%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-hrepr
Version: 0.5.1
Release: 1
Summary: Extensible HTML representation for Python objects.
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/breuleux/hrepr
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/a4/e8/46fc52b4762291881a0c9c9f9b96d721d5d874254c88d776b80efb910191/hrepr-0.5.1.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-ovld
# hrepr
`hrepr` outputs HTML/pretty representations for Python objects.
✅ Nice, colourful representations of lists, dicts, dataclasses, booleans...
✅ Ridiculously extensible and configurable
✅ Handles recursive data structures
✅ Compatible with Jupyter notebooks

I suggest studying the example file to learn `hrepr`:
* `python examples/exhibit.py > exhibit.html` (and then view the HTML file)
Also see the Jupyter notebook at `examples/Basics.ipynb`, but keep in mind that GitHub can't display it properly because of the injected styles/scripts.
## Install
pip install hrepr
## Usage
from hrepr import hrepr
obj = {'potatoes': [1, 2, 3], 'bananas': {'cantaloups': 8}}
# Print the HTML representation of obj
# Wrap the representation in
tags and embed the default
# css style files in a standalone page, which is saved to obj.html
hrepr.page(obj, file="obj.html")
In a Jupyter Notebook, you can return `hrepr(obj)` from any cell and it will show its representation for you. You can also write `display_html(hrepr(obj))`.
## Custom representations
A custom representation for an object can be defined using the following three methods (it is not necessary to define all of them, only those that are relevant to your case):
* `__hrepr__(self, H, hrepr)` returns the normal HTML representation.
* Use `H.span["some-class"](some-content, some_attr=some_value)` to generate HTML.
* Use `hrepr(self.x)` to generate the representation for some subfield `x`.
* `hrepr.config` contains any keyword arguments given in the top level call to `hrepr`. For instance, if you call `hrepr(obj, blah=3)`, then `hrepr.config.blah == 3` in all calls to `__hrepr__` down the line (the default value for all keys is `None`).
* `__hrepr_short__(self, H, hrepr)` returns a *short* representation, ideally of a constant size.
* The output of this method is used when we hit max depth, or for repeated references.
* Only include bare minimum information. Short means short.
* `__hrepr_resources__(cls, H)` is a **classmethod** that returns resources common to all instances of the class (typically a stylesheet or a script).
* When generating a page, the resources will go in ``.
* You can return a list of resources.
No dependency on `hrepr` is necessary.
For example:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age, job):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.job = job
def __hrepr_resources__(cls, H):
# Note: you might need to add "!important" next to some rules if
# they conflict with defaults from hrepr's own CSS.
return H.style("""
.person {
background: magenta !important;
border-color: magenta !important;
.person-short { font-weight: bold; color: green; }
def __hrepr__(self, H, hrepr):
# hrepr.make.instance is a helper to show a table with a header that
# describes some kind of object
return hrepr.make.instance(
fields=[["age", self.age], ["job", self.job]],
delimiter=" ↦ ",
def __hrepr_short__(self, H, hrepr):
return H.span["person-short"](self.name)
## References
`hrepr` can handle circular references. Furthermore, if an object is found at several places in a structure, only the first occurrence will be printed in full, and any other will be a numeric reference mapped to the short representation for the object. It looks like this:
The `shortrefs` and `norefs` configuration keys control the representation of references:
`norefs` is ignored when there are circular references.
## HTML generation
Generate HTML using the `H` parameter to `__hrepr__`, or import it and use it directly:
from hrepr import H
html = H.span["bear"](
"Only ", H.b("YOU"), " can prevent forest fires!",
style="color: brown;"
# Only YOU can prevent forest fires!
`H` can be built incrementally: if you have an element, you can call it to add children, index it to add classes, and so on. For instance:
from hrepr import H
html = H.span()
html = html("Only ")
html = html(style="color: brown;")["bear"]
html = html(H.b("YOU"), " can prevent forest fires!")
# Only YOU can prevent forest fires!
This can be handy if you want to tweak generated HTML a little. For example, `hrepr(obj)["fox"]` will tack on the class `fox` to the representation of the object.
### Helpers
* `hrepr.make.instance(title, fields, delimiter=None, type=None)`: formats the fields like a dataclass, with title on top.
* `hrepr.make.bracketed(body, start, end, type=None)`: formats the body with the specified start/end bracket.
### Constructed elements
To make it a bit easier to include and use JavaScript libraries, you can use the special `__constructor` attribute.
For example, you can load Plotly and create a plot like this:
def Plot(data):
return H.div(
"script": "https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js",
"symbol": "Plotly.newPlot",
"options": [{"x": list(range(len(data))), "y": list(data)}],
print(Plot([math.sin(x / 10) for x in range(100)]))
The above will:
* Load the specified script.
* Get the `Plotly.newPlot` function in the global namespace.
* Call it with the `div` element as the first argument, and the `options` as the second argument.
It will look like this:
### Modules
Another example, this time using ESM (modules):
node = H.div(
style="width:500px;height:500px;border:1px solid black;",
"module": "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cytoscape/3.23.0/cytoscape.esm.min.js",
"arguments": {
"container": H.self(),
"elements": [
{"data": {"id": "A"}},
{"data": {"id": "B"}},
{"data": {"id": "C"}},
{"data": {"source": "A", "target": "B"}},
{"data": {"source": "B", "target": "C"}},
{"data": {"source": "C", "target": "A"}},
"style": cystyle,
"layout": {"name": "cose"},
The above will:
* Import the specified module.
* Call the module's default export with `arguments`.
* Note the use of `H.self()` to refer to the target `div` in the arguments.
If you wish to use a non-default export, set the `symbol` key in the `__constructor` attribute to the name of the export you want.
## Customize hrepr
### Mixins
If you want to *really* customize hrepr, you can use mixins. They look like a bit of black magic, but they're simple enough:
# ovld is one of the dependencies of hrepr
from ovld import ovld, extend_super, has_attribute, OvldMC
from hrepr import hrepr
class MyMixin(metaclass=OvldMC):
# Change the representation of integers
def hrepr_resources(self, cls: int):
# Note: in hrepr_resources, cls is the int type, not an integer
return self.H.style(".my-integer { color: fuchsia; }")
def hrepr(self, n: int):
return self.H.span["my-integer"]("The number ", str(n))
# Specially handle any object with a "quack" method
def hrepr(self, duck: has_attribute("quack")):
return self.H.span("🦆")
The annotation for a rule can either be a type, `ovld.has_attribute`, or pretty much any function wrapped with the `ovld.meta` decorator, as long as the function operates on classes. See the documentation for [ovld](https://github.com/breuleux/ovld#other-features) for more information.
And yes, you can define `hrepr` multiple times inside the class, as long as they have distinct annotations and you inherit from `Hrepr`. You can also define `hrepr_short` or `hrepr_resources` the same way.
### Postprocessors
`hrepr` can be given a postprocessor that is called on the representation of any object. You can use this to do things like highlighting specific objects:
from hrepr import H
style = H.style(".highlight { border: 3px solid red !important; }")
def highlight(x):
def postprocess(element, obj, hrepr):
if obj == x:
# Adds the "highlight" class and attaches a style
return element["highlight"].fill(resources=style)
return element
return postprocess
hrepr([1, 2, [3, 4, 2]], postprocess=highlight(2))
### hrepr variants
To put this all together, you can create a *variant* of `hrepr`:
hrepr2 = hrepr.variant(mixins=MyMixin, postprocess=highlight(2))
hrepr2([1, 2, 3]) # Will use the mixins and postprocessor
### Configure the hrepr function itself
Alternatively, you can configure the main `hrepr`:
hrepr.configure(mixins=MyMixin, postprocess=highlight(2))
But keep in mind that unlike the variant, the above will modify `hrepr` for everything else as well.
%package -n python3-hrepr
Summary: Extensible HTML representation for Python objects.
Provides: python-hrepr
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-hrepr
# hrepr
`hrepr` outputs HTML/pretty representations for Python objects.
✅ Nice, colourful representations of lists, dicts, dataclasses, booleans...
✅ Ridiculously extensible and configurable
✅ Handles recursive data structures
✅ Compatible with Jupyter notebooks

I suggest studying the example file to learn `hrepr`:
* `python examples/exhibit.py > exhibit.html` (and then view the HTML file)
Also see the Jupyter notebook at `examples/Basics.ipynb`, but keep in mind that GitHub can't display it properly because of the injected styles/scripts.
## Install
pip install hrepr
## Usage
from hrepr import hrepr
obj = {'potatoes': [1, 2, 3], 'bananas': {'cantaloups': 8}}
# Print the HTML representation of obj
# Wrap the representation in tags and embed the default
# css style files in a standalone page, which is saved to obj.html
hrepr.page(obj, file="obj.html")
In a Jupyter Notebook, you can return `hrepr(obj)` from any cell and it will show its representation for you. You can also write `display_html(hrepr(obj))`.
## Custom representations
A custom representation for an object can be defined using the following three methods (it is not necessary to define all of them, only those that are relevant to your case):
* `__hrepr__(self, H, hrepr)` returns the normal HTML representation.
* Use `H.span["some-class"](some-content, some_attr=some_value)` to generate HTML.
* Use `hrepr(self.x)` to generate the representation for some subfield `x`.
* `hrepr.config` contains any keyword arguments given in the top level call to `hrepr`. For instance, if you call `hrepr(obj, blah=3)`, then `hrepr.config.blah == 3` in all calls to `__hrepr__` down the line (the default value for all keys is `None`).
* `__hrepr_short__(self, H, hrepr)` returns a *short* representation, ideally of a constant size.
* The output of this method is used when we hit max depth, or for repeated references.
* Only include bare minimum information. Short means short.
* `__hrepr_resources__(cls, H)` is a **classmethod** that returns resources common to all instances of the class (typically a stylesheet or a script).
* When generating a page, the resources will go in ``.
* You can return a list of resources.
No dependency on `hrepr` is necessary.
For example:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age, job):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.job = job
def __hrepr_resources__(cls, H):
# Note: you might need to add "!important" next to some rules if
# they conflict with defaults from hrepr's own CSS.
return H.style("""
.person {
background: magenta !important;
border-color: magenta !important;
.person-short { font-weight: bold; color: green; }
def __hrepr__(self, H, hrepr):
# hrepr.make.instance is a helper to show a table with a header that
# describes some kind of object
return hrepr.make.instance(
fields=[["age", self.age], ["job", self.job]],
delimiter=" ↦ ",
def __hrepr_short__(self, H, hrepr):
return H.span["person-short"](self.name)
## References
`hrepr` can handle circular references. Furthermore, if an object is found at several places in a structure, only the first occurrence will be printed in full, and any other will be a numeric reference mapped to the short representation for the object. It looks like this:
The `shortrefs` and `norefs` configuration keys control the representation of references:
`norefs` is ignored when there are circular references.
## HTML generation
Generate HTML using the `H` parameter to `__hrepr__`, or import it and use it directly:
from hrepr import H
html = H.span["bear"](
"Only ", H.b("YOU"), " can prevent forest fires!",
style="color: brown;"
# Only YOU can prevent forest fires!
`H` can be built incrementally: if you have an element, you can call it to add children, index it to add classes, and so on. For instance:
from hrepr import H
html = H.span()
html = html("Only ")
html = html(style="color: brown;")["bear"]
html = html(H.b("YOU"), " can prevent forest fires!")
# Only YOU can prevent forest fires!
This can be handy if you want to tweak generated HTML a little. For example, `hrepr(obj)["fox"]` will tack on the class `fox` to the representation of the object.
### Helpers
* `hrepr.make.instance(title, fields, delimiter=None, type=None)`: formats the fields like a dataclass, with title on top.
* `hrepr.make.bracketed(body, start, end, type=None)`: formats the body with the specified start/end bracket.
### Constructed elements
To make it a bit easier to include and use JavaScript libraries, you can use the special `__constructor` attribute.
For example, you can load Plotly and create a plot like this:
def Plot(data):
return H.div(
"script": "https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js",
"symbol": "Plotly.newPlot",
"options": [{"x": list(range(len(data))), "y": list(data)}],
print(Plot([math.sin(x / 10) for x in range(100)]))
The above will:
* Load the specified script.
* Get the `Plotly.newPlot` function in the global namespace.
* Call it with the `div` element as the first argument, and the `options` as the second argument.
It will look like this:
### Modules
Another example, this time using ESM (modules):
node = H.div(
style="width:500px;height:500px;border:1px solid black;",
"module": "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cytoscape/3.23.0/cytoscape.esm.min.js",
"arguments": {
"container": H.self(),
"elements": [
{"data": {"id": "A"}},
{"data": {"id": "B"}},
{"data": {"id": "C"}},
{"data": {"source": "A", "target": "B"}},
{"data": {"source": "B", "target": "C"}},
{"data": {"source": "C", "target": "A"}},
"style": cystyle,
"layout": {"name": "cose"},
The above will:
* Import the specified module.
* Call the module's default export with `arguments`.
* Note the use of `H.self()` to refer to the target `div` in the arguments.
If you wish to use a non-default export, set the `symbol` key in the `__constructor` attribute to the name of the export you want.
## Customize hrepr
### Mixins
If you want to *really* customize hrepr, you can use mixins. They look like a bit of black magic, but they're simple enough:
# ovld is one of the dependencies of hrepr
from ovld import ovld, extend_super, has_attribute, OvldMC
from hrepr import hrepr
class MyMixin(metaclass=OvldMC):
# Change the representation of integers
def hrepr_resources(self, cls: int):
# Note: in hrepr_resources, cls is the int type, not an integer
return self.H.style(".my-integer { color: fuchsia; }")
def hrepr(self, n: int):
return self.H.span["my-integer"]("The number ", str(n))
# Specially handle any object with a "quack" method
def hrepr(self, duck: has_attribute("quack")):
return self.H.span("🦆")
The annotation for a rule can either be a type, `ovld.has_attribute`, or pretty much any function wrapped with the `ovld.meta` decorator, as long as the function operates on classes. See the documentation for [ovld](https://github.com/breuleux/ovld#other-features) for more information.
And yes, you can define `hrepr` multiple times inside the class, as long as they have distinct annotations and you inherit from `Hrepr`. You can also define `hrepr_short` or `hrepr_resources` the same way.
### Postprocessors
`hrepr` can be given a postprocessor that is called on the representation of any object. You can use this to do things like highlighting specific objects:
from hrepr import H
style = H.style(".highlight { border: 3px solid red !important; }")
def highlight(x):
def postprocess(element, obj, hrepr):
if obj == x:
# Adds the "highlight" class and attaches a style
return element["highlight"].fill(resources=style)
return element
return postprocess
hrepr([1, 2, [3, 4, 2]], postprocess=highlight(2))
### hrepr variants
To put this all together, you can create a *variant* of `hrepr`:
hrepr2 = hrepr.variant(mixins=MyMixin, postprocess=highlight(2))
hrepr2([1, 2, 3]) # Will use the mixins and postprocessor
### Configure the hrepr function itself
Alternatively, you can configure the main `hrepr`:
hrepr.configure(mixins=MyMixin, postprocess=highlight(2))
But keep in mind that unlike the variant, the above will modify `hrepr` for everything else as well.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for hrepr
Provides: python3-hrepr-doc
%description help
# hrepr
`hrepr` outputs HTML/pretty representations for Python objects.
✅ Nice, colourful representations of lists, dicts, dataclasses, booleans...
✅ Ridiculously extensible and configurable
✅ Handles recursive data structures
✅ Compatible with Jupyter notebooks

I suggest studying the example file to learn `hrepr`:
* `python examples/exhibit.py > exhibit.html` (and then view the HTML file)
Also see the Jupyter notebook at `examples/Basics.ipynb`, but keep in mind that GitHub can't display it properly because of the injected styles/scripts.
## Install
pip install hrepr
## Usage
from hrepr import hrepr
obj = {'potatoes': [1, 2, 3], 'bananas': {'cantaloups': 8}}
# Print the HTML representation of obj
# Wrap the representation in tags and embed the default
# css style files in a standalone page, which is saved to obj.html
hrepr.page(obj, file="obj.html")
In a Jupyter Notebook, you can return `hrepr(obj)` from any cell and it will show its representation for you. You can also write `display_html(hrepr(obj))`.
## Custom representations
A custom representation for an object can be defined using the following three methods (it is not necessary to define all of them, only those that are relevant to your case):
* `__hrepr__(self, H, hrepr)` returns the normal HTML representation.
* Use `H.span["some-class"](some-content, some_attr=some_value)` to generate HTML.
* Use `hrepr(self.x)` to generate the representation for some subfield `x`.
* `hrepr.config` contains any keyword arguments given in the top level call to `hrepr`. For instance, if you call `hrepr(obj, blah=3)`, then `hrepr.config.blah == 3` in all calls to `__hrepr__` down the line (the default value for all keys is `None`).
* `__hrepr_short__(self, H, hrepr)` returns a *short* representation, ideally of a constant size.
* The output of this method is used when we hit max depth, or for repeated references.
* Only include bare minimum information. Short means short.
* `__hrepr_resources__(cls, H)` is a **classmethod** that returns resources common to all instances of the class (typically a stylesheet or a script).
* When generating a page, the resources will go in ``.
* You can return a list of resources.
No dependency on `hrepr` is necessary.
For example:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age, job):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.job = job
def __hrepr_resources__(cls, H):
# Note: you might need to add "!important" next to some rules if
# they conflict with defaults from hrepr's own CSS.
return H.style("""
.person {
background: magenta !important;
border-color: magenta !important;
.person-short { font-weight: bold; color: green; }
def __hrepr__(self, H, hrepr):
# hrepr.make.instance is a helper to show a table with a header that
# describes some kind of object
return hrepr.make.instance(
fields=[["age", self.age], ["job", self.job]],
delimiter=" ↦ ",
def __hrepr_short__(self, H, hrepr):
return H.span["person-short"](self.name)
## References
`hrepr` can handle circular references. Furthermore, if an object is found at several places in a structure, only the first occurrence will be printed in full, and any other will be a numeric reference mapped to the short representation for the object. It looks like this:
The `shortrefs` and `norefs` configuration keys control the representation of references:
`norefs` is ignored when there are circular references.
## HTML generation
Generate HTML using the `H` parameter to `__hrepr__`, or import it and use it directly:
from hrepr import H
html = H.span["bear"](
"Only ", H.b("YOU"), " can prevent forest fires!",
style="color: brown;"
# Only YOU can prevent forest fires!
`H` can be built incrementally: if you have an element, you can call it to add children, index it to add classes, and so on. For instance:
from hrepr import H
html = H.span()
html = html("Only ")
html = html(style="color: brown;")["bear"]
html = html(H.b("YOU"), " can prevent forest fires!")
# Only YOU can prevent forest fires!
This can be handy if you want to tweak generated HTML a little. For example, `hrepr(obj)["fox"]` will tack on the class `fox` to the representation of the object.
### Helpers
* `hrepr.make.instance(title, fields, delimiter=None, type=None)`: formats the fields like a dataclass, with title on top.
* `hrepr.make.bracketed(body, start, end, type=None)`: formats the body with the specified start/end bracket.
### Constructed elements
To make it a bit easier to include and use JavaScript libraries, you can use the special `__constructor` attribute.
For example, you can load Plotly and create a plot like this:
def Plot(data):
return H.div(
"script": "https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js",
"symbol": "Plotly.newPlot",
"options": [{"x": list(range(len(data))), "y": list(data)}],
print(Plot([math.sin(x / 10) for x in range(100)]))
The above will:
* Load the specified script.
* Get the `Plotly.newPlot` function in the global namespace.
* Call it with the `div` element as the first argument, and the `options` as the second argument.
It will look like this:
### Modules
Another example, this time using ESM (modules):
node = H.div(
style="width:500px;height:500px;border:1px solid black;",
"module": "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cytoscape/3.23.0/cytoscape.esm.min.js",
"arguments": {
"container": H.self(),
"elements": [
{"data": {"id": "A"}},
{"data": {"id": "B"}},
{"data": {"id": "C"}},
{"data": {"source": "A", "target": "B"}},
{"data": {"source": "B", "target": "C"}},
{"data": {"source": "C", "target": "A"}},
"style": cystyle,
"layout": {"name": "cose"},
The above will:
* Import the specified module.
* Call the module's default export with `arguments`.
* Note the use of `H.self()` to refer to the target `div` in the arguments.
If you wish to use a non-default export, set the `symbol` key in the `__constructor` attribute to the name of the export you want.
## Customize hrepr
### Mixins
If you want to *really* customize hrepr, you can use mixins. They look like a bit of black magic, but they're simple enough:
# ovld is one of the dependencies of hrepr
from ovld import ovld, extend_super, has_attribute, OvldMC
from hrepr import hrepr
class MyMixin(metaclass=OvldMC):
# Change the representation of integers
def hrepr_resources(self, cls: int):
# Note: in hrepr_resources, cls is the int type, not an integer
return self.H.style(".my-integer { color: fuchsia; }")
def hrepr(self, n: int):
return self.H.span["my-integer"]("The number ", str(n))
# Specially handle any object with a "quack" method
def hrepr(self, duck: has_attribute("quack")):
return self.H.span("🦆")
The annotation for a rule can either be a type, `ovld.has_attribute`, or pretty much any function wrapped with the `ovld.meta` decorator, as long as the function operates on classes. See the documentation for [ovld](https://github.com/breuleux/ovld#other-features) for more information.
And yes, you can define `hrepr` multiple times inside the class, as long as they have distinct annotations and you inherit from `Hrepr`. You can also define `hrepr_short` or `hrepr_resources` the same way.
### Postprocessors
`hrepr` can be given a postprocessor that is called on the representation of any object. You can use this to do things like highlighting specific objects:
from hrepr import H
style = H.style(".highlight { border: 3px solid red !important; }")
def highlight(x):
def postprocess(element, obj, hrepr):
if obj == x:
# Adds the "highlight" class and attaches a style
return element["highlight"].fill(resources=style)
return element
return postprocess
hrepr([1, 2, [3, 4, 2]], postprocess=highlight(2))
### hrepr variants
To put this all together, you can create a *variant* of `hrepr`:
hrepr2 = hrepr.variant(mixins=MyMixin, postprocess=highlight(2))
hrepr2([1, 2, 3]) # Will use the mixins and postprocessor
### Configure the hrepr function itself
Alternatively, you can configure the main `hrepr`:
hrepr.configure(mixins=MyMixin, postprocess=highlight(2))
But keep in mind that unlike the variant, the above will modify `hrepr` for everything else as well.
%autosetup -n hrepr-0.5.1
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-hrepr -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Tue Jun 20 2023 Python_Bot - 0.5.1-1
- Package Spec generated