%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-delighted Version: 4.1.0 Release: 1 Summary: Delighted API Python Client. License: MIT URL: https://delighted.com/ Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/37/56/7cc8b408ded2375ddb1332bb613d3226b80793b6199094d6e24fb85a5a99/delighted-4.1.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/delighted/delighted-python.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/delighted/delighted-python) # Delighted API Python Client Official Python client for the [Delighted API](https://delighted.com/docs/api). ## Installation ``` pip install --upgrade delighted ``` or ``` easy_install --upgrade delighted ``` ### Upgrading from delighted-python If you previously used the python package named `delighted-python`, please note that the package name is now just `delighted`. ## Configuration To get started, you need to configure the client with your secret API key. ```python import delighted delighted.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY' ``` For further options, read the [advanced configuration section](#advanced-configuration). **Note:** Your API key is secret, and you should treat it like a password. You can find your API key in your Delighted account, under *Settings* > *API*. ## Usage Adding/updating people and scheduling surveys: ```python # Add a new person, and schedule a survey immediately person1 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test1@delighted.com') # Add a new person, and schedule a survey after 1 minute (60 seconds) person2 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test2@delighted.com', delay=60) # Add a new person, but do not schedule a survey person3 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test3@delighted.com', send=False) # Add a new person with full set of attributes, including a custom question # product name, and schedule a survey with a 30 second delay person4 = delighted.Person.create( email='foo+test4@delighted.com', name='Joe Bloggs', properties={'customer_id': 123, 'country': 'USA', 'question_product_name': 'The London Trench'}, delay=30) # Update an existing person (identified by email), adding a name, without # scheduling a survey updated_person1 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test1@delighted.com', name='James Scott', send=False) ``` Unsubscribing people: ```python # Unsubscribe an existing person delighted.Unsubscribe.create(person_email='foo+test1@delighted.com') ``` Listing people: ```python # List all people, auto pagination # Note: Make sure to handle the possible rate limits error people = delighted.Person.list() while True: try: for person in people.auto_paging_iter(): # Do something with person except TooManyRequestsError as e: # Indicates how long to wait (in seconds) before making this request again e.retry_after continue # For convenience, this method can use a sleep to automatically handle rate limits people = delighted.Person.list(auto_handle_rate_limits=True) for person in people.auto_paging_iter(): # Do something with person ``` Listing people who have unsubscribed: ```python # List all people who have unsubscribed, 20 per page, first 2 pages delighted.Unsubscribe.all() delighted.Unsubscribe.all(page=2) ``` Listing people whose emails have bounced: ```python # List all people whose emails have bounced, 20 per page, first 2 pages delighted.Bounce.all() delighted.Bounce.all(page=2) ``` Deleting a person and all of the data associated with them: ```python # Delete by person id delighted.Person.delete(id=42) # Delete by email address delighted.Person.delete(email='test@example.com') # Delete by phone number (must be E.164 format) delighted.Person.delete(phone_number='+14155551212') ``` Deleting pending survey requests ```python # Delete all pending (scheduled but unsent) survey requests for a person, by email. delighted.SurveyRequest.delete_pending(person_email='foo+test1@delighted.com') ``` Adding survey responses: ```python # Add a survey response, score only survey_response1 = delighted.SurveyResponse.create(person=person1.id, score=10) # Add *another* survey response (for the same person), score and comment survey_response2 = delighted.SurveyResponse.create(person=person1.id, score=5, comment='Really nice.') ``` Retrieving a survey response: ```python # Retrieve an existing survey response survey_response3 = delighted.SurveyResponse.retrieve('123') ``` Updating survey responses: ```python # Update a survey response score survey_response4 = delighted.SurveyResponse.retrieve('234') survey_response4.score = 10 survey_response4.save() # # Update (or add) survey response properties survey_response4.person_properties = {'segment': 'Online'} survey_response4.save() # # Update person who recorded the survey response survey_response4.person = '321' survey_response4.save() # ``` Listing survey responses: ```python # List all survey responses, 20 per page, first 2 pages survey_responses_page1 = delighted.SurveyResponse.all() survey_responses_page2 = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(page=2) # List all survey responses, 20 per page, expanding person object survey_responses_page1_expanded = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(expand=['person']) survey_responses_page1_expanded[0].person # # List all survey responses, 20 per page, for a specific trend (ID: 123) survey_responses_page1_trend = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(trend='123') # List all survey responses, 20 per page, in reverse chronological order (newest first) survey_responses_page1_desc = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(order='desc') # List all survey responses, 100 per page, page 5, with a time range import pytz timezone = pytz.timezone('America/Chicago') filtered_survey_responses = delighted.SurveyResponse.all( page=5, per_page=100, since=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 1)), until=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 30)) ) ``` Retrieving metrics: ```python # Get current metrics, 30-day simple moving average, from most recent response metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve() # Get current metrics, 30-day simple moving average, from most recent response, # for a specific trend (ID: 123) metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve(trend='123') # Get metrics, for given time range import pytz timezone = pytz.timezone('America/Chicago') metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve( since=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 1)), until=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 1)) ) ``` Managing Autopilot: ```python # Get Autopilot configuration for the `email` platform autopilot = delighted.AutopilotConfiguration.retrieve('email') # List people in AutopilotMembership for the `email` platform people_autopilot = delighted.AutopilotMembership.forEmail().list(auto_handle_rate_limits=True) for person in people_autopilot.auto_paging_iter(): # Do something with person # Add people to AutopilotMembership autopilot = delighted.AutopilotMembership.forEmail().create(person_email='test@example.com') # Add people to AutopilotMembership, with a full set of attributes properties = {'customer_id': 123, 'country': 'USA', 'question_product_name': 'The London Trench'} autopilot = delighted.AutopilotMembership.forSms().create(person_phone_number='+14155551212', properties=properties) # Delete by person id delighted.AutopilotMembership.forSms().delete(person_id=42) # Delete by email address delighted.AutopilotMembership.forEmail().delete(person_email='test@example.com') # Delete by phone number (must be E.164 format) delighted.AutopilotMembership.forSms().delete(person_phone_number='+14155551212') ``` ## Rate limits If a request is rate limited, a `TooManyRequestsError` exception is raised. You can rescue that exception to implement exponential backoff or retry strategies. The exception provides a `retry_after` attribute to tell you how many seconds you should wait before retrying. For example: ```python try: metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve() except delighted.errors.TooManyRequestsError as err: retry_after_seconds = err.retry_after # wait for retry_after_seconds before retrying # add your retry strategy here ... ``` ## Advanced configuration & testing The following options are configurable for the client: ```python delighted.api_key delighted.api_base_url # default: 'https://api.delighted.com/v1/' delighted.http_adapter # default: delighted.HTTPAdapter ``` By default, a shared instance of `delighted.Client` is created lazily in `delighted.get_shared_client()`. If you want to create your own client, perhaps for test or if you have multiple API keys, you can: ```python # Create an custom client instance, and pass as last argument to resource actions import delighted from delighted import Client client = Client(api_key='API_KEY', api_base_url='https://api.delighted.com/v1/', http_adapter=HTTPAdapter()) metrics_from_custom_client = delighted.Metrics.retrieve(client=client) # Or, you can set Delighted.shared_client yourself delighted.shared_client = delighted.Client( api_key='API_KEY', api_base_url='https://api.delighted.com/v1/', http_adapter=delighted.HTTPAdapter() ) metrics_from_custom_shared_client = delighted.Metrics.retrieve() ``` ## Supported versions - 2.6+, 3.3+ (PyPy supported) ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Run the tests (`tox`) 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create new Pull Request ## Releasing 1. Bump the version in `delighted/__init__.py`. 2. Update the README and CHANGELOG as needed. 3. Tag the commit for release. 4. Create the distribution `python setup.py sdist` 5. Update the package against PyPI's test server with [twine](https://pypi.org/project/twine/) `twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/TEST_PACKAGE_NAME`. 6. If (4 and 5) work, repeat all steps, then push to PyPI's live servers with `twine upload dist/PACKAGE_NAME`. ## Author Originally by [Jason Pearson](https://github.com/kaeawc). Graciously transfered and now officially maintained by Delighted. %package -n python3-delighted Summary: Delighted API Python Client. Provides: python-delighted BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-delighted [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/delighted/delighted-python.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/delighted/delighted-python) # Delighted API Python Client Official Python client for the [Delighted API](https://delighted.com/docs/api). ## Installation ``` pip install --upgrade delighted ``` or ``` easy_install --upgrade delighted ``` ### Upgrading from delighted-python If you previously used the python package named `delighted-python`, please note that the package name is now just `delighted`. ## Configuration To get started, you need to configure the client with your secret API key. ```python import delighted delighted.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY' ``` For further options, read the [advanced configuration section](#advanced-configuration). **Note:** Your API key is secret, and you should treat it like a password. You can find your API key in your Delighted account, under *Settings* > *API*. ## Usage Adding/updating people and scheduling surveys: ```python # Add a new person, and schedule a survey immediately person1 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test1@delighted.com') # Add a new person, and schedule a survey after 1 minute (60 seconds) person2 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test2@delighted.com', delay=60) # Add a new person, but do not schedule a survey person3 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test3@delighted.com', send=False) # Add a new person with full set of attributes, including a custom question # product name, and schedule a survey with a 30 second delay person4 = delighted.Person.create( email='foo+test4@delighted.com', name='Joe Bloggs', properties={'customer_id': 123, 'country': 'USA', 'question_product_name': 'The London Trench'}, delay=30) # Update an existing person (identified by email), adding a name, without # scheduling a survey updated_person1 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test1@delighted.com', name='James Scott', send=False) ``` Unsubscribing people: ```python # Unsubscribe an existing person delighted.Unsubscribe.create(person_email='foo+test1@delighted.com') ``` Listing people: ```python # List all people, auto pagination # Note: Make sure to handle the possible rate limits error people = delighted.Person.list() while True: try: for person in people.auto_paging_iter(): # Do something with person except TooManyRequestsError as e: # Indicates how long to wait (in seconds) before making this request again e.retry_after continue # For convenience, this method can use a sleep to automatically handle rate limits people = delighted.Person.list(auto_handle_rate_limits=True) for person in people.auto_paging_iter(): # Do something with person ``` Listing people who have unsubscribed: ```python # List all people who have unsubscribed, 20 per page, first 2 pages delighted.Unsubscribe.all() delighted.Unsubscribe.all(page=2) ``` Listing people whose emails have bounced: ```python # List all people whose emails have bounced, 20 per page, first 2 pages delighted.Bounce.all() delighted.Bounce.all(page=2) ``` Deleting a person and all of the data associated with them: ```python # Delete by person id delighted.Person.delete(id=42) # Delete by email address delighted.Person.delete(email='test@example.com') # Delete by phone number (must be E.164 format) delighted.Person.delete(phone_number='+14155551212') ``` Deleting pending survey requests ```python # Delete all pending (scheduled but unsent) survey requests for a person, by email. delighted.SurveyRequest.delete_pending(person_email='foo+test1@delighted.com') ``` Adding survey responses: ```python # Add a survey response, score only survey_response1 = delighted.SurveyResponse.create(person=person1.id, score=10) # Add *another* survey response (for the same person), score and comment survey_response2 = delighted.SurveyResponse.create(person=person1.id, score=5, comment='Really nice.') ``` Retrieving a survey response: ```python # Retrieve an existing survey response survey_response3 = delighted.SurveyResponse.retrieve('123') ``` Updating survey responses: ```python # Update a survey response score survey_response4 = delighted.SurveyResponse.retrieve('234') survey_response4.score = 10 survey_response4.save() # # Update (or add) survey response properties survey_response4.person_properties = {'segment': 'Online'} survey_response4.save() # # Update person who recorded the survey response survey_response4.person = '321' survey_response4.save() # ``` Listing survey responses: ```python # List all survey responses, 20 per page, first 2 pages survey_responses_page1 = delighted.SurveyResponse.all() survey_responses_page2 = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(page=2) # List all survey responses, 20 per page, expanding person object survey_responses_page1_expanded = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(expand=['person']) survey_responses_page1_expanded[0].person # # List all survey responses, 20 per page, for a specific trend (ID: 123) survey_responses_page1_trend = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(trend='123') # List all survey responses, 20 per page, in reverse chronological order (newest first) survey_responses_page1_desc = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(order='desc') # List all survey responses, 100 per page, page 5, with a time range import pytz timezone = pytz.timezone('America/Chicago') filtered_survey_responses = delighted.SurveyResponse.all( page=5, per_page=100, since=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 1)), until=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 30)) ) ``` Retrieving metrics: ```python # Get current metrics, 30-day simple moving average, from most recent response metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve() # Get current metrics, 30-day simple moving average, from most recent response, # for a specific trend (ID: 123) metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve(trend='123') # Get metrics, for given time range import pytz timezone = pytz.timezone('America/Chicago') metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve( since=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 1)), until=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 1)) ) ``` Managing Autopilot: ```python # Get Autopilot configuration for the `email` platform autopilot = delighted.AutopilotConfiguration.retrieve('email') # List people in AutopilotMembership for the `email` platform people_autopilot = delighted.AutopilotMembership.forEmail().list(auto_handle_rate_limits=True) for person in people_autopilot.auto_paging_iter(): # Do something with person # Add people to AutopilotMembership autopilot = delighted.AutopilotMembership.forEmail().create(person_email='test@example.com') # Add people to AutopilotMembership, with a full set of attributes properties = {'customer_id': 123, 'country': 'USA', 'question_product_name': 'The London Trench'} autopilot = delighted.AutopilotMembership.forSms().create(person_phone_number='+14155551212', properties=properties) # Delete by person id delighted.AutopilotMembership.forSms().delete(person_id=42) # Delete by email address delighted.AutopilotMembership.forEmail().delete(person_email='test@example.com') # Delete by phone number (must be E.164 format) delighted.AutopilotMembership.forSms().delete(person_phone_number='+14155551212') ``` ## Rate limits If a request is rate limited, a `TooManyRequestsError` exception is raised. You can rescue that exception to implement exponential backoff or retry strategies. The exception provides a `retry_after` attribute to tell you how many seconds you should wait before retrying. For example: ```python try: metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve() except delighted.errors.TooManyRequestsError as err: retry_after_seconds = err.retry_after # wait for retry_after_seconds before retrying # add your retry strategy here ... ``` ## Advanced configuration & testing The following options are configurable for the client: ```python delighted.api_key delighted.api_base_url # default: 'https://api.delighted.com/v1/' delighted.http_adapter # default: delighted.HTTPAdapter ``` By default, a shared instance of `delighted.Client` is created lazily in `delighted.get_shared_client()`. If you want to create your own client, perhaps for test or if you have multiple API keys, you can: ```python # Create an custom client instance, and pass as last argument to resource actions import delighted from delighted import Client client = Client(api_key='API_KEY', api_base_url='https://api.delighted.com/v1/', http_adapter=HTTPAdapter()) metrics_from_custom_client = delighted.Metrics.retrieve(client=client) # Or, you can set Delighted.shared_client yourself delighted.shared_client = delighted.Client( api_key='API_KEY', api_base_url='https://api.delighted.com/v1/', http_adapter=delighted.HTTPAdapter() ) metrics_from_custom_shared_client = delighted.Metrics.retrieve() ``` ## Supported versions - 2.6+, 3.3+ (PyPy supported) ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Run the tests (`tox`) 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create new Pull Request ## Releasing 1. Bump the version in `delighted/__init__.py`. 2. Update the README and CHANGELOG as needed. 3. Tag the commit for release. 4. Create the distribution `python setup.py sdist` 5. Update the package against PyPI's test server with [twine](https://pypi.org/project/twine/) `twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/TEST_PACKAGE_NAME`. 6. If (4 and 5) work, repeat all steps, then push to PyPI's live servers with `twine upload dist/PACKAGE_NAME`. ## Author Originally by [Jason Pearson](https://github.com/kaeawc). Graciously transfered and now officially maintained by Delighted. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for delighted Provides: python3-delighted-doc %description help [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/delighted/delighted-python.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/delighted/delighted-python) # Delighted API Python Client Official Python client for the [Delighted API](https://delighted.com/docs/api). ## Installation ``` pip install --upgrade delighted ``` or ``` easy_install --upgrade delighted ``` ### Upgrading from delighted-python If you previously used the python package named `delighted-python`, please note that the package name is now just `delighted`. ## Configuration To get started, you need to configure the client with your secret API key. ```python import delighted delighted.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY' ``` For further options, read the [advanced configuration section](#advanced-configuration). **Note:** Your API key is secret, and you should treat it like a password. You can find your API key in your Delighted account, under *Settings* > *API*. ## Usage Adding/updating people and scheduling surveys: ```python # Add a new person, and schedule a survey immediately person1 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test1@delighted.com') # Add a new person, and schedule a survey after 1 minute (60 seconds) person2 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test2@delighted.com', delay=60) # Add a new person, but do not schedule a survey person3 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test3@delighted.com', send=False) # Add a new person with full set of attributes, including a custom question # product name, and schedule a survey with a 30 second delay person4 = delighted.Person.create( email='foo+test4@delighted.com', name='Joe Bloggs', properties={'customer_id': 123, 'country': 'USA', 'question_product_name': 'The London Trench'}, delay=30) # Update an existing person (identified by email), adding a name, without # scheduling a survey updated_person1 = delighted.Person.create(email='foo+test1@delighted.com', name='James Scott', send=False) ``` Unsubscribing people: ```python # Unsubscribe an existing person delighted.Unsubscribe.create(person_email='foo+test1@delighted.com') ``` Listing people: ```python # List all people, auto pagination # Note: Make sure to handle the possible rate limits error people = delighted.Person.list() while True: try: for person in people.auto_paging_iter(): # Do something with person except TooManyRequestsError as e: # Indicates how long to wait (in seconds) before making this request again e.retry_after continue # For convenience, this method can use a sleep to automatically handle rate limits people = delighted.Person.list(auto_handle_rate_limits=True) for person in people.auto_paging_iter(): # Do something with person ``` Listing people who have unsubscribed: ```python # List all people who have unsubscribed, 20 per page, first 2 pages delighted.Unsubscribe.all() delighted.Unsubscribe.all(page=2) ``` Listing people whose emails have bounced: ```python # List all people whose emails have bounced, 20 per page, first 2 pages delighted.Bounce.all() delighted.Bounce.all(page=2) ``` Deleting a person and all of the data associated with them: ```python # Delete by person id delighted.Person.delete(id=42) # Delete by email address delighted.Person.delete(email='test@example.com') # Delete by phone number (must be E.164 format) delighted.Person.delete(phone_number='+14155551212') ``` Deleting pending survey requests ```python # Delete all pending (scheduled but unsent) survey requests for a person, by email. delighted.SurveyRequest.delete_pending(person_email='foo+test1@delighted.com') ``` Adding survey responses: ```python # Add a survey response, score only survey_response1 = delighted.SurveyResponse.create(person=person1.id, score=10) # Add *another* survey response (for the same person), score and comment survey_response2 = delighted.SurveyResponse.create(person=person1.id, score=5, comment='Really nice.') ``` Retrieving a survey response: ```python # Retrieve an existing survey response survey_response3 = delighted.SurveyResponse.retrieve('123') ``` Updating survey responses: ```python # Update a survey response score survey_response4 = delighted.SurveyResponse.retrieve('234') survey_response4.score = 10 survey_response4.save() # # Update (or add) survey response properties survey_response4.person_properties = {'segment': 'Online'} survey_response4.save() # # Update person who recorded the survey response survey_response4.person = '321' survey_response4.save() # ``` Listing survey responses: ```python # List all survey responses, 20 per page, first 2 pages survey_responses_page1 = delighted.SurveyResponse.all() survey_responses_page2 = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(page=2) # List all survey responses, 20 per page, expanding person object survey_responses_page1_expanded = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(expand=['person']) survey_responses_page1_expanded[0].person # # List all survey responses, 20 per page, for a specific trend (ID: 123) survey_responses_page1_trend = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(trend='123') # List all survey responses, 20 per page, in reverse chronological order (newest first) survey_responses_page1_desc = delighted.SurveyResponse.all(order='desc') # List all survey responses, 100 per page, page 5, with a time range import pytz timezone = pytz.timezone('America/Chicago') filtered_survey_responses = delighted.SurveyResponse.all( page=5, per_page=100, since=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 1)), until=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 30)) ) ``` Retrieving metrics: ```python # Get current metrics, 30-day simple moving average, from most recent response metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve() # Get current metrics, 30-day simple moving average, from most recent response, # for a specific trend (ID: 123) metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve(trend='123') # Get metrics, for given time range import pytz timezone = pytz.timezone('America/Chicago') metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve( since=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 1)), until=timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 1)) ) ``` Managing Autopilot: ```python # Get Autopilot configuration for the `email` platform autopilot = delighted.AutopilotConfiguration.retrieve('email') # List people in AutopilotMembership for the `email` platform people_autopilot = delighted.AutopilotMembership.forEmail().list(auto_handle_rate_limits=True) for person in people_autopilot.auto_paging_iter(): # Do something with person # Add people to AutopilotMembership autopilot = delighted.AutopilotMembership.forEmail().create(person_email='test@example.com') # Add people to AutopilotMembership, with a full set of attributes properties = {'customer_id': 123, 'country': 'USA', 'question_product_name': 'The London Trench'} autopilot = delighted.AutopilotMembership.forSms().create(person_phone_number='+14155551212', properties=properties) # Delete by person id delighted.AutopilotMembership.forSms().delete(person_id=42) # Delete by email address delighted.AutopilotMembership.forEmail().delete(person_email='test@example.com') # Delete by phone number (must be E.164 format) delighted.AutopilotMembership.forSms().delete(person_phone_number='+14155551212') ``` ## Rate limits If a request is rate limited, a `TooManyRequestsError` exception is raised. You can rescue that exception to implement exponential backoff or retry strategies. The exception provides a `retry_after` attribute to tell you how many seconds you should wait before retrying. For example: ```python try: metrics = delighted.Metrics.retrieve() except delighted.errors.TooManyRequestsError as err: retry_after_seconds = err.retry_after # wait for retry_after_seconds before retrying # add your retry strategy here ... ``` ## Advanced configuration & testing The following options are configurable for the client: ```python delighted.api_key delighted.api_base_url # default: 'https://api.delighted.com/v1/' delighted.http_adapter # default: delighted.HTTPAdapter ``` By default, a shared instance of `delighted.Client` is created lazily in `delighted.get_shared_client()`. If you want to create your own client, perhaps for test or if you have multiple API keys, you can: ```python # Create an custom client instance, and pass as last argument to resource actions import delighted from delighted import Client client = Client(api_key='API_KEY', api_base_url='https://api.delighted.com/v1/', http_adapter=HTTPAdapter()) metrics_from_custom_client = delighted.Metrics.retrieve(client=client) # Or, you can set Delighted.shared_client yourself delighted.shared_client = delighted.Client( api_key='API_KEY', api_base_url='https://api.delighted.com/v1/', http_adapter=delighted.HTTPAdapter() ) metrics_from_custom_shared_client = delighted.Metrics.retrieve() ``` ## Supported versions - 2.6+, 3.3+ (PyPy supported) ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Run the tests (`tox`) 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create new Pull Request ## Releasing 1. Bump the version in `delighted/__init__.py`. 2. Update the README and CHANGELOG as needed. 3. Tag the commit for release. 4. Create the distribution `python setup.py sdist` 5. Update the package against PyPI's test server with [twine](https://pypi.org/project/twine/) `twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/TEST_PACKAGE_NAME`. 6. If (4 and 5) work, repeat all steps, then push to PyPI's live servers with `twine upload dist/PACKAGE_NAME`. ## Author Originally by [Jason Pearson](https://github.com/kaeawc). Graciously transfered and now officially maintained by Delighted. %prep %autosetup -n delighted-4.1.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-delighted -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri Apr 21 2023 Python_Bot - 4.1.0-1 - Package Spec generated