%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-chaostoolkit-toxiproxy Version: 0.3.1 Release: 1 Summary: Chaos Toolkit Extension for managing toxiproxy from an experiment License: Apache License Version 2.0 URL: http://chaostoolkit.org Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/65/7c/89fce3b233666d2a8d12bfdfbf76276a89b1fa8d14770ff58705ad6fcc8d/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy-0.3.1.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-chaostoolkit-lib Requires: python3-requests Requires: python3-logzero Requires: python3-wheel %description # Chaos Toolkit Driver for Toxiproxy [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/chaostoolkit-incubator/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/chaostoolkit-incubator/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy) [![Python versions](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy.svg)](https://www.python.org/) Welcome to the [Chaos Toolkit][chaostoolkit] driver for [Toxiproxy][toxiproxy]! This extension allows you to setup toxy proxy probes and methods from chaostoolkit by leveraging the toxyproxy [http management api](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy#http-api). [toxiproxy]: https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy [chaostoolkit]: http://chaostoolkit.org ## Install 1. Install the [Toxiproxy base client](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy/releases) 2. Install the [Toxiproxy CLI](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy/releases) ### Driver This package requires Python 3.5+ To be used from your experiment, this package must be installed in the Python environment where [chaostoolkit][] already lives. ``` $ pip install -U chaostoolkit-toxiproxy ``` ## Usage ### Configuration First, run the Toxiproxy base client locally to create a `localhost:8474` host on your computer. Then [create a proxy](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy#2-populating-toxiproxy). Next, to start using the actions and probes all you need to do is add the toxiproxy host with "toxiproxy_host" as the key, and optionally the port with "toxiproxy_port" as the key, to the configuration section in your experiment json. If not provided the port defaults to 8474. Alternatively, if toxiproxy api is accessible using a reverse proxy, you can use `toxiproxy_url` setting. Example using `toxiproxy_host` in experiment.json ```json "configuration": { "toxiproxy_host" : "", "some_environment_variable": { "type": "environment", "key": "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" } }, ``` Example using `toxiproxy_url` in experiment.json ```json "configuration": { "toxiproxy_url" : "http://mydomain.com:8080/path-to-toxiproxy-api", "some_environment_variable": { "type": "environment", "key": "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" } }, ``` This extension follows the toxiproxy rules. A proxy is the channel where toxicity can be added. For this reason the extension is broken into proxy management and toxic management. All actions and probes in the extension are of python type and are used like any other python extension. ### Proxy actions #### create_proxy Creates a proxy to which toxics can be added. In toxiproxy a listen port of value 0 tells the API to assign a random available port. The value where the proxy is listenting will be attached to the **chaostoolkit configuration object** as *\_PORT*. Should the creation of the proxy fail, an assertion error is raised stopping all subsequent actions. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy|Yes|None| |upstream_host|ip address of the host to send traffic to|Yes|None| |upstream_port|port of the application to send traffic to|Yes|None| |listen_host| IP address to bind where toxiproxy listens|No|| |listen_port|port to listen for requests, 0 means pick random value|No|0| |enabled| Whether to start listening or not|No|True| #### modify_proxy Modify the configuration of a given proxy. Useful to change the upstream configiuration. Only arguments supplied result in modification of the proxy. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy|Yes|None| |listen_addres|ip:port address to modify|No|None| |upstream_addres|ip:port of the upstream|No|None| |enabled| Toggle enabled/disabled state|No|None| #### disable_proxy Disables the proxy, this is useful to simulate a proxied service being down. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy to disable|Yes|None| #### enable_proxy Enables a disabled proxy. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy to enable|Yes|None| #### delete_proxy Removes the proxy from the system. Example usage ```json "method": [ { "type": "action", "name": "setup_toxiproxy_proxy", "provider": { "type": "python", "module": "chaostoxi.proxy.actions", "func": "create_proxy", "arguments": { "proxy_name": "myproxy", "listen_port" : 6666, "upstream_host" : "", "upstream_port" : 6040 } }, "pauses": { "after": 1 } } ] ``` #### reset Enable all proxies and remove all active toxics. Example usage: ```json "method": [ { "type": "action", "name": "reset all proxies", "provider": { "type": "python", "module": "chaostoxi.proxy.actions", "func": "reset" }, "pauses": { "after": 1 } } ] ``` ### Proxy pobes #### proxy_exist Returns True of False if a given proxy exists. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy|Yes|None| ### Toxic actions All actions provided by this extension match the types and attributes of [toxics](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy#toxics). #### create\_toxic Allows you to create any of the supported types of toxics with their attributes. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_type|A valid toxic type|Yes|None| |stream| The direction of the toxic "upstream" or "downstream"|No|downstream| |toxicity|Percentage of toxiciy 1.0 is 100%, 0.5 is 50% etc| No| 1.0| |attributes|Dictionary of attributes for the type of toxic|No|None| #### create\_latency\_toxic Add a delay to all data going through the proxy using a downstream with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |latency| time in milliseconds to add for latency| Yes|None| |jitter| time in milliseconds to jitter|No|0 #### create\_bandwith\_degradation\_toxic Limit the bandwith of a downstream connection with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |rate| desired bandwith rate in KB/s| Yes|None| #### create\_slow\_connection\_close\_toxic Generate as downstream delayed TCP close with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |delay| desired close delay in milliseconds| Yes|None| #### create\_slicer\_toxic Slices TCP data up into small bits, optionally adding a delay between each sliced "packet" with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |average_size| size in bytes for the average package| Yes|None| |size_variation| variation in bytes of an average pkg (should be smaller than average_size)|Yes|None |delay| time in microseconds to delay each packet by|Yes|None #### create\_limiter\_toxic Closes connections when transmitted data after the limit, sets it up as a dowsntream, 100% toxicity. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |bytes| number of bytes to transmit before connection is closed| Yes|None| #### delete\_toxic Deletes the a given toxic. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| Example usage: ```json "method": [ { "type": "action", "name": "create_latency_toxic", "provider": { "type": "python", "module": "toxiproxy.toxic.actions", "func": "create_dowsntream_latency_toxic", "arguments": { "for_proxy": "edsproxy", "toxic_name": "latency_toxic", "latency": 5000, "jitter": 200 } }, "pauses": { "after": 1 } } ] ``` ## Contribute If you wish to contribute more functions to this package, you are more than welcome to do so. Please, fork this project, make your changes following the usual [PEP 8][pep8] code style, sprinkling with tests and submit a PR for review. [pep8]: https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ The Chaos Toolkit projects require all contributors must sign a [Developer Certificate of Origin][dco] on each commit they would like to merge into the master branch of the repository. Please, make sure you can abide by the rules of the DCO before submitting a PR. [dco]: https://github.com/probot/dco#how-it-works ### Develop If you wish to develop on this project, make sure to install the development dependencies. But first, [create a virtual environment][venv] and then install those dependencies. [venv]: http://chaostoolkit.org/reference/usage/install/#create-a-virtual-environment ```console $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements.txt ``` Then, point your environment to this directory: ```console $ python setup.py develop ``` Now, you can edit the files and they will be automatically be seen by your environment, even when running from the `chaos` command locally. ### Test To run the unit tests for the project execute the following: ``` $ pytest ``` To run the integration tests for the project execute the following: ``` $ tox ``` %package -n python3-chaostoolkit-toxiproxy Summary: Chaos Toolkit Extension for managing toxiproxy from an experiment Provides: python-chaostoolkit-toxiproxy BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-chaostoolkit-toxiproxy # Chaos Toolkit Driver for Toxiproxy [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/chaostoolkit-incubator/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/chaostoolkit-incubator/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy) [![Python versions](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy.svg)](https://www.python.org/) Welcome to the [Chaos Toolkit][chaostoolkit] driver for [Toxiproxy][toxiproxy]! This extension allows you to setup toxy proxy probes and methods from chaostoolkit by leveraging the toxyproxy [http management api](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy#http-api). [toxiproxy]: https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy [chaostoolkit]: http://chaostoolkit.org ## Install 1. Install the [Toxiproxy base client](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy/releases) 2. Install the [Toxiproxy CLI](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy/releases) ### Driver This package requires Python 3.5+ To be used from your experiment, this package must be installed in the Python environment where [chaostoolkit][] already lives. ``` $ pip install -U chaostoolkit-toxiproxy ``` ## Usage ### Configuration First, run the Toxiproxy base client locally to create a `localhost:8474` host on your computer. Then [create a proxy](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy#2-populating-toxiproxy). Next, to start using the actions and probes all you need to do is add the toxiproxy host with "toxiproxy_host" as the key, and optionally the port with "toxiproxy_port" as the key, to the configuration section in your experiment json. If not provided the port defaults to 8474. Alternatively, if toxiproxy api is accessible using a reverse proxy, you can use `toxiproxy_url` setting. Example using `toxiproxy_host` in experiment.json ```json "configuration": { "toxiproxy_host" : "", "some_environment_variable": { "type": "environment", "key": "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" } }, ``` Example using `toxiproxy_url` in experiment.json ```json "configuration": { "toxiproxy_url" : "http://mydomain.com:8080/path-to-toxiproxy-api", "some_environment_variable": { "type": "environment", "key": "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" } }, ``` This extension follows the toxiproxy rules. A proxy is the channel where toxicity can be added. For this reason the extension is broken into proxy management and toxic management. All actions and probes in the extension are of python type and are used like any other python extension. ### Proxy actions #### create_proxy Creates a proxy to which toxics can be added. In toxiproxy a listen port of value 0 tells the API to assign a random available port. The value where the proxy is listenting will be attached to the **chaostoolkit configuration object** as *\_PORT*. Should the creation of the proxy fail, an assertion error is raised stopping all subsequent actions. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy|Yes|None| |upstream_host|ip address of the host to send traffic to|Yes|None| |upstream_port|port of the application to send traffic to|Yes|None| |listen_host| IP address to bind where toxiproxy listens|No|| |listen_port|port to listen for requests, 0 means pick random value|No|0| |enabled| Whether to start listening or not|No|True| #### modify_proxy Modify the configuration of a given proxy. Useful to change the upstream configiuration. Only arguments supplied result in modification of the proxy. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy|Yes|None| |listen_addres|ip:port address to modify|No|None| |upstream_addres|ip:port of the upstream|No|None| |enabled| Toggle enabled/disabled state|No|None| #### disable_proxy Disables the proxy, this is useful to simulate a proxied service being down. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy to disable|Yes|None| #### enable_proxy Enables a disabled proxy. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy to enable|Yes|None| #### delete_proxy Removes the proxy from the system. Example usage ```json "method": [ { "type": "action", "name": "setup_toxiproxy_proxy", "provider": { "type": "python", "module": "chaostoxi.proxy.actions", "func": "create_proxy", "arguments": { "proxy_name": "myproxy", "listen_port" : 6666, "upstream_host" : "", "upstream_port" : 6040 } }, "pauses": { "after": 1 } } ] ``` #### reset Enable all proxies and remove all active toxics. Example usage: ```json "method": [ { "type": "action", "name": "reset all proxies", "provider": { "type": "python", "module": "chaostoxi.proxy.actions", "func": "reset" }, "pauses": { "after": 1 } } ] ``` ### Proxy pobes #### proxy_exist Returns True of False if a given proxy exists. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy|Yes|None| ### Toxic actions All actions provided by this extension match the types and attributes of [toxics](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy#toxics). #### create\_toxic Allows you to create any of the supported types of toxics with their attributes. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_type|A valid toxic type|Yes|None| |stream| The direction of the toxic "upstream" or "downstream"|No|downstream| |toxicity|Percentage of toxiciy 1.0 is 100%, 0.5 is 50% etc| No| 1.0| |attributes|Dictionary of attributes for the type of toxic|No|None| #### create\_latency\_toxic Add a delay to all data going through the proxy using a downstream with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |latency| time in milliseconds to add for latency| Yes|None| |jitter| time in milliseconds to jitter|No|0 #### create\_bandwith\_degradation\_toxic Limit the bandwith of a downstream connection with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |rate| desired bandwith rate in KB/s| Yes|None| #### create\_slow\_connection\_close\_toxic Generate as downstream delayed TCP close with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |delay| desired close delay in milliseconds| Yes|None| #### create\_slicer\_toxic Slices TCP data up into small bits, optionally adding a delay between each sliced "packet" with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |average_size| size in bytes for the average package| Yes|None| |size_variation| variation in bytes of an average pkg (should be smaller than average_size)|Yes|None |delay| time in microseconds to delay each packet by|Yes|None #### create\_limiter\_toxic Closes connections when transmitted data after the limit, sets it up as a dowsntream, 100% toxicity. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |bytes| number of bytes to transmit before connection is closed| Yes|None| #### delete\_toxic Deletes the a given toxic. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| Example usage: ```json "method": [ { "type": "action", "name": "create_latency_toxic", "provider": { "type": "python", "module": "toxiproxy.toxic.actions", "func": "create_dowsntream_latency_toxic", "arguments": { "for_proxy": "edsproxy", "toxic_name": "latency_toxic", "latency": 5000, "jitter": 200 } }, "pauses": { "after": 1 } } ] ``` ## Contribute If you wish to contribute more functions to this package, you are more than welcome to do so. Please, fork this project, make your changes following the usual [PEP 8][pep8] code style, sprinkling with tests and submit a PR for review. [pep8]: https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ The Chaos Toolkit projects require all contributors must sign a [Developer Certificate of Origin][dco] on each commit they would like to merge into the master branch of the repository. Please, make sure you can abide by the rules of the DCO before submitting a PR. [dco]: https://github.com/probot/dco#how-it-works ### Develop If you wish to develop on this project, make sure to install the development dependencies. But first, [create a virtual environment][venv] and then install those dependencies. [venv]: http://chaostoolkit.org/reference/usage/install/#create-a-virtual-environment ```console $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements.txt ``` Then, point your environment to this directory: ```console $ python setup.py develop ``` Now, you can edit the files and they will be automatically be seen by your environment, even when running from the `chaos` command locally. ### Test To run the unit tests for the project execute the following: ``` $ pytest ``` To run the integration tests for the project execute the following: ``` $ tox ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for chaostoolkit-toxiproxy Provides: python3-chaostoolkit-toxiproxy-doc %description help # Chaos Toolkit Driver for Toxiproxy [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/chaostoolkit-incubator/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/chaostoolkit-incubator/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy) [![Python versions](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/chaostoolkit-toxiproxy.svg)](https://www.python.org/) Welcome to the [Chaos Toolkit][chaostoolkit] driver for [Toxiproxy][toxiproxy]! This extension allows you to setup toxy proxy probes and methods from chaostoolkit by leveraging the toxyproxy [http management api](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy#http-api). [toxiproxy]: https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy [chaostoolkit]: http://chaostoolkit.org ## Install 1. Install the [Toxiproxy base client](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy/releases) 2. Install the [Toxiproxy CLI](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy/releases) ### Driver This package requires Python 3.5+ To be used from your experiment, this package must be installed in the Python environment where [chaostoolkit][] already lives. ``` $ pip install -U chaostoolkit-toxiproxy ``` ## Usage ### Configuration First, run the Toxiproxy base client locally to create a `localhost:8474` host on your computer. Then [create a proxy](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy#2-populating-toxiproxy). Next, to start using the actions and probes all you need to do is add the toxiproxy host with "toxiproxy_host" as the key, and optionally the port with "toxiproxy_port" as the key, to the configuration section in your experiment json. If not provided the port defaults to 8474. Alternatively, if toxiproxy api is accessible using a reverse proxy, you can use `toxiproxy_url` setting. Example using `toxiproxy_host` in experiment.json ```json "configuration": { "toxiproxy_host" : "", "some_environment_variable": { "type": "environment", "key": "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" } }, ``` Example using `toxiproxy_url` in experiment.json ```json "configuration": { "toxiproxy_url" : "http://mydomain.com:8080/path-to-toxiproxy-api", "some_environment_variable": { "type": "environment", "key": "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" } }, ``` This extension follows the toxiproxy rules. A proxy is the channel where toxicity can be added. For this reason the extension is broken into proxy management and toxic management. All actions and probes in the extension are of python type and are used like any other python extension. ### Proxy actions #### create_proxy Creates a proxy to which toxics can be added. In toxiproxy a listen port of value 0 tells the API to assign a random available port. The value where the proxy is listenting will be attached to the **chaostoolkit configuration object** as *\_PORT*. Should the creation of the proxy fail, an assertion error is raised stopping all subsequent actions. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy|Yes|None| |upstream_host|ip address of the host to send traffic to|Yes|None| |upstream_port|port of the application to send traffic to|Yes|None| |listen_host| IP address to bind where toxiproxy listens|No|| |listen_port|port to listen for requests, 0 means pick random value|No|0| |enabled| Whether to start listening or not|No|True| #### modify_proxy Modify the configuration of a given proxy. Useful to change the upstream configiuration. Only arguments supplied result in modification of the proxy. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy|Yes|None| |listen_addres|ip:port address to modify|No|None| |upstream_addres|ip:port of the upstream|No|None| |enabled| Toggle enabled/disabled state|No|None| #### disable_proxy Disables the proxy, this is useful to simulate a proxied service being down. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy to disable|Yes|None| #### enable_proxy Enables a disabled proxy. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy to enable|Yes|None| #### delete_proxy Removes the proxy from the system. Example usage ```json "method": [ { "type": "action", "name": "setup_toxiproxy_proxy", "provider": { "type": "python", "module": "chaostoxi.proxy.actions", "func": "create_proxy", "arguments": { "proxy_name": "myproxy", "listen_port" : 6666, "upstream_host" : "", "upstream_port" : 6040 } }, "pauses": { "after": 1 } } ] ``` #### reset Enable all proxies and remove all active toxics. Example usage: ```json "method": [ { "type": "action", "name": "reset all proxies", "provider": { "type": "python", "module": "chaostoxi.proxy.actions", "func": "reset" }, "pauses": { "after": 1 } } ] ``` ### Proxy pobes #### proxy_exist Returns True of False if a given proxy exists. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |proxy_name|name for the proxy|Yes|None| ### Toxic actions All actions provided by this extension match the types and attributes of [toxics](https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy#toxics). #### create\_toxic Allows you to create any of the supported types of toxics with their attributes. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_type|A valid toxic type|Yes|None| |stream| The direction of the toxic "upstream" or "downstream"|No|downstream| |toxicity|Percentage of toxiciy 1.0 is 100%, 0.5 is 50% etc| No| 1.0| |attributes|Dictionary of attributes for the type of toxic|No|None| #### create\_latency\_toxic Add a delay to all data going through the proxy using a downstream with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |latency| time in milliseconds to add for latency| Yes|None| |jitter| time in milliseconds to jitter|No|0 #### create\_bandwith\_degradation\_toxic Limit the bandwith of a downstream connection with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |rate| desired bandwith rate in KB/s| Yes|None| #### create\_slow\_connection\_close\_toxic Generate as downstream delayed TCP close with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |delay| desired close delay in milliseconds| Yes|None| #### create\_slicer\_toxic Slices TCP data up into small bits, optionally adding a delay between each sliced "packet" with a toxicity of 100%. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |average_size| size in bytes for the average package| Yes|None| |size_variation| variation in bytes of an average pkg (should be smaller than average_size)|Yes|None |delay| time in microseconds to delay each packet by|Yes|None #### create\_limiter\_toxic Closes connections when transmitted data after the limit, sets it up as a dowsntream, 100% toxicity. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| |bytes| number of bytes to transmit before connection is closed| Yes|None| #### delete\_toxic Deletes the a given toxic. |Argument|Description|Required|Default| |--------|-----------|--------|-------| |for_proxy|name for the proxy to attach the toxy|Yes|None| |toxic_name|name for this toxy|Yes|None| Example usage: ```json "method": [ { "type": "action", "name": "create_latency_toxic", "provider": { "type": "python", "module": "toxiproxy.toxic.actions", "func": "create_dowsntream_latency_toxic", "arguments": { "for_proxy": "edsproxy", "toxic_name": "latency_toxic", "latency": 5000, "jitter": 200 } }, "pauses": { "after": 1 } } ] ``` ## Contribute If you wish to contribute more functions to this package, you are more than welcome to do so. Please, fork this project, make your changes following the usual [PEP 8][pep8] code style, sprinkling with tests and submit a PR for review. [pep8]: https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ The Chaos Toolkit projects require all contributors must sign a [Developer Certificate of Origin][dco] on each commit they would like to merge into the master branch of the repository. Please, make sure you can abide by the rules of the DCO before submitting a PR. [dco]: https://github.com/probot/dco#how-it-works ### Develop If you wish to develop on this project, make sure to install the development dependencies. But first, [create a virtual environment][venv] and then install those dependencies. [venv]: http://chaostoolkit.org/reference/usage/install/#create-a-virtual-environment ```console $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements.txt ``` Then, point your environment to this directory: ```console $ python setup.py develop ``` Now, you can edit the files and they will be automatically be seen by your environment, even when running from the `chaos` command locally. ### Test To run the unit tests for the project execute the following: ``` $ pytest ``` To run the integration tests for the project execute the following: ``` $ tox ``` %prep %autosetup -n chaostoolkit-toxiproxy-0.3.1 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-chaostoolkit-toxiproxy -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Mon May 15 2023 Python_Bot - 0.3.1-1 - Package Spec generated