%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-snakemd
Version: 2.1.0
Release: 1
Summary: A markdown generation library for Python.
License: MIT
URL: https://www.snakemd.io
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/30/51/0ed8fcee085820c3f66917b793f3e26ffcc5fc9832fc8d44a6f3b7c79611/snakemd-2.1.0.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
# Welcome to SnakeMD
SnakeMD is your ticket to generating Markdown in Python. To prove it to you, we've generated this entire README using SnakeMD. See readme.py for how it was done. To get started, download and install SnakeMD:
pip install snakemd
In the remainder of this document, we'll show you all of the things this library can do. For more information, check out the official documentation [here](https://snakemd.io).
## Table of Contents
Below you'll find the table of contents, but these can also be generated programatically for every Markdown document as follows:
def _table_of_contents(doc: Document):
doc.add_table_of_contents(range(2, 4))
1. [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
2. [Paragraphs](#paragraphs)
3. [Links](#links)
4. [Images](#images)
5. [Lists](#lists)
1. [Ordered List](#ordered-list)
2. [Unordered List](#unordered-list)
3. [Checklist](#checklist)
4. [Nested Lists](#nested-lists)
6. [Tables](#tables)
7. [Code Blocks](#code-blocks)
8. [Quotes](#quotes)
9. [Horizontal Rule](#horizontal-rule)
10. [Raw](#raw)
## Paragraphs
Paragraphs are the most basic feature of any Markdown file. As a result, they are very easy to create using SnakeMD.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _paragraph(doc: Document):
doc.add_paragraph("I think. Therefore, I am.")
_Markdown Source_
I think. Therefore, I am.
_Rendered Result_
I think. Therefore, I am.
## Links
Links are targets to files or web pages and can be embedded in paragraphs in a variety of ways, such as with the insert_link() method.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _insert_link(doc: Document):
doc.add_paragraph("Learn to program with The Renegade Coder (@RenegadeCoder94).") \
.insert_link("The Renegade Coder", "https://therenegadecoder.com") \
.insert_link("@RenegadeCoder94", "https://twitter.com/RenegadeCoder94")
_Markdown Source_
Learn to program with [The Renegade Coder](https://therenegadecoder.com) ([@RenegadeCoder94](https://twitter.com/RenegadeCoder94)).
_Rendered Result_
Learn to program with [The Renegade Coder](https://therenegadecoder.com) ([@RenegadeCoder94](https://twitter.com/RenegadeCoder94)).
## Images
Images can be added by embedding Inline elements in a paragraph.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _image(doc: Document):
logo = "https://therenegadecoder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/header-logo-without-tag-300x75.png"
doc.add_block(Paragraph([Inline("Logo", image=logo)]))
_Markdown Source_

_Rendered Result_

## Lists
SnakeMD can make a variety of Markdown lists. The three main types of lists are ordered, unordered, and checked.
### Ordered List
Ordered lists are lists in which the order of the items matters. As a result, we number them.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _ordered_list(doc: Document):
doc.add_ordered_list(["Deku", "Bakugo", "Uraraka", "Tsuyu"])
_Markdown Source_
1. Deku
2. Bakugo
3. Uraraka
4. Tsuyu
_Rendered Result_
1. Deku
2. Bakugo
3. Uraraka
4. Tsuyu
### Unordered List
Unordered lists are lists in which the order of the items does not matter. As a result, we bullet them.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _unordered_list(doc: Document):
doc.add_unordered_list(["Crosby", "Malkin", "Lemieux"])
_Markdown Source_
- Crosby
- Malkin
- Lemieux
_Rendered Result_
- Crosby
- Malkin
- Lemieux
### Checklist
Checklists are lists in which the items themselves can be checked on and off. This feature is new as of v0.10.0.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _checklist(doc: Document):
"Pass the puck",
"Shoot the puck",
"Score a goal"
_Markdown Source_
- [ ] Pass the puck
- [ ] Shoot the puck
- [ ] Score a goal
_Rendered Result_
- [ ] Pass the puck
- [ ] Shoot the puck
- [ ] Score a goal
### Nested Lists
Nested lists are complex lists that contain lists. Currently, SnakeMD does not support any convenience methods to generate nested lists, but they can be created manually using the MDList object.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _nested_list(doc: Document):
Inline("Onions", bold=True),
Paragraph(["This is the end of the list!"])
_Markdown Source_
- Apples
- **Onions**
- Sweet
- Red
- This is the end of the list!
_Rendered Result_
- Apples
- **Onions**
- Sweet
- Red
- This is the end of the list!
## Tables
Tables are sets of rows and columns which can display text in a grid. To style any of the contents of a table, consider using Paragraph or Inline.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _table(doc: Document):
["Height (cm)", "Weight (kg)", "Age (y)"],
['150', '70', '21'],
['164', '75', '19'],
['181', '87', '40']
[Table.Align.LEFT, Table.Align.CENTER, Table.Align.RIGHT],
_Markdown Source_
| Height (cm) | Weight (kg) | Age (y) |
| :---------- | :---------: | ------: |
| 150 | 70 | 21 |
| 164 | 75 | 19 |
| 181 | 87 | 40 |
_Rendered Result_
| Height (cm) | Weight (kg) | Age (y) |
| :---------- | :---------: | ------: |
| 150 | 70 | 21 |
| 164 | 75 | 19 |
| 181 | 87 | 40 |
## Code Blocks
Code blocks are a form of structured text for sharing code snippets with syntax highlighting.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _code(doc: Document):
doc.add_code("x = 5", lang="py")
_Markdown Source_
x = 5
_Rendered Result_
x = 5
## Quotes
Quotes are blocks of text that represent quotes from people.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _quote(doc: Document):
doc.add_quote("How Now Brown Cow")
_Markdown Source_
> How Now Brown Cow
_Rendered Result_
> How Now Brown Cow
## Horizontal Rule
Horizontal Rules are visible dividers in a document.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _horizontal_rule(doc: Document):
_Markdown Source_
_Rendered Result_
## Raw
If at any time SnakeMD doesn't meet your needs, you can always add your own text using a raw block. These can be used to insert any preformatted text you like, such as HTML tags, Jekyll frontmatter, and more.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _raw(doc: Document):
doc.add_raw("42 = 16
How cool is that?")
_Markdown Source_
42 = 16
How cool is that?
_Rendered Result_
42 = 16
How cool is that?
%package -n python3-snakemd
Summary: A markdown generation library for Python.
Provides: python-snakemd
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-snakemd
# Welcome to SnakeMD
SnakeMD is your ticket to generating Markdown in Python. To prove it to you, we've generated this entire README using SnakeMD. See readme.py for how it was done. To get started, download and install SnakeMD:
pip install snakemd
In the remainder of this document, we'll show you all of the things this library can do. For more information, check out the official documentation [here](https://snakemd.io).
## Table of Contents
Below you'll find the table of contents, but these can also be generated programatically for every Markdown document as follows:
def _table_of_contents(doc: Document):
doc.add_table_of_contents(range(2, 4))
1. [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
2. [Paragraphs](#paragraphs)
3. [Links](#links)
4. [Images](#images)
5. [Lists](#lists)
1. [Ordered List](#ordered-list)
2. [Unordered List](#unordered-list)
3. [Checklist](#checklist)
4. [Nested Lists](#nested-lists)
6. [Tables](#tables)
7. [Code Blocks](#code-blocks)
8. [Quotes](#quotes)
9. [Horizontal Rule](#horizontal-rule)
10. [Raw](#raw)
## Paragraphs
Paragraphs are the most basic feature of any Markdown file. As a result, they are very easy to create using SnakeMD.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _paragraph(doc: Document):
doc.add_paragraph("I think. Therefore, I am.")
_Markdown Source_
I think. Therefore, I am.
_Rendered Result_
I think. Therefore, I am.
## Links
Links are targets to files or web pages and can be embedded in paragraphs in a variety of ways, such as with the insert_link() method.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _insert_link(doc: Document):
doc.add_paragraph("Learn to program with The Renegade Coder (@RenegadeCoder94).") \
.insert_link("The Renegade Coder", "https://therenegadecoder.com") \
.insert_link("@RenegadeCoder94", "https://twitter.com/RenegadeCoder94")
_Markdown Source_
Learn to program with [The Renegade Coder](https://therenegadecoder.com) ([@RenegadeCoder94](https://twitter.com/RenegadeCoder94)).
_Rendered Result_
Learn to program with [The Renegade Coder](https://therenegadecoder.com) ([@RenegadeCoder94](https://twitter.com/RenegadeCoder94)).
## Images
Images can be added by embedding Inline elements in a paragraph.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _image(doc: Document):
logo = "https://therenegadecoder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/header-logo-without-tag-300x75.png"
doc.add_block(Paragraph([Inline("Logo", image=logo)]))
_Markdown Source_

_Rendered Result_

## Lists
SnakeMD can make a variety of Markdown lists. The three main types of lists are ordered, unordered, and checked.
### Ordered List
Ordered lists are lists in which the order of the items matters. As a result, we number them.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _ordered_list(doc: Document):
doc.add_ordered_list(["Deku", "Bakugo", "Uraraka", "Tsuyu"])
_Markdown Source_
1. Deku
2. Bakugo
3. Uraraka
4. Tsuyu
_Rendered Result_
1. Deku
2. Bakugo
3. Uraraka
4. Tsuyu
### Unordered List
Unordered lists are lists in which the order of the items does not matter. As a result, we bullet them.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _unordered_list(doc: Document):
doc.add_unordered_list(["Crosby", "Malkin", "Lemieux"])
_Markdown Source_
- Crosby
- Malkin
- Lemieux
_Rendered Result_
- Crosby
- Malkin
- Lemieux
### Checklist
Checklists are lists in which the items themselves can be checked on and off. This feature is new as of v0.10.0.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _checklist(doc: Document):
"Pass the puck",
"Shoot the puck",
"Score a goal"
_Markdown Source_
- [ ] Pass the puck
- [ ] Shoot the puck
- [ ] Score a goal
_Rendered Result_
- [ ] Pass the puck
- [ ] Shoot the puck
- [ ] Score a goal
### Nested Lists
Nested lists are complex lists that contain lists. Currently, SnakeMD does not support any convenience methods to generate nested lists, but they can be created manually using the MDList object.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _nested_list(doc: Document):
Inline("Onions", bold=True),
Paragraph(["This is the end of the list!"])
_Markdown Source_
- Apples
- **Onions**
- Sweet
- Red
- This is the end of the list!
_Rendered Result_
- Apples
- **Onions**
- Sweet
- Red
- This is the end of the list!
## Tables
Tables are sets of rows and columns which can display text in a grid. To style any of the contents of a table, consider using Paragraph or Inline.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _table(doc: Document):
["Height (cm)", "Weight (kg)", "Age (y)"],
['150', '70', '21'],
['164', '75', '19'],
['181', '87', '40']
[Table.Align.LEFT, Table.Align.CENTER, Table.Align.RIGHT],
_Markdown Source_
| Height (cm) | Weight (kg) | Age (y) |
| :---------- | :---------: | ------: |
| 150 | 70 | 21 |
| 164 | 75 | 19 |
| 181 | 87 | 40 |
_Rendered Result_
| Height (cm) | Weight (kg) | Age (y) |
| :---------- | :---------: | ------: |
| 150 | 70 | 21 |
| 164 | 75 | 19 |
| 181 | 87 | 40 |
## Code Blocks
Code blocks are a form of structured text for sharing code snippets with syntax highlighting.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _code(doc: Document):
doc.add_code("x = 5", lang="py")
_Markdown Source_
x = 5
_Rendered Result_
x = 5
## Quotes
Quotes are blocks of text that represent quotes from people.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _quote(doc: Document):
doc.add_quote("How Now Brown Cow")
_Markdown Source_
> How Now Brown Cow
_Rendered Result_
> How Now Brown Cow
## Horizontal Rule
Horizontal Rules are visible dividers in a document.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _horizontal_rule(doc: Document):
_Markdown Source_
_Rendered Result_
## Raw
If at any time SnakeMD doesn't meet your needs, you can always add your own text using a raw block. These can be used to insert any preformatted text you like, such as HTML tags, Jekyll frontmatter, and more.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _raw(doc: Document):
doc.add_raw("42 = 16
How cool is that?")
_Markdown Source_
42 = 16
How cool is that?
_Rendered Result_
42 = 16
How cool is that?
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for snakemd
Provides: python3-snakemd-doc
%description help
# Welcome to SnakeMD
SnakeMD is your ticket to generating Markdown in Python. To prove it to you, we've generated this entire README using SnakeMD. See readme.py for how it was done. To get started, download and install SnakeMD:
pip install snakemd
In the remainder of this document, we'll show you all of the things this library can do. For more information, check out the official documentation [here](https://snakemd.io).
## Table of Contents
Below you'll find the table of contents, but these can also be generated programatically for every Markdown document as follows:
def _table_of_contents(doc: Document):
doc.add_table_of_contents(range(2, 4))
1. [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
2. [Paragraphs](#paragraphs)
3. [Links](#links)
4. [Images](#images)
5. [Lists](#lists)
1. [Ordered List](#ordered-list)
2. [Unordered List](#unordered-list)
3. [Checklist](#checklist)
4. [Nested Lists](#nested-lists)
6. [Tables](#tables)
7. [Code Blocks](#code-blocks)
8. [Quotes](#quotes)
9. [Horizontal Rule](#horizontal-rule)
10. [Raw](#raw)
## Paragraphs
Paragraphs are the most basic feature of any Markdown file. As a result, they are very easy to create using SnakeMD.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _paragraph(doc: Document):
doc.add_paragraph("I think. Therefore, I am.")
_Markdown Source_
I think. Therefore, I am.
_Rendered Result_
I think. Therefore, I am.
## Links
Links are targets to files or web pages and can be embedded in paragraphs in a variety of ways, such as with the insert_link() method.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _insert_link(doc: Document):
doc.add_paragraph("Learn to program with The Renegade Coder (@RenegadeCoder94).") \
.insert_link("The Renegade Coder", "https://therenegadecoder.com") \
.insert_link("@RenegadeCoder94", "https://twitter.com/RenegadeCoder94")
_Markdown Source_
Learn to program with [The Renegade Coder](https://therenegadecoder.com) ([@RenegadeCoder94](https://twitter.com/RenegadeCoder94)).
_Rendered Result_
Learn to program with [The Renegade Coder](https://therenegadecoder.com) ([@RenegadeCoder94](https://twitter.com/RenegadeCoder94)).
## Images
Images can be added by embedding Inline elements in a paragraph.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _image(doc: Document):
logo = "https://therenegadecoder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/header-logo-without-tag-300x75.png"
doc.add_block(Paragraph([Inline("Logo", image=logo)]))
_Markdown Source_

_Rendered Result_

## Lists
SnakeMD can make a variety of Markdown lists. The three main types of lists are ordered, unordered, and checked.
### Ordered List
Ordered lists are lists in which the order of the items matters. As a result, we number them.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _ordered_list(doc: Document):
doc.add_ordered_list(["Deku", "Bakugo", "Uraraka", "Tsuyu"])
_Markdown Source_
1. Deku
2. Bakugo
3. Uraraka
4. Tsuyu
_Rendered Result_
1. Deku
2. Bakugo
3. Uraraka
4. Tsuyu
### Unordered List
Unordered lists are lists in which the order of the items does not matter. As a result, we bullet them.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _unordered_list(doc: Document):
doc.add_unordered_list(["Crosby", "Malkin", "Lemieux"])
_Markdown Source_
- Crosby
- Malkin
- Lemieux
_Rendered Result_
- Crosby
- Malkin
- Lemieux
### Checklist
Checklists are lists in which the items themselves can be checked on and off. This feature is new as of v0.10.0.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _checklist(doc: Document):
"Pass the puck",
"Shoot the puck",
"Score a goal"
_Markdown Source_
- [ ] Pass the puck
- [ ] Shoot the puck
- [ ] Score a goal
_Rendered Result_
- [ ] Pass the puck
- [ ] Shoot the puck
- [ ] Score a goal
### Nested Lists
Nested lists are complex lists that contain lists. Currently, SnakeMD does not support any convenience methods to generate nested lists, but they can be created manually using the MDList object.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _nested_list(doc: Document):
Inline("Onions", bold=True),
Paragraph(["This is the end of the list!"])
_Markdown Source_
- Apples
- **Onions**
- Sweet
- Red
- This is the end of the list!
_Rendered Result_
- Apples
- **Onions**
- Sweet
- Red
- This is the end of the list!
## Tables
Tables are sets of rows and columns which can display text in a grid. To style any of the contents of a table, consider using Paragraph or Inline.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _table(doc: Document):
["Height (cm)", "Weight (kg)", "Age (y)"],
['150', '70', '21'],
['164', '75', '19'],
['181', '87', '40']
[Table.Align.LEFT, Table.Align.CENTER, Table.Align.RIGHT],
_Markdown Source_
| Height (cm) | Weight (kg) | Age (y) |
| :---------- | :---------: | ------: |
| 150 | 70 | 21 |
| 164 | 75 | 19 |
| 181 | 87 | 40 |
_Rendered Result_
| Height (cm) | Weight (kg) | Age (y) |
| :---------- | :---------: | ------: |
| 150 | 70 | 21 |
| 164 | 75 | 19 |
| 181 | 87 | 40 |
## Code Blocks
Code blocks are a form of structured text for sharing code snippets with syntax highlighting.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _code(doc: Document):
doc.add_code("x = 5", lang="py")
_Markdown Source_
x = 5
_Rendered Result_
x = 5
## Quotes
Quotes are blocks of text that represent quotes from people.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _quote(doc: Document):
doc.add_quote("How Now Brown Cow")
_Markdown Source_
> How Now Brown Cow
_Rendered Result_
> How Now Brown Cow
## Horizontal Rule
Horizontal Rules are visible dividers in a document.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _horizontal_rule(doc: Document):
_Markdown Source_
_Rendered Result_
## Raw
If at any time SnakeMD doesn't meet your needs, you can always add your own text using a raw block. These can be used to insert any preformatted text you like, such as HTML tags, Jekyll frontmatter, and more.
_SnakeMD Source_
def _raw(doc: Document):
doc.add_raw("42 = 16
How cool is that?")
_Markdown Source_
42 = 16
How cool is that?
_Rendered Result_
42 = 16
How cool is that?
%autosetup -n snakemd-2.1.0
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-snakemd -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Tue Jun 20 2023 Python_Bot - 2.1.0-1
- Package Spec generated