%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-spotinst-sdk2
Version: 2.1.34
Release: 1
Summary: A Python SDK for Spotinst
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/spotinst/spotinst-sdk-python
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/83/d5/3368debfc6431d92f1eb9a891485706765108f5ecc2fffeb0fab408cd6bc/spotinst-sdk2-2.1.34.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
# Spotinst SDK Python
The official Spotinst SDK for the Python programming language.
## Version 2
The new Spotinst Python SDK comes with a few breaking changes but do not fear, here we will explain all you need to know to make sure you can go right back in buisness in no time.
- There is no longer the `SpotinstClient()` class which was used to validate your credentials and make requests all in one
- Now there is the `SpotinstSession()` class which is used to validate credentials. [Configure Session Docs](#Configuring-Session)
- From the session object you can create client objects which correlate to specific Spotinst Services and are used to make requests. [Setup Clients Docs](#Setup-Clients)
- Some methods required you to pass in a Model object
Here is a basic example of how to create an Ocean cluster using the Ocean Client and the Ocean Models
from spotinst_sdk2 import SpotinstSession
from spotinst_sdk2.models.ocean.aws import *
session = SpotinstSession()
client = session.client("ocean_aws")
################ Compute ################
launch_specification = LaunchSpecifications(security_group_ids=["sg-12345"],
image_id="ami-12345", key_pair="Noam-key")
instance_types = InstanceTypes(whitelist=["c4.8xlarge"])
compute = Compute(instance_types=instance_types,
subnet_ids=["subnet-1234"], launch_specification=launch_specification)
################ Strategy ################
strategy = Strategy(utilize_reserved_instances=False, fallback_to_od=True, spot_percentage=100)
################ Capacity ################
capacity = Capacity(minimum=0, maximum=0, target=0)
################# Ocean #################
ocean = Ocean(name="Ocean SDK Test", controller_cluster_id="ocean.k8s",
region="us-west-2", capacity=capacity, strategy=strategy, compute=compute)
In the [SDK Client documentation](./docs/clients/) you can view what methods are supported by each client.
For information on what models are supported checkout the [SDK Model documentation](./docs/models/).
More examples can be found in the [SDK Examples Documentation](./docs/examples/).
## Table of Contents
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Setup Clients](#setup-clients)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Getting Help](#getting-help)
- [Community](#community)
- [License](#license)
## Installation
pip install --upgrade spotinst-sdk2
## Authentication
The mechanism in which the SDK looks for credentials is to search through a list of possible locations and stop as soon as it finds credentials. The order in which the SDK searches for credentials is:
1. Passing credentials as parameters when creating a `SpotinstSession` object:
session = SpotinstSession(auth_token='foo', account_id='bar')
2. Environment variables:
3. Shared credentials file:
- The shared credentials file has a default location of `~/.spotinst/credentials`. This file is an INI formatted file with section names corresponding to profiles. With each section, two configuration variables can be specified: `token`, `account`. These are the only supported values in the shared credential file.
- Below is a minimal example of the shared credentials file:
token = foo
account = bar
- The shared credentials file also supports the concept of profiles. Profiles represent logical groups of configuration. The shared credential file can have multiple profiles:
token = foo
account = bar
token = foo2
account = bar2
token = foo3
account = bar3
- You can configure your Spot credentials using the `spotctl configure` command. For more information, see the `spotctl` [Getting Started](https://github.com/spotinst/spotctl#getting-started).
- To maintain compatibility with previous SDK versions, the file can also be in YAML format:
token: foo
account: bar
token: foo2
account: bar2
token: foo3
account: bar3
- You can change the location of the credentials file and the profile used by setting the `SPOTINST_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE` and/or `SPOTINST_PROFILE` environment variables:
export SPOTINST_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/path/to/credentials_file
- Passing the credentials file location and the profile used as parameters when creating a `SpotinstSession` object:
session = SpotinstSession(credentials_file='/path/to/credentials_file', profile='dev')
## Setup Clients
After a session is created you can use the session object to create clients. Clients are used to make request to the different services that Spotinsts has to offer. To create a client simply use the method `client` from the session object and pass in the string of the client you wish to create. Here is an example:
session = SpotinstSession()
eg_client = session.client("elastigroup_aws")
ocean_client = session.client("ocean")
Take note you can create more than one client with the session. The currently supported clients are
### Client Options
- `session.client("admin")`
- `session.client("setup_aws")`
- `session.client("setup_azure")`
- `session.client("setup_gcp")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_aws")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_azure")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_azure_v3")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_gcp")`
- `session.client("mcs")`
- `session.client("mrScaler_aws")`
- `session.client("ocean_aws")`
- `session.client("subscription")`
- `session.client("managed_instance_aws")`
- `session.client("stateful_node_azure")`
A full list of endpoints and clients can be found in the documentation [here](./docs/clients/).
## Documentation
For a comprehensive documentation, check out the [API documentation](https://help.spot.io/).
## Getting Help
We use GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests. Please use these community resources for getting help:
- Ask a question on [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/) and tag it with [spotinst-sdk-python](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/spotinst-sdk-python/).
- Join our Spotinst community on [Slack](http://slack.spot.io/).
- Open an [issue](https://github.com/spotinst/spotinst-sdk-python/issues/new/).
## Community
- [Slack](http://slack.spot.io/)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/spot_hq/)
## License
Code is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](LICENSE). See [NOTICE.md](NOTICE.md) for complete details, including software and third-party licenses and permissions.
%package -n python3-spotinst-sdk2
Summary: A Python SDK for Spotinst
Provides: python-spotinst-sdk2
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-spotinst-sdk2
# Spotinst SDK Python
The official Spotinst SDK for the Python programming language.
## Version 2
The new Spotinst Python SDK comes with a few breaking changes but do not fear, here we will explain all you need to know to make sure you can go right back in buisness in no time.
- There is no longer the `SpotinstClient()` class which was used to validate your credentials and make requests all in one
- Now there is the `SpotinstSession()` class which is used to validate credentials. [Configure Session Docs](#Configuring-Session)
- From the session object you can create client objects which correlate to specific Spotinst Services and are used to make requests. [Setup Clients Docs](#Setup-Clients)
- Some methods required you to pass in a Model object
Here is a basic example of how to create an Ocean cluster using the Ocean Client and the Ocean Models
from spotinst_sdk2 import SpotinstSession
from spotinst_sdk2.models.ocean.aws import *
session = SpotinstSession()
client = session.client("ocean_aws")
################ Compute ################
launch_specification = LaunchSpecifications(security_group_ids=["sg-12345"],
image_id="ami-12345", key_pair="Noam-key")
instance_types = InstanceTypes(whitelist=["c4.8xlarge"])
compute = Compute(instance_types=instance_types,
subnet_ids=["subnet-1234"], launch_specification=launch_specification)
################ Strategy ################
strategy = Strategy(utilize_reserved_instances=False, fallback_to_od=True, spot_percentage=100)
################ Capacity ################
capacity = Capacity(minimum=0, maximum=0, target=0)
################# Ocean #################
ocean = Ocean(name="Ocean SDK Test", controller_cluster_id="ocean.k8s",
region="us-west-2", capacity=capacity, strategy=strategy, compute=compute)
In the [SDK Client documentation](./docs/clients/) you can view what methods are supported by each client.
For information on what models are supported checkout the [SDK Model documentation](./docs/models/).
More examples can be found in the [SDK Examples Documentation](./docs/examples/).
## Table of Contents
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Setup Clients](#setup-clients)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Getting Help](#getting-help)
- [Community](#community)
- [License](#license)
## Installation
pip install --upgrade spotinst-sdk2
## Authentication
The mechanism in which the SDK looks for credentials is to search through a list of possible locations and stop as soon as it finds credentials. The order in which the SDK searches for credentials is:
1. Passing credentials as parameters when creating a `SpotinstSession` object:
session = SpotinstSession(auth_token='foo', account_id='bar')
2. Environment variables:
3. Shared credentials file:
- The shared credentials file has a default location of `~/.spotinst/credentials`. This file is an INI formatted file with section names corresponding to profiles. With each section, two configuration variables can be specified: `token`, `account`. These are the only supported values in the shared credential file.
- Below is a minimal example of the shared credentials file:
token = foo
account = bar
- The shared credentials file also supports the concept of profiles. Profiles represent logical groups of configuration. The shared credential file can have multiple profiles:
token = foo
account = bar
token = foo2
account = bar2
token = foo3
account = bar3
- You can configure your Spot credentials using the `spotctl configure` command. For more information, see the `spotctl` [Getting Started](https://github.com/spotinst/spotctl#getting-started).
- To maintain compatibility with previous SDK versions, the file can also be in YAML format:
token: foo
account: bar
token: foo2
account: bar2
token: foo3
account: bar3
- You can change the location of the credentials file and the profile used by setting the `SPOTINST_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE` and/or `SPOTINST_PROFILE` environment variables:
export SPOTINST_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/path/to/credentials_file
- Passing the credentials file location and the profile used as parameters when creating a `SpotinstSession` object:
session = SpotinstSession(credentials_file='/path/to/credentials_file', profile='dev')
## Setup Clients
After a session is created you can use the session object to create clients. Clients are used to make request to the different services that Spotinsts has to offer. To create a client simply use the method `client` from the session object and pass in the string of the client you wish to create. Here is an example:
session = SpotinstSession()
eg_client = session.client("elastigroup_aws")
ocean_client = session.client("ocean")
Take note you can create more than one client with the session. The currently supported clients are
### Client Options
- `session.client("admin")`
- `session.client("setup_aws")`
- `session.client("setup_azure")`
- `session.client("setup_gcp")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_aws")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_azure")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_azure_v3")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_gcp")`
- `session.client("mcs")`
- `session.client("mrScaler_aws")`
- `session.client("ocean_aws")`
- `session.client("subscription")`
- `session.client("managed_instance_aws")`
- `session.client("stateful_node_azure")`
A full list of endpoints and clients can be found in the documentation [here](./docs/clients/).
## Documentation
For a comprehensive documentation, check out the [API documentation](https://help.spot.io/).
## Getting Help
We use GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests. Please use these community resources for getting help:
- Ask a question on [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/) and tag it with [spotinst-sdk-python](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/spotinst-sdk-python/).
- Join our Spotinst community on [Slack](http://slack.spot.io/).
- Open an [issue](https://github.com/spotinst/spotinst-sdk-python/issues/new/).
## Community
- [Slack](http://slack.spot.io/)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/spot_hq/)
## License
Code is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](LICENSE). See [NOTICE.md](NOTICE.md) for complete details, including software and third-party licenses and permissions.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for spotinst-sdk2
Provides: python3-spotinst-sdk2-doc
%description help
# Spotinst SDK Python
The official Spotinst SDK for the Python programming language.
## Version 2
The new Spotinst Python SDK comes with a few breaking changes but do not fear, here we will explain all you need to know to make sure you can go right back in buisness in no time.
- There is no longer the `SpotinstClient()` class which was used to validate your credentials and make requests all in one
- Now there is the `SpotinstSession()` class which is used to validate credentials. [Configure Session Docs](#Configuring-Session)
- From the session object you can create client objects which correlate to specific Spotinst Services and are used to make requests. [Setup Clients Docs](#Setup-Clients)
- Some methods required you to pass in a Model object
Here is a basic example of how to create an Ocean cluster using the Ocean Client and the Ocean Models
from spotinst_sdk2 import SpotinstSession
from spotinst_sdk2.models.ocean.aws import *
session = SpotinstSession()
client = session.client("ocean_aws")
################ Compute ################
launch_specification = LaunchSpecifications(security_group_ids=["sg-12345"],
image_id="ami-12345", key_pair="Noam-key")
instance_types = InstanceTypes(whitelist=["c4.8xlarge"])
compute = Compute(instance_types=instance_types,
subnet_ids=["subnet-1234"], launch_specification=launch_specification)
################ Strategy ################
strategy = Strategy(utilize_reserved_instances=False, fallback_to_od=True, spot_percentage=100)
################ Capacity ################
capacity = Capacity(minimum=0, maximum=0, target=0)
################# Ocean #################
ocean = Ocean(name="Ocean SDK Test", controller_cluster_id="ocean.k8s",
region="us-west-2", capacity=capacity, strategy=strategy, compute=compute)
In the [SDK Client documentation](./docs/clients/) you can view what methods are supported by each client.
For information on what models are supported checkout the [SDK Model documentation](./docs/models/).
More examples can be found in the [SDK Examples Documentation](./docs/examples/).
## Table of Contents
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Setup Clients](#setup-clients)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Getting Help](#getting-help)
- [Community](#community)
- [License](#license)
## Installation
pip install --upgrade spotinst-sdk2
## Authentication
The mechanism in which the SDK looks for credentials is to search through a list of possible locations and stop as soon as it finds credentials. The order in which the SDK searches for credentials is:
1. Passing credentials as parameters when creating a `SpotinstSession` object:
session = SpotinstSession(auth_token='foo', account_id='bar')
2. Environment variables:
3. Shared credentials file:
- The shared credentials file has a default location of `~/.spotinst/credentials`. This file is an INI formatted file with section names corresponding to profiles. With each section, two configuration variables can be specified: `token`, `account`. These are the only supported values in the shared credential file.
- Below is a minimal example of the shared credentials file:
token = foo
account = bar
- The shared credentials file also supports the concept of profiles. Profiles represent logical groups of configuration. The shared credential file can have multiple profiles:
token = foo
account = bar
token = foo2
account = bar2
token = foo3
account = bar3
- You can configure your Spot credentials using the `spotctl configure` command. For more information, see the `spotctl` [Getting Started](https://github.com/spotinst/spotctl#getting-started).
- To maintain compatibility with previous SDK versions, the file can also be in YAML format:
token: foo
account: bar
token: foo2
account: bar2
token: foo3
account: bar3
- You can change the location of the credentials file and the profile used by setting the `SPOTINST_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE` and/or `SPOTINST_PROFILE` environment variables:
export SPOTINST_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/path/to/credentials_file
- Passing the credentials file location and the profile used as parameters when creating a `SpotinstSession` object:
session = SpotinstSession(credentials_file='/path/to/credentials_file', profile='dev')
## Setup Clients
After a session is created you can use the session object to create clients. Clients are used to make request to the different services that Spotinsts has to offer. To create a client simply use the method `client` from the session object and pass in the string of the client you wish to create. Here is an example:
session = SpotinstSession()
eg_client = session.client("elastigroup_aws")
ocean_client = session.client("ocean")
Take note you can create more than one client with the session. The currently supported clients are
### Client Options
- `session.client("admin")`
- `session.client("setup_aws")`
- `session.client("setup_azure")`
- `session.client("setup_gcp")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_aws")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_azure")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_azure_v3")`
- `session.client("elastigroup_gcp")`
- `session.client("mcs")`
- `session.client("mrScaler_aws")`
- `session.client("ocean_aws")`
- `session.client("subscription")`
- `session.client("managed_instance_aws")`
- `session.client("stateful_node_azure")`
A full list of endpoints and clients can be found in the documentation [here](./docs/clients/).
## Documentation
For a comprehensive documentation, check out the [API documentation](https://help.spot.io/).
## Getting Help
We use GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests. Please use these community resources for getting help:
- Ask a question on [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/) and tag it with [spotinst-sdk-python](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/spotinst-sdk-python/).
- Join our Spotinst community on [Slack](http://slack.spot.io/).
- Open an [issue](https://github.com/spotinst/spotinst-sdk-python/issues/new/).
## Community
- [Slack](http://slack.spot.io/)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/spot_hq/)
## License
Code is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](LICENSE). See [NOTICE.md](NOTICE.md) for complete details, including software and third-party licenses and permissions.
%autosetup -n spotinst-sdk2-2.1.34
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* Mon May 15 2023 Python_Bot - 2.1.34-1
- Package Spec generated