return True @fail(g) def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool: x, *rest = xs return all(x == y for y in rest) print(is_repeated((1,))) # True print(is_repeated(())) # not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0) # True ``` ### *find* *find* is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function which takes some *Iterable* and returns an *Maybe* with value that matches the predicate if such value exists: ```python x: Maybe[int] = find(lambda x: x == 3)(range(5)) print(x) # (3,) x: Maybe[int] = find(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5)) print(x) # () ``` ### *findindex* *findindex* is a function that works like *find*, but instead of returning a function which returns a value in *Iterable* that matches some predicate, it returns a function which returns an index of that value in *Iterable*. ```python x: Maybe[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == 8)(range(5, 10)) print(x) # (3,) x: Maybe[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5, 10)) print(x) # () ``` ### *finds* *finds* is a function which takes an *Iterable[Callable[[X], bool]]* of predicates and returns a function which takes some *Iterable[X]* and returns an *Iterable[Maybe[X]]*. *finds* iterates over each predicate and searches for a matching value for that predicate in the passed *Iterable[X]*. *finds* will store checked *Iterable[X]* values in a buffer, so that the buffer will be checked at first and (if needed) the remaining *Iterable[X]* will be checked at last. ```python fs = (lambda x: x == 2), (lambda x: x == 4), (lambda x: x == 1), (lambda x: x == -1) ys: Iterable[Maybe[int]] = finds(fs)(range(5)) for y in ys: print(y) # (2,) # (4,) # (1,) # () ``` ### *flattenl* *flattenl* is a function which takes a *Tuple* which contains another *Tuple* on the beginning and flattens that inner *Tuple* inside of outer *Tuple*. ```python xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14} Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flattenl | print # ('A', 2.5, 1) # ('B', 3.14, 2) ``` ### *flattenr* *flattenr* is a function which takes a *Tuple* which contains another *Tuple* on the end and flattens that inner *Tuple* inside of outer *Tuple*. ```python xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14} Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipl(count(1)) / flattenr | print # (1, 'A', 2.5) # (2, 'B', 3.14) ``` ### *flip* *flip* is simply: ```python def flip(f: Callable[[Y, X], Z]) -> Callable[[X, Y], Z]: return lambda x, y: f(y, x) ``` Example of *flip* usage: ```python xs = "A", "B", "C" Pipeline(enumerate(xs)) / key(lambda x: x + 1) * star(flip(repeat)) | print # A # B # B # C # C # C ``` ### *foldl* *foldl* is a function which takes a binary function *Callable[[Y, X], Y]* and some accumulator *Y* and returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*. This function allows you to fold *Iterable[X]* from __left__ using passed binary function. The accumulator is being passed as the __first__ argument of the binary function. Example of *foldl* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1) alphabet = Pipeline(xs) / chr >> foldl(operator.add, "") print(alphabet) # ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ``` ### *foldl1* *foldl1* is a similar function to *foldl*. The difference between *foldl1* and *foldl* is that *foldl1* takes *Callable[[X, X], X]*, uses *Iterable[X]* __first__ element as the accumulator and returns *X*. *foldl1* will raise an error if the supplied *Iterable[X]* is empty. ### *foldr* *foldr* is a function which takes a binary function *Callable[[X, Y], Y]* and some accumulator *Y* and returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*. This function allows you to fold *Iterable[X]* from __right__ using passed binary function. The accumulator is being passed as the __last__ argument of the binary function. Example of *foldr* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1) reversed_alphabet = ( Pipeline(xs) / chr // foldr(lambda x, acc: acc + [x], []) >> foldl(operator.add, "") ) print(reversed_alphabet) # ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ``` ### *foldr1* *foldr1* is a similar function to *foldr*. The difference between *foldr1* and *foldr* is that *foldr1* takes *Callable[[X, X], X]*, uses *Iterable[X]* __last__ element as the accumulator and returns *X*. *foldr1* will raise an error if the supplied *Iterable[X]* is empty. Under the hood *foldr1* will use *tuple* on passed *Iterable[X]* in order to extract the accumulator. ### *fst* *fst* is simply: ```python def fst(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> X: return xy[0] ``` ### *group* *group* is a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Tuple[X, ...]]*. This function groups passed elements by equality comparison `==`. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 print(tuple(group(xs))) # ((1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (3,), (1, 1, 1)) ``` ### *groupby* *groupby* is a function which takes an equality comparison function *Callable[[X, X], bool]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, ...]]]* which groups passed elements by the equality comparison function. ```python people = ( ("Alex", 23), ("John", 23), ("Sam", 27), ("Kate", 27), ("Fred", 23), ) grouped = groupby(lambda x, y: snd(x) == snd(y))(people) print(tuple(grouped)) # ((('Alex', 23), ('John', 23)), (('Sam', 27), ('Kate', 27)), (('Fred', 23),)) # or you can use *on* function: grouped = groupby(on(operator.eq, snd))(people) print(tuple(grouped)) # ((('Alex', 23), ('John', 23)), (('Sam', 27), ('Kate', 27)), (('Fred', 23),)) ``` ### *in_* *in_* is simply: ```python def in_(xs: Tuple[X, ...]) -> Callable[[X], bool]: return lambda x: x in xs ``` ### *key* *key* is simply: ```python def key(f: Callable[[X], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[Z, Y]]: g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = compose(f, fst) return lambda xy: (g(xy), snd(xy)) ``` Example of *key* usage: ```python xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]} zys = map(key(str.casefold), xys.items()) for zy in zys: print(zy) # ('a', [1, 2, 3]) # ('b', [3, 4]) ``` ### *length* *length* is a function which takes an *Iterable* and returns number of elements in that *Iterable*. *length* exhausts the *Iterable*. ```python xs = 1, 2, 3 print(len(xs)) # 3 # len(iter(xs)) will raise an error print(length(iter(xs))) # 3 ``` ### *lift* *lift* is simply: ```python lift = curry(map) ``` ### *match_* *match_* is a function that resembles pattern-matching in Python. It takes some functions `*fs: Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]` and returns a function `Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]` which executes `fs` functions one by one until some function will return non-empty `Maybe[Y]`. If none of those functions will return a non-empty `Maybe[Y]`, an empty `Maybe[Y]` (i.e. `()`) is returned. ```python # let's say that we want to parse age ranges that we have in our data: age_ranges = ( "10-20", "20-30", "30+", "60+", "invalid input" ) # we consider 30+ to be a valid range <30, 100) def parse_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw = x.split("-") low, high, *_ = map(int, raw) return low, high def parse_unbounded_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: raw, *_ = x.split("+") return int(raw), 100 parse = match_( try_(parse_range), try_(parse_unbounded_range) ) for x in age_ranges: print(parse(x)) # ((10, 20),) # ((20, 30),) # ((30, 100),) # ((60, 100),) # () ``` ### *maybe* *maybe* is a function that takes a function of type *Callable[[], Y]* and a function of type *Callable[[X], Y]* and returns a function of type *Callable[[Maybe[X]], Y]*. The returned function takes *Maybe[X]*. If the *Maybe* contains value, the value will be applied to *Callable[[X], Y]* and a result of application is returned. If the *Maybe* contains no value, the *Callable[[], Y]* is called and a result is returned. ```python f = maybe(lambda: "Error", lambda x: f"OK: {x}") print(f(())) # Error print(f((1,))) # OK: 1 ``` ### *maybe_to_either* *maybe_to_either* is a function which allows you to create an *Either[Y, X]* from an *Maybe[X]*. *maybe_to_either* takes a function *Callable[[], Y]* and returns a function *Callable[[Maybe[X]], Either[Y, X]]*. ```python raw_numbers = "1\n22\nten\n333".splitlines() xs = ( Pipeline(raw_numbers) / try_(int) / maybe_to_either(lambda: f"Failed to parse.") | print ) # ((), (1,)) # ((), (22,)) # (('Failed to parse.',), ()) # ((), (333,)) ``` The difference between using *maybe_to_either* and explicitly creating *Either* using tuples is that *maybe_to_either* will not evaluate the left part if the right part is present. That is why *Callable[[], Y]* is being passed to *maybe_to_either* instead of *Y*. ### *merge* *merge* is a function which takes two sorted *Iterable[X]* and merges them into single sorted *Iterable[X]*. It uses *lambda x, y: x <= y* comparison function. Use *key* parameter to specify a function *Callable[[X], Y]* to be called on each element prior to making comparisons. ```python xs = merge((1, 3, 5), (1, 2, 4)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) xs, ys = [(1, "a"), (3, "d"), (5, "f")], [(1, "b"), (2, "c"), (4, "e")] print(tuple((merge(xs, ys, key=fst)))) # ((1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'e'), (5, 'f')) ``` ### *next_* *next_* is simply: ```python next_: Callable[[Iterator[X]], Maybe[X]] = try_(next) ``` Example of *next_* usage: ```python xs = iter(range(2)) print(next_(xs)) # (0,) print(next_(xs)) # (1,) print(next_(xs)) # () ``` ### *not_* *not_* is a function which takes a predicate and returns negation of that predicate. ```python print(not_(lambda x, y: x == y)(1, 5)) # True ``` ### *on* *on* is simply: ```python def on(f: Callable[[Y, Y], Z], g: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[X, X], Z]: return lambda p, n: f(g(p), g(n)) ``` Example of *on* usage could be found in *groupby* section. ### *padl* *padl* is a function which allows you to pad some *Iterable* from the __left__ using a filler. This function takes a number *n* and a filler *x*. In case when **exact=False** option is passed, it returns a function which prepends *n - k* fillers to the passed *Iterable*, where *k* is a length of the passed *Iterable*. In case when **exact=True** option is passed, it returns a function which prepends __exactly__ *n* fillers to the passed *Iterable*. ```python xs = "".join(padl(5, "x")("abc")) print(xs) # xxabc xs = "".join(padl(5, "x", exact=True)("abc")) print(xs) # xxxxxabc ``` ### *padr* *padr* is a function which allows you to pad some *Iterable* from the __right__ using a filler. This function takes a number *n* and a filler *x*. In case when **exact=False** option is passed, it returns a function which appends *n - k* fillers to the passed *Iterable*, where *k* is a length of the passed *Iterable*. In case when **exact=True** option is passed, it returns a function which appends __exactly__ *n* fillers to the passed *Iterable*. ```python xs = "".join(padr(5, "x")("abc")) print(xs) # abcxx xs = "".join(padr(5, "x", exact=True)("abc")) print(xs) # abcxxxxx ``` ### *partition* *partition* is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Tuple[Tuple[X, ...], Tuple[X, ...]]]*. This returned function splits passed elements into those that do match the predicate and the rest. The difference between *span* and *partition* is that *span* stops when it finds the first element that does not match the predicate and *partition* goes until the end. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 matched, rest = partition(lambda x: x == 1)(xs) print(matched) # (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) print(rest) # (2, 2, 2, 3) ``` ### *peek* *peek* is a decorator which allows you to apply some function to a passed argument and return back the passed argument instead of a function's result. ```python x = peek(print)(5) # 5 print(x) # 5 xs = ( Pipeline(range(3, 0, -1)) / peek(print, "Countdown:", file=sys.stderr) >> tuple ) # Countdown: 3 # Countdown: 2 # Countdown: 1 print(xs) # (3, 2, 1) ``` ### *pick* *pick* is a function which takes some aggregate function *Callable[[Tuple[X, ...]], X]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]*. This returned function __picks__ all elements from the passed collection *Iterable[X]* which are equal to the value returned by the aggregate function. The equal function might be substituted with any other function of type signature *Callable[[X, X], bool]* by passing a *compare* parameter. ```python print(min([1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1])) # 1 ys = tuple(pick(min)([1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1])) print(ys) # (1, 1, 1, 1) print(min([])) # ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence ys = tuple(pick(min)([])) print(ys) # () ``` ### *pickby* *pickby* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Y]*, an aggregate function *Callable[[Tuple[Y, ...]], Y]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]*. This returned function __picks__ all elements from the passed collection *Iterable[X]* which corresponding *Y* values, created by the *Callable[[X], Y]* function, are equal to the value returned by the aggregate function. The equal function might be substituted with any other function of type signature *Callable[[Y, Y], bool]* by passing a *compare* parameter. The function *Callable[[X], Y]* will be used exactly once on the whole collection. ```python cars_and_prices = ( ("Audi", 25000), ("BMW", 70000), ("Mercedes", 25000), ) cheapest_car = min(cars_and_prices, key=snd) print(cheapest_car) # ('Audi', 25000) cheapest_cars = pickby(snd, min)(cars_and_prices) print(tuple(cheapest_cars)) # (('Audi', 25000), ('Mercedes', 25000)) ``` ### *powerset* *powerset* is a function which takes a *Tuple[X, ...]* and produces power set of those elements in form of *Iterable[Iterable[X]]*. ```python xs = tuple(range(3)) ps = tuple(map(tuple, powerset(xs))) print(ps) # ((), (2,), (1,), (1, 2), (0,), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 1, 2)) ``` ### *replicate* *replicate* is a function which takes a number *n* and returns a function, which takes some value *x* and repeats *n* times value *x*. ```python xs = tuple(replicate(5)("hello")) print(xs) # ('hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello') ``` ### *reverse* *reverse* is a function which takes an *Iterable[X]* and returns *Deque[X]* which contains elements from *Iterable[X]* in reversed order. ```python xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1) reversed_alphabet = ( Pipeline(xs) / chr // reverse # Python reversed would not work on Iterable >> foldl(operator.add, "") ) print(reversed_alphabet) # ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ``` ### *scanl* *scanl* is a similar function to *foldl*. The difference between *scanl* and *foldl* is that *scanl* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Y]*. The resulting *Iterable[Y]* contains all accumulators used in *foldl*. ```python xs = scanl(operator.mul, 1)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120) ``` ### *scanl1* *scanl1* is a similar function to *foldl1*. The difference between *scanl1* and *foldl1* is that *scanl1* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *X*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[X]*. The resulting *Iterable[X]* contains all accumulators used in *foldl1*. ```python xs = scanl1(operator.mul)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2, 6, 24, 120) ``` ### *scanr* *scanr* is a similar function to *foldr*. The difference between *scanr* and *foldr* is that *scanr* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Y*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Deque[Y]*. The resulting *Deque[Y]* contains all accumulators used in *foldr*. ```python xs = scanr(operator.mul, 1)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(xs) # deque([120, 120, 60, 20, 5, 1]) ``` ### *scanr1* *scanr1* is a similar function to *foldr1*. The difference between *scanr1* and *foldr1* is that *scanr1* instead of returning a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *X*, returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Deque[X]*. The resulting *Deque[X]* contains all accumulators used in *foldr1*. ```python xs = scanr1(operator.mul)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) print(xs) # deque([120, 120, 60, 20, 5]) ``` ### *search* *search* is a function which takes a predicate *Callable[[X], bool]* along with *Iterable[Y]* and returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Y]*. This function zips *Iterable[Y]* with *Iterable[X]* and returns those *Y*s for which corresponding *X*s match the predicate. ```python xs = search(lambda x: x > 3, count())(range(1, 6)) print(tuple(xs)) # (3, 4) ``` ### *shift* *shift* is a decorator which returns a partially applied function. The difference between Python's *functools.partial* and *shift* is that *shift* will return a function which prepends *\*args* and *\*\*kwargs*: ```python def dummy(*args: object, **kwargs: object): print(args) print(kwargs) partial(dummy, 1, 2, a=1, b="b")(3, 4, c="c") print("-" * 10) shift(dummy, 1, 2, a=1, b="b")(3, 4, c="c") # (1, 2, 3, 4) # {'a': 1, 'b': 'b', 'c': 'c'} # ---------- # (3, 4, 1, 2) # {'c': 'c', 'a': 1, 'b': 'b'} ``` Example of *shift* usage: ```python take_3 = shift(islice, 3) xs: Iterable[int] = take_3(range(5)) for x in xs: print(x) # 0 # 1 # 2 ``` ### *slide* *slide* is a function which takes a sliding window length **n** and a **step**, and returns a function which takes an *Iterable* and applies sliding window over it resulting in an *Iterable* of *tuple*s. Each *tuple* has at most length equal to **n**. In case when **exact=True** option is passed, each *tuple* has length equal to **n**. **step** is simply a shift of a sliding window. ```python xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide()(range(10)) print(tuple(xs)) # ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9,)) xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(n=3, step=2)(range(10)) print(tuple(xs)) # ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8), (8, 9)) xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(n=3, step=2, exact=True)(range(10)) print(tuple(xs)) # ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8)) def is_sorted(xs: Iterable[X], compare: Callable[[X, X], bool] = operator.le) -> bool: return ( Pipeline(slide(exact=True)(xs)) / star(compare) >> all ) print(is_sorted((1, 2, 5))) # True print(is_sorted((1, 2, -5))) # False ``` ### *snd* *snd* is simply: ```python def snd(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> Y: return xy[1] ``` ### *span* *span* is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Tuple[Tuple[X, ...], Iterable[X]]]*. This returned function splits passed elements into those that do match the predicate on the beginning and the rest. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 matched, rest = span(lambda x: x == 1)(xs) print(matched) # (1, 1) print(tuple(rest)) # (2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1) ``` ### *splitat* *splitat* is a function which takes an index *i* and returns a function which splits an *Iterable[X]* into *Tuple[X, ...]* and *Iterable[X]*. The *Tuple[X, ...]* will contain first *i* elements and the *Iterable[X]* will contain the rest. ```python xs, rest = splitat(1)(range(5)) print(xs) # (0,) print(tuple(rest)) # (1, 2, 3, 4) ``` ### *strip* *strip* is a function which takes an *Iterable[X]* and returns an *Iterable[X]* with removed consecutive duplicates. *strip* functions uses only equality comparison `==`. ```python xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 print(tuple(strip(xs))) # (1, 2, 3, 1) ``` ### *stripby* *stripby* is a function which takes an equality comparison function *Callable[[X, X], bool]* and returns a function *Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]* which removes consecutive duplicates in terms of the equality comparison function. ```python people = ( ("Alex", 23), ("John", 23), ("Sam", 27), ("Kate", 27), ("Fred", 23), ) stripped = stripby(lambda x, y: snd(x) == snd(y))(people) print(tuple(stripped)) # (('Alex', 23), ('Sam', 27), ('Fred', 23)) # or you can use *on* function: stripped = stripby(on(operator.eq, snd))(people) print(tuple(stripped)) # (('Alex', 23), ('Sam', 27), ('Fred', 23)) ``` ### *take* *take* is simply: ```python def take(n: int) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]: return (lambda xs: islice(xs, n)) if n > 0 else (lambda _: ()) ``` Example of *take* usage: ```python xs = take(1)(range(3)) print(tuple(xs)) # (0,) xs = islice(range(3), 1) print(tuple(xs)) # (0,) ``` ### *try_* *try_* is a decorator which returns a function that returns *Maybe* with some value or an empty *Maybe* if an *Exception* was raised. ```python load_json = try_(json.loads) print(load_json("{}")) # ({},) print(load_json("[1, 2, 3]")) # ([1, 2, 3],) print(load_json("abc")) # () ``` ### *unfoldr* *unfoldr* is a function that takes a function of type *Callable[[X], Maybe[Tuple[Y, X]]]* and returns a function of type *Callable[[X], Iterable[Y]]*. The returned function will repeatedly apply *X* to the function passed to *unfoldr* until it returns value *()*. ```python until_3 = unfoldr(lambda acc: ((acc, acc + 1),) if acc < 3 else ()) print(tuple(until_3(0))) # (0, 1, 2) ``` ### *value* *value* is simply: ```python def value(f: Callable[[Y], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[X, Z]]: g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = compose(f, snd) return lambda xy: (fst(xy), g(xy)) ``` Example of *value* usage: ```python xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]} xzs = map(value(len), xys.items()) for xz in xzs: print(xz) # ('A', 3) # ('B', 2) ``` ### *where* *where* is a similar function to *findindex*. The difference between *where* and *findindex* is that *where* returns indices of all elements that match given predicate instead of one. The other difference is that *where* returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Y]*, on the other hand *findindex* returns a function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Maybe[int]*. ```python xs = where(lambda x: x >= 8)(range(5, 10)) print(tuple(xs)) # (3, 4) xs = where(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5, 10)) print(tuple(xs)) # () ``` ### *zipflatl* *zipflatl* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*, and returns some function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]* with only those elements from *Iterable[X]* that are mapped to non-empty *Maybe[Y]* by the function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*. ```python xs = "1", "hello", "2" f = try_(int) ys = zipflatl(f)(xs) print(tuple(ys)) # ((1, '1'), (2, '2')) ``` ### *zipflatr* *zipflatr* is a function which takes a function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*, and returns some function which takes *Iterable[X]* and returns *Iterable[Tuple[Y, X]]* with only those elements from *Iterable[X]* that are mapped to non-empty *Maybe[Y]* by the function *Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]*. ```python xs = "1", "hello", "2" f = try_(int) ys = zipflatr(f)(xs) print(tuple(ys)) # (('1', 1), ('2', 2)) ``` ### *zipif* *zipif* is a function which allows you to zip *Iterable[X]* elements with *Iterable[Y]* elements that match a predicate *Callable[[X, Y], bool]*, using a binary function *Callable[[X, Y], Z]*, into *Iterable[Z]*. When a pair *x* and *y* do not match the predicate, a function *Callable[[X], Z]* is applied to *x* and its result is yielded. Also, in the next iteration only the first element *x* of the pair will be substituted with it's successor *x'* and *y* will remain unchanged (so that the predicate will get *x'* and *y*). ```python participants = ( ("Alex", 160.0), ("Sam", 0.0), ("Kate", 150.0), ("John", 155.0), ("Fred", 35.0) ) name = fst balance = snd tickets = ( (1, 160), (2, 150), (3, 300) ) ticket_id = fst price = snd sell_tickets = zipif( lambda user, ticket: balance(user) >= price(ticket), lambda user, ticket: (name(user), balance(user) - price(ticket), (ticket,)), lambda user: (*user, ()) ) for x in sell_tickets(tickets)(participants): print(x) # ('Alex', 0.0, ((1, 160),)) # ('Sam', 0.0, ()) # ('Kate', 0.0, ((2, 150),)) # ('John', 155.0, ()) # ('Fred', 35.0, ()) ``` ### *zipl* *zipl* is simply: ```python def zipl(xs: Iterable[X]) -> Callable[[Iterable[Y]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]: return lambda ys: zip(xs, ys) ``` Example of *zipl* usage: ```python xs = "A", "B", "C" Pipeline(xs) // zipl(count(1)) * star(flip(repeat)) | print # A # B # B # C # C # C ``` ### *zipmapl* *zipmapl* is simply: ```python def zipmapl(f: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[Y, X]]]: return lambda xs: map(lambda x: (f(x), x), xs) ``` Example of *zipmapl* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1) upper_to_lower = Pipeline(xs) / chr // zipmapl(str.upper) >> dict Pipeline(upper_to_lower.items()) // take(5) | print # ('A', 'a') # ('B', 'b') # ('C', 'c') # ('D', 'd') # ('E', 'e') ``` ### *zipmapr* *zipmapr* is simply: ```python def zipmapr(f: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]: return lambda xs: map(lambda x: (x, f(x)), xs) ``` Example of *zipmapr* usage: ```python xs = range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1) upper_to_lower = Pipeline(xs) / chr // zipmapr(str.upper) >> dict Pipeline(upper_to_lower.items()) // take(5) | print # ('a', 'A') # ('b', 'B') # ('c', 'C') # ('d', 'D') # ('e', 'E') ``` ### *zipr* *zipr* is simply: ```python def zipr(ys: Iterable[Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]: return lambda xs: zip(xs, ys) ``` Example of *zipl* usage: ```python xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14} Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flattenl | print # ('A', 2.5, 1) # ('B', 3.14, 2) ``` %prep %autosetup -n nonion-0.4.4 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-nonion -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri Jun 09 2023 Python_Bot - 0.4.4-1 - Package Spec generated