%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera Version: 5.0.7 Release: 1 Summary: A JupyterLab extension. License: BSD-3-Clause URL: https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera.git Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/2a/0d/c84f27dbfeb66cbe7b99440255b7ac38bd6681a7087a98433dbf8c31525a/etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera-5.0.7.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description # Introduction This README will discuss the installation and development of the combined extensions that comprise the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework. Additional instruction may be found in the README files of each of the individual extensions. The ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework currently consists of 4 extensions. 1. This extension, ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera (`etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera`), which consumes events and logs them to an S3 bucket. 2. ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library (`etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-library`), which emits telemetry related events. 3. ETC JupyterLab Feedback (`etc_jupyterlab_feedback`), which emits Feedback related events. 4. ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider (`etc-jupyterlab-notebook-state-provider`), which keeps track of Notebook diffs. The modular design allows for components to be included or excluded from deployments as needed. ## A Summary of Each of the Components ### This Extension, ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera (`etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera`) The purpose of this extension is to consume events from other extensions and log those events to an AWS S3 Bucket. ### ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library (`etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-library`) The purpose of the ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library is to emit telemetry events that can be consumed by this extension. ### ETC JupyterLab Feedback (`etc_jupyterlab_feedback`) The purpose of the ETC JupyterLab Feedback extension is to emit Feedback related events that can be consumed by this extension. ### ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider (`etc-jupyterlab-notebook-state-provider`) The purpose of the ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider extension is to keep track of diffs of Notebooks. The purpose of diffing the Notebooks is to reduce storage space. # Configuration ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera, ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library, and ETC JupyterLab Feedback each have their own configuration files. For extensions that have configurable settings, the configuration file must be present for the respective extension to start. ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider doesn't have configurable settings. The configuration file for each extension must be placed in one of the config directories given by `jupyter --paths` e.g., `/etc/jupyter`. ## Configuration File Examples ### ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera The configuration file must be named `jupyter_etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera_config.py`. ```py # This file should be saved into one of the config directories provided by `jupyter lab --path`. # The following configuration settings can be used in order to construct the `bucket_url` variable, # which the extension will use for logging telemetry data. # The value of the `url` property will be the first component of the bucket_url. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.url = "https://telemetry.mentoracademy.org" # The value of the `bucket` property will be appended to the `bucket_url` after the url. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.bucket = "telemetry-edtech-labs-si-umich-edu" # The value of the `path` property will be appended to the `bucket_url` after the `bucket`. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.path = "dev/test-telemetry" # The values of the`env_path_segment_names` property will be appended to the `bucket_url` after the `path`. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.env_path_segment_names = ['COURSE_ID'] # The value of the `telemetry_file_path` property is the path to the telemetry touch file. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.telemetry_file_path = ".telemetry" # If a telemetry touch file is present at `telemetry_file_path` its contents will # be appended to the `bucket_url` after the `env_path_segment_names`. The telemetry touch # file should contain a relative path e.g., "segment1/segment2". # The presense of a telemetry touch file will enable telemetry unless it is explicitly disabled. # Telemetry can be explicitly turned on or off by setting the `telemetry` property; this setting overrides all other settings. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.telemetry = True # Adding events to this list will result in the complete Notebook being logged at the respective event as opposed to a diff. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.capture_notebook_events = ['save_notebook'] # The Notebook will autosave at the given value of the `save_interval` property. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.save_interval = 1 ``` ### ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library Setting the value of the property will enable or disable the respective event. The configuration file must be named `jupyter_etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library_config.py`. ```py c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_clipboard_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_visibility_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_save_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_close_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_open_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_remove_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_add_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_execution_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_scroll_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_active_cell_change_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_error_event = True ``` ### ETC JupyterLab Feedback The configuration file must be named `jupyter_etc_jupyterlab_feedback_config.py`. ```py c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.nbgrader_validate_enabled = True # The number of seconds the extension will wait for a response from the nbgrader application before timing out. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.nbgrader_validate_timeout = 60 c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.feedback_enabled = True # The number of seconds the extension will wait for a response from the feedback API before timing out. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.feedback_timeout = 60 # The URL for the Feedback API endpoint. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.feedback_url = "https://umichproseaitutor.com/CodeRepairs/Post" # The path to the SSL certificate. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.cert_path = "/etc/ssl/certs/umichproseaitutorpubliconly.pem" ``` # Installation Installing the `etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera` extension will install all of the dependencies listed in `setup.py`; this includes the other 3 extension that comprise the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework. See the `install_requires` property of the `setup_args` dictionary in `setup.py`. ## Install To install the extension: ```bash pip install etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera ``` ## Uninstall To remove the extension, execute: ```bash pip uninstall etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera ``` ## Troubleshoot If you are seeing the frontend extension, but it is not working, check that the server extension is enabled: ```bash jupyter server extension list ``` If the server extension is installed and enabled, but you are not seeing the frontend extension, check the frontend extension is installed: ```bash jupyter labextension list ``` # Development Each of the 4 extensions are composed of a server extension (Python) and a client extension (TypeScript). The code for the server extension is in the directory with the same name as the respective extension; for example, for this extension, the server code is in a directory of this repository named `etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera`. The code for the client extension is in the directory named `src` of each of the respective repositories. The 4 extensions that comprise the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework can be developed and debugged concurrently. This is accomplished by creating an environment and doing a "development installation" of each of the extensions into that environment. Once the development environment is set up, when you make changes to any of the client extensions those changes will be reflected in the running application after refreshing the application in the browser. Changes to any of the server extensions will be reflected when JupyterLab is restarted. The following instructions explain how to set up an environment for development. ## Set up the development environment. The development environment will consist of the 4 extensions running concurrently. ### Create an environment. Create a conda environment that contains the resources needed to build and publish the extension. ```bash conda create -n etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera --override-channels --strict-channel-priority -c conda-forge -c nodefaults jupyterlab=3 nodejs jupyter-packaging git conda activate etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera ``` Once the environment is activated install the `build` package using pip. ```bash pip install build ``` ### Clone each of the extensions. Change directory to the directory that will contain your repositories and clone each of the extensions. ```bash git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera.git git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider.git git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library.git git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_feedback.git ``` ### Do a "development installation" of the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework. #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library. # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library. # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_feedback` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_feedback # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_feedback # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` ## Start JupyterLab Once the development environment has been set up you can start JupyterLab. The running JupyterLab instance will reflect the current state of each of the extension respositories. ```bash jupyter lab ``` ## Development Workflow The development workflow generally involves making changes to one of the 4 client extensions or one of the 4 server extensions and then testing the changes in the running JupyterLab application. ### Client Development Workflow - Make changes to the TypeScript client extension. - Refresh the browser. - Observe the changes in the running application. ### Server Development Workflow - Make changes to the Python server extension. - Stop the Jupyter server. - Start the Jupyter server. - Observe the changes in the running application. ## Publish Changes Once you have made changes to an extension, in order for those changes to be present in an installation you will need to publish the changes to PyPI. Change directory into the extension directory where you want to publish the changes. ```bash # Patch the version. jlpm version --patch # Build the extension with the changes that you have made and the new version number. jlpm run build # Publish the changes to NPM. # This step is necessary in for these changes to be available to subsequent development installations. npm publish --access public # Remove any prior builds from the `dist` directory. rm -rf dist # Build the extension python -m build . # Publish the extension to PyPI. twine upload dist/* ``` # Resources - [Extension Tutorial](https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/extension/extension_tutorial.html) - [JupyterLab Extensions by Examples](https://github.com/jupyterlab/extension-examples) - [Gitter](https://gitter.im/jupyterlab/jupyterlab) %package -n python3-etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera Summary: A JupyterLab extension. Provides: python-etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera # Introduction This README will discuss the installation and development of the combined extensions that comprise the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework. Additional instruction may be found in the README files of each of the individual extensions. The ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework currently consists of 4 extensions. 1. This extension, ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera (`etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera`), which consumes events and logs them to an S3 bucket. 2. ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library (`etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-library`), which emits telemetry related events. 3. ETC JupyterLab Feedback (`etc_jupyterlab_feedback`), which emits Feedback related events. 4. ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider (`etc-jupyterlab-notebook-state-provider`), which keeps track of Notebook diffs. The modular design allows for components to be included or excluded from deployments as needed. ## A Summary of Each of the Components ### This Extension, ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera (`etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera`) The purpose of this extension is to consume events from other extensions and log those events to an AWS S3 Bucket. ### ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library (`etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-library`) The purpose of the ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library is to emit telemetry events that can be consumed by this extension. ### ETC JupyterLab Feedback (`etc_jupyterlab_feedback`) The purpose of the ETC JupyterLab Feedback extension is to emit Feedback related events that can be consumed by this extension. ### ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider (`etc-jupyterlab-notebook-state-provider`) The purpose of the ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider extension is to keep track of diffs of Notebooks. The purpose of diffing the Notebooks is to reduce storage space. # Configuration ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera, ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library, and ETC JupyterLab Feedback each have their own configuration files. For extensions that have configurable settings, the configuration file must be present for the respective extension to start. ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider doesn't have configurable settings. The configuration file for each extension must be placed in one of the config directories given by `jupyter --paths` e.g., `/etc/jupyter`. ## Configuration File Examples ### ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera The configuration file must be named `jupyter_etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera_config.py`. ```py # This file should be saved into one of the config directories provided by `jupyter lab --path`. # The following configuration settings can be used in order to construct the `bucket_url` variable, # which the extension will use for logging telemetry data. # The value of the `url` property will be the first component of the bucket_url. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.url = "https://telemetry.mentoracademy.org" # The value of the `bucket` property will be appended to the `bucket_url` after the url. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.bucket = "telemetry-edtech-labs-si-umich-edu" # The value of the `path` property will be appended to the `bucket_url` after the `bucket`. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.path = "dev/test-telemetry" # The values of the`env_path_segment_names` property will be appended to the `bucket_url` after the `path`. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.env_path_segment_names = ['COURSE_ID'] # The value of the `telemetry_file_path` property is the path to the telemetry touch file. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.telemetry_file_path = ".telemetry" # If a telemetry touch file is present at `telemetry_file_path` its contents will # be appended to the `bucket_url` after the `env_path_segment_names`. The telemetry touch # file should contain a relative path e.g., "segment1/segment2". # The presense of a telemetry touch file will enable telemetry unless it is explicitly disabled. # Telemetry can be explicitly turned on or off by setting the `telemetry` property; this setting overrides all other settings. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.telemetry = True # Adding events to this list will result in the complete Notebook being logged at the respective event as opposed to a diff. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.capture_notebook_events = ['save_notebook'] # The Notebook will autosave at the given value of the `save_interval` property. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.save_interval = 1 ``` ### ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library Setting the value of the property will enable or disable the respective event. The configuration file must be named `jupyter_etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library_config.py`. ```py c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_clipboard_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_visibility_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_save_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_close_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_open_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_remove_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_add_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_execution_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_scroll_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_active_cell_change_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_error_event = True ``` ### ETC JupyterLab Feedback The configuration file must be named `jupyter_etc_jupyterlab_feedback_config.py`. ```py c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.nbgrader_validate_enabled = True # The number of seconds the extension will wait for a response from the nbgrader application before timing out. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.nbgrader_validate_timeout = 60 c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.feedback_enabled = True # The number of seconds the extension will wait for a response from the feedback API before timing out. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.feedback_timeout = 60 # The URL for the Feedback API endpoint. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.feedback_url = "https://umichproseaitutor.com/CodeRepairs/Post" # The path to the SSL certificate. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.cert_path = "/etc/ssl/certs/umichproseaitutorpubliconly.pem" ``` # Installation Installing the `etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera` extension will install all of the dependencies listed in `setup.py`; this includes the other 3 extension that comprise the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework. See the `install_requires` property of the `setup_args` dictionary in `setup.py`. ## Install To install the extension: ```bash pip install etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera ``` ## Uninstall To remove the extension, execute: ```bash pip uninstall etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera ``` ## Troubleshoot If you are seeing the frontend extension, but it is not working, check that the server extension is enabled: ```bash jupyter server extension list ``` If the server extension is installed and enabled, but you are not seeing the frontend extension, check the frontend extension is installed: ```bash jupyter labextension list ``` # Development Each of the 4 extensions are composed of a server extension (Python) and a client extension (TypeScript). The code for the server extension is in the directory with the same name as the respective extension; for example, for this extension, the server code is in a directory of this repository named `etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera`. The code for the client extension is in the directory named `src` of each of the respective repositories. The 4 extensions that comprise the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework can be developed and debugged concurrently. This is accomplished by creating an environment and doing a "development installation" of each of the extensions into that environment. Once the development environment is set up, when you make changes to any of the client extensions those changes will be reflected in the running application after refreshing the application in the browser. Changes to any of the server extensions will be reflected when JupyterLab is restarted. The following instructions explain how to set up an environment for development. ## Set up the development environment. The development environment will consist of the 4 extensions running concurrently. ### Create an environment. Create a conda environment that contains the resources needed to build and publish the extension. ```bash conda create -n etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera --override-channels --strict-channel-priority -c conda-forge -c nodefaults jupyterlab=3 nodejs jupyter-packaging git conda activate etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera ``` Once the environment is activated install the `build` package using pip. ```bash pip install build ``` ### Clone each of the extensions. Change directory to the directory that will contain your repositories and clone each of the extensions. ```bash git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera.git git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider.git git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library.git git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_feedback.git ``` ### Do a "development installation" of the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework. #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library. # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library. # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_feedback` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_feedback # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_feedback # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` ## Start JupyterLab Once the development environment has been set up you can start JupyterLab. The running JupyterLab instance will reflect the current state of each of the extension respositories. ```bash jupyter lab ``` ## Development Workflow The development workflow generally involves making changes to one of the 4 client extensions or one of the 4 server extensions and then testing the changes in the running JupyterLab application. ### Client Development Workflow - Make changes to the TypeScript client extension. - Refresh the browser. - Observe the changes in the running application. ### Server Development Workflow - Make changes to the Python server extension. - Stop the Jupyter server. - Start the Jupyter server. - Observe the changes in the running application. ## Publish Changes Once you have made changes to an extension, in order for those changes to be present in an installation you will need to publish the changes to PyPI. Change directory into the extension directory where you want to publish the changes. ```bash # Patch the version. jlpm version --patch # Build the extension with the changes that you have made and the new version number. jlpm run build # Publish the changes to NPM. # This step is necessary in for these changes to be available to subsequent development installations. npm publish --access public # Remove any prior builds from the `dist` directory. rm -rf dist # Build the extension python -m build . # Publish the extension to PyPI. twine upload dist/* ``` # Resources - [Extension Tutorial](https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/extension/extension_tutorial.html) - [JupyterLab Extensions by Examples](https://github.com/jupyterlab/extension-examples) - [Gitter](https://gitter.im/jupyterlab/jupyterlab) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera Provides: python3-etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera-doc %description help # Introduction This README will discuss the installation and development of the combined extensions that comprise the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework. Additional instruction may be found in the README files of each of the individual extensions. The ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework currently consists of 4 extensions. 1. This extension, ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera (`etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera`), which consumes events and logs them to an S3 bucket. 2. ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library (`etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-library`), which emits telemetry related events. 3. ETC JupyterLab Feedback (`etc_jupyterlab_feedback`), which emits Feedback related events. 4. ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider (`etc-jupyterlab-notebook-state-provider`), which keeps track of Notebook diffs. The modular design allows for components to be included or excluded from deployments as needed. ## A Summary of Each of the Components ### This Extension, ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera (`etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera`) The purpose of this extension is to consume events from other extensions and log those events to an AWS S3 Bucket. ### ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library (`etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-library`) The purpose of the ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library is to emit telemetry events that can be consumed by this extension. ### ETC JupyterLab Feedback (`etc_jupyterlab_feedback`) The purpose of the ETC JupyterLab Feedback extension is to emit Feedback related events that can be consumed by this extension. ### ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider (`etc-jupyterlab-notebook-state-provider`) The purpose of the ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider extension is to keep track of diffs of Notebooks. The purpose of diffing the Notebooks is to reduce storage space. # Configuration ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera, ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library, and ETC JupyterLab Feedback each have their own configuration files. For extensions that have configurable settings, the configuration file must be present for the respective extension to start. ETC JupyterLab Notebook State Provider doesn't have configurable settings. The configuration file for each extension must be placed in one of the config directories given by `jupyter --paths` e.g., `/etc/jupyter`. ## Configuration File Examples ### ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Coursera The configuration file must be named `jupyter_etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera_config.py`. ```py # This file should be saved into one of the config directories provided by `jupyter lab --path`. # The following configuration settings can be used in order to construct the `bucket_url` variable, # which the extension will use for logging telemetry data. # The value of the `url` property will be the first component of the bucket_url. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.url = "https://telemetry.mentoracademy.org" # The value of the `bucket` property will be appended to the `bucket_url` after the url. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.bucket = "telemetry-edtech-labs-si-umich-edu" # The value of the `path` property will be appended to the `bucket_url` after the `bucket`. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.path = "dev/test-telemetry" # The values of the`env_path_segment_names` property will be appended to the `bucket_url` after the `path`. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.env_path_segment_names = ['COURSE_ID'] # The value of the `telemetry_file_path` property is the path to the telemetry touch file. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.telemetry_file_path = ".telemetry" # If a telemetry touch file is present at `telemetry_file_path` its contents will # be appended to the `bucket_url` after the `env_path_segment_names`. The telemetry touch # file should contain a relative path e.g., "segment1/segment2". # The presense of a telemetry touch file will enable telemetry unless it is explicitly disabled. # Telemetry can be explicitly turned on or off by setting the `telemetry` property; this setting overrides all other settings. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.telemetry = True # Adding events to this list will result in the complete Notebook being logged at the respective event as opposed to a diff. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.capture_notebook_events = ['save_notebook'] # The Notebook will autosave at the given value of the `save_interval` property. c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryCourseraApp.save_interval = 1 ``` ### ETC JupyterLab Telemetry Library Setting the value of the property will enable or disable the respective event. The configuration file must be named `jupyter_etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library_config.py`. ```py c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_clipboard_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_visibility_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_save_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_close_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_open_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_remove_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_add_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_execution_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_scroll_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_active_cell_change_event = True c.ETCJupyterLabTelemetryLibraryApp.notebook_cell_error_event = True ``` ### ETC JupyterLab Feedback The configuration file must be named `jupyter_etc_jupyterlab_feedback_config.py`. ```py c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.nbgrader_validate_enabled = True # The number of seconds the extension will wait for a response from the nbgrader application before timing out. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.nbgrader_validate_timeout = 60 c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.feedback_enabled = True # The number of seconds the extension will wait for a response from the feedback API before timing out. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.feedback_timeout = 60 # The URL for the Feedback API endpoint. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.feedback_url = "https://umichproseaitutor.com/CodeRepairs/Post" # The path to the SSL certificate. c.ETCJupyterLabFeedbackApp.cert_path = "/etc/ssl/certs/umichproseaitutorpubliconly.pem" ``` # Installation Installing the `etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera` extension will install all of the dependencies listed in `setup.py`; this includes the other 3 extension that comprise the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework. See the `install_requires` property of the `setup_args` dictionary in `setup.py`. ## Install To install the extension: ```bash pip install etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera ``` ## Uninstall To remove the extension, execute: ```bash pip uninstall etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera ``` ## Troubleshoot If you are seeing the frontend extension, but it is not working, check that the server extension is enabled: ```bash jupyter server extension list ``` If the server extension is installed and enabled, but you are not seeing the frontend extension, check the frontend extension is installed: ```bash jupyter labextension list ``` # Development Each of the 4 extensions are composed of a server extension (Python) and a client extension (TypeScript). The code for the server extension is in the directory with the same name as the respective extension; for example, for this extension, the server code is in a directory of this repository named `etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera`. The code for the client extension is in the directory named `src` of each of the respective repositories. The 4 extensions that comprise the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework can be developed and debugged concurrently. This is accomplished by creating an environment and doing a "development installation" of each of the extensions into that environment. Once the development environment is set up, when you make changes to any of the client extensions those changes will be reflected in the running application after refreshing the application in the browser. Changes to any of the server extensions will be reflected when JupyterLab is restarted. The following instructions explain how to set up an environment for development. ## Set up the development environment. The development environment will consist of the 4 extensions running concurrently. ### Create an environment. Create a conda environment that contains the resources needed to build and publish the extension. ```bash conda create -n etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera --override-channels --strict-channel-priority -c conda-forge -c nodefaults jupyterlab=3 nodejs jupyter-packaging git conda activate etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera ``` Once the environment is activated install the `build` package using pip. ```bash pip install build ``` ### Clone each of the extensions. Change directory to the directory that will contain your repositories and clone each of the extensions. ```bash git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera.git git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider.git git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library.git git clone https://github.com/educational-technology-collective/etc_jupyterlab_feedback.git ``` ### Do a "development installation" of the ETC Coursera Telemetry Framework. #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_coursera # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_notebook_state_provider # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library. # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_telemetry_library. # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` #### Development install the `etc_jupyterlab_feedback` extension. From the directory the contains your repositories: ```bash cd etc_jupyterlab_feedback # Install package in development mode. pip install -e . # Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab. jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite # Server extension must be manually enabled in develop mode. jupyter server extension enable etc_jupyterlab_feedback # Automatically build the extension when a change is made. jlpm run watch ``` ## Start JupyterLab Once the development environment has been set up you can start JupyterLab. The running JupyterLab instance will reflect the current state of each of the extension respositories. ```bash jupyter lab ``` ## Development Workflow The development workflow generally involves making changes to one of the 4 client extensions or one of the 4 server extensions and then testing the changes in the running JupyterLab application. ### Client Development Workflow - Make changes to the TypeScript client extension. - Refresh the browser. - Observe the changes in the running application. ### Server Development Workflow - Make changes to the Python server extension. - Stop the Jupyter server. - Start the Jupyter server. - Observe the changes in the running application. ## Publish Changes Once you have made changes to an extension, in order for those changes to be present in an installation you will need to publish the changes to PyPI. Change directory into the extension directory where you want to publish the changes. ```bash # Patch the version. jlpm version --patch # Build the extension with the changes that you have made and the new version number. jlpm run build # Publish the changes to NPM. # This step is necessary in for these changes to be available to subsequent development installations. npm publish --access public # Remove any prior builds from the `dist` directory. rm -rf dist # Build the extension python -m build . # Publish the extension to PyPI. twine upload dist/* ``` # Resources - [Extension Tutorial](https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/extension/extension_tutorial.html) - [JupyterLab Extensions by Examples](https://github.com/jupyterlab/extension-examples) - [Gitter](https://gitter.im/jupyterlab/jupyterlab) %prep %autosetup -n etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera-5.0.7 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-etc-jupyterlab-telemetry-coursera -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Mon May 29 2023 Python_Bot - 5.0.7-1 - Package Spec generated