%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-libnum
Version: 1.7.1
Release: 1
Summary: Working with numbers (primes, modular, etc.)
License: MIT
URL: https://pypi.org/project/libnum/
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/d1/b3/25a3af3537d5dbcd23c651b942e6715b55f3ffeada97a5be328c0f1ac7a1/libnum-1.7.1.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
# libnum
This is a python library for some numbers functions:
* working with primes (generating, primality tests)
* common maths (gcd, lcm, n'th root)
* modular arithmetics (inverse, Jacobi symbol, square root, solve CRT)
* converting strings to numbers or binary strings
Library may be used for learning/experimenting/research purposes. Should NOT be used for secure crypto implementations.
## Installation
$ pip install libnum
Note that only Python 3 version is maintained.
## Development
For development or building this repository, [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) is needed.
Tests can be ran with
$ pytest --doctest-modules .
## List of functions
Common maths
* len\_in\_bits(n) - number of bits in binary representation of @n
* randint\_bits(size) - random number with a given bit size
* extract\_prime\_power(a, p) - s,t such that a = p**s * t
* nroot(x, n) - truncated n'th root of x
* gcd(a, b, ...) - greatest common divisor of all arguments
* lcm(a, b, ...) - least common multiplier of all arguments
* xgcd(a, b) - Extented Euclid GCD algorithm, returns (x, y, g) : a * x + b * y = gcd(a, b) = g
* has\_invmod(a, n) - checks if a has modulo inverse
* invmod(a, n) - modulo inverse
* solve\_crt(remainders, modules) - solve Chinese Remainder Theoreme
* factorial\_mod(n, factors) - compute factorial modulo composite number, needs factorization
* nCk\_mod(n, k, factors) - compute combinations number modulo composite number, needs factorization
* nCk\_mod\_prime\_power(n, k, p, e) - compute combinations number modulo prime power
Modular square roots
* jacobi(a, b) - Jacobi symbol
* has\_sqrtmod\_prime\_power(a, p, k) - checks if a number has modular square root, modulus is p**k
* sqrtmod\_prime\_power(a, p, k) - modular square root by p**k
* has\_sqrtmod(a, factors) - checks if a composite number has modular square root, needs factorization
* sqrtmod(a, factors) - modular square root by a composite modulus, needs factorization
* primes(n) - list of primes not greater than @n, slow method
* generate\_prime(size, k=25) - generates a pseudo-prime with @size bits length. @k is a number of tests.
* generate\_prime\_from\_string(s, size=None, k=25) - generate a pseudo-prime starting with @s in string representation
* is\_power(n) - check if @n is p**k, k >= 2: return (p, k) or False
* factorize(n) - factorize @n (currently with rho-Pollard method)
warning: format of factorization is now dict like {p1: e1, p2: e2, ...}
* Curve(a, b, p, g, order, cofactor, seed) - class for representing elliptic curve. Methods:
* .is\_null(p) - checks if point is null
* .is\_opposite(p1, p2) - checks if 2 points are opposite
* .check(p) - checks if point is on the curve
* .check\_x(x) - checks if there are points with given x on the curve (and returns them if any)
* .find\_points\_in\_range(start, end) - list of points in range of x coordinate
* .find\_points\_rand(count) - list of count random points
* .add(p1, p2) - p1 + p2 on elliptic curve
* .power(p, n) - n✕P or (P + P + ... + P) n times
* .generate(n) - n✕G
* .get\_order(p, limit) - slow method, trying to determine order of p; limit is max order to try
* s2n(s) - packed string to number
* n2s(n) - number to packed string
* s2b(s) - packed string to binary string
* b2s(b) - binary string to packed string
* grey\_code(n) - number in Grey code
* rev\_grey\_code(g) - number from Grey code
* nCk(n, k) - number of combinations
* factorial(n) - factorial
## About
Author: hellman
License: [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%package -n python3-libnum
Summary: Working with numbers (primes, modular, etc.)
Provides: python-libnum
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-libnum
# libnum
This is a python library for some numbers functions:
* working with primes (generating, primality tests)
* common maths (gcd, lcm, n'th root)
* modular arithmetics (inverse, Jacobi symbol, square root, solve CRT)
* converting strings to numbers or binary strings
Library may be used for learning/experimenting/research purposes. Should NOT be used for secure crypto implementations.
## Installation
$ pip install libnum
Note that only Python 3 version is maintained.
## Development
For development or building this repository, [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) is needed.
Tests can be ran with
$ pytest --doctest-modules .
## List of functions
Common maths
* len\_in\_bits(n) - number of bits in binary representation of @n
* randint\_bits(size) - random number with a given bit size
* extract\_prime\_power(a, p) - s,t such that a = p**s * t
* nroot(x, n) - truncated n'th root of x
* gcd(a, b, ...) - greatest common divisor of all arguments
* lcm(a, b, ...) - least common multiplier of all arguments
* xgcd(a, b) - Extented Euclid GCD algorithm, returns (x, y, g) : a * x + b * y = gcd(a, b) = g
* has\_invmod(a, n) - checks if a has modulo inverse
* invmod(a, n) - modulo inverse
* solve\_crt(remainders, modules) - solve Chinese Remainder Theoreme
* factorial\_mod(n, factors) - compute factorial modulo composite number, needs factorization
* nCk\_mod(n, k, factors) - compute combinations number modulo composite number, needs factorization
* nCk\_mod\_prime\_power(n, k, p, e) - compute combinations number modulo prime power
Modular square roots
* jacobi(a, b) - Jacobi symbol
* has\_sqrtmod\_prime\_power(a, p, k) - checks if a number has modular square root, modulus is p**k
* sqrtmod\_prime\_power(a, p, k) - modular square root by p**k
* has\_sqrtmod(a, factors) - checks if a composite number has modular square root, needs factorization
* sqrtmod(a, factors) - modular square root by a composite modulus, needs factorization
* primes(n) - list of primes not greater than @n, slow method
* generate\_prime(size, k=25) - generates a pseudo-prime with @size bits length. @k is a number of tests.
* generate\_prime\_from\_string(s, size=None, k=25) - generate a pseudo-prime starting with @s in string representation
* is\_power(n) - check if @n is p**k, k >= 2: return (p, k) or False
* factorize(n) - factorize @n (currently with rho-Pollard method)
warning: format of factorization is now dict like {p1: e1, p2: e2, ...}
* Curve(a, b, p, g, order, cofactor, seed) - class for representing elliptic curve. Methods:
* .is\_null(p) - checks if point is null
* .is\_opposite(p1, p2) - checks if 2 points are opposite
* .check(p) - checks if point is on the curve
* .check\_x(x) - checks if there are points with given x on the curve (and returns them if any)
* .find\_points\_in\_range(start, end) - list of points in range of x coordinate
* .find\_points\_rand(count) - list of count random points
* .add(p1, p2) - p1 + p2 on elliptic curve
* .power(p, n) - n✕P or (P + P + ... + P) n times
* .generate(n) - n✕G
* .get\_order(p, limit) - slow method, trying to determine order of p; limit is max order to try
* s2n(s) - packed string to number
* n2s(n) - number to packed string
* s2b(s) - packed string to binary string
* b2s(b) - binary string to packed string
* grey\_code(n) - number in Grey code
* rev\_grey\_code(g) - number from Grey code
* nCk(n, k) - number of combinations
* factorial(n) - factorial
## About
Author: hellman
License: [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for libnum
Provides: python3-libnum-doc
%description help
# libnum
This is a python library for some numbers functions:
* working with primes (generating, primality tests)
* common maths (gcd, lcm, n'th root)
* modular arithmetics (inverse, Jacobi symbol, square root, solve CRT)
* converting strings to numbers or binary strings
Library may be used for learning/experimenting/research purposes. Should NOT be used for secure crypto implementations.
## Installation
$ pip install libnum
Note that only Python 3 version is maintained.
## Development
For development or building this repository, [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) is needed.
Tests can be ran with
$ pytest --doctest-modules .
## List of functions
Common maths
* len\_in\_bits(n) - number of bits in binary representation of @n
* randint\_bits(size) - random number with a given bit size
* extract\_prime\_power(a, p) - s,t such that a = p**s * t
* nroot(x, n) - truncated n'th root of x
* gcd(a, b, ...) - greatest common divisor of all arguments
* lcm(a, b, ...) - least common multiplier of all arguments
* xgcd(a, b) - Extented Euclid GCD algorithm, returns (x, y, g) : a * x + b * y = gcd(a, b) = g
* has\_invmod(a, n) - checks if a has modulo inverse
* invmod(a, n) - modulo inverse
* solve\_crt(remainders, modules) - solve Chinese Remainder Theoreme
* factorial\_mod(n, factors) - compute factorial modulo composite number, needs factorization
* nCk\_mod(n, k, factors) - compute combinations number modulo composite number, needs factorization
* nCk\_mod\_prime\_power(n, k, p, e) - compute combinations number modulo prime power
Modular square roots
* jacobi(a, b) - Jacobi symbol
* has\_sqrtmod\_prime\_power(a, p, k) - checks if a number has modular square root, modulus is p**k
* sqrtmod\_prime\_power(a, p, k) - modular square root by p**k
* has\_sqrtmod(a, factors) - checks if a composite number has modular square root, needs factorization
* sqrtmod(a, factors) - modular square root by a composite modulus, needs factorization
* primes(n) - list of primes not greater than @n, slow method
* generate\_prime(size, k=25) - generates a pseudo-prime with @size bits length. @k is a number of tests.
* generate\_prime\_from\_string(s, size=None, k=25) - generate a pseudo-prime starting with @s in string representation
* is\_power(n) - check if @n is p**k, k >= 2: return (p, k) or False
* factorize(n) - factorize @n (currently with rho-Pollard method)
warning: format of factorization is now dict like {p1: e1, p2: e2, ...}
* Curve(a, b, p, g, order, cofactor, seed) - class for representing elliptic curve. Methods:
* .is\_null(p) - checks if point is null
* .is\_opposite(p1, p2) - checks if 2 points are opposite
* .check(p) - checks if point is on the curve
* .check\_x(x) - checks if there are points with given x on the curve (and returns them if any)
* .find\_points\_in\_range(start, end) - list of points in range of x coordinate
* .find\_points\_rand(count) - list of count random points
* .add(p1, p2) - p1 + p2 on elliptic curve
* .power(p, n) - n✕P or (P + P + ... + P) n times
* .generate(n) - n✕G
* .get\_order(p, limit) - slow method, trying to determine order of p; limit is max order to try
* s2n(s) - packed string to number
* n2s(n) - number to packed string
* s2b(s) - packed string to binary string
* b2s(b) - binary string to packed string
* grey\_code(n) - number in Grey code
* rev\_grey\_code(g) - number from Grey code
* nCk(n, k) - number of combinations
* factorial(n) - factorial
## About
Author: hellman
License: [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%autosetup -n libnum-1.7.1
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-libnum -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 1.7.1-1
- Package Spec generated