%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-goblet-gcp
Version: 0.11.0
Release: 1
Summary: Google Cloud functions wrapper
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/goblet/goblet
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/4c/52/6e7b12b1d3ba8b19cfe42c2fae3760a336933e93b433e0a8094e21a83879/goblet-gcp-0.11.0.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-apispec
Requires: python3-click
Requires: python3-google-api-python-client
Requires: python3-functions-framework
Requires: python3-marshmallow
Requires: python3-pydantic
Requires: python3-PyYAML
Requires: python3-google-cloud-logging
Requires: python3-goblet-gcp-client
Requires: python3-protobuf

Goblet is a framework for writing serverless rest apis in python in google cloud. It allows you to quickly create and deploy python apis backed by [Cloud Functions](https://cloud.google.com/functions) and [Cloud Run](https://cloud.google.com/run)
It provides:
* A command line tool for creating, deploying, and managing your api
* A decorator based API for integrating with GCP API Gateway, Storage, Cloudfunctions, PubSub, Scheduler, Cloudrun Jobs, BQ remote functions, Redis, Monitoring alerts and other GCP services.
* Local environment for testing and running your api endpoints
* Dynamically generated openapispec
* Support for multiple stages
You can create Rest APIs:
from goblet import Goblet, jsonify, goblet_entrypoint
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
def home():
return {"hello": "world"}
@app.route('/home/{id}', methods=["POST"])
def post_example(id: int) -> List[int]:
return jsonify([id])
You can also create other GCP resources that are related to your REST api:
from goblet import Goblet, jsonify, goblet_entrypoint
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
# Scheduled job
@app.schedule("5 * * * *")
def scheduled_job():
return jsonify("success")
# Pubsub subscription
def pubsub_subscription(data):
# Example Redis Instance
# Example Metric Alert for the cloudfunction metric execution_count with a threshold of 10
app.alert("metric",conditions=[MetricCondition("test", metric="cloudfunctions.googleapis.com/function/execution_count", value=10)])
Once you've written your code, you just run goblet deploy and Goblet takes care of deploying your app.
$ goblet deploy -l us-central1
$ curl https://api.uc.gateway.dev/home
{"hello": "world"}
> Note: Due to breaking changes in Cloudfunctions you will need to wrap your goblet class in a function. See [issue #88](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/issues/88). In the latest goblet version (0.5.0) there is a helper function `goblet_entrypoint` that can be used as well.
> `goblet_entrypoint(app)`
## Resources Supported
#### Infrastructure
* vpc connector
* redis
* alerts
* api gateway
* cloudtaskqueue
#### Backends
* cloudfunction
* cloudfunction V2
* cloudrun
#### Routing
* api gateway
* http
#### Handlers
* pubsub
* scheduler
* storage
* eventarc
* cloudrun jobs
* bq remote functions
* cloudtasktarget
## Data Typing Frameworks Supported
* pydantic
* marshmallow
## Installation
To install goblet, open an interactive shell and run:
```pip install goblet-gcp```
Make sure to have the correct services enabled in your gcp project depending on what you want to deploy
`api-gateway`, `cloudfunctions`, `storage`, `pubsub`, `scheduler`
You will also need to install [gcloud cli](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install) for authentication
## QuickStart
In this tutorial, you'll use the goblet command line utility to create and deploy a basic REST API. This quickstart uses Python 3.7. You can find the latest versions of python on the Python download page.
To install Goblet, we'll first create and activate a virtual environment in python3.7:
$ python3 --version
Python 3.7.3
$ python3 -m venv venv37
$ . venv37/bin/activate
Next we'll install Goblet using pip:
python3 -m pip install goblet-gcp
You can verify you have goblet installed by running:
$ goblet --help
Usage: goblet [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
### Credentials
Before you can deploy an application, be sure you have credentials configured. You should run `gcloud auth application-default login` and sign in to the desired project.
### Creating Your Project
create your project directory, which should include an main.py and a requirements.txt. Make sure requirements.txt includes `goblet-gcp`
$ ls -la
drwxr-xr-x .goblet
-rw-r--r-- main.py
-rw-r--r-- requirements.txt
You can ignore the .goblet directory for now, the two main files we'll focus on is app.py and requirements.txt.
Let's take a look at the main.py file:
from goblet import Goblet, goblet_entrypoint
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
def home():
return {"hello": "world"}
This app will deploy an api with endpoint `/home`.
### Running Locally
Running your functions locally for testing and debugging is easy to do with goblet.
from goblet import Goblet
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
def home():
return {"hello": "world"}
Then run `goblet local`
Now you can hit your functions endpoint at `localhost:8080` with your routes. For example `localhost:8080/home`
### Deploying
Let's deploy this app. Make sure you're in the app directory and run goblet deploy making sure to specify the desired location:
$ goblet deploy -l us-central1
INFO:goblet.deployer:zipping function......
INFO:goblet.deployer:uploading function zip to gs......
INFO:goblet.deployer:function code uploaded
INFO:goblet.deployer:creating cloudfunction......
INFO:goblet.deployer:deploying api......
INFO:goblet.deployer:api successfully deployed...
INFO:goblet.deployer:api endpoint is goblet-example-yol8sbt.uc.gateway.dev
You now have an API up and running using API Gateway and cloudfunctions:
$ curl https://goblet-example-yol8sbt.uc.gateway.dev/home
{"hello": "world"}
Try making a change to the returned dictionary from the home() function. You can then redeploy your changes by running `golet deploy`.
### Next Steps
You've now created your first app using goblet. You can make modifications to your main.py file and rerun goblet deploy to redeploy your changes.
At this point, there are several next steps you can take.
Docs - [Goblet Documentation](https://goblet.github.io/goblet/build/html/index.html)
If you're done experimenting with Goblet and you'd like to cleanup, you can use the `goblet destroy` command making sure to specify the desired location, and Goblet will delete all the resources it created when running the goblet deploy command.
$ goblet destroy -l us-central1
INFO:goblet.deployer:destroying api gateway......
INFO:goblet.deployer:api configs destroying....
INFO:goblet.deployer:apis successfully destroyed......
INFO:goblet.deployer:deleting google cloudfunction......
INFO:goblet.deployer:deleting storage bucket......
## Docs
[Goblet Documentation](https://goblet.github.io/goblet/build/html/index.html)
## Blog Posts
[Building Python Serverless Applications on GCP](https://austennovis.medium.com/building-python-serverless-applications-on-gcp-141a806eb7a5)
[Serverless APIs made simple on GCP with Goblet backed by Cloud Functions and Cloud Run](https://engineering.premise.com/serverless-apis-made-simple-on-gcp-with-goblet-backed-by-cloud-functions-and-cloud-run-730db2da04ba)
[Tutorial: Publishing GitHub Findings to Security Command Center](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-publishing-github-findings-to-security-command-center-2d1749f530bc)
[Tutorial: Cost Spike Alerting](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-cost-spike-alerting-for-google-cloud-platform-gcp-46fd26ae3f6a)
[Tutorial: Setting Up Approval Processes with Slack Apps](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-setting-up-approval-processes-with-slack-apps-d325aee31763)
[Tutorial: API Deployments with Traffic Revisions and Centralized Artifact Registries in Google Cloud Run](https://engineering.premise.com/traffic-revisions-and-artifact-registries-in-google-cloud-run-made-easy-with-goblet-1a3fa86de25c)
[Tutorial: Deploying Cloud Run Jobs](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-deploying-cloud-run-jobs-9435466b26f5)
[Tutorial: Connecting Cloudrun and Cloudfunctions to Redis and other Private Services using Goblet](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-connecting-cloudrun-and-cloudfunctions-to-redis-and-other-private-services-using-goblet-5782f80da6a0)
[Tutorial: Deploying BigQuery Remote Functions](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-deploying-bigquery-remote-functions-9040316d9d3e)
[GCP Alerts the Easy Way: Alerting for Cloudfunctions and Cloudrun using Goblet](https://engineering.premise.com/gcp-alerts-the-easy-way-alerting-for-cloudfunctions-and-cloudrun-using-goblet-62bdf2126ef6)
[Tutorial: Deploy CloudTaskQueues, enqueue CloudTasks and handle CloudTasks](https://engineering.premise.com/deploy-and-handle-gcp-cloudtasks-with-goblet-in-minutes-ee138e9dd2c5)
[Tutorial: Low Usage Alerting On Slack for Google Cloud Platform](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-low-usage-alerting-on-slack-for-google-cloud-platform-gcp-cc68ac8ca4d)
## Examples
[Goblet Examples](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/blob/main/examples/main.py)
## Issues
Please file any issues, bugs or feature requests as an issue on our [GitHub](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/issues) page.
## Github Action
[Goblet Github Action](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/goblet-deploy)
## Roadmap
☑ Integration Tests \
☑ [Api Gateway Auth](https://cloud.google.com/api-gateway/docs/authenticate-service-account) \
☑ Configuration Options (function names, ...) \
☑ Use checksum for updates \
☑ Cloudrun Backend \
☑ [Scheduler](https://cloud.google.com/scheduler) trigger \
☑ [Pub Sub](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/overview) trigger \
☑ [Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/storage) trigger \
☑ [Cloudrun Jobs](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/quickstarts/jobs/create-execute) trigger \
☐ [Firestore]( https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/cloud-firestore) trigger \
☐ [Firebase](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/realtime-database) trigger \
☑ [CloudTask and CloudTask Queues](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/dual-overview) \
☐ [Cloud Endpoints](https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/get-started-cloud-functions) trigger \
☑ [EventArc](https://cloud.google.com/eventarc/docs) trigger \
☑ [Redis](https://cloud.google.com/memorystore) infrastructure \
☐ [Cloud Tracing](https://cloud.google.com/trace/docs/setup/python-ot) \
☑ [BQ Remote Functions](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/remote-functions) \
☑ Deploy API Gateway from existing openapi spec \
☑ Deploy arbitrary Dockerfile to Cloudrun
## Want to Contribute
If you would like to contribute to the library (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug or adding a cool new feature) submit a [pull request](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/pulls).
## Want to Support
Based on [chalice](https://github.com/aws/chalice)
%package -n python3-goblet-gcp
Summary: Google Cloud functions wrapper
Provides: python-goblet-gcp
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-goblet-gcp

Goblet is a framework for writing serverless rest apis in python in google cloud. It allows you to quickly create and deploy python apis backed by [Cloud Functions](https://cloud.google.com/functions) and [Cloud Run](https://cloud.google.com/run)
It provides:
* A command line tool for creating, deploying, and managing your api
* A decorator based API for integrating with GCP API Gateway, Storage, Cloudfunctions, PubSub, Scheduler, Cloudrun Jobs, BQ remote functions, Redis, Monitoring alerts and other GCP services.
* Local environment for testing and running your api endpoints
* Dynamically generated openapispec
* Support for multiple stages
You can create Rest APIs:
from goblet import Goblet, jsonify, goblet_entrypoint
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
def home():
return {"hello": "world"}
@app.route('/home/{id}', methods=["POST"])
def post_example(id: int) -> List[int]:
return jsonify([id])
You can also create other GCP resources that are related to your REST api:
from goblet import Goblet, jsonify, goblet_entrypoint
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
# Scheduled job
@app.schedule("5 * * * *")
def scheduled_job():
return jsonify("success")
# Pubsub subscription
def pubsub_subscription(data):
# Example Redis Instance
# Example Metric Alert for the cloudfunction metric execution_count with a threshold of 10
app.alert("metric",conditions=[MetricCondition("test", metric="cloudfunctions.googleapis.com/function/execution_count", value=10)])
Once you've written your code, you just run goblet deploy and Goblet takes care of deploying your app.
$ goblet deploy -l us-central1
$ curl https://api.uc.gateway.dev/home
{"hello": "world"}
> Note: Due to breaking changes in Cloudfunctions you will need to wrap your goblet class in a function. See [issue #88](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/issues/88). In the latest goblet version (0.5.0) there is a helper function `goblet_entrypoint` that can be used as well.
> `goblet_entrypoint(app)`
## Resources Supported
#### Infrastructure
* vpc connector
* redis
* alerts
* api gateway
* cloudtaskqueue
#### Backends
* cloudfunction
* cloudfunction V2
* cloudrun
#### Routing
* api gateway
* http
#### Handlers
* pubsub
* scheduler
* storage
* eventarc
* cloudrun jobs
* bq remote functions
* cloudtasktarget
## Data Typing Frameworks Supported
* pydantic
* marshmallow
## Installation
To install goblet, open an interactive shell and run:
```pip install goblet-gcp```
Make sure to have the correct services enabled in your gcp project depending on what you want to deploy
`api-gateway`, `cloudfunctions`, `storage`, `pubsub`, `scheduler`
You will also need to install [gcloud cli](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install) for authentication
## QuickStart
In this tutorial, you'll use the goblet command line utility to create and deploy a basic REST API. This quickstart uses Python 3.7. You can find the latest versions of python on the Python download page.
To install Goblet, we'll first create and activate a virtual environment in python3.7:
$ python3 --version
Python 3.7.3
$ python3 -m venv venv37
$ . venv37/bin/activate
Next we'll install Goblet using pip:
python3 -m pip install goblet-gcp
You can verify you have goblet installed by running:
$ goblet --help
Usage: goblet [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
### Credentials
Before you can deploy an application, be sure you have credentials configured. You should run `gcloud auth application-default login` and sign in to the desired project.
### Creating Your Project
create your project directory, which should include an main.py and a requirements.txt. Make sure requirements.txt includes `goblet-gcp`
$ ls -la
drwxr-xr-x .goblet
-rw-r--r-- main.py
-rw-r--r-- requirements.txt
You can ignore the .goblet directory for now, the two main files we'll focus on is app.py and requirements.txt.
Let's take a look at the main.py file:
from goblet import Goblet, goblet_entrypoint
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
def home():
return {"hello": "world"}
This app will deploy an api with endpoint `/home`.
### Running Locally
Running your functions locally for testing and debugging is easy to do with goblet.
from goblet import Goblet
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
def home():
return {"hello": "world"}
Then run `goblet local`
Now you can hit your functions endpoint at `localhost:8080` with your routes. For example `localhost:8080/home`
### Deploying
Let's deploy this app. Make sure you're in the app directory and run goblet deploy making sure to specify the desired location:
$ goblet deploy -l us-central1
INFO:goblet.deployer:zipping function......
INFO:goblet.deployer:uploading function zip to gs......
INFO:goblet.deployer:function code uploaded
INFO:goblet.deployer:creating cloudfunction......
INFO:goblet.deployer:deploying api......
INFO:goblet.deployer:api successfully deployed...
INFO:goblet.deployer:api endpoint is goblet-example-yol8sbt.uc.gateway.dev
You now have an API up and running using API Gateway and cloudfunctions:
$ curl https://goblet-example-yol8sbt.uc.gateway.dev/home
{"hello": "world"}
Try making a change to the returned dictionary from the home() function. You can then redeploy your changes by running `golet deploy`.
### Next Steps
You've now created your first app using goblet. You can make modifications to your main.py file and rerun goblet deploy to redeploy your changes.
At this point, there are several next steps you can take.
Docs - [Goblet Documentation](https://goblet.github.io/goblet/build/html/index.html)
If you're done experimenting with Goblet and you'd like to cleanup, you can use the `goblet destroy` command making sure to specify the desired location, and Goblet will delete all the resources it created when running the goblet deploy command.
$ goblet destroy -l us-central1
INFO:goblet.deployer:destroying api gateway......
INFO:goblet.deployer:api configs destroying....
INFO:goblet.deployer:apis successfully destroyed......
INFO:goblet.deployer:deleting google cloudfunction......
INFO:goblet.deployer:deleting storage bucket......
## Docs
[Goblet Documentation](https://goblet.github.io/goblet/build/html/index.html)
## Blog Posts
[Building Python Serverless Applications on GCP](https://austennovis.medium.com/building-python-serverless-applications-on-gcp-141a806eb7a5)
[Serverless APIs made simple on GCP with Goblet backed by Cloud Functions and Cloud Run](https://engineering.premise.com/serverless-apis-made-simple-on-gcp-with-goblet-backed-by-cloud-functions-and-cloud-run-730db2da04ba)
[Tutorial: Publishing GitHub Findings to Security Command Center](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-publishing-github-findings-to-security-command-center-2d1749f530bc)
[Tutorial: Cost Spike Alerting](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-cost-spike-alerting-for-google-cloud-platform-gcp-46fd26ae3f6a)
[Tutorial: Setting Up Approval Processes with Slack Apps](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-setting-up-approval-processes-with-slack-apps-d325aee31763)
[Tutorial: API Deployments with Traffic Revisions and Centralized Artifact Registries in Google Cloud Run](https://engineering.premise.com/traffic-revisions-and-artifact-registries-in-google-cloud-run-made-easy-with-goblet-1a3fa86de25c)
[Tutorial: Deploying Cloud Run Jobs](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-deploying-cloud-run-jobs-9435466b26f5)
[Tutorial: Connecting Cloudrun and Cloudfunctions to Redis and other Private Services using Goblet](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-connecting-cloudrun-and-cloudfunctions-to-redis-and-other-private-services-using-goblet-5782f80da6a0)
[Tutorial: Deploying BigQuery Remote Functions](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-deploying-bigquery-remote-functions-9040316d9d3e)
[GCP Alerts the Easy Way: Alerting for Cloudfunctions and Cloudrun using Goblet](https://engineering.premise.com/gcp-alerts-the-easy-way-alerting-for-cloudfunctions-and-cloudrun-using-goblet-62bdf2126ef6)
[Tutorial: Deploy CloudTaskQueues, enqueue CloudTasks and handle CloudTasks](https://engineering.premise.com/deploy-and-handle-gcp-cloudtasks-with-goblet-in-minutes-ee138e9dd2c5)
[Tutorial: Low Usage Alerting On Slack for Google Cloud Platform](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-low-usage-alerting-on-slack-for-google-cloud-platform-gcp-cc68ac8ca4d)
## Examples
[Goblet Examples](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/blob/main/examples/main.py)
## Issues
Please file any issues, bugs or feature requests as an issue on our [GitHub](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/issues) page.
## Github Action
[Goblet Github Action](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/goblet-deploy)
## Roadmap
☑ Integration Tests \
☑ [Api Gateway Auth](https://cloud.google.com/api-gateway/docs/authenticate-service-account) \
☑ Configuration Options (function names, ...) \
☑ Use checksum for updates \
☑ Cloudrun Backend \
☑ [Scheduler](https://cloud.google.com/scheduler) trigger \
☑ [Pub Sub](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/overview) trigger \
☑ [Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/storage) trigger \
☑ [Cloudrun Jobs](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/quickstarts/jobs/create-execute) trigger \
☐ [Firestore]( https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/cloud-firestore) trigger \
☐ [Firebase](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/realtime-database) trigger \
☑ [CloudTask and CloudTask Queues](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/dual-overview) \
☐ [Cloud Endpoints](https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/get-started-cloud-functions) trigger \
☑ [EventArc](https://cloud.google.com/eventarc/docs) trigger \
☑ [Redis](https://cloud.google.com/memorystore) infrastructure \
☐ [Cloud Tracing](https://cloud.google.com/trace/docs/setup/python-ot) \
☑ [BQ Remote Functions](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/remote-functions) \
☑ Deploy API Gateway from existing openapi spec \
☑ Deploy arbitrary Dockerfile to Cloudrun
## Want to Contribute
If you would like to contribute to the library (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug or adding a cool new feature) submit a [pull request](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/pulls).
## Want to Support
Based on [chalice](https://github.com/aws/chalice)
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for goblet-gcp
Provides: python3-goblet-gcp-doc
%description help

Goblet is a framework for writing serverless rest apis in python in google cloud. It allows you to quickly create and deploy python apis backed by [Cloud Functions](https://cloud.google.com/functions) and [Cloud Run](https://cloud.google.com/run)
It provides:
* A command line tool for creating, deploying, and managing your api
* A decorator based API for integrating with GCP API Gateway, Storage, Cloudfunctions, PubSub, Scheduler, Cloudrun Jobs, BQ remote functions, Redis, Monitoring alerts and other GCP services.
* Local environment for testing and running your api endpoints
* Dynamically generated openapispec
* Support for multiple stages
You can create Rest APIs:
from goblet import Goblet, jsonify, goblet_entrypoint
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
def home():
return {"hello": "world"}
@app.route('/home/{id}', methods=["POST"])
def post_example(id: int) -> List[int]:
return jsonify([id])
You can also create other GCP resources that are related to your REST api:
from goblet import Goblet, jsonify, goblet_entrypoint
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
# Scheduled job
@app.schedule("5 * * * *")
def scheduled_job():
return jsonify("success")
# Pubsub subscription
def pubsub_subscription(data):
# Example Redis Instance
# Example Metric Alert for the cloudfunction metric execution_count with a threshold of 10
app.alert("metric",conditions=[MetricCondition("test", metric="cloudfunctions.googleapis.com/function/execution_count", value=10)])
Once you've written your code, you just run goblet deploy and Goblet takes care of deploying your app.
$ goblet deploy -l us-central1
$ curl https://api.uc.gateway.dev/home
{"hello": "world"}
> Note: Due to breaking changes in Cloudfunctions you will need to wrap your goblet class in a function. See [issue #88](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/issues/88). In the latest goblet version (0.5.0) there is a helper function `goblet_entrypoint` that can be used as well.
> `goblet_entrypoint(app)`
## Resources Supported
#### Infrastructure
* vpc connector
* redis
* alerts
* api gateway
* cloudtaskqueue
#### Backends
* cloudfunction
* cloudfunction V2
* cloudrun
#### Routing
* api gateway
* http
#### Handlers
* pubsub
* scheduler
* storage
* eventarc
* cloudrun jobs
* bq remote functions
* cloudtasktarget
## Data Typing Frameworks Supported
* pydantic
* marshmallow
## Installation
To install goblet, open an interactive shell and run:
```pip install goblet-gcp```
Make sure to have the correct services enabled in your gcp project depending on what you want to deploy
`api-gateway`, `cloudfunctions`, `storage`, `pubsub`, `scheduler`
You will also need to install [gcloud cli](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install) for authentication
## QuickStart
In this tutorial, you'll use the goblet command line utility to create and deploy a basic REST API. This quickstart uses Python 3.7. You can find the latest versions of python on the Python download page.
To install Goblet, we'll first create and activate a virtual environment in python3.7:
$ python3 --version
Python 3.7.3
$ python3 -m venv venv37
$ . venv37/bin/activate
Next we'll install Goblet using pip:
python3 -m pip install goblet-gcp
You can verify you have goblet installed by running:
$ goblet --help
Usage: goblet [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
### Credentials
Before you can deploy an application, be sure you have credentials configured. You should run `gcloud auth application-default login` and sign in to the desired project.
### Creating Your Project
create your project directory, which should include an main.py and a requirements.txt. Make sure requirements.txt includes `goblet-gcp`
$ ls -la
drwxr-xr-x .goblet
-rw-r--r-- main.py
-rw-r--r-- requirements.txt
You can ignore the .goblet directory for now, the two main files we'll focus on is app.py and requirements.txt.
Let's take a look at the main.py file:
from goblet import Goblet, goblet_entrypoint
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
def home():
return {"hello": "world"}
This app will deploy an api with endpoint `/home`.
### Running Locally
Running your functions locally for testing and debugging is easy to do with goblet.
from goblet import Goblet
app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example")
def home():
return {"hello": "world"}
Then run `goblet local`
Now you can hit your functions endpoint at `localhost:8080` with your routes. For example `localhost:8080/home`
### Deploying
Let's deploy this app. Make sure you're in the app directory and run goblet deploy making sure to specify the desired location:
$ goblet deploy -l us-central1
INFO:goblet.deployer:zipping function......
INFO:goblet.deployer:uploading function zip to gs......
INFO:goblet.deployer:function code uploaded
INFO:goblet.deployer:creating cloudfunction......
INFO:goblet.deployer:deploying api......
INFO:goblet.deployer:api successfully deployed...
INFO:goblet.deployer:api endpoint is goblet-example-yol8sbt.uc.gateway.dev
You now have an API up and running using API Gateway and cloudfunctions:
$ curl https://goblet-example-yol8sbt.uc.gateway.dev/home
{"hello": "world"}
Try making a change to the returned dictionary from the home() function. You can then redeploy your changes by running `golet deploy`.
### Next Steps
You've now created your first app using goblet. You can make modifications to your main.py file and rerun goblet deploy to redeploy your changes.
At this point, there are several next steps you can take.
Docs - [Goblet Documentation](https://goblet.github.io/goblet/build/html/index.html)
If you're done experimenting with Goblet and you'd like to cleanup, you can use the `goblet destroy` command making sure to specify the desired location, and Goblet will delete all the resources it created when running the goblet deploy command.
$ goblet destroy -l us-central1
INFO:goblet.deployer:destroying api gateway......
INFO:goblet.deployer:api configs destroying....
INFO:goblet.deployer:apis successfully destroyed......
INFO:goblet.deployer:deleting google cloudfunction......
INFO:goblet.deployer:deleting storage bucket......
## Docs
[Goblet Documentation](https://goblet.github.io/goblet/build/html/index.html)
## Blog Posts
[Building Python Serverless Applications on GCP](https://austennovis.medium.com/building-python-serverless-applications-on-gcp-141a806eb7a5)
[Serverless APIs made simple on GCP with Goblet backed by Cloud Functions and Cloud Run](https://engineering.premise.com/serverless-apis-made-simple-on-gcp-with-goblet-backed-by-cloud-functions-and-cloud-run-730db2da04ba)
[Tutorial: Publishing GitHub Findings to Security Command Center](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-publishing-github-findings-to-security-command-center-2d1749f530bc)
[Tutorial: Cost Spike Alerting](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-cost-spike-alerting-for-google-cloud-platform-gcp-46fd26ae3f6a)
[Tutorial: Setting Up Approval Processes with Slack Apps](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-setting-up-approval-processes-with-slack-apps-d325aee31763)
[Tutorial: API Deployments with Traffic Revisions and Centralized Artifact Registries in Google Cloud Run](https://engineering.premise.com/traffic-revisions-and-artifact-registries-in-google-cloud-run-made-easy-with-goblet-1a3fa86de25c)
[Tutorial: Deploying Cloud Run Jobs](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-deploying-cloud-run-jobs-9435466b26f5)
[Tutorial: Connecting Cloudrun and Cloudfunctions to Redis and other Private Services using Goblet](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-connecting-cloudrun-and-cloudfunctions-to-redis-and-other-private-services-using-goblet-5782f80da6a0)
[Tutorial: Deploying BigQuery Remote Functions](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-deploying-bigquery-remote-functions-9040316d9d3e)
[GCP Alerts the Easy Way: Alerting for Cloudfunctions and Cloudrun using Goblet](https://engineering.premise.com/gcp-alerts-the-easy-way-alerting-for-cloudfunctions-and-cloudrun-using-goblet-62bdf2126ef6)
[Tutorial: Deploy CloudTaskQueues, enqueue CloudTasks and handle CloudTasks](https://engineering.premise.com/deploy-and-handle-gcp-cloudtasks-with-goblet-in-minutes-ee138e9dd2c5)
[Tutorial: Low Usage Alerting On Slack for Google Cloud Platform](https://engineering.premise.com/tutorial-low-usage-alerting-on-slack-for-google-cloud-platform-gcp-cc68ac8ca4d)
## Examples
[Goblet Examples](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/blob/main/examples/main.py)
## Issues
Please file any issues, bugs or feature requests as an issue on our [GitHub](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/issues) page.
## Github Action
[Goblet Github Action](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/goblet-deploy)
## Roadmap
☑ Integration Tests \
☑ [Api Gateway Auth](https://cloud.google.com/api-gateway/docs/authenticate-service-account) \
☑ Configuration Options (function names, ...) \
☑ Use checksum for updates \
☑ Cloudrun Backend \
☑ [Scheduler](https://cloud.google.com/scheduler) trigger \
☑ [Pub Sub](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/overview) trigger \
☑ [Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/storage) trigger \
☑ [Cloudrun Jobs](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/quickstarts/jobs/create-execute) trigger \
☐ [Firestore]( https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/cloud-firestore) trigger \
☐ [Firebase](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/realtime-database) trigger \
☑ [CloudTask and CloudTask Queues](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/dual-overview) \
☐ [Cloud Endpoints](https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/get-started-cloud-functions) trigger \
☑ [EventArc](https://cloud.google.com/eventarc/docs) trigger \
☑ [Redis](https://cloud.google.com/memorystore) infrastructure \
☐ [Cloud Tracing](https://cloud.google.com/trace/docs/setup/python-ot) \
☑ [BQ Remote Functions](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/remote-functions) \
☑ Deploy API Gateway from existing openapi spec \
☑ Deploy arbitrary Dockerfile to Cloudrun
## Want to Contribute
If you would like to contribute to the library (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug or adding a cool new feature) submit a [pull request](https://github.com/goblet/goblet/pulls).
## Want to Support
Based on [chalice](https://github.com/aws/chalice)
%autosetup -n goblet-gcp-0.11.0
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* Tue May 30 2023 Python_Bot - 0.11.0-1
- Package Spec generated