%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-toon Version: 0.15.9 Release: 1 Summary: Tools for neuroscience experiments License: MIT URL: https://github.com/aforren1/toon Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/73/38/a467485209fbc25f1b37d6fa3a80848244d68321892bf8c210e3a3955fb7/toon-0.15.9.zip Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-psutil %description # toon [![image](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/toon.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/toon) [![image](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/toon.svg)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aforren1/toon/master/LICENSE.txt) ![Build](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/workflows/Build/badge.svg) ## Description Additional tools for neuroscience experiments, including: - A framework for polling input devices on a separate process. - A framework for keyframe-based animation. - High-resolution clocks. Everything should work on Windows/Mac/Linux. ## Install Current release: `pip install toon` Development version: `pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ toon --pre` Or for the latest commit (requires compilation): `pip install git+https://github.com/aforren1/toon` See the [demos/](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/tree/master/demos) folder for usage examples (note: some require additional packages). ## Overview ### Input `toon` provides a framework for polling from input devices, including common peripherals like mice and keyboards, with the flexibility to handle less-common devices like eyetrackers, motion trackers, and custom devices (see `toon/input/` for examples). The goal is to make it easier to use a wide variety of devices, including those with sampling rates >1kHz, with minimal performance impact on the main process. We use the built-in `multiprocessing` module to control a separate process that hosts the device, and, in concert with `numpy`, to move data to the main process via shared memory. It seems that under typical conditions, we can expect single `read()` operations to take less than 500 microseconds (and more often < 100 us). See [demos/bench_plot.py](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/blob/master/demos/bench_plot.py) for an example of measuring user-side read performance. Typical use looks like this: ```python from toon.input import MpDevice from mymouse import Mouse from timeit import default_timer device = MpDevice(Mouse()) with device: t1 = default_timer() + 10 while default_timer() < t1: res = device.read() # alternatively, unpack immediately # time, data = device.read() if res: time, data = res # unpack (or access via res.time, res.data) # N-D array of data (0th dim is time) print(data) # 1D array of times print(time) ``` Creating a custom device is relatively straightforward, though there are a few boxes to check. ```python from ctypes import c_double class MyDevice(BaseDevice): # optional: give a hint for the buffer size (we'll allocate 1 sec worth of this) sampling_frequency = 500 # this can either be introduced at the class level, or during __init__ shape = (3, 3) # ctype can be a python type, numpy dtype, or ctype # including ctypes.Structures ctype = c_double # optional. Do not start device communication here, wait until `enter` def __init__(self): pass ## Use `enter` and `exit`, rather than `__enter__` and `__exit__` # optional: configure the device, start communicating def enter(self): pass # optional: clean up resources, close device def exit(self): pass # required def read(self): # See demos/ for examples of sharing a time source between the processes time = self.clock() # store new data with a timestamp data = get_data() return time, data ``` This device can then be passed to a `toon.input.MpDevice`, which preallocates the shared memory and handles other details. A few things to be aware of for data returned by `MpDevice`: - If there's no data for a given `read`, `None` is returned. - The returned data is a _copy_ of the local copy of the data. If you don't need copies, set `use_views=True` when instantiating the `MpDevice`. - If receiving batches of data when reading from the device, you can return a list of (time, data) tuples. - You can optionally use `device.start()`/`device.stop()` instead of a context manager. - You can check for remote errors at any point using `device.check_error()`, though this automatically happens after entering the context manager and when reading. - In addition to python types/dtypes/ctypes, devices can return `ctypes.Structure`s (see input tests or the [example_devices](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/tree/master/example_devices) folder for examples). ### Animation This is still a work in progress, though I think it has some utility as-is. It's a port of the animation component in the [Magnum](https://magnum.graphics/) framework, though lacking some of the features (e.g. Track extrapolation, proper handling of time scaling). Example: ```python from math import sin, pi from time import sleep from timeit import default_timer import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from toon.anim import Track, Player # see toon/anim/easing.py for all available easings from toon.anim.easing import LINEAR, ELASTIC_IN class Circle(object): x = 0 y = 0 circle = Circle() # list of (time, value) keyframes = [(0.2, -0.5), (0.5, 0), (3, 0.5)] x_track = Track(keyframes, easing=LINEAR) # we can reuse keyframes y_track = Track(keyframes, easing=ELASTIC_IN) player = Player(repeats=3) # directly modify an attribute player.add(x_track, 'x', obj=circle) def y_cb(val, obj): obj.y = val # modify via callback player.add(y_track, y_cb, obj=circle) t0 = default_timer() player.start(t0) vals = [] times = [] while player.is_playing: t = default_timer() player.advance(t) times.append(t) vals.append([circle.x, circle.y]) # sleep(1/60) plt.plot(times, vals) plt.show() ``` Other notes: - Non-numeric attributes, like color strings, can also be modified in this framework (easing is ignored). - Multiple objects can be modified simultaneously by feeding a list of objects into `player.add()`. ### Utilities The `util` module includes high-resolution clocks/timers via `QueryPerformanceCounter/Frequency` on Windows, `mach_absolute_time` on MacOS, and `clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)` on Linux. The class is called `MonoClock`, and an instantiation called `mono_clock` is created upon import. Usage: ```python from toon.util import mono_clock, MonoClock clk = mono_clock # re-use pre-instantiated clock clk2 = MonoClock(relative=False) # time relative to whenever the system's clock started t0 = clk.get_time() ``` Another utility currently included is a `priority` function, which tries to improve the determinism of the calling script. This is derived from Psychtoolbox's `Priority` (doc [here](http://psychtoolbox.org/docs/Priority)). General usage is: ```python from toon.util import priority if not priority(1): raise RuntimeError('Failed to raise priority.') # ...do stuff... priority(0) ``` The input should be a 0 (no priority/cancel), 1 (higher priority), or 2 (realtime). If the requested level is rejected, the function will return `False`. The exact implementational details depend on the host operating system. All implementations disable garbage collection. #### Windows - Uses `SetPriorityClass` and `SetThreadPriority`/`AvSetMmMaxThreadCharacteristics`. - `level = 2` only seems to work if running Python as administrator. #### MacOS - Only disables/enables garbage collection; I don't have a Mac to test on. #### Linux - Sets the scheduler policy and parameters `sched_setscheduler`. - If `level == 2`, locks the calling process's virtual address space into RAM via `mlockall`. - Any `level > 0` seems to fail unless the user is either superuser, or has the right capability. I've used setcap: `sudo setcap cap_sys_nice=eip ` (disable by passing `sudo setcap cap_sys_nice= `). For memory locking, I've used Psychtoolbox's [99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf](https://github.com/Psychtoolbox-3/Psychtoolbox-3/blob/master/Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf) and added myself to the psychtoolbox group. Your mileage may vary on whether these _actually_ improve latency/determinism. When in doubt, measure! Read the warnings [here](http://psychtoolbox.org/docs/Priority). Notes about checking whether parts are working: #### Windows - In the task manager under details, right-clicking on python and mousing over "Set priority" will show the current priority level. I haven't figured out how to verify the Avrt threading parts are working. #### Linux - Check `mlockall` with `cat /proc/{python pid}/status | grep VmLck` - Check priority with `top -c -p $(pgrep -d',' -f python)` %package -n python3-toon Summary: Tools for neuroscience experiments Provides: python-toon BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip BuildRequires: python3-cffi BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: gdb %description -n python3-toon # toon [![image](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/toon.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/toon) [![image](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/toon.svg)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aforren1/toon/master/LICENSE.txt) ![Build](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/workflows/Build/badge.svg) ## Description Additional tools for neuroscience experiments, including: - A framework for polling input devices on a separate process. - A framework for keyframe-based animation. - High-resolution clocks. Everything should work on Windows/Mac/Linux. ## Install Current release: `pip install toon` Development version: `pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ toon --pre` Or for the latest commit (requires compilation): `pip install git+https://github.com/aforren1/toon` See the [demos/](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/tree/master/demos) folder for usage examples (note: some require additional packages). ## Overview ### Input `toon` provides a framework for polling from input devices, including common peripherals like mice and keyboards, with the flexibility to handle less-common devices like eyetrackers, motion trackers, and custom devices (see `toon/input/` for examples). The goal is to make it easier to use a wide variety of devices, including those with sampling rates >1kHz, with minimal performance impact on the main process. We use the built-in `multiprocessing` module to control a separate process that hosts the device, and, in concert with `numpy`, to move data to the main process via shared memory. It seems that under typical conditions, we can expect single `read()` operations to take less than 500 microseconds (and more often < 100 us). See [demos/bench_plot.py](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/blob/master/demos/bench_plot.py) for an example of measuring user-side read performance. Typical use looks like this: ```python from toon.input import MpDevice from mymouse import Mouse from timeit import default_timer device = MpDevice(Mouse()) with device: t1 = default_timer() + 10 while default_timer() < t1: res = device.read() # alternatively, unpack immediately # time, data = device.read() if res: time, data = res # unpack (or access via res.time, res.data) # N-D array of data (0th dim is time) print(data) # 1D array of times print(time) ``` Creating a custom device is relatively straightforward, though there are a few boxes to check. ```python from ctypes import c_double class MyDevice(BaseDevice): # optional: give a hint for the buffer size (we'll allocate 1 sec worth of this) sampling_frequency = 500 # this can either be introduced at the class level, or during __init__ shape = (3, 3) # ctype can be a python type, numpy dtype, or ctype # including ctypes.Structures ctype = c_double # optional. Do not start device communication here, wait until `enter` def __init__(self): pass ## Use `enter` and `exit`, rather than `__enter__` and `__exit__` # optional: configure the device, start communicating def enter(self): pass # optional: clean up resources, close device def exit(self): pass # required def read(self): # See demos/ for examples of sharing a time source between the processes time = self.clock() # store new data with a timestamp data = get_data() return time, data ``` This device can then be passed to a `toon.input.MpDevice`, which preallocates the shared memory and handles other details. A few things to be aware of for data returned by `MpDevice`: - If there's no data for a given `read`, `None` is returned. - The returned data is a _copy_ of the local copy of the data. If you don't need copies, set `use_views=True` when instantiating the `MpDevice`. - If receiving batches of data when reading from the device, you can return a list of (time, data) tuples. - You can optionally use `device.start()`/`device.stop()` instead of a context manager. - You can check for remote errors at any point using `device.check_error()`, though this automatically happens after entering the context manager and when reading. - In addition to python types/dtypes/ctypes, devices can return `ctypes.Structure`s (see input tests or the [example_devices](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/tree/master/example_devices) folder for examples). ### Animation This is still a work in progress, though I think it has some utility as-is. It's a port of the animation component in the [Magnum](https://magnum.graphics/) framework, though lacking some of the features (e.g. Track extrapolation, proper handling of time scaling). Example: ```python from math import sin, pi from time import sleep from timeit import default_timer import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from toon.anim import Track, Player # see toon/anim/easing.py for all available easings from toon.anim.easing import LINEAR, ELASTIC_IN class Circle(object): x = 0 y = 0 circle = Circle() # list of (time, value) keyframes = [(0.2, -0.5), (0.5, 0), (3, 0.5)] x_track = Track(keyframes, easing=LINEAR) # we can reuse keyframes y_track = Track(keyframes, easing=ELASTIC_IN) player = Player(repeats=3) # directly modify an attribute player.add(x_track, 'x', obj=circle) def y_cb(val, obj): obj.y = val # modify via callback player.add(y_track, y_cb, obj=circle) t0 = default_timer() player.start(t0) vals = [] times = [] while player.is_playing: t = default_timer() player.advance(t) times.append(t) vals.append([circle.x, circle.y]) # sleep(1/60) plt.plot(times, vals) plt.show() ``` Other notes: - Non-numeric attributes, like color strings, can also be modified in this framework (easing is ignored). - Multiple objects can be modified simultaneously by feeding a list of objects into `player.add()`. ### Utilities The `util` module includes high-resolution clocks/timers via `QueryPerformanceCounter/Frequency` on Windows, `mach_absolute_time` on MacOS, and `clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)` on Linux. The class is called `MonoClock`, and an instantiation called `mono_clock` is created upon import. Usage: ```python from toon.util import mono_clock, MonoClock clk = mono_clock # re-use pre-instantiated clock clk2 = MonoClock(relative=False) # time relative to whenever the system's clock started t0 = clk.get_time() ``` Another utility currently included is a `priority` function, which tries to improve the determinism of the calling script. This is derived from Psychtoolbox's `Priority` (doc [here](http://psychtoolbox.org/docs/Priority)). General usage is: ```python from toon.util import priority if not priority(1): raise RuntimeError('Failed to raise priority.') # ...do stuff... priority(0) ``` The input should be a 0 (no priority/cancel), 1 (higher priority), or 2 (realtime). If the requested level is rejected, the function will return `False`. The exact implementational details depend on the host operating system. All implementations disable garbage collection. #### Windows - Uses `SetPriorityClass` and `SetThreadPriority`/`AvSetMmMaxThreadCharacteristics`. - `level = 2` only seems to work if running Python as administrator. #### MacOS - Only disables/enables garbage collection; I don't have a Mac to test on. #### Linux - Sets the scheduler policy and parameters `sched_setscheduler`. - If `level == 2`, locks the calling process's virtual address space into RAM via `mlockall`. - Any `level > 0` seems to fail unless the user is either superuser, or has the right capability. I've used setcap: `sudo setcap cap_sys_nice=eip ` (disable by passing `sudo setcap cap_sys_nice= `). For memory locking, I've used Psychtoolbox's [99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf](https://github.com/Psychtoolbox-3/Psychtoolbox-3/blob/master/Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf) and added myself to the psychtoolbox group. Your mileage may vary on whether these _actually_ improve latency/determinism. When in doubt, measure! Read the warnings [here](http://psychtoolbox.org/docs/Priority). Notes about checking whether parts are working: #### Windows - In the task manager under details, right-clicking on python and mousing over "Set priority" will show the current priority level. I haven't figured out how to verify the Avrt threading parts are working. #### Linux - Check `mlockall` with `cat /proc/{python pid}/status | grep VmLck` - Check priority with `top -c -p $(pgrep -d',' -f python)` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for toon Provides: python3-toon-doc %description help # toon [![image](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/toon.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/toon) [![image](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/toon.svg)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aforren1/toon/master/LICENSE.txt) ![Build](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/workflows/Build/badge.svg) ## Description Additional tools for neuroscience experiments, including: - A framework for polling input devices on a separate process. - A framework for keyframe-based animation. - High-resolution clocks. Everything should work on Windows/Mac/Linux. ## Install Current release: `pip install toon` Development version: `pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ toon --pre` Or for the latest commit (requires compilation): `pip install git+https://github.com/aforren1/toon` See the [demos/](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/tree/master/demos) folder for usage examples (note: some require additional packages). ## Overview ### Input `toon` provides a framework for polling from input devices, including common peripherals like mice and keyboards, with the flexibility to handle less-common devices like eyetrackers, motion trackers, and custom devices (see `toon/input/` for examples). The goal is to make it easier to use a wide variety of devices, including those with sampling rates >1kHz, with minimal performance impact on the main process. We use the built-in `multiprocessing` module to control a separate process that hosts the device, and, in concert with `numpy`, to move data to the main process via shared memory. It seems that under typical conditions, we can expect single `read()` operations to take less than 500 microseconds (and more often < 100 us). See [demos/bench_plot.py](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/blob/master/demos/bench_plot.py) for an example of measuring user-side read performance. Typical use looks like this: ```python from toon.input import MpDevice from mymouse import Mouse from timeit import default_timer device = MpDevice(Mouse()) with device: t1 = default_timer() + 10 while default_timer() < t1: res = device.read() # alternatively, unpack immediately # time, data = device.read() if res: time, data = res # unpack (or access via res.time, res.data) # N-D array of data (0th dim is time) print(data) # 1D array of times print(time) ``` Creating a custom device is relatively straightforward, though there are a few boxes to check. ```python from ctypes import c_double class MyDevice(BaseDevice): # optional: give a hint for the buffer size (we'll allocate 1 sec worth of this) sampling_frequency = 500 # this can either be introduced at the class level, or during __init__ shape = (3, 3) # ctype can be a python type, numpy dtype, or ctype # including ctypes.Structures ctype = c_double # optional. Do not start device communication here, wait until `enter` def __init__(self): pass ## Use `enter` and `exit`, rather than `__enter__` and `__exit__` # optional: configure the device, start communicating def enter(self): pass # optional: clean up resources, close device def exit(self): pass # required def read(self): # See demos/ for examples of sharing a time source between the processes time = self.clock() # store new data with a timestamp data = get_data() return time, data ``` This device can then be passed to a `toon.input.MpDevice`, which preallocates the shared memory and handles other details. A few things to be aware of for data returned by `MpDevice`: - If there's no data for a given `read`, `None` is returned. - The returned data is a _copy_ of the local copy of the data. If you don't need copies, set `use_views=True` when instantiating the `MpDevice`. - If receiving batches of data when reading from the device, you can return a list of (time, data) tuples. - You can optionally use `device.start()`/`device.stop()` instead of a context manager. - You can check for remote errors at any point using `device.check_error()`, though this automatically happens after entering the context manager and when reading. - In addition to python types/dtypes/ctypes, devices can return `ctypes.Structure`s (see input tests or the [example_devices](https://github.com/aforren1/toon/tree/master/example_devices) folder for examples). ### Animation This is still a work in progress, though I think it has some utility as-is. It's a port of the animation component in the [Magnum](https://magnum.graphics/) framework, though lacking some of the features (e.g. Track extrapolation, proper handling of time scaling). Example: ```python from math import sin, pi from time import sleep from timeit import default_timer import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from toon.anim import Track, Player # see toon/anim/easing.py for all available easings from toon.anim.easing import LINEAR, ELASTIC_IN class Circle(object): x = 0 y = 0 circle = Circle() # list of (time, value) keyframes = [(0.2, -0.5), (0.5, 0), (3, 0.5)] x_track = Track(keyframes, easing=LINEAR) # we can reuse keyframes y_track = Track(keyframes, easing=ELASTIC_IN) player = Player(repeats=3) # directly modify an attribute player.add(x_track, 'x', obj=circle) def y_cb(val, obj): obj.y = val # modify via callback player.add(y_track, y_cb, obj=circle) t0 = default_timer() player.start(t0) vals = [] times = [] while player.is_playing: t = default_timer() player.advance(t) times.append(t) vals.append([circle.x, circle.y]) # sleep(1/60) plt.plot(times, vals) plt.show() ``` Other notes: - Non-numeric attributes, like color strings, can also be modified in this framework (easing is ignored). - Multiple objects can be modified simultaneously by feeding a list of objects into `player.add()`. ### Utilities The `util` module includes high-resolution clocks/timers via `QueryPerformanceCounter/Frequency` on Windows, `mach_absolute_time` on MacOS, and `clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)` on Linux. The class is called `MonoClock`, and an instantiation called `mono_clock` is created upon import. Usage: ```python from toon.util import mono_clock, MonoClock clk = mono_clock # re-use pre-instantiated clock clk2 = MonoClock(relative=False) # time relative to whenever the system's clock started t0 = clk.get_time() ``` Another utility currently included is a `priority` function, which tries to improve the determinism of the calling script. This is derived from Psychtoolbox's `Priority` (doc [here](http://psychtoolbox.org/docs/Priority)). General usage is: ```python from toon.util import priority if not priority(1): raise RuntimeError('Failed to raise priority.') # ...do stuff... priority(0) ``` The input should be a 0 (no priority/cancel), 1 (higher priority), or 2 (realtime). If the requested level is rejected, the function will return `False`. The exact implementational details depend on the host operating system. All implementations disable garbage collection. #### Windows - Uses `SetPriorityClass` and `SetThreadPriority`/`AvSetMmMaxThreadCharacteristics`. - `level = 2` only seems to work if running Python as administrator. #### MacOS - Only disables/enables garbage collection; I don't have a Mac to test on. #### Linux - Sets the scheduler policy and parameters `sched_setscheduler`. - If `level == 2`, locks the calling process's virtual address space into RAM via `mlockall`. - Any `level > 0` seems to fail unless the user is either superuser, or has the right capability. I've used setcap: `sudo setcap cap_sys_nice=eip ` (disable by passing `sudo setcap cap_sys_nice= `). For memory locking, I've used Psychtoolbox's [99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf](https://github.com/Psychtoolbox-3/Psychtoolbox-3/blob/master/Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf) and added myself to the psychtoolbox group. Your mileage may vary on whether these _actually_ improve latency/determinism. When in doubt, measure! Read the warnings [here](http://psychtoolbox.org/docs/Priority). Notes about checking whether parts are working: #### Windows - In the task manager under details, right-clicking on python and mousing over "Set priority" will show the current priority level. I haven't figured out how to verify the Avrt threading parts are working. #### Linux - Check `mlockall` with `cat /proc/{python pid}/status | grep VmLck` - Check priority with `top -c -p $(pgrep -d',' -f python)` %prep %autosetup -n toon-0.15.9 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-toon -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitearch}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue May 30 2023 Python_Bot - 0.15.9-1 - Package Spec generated