%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-ciscoaxl Version: 0.163 Release: 1 Summary: Cisco CUCM AXL Library. simple to use. License: MIT URL: https://github.com/levensailor/ciscoaxl Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/f5/6c/572918191430d573cc2d4395c33537e9f3838bc4b9097fece136cc74a54e/ciscoaxl-0.163.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-zeep Requires: python3-requests Requires: python3-termcolor %description ## Create an AXL Service Account > Step 1 - Create an AXL User Group CUCM > User Management > User Group > Add. > Step 2 - Assign the AXL role to the group On the top right drop down list "Related Links". Select "Assign Role to User Group" and select "Standard AXL API Access" ![](docs/2020-06-01-11-29-06.png) > Step 3 - Create a new Application User CUCM > User Management > Application User > Add. ![](docs/2020-06-01-11-33-25.png) Add the User Group "AXL Group" to this user so that after saving the roles of the new Application User appear as in the following screen: ![](docs/2020-06-01-11-43-34.png) ## SDK Usage ```python from ciscoaxl import axl cucm = '' username = 'axlaccess' password = 'axlpassword' version = '12.5' ucm = axl(username=username,password=password,cucm=cucm,cucm_version=version) ``` > Note: all get methods that return more than 1 item have a tagfilter property that can allow more fields to return. Fields are filtered by default to increase performance, but if you need additional fields returned from the axl call, simply add the tagfilter={} to the request. Example: ```python get_phones(tagfilter={ "name": "", "product": "", "description": "", "protocol": "", "locationName": "", "callingSearchSpaceName": "", "devicePoolName": "" }) ``` ## Users #### Get All Users ```python for user in ucm.get_users(): print(user.firstName) ``` #### Get Specific User ```python user = ucm.get_user(user_id='mscott') print(user.email) ``` #### Add User ```python ucm.add_user(user_id='jlevensailor', last_name='Levensailor', first_name='Jeff') ``` #### Delete User ```python ucm.delete_user(user_id='jlevensailor') ``` #### Update User ```python ucm.update_user(user_id='jlevensailor', password='Lagavulin16', pin='5432') ``` ## Phones #### Get Phones ```python for phone in ucm.get_phones(): print(phone.name) ``` #### Get Specific Phone ```python phone = ucm.get_phone(name='SEP001122445566') print(phone.name) ``` #### Add Phone ```python ucm.add_phone( name='SEP0023AF482340', description='Robert - 1102', product='Cisco 8861', device_pool='RTP_DP', location='RTP_LOC', phone_template='Standard 8861 SIP', protocol='SIP', css='AVST-CSS', subscribe_css='AVST-CSS', lines=[ ('1102', 'ABQ_PT', 'Robert Smith', 'Robert Smith', 'Robert Smith - 1102', '+1408202XXXX') ] ) ``` #### Delete Phone ```python ucm.delete_phone(name='SEP004433220043') ``` ## Translations and Transformations #### Get Translation Patterns ```python for trans in ucm.get_translations(): detailed = ucm.get_translation(uuid=trans.uuid) print(detailed.description) ``` #### Get Specific Translation Pattern ```python trans = ucm.get_translation(pattern='2XXX', routePartitionName='xlates-pt') print(trans.description) ``` #### Add Translation Pattern ```python ported = ['12324625544', '12324625545', '12324625546'] for num in ported: ucm.add_translation(pattern=num, routePartitionName='pstn_pt',calledPartyTransformationMask='1102', callingSearchSpaceName='GW_CSS') ``` #### Delete Translation Pattern ```python ucm.delete_translation(pattern='34567', routePartitionName='xlates-pt') ``` #### Update Translation Pattern ```python ucm.update_translation(pattern='1234', routePartitionName='xlates-pt', newPattern='4567') ``` ## Device Pools #### Get Device Pools ```python for dp in ucm.get_device_pools(): print(dp.name) ``` #### Get Specific Device Pool ```python dp = ucm.get_device_pool(name='RTP_DP') print(dp.name) ``` #### Add Device Pool ```python ucm.add_device_pool(device_pool='Hollywood_DP') ``` #### Delete Device Pool ```python ucm.delete_device_pool(device_pool='Hollywood_DP') ``` #### Update Device Pool ```python ucm.update_device_pool(name='RTP_DP', regionName='G711_RGN') ``` ## CSS and Partitions #### Get Calling Search Spaces ```python for css in ucm.get_calling_search_spaces(): print(css.name) ``` #### Get Specific Calling Search Space ```python css = ucm.get_calling_search_space(calling_search_space='pstn-css') print(css.name) ``` #### Add Calling Search Space ```python ucm.add_calling_search_space( calling_search_space='VIP_CSS', description='Very Important Stuff' members=['losfeliz-pt','silverlake-pt','pstn-pt'] ) ``` #### Delete Calling Search Space ```python ucm.update_calling_search_space(calling_search_space='VIP_CSS') ``` #### Delete Calling Search Space ```python ucm.delete_calling_search_space(calling_search_space='VIP_CSS') ``` #### Get Partitions ```python for pt in ucm.get_partitions(): print(pt.name) ``` #### Get Specific Partition ```python pt = ucm.get_partition(routePartitionName='pstn-pt') print(pt.name) ``` #### Add Partition ```python ucm.add_partition(routePartitionName='VIP_PT', description='Very Important Peep') ``` #### Delete Partition ```python ucm.delete_partition(name='VIP_PT') ``` ## Regions and Locations #### Get Regions ```python for reg in ucm.get_regions(): print(reg.uuid) ``` #### Get Specific Region ```python reg = ucm.get_region(region='losfeliz_reg') print(reg.name) ``` #### Add Region ```python ucm.add_region(region='Hollywood-REG') ``` #### Delete Region ```python ucm.delete_region(region='Hollywood-REG') ``` #### Get Locations ```python for loc in ucm.get_locations(): print(loc.name) ``` #### Get Specific Location ```python loc = ucm.get_location(name='Shadow') print(loc.name) ``` #### Add Location ```python ucm.add_location(location='Hollywood-LOC') ``` #### Delete Location ```python ucm.delete_location(location='Hollywood-LOC') ``` ## Directory Numbers #### Get Directory Numbers ```python for dn in ucm.get_directory_numbers(): print(dn.uuid) ``` #### Get Specific Directory Number ```python dn = ucm.get_directory_number(pattern='2888',routePartitionName='losfeliz-pt') print(dn.uuid) ``` #### Add Directory Number ```python ucm.add_directory_number( pattern='1102', routePartitionName='ABQ_PT' ) ``` #### Delete Directory Number ```python ucm.delete_directory_number(uuid='{0B0CDC93-EC9C-7255-1B09-40A3CE727D5A}') ``` ## Device Profiles #### Get User Device Profiles ```python for udp in ucm.get_device_profiles(): print(udp.name) ``` #### Get Specific User Device Profile ```python udp = ucm.get_device_profile(name='udp-bsimpson') print(udp.name) ``` #### Add User Device Profile ```python ucm.add_device_profile( name='UDP_MScott', description='Michael Scott - 2901', product='Cisco 8861', phone_template='Standard 8861 SIP', protocol='SIP', lines=[ ('2901', 'losfeliz-pt', 'Michael Scott', 'Michael Scott', 'Michael Scott - 2901', '+1408202XXXX'), ('2902', 'losfeliz-pt', 'Pam Beesley', 'Pam Beesley', 'Pam Beesley - 2902', '+1408202XXXX') ] ) ``` #### Delete User Device Profile ```python ucm.delete_device_profile('UDP_Mscott') ``` ## CTI Route Points #### Get CTI Route Points ```python for cti in ucm.get_cti_route_points(): print(cti.name) ``` #### Get Specific CTI Route Point ```python cti = ucm.get_cti_route_point(cti_route_point='AutoAttendant') print(cti.name) ``` #### Add CTI Route Point ```python ucm.add_cti_route_point( cti_route_point='aa-pilot', description='pilot to unity', device_pool='LosFeliz_DP', css='allphone-css', lines=[ ('2908', 'losfeliz-pt'), ('2909', 'losfeliz-pt') ] ) ``` #### Delete CTI Route Point ```python ucm.delete_cti_route_point(name='OneArch') ``` ## Route Groups, Lists, and Patterns #### List Route Plan ```python nums = ['19197016707', '19197016712', '19197016713', '19197016706', '191970167016'] for num in nums: for route in ucm.list_route_plan(num): print(route.dnOrPattern) for route in ucm.list_route_plan('2901'): print(route.uuid) ``` #### Get Route Groups ```python for rg in ucm.get_route_groups(): print(rg.name) ``` #### Get Specific Route Group ```python rg = ucm.get_route_group(route_group='losfeliz-rg') print(rg.uuid) ``` #### Add Route Group ```python ucm.add_route_group( route_group='hollywood-rg', distribution_algorithm='Circular', members=[('america-online-sip'), ('h323')]) ``` #### Delete Route Group ```python ucm.delete_route_group(route_group='hollywood-rg') ``` #### Get Route Lists ```python for rl in ucm.get_route_lists(): print(rl.name) ``` #### Get Specific Route List ```python rl = ucm.get_route_list(route_list='stdloc-rl') print(rl.description) ``` #### Add Route List ```python ucm.add_route_list( route_list='hollywood-rl', description='hollywood', run_on_all_nodes='true', cm_group_name='Default', members=[ ('losfeliz-rg'), ('silverlake-rg') ]) ``` #### Delete Route List ```python ucm.delete_route_list(route_list='hollywood-rl') ``` #### Get Route Patterns ```python for rp in ucm.get_route_patterns(): print(rp.pattern) ``` #### Get Specific Route Pattern ```python rp = ucm.get_route_pattern(pattern='911') print(rp.description) ``` #### Add Route Pattern ```python ucm.add_route_pattern( pattern='999', routePartitionName='losfeliz-pt', description='Movie Times', route_list='stdloc-rl' ) ``` #### Delete Route Pattern ```python ucm.delete_route_pattern(pattern='999', routePartitionName='losfeliz-pt') ``` ## Runs and Dos #### Execute SQL Query ```sh for sql in ucm.run_sql_query('select * from device where description like "Bart%"'): print(sql.name) ``` #### Do LDAP Sync on all agreements ```sh for ldap in ucm.get_ldap_dir(): ucm.do_ldap_sync(uuid=ldap.uuid) ``` #### Reset Device ```python ucm.do_device_reset(device='SEP001100220033') ``` #### Extension Mobility Login ```python ucm.do_device_login(device='SEP001100220033', userId='bsimpson') ``` #### Extension Mobility Logout ```python ucm.do_device_logout(device='SEP001100220033', userId='bsimpson') ``` %package -n python3-ciscoaxl Summary: Cisco CUCM AXL Library. simple to use. Provides: python-ciscoaxl BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-ciscoaxl ## Create an AXL Service Account > Step 1 - Create an AXL User Group CUCM > User Management > User Group > Add. > Step 2 - Assign the AXL role to the group On the top right drop down list "Related Links". Select "Assign Role to User Group" and select "Standard AXL API Access" ![](docs/2020-06-01-11-29-06.png) > Step 3 - Create a new Application User CUCM > User Management > Application User > Add. ![](docs/2020-06-01-11-33-25.png) Add the User Group "AXL Group" to this user so that after saving the roles of the new Application User appear as in the following screen: ![](docs/2020-06-01-11-43-34.png) ## SDK Usage ```python from ciscoaxl import axl cucm = '' username = 'axlaccess' password = 'axlpassword' version = '12.5' ucm = axl(username=username,password=password,cucm=cucm,cucm_version=version) ``` > Note: all get methods that return more than 1 item have a tagfilter property that can allow more fields to return. Fields are filtered by default to increase performance, but if you need additional fields returned from the axl call, simply add the tagfilter={} to the request. Example: ```python get_phones(tagfilter={ "name": "", "product": "", "description": "", "protocol": "", "locationName": "", "callingSearchSpaceName": "", "devicePoolName": "" }) ``` ## Users #### Get All Users ```python for user in ucm.get_users(): print(user.firstName) ``` #### Get Specific User ```python user = ucm.get_user(user_id='mscott') print(user.email) ``` #### Add User ```python ucm.add_user(user_id='jlevensailor', last_name='Levensailor', first_name='Jeff') ``` #### Delete User ```python ucm.delete_user(user_id='jlevensailor') ``` #### Update User ```python ucm.update_user(user_id='jlevensailor', password='Lagavulin16', pin='5432') ``` ## Phones #### Get Phones ```python for phone in ucm.get_phones(): print(phone.name) ``` #### Get Specific Phone ```python phone = ucm.get_phone(name='SEP001122445566') print(phone.name) ``` #### Add Phone ```python ucm.add_phone( name='SEP0023AF482340', description='Robert - 1102', product='Cisco 8861', device_pool='RTP_DP', location='RTP_LOC', phone_template='Standard 8861 SIP', protocol='SIP', css='AVST-CSS', subscribe_css='AVST-CSS', lines=[ ('1102', 'ABQ_PT', 'Robert Smith', 'Robert Smith', 'Robert Smith - 1102', '+1408202XXXX') ] ) ``` #### Delete Phone ```python ucm.delete_phone(name='SEP004433220043') ``` ## Translations and Transformations #### Get Translation Patterns ```python for trans in ucm.get_translations(): detailed = ucm.get_translation(uuid=trans.uuid) print(detailed.description) ``` #### Get Specific Translation Pattern ```python trans = ucm.get_translation(pattern='2XXX', routePartitionName='xlates-pt') print(trans.description) ``` #### Add Translation Pattern ```python ported = ['12324625544', '12324625545', '12324625546'] for num in ported: ucm.add_translation(pattern=num, routePartitionName='pstn_pt',calledPartyTransformationMask='1102', callingSearchSpaceName='GW_CSS') ``` #### Delete Translation Pattern ```python ucm.delete_translation(pattern='34567', routePartitionName='xlates-pt') ``` #### Update Translation Pattern ```python ucm.update_translation(pattern='1234', routePartitionName='xlates-pt', newPattern='4567') ``` ## Device Pools #### Get Device Pools ```python for dp in ucm.get_device_pools(): print(dp.name) ``` #### Get Specific Device Pool ```python dp = ucm.get_device_pool(name='RTP_DP') print(dp.name) ``` #### Add Device Pool ```python ucm.add_device_pool(device_pool='Hollywood_DP') ``` #### Delete Device Pool ```python ucm.delete_device_pool(device_pool='Hollywood_DP') ``` #### Update Device Pool ```python ucm.update_device_pool(name='RTP_DP', regionName='G711_RGN') ``` ## CSS and Partitions #### Get Calling Search Spaces ```python for css in ucm.get_calling_search_spaces(): print(css.name) ``` #### Get Specific Calling Search Space ```python css = ucm.get_calling_search_space(calling_search_space='pstn-css') print(css.name) ``` #### Add Calling Search Space ```python ucm.add_calling_search_space( calling_search_space='VIP_CSS', description='Very Important Stuff' members=['losfeliz-pt','silverlake-pt','pstn-pt'] ) ``` #### Delete Calling Search Space ```python ucm.update_calling_search_space(calling_search_space='VIP_CSS') ``` #### Delete Calling Search Space ```python ucm.delete_calling_search_space(calling_search_space='VIP_CSS') ``` #### Get Partitions ```python for pt in ucm.get_partitions(): print(pt.name) ``` #### Get Specific Partition ```python pt = ucm.get_partition(routePartitionName='pstn-pt') print(pt.name) ``` #### Add Partition ```python ucm.add_partition(routePartitionName='VIP_PT', description='Very Important Peep') ``` #### Delete Partition ```python ucm.delete_partition(name='VIP_PT') ``` ## Regions and Locations #### Get Regions ```python for reg in ucm.get_regions(): print(reg.uuid) ``` #### Get Specific Region ```python reg = ucm.get_region(region='losfeliz_reg') print(reg.name) ``` #### Add Region ```python ucm.add_region(region='Hollywood-REG') ``` #### Delete Region ```python ucm.delete_region(region='Hollywood-REG') ``` #### Get Locations ```python for loc in ucm.get_locations(): print(loc.name) ``` #### Get Specific Location ```python loc = ucm.get_location(name='Shadow') print(loc.name) ``` #### Add Location ```python ucm.add_location(location='Hollywood-LOC') ``` #### Delete Location ```python ucm.delete_location(location='Hollywood-LOC') ``` ## Directory Numbers #### Get Directory Numbers ```python for dn in ucm.get_directory_numbers(): print(dn.uuid) ``` #### Get Specific Directory Number ```python dn = ucm.get_directory_number(pattern='2888',routePartitionName='losfeliz-pt') print(dn.uuid) ``` #### Add Directory Number ```python ucm.add_directory_number( pattern='1102', routePartitionName='ABQ_PT' ) ``` #### Delete Directory Number ```python ucm.delete_directory_number(uuid='{0B0CDC93-EC9C-7255-1B09-40A3CE727D5A}') ``` ## Device Profiles #### Get User Device Profiles ```python for udp in ucm.get_device_profiles(): print(udp.name) ``` #### Get Specific User Device Profile ```python udp = ucm.get_device_profile(name='udp-bsimpson') print(udp.name) ``` #### Add User Device Profile ```python ucm.add_device_profile( name='UDP_MScott', description='Michael Scott - 2901', product='Cisco 8861', phone_template='Standard 8861 SIP', protocol='SIP', lines=[ ('2901', 'losfeliz-pt', 'Michael Scott', 'Michael Scott', 'Michael Scott - 2901', '+1408202XXXX'), ('2902', 'losfeliz-pt', 'Pam Beesley', 'Pam Beesley', 'Pam Beesley - 2902', '+1408202XXXX') ] ) ``` #### Delete User Device Profile ```python ucm.delete_device_profile('UDP_Mscott') ``` ## CTI Route Points #### Get CTI Route Points ```python for cti in ucm.get_cti_route_points(): print(cti.name) ``` #### Get Specific CTI Route Point ```python cti = ucm.get_cti_route_point(cti_route_point='AutoAttendant') print(cti.name) ``` #### Add CTI Route Point ```python ucm.add_cti_route_point( cti_route_point='aa-pilot', description='pilot to unity', device_pool='LosFeliz_DP', css='allphone-css', lines=[ ('2908', 'losfeliz-pt'), ('2909', 'losfeliz-pt') ] ) ``` #### Delete CTI Route Point ```python ucm.delete_cti_route_point(name='OneArch') ``` ## Route Groups, Lists, and Patterns #### List Route Plan ```python nums = ['19197016707', '19197016712', '19197016713', '19197016706', '191970167016'] for num in nums: for route in ucm.list_route_plan(num): print(route.dnOrPattern) for route in ucm.list_route_plan('2901'): print(route.uuid) ``` #### Get Route Groups ```python for rg in ucm.get_route_groups(): print(rg.name) ``` #### Get Specific Route Group ```python rg = ucm.get_route_group(route_group='losfeliz-rg') print(rg.uuid) ``` #### Add Route Group ```python ucm.add_route_group( route_group='hollywood-rg', distribution_algorithm='Circular', members=[('america-online-sip'), ('h323')]) ``` #### Delete Route Group ```python ucm.delete_route_group(route_group='hollywood-rg') ``` #### Get Route Lists ```python for rl in ucm.get_route_lists(): print(rl.name) ``` #### Get Specific Route List ```python rl = ucm.get_route_list(route_list='stdloc-rl') print(rl.description) ``` #### Add Route List ```python ucm.add_route_list( route_list='hollywood-rl', description='hollywood', run_on_all_nodes='true', cm_group_name='Default', members=[ ('losfeliz-rg'), ('silverlake-rg') ]) ``` #### Delete Route List ```python ucm.delete_route_list(route_list='hollywood-rl') ``` #### Get Route Patterns ```python for rp in ucm.get_route_patterns(): print(rp.pattern) ``` #### Get Specific Route Pattern ```python rp = ucm.get_route_pattern(pattern='911') print(rp.description) ``` #### Add Route Pattern ```python ucm.add_route_pattern( pattern='999', routePartitionName='losfeliz-pt', description='Movie Times', route_list='stdloc-rl' ) ``` #### Delete Route Pattern ```python ucm.delete_route_pattern(pattern='999', routePartitionName='losfeliz-pt') ``` ## Runs and Dos #### Execute SQL Query ```sh for sql in ucm.run_sql_query('select * from device where description like "Bart%"'): print(sql.name) ``` #### Do LDAP Sync on all agreements ```sh for ldap in ucm.get_ldap_dir(): ucm.do_ldap_sync(uuid=ldap.uuid) ``` #### Reset Device ```python ucm.do_device_reset(device='SEP001100220033') ``` #### Extension Mobility Login ```python ucm.do_device_login(device='SEP001100220033', userId='bsimpson') ``` #### Extension Mobility Logout ```python ucm.do_device_logout(device='SEP001100220033', userId='bsimpson') ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for ciscoaxl Provides: python3-ciscoaxl-doc %description help ## Create an AXL Service Account > Step 1 - Create an AXL User Group CUCM > User Management > User Group > Add. > Step 2 - Assign the AXL role to the group On the top right drop down list "Related Links". Select "Assign Role to User Group" and select "Standard AXL API Access" ![](docs/2020-06-01-11-29-06.png) > Step 3 - Create a new Application User CUCM > User Management > Application User > Add. ![](docs/2020-06-01-11-33-25.png) Add the User Group "AXL Group" to this user so that after saving the roles of the new Application User appear as in the following screen: ![](docs/2020-06-01-11-43-34.png) ## SDK Usage ```python from ciscoaxl import axl cucm = '' username = 'axlaccess' password = 'axlpassword' version = '12.5' ucm = axl(username=username,password=password,cucm=cucm,cucm_version=version) ``` > Note: all get methods that return more than 1 item have a tagfilter property that can allow more fields to return. Fields are filtered by default to increase performance, but if you need additional fields returned from the axl call, simply add the tagfilter={} to the request. Example: ```python get_phones(tagfilter={ "name": "", "product": "", "description": "", "protocol": "", "locationName": "", "callingSearchSpaceName": "", "devicePoolName": "" }) ``` ## Users #### Get All Users ```python for user in ucm.get_users(): print(user.firstName) ``` #### Get Specific User ```python user = ucm.get_user(user_id='mscott') print(user.email) ``` #### Add User ```python ucm.add_user(user_id='jlevensailor', last_name='Levensailor', first_name='Jeff') ``` #### Delete User ```python ucm.delete_user(user_id='jlevensailor') ``` #### Update User ```python ucm.update_user(user_id='jlevensailor', password='Lagavulin16', pin='5432') ``` ## Phones #### Get Phones ```python for phone in ucm.get_phones(): print(phone.name) ``` #### Get Specific Phone ```python phone = ucm.get_phone(name='SEP001122445566') print(phone.name) ``` #### Add Phone ```python ucm.add_phone( name='SEP0023AF482340', description='Robert - 1102', product='Cisco 8861', device_pool='RTP_DP', location='RTP_LOC', phone_template='Standard 8861 SIP', protocol='SIP', css='AVST-CSS', subscribe_css='AVST-CSS', lines=[ ('1102', 'ABQ_PT', 'Robert Smith', 'Robert Smith', 'Robert Smith - 1102', '+1408202XXXX') ] ) ``` #### Delete Phone ```python ucm.delete_phone(name='SEP004433220043') ``` ## Translations and Transformations #### Get Translation Patterns ```python for trans in ucm.get_translations(): detailed = ucm.get_translation(uuid=trans.uuid) print(detailed.description) ``` #### Get Specific Translation Pattern ```python trans = ucm.get_translation(pattern='2XXX', routePartitionName='xlates-pt') print(trans.description) ``` #### Add Translation Pattern ```python ported = ['12324625544', '12324625545', '12324625546'] for num in ported: ucm.add_translation(pattern=num, routePartitionName='pstn_pt',calledPartyTransformationMask='1102', callingSearchSpaceName='GW_CSS') ``` #### Delete Translation Pattern ```python ucm.delete_translation(pattern='34567', routePartitionName='xlates-pt') ``` #### Update Translation Pattern ```python ucm.update_translation(pattern='1234', routePartitionName='xlates-pt', newPattern='4567') ``` ## Device Pools #### Get Device Pools ```python for dp in ucm.get_device_pools(): print(dp.name) ``` #### Get Specific Device Pool ```python dp = ucm.get_device_pool(name='RTP_DP') print(dp.name) ``` #### Add Device Pool ```python ucm.add_device_pool(device_pool='Hollywood_DP') ``` #### Delete Device Pool ```python ucm.delete_device_pool(device_pool='Hollywood_DP') ``` #### Update Device Pool ```python ucm.update_device_pool(name='RTP_DP', regionName='G711_RGN') ``` ## CSS and Partitions #### Get Calling Search Spaces ```python for css in ucm.get_calling_search_spaces(): print(css.name) ``` #### Get Specific Calling Search Space ```python css = ucm.get_calling_search_space(calling_search_space='pstn-css') print(css.name) ``` #### Add Calling Search Space ```python ucm.add_calling_search_space( calling_search_space='VIP_CSS', description='Very Important Stuff' members=['losfeliz-pt','silverlake-pt','pstn-pt'] ) ``` #### Delete Calling Search Space ```python ucm.update_calling_search_space(calling_search_space='VIP_CSS') ``` #### Delete Calling Search Space ```python ucm.delete_calling_search_space(calling_search_space='VIP_CSS') ``` #### Get Partitions ```python for pt in ucm.get_partitions(): print(pt.name) ``` #### Get Specific Partition ```python pt = ucm.get_partition(routePartitionName='pstn-pt') print(pt.name) ``` #### Add Partition ```python ucm.add_partition(routePartitionName='VIP_PT', description='Very Important Peep') ``` #### Delete Partition ```python ucm.delete_partition(name='VIP_PT') ``` ## Regions and Locations #### Get Regions ```python for reg in ucm.get_regions(): print(reg.uuid) ``` #### Get Specific Region ```python reg = ucm.get_region(region='losfeliz_reg') print(reg.name) ``` #### Add Region ```python ucm.add_region(region='Hollywood-REG') ``` #### Delete Region ```python ucm.delete_region(region='Hollywood-REG') ``` #### Get Locations ```python for loc in ucm.get_locations(): print(loc.name) ``` #### Get Specific Location ```python loc = ucm.get_location(name='Shadow') print(loc.name) ``` #### Add Location ```python ucm.add_location(location='Hollywood-LOC') ``` #### Delete Location ```python ucm.delete_location(location='Hollywood-LOC') ``` ## Directory Numbers #### Get Directory Numbers ```python for dn in ucm.get_directory_numbers(): print(dn.uuid) ``` #### Get Specific Directory Number ```python dn = ucm.get_directory_number(pattern='2888',routePartitionName='losfeliz-pt') print(dn.uuid) ``` #### Add Directory Number ```python ucm.add_directory_number( pattern='1102', routePartitionName='ABQ_PT' ) ``` #### Delete Directory Number ```python ucm.delete_directory_number(uuid='{0B0CDC93-EC9C-7255-1B09-40A3CE727D5A}') ``` ## Device Profiles #### Get User Device Profiles ```python for udp in ucm.get_device_profiles(): print(udp.name) ``` #### Get Specific User Device Profile ```python udp = ucm.get_device_profile(name='udp-bsimpson') print(udp.name) ``` #### Add User Device Profile ```python ucm.add_device_profile( name='UDP_MScott', description='Michael Scott - 2901', product='Cisco 8861', phone_template='Standard 8861 SIP', protocol='SIP', lines=[ ('2901', 'losfeliz-pt', 'Michael Scott', 'Michael Scott', 'Michael Scott - 2901', '+1408202XXXX'), ('2902', 'losfeliz-pt', 'Pam Beesley', 'Pam Beesley', 'Pam Beesley - 2902', '+1408202XXXX') ] ) ``` #### Delete User Device Profile ```python ucm.delete_device_profile('UDP_Mscott') ``` ## CTI Route Points #### Get CTI Route Points ```python for cti in ucm.get_cti_route_points(): print(cti.name) ``` #### Get Specific CTI Route Point ```python cti = ucm.get_cti_route_point(cti_route_point='AutoAttendant') print(cti.name) ``` #### Add CTI Route Point ```python ucm.add_cti_route_point( cti_route_point='aa-pilot', description='pilot to unity', device_pool='LosFeliz_DP', css='allphone-css', lines=[ ('2908', 'losfeliz-pt'), ('2909', 'losfeliz-pt') ] ) ``` #### Delete CTI Route Point ```python ucm.delete_cti_route_point(name='OneArch') ``` ## Route Groups, Lists, and Patterns #### List Route Plan ```python nums = ['19197016707', '19197016712', '19197016713', '19197016706', '191970167016'] for num in nums: for route in ucm.list_route_plan(num): print(route.dnOrPattern) for route in ucm.list_route_plan('2901'): print(route.uuid) ``` #### Get Route Groups ```python for rg in ucm.get_route_groups(): print(rg.name) ``` #### Get Specific Route Group ```python rg = ucm.get_route_group(route_group='losfeliz-rg') print(rg.uuid) ``` #### Add Route Group ```python ucm.add_route_group( route_group='hollywood-rg', distribution_algorithm='Circular', members=[('america-online-sip'), ('h323')]) ``` #### Delete Route Group ```python ucm.delete_route_group(route_group='hollywood-rg') ``` #### Get Route Lists ```python for rl in ucm.get_route_lists(): print(rl.name) ``` #### Get Specific Route List ```python rl = ucm.get_route_list(route_list='stdloc-rl') print(rl.description) ``` #### Add Route List ```python ucm.add_route_list( route_list='hollywood-rl', description='hollywood', run_on_all_nodes='true', cm_group_name='Default', members=[ ('losfeliz-rg'), ('silverlake-rg') ]) ``` #### Delete Route List ```python ucm.delete_route_list(route_list='hollywood-rl') ``` #### Get Route Patterns ```python for rp in ucm.get_route_patterns(): print(rp.pattern) ``` #### Get Specific Route Pattern ```python rp = ucm.get_route_pattern(pattern='911') print(rp.description) ``` #### Add Route Pattern ```python ucm.add_route_pattern( pattern='999', routePartitionName='losfeliz-pt', description='Movie Times', route_list='stdloc-rl' ) ``` #### Delete Route Pattern ```python ucm.delete_route_pattern(pattern='999', routePartitionName='losfeliz-pt') ``` ## Runs and Dos #### Execute SQL Query ```sh for sql in ucm.run_sql_query('select * from device where description like "Bart%"'): print(sql.name) ``` #### Do LDAP Sync on all agreements ```sh for ldap in ucm.get_ldap_dir(): ucm.do_ldap_sync(uuid=ldap.uuid) ``` #### Reset Device ```python ucm.do_device_reset(device='SEP001100220033') ``` #### Extension Mobility Login ```python ucm.do_device_login(device='SEP001100220033', userId='bsimpson') ``` #### Extension Mobility Logout ```python ucm.do_device_logout(device='SEP001100220033', userId='bsimpson') ``` %prep %autosetup -n ciscoaxl-0.163 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-ciscoaxl -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 0.163-1 - Package Spec generated