%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-microsoftgraph-python Version: 1.1.6 Release: 1 Summary: API wrapper for Microsoft Graph written in Python License: MIT URL: https://pypi.org/project/microsoftgraph-python/ Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/37/69/6ed91cdf7f69b130fb410b95abf8248fd33090c33ade6a1e9a952708cdc3/microsoftgraph_python-1.1.6.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-requests %description # microsoftgraph-python Microsoft graph API wrapper for Microsoft Graph written in Python. ## Before start To use Microsoft Graph to read and write resources on behalf of a user, your app must get an access token from the Microsoft identity platform and attach the token to requests that it sends to Microsoft Graph. The exact authentication flow that you will use to get access tokens will depend on the kind of app you are developing and whether you want to use OpenID Connect to sign the user in to your app. One common flow used by native and mobile apps and also by some Web apps is the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow. See [Get access on behalf of a user](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-user) ## Breaking changes if you're upgrading prior 1.0.0 - Added structure to library to match API documentation for e.g. `client.get_me()` => `client.users.get_me()`. - Renamed several methods to match API documentation for e.g. `client.get_me_events()` => `client.calendar.list_events()`. - Result from calling a method is not longer a dictionary but a Response object. To access the dict response as before then call `.data` attribute for e.g `r = client.users.get_me()` then `r.data`. - Previous API calls made through beta endpoints are now pointing to v1.0 by default. This can be changed to beta if needed with the parameter `api_version` in the client instantiation. - Removed Office 365 endpoints as they were merged with the Microsoft Graph API. See [Office 365 APIs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/office-365-api/). ## New in 1.0.0 - You can access to [Requests library's Response Object](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#request-and-response-objects) for e.g. `r = client.users.get_me()` then `r.original` or the response handled by the library `r.data`. - New Response properties `r.status_code` and `r.throttling`. - You can pass [Requests library's Event Hooks](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#event-hooks) with the parameter `requests_hooks` in the client instantiation. If you are using Django and want to log in database every request made through this library, see [django-requests-logger](https://github.com/GearPlug/django-requests-logger). - Library can auto paginate responses. Set `paginate` parameter in client initialization. Defaults to `True`. - Better method docstrings and type hinting. - Better library structure. ## Installing ``` pip install microsoftgraph-python ``` ## Usage ### Client instantiation ``` from microsoftgraph.client import Client client = Client('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET', account_type='common') # by default common, thus account_type is optional parameter. ``` ### OAuth 2.0 #### Get authorization url ``` url = client.authorization_url(redirect_uri, scope, state=None) ``` #### Exchange the code for an access token ``` response = client.exchange_code(redirect_uri, code) ``` #### Refresh token ``` response = client.refresh_token(redirect_uri, refresh_token) ``` #### Set token ``` client.set_token(token) ``` ### Users #### Get me ``` response = client.users.get_me() ``` ### Mail #### List messages ``` response = client.mail.list_messages() ``` #### Get message ``` response = client.mail.get_message(message_id) ``` #### Send mail ``` data = { subject="Meet for lunch?", content="The new cafeteria is open.", content_type="text", to_recipients=["fannyd@contoso.onmicrosoft.com"], cc_recipients=None, save_to_sent_items=True, } response = client.mail.send_mail(**data) ``` #### List mail folders ``` response = client.mail.list_mail_folders() ``` #### Create mail folder ``` response = client.mail.create_mail_folder(display_name) ``` ### Notes #### List notebooks ``` response = client.notes.list_notebooks() ``` #### Get notebook ``` response = client.notes.get_notebook(notebook_id) ``` #### Get notebook sections ``` response = client.notes.list_sections(notebook_id) ``` #### List pages ``` response = client.notes.list_pages() ``` #### Create page ``` response = client.notes.create_page(section_id, files) ``` ### Calendar #### Get events ``` response = client.calendar.list_events(calendar_id) ``` #### Get event ``` response = client.calendar.get_event(event_id) ``` #### Create calendar event ``` from datetime import datetime, timedelta start_datetime = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1) # tomorrow end_datetime = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1, hours=1) # tomorrow + one hour timezone = "America/Bogota" data = { "calendar_id": "CALENDAR_ID", "subject": "Let's go for lunch", "content": "Does noon work for you?", "content_type": "text", "start_datetime": start_datetime, "start_timezone": timezone, "end_datetime": end_datetime, "end_timezone": timezone, "location": "Harry's Bar", } response = client.calendar.create_event(**data) ``` #### Get calendars ``` response = client.calendar.list_calendars() ``` #### Create calendar ``` response = client.calendar.create_calendar(name) ``` ### Contacts #### Get a contact ``` response = client.contacts.get_contact(contact_id) ``` #### Get contacts ``` response = client.contacts.list_contacts() ``` #### Create contact ``` data = { "given_name": "Pavel", "surname": "Bansky", "email_addresses": [ { "address": "pavelb@fabrikam.onmicrosoft.com", "name": "Pavel Bansky" } ], "business_phones": [ "+1 732 555 0102" ], "folder_id": None, } response = client.contacts.create_contact(**data) ``` #### Get contact folders ``` response = client.contacts.list_contact_folders() ``` #### Create contact folders ``` response = client.contacts.create_contact_folder() ``` ### Files #### Get root items ``` response = client.files.drive_root_items() ``` #### Get root children items ``` response = client.files.drive_root_children_items() ``` #### Get specific folder items ``` response = client.files.drive_specific_folder(folder_id) ``` #### Get item ``` response = client.files.drive_get_item(item_id) ``` #### Download the contents of a specific item ``` response = client.files.drive_download_contents(item_id) ``` #### Upload new file ``` # This example uploads the image in path to a file in the signed-in user's drive under Pictures named upload.jpg. response = client.files.drive_upload_new_file("/Pictures/upload.jpg", "/mnt/c/Users/i/Downloads/image1.jpg") ``` #### Update existing file ``` # This example uploads the image in path to update an existing item id. response = client.files.drive_update_existing_file(item_id, "/mnt/c/Users/i/Downloads/image2.jpg") ``` #### Search for files ``` query = ".xlsx, .xlsm" response = client.files.search_items(query) ``` ### Workbooks #### Create session for specific item ``` response = client.workbooks.create_session(workbook_id) ``` #### Refresh session for specific item ``` response = client.workbooks.refresh_session(workbook_id) ``` #### Close session for specific item ``` response = client.workbooks.close_session(workbook_id) ``` #### Get worksheets ``` response = client.workbooks.list_worksheets(workbook_id) ``` #### Get specific worksheet ``` response = client.workbooks.get_worksheet(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Add worksheets ``` response = client.workbooks.add_worksheet(workbook_id) ``` #### Update worksheet ``` response = client.workbooks.update_worksheet(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Get charts ``` response = client.workbooks.list_charts(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Add chart ``` response = client.workbooks.add_chart(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Get tables ``` response = client.workbooks.list_tables(workbook_id) ``` #### Add table ``` response = client.workbooks.add_table(workbook_id) ``` #### Add column to table ``` response = client.workbooks.create_table_column(workbook_id, worksheet_id, table_id) ``` #### Add row to table ``` response = client.workbooks.create_table_row(workbook_id, worksheet_id, table_id) ``` #### Get table rows ``` response = client.workbooks.list_table_rows(workbook_id, table_id) ``` #### Get range ``` response = client.workbooks.get_range(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Get used range ``` response = client.workbooks.get_used_range(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Update range ``` response1 = client.workbooks.create_session(workbook_id) workbook_session_id = response1.data["id"] client.set_workbook_session_id(workbook_session_id) range_address = "A1:D2" data = { "values": [ ["John", "Doe", "+1 305 1234567", "Miami, FL"], ["Bill", "Gates", "+1 305 1234567", "St. Redmond, WA"], ] } response2 = client.workbooks.update_range(workbook_id, worksheet_id, range_address, json=data) response3 = client.worbooks.close_session(workbook_id) ``` ### Webhooks #### Create subscription ``` response = client.webhooks.create_subscription(change_type, notification_url, resource, expiration_datetime, client_state=None) ``` #### Renew subscription ``` response = client.webhooks.renew_subscription(subscription_id, expiration_datetime) ``` #### Delete subscription ``` response = client.webhooks.delete_subscription(subscription_id) ``` ## Requirements - requests ## Tests ``` test/test.py ``` %package -n python3-microsoftgraph-python Summary: API wrapper for Microsoft Graph written in Python Provides: python-microsoftgraph-python BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-microsoftgraph-python # microsoftgraph-python Microsoft graph API wrapper for Microsoft Graph written in Python. ## Before start To use Microsoft Graph to read and write resources on behalf of a user, your app must get an access token from the Microsoft identity platform and attach the token to requests that it sends to Microsoft Graph. The exact authentication flow that you will use to get access tokens will depend on the kind of app you are developing and whether you want to use OpenID Connect to sign the user in to your app. One common flow used by native and mobile apps and also by some Web apps is the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow. See [Get access on behalf of a user](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-user) ## Breaking changes if you're upgrading prior 1.0.0 - Added structure to library to match API documentation for e.g. `client.get_me()` => `client.users.get_me()`. - Renamed several methods to match API documentation for e.g. `client.get_me_events()` => `client.calendar.list_events()`. - Result from calling a method is not longer a dictionary but a Response object. To access the dict response as before then call `.data` attribute for e.g `r = client.users.get_me()` then `r.data`. - Previous API calls made through beta endpoints are now pointing to v1.0 by default. This can be changed to beta if needed with the parameter `api_version` in the client instantiation. - Removed Office 365 endpoints as they were merged with the Microsoft Graph API. See [Office 365 APIs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/office-365-api/). ## New in 1.0.0 - You can access to [Requests library's Response Object](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#request-and-response-objects) for e.g. `r = client.users.get_me()` then `r.original` or the response handled by the library `r.data`. - New Response properties `r.status_code` and `r.throttling`. - You can pass [Requests library's Event Hooks](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#event-hooks) with the parameter `requests_hooks` in the client instantiation. If you are using Django and want to log in database every request made through this library, see [django-requests-logger](https://github.com/GearPlug/django-requests-logger). - Library can auto paginate responses. Set `paginate` parameter in client initialization. Defaults to `True`. - Better method docstrings and type hinting. - Better library structure. ## Installing ``` pip install microsoftgraph-python ``` ## Usage ### Client instantiation ``` from microsoftgraph.client import Client client = Client('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET', account_type='common') # by default common, thus account_type is optional parameter. ``` ### OAuth 2.0 #### Get authorization url ``` url = client.authorization_url(redirect_uri, scope, state=None) ``` #### Exchange the code for an access token ``` response = client.exchange_code(redirect_uri, code) ``` #### Refresh token ``` response = client.refresh_token(redirect_uri, refresh_token) ``` #### Set token ``` client.set_token(token) ``` ### Users #### Get me ``` response = client.users.get_me() ``` ### Mail #### List messages ``` response = client.mail.list_messages() ``` #### Get message ``` response = client.mail.get_message(message_id) ``` #### Send mail ``` data = { subject="Meet for lunch?", content="The new cafeteria is open.", content_type="text", to_recipients=["fannyd@contoso.onmicrosoft.com"], cc_recipients=None, save_to_sent_items=True, } response = client.mail.send_mail(**data) ``` #### List mail folders ``` response = client.mail.list_mail_folders() ``` #### Create mail folder ``` response = client.mail.create_mail_folder(display_name) ``` ### Notes #### List notebooks ``` response = client.notes.list_notebooks() ``` #### Get notebook ``` response = client.notes.get_notebook(notebook_id) ``` #### Get notebook sections ``` response = client.notes.list_sections(notebook_id) ``` #### List pages ``` response = client.notes.list_pages() ``` #### Create page ``` response = client.notes.create_page(section_id, files) ``` ### Calendar #### Get events ``` response = client.calendar.list_events(calendar_id) ``` #### Get event ``` response = client.calendar.get_event(event_id) ``` #### Create calendar event ``` from datetime import datetime, timedelta start_datetime = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1) # tomorrow end_datetime = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1, hours=1) # tomorrow + one hour timezone = "America/Bogota" data = { "calendar_id": "CALENDAR_ID", "subject": "Let's go for lunch", "content": "Does noon work for you?", "content_type": "text", "start_datetime": start_datetime, "start_timezone": timezone, "end_datetime": end_datetime, "end_timezone": timezone, "location": "Harry's Bar", } response = client.calendar.create_event(**data) ``` #### Get calendars ``` response = client.calendar.list_calendars() ``` #### Create calendar ``` response = client.calendar.create_calendar(name) ``` ### Contacts #### Get a contact ``` response = client.contacts.get_contact(contact_id) ``` #### Get contacts ``` response = client.contacts.list_contacts() ``` #### Create contact ``` data = { "given_name": "Pavel", "surname": "Bansky", "email_addresses": [ { "address": "pavelb@fabrikam.onmicrosoft.com", "name": "Pavel Bansky" } ], "business_phones": [ "+1 732 555 0102" ], "folder_id": None, } response = client.contacts.create_contact(**data) ``` #### Get contact folders ``` response = client.contacts.list_contact_folders() ``` #### Create contact folders ``` response = client.contacts.create_contact_folder() ``` ### Files #### Get root items ``` response = client.files.drive_root_items() ``` #### Get root children items ``` response = client.files.drive_root_children_items() ``` #### Get specific folder items ``` response = client.files.drive_specific_folder(folder_id) ``` #### Get item ``` response = client.files.drive_get_item(item_id) ``` #### Download the contents of a specific item ``` response = client.files.drive_download_contents(item_id) ``` #### Upload new file ``` # This example uploads the image in path to a file in the signed-in user's drive under Pictures named upload.jpg. response = client.files.drive_upload_new_file("/Pictures/upload.jpg", "/mnt/c/Users/i/Downloads/image1.jpg") ``` #### Update existing file ``` # This example uploads the image in path to update an existing item id. response = client.files.drive_update_existing_file(item_id, "/mnt/c/Users/i/Downloads/image2.jpg") ``` #### Search for files ``` query = ".xlsx, .xlsm" response = client.files.search_items(query) ``` ### Workbooks #### Create session for specific item ``` response = client.workbooks.create_session(workbook_id) ``` #### Refresh session for specific item ``` response = client.workbooks.refresh_session(workbook_id) ``` #### Close session for specific item ``` response = client.workbooks.close_session(workbook_id) ``` #### Get worksheets ``` response = client.workbooks.list_worksheets(workbook_id) ``` #### Get specific worksheet ``` response = client.workbooks.get_worksheet(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Add worksheets ``` response = client.workbooks.add_worksheet(workbook_id) ``` #### Update worksheet ``` response = client.workbooks.update_worksheet(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Get charts ``` response = client.workbooks.list_charts(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Add chart ``` response = client.workbooks.add_chart(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Get tables ``` response = client.workbooks.list_tables(workbook_id) ``` #### Add table ``` response = client.workbooks.add_table(workbook_id) ``` #### Add column to table ``` response = client.workbooks.create_table_column(workbook_id, worksheet_id, table_id) ``` #### Add row to table ``` response = client.workbooks.create_table_row(workbook_id, worksheet_id, table_id) ``` #### Get table rows ``` response = client.workbooks.list_table_rows(workbook_id, table_id) ``` #### Get range ``` response = client.workbooks.get_range(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Get used range ``` response = client.workbooks.get_used_range(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Update range ``` response1 = client.workbooks.create_session(workbook_id) workbook_session_id = response1.data["id"] client.set_workbook_session_id(workbook_session_id) range_address = "A1:D2" data = { "values": [ ["John", "Doe", "+1 305 1234567", "Miami, FL"], ["Bill", "Gates", "+1 305 1234567", "St. Redmond, WA"], ] } response2 = client.workbooks.update_range(workbook_id, worksheet_id, range_address, json=data) response3 = client.worbooks.close_session(workbook_id) ``` ### Webhooks #### Create subscription ``` response = client.webhooks.create_subscription(change_type, notification_url, resource, expiration_datetime, client_state=None) ``` #### Renew subscription ``` response = client.webhooks.renew_subscription(subscription_id, expiration_datetime) ``` #### Delete subscription ``` response = client.webhooks.delete_subscription(subscription_id) ``` ## Requirements - requests ## Tests ``` test/test.py ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for microsoftgraph-python Provides: python3-microsoftgraph-python-doc %description help # microsoftgraph-python Microsoft graph API wrapper for Microsoft Graph written in Python. ## Before start To use Microsoft Graph to read and write resources on behalf of a user, your app must get an access token from the Microsoft identity platform and attach the token to requests that it sends to Microsoft Graph. The exact authentication flow that you will use to get access tokens will depend on the kind of app you are developing and whether you want to use OpenID Connect to sign the user in to your app. One common flow used by native and mobile apps and also by some Web apps is the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow. See [Get access on behalf of a user](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-user) ## Breaking changes if you're upgrading prior 1.0.0 - Added structure to library to match API documentation for e.g. `client.get_me()` => `client.users.get_me()`. - Renamed several methods to match API documentation for e.g. `client.get_me_events()` => `client.calendar.list_events()`. - Result from calling a method is not longer a dictionary but a Response object. To access the dict response as before then call `.data` attribute for e.g `r = client.users.get_me()` then `r.data`. - Previous API calls made through beta endpoints are now pointing to v1.0 by default. This can be changed to beta if needed with the parameter `api_version` in the client instantiation. - Removed Office 365 endpoints as they were merged with the Microsoft Graph API. See [Office 365 APIs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/office-365-api/). ## New in 1.0.0 - You can access to [Requests library's Response Object](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#request-and-response-objects) for e.g. `r = client.users.get_me()` then `r.original` or the response handled by the library `r.data`. - New Response properties `r.status_code` and `r.throttling`. - You can pass [Requests library's Event Hooks](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#event-hooks) with the parameter `requests_hooks` in the client instantiation. If you are using Django and want to log in database every request made through this library, see [django-requests-logger](https://github.com/GearPlug/django-requests-logger). - Library can auto paginate responses. Set `paginate` parameter in client initialization. Defaults to `True`. - Better method docstrings and type hinting. - Better library structure. ## Installing ``` pip install microsoftgraph-python ``` ## Usage ### Client instantiation ``` from microsoftgraph.client import Client client = Client('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET', account_type='common') # by default common, thus account_type is optional parameter. ``` ### OAuth 2.0 #### Get authorization url ``` url = client.authorization_url(redirect_uri, scope, state=None) ``` #### Exchange the code for an access token ``` response = client.exchange_code(redirect_uri, code) ``` #### Refresh token ``` response = client.refresh_token(redirect_uri, refresh_token) ``` #### Set token ``` client.set_token(token) ``` ### Users #### Get me ``` response = client.users.get_me() ``` ### Mail #### List messages ``` response = client.mail.list_messages() ``` #### Get message ``` response = client.mail.get_message(message_id) ``` #### Send mail ``` data = { subject="Meet for lunch?", content="The new cafeteria is open.", content_type="text", to_recipients=["fannyd@contoso.onmicrosoft.com"], cc_recipients=None, save_to_sent_items=True, } response = client.mail.send_mail(**data) ``` #### List mail folders ``` response = client.mail.list_mail_folders() ``` #### Create mail folder ``` response = client.mail.create_mail_folder(display_name) ``` ### Notes #### List notebooks ``` response = client.notes.list_notebooks() ``` #### Get notebook ``` response = client.notes.get_notebook(notebook_id) ``` #### Get notebook sections ``` response = client.notes.list_sections(notebook_id) ``` #### List pages ``` response = client.notes.list_pages() ``` #### Create page ``` response = client.notes.create_page(section_id, files) ``` ### Calendar #### Get events ``` response = client.calendar.list_events(calendar_id) ``` #### Get event ``` response = client.calendar.get_event(event_id) ``` #### Create calendar event ``` from datetime import datetime, timedelta start_datetime = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1) # tomorrow end_datetime = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1, hours=1) # tomorrow + one hour timezone = "America/Bogota" data = { "calendar_id": "CALENDAR_ID", "subject": "Let's go for lunch", "content": "Does noon work for you?", "content_type": "text", "start_datetime": start_datetime, "start_timezone": timezone, "end_datetime": end_datetime, "end_timezone": timezone, "location": "Harry's Bar", } response = client.calendar.create_event(**data) ``` #### Get calendars ``` response = client.calendar.list_calendars() ``` #### Create calendar ``` response = client.calendar.create_calendar(name) ``` ### Contacts #### Get a contact ``` response = client.contacts.get_contact(contact_id) ``` #### Get contacts ``` response = client.contacts.list_contacts() ``` #### Create contact ``` data = { "given_name": "Pavel", "surname": "Bansky", "email_addresses": [ { "address": "pavelb@fabrikam.onmicrosoft.com", "name": "Pavel Bansky" } ], "business_phones": [ "+1 732 555 0102" ], "folder_id": None, } response = client.contacts.create_contact(**data) ``` #### Get contact folders ``` response = client.contacts.list_contact_folders() ``` #### Create contact folders ``` response = client.contacts.create_contact_folder() ``` ### Files #### Get root items ``` response = client.files.drive_root_items() ``` #### Get root children items ``` response = client.files.drive_root_children_items() ``` #### Get specific folder items ``` response = client.files.drive_specific_folder(folder_id) ``` #### Get item ``` response = client.files.drive_get_item(item_id) ``` #### Download the contents of a specific item ``` response = client.files.drive_download_contents(item_id) ``` #### Upload new file ``` # This example uploads the image in path to a file in the signed-in user's drive under Pictures named upload.jpg. response = client.files.drive_upload_new_file("/Pictures/upload.jpg", "/mnt/c/Users/i/Downloads/image1.jpg") ``` #### Update existing file ``` # This example uploads the image in path to update an existing item id. response = client.files.drive_update_existing_file(item_id, "/mnt/c/Users/i/Downloads/image2.jpg") ``` #### Search for files ``` query = ".xlsx, .xlsm" response = client.files.search_items(query) ``` ### Workbooks #### Create session for specific item ``` response = client.workbooks.create_session(workbook_id) ``` #### Refresh session for specific item ``` response = client.workbooks.refresh_session(workbook_id) ``` #### Close session for specific item ``` response = client.workbooks.close_session(workbook_id) ``` #### Get worksheets ``` response = client.workbooks.list_worksheets(workbook_id) ``` #### Get specific worksheet ``` response = client.workbooks.get_worksheet(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Add worksheets ``` response = client.workbooks.add_worksheet(workbook_id) ``` #### Update worksheet ``` response = client.workbooks.update_worksheet(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Get charts ``` response = client.workbooks.list_charts(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Add chart ``` response = client.workbooks.add_chart(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Get tables ``` response = client.workbooks.list_tables(workbook_id) ``` #### Add table ``` response = client.workbooks.add_table(workbook_id) ``` #### Add column to table ``` response = client.workbooks.create_table_column(workbook_id, worksheet_id, table_id) ``` #### Add row to table ``` response = client.workbooks.create_table_row(workbook_id, worksheet_id, table_id) ``` #### Get table rows ``` response = client.workbooks.list_table_rows(workbook_id, table_id) ``` #### Get range ``` response = client.workbooks.get_range(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Get used range ``` response = client.workbooks.get_used_range(workbook_id, worksheet_id) ``` #### Update range ``` response1 = client.workbooks.create_session(workbook_id) workbook_session_id = response1.data["id"] client.set_workbook_session_id(workbook_session_id) range_address = "A1:D2" data = { "values": [ ["John", "Doe", "+1 305 1234567", "Miami, FL"], ["Bill", "Gates", "+1 305 1234567", "St. Redmond, WA"], ] } response2 = client.workbooks.update_range(workbook_id, worksheet_id, range_address, json=data) response3 = client.worbooks.close_session(workbook_id) ``` ### Webhooks #### Create subscription ``` response = client.webhooks.create_subscription(change_type, notification_url, resource, expiration_datetime, client_state=None) ``` #### Renew subscription ``` response = client.webhooks.renew_subscription(subscription_id, expiration_datetime) ``` #### Delete subscription ``` response = client.webhooks.delete_subscription(subscription_id) ``` ## Requirements - requests ## Tests ``` test/test.py ``` %prep %autosetup -n microsoftgraph-python-1.1.6 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-microsoftgraph-python -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Sun Apr 23 2023 Python_Bot - 1.1.6-1 - Package Spec generated