%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-cve-bin-tool Version: 3.2 Release: 1 Summary: CVE Binary Checker Tool License: GPL-3.0-or-later URL: https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/5f/86/cffcf20c9d6364a5f80f7ba7536daf5cb770a7c7f986d88ce8543f76cd85/cve-bin-tool-3.2.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description # CVE Binary Tool quick start / README [![Build Status](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/workflows/cve-bin-tool/badge.svg?branch=main&event=push)](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/actions) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/intel/cve-bin-tool/branch/main/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/intel/cve-bin-tool) [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/cve-bin-tool/community.svg)](https://gitter.im/cve-bin-tool/community?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) [![On ReadTheDocs](https://readthedocs.org/projects/cve-bin-tool/badge/?version=latest&style=flat)](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) [![On PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/cve-bin-tool)](https://pypi.org/project/cve-bin-tool/) [![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/python/black) [![Imports: isort](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20imports-isort-%231674b1?style=flat&labelColor=ef8336)](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/) [![CII Best Practices](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/5380/badge)](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/5380) [![Language grade: Python](https://img.shields.io/lgtm/grade/python/g/intel/cve-bin-tool.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18)](https://lgtm.com/projects/g/intel/cve-bin-tool/context:python) The CVE Binary Tool is a free, open source tool to help you find known vulnerabilities in software, using data from the [National Vulnerability Database](https://nvd.nist.gov/) (NVD) list of [Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures]() (CVEs). The tool has two main modes of operation: 1. A binary scanner which helps you determine which packages may have been included as part of a piece of software. There are 243 checkers which focus on common, vulnerable open source components such as openssl, libpng, libxml2 and expat. 2. Tools for scanning known component lists in various formats, including .csv, several linux distribution package lists, language specific package scanners and several Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) formats. It is intended to be used as part of your continuous integration system to enable regular vulnerability scanning and give you early warning of known issues in your supply chain. For more details, see our [documentation](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) or this [quickstart guide](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/README.html) - [CVE Binary Tool quick start / README](#cve-binary-tool-quick-start--readme) - [Installing CVE Binary Tool](#installing-cve-binary-tool) - [Most popular usage options](#most-popular-usage-options) - [Finding known vulnerabilities using the binary scanner](#finding-known-vulnerabilities-using-the-binary-scanner) - [Finding known vulnerabilities in a list of components](#finding-known-vulnerabilities-in-a-list-of-components) - [Scanning an SBOM file for known vulnerabilities](#scanning-an-sbom-file-for-known-vulnerabilities) - [Using the tool offline](#using-the-tool-offline) - [Output Options](#output-options) - [Full option list](#full-option-list) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Using CVE Binary Tool in GitHub Actions](#using-cve-binary-tool-in-github-actions) - [Data Sources](#data-sources) - [Binary checker list](#binary-checker-list) - [Language Specific checkers](#language-specific-checkers) - [Java](#java) - [Javascript](#javascript) - [Rust](#rust) - [Ruby](#ruby) - [R](#r) - [Go](#go) - [Swift](#swift) - [Python](#python) - [Limitations](#limitations) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Feedback & Contributions](#feedback--contributions) - [Security Issues](#security-issues) ## Installing CVE Binary Tool CVE Binary Tool can be installed using pip: ```console pip install cve-bin-tool ``` You can also do `pip install --user -e .` to install a local copy which is useful if you're trying the latest code from [the cve-bin-tool github](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool) or doing development. The [Contributor Documentation](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) covers how to set up for local development in more detail. ## Most popular usage options ### Finding known vulnerabilities using the binary scanner To run the binary scanner on a directory or file: ```bash cve-bin-tool ``` Note that this option will also use any [language specific checkers](#language-specific-checkers) to find known vulnerabilities in components. ### Finding known vulnerabilities in a list of components To scan a comma-delimited (CSV) or JSON file which lists dependencies and versions: ```bash cve-bin-tool --input-file ``` ### Scanning an SBOM file for known vulnerabilities To scan a software bill of materials file (SBOM): ```bash cve-bin-tool --sbom --sbom-file ``` Valid SBOM types are [SPDX](https://spdx.dev/specifications/), [CycloneDX](https://cyclonedx.org/specification/overview/), and [SWID](https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/software-identification-swid/guidelines). ### Providing triage input The `--triage-input-file` option can be used to add extra triage data like remarks, comments etc. while scanning a directory so that output will reflect this triage data and you can save time of re-triaging (Usage: `cve-bin-tool --triage-input-file test.vex /path/to/scan`). The supported format is the [CycloneDX](https://cyclonedx.org/capabilities/vex/) VEX format which can be generated using the `--vex` option. ### Using the tool offline Specifying the `--offline` option when running a scan ensures that cve-bin-tool doesn't attempt to download the latest database files or to check for a newer version of the tool. Note that you will need to obtain a copy of the vulnerability data before the tool can run in offline mode. [The offline how-to guide contains more information on how to set up your database.](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/doc/how_to_guides/offline.md) ## Output Options The CVE Binary Tool provides console-based output by default. If you wish to provide another format, you can specify this and a filename on the command line using `--format`. The valid formats are CSV, JSON, console, HTML and PDF. The output filename can be specified using the `--output-file` flag. You can also specify multiple output formats by using comma (',') as separator: ```bash cve-bin-tool file -f csv,json,html -o report ``` Note: Please don't use spaces between comma (',') and the output formats. The reported vulnerabilities can additionally be reported in the Vulnerability Exchange (VEX) format by specifying `--vex` command line option. The generated VEX file can then be used as a `--triage-input-file` to support a triage process. If you wish to use PDF support, you will need to install the `reportlab` library separately. If you intend to use PDF support when you install cve-bin-tool you can specify it and report lab will be installed as part of the cve-bin-tool install: ```console pip install cve-bin-tool[PDF] ``` If you've already installed cve-bin-tool you can add reportlab after the fact using pip: ```console pip install --upgrade reportlab ``` Note that reportlab was taken out of the default cve-bin-tool install because it has a known CVE associated with it ([CVE-2020-28463](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-28463)). The cve-bin-tool code uses the recommended mitigations to limit which resources added to PDFs, as well as additional input validation. This is a bit of a strange CVE because it describes core functionality of PDFs: external items, such as images, can be embedded in them, and thus anyone viewing a PDF could load an external image (similar to how viewing a web page can trigger external loads). There's no inherent "fix" for that, only mitigations where users of the library must ensure only expected items are added to PDFs at the time of generation. Since users may not want to have software installed with an open, unfixable CVE associated with it, we've opted to make PDF support only available to users who have installed the library themselves. Once the library is installed, the PDF report option will function. ## Full option list Usage: `cve-bin-tool `
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
                        Comma separated Exclude directory path
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
                        skips checking for a new version
                        skips checking xml files against schema
  --offline             operate in offline mode
  --detailed            display detailed report

CVE Data Download:
  Arguments related to data sources and Cache Configuration

  -n {api,api2,json}, --nvd {api,api2,json}
                        choose method for getting CVE lists from NVD
  -u {now,daily,never,latest}, --update {now,daily,never,latest}
                        update schedule for data sources and exploits database (default: daily)
  --nvd-api-key NVD_API_KEY
                        specify NVD API key (used to improve NVD rate limit)
  -d {NVD,OSV} [{NVD,OSV} ...], --disable-data-source {NVD,OSV} [{NVD,OSV} ...]
                        comma-separated list of data sources (GAD, NVD, OSV, REDHAT) to disable (default: NONE)

  directory             directory to scan
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        provide input filename
  --triage-input-file TRIAGE_INPUT_FILE
                        provide input filename for triage data
  -C CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        provide config file
  -L PACKAGE_LIST, --package-list PACKAGE_LIST
                        provide package list
  --sbom {spdx,cyclonedx,swid}
                        specify type of software bill of materials (sbom) (default: spdx)
  --sbom-file SBOM_FILE
                        provide sbom filename

  -q, --quiet           suppress output
  -l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --log {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        log level (default: info)
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        provide output filename (default: output to stdout)
  --html-theme HTML_THEME
                        provide custom theme directory for HTML Report
  -f {csv,json,console,html,pdf}, --format {csv,json,console,html,pdf}
                        update output format (default: console)
                        specify multiple output formats by using comma (',') as a separator
                        note: don't use spaces between comma (',') and the output formats.
  -c CVSS, --cvss CVSS  minimum CVSS score (as integer in range 0 to 10) to report (default: 0)
  -S {low,medium,high,critical}, --severity {low,medium,high,critical}
                        minimum CVE severity to report (default: low)
  --report              Produces a report even if there are no CVE for the respective output format
  -A [-], --available-fix [-]
                        Lists available fixes of the package from Linux distribution
  -b [-], --backport-fix [-]
                        Lists backported fixes if available from Linux distribution
  --affected-versions   Lists versions of product affected by a given CVE (to facilitate upgrades)
  --vex VEX             Provide vulnerability exchange (vex) filename

Merge Report:
  Arguments related to Intermediate and Merged Reports

  -a [APPEND], --append [APPEND]
                        save output as intermediate report in json format
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     add a unique tag to differentiate between multiple intermediate reports
  -m MERGE, --merge MERGE
                        comma separated intermediate reports path for merging
  -F FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        comma separated tag string for filtering intermediate reports

  -s SKIPS, --skips SKIPS
                        comma-separated list of checkers to disable
  -r RUNS, --runs RUNS  comma-separated list of checkers to enable

Database Management:
  --export EXPORT       export database filename
  --import IMPORT       import database filename

  --exploits            check for exploits from found cves

  -x, --extract         autoextract compressed files
   CVE Binary Tool autoextracts all compressed files by default now
For further information about all of these options, please see [the CVE Binary Tool user manual](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/MANUAL.html). > Note: For backward compatibility, we still support `csv2cve` command for producing CVEs from csv but we recommend using the `--input-file` command going forwards. `-L` or `--package-list` option runs a CVE scan on installed packages listed in a package list. It takes a python package list (requirements.txt) or a package list of packages of systems that has dpkg, pacman or rpm package manager as an input for the scan. This option is much faster and detects more CVEs than the default method of scanning binaries. You can get a package list of all installed packages in - a system using dpkg package manager by running `dpkg-query -W -f '${binary:Package}\n' > pkg-list.txt` - a system using pacman package manager by running `pacman -Qqe > pkg-list.txt` - a system using rpm package manager by running `rpm -qa --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' > pkg-list.txt` in the terminal and provide it as an input by running `cve-bin-tool -L pkg-list.txt` for a full package scan. ## Configuration You can use `--config` option to provide configuration file for the tool. You can still override options specified in config file with command line arguments. See our sample config files in the [test/config](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/test/config/) ## Using CVE Binary Tool in GitHub Actions If you want to integrate cve-bin-tool as a part of your github action pipeline. You can checkout our example [github action](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/doc/how_to_guides/cve_scanner_gh_action.yml). ## Data Sources The following data sources are used to get CVE data to find CVEs for a package: ### [National Vulnerability Database](https://nvd.nist.gov/) (NVD) This data source consists of majority of the CVE entries and is essential to provide vendor data for other data sources such as OSV, therefore downloading CVE data from it cannot be disabled, `--disable-data-source "NVD"` only disables CVEs from displaying in output. > **Note** : If you have problems downloading the initial data , it may be due to the NVD's current rate limiting scheme which block users entirely if they aren't using an API key. > > NVD requires users to create and use an NVD_API_KEY to use their API. To setup an API_KEY ,please visit [Request an API Key](https://nvd.nist.gov/developers/request-an-api-key) . > > If you don't want to use the NVD API, you can also download their json files without setting up a key. Please note that this method is slower for getting updates but is more ideal if you just want to try out the `cve-bin-tool` for the first time. > > To use the json method, use the flag [`-n json`](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/doc/MANUAL.md#-n-jsonapi---nvd-jsonapi) . ### [Open Source Vulnerability Database](https://osv.dev/) (OSV) This data source is based on the OSV schema from Google, and consists of CVEs from different ecosystems that might not be covered by NVD. NVD is given priority if there are duplicate CVEs as some CVEs from OSV may not contain CVSS scores. Using OSV will increase number of CVEs and time taken to update the database but searching database for vulnerabilities will have similar performance. ### [Gitlab Advisory Database](https://advisories.gitlab.com/) (GAD) This data source consists of security advisories used by the GitLab dependency scanner. The number of CVEs added from this data source is similar to OSV. ### [RedHat Security Database](https://access.redhat.com/security/data) (REDHAT) This data source contains CVEs pertaining to RedHat Products. Access to the data is subject to [Legal Notice](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_security_data_api/1.0/html/red_hat_security_data_api/legal-notice). ## Binary checker list The following checkers are available for finding components in binary files: | | | | Available checkers | | | | |--------------- |--------------- |------------------ |-------------- |----------------- |---------- |------------- | | accountsservice |acpid |apache_http_server |apcupsd |asn1c |assimp |asterisk | | atftp |avahi |bash |bind |binutils |bird |bison | | boinc |bolt |bro |bubblewrap |busybox |bzip2 |c_ares | | chess |chrony |clamav |collectd |commons_compress |connman |cronie | | cryptsetup |cups |curl |cvs |darkhttpd |davfs2 |dbus | | dhcpcd |dnsmasq |domoticz |dovecot |dpkg |e2fsprogs |elfutils | | enscript |exim |exiv2 |expat |fastd |ffmpeg |file | | firefox |freeradius |freerdp |fribidi |ftp |gcc |gdb | | gimp |git |glib |glibc |gmp |gnomeshell |gnupg | | gnutls |gpgme |gpsd |graphicsmagick |grub2 |gstreamer |gupnp | | gvfs |haproxy |haserl |hdf5 |hostapd |hunspell |i2pd | | icecast |icu |iperf3 |ipsec_tools |iptables |irssi |iucode_tool | | jack2 |jacksondatabind |janus |jhead |json_c |kbd |keepalived | | kerberos |kexectools |lftp |libarchive |libbpg |libconfuse |libdb | | libebml |libgcrypt |libgit2 |libical |libinput |libjpeg |libjpeg_turbo | | libksba |liblas |libnss |libpcap |librsvg |librsync |libsamplerate | | libseccomp |libsndfile |libsolv |libsoup |libsrtp |libssh |libssh2 | | libtiff |libtomcrypt |libupnp |libvirt |libvncserver |libvorbis |libxslt | | lighttpd |lldpd |logrotate |lua |luajit |lynx |lz4 | | mailx |mariadb |mdadm |memcached |minicom |minidlna |miniupnpc | | miniupnpd |mosquitto |motion |mpv |mtr |mutt |mysql | | nano |nbd |ncurses |neon |nessus |netatalk |netpbm | | nettle |nghttp2 |nginx |nmap |node |ntp |ntpsec | | open_vm_tools |openafs |opencv |openjpeg |openldap |openssh |openssl | | openswan |openvpn |p7zip |pango |patch |pcsc_lite |perl | | pigz |png |polarssl_fedora |poppler |postgresql |ppp |privoxy | | procps_ng |proftpd |pspp |pure_ftpd |putty |python |qt | | quagga |radare2 |radvd |rdesktop |rsync |rsyslog |rtl_433 | | rust |samba |sane_backends |seahorse |shadowsocks_libev |snort |sofia_sip | | spice |sqlite |squashfs |squid |strongswan |stunnel |subversion | | sudo |suricata |sylpheed |syslogng |sysstat |systemd |tcpdump | | thrift |thttpd |timescaledb |tinyproxy |tor |tpm2_tss |transmission | | trousers |unbound |unixodbc |upx |util_linux |varnish |vsftpd | | webkitgtk |wget |wireshark |wolfssl |wpa_supplicant |xerces |xml2 | | xscreensaver |zeek |zlib |znc |zsh | | | All the checkers can be found in the checkers directory, as can the [instructions on how to add a new checker](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/cve_bin_tool/checkers/README.md). Support for new checkers can be requested via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/issues). ## Language Specific checkers A number of checkers are available for finding vulnerable components in specific language packages. ### Java The scanner examines the `pom.xml` file within a Java package archive to identify Java components. The package names and versions within the archive are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. JAR, WAR and EAR archives are supported. ### Javascript The scanner examines the `package-lock.json` file within a javascript application to identify components. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Rust The scanner examines the `Cargo.lock` file which is created by cargo to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Ruby The scanner examines the `Gemfile.lock` file which is created by bundle to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### R The scanner examines the `renv.lock` file which is created by renv to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Go The scanner examines the `go.mod` file which is created by mod to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Swift The scanner examines the `Package.resolved` file which is created by the package manager to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Python The scanner examines the `PKG-INFO` and `METADATA` files for an installed Python package to extract the component name and version which are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. Support for scanning the `requirements.txt` file generated by pip is also present. The tool supports the scanning of the contents of any Wheel package files (indicated with a file extension of .whl) and egg package files (indicated with a file extension of .egg). The `--package-list` option can be used with a Python dependencies file `requirements.txt` to find the vulnerabilities in the list of components. ## Limitations This scanner does not attempt to exploit issues or examine the code in greater detail; it only looks for library signatures and version numbers. As such, it cannot tell if someone has backported fixes to a vulnerable version, and it will not work if library or version information was intentionally obfuscated. This tool is meant to be used as a quick-to-run, easily-automatable check in a non-malicious environment so that developers can be made aware of old libraries with security issues that have been compiled into their binaries. The tool does not guarantee that any vulnerabilities reported are actually present or exploitable, neither is it able to find all present vulnerabilities with a guarantee. Users can add triage information to reports to mark issues as false positives, indicate that the risk has been mitigated by configuration/usage changes, and so on. Triage details can be re-used on other projects so, for example, triage on a Linux base image could be applied to multiple containers using that image. For more information and usage of triage information with the tool kindly have a look [here](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/MANUAL.html#triage-input-file-input-file). If you are using the binary scanner capabilities, be aware that we only have a limited number of binary checkers (see table above) so we can only detect those libraries. Contributions of new checkers are always welcome! You can also use an alternate way to detect components (for example, a bill of materials tool such as [tern](https://github.com/tern-tools/tern)) and then use the resulting list as input to cve-bin-tool to get a more comprehensive vulnerability list. The tool uses a vulnerability database in order to detect the present vulnerabilities, in case the database is not frequently updated (specially if the tool is used in offline mode), the tool would be unable to detect any newly discovered vulnerabilities. Hence it is highly advised to keep the database updated. The tool does not guarantee that all vulnerabilities are reported as the tool only has access to a limited number of publicly available vulnerability databases. Contributions to introduce new sources of data to the tool are always welcome. Whilst some validation checks are performed on the data within the vulnerability database, the tool is unable to assert the quality of the data or correct any discrepancies if the data is incomplete or inconsistent. This may result, for example, in some vulnerability reports where the severity is reported as UNKNOWN. ## Requirements To use the auto-extractor, you may need the following utilities depending on the type of file you need to extract. The utilities below are required to run the full test suite on Linux: - `file` - `strings` - `tar` - `unzip` - `rpm2cpio` - `cpio` - `ar` - `cabextract` Most of these are installed by default on many Linux systems, but `cabextract` and `rpm2cpio` in particular might need to be installed. On windows systems, you may need: - `ar` - `7z` - `Expand` - `pdftotext` Windows has `ar` and `Expand` installed by default, but `7z` in particular might need to be installed. If you want to run our test-suite or scan a zstd compressed file, We recommend installing this [7-zip-zstd](https://github.com/mcmilk/7-Zip-zstd) fork of 7zip. We are currently using `7z` for extracting `jar`, `apk`, `msi`, `exe` and `rpm` files. If you get an error about building libraries when you try to install from pip, you may need to install the Windows build tools. The Windows build tools are available for free from If you get an error while installing brotlipy on Windows, installing the compiler above should fix it. `pdftotext` is required for running tests. (users of cve-bin-tool may not need it, developers likely will.) The best approach to install it on Windows involves using [conda](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/windows.html) (click [here](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pdftotext) for further instructions). You can check [our CI configuration](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/.github/workflows/testing.yml) to see what versions of python we're explicitly testing. ## Feedback & Contributions Bugs and feature requests can be made via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/issues). Be aware that these issues are not private, so take care when providing output to make sure you are not disclosing security issues in other products. Pull requests are also welcome via git. - New contributors should read the [contributor guide](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started. - Folk who already have experience contributing to open source projects may not need the full guide but should still use the [pull request checklist](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#checklist-for-a-great-pull-request) to make things easy for everyone. CVE Binary Tool contributors are asked to adhere to the [Python Community Code of Conduct](https://www.python.org/psf/conduct/). Please contact [Terri](https://github.com/terriko/) if you have concerns or questions relating to this code of conduct. ## Security Issues Security issues with the tool itself can be reported to Intel's security incident response team via [https://intel.com/security](https://intel.com/security). If in the course of using this tool you discover a security issue with someone else's code, please disclose responsibly to the appropriate party. %package -n python3-cve-bin-tool Summary: CVE Binary Checker Tool Provides: python-cve-bin-tool BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-cve-bin-tool # CVE Binary Tool quick start / README [![Build Status](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/workflows/cve-bin-tool/badge.svg?branch=main&event=push)](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/actions) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/intel/cve-bin-tool/branch/main/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/intel/cve-bin-tool) [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/cve-bin-tool/community.svg)](https://gitter.im/cve-bin-tool/community?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) [![On ReadTheDocs](https://readthedocs.org/projects/cve-bin-tool/badge/?version=latest&style=flat)](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) [![On PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/cve-bin-tool)](https://pypi.org/project/cve-bin-tool/) [![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/python/black) [![Imports: isort](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20imports-isort-%231674b1?style=flat&labelColor=ef8336)](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/) [![CII Best Practices](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/5380/badge)](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/5380) [![Language grade: Python](https://img.shields.io/lgtm/grade/python/g/intel/cve-bin-tool.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18)](https://lgtm.com/projects/g/intel/cve-bin-tool/context:python) The CVE Binary Tool is a free, open source tool to help you find known vulnerabilities in software, using data from the [National Vulnerability Database](https://nvd.nist.gov/) (NVD) list of [Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures]() (CVEs). The tool has two main modes of operation: 1. A binary scanner which helps you determine which packages may have been included as part of a piece of software. There are 243 checkers which focus on common, vulnerable open source components such as openssl, libpng, libxml2 and expat. 2. Tools for scanning known component lists in various formats, including .csv, several linux distribution package lists, language specific package scanners and several Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) formats. It is intended to be used as part of your continuous integration system to enable regular vulnerability scanning and give you early warning of known issues in your supply chain. For more details, see our [documentation](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) or this [quickstart guide](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/README.html) - [CVE Binary Tool quick start / README](#cve-binary-tool-quick-start--readme) - [Installing CVE Binary Tool](#installing-cve-binary-tool) - [Most popular usage options](#most-popular-usage-options) - [Finding known vulnerabilities using the binary scanner](#finding-known-vulnerabilities-using-the-binary-scanner) - [Finding known vulnerabilities in a list of components](#finding-known-vulnerabilities-in-a-list-of-components) - [Scanning an SBOM file for known vulnerabilities](#scanning-an-sbom-file-for-known-vulnerabilities) - [Using the tool offline](#using-the-tool-offline) - [Output Options](#output-options) - [Full option list](#full-option-list) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Using CVE Binary Tool in GitHub Actions](#using-cve-binary-tool-in-github-actions) - [Data Sources](#data-sources) - [Binary checker list](#binary-checker-list) - [Language Specific checkers](#language-specific-checkers) - [Java](#java) - [Javascript](#javascript) - [Rust](#rust) - [Ruby](#ruby) - [R](#r) - [Go](#go) - [Swift](#swift) - [Python](#python) - [Limitations](#limitations) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Feedback & Contributions](#feedback--contributions) - [Security Issues](#security-issues) ## Installing CVE Binary Tool CVE Binary Tool can be installed using pip: ```console pip install cve-bin-tool ``` You can also do `pip install --user -e .` to install a local copy which is useful if you're trying the latest code from [the cve-bin-tool github](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool) or doing development. The [Contributor Documentation](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) covers how to set up for local development in more detail. ## Most popular usage options ### Finding known vulnerabilities using the binary scanner To run the binary scanner on a directory or file: ```bash cve-bin-tool ``` Note that this option will also use any [language specific checkers](#language-specific-checkers) to find known vulnerabilities in components. ### Finding known vulnerabilities in a list of components To scan a comma-delimited (CSV) or JSON file which lists dependencies and versions: ```bash cve-bin-tool --input-file ``` ### Scanning an SBOM file for known vulnerabilities To scan a software bill of materials file (SBOM): ```bash cve-bin-tool --sbom --sbom-file ``` Valid SBOM types are [SPDX](https://spdx.dev/specifications/), [CycloneDX](https://cyclonedx.org/specification/overview/), and [SWID](https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/software-identification-swid/guidelines). ### Providing triage input The `--triage-input-file` option can be used to add extra triage data like remarks, comments etc. while scanning a directory so that output will reflect this triage data and you can save time of re-triaging (Usage: `cve-bin-tool --triage-input-file test.vex /path/to/scan`). The supported format is the [CycloneDX](https://cyclonedx.org/capabilities/vex/) VEX format which can be generated using the `--vex` option. ### Using the tool offline Specifying the `--offline` option when running a scan ensures that cve-bin-tool doesn't attempt to download the latest database files or to check for a newer version of the tool. Note that you will need to obtain a copy of the vulnerability data before the tool can run in offline mode. [The offline how-to guide contains more information on how to set up your database.](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/doc/how_to_guides/offline.md) ## Output Options The CVE Binary Tool provides console-based output by default. If you wish to provide another format, you can specify this and a filename on the command line using `--format`. The valid formats are CSV, JSON, console, HTML and PDF. The output filename can be specified using the `--output-file` flag. You can also specify multiple output formats by using comma (',') as separator: ```bash cve-bin-tool file -f csv,json,html -o report ``` Note: Please don't use spaces between comma (',') and the output formats. The reported vulnerabilities can additionally be reported in the Vulnerability Exchange (VEX) format by specifying `--vex` command line option. The generated VEX file can then be used as a `--triage-input-file` to support a triage process. If you wish to use PDF support, you will need to install the `reportlab` library separately. If you intend to use PDF support when you install cve-bin-tool you can specify it and report lab will be installed as part of the cve-bin-tool install: ```console pip install cve-bin-tool[PDF] ``` If you've already installed cve-bin-tool you can add reportlab after the fact using pip: ```console pip install --upgrade reportlab ``` Note that reportlab was taken out of the default cve-bin-tool install because it has a known CVE associated with it ([CVE-2020-28463](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-28463)). The cve-bin-tool code uses the recommended mitigations to limit which resources added to PDFs, as well as additional input validation. This is a bit of a strange CVE because it describes core functionality of PDFs: external items, such as images, can be embedded in them, and thus anyone viewing a PDF could load an external image (similar to how viewing a web page can trigger external loads). There's no inherent "fix" for that, only mitigations where users of the library must ensure only expected items are added to PDFs at the time of generation. Since users may not want to have software installed with an open, unfixable CVE associated with it, we've opted to make PDF support only available to users who have installed the library themselves. Once the library is installed, the PDF report option will function. ## Full option list Usage: `cve-bin-tool `
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
                        Comma separated Exclude directory path
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
                        skips checking for a new version
                        skips checking xml files against schema
  --offline             operate in offline mode
  --detailed            display detailed report

CVE Data Download:
  Arguments related to data sources and Cache Configuration

  -n {api,api2,json}, --nvd {api,api2,json}
                        choose method for getting CVE lists from NVD
  -u {now,daily,never,latest}, --update {now,daily,never,latest}
                        update schedule for data sources and exploits database (default: daily)
  --nvd-api-key NVD_API_KEY
                        specify NVD API key (used to improve NVD rate limit)
  -d {NVD,OSV} [{NVD,OSV} ...], --disable-data-source {NVD,OSV} [{NVD,OSV} ...]
                        comma-separated list of data sources (GAD, NVD, OSV, REDHAT) to disable (default: NONE)

  directory             directory to scan
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        provide input filename
  --triage-input-file TRIAGE_INPUT_FILE
                        provide input filename for triage data
  -C CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        provide config file
  -L PACKAGE_LIST, --package-list PACKAGE_LIST
                        provide package list
  --sbom {spdx,cyclonedx,swid}
                        specify type of software bill of materials (sbom) (default: spdx)
  --sbom-file SBOM_FILE
                        provide sbom filename

  -q, --quiet           suppress output
  -l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --log {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        log level (default: info)
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        provide output filename (default: output to stdout)
  --html-theme HTML_THEME
                        provide custom theme directory for HTML Report
  -f {csv,json,console,html,pdf}, --format {csv,json,console,html,pdf}
                        update output format (default: console)
                        specify multiple output formats by using comma (',') as a separator
                        note: don't use spaces between comma (',') and the output formats.
  -c CVSS, --cvss CVSS  minimum CVSS score (as integer in range 0 to 10) to report (default: 0)
  -S {low,medium,high,critical}, --severity {low,medium,high,critical}
                        minimum CVE severity to report (default: low)
  --report              Produces a report even if there are no CVE for the respective output format
  -A [-], --available-fix [-]
                        Lists available fixes of the package from Linux distribution
  -b [-], --backport-fix [-]
                        Lists backported fixes if available from Linux distribution
  --affected-versions   Lists versions of product affected by a given CVE (to facilitate upgrades)
  --vex VEX             Provide vulnerability exchange (vex) filename

Merge Report:
  Arguments related to Intermediate and Merged Reports

  -a [APPEND], --append [APPEND]
                        save output as intermediate report in json format
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     add a unique tag to differentiate between multiple intermediate reports
  -m MERGE, --merge MERGE
                        comma separated intermediate reports path for merging
  -F FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        comma separated tag string for filtering intermediate reports

  -s SKIPS, --skips SKIPS
                        comma-separated list of checkers to disable
  -r RUNS, --runs RUNS  comma-separated list of checkers to enable

Database Management:
  --export EXPORT       export database filename
  --import IMPORT       import database filename

  --exploits            check for exploits from found cves

  -x, --extract         autoextract compressed files
   CVE Binary Tool autoextracts all compressed files by default now
For further information about all of these options, please see [the CVE Binary Tool user manual](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/MANUAL.html). > Note: For backward compatibility, we still support `csv2cve` command for producing CVEs from csv but we recommend using the `--input-file` command going forwards. `-L` or `--package-list` option runs a CVE scan on installed packages listed in a package list. It takes a python package list (requirements.txt) or a package list of packages of systems that has dpkg, pacman or rpm package manager as an input for the scan. This option is much faster and detects more CVEs than the default method of scanning binaries. You can get a package list of all installed packages in - a system using dpkg package manager by running `dpkg-query -W -f '${binary:Package}\n' > pkg-list.txt` - a system using pacman package manager by running `pacman -Qqe > pkg-list.txt` - a system using rpm package manager by running `rpm -qa --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' > pkg-list.txt` in the terminal and provide it as an input by running `cve-bin-tool -L pkg-list.txt` for a full package scan. ## Configuration You can use `--config` option to provide configuration file for the tool. You can still override options specified in config file with command line arguments. See our sample config files in the [test/config](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/test/config/) ## Using CVE Binary Tool in GitHub Actions If you want to integrate cve-bin-tool as a part of your github action pipeline. You can checkout our example [github action](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/doc/how_to_guides/cve_scanner_gh_action.yml). ## Data Sources The following data sources are used to get CVE data to find CVEs for a package: ### [National Vulnerability Database](https://nvd.nist.gov/) (NVD) This data source consists of majority of the CVE entries and is essential to provide vendor data for other data sources such as OSV, therefore downloading CVE data from it cannot be disabled, `--disable-data-source "NVD"` only disables CVEs from displaying in output. > **Note** : If you have problems downloading the initial data , it may be due to the NVD's current rate limiting scheme which block users entirely if they aren't using an API key. > > NVD requires users to create and use an NVD_API_KEY to use their API. To setup an API_KEY ,please visit [Request an API Key](https://nvd.nist.gov/developers/request-an-api-key) . > > If you don't want to use the NVD API, you can also download their json files without setting up a key. Please note that this method is slower for getting updates but is more ideal if you just want to try out the `cve-bin-tool` for the first time. > > To use the json method, use the flag [`-n json`](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/doc/MANUAL.md#-n-jsonapi---nvd-jsonapi) . ### [Open Source Vulnerability Database](https://osv.dev/) (OSV) This data source is based on the OSV schema from Google, and consists of CVEs from different ecosystems that might not be covered by NVD. NVD is given priority if there are duplicate CVEs as some CVEs from OSV may not contain CVSS scores. Using OSV will increase number of CVEs and time taken to update the database but searching database for vulnerabilities will have similar performance. ### [Gitlab Advisory Database](https://advisories.gitlab.com/) (GAD) This data source consists of security advisories used by the GitLab dependency scanner. The number of CVEs added from this data source is similar to OSV. ### [RedHat Security Database](https://access.redhat.com/security/data) (REDHAT) This data source contains CVEs pertaining to RedHat Products. Access to the data is subject to [Legal Notice](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_security_data_api/1.0/html/red_hat_security_data_api/legal-notice). ## Binary checker list The following checkers are available for finding components in binary files: | | | | Available checkers | | | | |--------------- |--------------- |------------------ |-------------- |----------------- |---------- |------------- | | accountsservice |acpid |apache_http_server |apcupsd |asn1c |assimp |asterisk | | atftp |avahi |bash |bind |binutils |bird |bison | | boinc |bolt |bro |bubblewrap |busybox |bzip2 |c_ares | | chess |chrony |clamav |collectd |commons_compress |connman |cronie | | cryptsetup |cups |curl |cvs |darkhttpd |davfs2 |dbus | | dhcpcd |dnsmasq |domoticz |dovecot |dpkg |e2fsprogs |elfutils | | enscript |exim |exiv2 |expat |fastd |ffmpeg |file | | firefox |freeradius |freerdp |fribidi |ftp |gcc |gdb | | gimp |git |glib |glibc |gmp |gnomeshell |gnupg | | gnutls |gpgme |gpsd |graphicsmagick |grub2 |gstreamer |gupnp | | gvfs |haproxy |haserl |hdf5 |hostapd |hunspell |i2pd | | icecast |icu |iperf3 |ipsec_tools |iptables |irssi |iucode_tool | | jack2 |jacksondatabind |janus |jhead |json_c |kbd |keepalived | | kerberos |kexectools |lftp |libarchive |libbpg |libconfuse |libdb | | libebml |libgcrypt |libgit2 |libical |libinput |libjpeg |libjpeg_turbo | | libksba |liblas |libnss |libpcap |librsvg |librsync |libsamplerate | | libseccomp |libsndfile |libsolv |libsoup |libsrtp |libssh |libssh2 | | libtiff |libtomcrypt |libupnp |libvirt |libvncserver |libvorbis |libxslt | | lighttpd |lldpd |logrotate |lua |luajit |lynx |lz4 | | mailx |mariadb |mdadm |memcached |minicom |minidlna |miniupnpc | | miniupnpd |mosquitto |motion |mpv |mtr |mutt |mysql | | nano |nbd |ncurses |neon |nessus |netatalk |netpbm | | nettle |nghttp2 |nginx |nmap |node |ntp |ntpsec | | open_vm_tools |openafs |opencv |openjpeg |openldap |openssh |openssl | | openswan |openvpn |p7zip |pango |patch |pcsc_lite |perl | | pigz |png |polarssl_fedora |poppler |postgresql |ppp |privoxy | | procps_ng |proftpd |pspp |pure_ftpd |putty |python |qt | | quagga |radare2 |radvd |rdesktop |rsync |rsyslog |rtl_433 | | rust |samba |sane_backends |seahorse |shadowsocks_libev |snort |sofia_sip | | spice |sqlite |squashfs |squid |strongswan |stunnel |subversion | | sudo |suricata |sylpheed |syslogng |sysstat |systemd |tcpdump | | thrift |thttpd |timescaledb |tinyproxy |tor |tpm2_tss |transmission | | trousers |unbound |unixodbc |upx |util_linux |varnish |vsftpd | | webkitgtk |wget |wireshark |wolfssl |wpa_supplicant |xerces |xml2 | | xscreensaver |zeek |zlib |znc |zsh | | | All the checkers can be found in the checkers directory, as can the [instructions on how to add a new checker](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/cve_bin_tool/checkers/README.md). Support for new checkers can be requested via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/issues). ## Language Specific checkers A number of checkers are available for finding vulnerable components in specific language packages. ### Java The scanner examines the `pom.xml` file within a Java package archive to identify Java components. The package names and versions within the archive are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. JAR, WAR and EAR archives are supported. ### Javascript The scanner examines the `package-lock.json` file within a javascript application to identify components. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Rust The scanner examines the `Cargo.lock` file which is created by cargo to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Ruby The scanner examines the `Gemfile.lock` file which is created by bundle to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### R The scanner examines the `renv.lock` file which is created by renv to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Go The scanner examines the `go.mod` file which is created by mod to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Swift The scanner examines the `Package.resolved` file which is created by the package manager to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Python The scanner examines the `PKG-INFO` and `METADATA` files for an installed Python package to extract the component name and version which are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. Support for scanning the `requirements.txt` file generated by pip is also present. The tool supports the scanning of the contents of any Wheel package files (indicated with a file extension of .whl) and egg package files (indicated with a file extension of .egg). The `--package-list` option can be used with a Python dependencies file `requirements.txt` to find the vulnerabilities in the list of components. ## Limitations This scanner does not attempt to exploit issues or examine the code in greater detail; it only looks for library signatures and version numbers. As such, it cannot tell if someone has backported fixes to a vulnerable version, and it will not work if library or version information was intentionally obfuscated. This tool is meant to be used as a quick-to-run, easily-automatable check in a non-malicious environment so that developers can be made aware of old libraries with security issues that have been compiled into their binaries. The tool does not guarantee that any vulnerabilities reported are actually present or exploitable, neither is it able to find all present vulnerabilities with a guarantee. Users can add triage information to reports to mark issues as false positives, indicate that the risk has been mitigated by configuration/usage changes, and so on. Triage details can be re-used on other projects so, for example, triage on a Linux base image could be applied to multiple containers using that image. For more information and usage of triage information with the tool kindly have a look [here](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/MANUAL.html#triage-input-file-input-file). If you are using the binary scanner capabilities, be aware that we only have a limited number of binary checkers (see table above) so we can only detect those libraries. Contributions of new checkers are always welcome! You can also use an alternate way to detect components (for example, a bill of materials tool such as [tern](https://github.com/tern-tools/tern)) and then use the resulting list as input to cve-bin-tool to get a more comprehensive vulnerability list. The tool uses a vulnerability database in order to detect the present vulnerabilities, in case the database is not frequently updated (specially if the tool is used in offline mode), the tool would be unable to detect any newly discovered vulnerabilities. Hence it is highly advised to keep the database updated. The tool does not guarantee that all vulnerabilities are reported as the tool only has access to a limited number of publicly available vulnerability databases. Contributions to introduce new sources of data to the tool are always welcome. Whilst some validation checks are performed on the data within the vulnerability database, the tool is unable to assert the quality of the data or correct any discrepancies if the data is incomplete or inconsistent. This may result, for example, in some vulnerability reports where the severity is reported as UNKNOWN. ## Requirements To use the auto-extractor, you may need the following utilities depending on the type of file you need to extract. The utilities below are required to run the full test suite on Linux: - `file` - `strings` - `tar` - `unzip` - `rpm2cpio` - `cpio` - `ar` - `cabextract` Most of these are installed by default on many Linux systems, but `cabextract` and `rpm2cpio` in particular might need to be installed. On windows systems, you may need: - `ar` - `7z` - `Expand` - `pdftotext` Windows has `ar` and `Expand` installed by default, but `7z` in particular might need to be installed. If you want to run our test-suite or scan a zstd compressed file, We recommend installing this [7-zip-zstd](https://github.com/mcmilk/7-Zip-zstd) fork of 7zip. We are currently using `7z` for extracting `jar`, `apk`, `msi`, `exe` and `rpm` files. If you get an error about building libraries when you try to install from pip, you may need to install the Windows build tools. The Windows build tools are available for free from If you get an error while installing brotlipy on Windows, installing the compiler above should fix it. `pdftotext` is required for running tests. (users of cve-bin-tool may not need it, developers likely will.) The best approach to install it on Windows involves using [conda](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/windows.html) (click [here](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pdftotext) for further instructions). You can check [our CI configuration](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/.github/workflows/testing.yml) to see what versions of python we're explicitly testing. ## Feedback & Contributions Bugs and feature requests can be made via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/issues). Be aware that these issues are not private, so take care when providing output to make sure you are not disclosing security issues in other products. Pull requests are also welcome via git. - New contributors should read the [contributor guide](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started. - Folk who already have experience contributing to open source projects may not need the full guide but should still use the [pull request checklist](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#checklist-for-a-great-pull-request) to make things easy for everyone. CVE Binary Tool contributors are asked to adhere to the [Python Community Code of Conduct](https://www.python.org/psf/conduct/). Please contact [Terri](https://github.com/terriko/) if you have concerns or questions relating to this code of conduct. ## Security Issues Security issues with the tool itself can be reported to Intel's security incident response team via [https://intel.com/security](https://intel.com/security). If in the course of using this tool you discover a security issue with someone else's code, please disclose responsibly to the appropriate party. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for cve-bin-tool Provides: python3-cve-bin-tool-doc %description help # CVE Binary Tool quick start / README [![Build Status](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/workflows/cve-bin-tool/badge.svg?branch=main&event=push)](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/actions) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/intel/cve-bin-tool/branch/main/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/intel/cve-bin-tool) [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/cve-bin-tool/community.svg)](https://gitter.im/cve-bin-tool/community?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) [![On ReadTheDocs](https://readthedocs.org/projects/cve-bin-tool/badge/?version=latest&style=flat)](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) [![On PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/cve-bin-tool)](https://pypi.org/project/cve-bin-tool/) [![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/python/black) [![Imports: isort](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20imports-isort-%231674b1?style=flat&labelColor=ef8336)](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/) [![CII Best Practices](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/5380/badge)](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/5380) [![Language grade: Python](https://img.shields.io/lgtm/grade/python/g/intel/cve-bin-tool.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18)](https://lgtm.com/projects/g/intel/cve-bin-tool/context:python) The CVE Binary Tool is a free, open source tool to help you find known vulnerabilities in software, using data from the [National Vulnerability Database](https://nvd.nist.gov/) (NVD) list of [Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures]() (CVEs). The tool has two main modes of operation: 1. A binary scanner which helps you determine which packages may have been included as part of a piece of software. There are 243 checkers which focus on common, vulnerable open source components such as openssl, libpng, libxml2 and expat. 2. Tools for scanning known component lists in various formats, including .csv, several linux distribution package lists, language specific package scanners and several Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) formats. It is intended to be used as part of your continuous integration system to enable regular vulnerability scanning and give you early warning of known issues in your supply chain. For more details, see our [documentation](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) or this [quickstart guide](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/README.html) - [CVE Binary Tool quick start / README](#cve-binary-tool-quick-start--readme) - [Installing CVE Binary Tool](#installing-cve-binary-tool) - [Most popular usage options](#most-popular-usage-options) - [Finding known vulnerabilities using the binary scanner](#finding-known-vulnerabilities-using-the-binary-scanner) - [Finding known vulnerabilities in a list of components](#finding-known-vulnerabilities-in-a-list-of-components) - [Scanning an SBOM file for known vulnerabilities](#scanning-an-sbom-file-for-known-vulnerabilities) - [Using the tool offline](#using-the-tool-offline) - [Output Options](#output-options) - [Full option list](#full-option-list) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Using CVE Binary Tool in GitHub Actions](#using-cve-binary-tool-in-github-actions) - [Data Sources](#data-sources) - [Binary checker list](#binary-checker-list) - [Language Specific checkers](#language-specific-checkers) - [Java](#java) - [Javascript](#javascript) - [Rust](#rust) - [Ruby](#ruby) - [R](#r) - [Go](#go) - [Swift](#swift) - [Python](#python) - [Limitations](#limitations) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Feedback & Contributions](#feedback--contributions) - [Security Issues](#security-issues) ## Installing CVE Binary Tool CVE Binary Tool can be installed using pip: ```console pip install cve-bin-tool ``` You can also do `pip install --user -e .` to install a local copy which is useful if you're trying the latest code from [the cve-bin-tool github](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool) or doing development. The [Contributor Documentation](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) covers how to set up for local development in more detail. ## Most popular usage options ### Finding known vulnerabilities using the binary scanner To run the binary scanner on a directory or file: ```bash cve-bin-tool ``` Note that this option will also use any [language specific checkers](#language-specific-checkers) to find known vulnerabilities in components. ### Finding known vulnerabilities in a list of components To scan a comma-delimited (CSV) or JSON file which lists dependencies and versions: ```bash cve-bin-tool --input-file ``` ### Scanning an SBOM file for known vulnerabilities To scan a software bill of materials file (SBOM): ```bash cve-bin-tool --sbom --sbom-file ``` Valid SBOM types are [SPDX](https://spdx.dev/specifications/), [CycloneDX](https://cyclonedx.org/specification/overview/), and [SWID](https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/software-identification-swid/guidelines). ### Providing triage input The `--triage-input-file` option can be used to add extra triage data like remarks, comments etc. while scanning a directory so that output will reflect this triage data and you can save time of re-triaging (Usage: `cve-bin-tool --triage-input-file test.vex /path/to/scan`). The supported format is the [CycloneDX](https://cyclonedx.org/capabilities/vex/) VEX format which can be generated using the `--vex` option. ### Using the tool offline Specifying the `--offline` option when running a scan ensures that cve-bin-tool doesn't attempt to download the latest database files or to check for a newer version of the tool. Note that you will need to obtain a copy of the vulnerability data before the tool can run in offline mode. [The offline how-to guide contains more information on how to set up your database.](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/doc/how_to_guides/offline.md) ## Output Options The CVE Binary Tool provides console-based output by default. If you wish to provide another format, you can specify this and a filename on the command line using `--format`. The valid formats are CSV, JSON, console, HTML and PDF. The output filename can be specified using the `--output-file` flag. You can also specify multiple output formats by using comma (',') as separator: ```bash cve-bin-tool file -f csv,json,html -o report ``` Note: Please don't use spaces between comma (',') and the output formats. The reported vulnerabilities can additionally be reported in the Vulnerability Exchange (VEX) format by specifying `--vex` command line option. The generated VEX file can then be used as a `--triage-input-file` to support a triage process. If you wish to use PDF support, you will need to install the `reportlab` library separately. If you intend to use PDF support when you install cve-bin-tool you can specify it and report lab will be installed as part of the cve-bin-tool install: ```console pip install cve-bin-tool[PDF] ``` If you've already installed cve-bin-tool you can add reportlab after the fact using pip: ```console pip install --upgrade reportlab ``` Note that reportlab was taken out of the default cve-bin-tool install because it has a known CVE associated with it ([CVE-2020-28463](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-28463)). The cve-bin-tool code uses the recommended mitigations to limit which resources added to PDFs, as well as additional input validation. This is a bit of a strange CVE because it describes core functionality of PDFs: external items, such as images, can be embedded in them, and thus anyone viewing a PDF could load an external image (similar to how viewing a web page can trigger external loads). There's no inherent "fix" for that, only mitigations where users of the library must ensure only expected items are added to PDFs at the time of generation. Since users may not want to have software installed with an open, unfixable CVE associated with it, we've opted to make PDF support only available to users who have installed the library themselves. Once the library is installed, the PDF report option will function. ## Full option list Usage: `cve-bin-tool `
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
                        Comma separated Exclude directory path
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
                        skips checking for a new version
                        skips checking xml files against schema
  --offline             operate in offline mode
  --detailed            display detailed report

CVE Data Download:
  Arguments related to data sources and Cache Configuration

  -n {api,api2,json}, --nvd {api,api2,json}
                        choose method for getting CVE lists from NVD
  -u {now,daily,never,latest}, --update {now,daily,never,latest}
                        update schedule for data sources and exploits database (default: daily)
  --nvd-api-key NVD_API_KEY
                        specify NVD API key (used to improve NVD rate limit)
  -d {NVD,OSV} [{NVD,OSV} ...], --disable-data-source {NVD,OSV} [{NVD,OSV} ...]
                        comma-separated list of data sources (GAD, NVD, OSV, REDHAT) to disable (default: NONE)

  directory             directory to scan
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        provide input filename
  --triage-input-file TRIAGE_INPUT_FILE
                        provide input filename for triage data
  -C CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        provide config file
  -L PACKAGE_LIST, --package-list PACKAGE_LIST
                        provide package list
  --sbom {spdx,cyclonedx,swid}
                        specify type of software bill of materials (sbom) (default: spdx)
  --sbom-file SBOM_FILE
                        provide sbom filename

  -q, --quiet           suppress output
  -l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --log {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        log level (default: info)
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        provide output filename (default: output to stdout)
  --html-theme HTML_THEME
                        provide custom theme directory for HTML Report
  -f {csv,json,console,html,pdf}, --format {csv,json,console,html,pdf}
                        update output format (default: console)
                        specify multiple output formats by using comma (',') as a separator
                        note: don't use spaces between comma (',') and the output formats.
  -c CVSS, --cvss CVSS  minimum CVSS score (as integer in range 0 to 10) to report (default: 0)
  -S {low,medium,high,critical}, --severity {low,medium,high,critical}
                        minimum CVE severity to report (default: low)
  --report              Produces a report even if there are no CVE for the respective output format
  -A [-], --available-fix [-]
                        Lists available fixes of the package from Linux distribution
  -b [-], --backport-fix [-]
                        Lists backported fixes if available from Linux distribution
  --affected-versions   Lists versions of product affected by a given CVE (to facilitate upgrades)
  --vex VEX             Provide vulnerability exchange (vex) filename

Merge Report:
  Arguments related to Intermediate and Merged Reports

  -a [APPEND], --append [APPEND]
                        save output as intermediate report in json format
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     add a unique tag to differentiate between multiple intermediate reports
  -m MERGE, --merge MERGE
                        comma separated intermediate reports path for merging
  -F FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        comma separated tag string for filtering intermediate reports

  -s SKIPS, --skips SKIPS
                        comma-separated list of checkers to disable
  -r RUNS, --runs RUNS  comma-separated list of checkers to enable

Database Management:
  --export EXPORT       export database filename
  --import IMPORT       import database filename

  --exploits            check for exploits from found cves

  -x, --extract         autoextract compressed files
   CVE Binary Tool autoextracts all compressed files by default now
For further information about all of these options, please see [the CVE Binary Tool user manual](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/MANUAL.html). > Note: For backward compatibility, we still support `csv2cve` command for producing CVEs from csv but we recommend using the `--input-file` command going forwards. `-L` or `--package-list` option runs a CVE scan on installed packages listed in a package list. It takes a python package list (requirements.txt) or a package list of packages of systems that has dpkg, pacman or rpm package manager as an input for the scan. This option is much faster and detects more CVEs than the default method of scanning binaries. You can get a package list of all installed packages in - a system using dpkg package manager by running `dpkg-query -W -f '${binary:Package}\n' > pkg-list.txt` - a system using pacman package manager by running `pacman -Qqe > pkg-list.txt` - a system using rpm package manager by running `rpm -qa --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' > pkg-list.txt` in the terminal and provide it as an input by running `cve-bin-tool -L pkg-list.txt` for a full package scan. ## Configuration You can use `--config` option to provide configuration file for the tool. You can still override options specified in config file with command line arguments. See our sample config files in the [test/config](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/test/config/) ## Using CVE Binary Tool in GitHub Actions If you want to integrate cve-bin-tool as a part of your github action pipeline. You can checkout our example [github action](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/doc/how_to_guides/cve_scanner_gh_action.yml). ## Data Sources The following data sources are used to get CVE data to find CVEs for a package: ### [National Vulnerability Database](https://nvd.nist.gov/) (NVD) This data source consists of majority of the CVE entries and is essential to provide vendor data for other data sources such as OSV, therefore downloading CVE data from it cannot be disabled, `--disable-data-source "NVD"` only disables CVEs from displaying in output. > **Note** : If you have problems downloading the initial data , it may be due to the NVD's current rate limiting scheme which block users entirely if they aren't using an API key. > > NVD requires users to create and use an NVD_API_KEY to use their API. To setup an API_KEY ,please visit [Request an API Key](https://nvd.nist.gov/developers/request-an-api-key) . > > If you don't want to use the NVD API, you can also download their json files without setting up a key. Please note that this method is slower for getting updates but is more ideal if you just want to try out the `cve-bin-tool` for the first time. > > To use the json method, use the flag [`-n json`](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/doc/MANUAL.md#-n-jsonapi---nvd-jsonapi) . ### [Open Source Vulnerability Database](https://osv.dev/) (OSV) This data source is based on the OSV schema from Google, and consists of CVEs from different ecosystems that might not be covered by NVD. NVD is given priority if there are duplicate CVEs as some CVEs from OSV may not contain CVSS scores. Using OSV will increase number of CVEs and time taken to update the database but searching database for vulnerabilities will have similar performance. ### [Gitlab Advisory Database](https://advisories.gitlab.com/) (GAD) This data source consists of security advisories used by the GitLab dependency scanner. The number of CVEs added from this data source is similar to OSV. ### [RedHat Security Database](https://access.redhat.com/security/data) (REDHAT) This data source contains CVEs pertaining to RedHat Products. Access to the data is subject to [Legal Notice](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_security_data_api/1.0/html/red_hat_security_data_api/legal-notice). ## Binary checker list The following checkers are available for finding components in binary files: | | | | Available checkers | | | | |--------------- |--------------- |------------------ |-------------- |----------------- |---------- |------------- | | accountsservice |acpid |apache_http_server |apcupsd |asn1c |assimp |asterisk | | atftp |avahi |bash |bind |binutils |bird |bison | | boinc |bolt |bro |bubblewrap |busybox |bzip2 |c_ares | | chess |chrony |clamav |collectd |commons_compress |connman |cronie | | cryptsetup |cups |curl |cvs |darkhttpd |davfs2 |dbus | | dhcpcd |dnsmasq |domoticz |dovecot |dpkg |e2fsprogs |elfutils | | enscript |exim |exiv2 |expat |fastd |ffmpeg |file | | firefox |freeradius |freerdp |fribidi |ftp |gcc |gdb | | gimp |git |glib |glibc |gmp |gnomeshell |gnupg | | gnutls |gpgme |gpsd |graphicsmagick |grub2 |gstreamer |gupnp | | gvfs |haproxy |haserl |hdf5 |hostapd |hunspell |i2pd | | icecast |icu |iperf3 |ipsec_tools |iptables |irssi |iucode_tool | | jack2 |jacksondatabind |janus |jhead |json_c |kbd |keepalived | | kerberos |kexectools |lftp |libarchive |libbpg |libconfuse |libdb | | libebml |libgcrypt |libgit2 |libical |libinput |libjpeg |libjpeg_turbo | | libksba |liblas |libnss |libpcap |librsvg |librsync |libsamplerate | | libseccomp |libsndfile |libsolv |libsoup |libsrtp |libssh |libssh2 | | libtiff |libtomcrypt |libupnp |libvirt |libvncserver |libvorbis |libxslt | | lighttpd |lldpd |logrotate |lua |luajit |lynx |lz4 | | mailx |mariadb |mdadm |memcached |minicom |minidlna |miniupnpc | | miniupnpd |mosquitto |motion |mpv |mtr |mutt |mysql | | nano |nbd |ncurses |neon |nessus |netatalk |netpbm | | nettle |nghttp2 |nginx |nmap |node |ntp |ntpsec | | open_vm_tools |openafs |opencv |openjpeg |openldap |openssh |openssl | | openswan |openvpn |p7zip |pango |patch |pcsc_lite |perl | | pigz |png |polarssl_fedora |poppler |postgresql |ppp |privoxy | | procps_ng |proftpd |pspp |pure_ftpd |putty |python |qt | | quagga |radare2 |radvd |rdesktop |rsync |rsyslog |rtl_433 | | rust |samba |sane_backends |seahorse |shadowsocks_libev |snort |sofia_sip | | spice |sqlite |squashfs |squid |strongswan |stunnel |subversion | | sudo |suricata |sylpheed |syslogng |sysstat |systemd |tcpdump | | thrift |thttpd |timescaledb |tinyproxy |tor |tpm2_tss |transmission | | trousers |unbound |unixodbc |upx |util_linux |varnish |vsftpd | | webkitgtk |wget |wireshark |wolfssl |wpa_supplicant |xerces |xml2 | | xscreensaver |zeek |zlib |znc |zsh | | | All the checkers can be found in the checkers directory, as can the [instructions on how to add a new checker](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/cve_bin_tool/checkers/README.md). Support for new checkers can be requested via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/issues). ## Language Specific checkers A number of checkers are available for finding vulnerable components in specific language packages. ### Java The scanner examines the `pom.xml` file within a Java package archive to identify Java components. The package names and versions within the archive are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. JAR, WAR and EAR archives are supported. ### Javascript The scanner examines the `package-lock.json` file within a javascript application to identify components. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Rust The scanner examines the `Cargo.lock` file which is created by cargo to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Ruby The scanner examines the `Gemfile.lock` file which is created by bundle to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### R The scanner examines the `renv.lock` file which is created by renv to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Go The scanner examines the `go.mod` file which is created by mod to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Swift The scanner examines the `Package.resolved` file which is created by the package manager to manage the dependencies of the project with their specific versions. The package names and versions are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. ### Python The scanner examines the `PKG-INFO` and `METADATA` files for an installed Python package to extract the component name and version which are used to search the database for vulnerabilities. Support for scanning the `requirements.txt` file generated by pip is also present. The tool supports the scanning of the contents of any Wheel package files (indicated with a file extension of .whl) and egg package files (indicated with a file extension of .egg). The `--package-list` option can be used with a Python dependencies file `requirements.txt` to find the vulnerabilities in the list of components. ## Limitations This scanner does not attempt to exploit issues or examine the code in greater detail; it only looks for library signatures and version numbers. As such, it cannot tell if someone has backported fixes to a vulnerable version, and it will not work if library or version information was intentionally obfuscated. This tool is meant to be used as a quick-to-run, easily-automatable check in a non-malicious environment so that developers can be made aware of old libraries with security issues that have been compiled into their binaries. The tool does not guarantee that any vulnerabilities reported are actually present or exploitable, neither is it able to find all present vulnerabilities with a guarantee. Users can add triage information to reports to mark issues as false positives, indicate that the risk has been mitigated by configuration/usage changes, and so on. Triage details can be re-used on other projects so, for example, triage on a Linux base image could be applied to multiple containers using that image. For more information and usage of triage information with the tool kindly have a look [here](https://cve-bin-tool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/MANUAL.html#triage-input-file-input-file). If you are using the binary scanner capabilities, be aware that we only have a limited number of binary checkers (see table above) so we can only detect those libraries. Contributions of new checkers are always welcome! You can also use an alternate way to detect components (for example, a bill of materials tool such as [tern](https://github.com/tern-tools/tern)) and then use the resulting list as input to cve-bin-tool to get a more comprehensive vulnerability list. The tool uses a vulnerability database in order to detect the present vulnerabilities, in case the database is not frequently updated (specially if the tool is used in offline mode), the tool would be unable to detect any newly discovered vulnerabilities. Hence it is highly advised to keep the database updated. The tool does not guarantee that all vulnerabilities are reported as the tool only has access to a limited number of publicly available vulnerability databases. Contributions to introduce new sources of data to the tool are always welcome. Whilst some validation checks are performed on the data within the vulnerability database, the tool is unable to assert the quality of the data or correct any discrepancies if the data is incomplete or inconsistent. This may result, for example, in some vulnerability reports where the severity is reported as UNKNOWN. ## Requirements To use the auto-extractor, you may need the following utilities depending on the type of file you need to extract. The utilities below are required to run the full test suite on Linux: - `file` - `strings` - `tar` - `unzip` - `rpm2cpio` - `cpio` - `ar` - `cabextract` Most of these are installed by default on many Linux systems, but `cabextract` and `rpm2cpio` in particular might need to be installed. On windows systems, you may need: - `ar` - `7z` - `Expand` - `pdftotext` Windows has `ar` and `Expand` installed by default, but `7z` in particular might need to be installed. If you want to run our test-suite or scan a zstd compressed file, We recommend installing this [7-zip-zstd](https://github.com/mcmilk/7-Zip-zstd) fork of 7zip. We are currently using `7z` for extracting `jar`, `apk`, `msi`, `exe` and `rpm` files. If you get an error about building libraries when you try to install from pip, you may need to install the Windows build tools. The Windows build tools are available for free from If you get an error while installing brotlipy on Windows, installing the compiler above should fix it. `pdftotext` is required for running tests. (users of cve-bin-tool may not need it, developers likely will.) The best approach to install it on Windows involves using [conda](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/windows.html) (click [here](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pdftotext) for further instructions). You can check [our CI configuration](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/.github/workflows/testing.yml) to see what versions of python we're explicitly testing. ## Feedback & Contributions Bugs and feature requests can be made via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/issues). Be aware that these issues are not private, so take care when providing output to make sure you are not disclosing security issues in other products. Pull requests are also welcome via git. - New contributors should read the [contributor guide](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started. - Folk who already have experience contributing to open source projects may not need the full guide but should still use the [pull request checklist](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#checklist-for-a-great-pull-request) to make things easy for everyone. CVE Binary Tool contributors are asked to adhere to the [Python Community Code of Conduct](https://www.python.org/psf/conduct/). Please contact [Terri](https://github.com/terriko/) if you have concerns or questions relating to this code of conduct. ## Security Issues Security issues with the tool itself can be reported to Intel's security incident response team via [https://intel.com/security](https://intel.com/security). If in the course of using this tool you discover a security issue with someone else's code, please disclose responsibly to the appropriate party. %prep %autosetup -n cve-bin-tool-3.2 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-cve-bin-tool -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri May 05 2023 Python_Bot - 3.2-1 - Package Spec generated