%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-tesla-powerwall Version: 0.3.19 Release: 1 Summary: API for Tesla Powerwall License: MIT License URL: https://github.com/jrester/tesla_powerwall Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/63/58/27b4cf60a4255a47781297bfc7899f181b8bd2ae03d77486f59bcdec4702/tesla_powerwall-0.3.19.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description ![Licence](https://img.shields.io/github/license/jrester/tesla_powerwall?style=for-the-badge) ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/tesla_powerwall?color=blue&style=for-the-badge) ![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/tesla_powerwall?style=for-the-badge) Python Tesla Powerwall API for consuming a local endpoint. The API is by no means complete and mainly features methods which are considered to be of common use. If you feel like methods should be included you are welcome to open an Issue or create a Pull Request. > Note: This is not an official API provided by Tesla and not affilated in anyways with Tesla. Powerwall Software versions from 1.47.0 to 1.50.1 as well as 20.40 to 22.9.2 are tested, but others will probably work too. If you encounter an error regarding a change in the API of the Powerwall because your Powerwall has a different version than listed here please open an Issue to report this change so it can be fixed. # Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Setup](#setup) - [Authentication](#authentication) - [General](#general) - [Errors](#errors) - [Response](#response) - [Battery level](#battery-level) - [Capacity](#capacity) - [Battery Packs](#battery-packs) - [Powerwall Status](#powerwall-status) - [Sitemaster](#sitemaster) - [Siteinfo](#siteinfo) - [Meters](#meters) - [Aggregates](#aggregates) - [Current power supply/draw](#current-power-supplydraw) - [Energy exported/imported](#energy-exportedimported) - [Device Type](#device-type) - [Grid Status](#grid-status) - [Operation mode](#operation-mode) - [Powerwalls Serial Numbers](#powerwalls-serial-numbers) - [Gateway DIN](#gateway-din) - [VIN](#vin) - [Off-grid status](#off-grid-status-set-island-mode) ## Installation Install the library via pip: ```bash $ pip install tesla_powerwall ``` ## Usage For a basic Overview of the functionality of this library you can take a look at `examples/example.py`: ```bash $ export POWERWALL_IP= $ export POWERWALL_PASSWORD= $ python3 examples/example.py ``` ### Setup ```python from tesla_powerwall import Powerwall # Create a simple powerwall object by providing the IP powerwall = Powerwall("") #=> # Create a powerwall object with more options powerwall = Powerwall( endpoint="", # Configure timeout; default is 10 timeout=10, # Provide a requests.Session or None to have one created http_session=None, # Whether to verify the SSL certificate or not verify_ssl=False, disable_insecure_warning=True ) #=> ``` > Note: By default the API client does not verify the SSL certificate of the Powerwall. If you want to verify the SSL certificate you can set `verify_ssl` to `True`. > The API client suppresses warnings about an inseucre request (because we aren't verifing the certificate). If you want to enable those warnings you can set `disable_insecure_warning` to `False`. ### Authentication Since version 20.49.0 authentication is required for all methods. For that reason you must call `login` before making a request to the API. When you perform a request without being loggedin a `AccessDeniedError` will be thrown. To login you can either use `login` or `login_as`. `login` logs you in as `User.CUSTOMER` whereas with `login_as` you can choose a different user: ```python from tesla_powerwall import User # Login as customer without email # The default value for the email is "" powerwall.login("") #=> # Login as customer with email powerwall.login("", "") #=> # Login with different user powerwall.login_as(User.INSTALLER, "", "") #=> # Check if we are logged in # This method only checks wether a cookie with a Bearer token exists # It does not verify whether this token is valid powerwall.is_authenticated() #=> True # Logout powerwall.logout() ``` ### General The API object directly maps the REST endpoints with a python method in the form of `_`. So if you need the raw json responses you can use the API object. It can be either created manually or retrived from an existing `Powerwall`: ```python from tesla_powerwall import API # Manually create API object api = API('https:///') # Perform get on 'system_status/soe' api.get_system_status_soe() #=> {'percentage': 97.59281925744594} # From existing powerwall api = powerwall.get_api() api.get_system_status_soe() ``` The `Powerwall` objet provides a wrapper around the API and exposes common methods. #### Errors As the powerwall REST API varies widley between version and country it may happen that an attribute may not be included in your response. If that is the case a `MissingAttributeError` will be thrown indicating what attribute wasn't available. #### Response Responses are usally wrapped inside a `Response` object to provide convenience methods. An Example is the `Meter` class which is a sublass of `Response`. Each `Response` object includes the `response` member which consists of the plain json response. ```python from helpers import assert_attribute status = powerwall.get_status() #=> status.version # is the same as assert_attribute(status.response, "version") # or status.assert_attribute("version") ``` For retriving the version you could also alternativly use `powerwall.get_version`. ### Battery level Get charge in percent: ```python powerwall.get_charge() #=> 97.59281925744594 (%) ``` Get charge in watt: ```python powerwall.get_energy() #=> 14807 (W) ``` ### Capacity Get the capacity of your powerwall in watt: ```python powerwall.get_capacity() #=> 28078 (W) ``` ### Battery Packs Get information about the battery packs that are installed: ```python batteries = powerwall.get_batteries() #=> [, ] batteries[0].part_number #=> "XXX-G" batteries[0].serial_number #=> "TGXXX" batteries[0].energy_remaining #=> 7378 (W) batteries[0].capacity #=> 14031 (W) batteries[0].energy_charged #=> 5525740 (W) batteries[0].energy_discharged #=> 4659550 (W) batteries[0].wobble_detected #=> False ``` ### Powerwall Status ```python status = powerwall.get_status() #=> status.version #=> '1.49.0' status.up_time_seconds #=> datetime.timedelta(days=13, seconds=63287, microseconds=146455) status.start_time #=> datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 23, 23, 31, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=28800))) status.device_type #=> DeviceType.GW2 ``` ### Sitemaster ```python sm = powerwall.sitemaster #=> sm.status #=> StatusUp sm.running #=> true sm.connected_to_tesla #=> true ``` The sitemaster can be started and stopped using `run()` and `stop()` ### Siteinfo ```python info = powerwall.get_site_info() #=> info.site_name #=> 'Tesla Home' info.country #=> 'Germany' info.nominal_system_energy #=> 13.5 info.timezone #=> 'Europe/Berlin' ``` ### Meters #### Aggregates ```python from tesla_powerwall import MeterType meters = powerwall.get_meters() #=> # access meter, but may return None when meter is not available meters.get_meter(MeterType.SOLAR) #=> # access meter, but may raise MeterNotAvailableError when the meter is not available at your powerwall (e.g. no solar panels installed) meters.solar #=> # get all available meters at the current powerwall meters.meters #=> [, , , ] ``` Available meters are: `solar`, `site`, `load`, `battery`, `generator`, and `busway`. Some of those meters might not be available based on the installation and raise MeterNotAvailableError when accessed. #### Current power supply/draw `Meter` provides different methods for checking current power supply/draw: ```python meters = powerwall.get_meters() meters.solar.get_power() #=> 0.4 (in kWh) meters.solar.instant_power #=> 409.941801071167 (in watts) meters.solar.is_drawing_from() #=> True meters.load.is_sending_to() #=> True meters.battery.is_active() #=> False # Different precision settings might return different results meters.battery.is_active(precision=5) #=> True ``` > Note: For MeterType.LOAD `is_drawing_from` **always** returns `False` because it cannot be drawn from `load`. #### Energy exported/imported Get energy exported/imported in watts with `energy_exported` and `energy_imported`. For the values in kWh use `get_energy_exported` and `get_energy_imported`: ```python meters.battery.energy_exported #=> 6394100 meters.battery.get_energy_exported() #=> 6394.1 meters.battery.energy_imported #=> 7576570 meters.battery.get_energy_imported() #=> 7576.6 ``` ### Device Type ```python powerwall.get_device_type() #=> ``` ### Grid Status Get current grid status. ```python powerwall.get_grid_status() #=> powerwall.is_grid_services_active() #=> False ``` ### Operation mode ```python powerwall.get_operation_mode() #=> powerwall.get_backup_reserve_percentage() #=> 5.000019999999999 ``` ### Powerwalls Serial Numbers ```python serials = powerwall.get_serial_numbers() #=> ["...", "...", ...] ``` ### Gateway DIN ```python din = powerwall.get_gateway_din() #=> 4159645-02-A--TGXXX ``` ### VIN ```python vin = powerwall.get_vin() ``` ### Off-grid status (Set Island mode) Take your powerwall on- and off-grid similar to the "Take off-grid" button in the Tesla app. #### Set powerwall to off-grid (Islanded) ```python powerwall.set_island_mode(IslandMode.OFFGRID) ``` #### Set powerwall to off-grid (Connected) ```python powerwall.set_island_mode(IslandMode.ONGRID) ``` %package -n python3-tesla-powerwall Summary: API for Tesla Powerwall Provides: python-tesla-powerwall BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-tesla-powerwall ![Licence](https://img.shields.io/github/license/jrester/tesla_powerwall?style=for-the-badge) ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/tesla_powerwall?color=blue&style=for-the-badge) ![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/tesla_powerwall?style=for-the-badge) Python Tesla Powerwall API for consuming a local endpoint. The API is by no means complete and mainly features methods which are considered to be of common use. If you feel like methods should be included you are welcome to open an Issue or create a Pull Request. > Note: This is not an official API provided by Tesla and not affilated in anyways with Tesla. Powerwall Software versions from 1.47.0 to 1.50.1 as well as 20.40 to 22.9.2 are tested, but others will probably work too. If you encounter an error regarding a change in the API of the Powerwall because your Powerwall has a different version than listed here please open an Issue to report this change so it can be fixed. # Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Setup](#setup) - [Authentication](#authentication) - [General](#general) - [Errors](#errors) - [Response](#response) - [Battery level](#battery-level) - [Capacity](#capacity) - [Battery Packs](#battery-packs) - [Powerwall Status](#powerwall-status) - [Sitemaster](#sitemaster) - [Siteinfo](#siteinfo) - [Meters](#meters) - [Aggregates](#aggregates) - [Current power supply/draw](#current-power-supplydraw) - [Energy exported/imported](#energy-exportedimported) - [Device Type](#device-type) - [Grid Status](#grid-status) - [Operation mode](#operation-mode) - [Powerwalls Serial Numbers](#powerwalls-serial-numbers) - [Gateway DIN](#gateway-din) - [VIN](#vin) - [Off-grid status](#off-grid-status-set-island-mode) ## Installation Install the library via pip: ```bash $ pip install tesla_powerwall ``` ## Usage For a basic Overview of the functionality of this library you can take a look at `examples/example.py`: ```bash $ export POWERWALL_IP= $ export POWERWALL_PASSWORD= $ python3 examples/example.py ``` ### Setup ```python from tesla_powerwall import Powerwall # Create a simple powerwall object by providing the IP powerwall = Powerwall("") #=> # Create a powerwall object with more options powerwall = Powerwall( endpoint="", # Configure timeout; default is 10 timeout=10, # Provide a requests.Session or None to have one created http_session=None, # Whether to verify the SSL certificate or not verify_ssl=False, disable_insecure_warning=True ) #=> ``` > Note: By default the API client does not verify the SSL certificate of the Powerwall. If you want to verify the SSL certificate you can set `verify_ssl` to `True`. > The API client suppresses warnings about an inseucre request (because we aren't verifing the certificate). If you want to enable those warnings you can set `disable_insecure_warning` to `False`. ### Authentication Since version 20.49.0 authentication is required for all methods. For that reason you must call `login` before making a request to the API. When you perform a request without being loggedin a `AccessDeniedError` will be thrown. To login you can either use `login` or `login_as`. `login` logs you in as `User.CUSTOMER` whereas with `login_as` you can choose a different user: ```python from tesla_powerwall import User # Login as customer without email # The default value for the email is "" powerwall.login("") #=> # Login as customer with email powerwall.login("", "") #=> # Login with different user powerwall.login_as(User.INSTALLER, "", "") #=> # Check if we are logged in # This method only checks wether a cookie with a Bearer token exists # It does not verify whether this token is valid powerwall.is_authenticated() #=> True # Logout powerwall.logout() ``` ### General The API object directly maps the REST endpoints with a python method in the form of `_`. So if you need the raw json responses you can use the API object. It can be either created manually or retrived from an existing `Powerwall`: ```python from tesla_powerwall import API # Manually create API object api = API('https:///') # Perform get on 'system_status/soe' api.get_system_status_soe() #=> {'percentage': 97.59281925744594} # From existing powerwall api = powerwall.get_api() api.get_system_status_soe() ``` The `Powerwall` objet provides a wrapper around the API and exposes common methods. #### Errors As the powerwall REST API varies widley between version and country it may happen that an attribute may not be included in your response. If that is the case a `MissingAttributeError` will be thrown indicating what attribute wasn't available. #### Response Responses are usally wrapped inside a `Response` object to provide convenience methods. An Example is the `Meter` class which is a sublass of `Response`. Each `Response` object includes the `response` member which consists of the plain json response. ```python from helpers import assert_attribute status = powerwall.get_status() #=> status.version # is the same as assert_attribute(status.response, "version") # or status.assert_attribute("version") ``` For retriving the version you could also alternativly use `powerwall.get_version`. ### Battery level Get charge in percent: ```python powerwall.get_charge() #=> 97.59281925744594 (%) ``` Get charge in watt: ```python powerwall.get_energy() #=> 14807 (W) ``` ### Capacity Get the capacity of your powerwall in watt: ```python powerwall.get_capacity() #=> 28078 (W) ``` ### Battery Packs Get information about the battery packs that are installed: ```python batteries = powerwall.get_batteries() #=> [, ] batteries[0].part_number #=> "XXX-G" batteries[0].serial_number #=> "TGXXX" batteries[0].energy_remaining #=> 7378 (W) batteries[0].capacity #=> 14031 (W) batteries[0].energy_charged #=> 5525740 (W) batteries[0].energy_discharged #=> 4659550 (W) batteries[0].wobble_detected #=> False ``` ### Powerwall Status ```python status = powerwall.get_status() #=> status.version #=> '1.49.0' status.up_time_seconds #=> datetime.timedelta(days=13, seconds=63287, microseconds=146455) status.start_time #=> datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 23, 23, 31, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=28800))) status.device_type #=> DeviceType.GW2 ``` ### Sitemaster ```python sm = powerwall.sitemaster #=> sm.status #=> StatusUp sm.running #=> true sm.connected_to_tesla #=> true ``` The sitemaster can be started and stopped using `run()` and `stop()` ### Siteinfo ```python info = powerwall.get_site_info() #=> info.site_name #=> 'Tesla Home' info.country #=> 'Germany' info.nominal_system_energy #=> 13.5 info.timezone #=> 'Europe/Berlin' ``` ### Meters #### Aggregates ```python from tesla_powerwall import MeterType meters = powerwall.get_meters() #=> # access meter, but may return None when meter is not available meters.get_meter(MeterType.SOLAR) #=> # access meter, but may raise MeterNotAvailableError when the meter is not available at your powerwall (e.g. no solar panels installed) meters.solar #=> # get all available meters at the current powerwall meters.meters #=> [, , , ] ``` Available meters are: `solar`, `site`, `load`, `battery`, `generator`, and `busway`. Some of those meters might not be available based on the installation and raise MeterNotAvailableError when accessed. #### Current power supply/draw `Meter` provides different methods for checking current power supply/draw: ```python meters = powerwall.get_meters() meters.solar.get_power() #=> 0.4 (in kWh) meters.solar.instant_power #=> 409.941801071167 (in watts) meters.solar.is_drawing_from() #=> True meters.load.is_sending_to() #=> True meters.battery.is_active() #=> False # Different precision settings might return different results meters.battery.is_active(precision=5) #=> True ``` > Note: For MeterType.LOAD `is_drawing_from` **always** returns `False` because it cannot be drawn from `load`. #### Energy exported/imported Get energy exported/imported in watts with `energy_exported` and `energy_imported`. For the values in kWh use `get_energy_exported` and `get_energy_imported`: ```python meters.battery.energy_exported #=> 6394100 meters.battery.get_energy_exported() #=> 6394.1 meters.battery.energy_imported #=> 7576570 meters.battery.get_energy_imported() #=> 7576.6 ``` ### Device Type ```python powerwall.get_device_type() #=> ``` ### Grid Status Get current grid status. ```python powerwall.get_grid_status() #=> powerwall.is_grid_services_active() #=> False ``` ### Operation mode ```python powerwall.get_operation_mode() #=> powerwall.get_backup_reserve_percentage() #=> 5.000019999999999 ``` ### Powerwalls Serial Numbers ```python serials = powerwall.get_serial_numbers() #=> ["...", "...", ...] ``` ### Gateway DIN ```python din = powerwall.get_gateway_din() #=> 4159645-02-A--TGXXX ``` ### VIN ```python vin = powerwall.get_vin() ``` ### Off-grid status (Set Island mode) Take your powerwall on- and off-grid similar to the "Take off-grid" button in the Tesla app. #### Set powerwall to off-grid (Islanded) ```python powerwall.set_island_mode(IslandMode.OFFGRID) ``` #### Set powerwall to off-grid (Connected) ```python powerwall.set_island_mode(IslandMode.ONGRID) ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for tesla-powerwall Provides: python3-tesla-powerwall-doc %description help ![Licence](https://img.shields.io/github/license/jrester/tesla_powerwall?style=for-the-badge) ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/tesla_powerwall?color=blue&style=for-the-badge) ![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/tesla_powerwall?style=for-the-badge) Python Tesla Powerwall API for consuming a local endpoint. The API is by no means complete and mainly features methods which are considered to be of common use. If you feel like methods should be included you are welcome to open an Issue or create a Pull Request. > Note: This is not an official API provided by Tesla and not affilated in anyways with Tesla. Powerwall Software versions from 1.47.0 to 1.50.1 as well as 20.40 to 22.9.2 are tested, but others will probably work too. If you encounter an error regarding a change in the API of the Powerwall because your Powerwall has a different version than listed here please open an Issue to report this change so it can be fixed. # Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Setup](#setup) - [Authentication](#authentication) - [General](#general) - [Errors](#errors) - [Response](#response) - [Battery level](#battery-level) - [Capacity](#capacity) - [Battery Packs](#battery-packs) - [Powerwall Status](#powerwall-status) - [Sitemaster](#sitemaster) - [Siteinfo](#siteinfo) - [Meters](#meters) - [Aggregates](#aggregates) - [Current power supply/draw](#current-power-supplydraw) - [Energy exported/imported](#energy-exportedimported) - [Device Type](#device-type) - [Grid Status](#grid-status) - [Operation mode](#operation-mode) - [Powerwalls Serial Numbers](#powerwalls-serial-numbers) - [Gateway DIN](#gateway-din) - [VIN](#vin) - [Off-grid status](#off-grid-status-set-island-mode) ## Installation Install the library via pip: ```bash $ pip install tesla_powerwall ``` ## Usage For a basic Overview of the functionality of this library you can take a look at `examples/example.py`: ```bash $ export POWERWALL_IP= $ export POWERWALL_PASSWORD= $ python3 examples/example.py ``` ### Setup ```python from tesla_powerwall import Powerwall # Create a simple powerwall object by providing the IP powerwall = Powerwall("") #=> # Create a powerwall object with more options powerwall = Powerwall( endpoint="", # Configure timeout; default is 10 timeout=10, # Provide a requests.Session or None to have one created http_session=None, # Whether to verify the SSL certificate or not verify_ssl=False, disable_insecure_warning=True ) #=> ``` > Note: By default the API client does not verify the SSL certificate of the Powerwall. If you want to verify the SSL certificate you can set `verify_ssl` to `True`. > The API client suppresses warnings about an inseucre request (because we aren't verifing the certificate). If you want to enable those warnings you can set `disable_insecure_warning` to `False`. ### Authentication Since version 20.49.0 authentication is required for all methods. For that reason you must call `login` before making a request to the API. When you perform a request without being loggedin a `AccessDeniedError` will be thrown. To login you can either use `login` or `login_as`. `login` logs you in as `User.CUSTOMER` whereas with `login_as` you can choose a different user: ```python from tesla_powerwall import User # Login as customer without email # The default value for the email is "" powerwall.login("") #=> # Login as customer with email powerwall.login("", "") #=> # Login with different user powerwall.login_as(User.INSTALLER, "", "") #=> # Check if we are logged in # This method only checks wether a cookie with a Bearer token exists # It does not verify whether this token is valid powerwall.is_authenticated() #=> True # Logout powerwall.logout() ``` ### General The API object directly maps the REST endpoints with a python method in the form of `_`. So if you need the raw json responses you can use the API object. It can be either created manually or retrived from an existing `Powerwall`: ```python from tesla_powerwall import API # Manually create API object api = API('https:///') # Perform get on 'system_status/soe' api.get_system_status_soe() #=> {'percentage': 97.59281925744594} # From existing powerwall api = powerwall.get_api() api.get_system_status_soe() ``` The `Powerwall` objet provides a wrapper around the API and exposes common methods. #### Errors As the powerwall REST API varies widley between version and country it may happen that an attribute may not be included in your response. If that is the case a `MissingAttributeError` will be thrown indicating what attribute wasn't available. #### Response Responses are usally wrapped inside a `Response` object to provide convenience methods. An Example is the `Meter` class which is a sublass of `Response`. Each `Response` object includes the `response` member which consists of the plain json response. ```python from helpers import assert_attribute status = powerwall.get_status() #=> status.version # is the same as assert_attribute(status.response, "version") # or status.assert_attribute("version") ``` For retriving the version you could also alternativly use `powerwall.get_version`. ### Battery level Get charge in percent: ```python powerwall.get_charge() #=> 97.59281925744594 (%) ``` Get charge in watt: ```python powerwall.get_energy() #=> 14807 (W) ``` ### Capacity Get the capacity of your powerwall in watt: ```python powerwall.get_capacity() #=> 28078 (W) ``` ### Battery Packs Get information about the battery packs that are installed: ```python batteries = powerwall.get_batteries() #=> [, ] batteries[0].part_number #=> "XXX-G" batteries[0].serial_number #=> "TGXXX" batteries[0].energy_remaining #=> 7378 (W) batteries[0].capacity #=> 14031 (W) batteries[0].energy_charged #=> 5525740 (W) batteries[0].energy_discharged #=> 4659550 (W) batteries[0].wobble_detected #=> False ``` ### Powerwall Status ```python status = powerwall.get_status() #=> status.version #=> '1.49.0' status.up_time_seconds #=> datetime.timedelta(days=13, seconds=63287, microseconds=146455) status.start_time #=> datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 23, 23, 31, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=28800))) status.device_type #=> DeviceType.GW2 ``` ### Sitemaster ```python sm = powerwall.sitemaster #=> sm.status #=> StatusUp sm.running #=> true sm.connected_to_tesla #=> true ``` The sitemaster can be started and stopped using `run()` and `stop()` ### Siteinfo ```python info = powerwall.get_site_info() #=> info.site_name #=> 'Tesla Home' info.country #=> 'Germany' info.nominal_system_energy #=> 13.5 info.timezone #=> 'Europe/Berlin' ``` ### Meters #### Aggregates ```python from tesla_powerwall import MeterType meters = powerwall.get_meters() #=> # access meter, but may return None when meter is not available meters.get_meter(MeterType.SOLAR) #=> # access meter, but may raise MeterNotAvailableError when the meter is not available at your powerwall (e.g. no solar panels installed) meters.solar #=> # get all available meters at the current powerwall meters.meters #=> [, , , ] ``` Available meters are: `solar`, `site`, `load`, `battery`, `generator`, and `busway`. Some of those meters might not be available based on the installation and raise MeterNotAvailableError when accessed. #### Current power supply/draw `Meter` provides different methods for checking current power supply/draw: ```python meters = powerwall.get_meters() meters.solar.get_power() #=> 0.4 (in kWh) meters.solar.instant_power #=> 409.941801071167 (in watts) meters.solar.is_drawing_from() #=> True meters.load.is_sending_to() #=> True meters.battery.is_active() #=> False # Different precision settings might return different results meters.battery.is_active(precision=5) #=> True ``` > Note: For MeterType.LOAD `is_drawing_from` **always** returns `False` because it cannot be drawn from `load`. #### Energy exported/imported Get energy exported/imported in watts with `energy_exported` and `energy_imported`. For the values in kWh use `get_energy_exported` and `get_energy_imported`: ```python meters.battery.energy_exported #=> 6394100 meters.battery.get_energy_exported() #=> 6394.1 meters.battery.energy_imported #=> 7576570 meters.battery.get_energy_imported() #=> 7576.6 ``` ### Device Type ```python powerwall.get_device_type() #=> ``` ### Grid Status Get current grid status. ```python powerwall.get_grid_status() #=> powerwall.is_grid_services_active() #=> False ``` ### Operation mode ```python powerwall.get_operation_mode() #=> powerwall.get_backup_reserve_percentage() #=> 5.000019999999999 ``` ### Powerwalls Serial Numbers ```python serials = powerwall.get_serial_numbers() #=> ["...", "...", ...] ``` ### Gateway DIN ```python din = powerwall.get_gateway_din() #=> 4159645-02-A--TGXXX ``` ### VIN ```python vin = powerwall.get_vin() ``` ### Off-grid status (Set Island mode) Take your powerwall on- and off-grid similar to the "Take off-grid" button in the Tesla app. #### Set powerwall to off-grid (Islanded) ```python powerwall.set_island_mode(IslandMode.OFFGRID) ``` #### Set powerwall to off-grid (Connected) ```python powerwall.set_island_mode(IslandMode.ONGRID) ``` %prep %autosetup -n tesla-powerwall-0.3.19 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-tesla-powerwall -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Wed May 17 2023 Python_Bot - 0.3.19-1 - Package Spec generated