%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-carling Version: 0.3.5 Release: 1 Summary: Useful transforms for supporting apache beam pipelines. License: Apache-2.0 URL: https://github.com/mc-digital/carling Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/61/ff/8fa7ff0dce0f7f87488ffa0f8f5b3b6d57dd8ff7f6cd0f7d47dd4808aab3/carling-0.3.5.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-apache-beam Requires: python3-deepdiff %description # Carling [![CI](https://github.com/mc-digital/carling/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/mc-digital/carling/actions?query=workflow%3ACI) [![versions](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/carling.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/carling/) [![pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/carling)](https://pypi.org/project/carling/) [![license](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/carling)](https://github.com/mc-digital/carling/blob/main/LICENSE) Via [Wikipedia](): > Carlings are pieces of timber laid fore and aft under the deck of a ship, from one beam to another. > They serve as a foundation for the whole body of the ship. Useful transforms for supporting our apache beam pipelines. ## Mapping transform utils #### `carling.Label` Labels all elements. #### `carling.Select` Removes all columns which are not specified in `*keys`. #### `carling.Project` Transforms each element into a tuple of values of the specified columns. #### `carling.IndexBy` Transforms each element `V` into a tuple `(K, V)`. `K` is the projection of `V` by `*keys`, which is equal to the tuple produced by the `Project` transform. #### `carling.Stringify` Transforms each element into its JSON representation. #### `carling.IndexBySingle` Transforms each element `V` into a tuple `(K, V)`. The difference between `IndexBySingle(key)` and `IndexBy(key)` with a single key is as follows: - `IndexBySingle` produces the index as a plain value. - `IndexBy` produces the index as a single-element tuple. #### `carling.RenameFromTo` Rename columns according to `from_to_key_mapping`. #### `carling.Exclude` Removes all columns specified in `*keys`. ## Grouping transform utils Generic grouping transform utils #### `carling.UniqueOnly` Produces elements that are the only elements per key after deduplication. Given a `PCollection` of `(K, V)`, this transform produces the collection of all `V`s that do not share the same corresponding `K`s with any other elements after deduplicating all equivalent `(K, V)` pairs. This transform is equivalent to `SingletonOnly` with `apache_beam.Distinct`. `[(1, "A"), (2, "B1"), (2, "B2"), (3, "C"), (3, "C"), (4, "A")]` will be transformed into `["A", "C", "A"]`. #### `carling.SingletonOnly` Produces elements that are the only elements per key. Given a `PCollection` of `(K, V)`, this transform produces the collection of all `V`s that do not share the same corresponding `K`s with any other elements. `[(1, "A"), (2, "B1"), (2, "B2"), (3, "C"), (3, "C"), (4, "A")]` will be transformed into `["A", "A"]`. #### `carling.Intersection` Produces the intersection of given `PCollection`s. Given a list of `PCollection`s, this transform produces every element that appears in all collections of the list. Elements are deduplicated before taking the intersection. #### `carling.FilterByKey` Filters elements by their keys. The constructor receives one or more `PCollection`s of `K`s, which are regarded as key lists. Given a `PCollection` of `(K, V)`, this transform discards all elements with `K`s that do not appear in the key lists. If multiple collections are given to the constructor, this transform treats the intersection of them as the key list. #### `carling.FilterByKeyUsingSideInput` Filters a single collection by a single lookup collection, using a common key. Given: - a `PCollection` (lookup_entries) of `(V)`, as a lookup collection - a `PCollection` (pcoll) of `(V)`, as values to be filtered - a common key (filter_key) A dictionary called `filter_dict` - is created by mapping the value of `filter_key` for each entry in `lookup_entries` to True. Then, for each item in pcoll, the value associated with `filter_key` checkd against `filter_dict`, and if it is found, the entry passes through. Otherwise, the entry is discarded. Note: `lookup_entries` will be used as a **side input**, so care must be taken regarding the size of the `lookup_entries` #### `carling.DifferencePerKey` Produces the difference per key between two `PCollection`s. Given two `PCollection`s of `V`, this transform indexes the collections by the specified keys `primary_keys`, compares corresponding two `V` lists for every `K`, and produces the difference per `K`. If there is no difference, this transform produces nothing. Two `V` lists are considered to be different if the numbers of elements differ or two elements of the lists with a same index differ at one of the specified columns `columns`. #### `carling.SortedSelectPerKey` - Groups items by a set of `keys` -- column names per row - Emits the "MAX" _value_ for each collection as defined by the `key_fn` - Can emit "MIN" by passing `reverse=True` kwarg #### `carling.PartitionRowsContainingNone` Emits two tagged PCollections: - Default (`result[None]`): Rows are guaranteed not to have any `None` values - `result["contains_none"]`: Rows for which at least one column had a `None` value ## Categorical #### `carling.CreateCategoricalDicts` For a set of columnular data inputs this function takes: - cat_cols: Type: `[str]` An array of "categorical" columns - existing_dicts: Type: `PCollection[(string, string, int)]` Rows of tuples of type: (column, previously_seen_value, mapped_unique_int) Mapping a set of "previously seen" keys to unique int values for each column. Not optional. If none exist, pass an empty PCollection. It then creates a transform which takes a pcollection and - looks at the input pcoll for unseen values in each categorical column - creates new unique integers for each distinct unseen value, starting at max(previous value for column)+1 - ammends the existing mappings with (col, unseen_value, new_unique_int) Output is: - Type: `PCollection[(string, string, int)]` This is useful for preparing data to be trained by eg. LightGBM #### `carling.ReplaceCategoricalColumns` - Utilizes the "categorical dictionary rows" generated by `CreateCategoricalDicts` which is a list of pairs of type of `(column, value,unique_int)`. - Replaces each column with the appropriate value found in the mapping. ## Test Utils #### `carling.test_utils.pprint_equal_to` This module contains the `equal_to` function from apache beam, but adapted to output results using pretty print. Reading the results as a large, unformatted string makes it harder to pick out what changed/is missing. ## General Util #### `carling.LogSample` Print items of the given `PCollection` to the log. `LogSample` prints the JSON representations of the input items to the Python's standard logging system. To avoid too much log entries being printed, `LogSample` limits the number of logged items. The constructor parameter `n` determines the limit. By default, `LogSample` prints logs with the `INFO` log level. The constructor parameter `level` determines the level. #### `carling.ReifyMultiValueOption` Prepares multi-value delimited options. Useful in contexts where you want to create a multi-value option in a template environment. - inputs: - delimited string option - optional delimiter string (default is "|") * output: - Type: `PCollection[str]` %package -n python3-carling Summary: Useful transforms for supporting apache beam pipelines. Provides: python-carling BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-carling # Carling [![CI](https://github.com/mc-digital/carling/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/mc-digital/carling/actions?query=workflow%3ACI) [![versions](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/carling.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/carling/) [![pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/carling)](https://pypi.org/project/carling/) [![license](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/carling)](https://github.com/mc-digital/carling/blob/main/LICENSE) Via [Wikipedia](): > Carlings are pieces of timber laid fore and aft under the deck of a ship, from one beam to another. > They serve as a foundation for the whole body of the ship. Useful transforms for supporting our apache beam pipelines. ## Mapping transform utils #### `carling.Label` Labels all elements. #### `carling.Select` Removes all columns which are not specified in `*keys`. #### `carling.Project` Transforms each element into a tuple of values of the specified columns. #### `carling.IndexBy` Transforms each element `V` into a tuple `(K, V)`. `K` is the projection of `V` by `*keys`, which is equal to the tuple produced by the `Project` transform. #### `carling.Stringify` Transforms each element into its JSON representation. #### `carling.IndexBySingle` Transforms each element `V` into a tuple `(K, V)`. The difference between `IndexBySingle(key)` and `IndexBy(key)` with a single key is as follows: - `IndexBySingle` produces the index as a plain value. - `IndexBy` produces the index as a single-element tuple. #### `carling.RenameFromTo` Rename columns according to `from_to_key_mapping`. #### `carling.Exclude` Removes all columns specified in `*keys`. ## Grouping transform utils Generic grouping transform utils #### `carling.UniqueOnly` Produces elements that are the only elements per key after deduplication. Given a `PCollection` of `(K, V)`, this transform produces the collection of all `V`s that do not share the same corresponding `K`s with any other elements after deduplicating all equivalent `(K, V)` pairs. This transform is equivalent to `SingletonOnly` with `apache_beam.Distinct`. `[(1, "A"), (2, "B1"), (2, "B2"), (3, "C"), (3, "C"), (4, "A")]` will be transformed into `["A", "C", "A"]`. #### `carling.SingletonOnly` Produces elements that are the only elements per key. Given a `PCollection` of `(K, V)`, this transform produces the collection of all `V`s that do not share the same corresponding `K`s with any other elements. `[(1, "A"), (2, "B1"), (2, "B2"), (3, "C"), (3, "C"), (4, "A")]` will be transformed into `["A", "A"]`. #### `carling.Intersection` Produces the intersection of given `PCollection`s. Given a list of `PCollection`s, this transform produces every element that appears in all collections of the list. Elements are deduplicated before taking the intersection. #### `carling.FilterByKey` Filters elements by their keys. The constructor receives one or more `PCollection`s of `K`s, which are regarded as key lists. Given a `PCollection` of `(K, V)`, this transform discards all elements with `K`s that do not appear in the key lists. If multiple collections are given to the constructor, this transform treats the intersection of them as the key list. #### `carling.FilterByKeyUsingSideInput` Filters a single collection by a single lookup collection, using a common key. Given: - a `PCollection` (lookup_entries) of `(V)`, as a lookup collection - a `PCollection` (pcoll) of `(V)`, as values to be filtered - a common key (filter_key) A dictionary called `filter_dict` - is created by mapping the value of `filter_key` for each entry in `lookup_entries` to True. Then, for each item in pcoll, the value associated with `filter_key` checkd against `filter_dict`, and if it is found, the entry passes through. Otherwise, the entry is discarded. Note: `lookup_entries` will be used as a **side input**, so care must be taken regarding the size of the `lookup_entries` #### `carling.DifferencePerKey` Produces the difference per key between two `PCollection`s. Given two `PCollection`s of `V`, this transform indexes the collections by the specified keys `primary_keys`, compares corresponding two `V` lists for every `K`, and produces the difference per `K`. If there is no difference, this transform produces nothing. Two `V` lists are considered to be different if the numbers of elements differ or two elements of the lists with a same index differ at one of the specified columns `columns`. #### `carling.SortedSelectPerKey` - Groups items by a set of `keys` -- column names per row - Emits the "MAX" _value_ for each collection as defined by the `key_fn` - Can emit "MIN" by passing `reverse=True` kwarg #### `carling.PartitionRowsContainingNone` Emits two tagged PCollections: - Default (`result[None]`): Rows are guaranteed not to have any `None` values - `result["contains_none"]`: Rows for which at least one column had a `None` value ## Categorical #### `carling.CreateCategoricalDicts` For a set of columnular data inputs this function takes: - cat_cols: Type: `[str]` An array of "categorical" columns - existing_dicts: Type: `PCollection[(string, string, int)]` Rows of tuples of type: (column, previously_seen_value, mapped_unique_int) Mapping a set of "previously seen" keys to unique int values for each column. Not optional. If none exist, pass an empty PCollection. It then creates a transform which takes a pcollection and - looks at the input pcoll for unseen values in each categorical column - creates new unique integers for each distinct unseen value, starting at max(previous value for column)+1 - ammends the existing mappings with (col, unseen_value, new_unique_int) Output is: - Type: `PCollection[(string, string, int)]` This is useful for preparing data to be trained by eg. LightGBM #### `carling.ReplaceCategoricalColumns` - Utilizes the "categorical dictionary rows" generated by `CreateCategoricalDicts` which is a list of pairs of type of `(column, value,unique_int)`. - Replaces each column with the appropriate value found in the mapping. ## Test Utils #### `carling.test_utils.pprint_equal_to` This module contains the `equal_to` function from apache beam, but adapted to output results using pretty print. Reading the results as a large, unformatted string makes it harder to pick out what changed/is missing. ## General Util #### `carling.LogSample` Print items of the given `PCollection` to the log. `LogSample` prints the JSON representations of the input items to the Python's standard logging system. To avoid too much log entries being printed, `LogSample` limits the number of logged items. The constructor parameter `n` determines the limit. By default, `LogSample` prints logs with the `INFO` log level. The constructor parameter `level` determines the level. #### `carling.ReifyMultiValueOption` Prepares multi-value delimited options. Useful in contexts where you want to create a multi-value option in a template environment. - inputs: - delimited string option - optional delimiter string (default is "|") * output: - Type: `PCollection[str]` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for carling Provides: python3-carling-doc %description help # Carling [![CI](https://github.com/mc-digital/carling/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/mc-digital/carling/actions?query=workflow%3ACI) [![versions](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/carling.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/carling/) [![pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/carling)](https://pypi.org/project/carling/) [![license](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/carling)](https://github.com/mc-digital/carling/blob/main/LICENSE) Via [Wikipedia](): > Carlings are pieces of timber laid fore and aft under the deck of a ship, from one beam to another. > They serve as a foundation for the whole body of the ship. Useful transforms for supporting our apache beam pipelines. ## Mapping transform utils #### `carling.Label` Labels all elements. #### `carling.Select` Removes all columns which are not specified in `*keys`. #### `carling.Project` Transforms each element into a tuple of values of the specified columns. #### `carling.IndexBy` Transforms each element `V` into a tuple `(K, V)`. `K` is the projection of `V` by `*keys`, which is equal to the tuple produced by the `Project` transform. #### `carling.Stringify` Transforms each element into its JSON representation. #### `carling.IndexBySingle` Transforms each element `V` into a tuple `(K, V)`. The difference between `IndexBySingle(key)` and `IndexBy(key)` with a single key is as follows: - `IndexBySingle` produces the index as a plain value. - `IndexBy` produces the index as a single-element tuple. #### `carling.RenameFromTo` Rename columns according to `from_to_key_mapping`. #### `carling.Exclude` Removes all columns specified in `*keys`. ## Grouping transform utils Generic grouping transform utils #### `carling.UniqueOnly` Produces elements that are the only elements per key after deduplication. Given a `PCollection` of `(K, V)`, this transform produces the collection of all `V`s that do not share the same corresponding `K`s with any other elements after deduplicating all equivalent `(K, V)` pairs. This transform is equivalent to `SingletonOnly` with `apache_beam.Distinct`. `[(1, "A"), (2, "B1"), (2, "B2"), (3, "C"), (3, "C"), (4, "A")]` will be transformed into `["A", "C", "A"]`. #### `carling.SingletonOnly` Produces elements that are the only elements per key. Given a `PCollection` of `(K, V)`, this transform produces the collection of all `V`s that do not share the same corresponding `K`s with any other elements. `[(1, "A"), (2, "B1"), (2, "B2"), (3, "C"), (3, "C"), (4, "A")]` will be transformed into `["A", "A"]`. #### `carling.Intersection` Produces the intersection of given `PCollection`s. Given a list of `PCollection`s, this transform produces every element that appears in all collections of the list. Elements are deduplicated before taking the intersection. #### `carling.FilterByKey` Filters elements by their keys. The constructor receives one or more `PCollection`s of `K`s, which are regarded as key lists. Given a `PCollection` of `(K, V)`, this transform discards all elements with `K`s that do not appear in the key lists. If multiple collections are given to the constructor, this transform treats the intersection of them as the key list. #### `carling.FilterByKeyUsingSideInput` Filters a single collection by a single lookup collection, using a common key. Given: - a `PCollection` (lookup_entries) of `(V)`, as a lookup collection - a `PCollection` (pcoll) of `(V)`, as values to be filtered - a common key (filter_key) A dictionary called `filter_dict` - is created by mapping the value of `filter_key` for each entry in `lookup_entries` to True. Then, for each item in pcoll, the value associated with `filter_key` checkd against `filter_dict`, and if it is found, the entry passes through. Otherwise, the entry is discarded. Note: `lookup_entries` will be used as a **side input**, so care must be taken regarding the size of the `lookup_entries` #### `carling.DifferencePerKey` Produces the difference per key between two `PCollection`s. Given two `PCollection`s of `V`, this transform indexes the collections by the specified keys `primary_keys`, compares corresponding two `V` lists for every `K`, and produces the difference per `K`. If there is no difference, this transform produces nothing. Two `V` lists are considered to be different if the numbers of elements differ or two elements of the lists with a same index differ at one of the specified columns `columns`. #### `carling.SortedSelectPerKey` - Groups items by a set of `keys` -- column names per row - Emits the "MAX" _value_ for each collection as defined by the `key_fn` - Can emit "MIN" by passing `reverse=True` kwarg #### `carling.PartitionRowsContainingNone` Emits two tagged PCollections: - Default (`result[None]`): Rows are guaranteed not to have any `None` values - `result["contains_none"]`: Rows for which at least one column had a `None` value ## Categorical #### `carling.CreateCategoricalDicts` For a set of columnular data inputs this function takes: - cat_cols: Type: `[str]` An array of "categorical" columns - existing_dicts: Type: `PCollection[(string, string, int)]` Rows of tuples of type: (column, previously_seen_value, mapped_unique_int) Mapping a set of "previously seen" keys to unique int values for each column. Not optional. If none exist, pass an empty PCollection. It then creates a transform which takes a pcollection and - looks at the input pcoll for unseen values in each categorical column - creates new unique integers for each distinct unseen value, starting at max(previous value for column)+1 - ammends the existing mappings with (col, unseen_value, new_unique_int) Output is: - Type: `PCollection[(string, string, int)]` This is useful for preparing data to be trained by eg. LightGBM #### `carling.ReplaceCategoricalColumns` - Utilizes the "categorical dictionary rows" generated by `CreateCategoricalDicts` which is a list of pairs of type of `(column, value,unique_int)`. - Replaces each column with the appropriate value found in the mapping. ## Test Utils #### `carling.test_utils.pprint_equal_to` This module contains the `equal_to` function from apache beam, but adapted to output results using pretty print. Reading the results as a large, unformatted string makes it harder to pick out what changed/is missing. ## General Util #### `carling.LogSample` Print items of the given `PCollection` to the log. `LogSample` prints the JSON representations of the input items to the Python's standard logging system. To avoid too much log entries being printed, `LogSample` limits the number of logged items. The constructor parameter `n` determines the limit. By default, `LogSample` prints logs with the `INFO` log level. The constructor parameter `level` determines the level. #### `carling.ReifyMultiValueOption` Prepares multi-value delimited options. Useful in contexts where you want to create a multi-value option in a template environment. - inputs: - delimited string option - optional delimiter string (default is "|") * output: - Type: `PCollection[str]` %prep %autosetup -n carling-0.3.5 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-carling -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Wed May 10 2023 Python_Bot - 0.3.5-1 - Package Spec generated