%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-Mongo-Thingy Version: 0.17.0 Release: 1 Summary: The most idiomatic and friendly-yet-powerful way to use MongoDB with Python License: MIT URL: https://github.com/Refty/mongo-thingy Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/75/4b/0960f0c9e42c9b1aee980c751227c60374a4ac4d61439597608980f2e0af/Mongo-Thingy-0.17.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-thingy Requires: python3-pymongo %description [pymongo]: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver [thingy]: https://github.com/Refty/thingy [mongomock]: https://github.com/mongomock/mongomock [montydb]: https://github.com/davidlatwe/montydb [motor]: https://github.com/mongodb/motor [mongomock-motor]: https://github.com/michaelkryukov/mongomock_motor 
**_Mongo-Thingy_ is the most idiomatic and friendly-yet-powerful way to use MongoDB with Python.** It is an _"Object-Document Mapper"_ that gives you full advantage of MongoDB schema-less design by **not** asking you to define schemas in your code. What you'll get: - a simple and robust pure-Python code base, with 100% coverage and few dependencies; - [PyMongo][pymongo] query language - no need to learn yet another one; - both sync and async support! choose what suits you best; - [Thingy][thingy] views - control what to show, and create fields based on other fields; - swappable backend - wanna use SQLite behind the scenes? well, you can; - versioning *(optional)* - rollback to any point in any thingy history; - and more! # Compatibility We support all Python and MongoDB versions supported by [PyMongo][pymongo], namely: - CPython 3.7+ and PyPy3.7+ - MongoDB 3.6, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, and 5.0. As a backend, Mongo-Thingy supports the following libraries: - Synchronous: * [PyMongo][pymongo] (default) * [Mongomock][mongomock] * [MontyDB][montydb] - Asynchronous: * [Motor][motor] (default when Motor is installed) * [Motor][motor] with Tornado (default when Motor and Tornado are installed) * [Mongomock-Motor][mongomock-motor] # Install ```sh pip install mongo-thingy ``` # Examples ## First steps ### Connect, insert and find thingies ```python >>> from mongo_thingy import connect, Thingy >>> connect("mongodb://localhost/test") >>> class User(Thingy): ... pass >>> user = User({"name": "Mr. Foo", "age": 42}).save() >>> User.count_documents() 1 >>> User.find_one({"age": 42}) User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 42}) ``` In an AsyncIO (or Tornado) environment, use the asynchronous class instead: ```python >>> from mongo_thingy import connect, AsyncThingy >>> connect("mongodb://localhost/test") >>> class User(AsyncThingy): ... pass >>> user = await User({"name": "Mr. Foo", "age": 42}).save() >>> await User.count_documents() 1 >>> await User.find_one({"age": 42}) User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 42}) ``` To use another backend than the default ones, just pass its client class with ``client_cls``: ```python >>> import mongomock >>> connect(client_cls=mongomock.MongoClient) ``` ### Update a thingy ```python >>> user.age 42 >>> user.age = 1337 >>> user.save() User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337}) ``` ## Thingy views power ### Complete information with properties ```python >>> class User(Thingy): ... @property ... def username(self): ... return "".join(char for char in self.name if char.isalpha()) >>> User.add_view(name="everything", defaults=True, include="username") >>> user = User.find_one() >>> user.view("everything") {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337, 'username': 'MrFoo'} ``` ### Hide sensitive stuff ```python >>> User.add_view(name="public", defaults=True, exclude="password") >>> user.password = "t0ps3cr3t" >>> user.view() {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337, 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} >>> user.view("public") {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337} ``` ### Only use certain fields/properties ```python >>> User.add_view(name="credentials", include=["username", "password"]) >>> user.view("credentials") {'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} ``` ### Apply views on cursors ```python >>> cursor = User.find() >>> for credentials in cursor.view("credentials"): ... print(credentials) {'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} {'username': 'MrsBar', 'password': '123456789'} ... ``` And if your cursor is already exhausted, you can still apply a view! ```python >>> users = User.find().to_list(None) >>> for credentials in users.view("credentials"): ... print(credentials) {'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} {'username': 'MrsBar', 'password': '123456789'} ... ``` ## Versioning ```python >>> from mongo_thingy.versioned import Versioned >>> class Article(Versioned, Thingy): ... pass >>> article = Article(content="Cogito ergo sum") >>> article.version 0 >>> article.save() Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Cogito ergo sum'}) >>> article.version 1 >>> article.content = "Sum ergo cogito" >>> article.save() Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Sum ergo cogito'}) >>> article.version 2 >>> article.revert() Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Cogito ergo sum'}) >>> article.version 3 ``` ## Database/collection "discovery" ### Default behaviour ```python >>> class AuthenticationGroup(Thingy): ... pass >>> connect("mongodb://localhost/") >>> AuthenticationGroup.collection Collection(Database(MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], ...), 'authentication'), 'group') ``` ### Use mismatching names for Thingy class and database collection You can either specify the collection name: ```python >>> class Foo(Thingy): ... collection_name = "bar" ``` or the collection directly: ```python >>> class Foo(Thingy): ... collection = db.bar ``` You can then check what collection is being used with: ```python >>> Foo.collection Collection(Database(MongoClient('localhost', 27017), 'database'), 'bar') ``` ## Indexes ### Create an index ```python >>> User.create_index("email", sparse=True, unique=True) ``` ### Add one or more indexes, create later ```python >>> User.add_index("email", sparse=True, unique=True) >>> User.add_index("username") >>> User.create_indexes() ``` ### Create all indexes of all thingies at once ```python >>> from mongo_thingy import create_indexes >>> create_indexes() ``` ## Dealing with camelCase data ```python >>> from mongo_thingy.camelcase import CamelCase >>> class SystemUser(CamelCase, Thingy): ... collection_name = "systemUsers" >>> user = SystemUser.find_one() >>> user.view() {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'firstName': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe'} >>> user.first_name 'John' >>> user.first_name = "Jonny" >>> user.save() SystemUser({'_id': ObjectId(...), firstName: 'Jonny', lastName: 'Doe'}) ``` # Tests To run the tests suite: - make sure you have a MongoDB database running on `localhost:27017` (you can spawn one with `docker-compose up -d`); - install developers requirements with `pip install -r requirements.txt`; - run `pytest`. # Sponsors %package -n python3-Mongo-Thingy Summary: The most idiomatic and friendly-yet-powerful way to use MongoDB with Python Provides: python-Mongo-Thingy BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-Mongo-Thingy [pymongo]: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver [thingy]: https://github.com/Refty/thingy [mongomock]: https://github.com/mongomock/mongomock [montydb]: https://github.com/davidlatwe/montydb [motor]: https://github.com/mongodb/motor [mongomock-motor]: https://github.com/michaelkryukov/mongomock_motor  **_Mongo-Thingy_ is the most idiomatic and friendly-yet-powerful way to use MongoDB with Python.** It is an _"Object-Document Mapper"_ that gives you full advantage of MongoDB schema-less design by **not** asking you to define schemas in your code. What you'll get: - a simple and robust pure-Python code base, with 100% coverage and few dependencies; - [PyMongo][pymongo] query language - no need to learn yet another one; - both sync and async support! choose what suits you best; - [Thingy][thingy] views - control what to show, and create fields based on other fields; - swappable backend - wanna use SQLite behind the scenes? well, you can; - versioning *(optional)* - rollback to any point in any thingy history; - and more! # Compatibility We support all Python and MongoDB versions supported by [PyMongo][pymongo], namely: - CPython 3.7+ and PyPy3.7+ - MongoDB 3.6, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, and 5.0. As a backend, Mongo-Thingy supports the following libraries: - Synchronous: * [PyMongo][pymongo] (default) * [Mongomock][mongomock] * [MontyDB][montydb] - Asynchronous: * [Motor][motor] (default when Motor is installed) * [Motor][motor] with Tornado (default when Motor and Tornado are installed) * [Mongomock-Motor][mongomock-motor] # Install ```sh pip install mongo-thingy ``` # Examples ## First steps ### Connect, insert and find thingies ```python >>> from mongo_thingy import connect, Thingy >>> connect("mongodb://localhost/test") >>> class User(Thingy): ... pass >>> user = User({"name": "Mr. Foo", "age": 42}).save() >>> User.count_documents() 1 >>> User.find_one({"age": 42}) User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 42}) ``` In an AsyncIO (or Tornado) environment, use the asynchronous class instead: ```python >>> from mongo_thingy import connect, AsyncThingy >>> connect("mongodb://localhost/test") >>> class User(AsyncThingy): ... pass >>> user = await User({"name": "Mr. Foo", "age": 42}).save() >>> await User.count_documents() 1 >>> await User.find_one({"age": 42}) User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 42}) ``` To use another backend than the default ones, just pass its client class with ``client_cls``: ```python >>> import mongomock >>> connect(client_cls=mongomock.MongoClient) ``` ### Update a thingy ```python >>> user.age 42 >>> user.age = 1337 >>> user.save() User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337}) ``` ## Thingy views power ### Complete information with properties ```python >>> class User(Thingy): ... @property ... def username(self): ... return "".join(char for char in self.name if char.isalpha()) >>> User.add_view(name="everything", defaults=True, include="username") >>> user = User.find_one() >>> user.view("everything") {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337, 'username': 'MrFoo'} ``` ### Hide sensitive stuff ```python >>> User.add_view(name="public", defaults=True, exclude="password") >>> user.password = "t0ps3cr3t" >>> user.view() {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337, 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} >>> user.view("public") {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337} ``` ### Only use certain fields/properties ```python >>> User.add_view(name="credentials", include=["username", "password"]) >>> user.view("credentials") {'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} ``` ### Apply views on cursors ```python >>> cursor = User.find() >>> for credentials in cursor.view("credentials"): ... print(credentials) {'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} {'username': 'MrsBar', 'password': '123456789'} ... ``` And if your cursor is already exhausted, you can still apply a view! ```python >>> users = User.find().to_list(None) >>> for credentials in users.view("credentials"): ... print(credentials) {'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} {'username': 'MrsBar', 'password': '123456789'} ... ``` ## Versioning ```python >>> from mongo_thingy.versioned import Versioned >>> class Article(Versioned, Thingy): ... pass >>> article = Article(content="Cogito ergo sum") >>> article.version 0 >>> article.save() Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Cogito ergo sum'}) >>> article.version 1 >>> article.content = "Sum ergo cogito" >>> article.save() Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Sum ergo cogito'}) >>> article.version 2 >>> article.revert() Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Cogito ergo sum'}) >>> article.version 3 ``` ## Database/collection "discovery" ### Default behaviour ```python >>> class AuthenticationGroup(Thingy): ... pass >>> connect("mongodb://localhost/") >>> AuthenticationGroup.collection Collection(Database(MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], ...), 'authentication'), 'group') ``` ### Use mismatching names for Thingy class and database collection You can either specify the collection name: ```python >>> class Foo(Thingy): ... collection_name = "bar" ``` or the collection directly: ```python >>> class Foo(Thingy): ... collection = db.bar ``` You can then check what collection is being used with: ```python >>> Foo.collection Collection(Database(MongoClient('localhost', 27017), 'database'), 'bar') ``` ## Indexes ### Create an index ```python >>> User.create_index("email", sparse=True, unique=True) ``` ### Add one or more indexes, create later ```python >>> User.add_index("email", sparse=True, unique=True) >>> User.add_index("username") >>> User.create_indexes() ``` ### Create all indexes of all thingies at once ```python >>> from mongo_thingy import create_indexes >>> create_indexes() ``` ## Dealing with camelCase data ```python >>> from mongo_thingy.camelcase import CamelCase >>> class SystemUser(CamelCase, Thingy): ... collection_name = "systemUsers" >>> user = SystemUser.find_one() >>> user.view() {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'firstName': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe'} >>> user.first_name 'John' >>> user.first_name = "Jonny" >>> user.save() SystemUser({'_id': ObjectId(...), firstName: 'Jonny', lastName: 'Doe'}) ``` # Tests To run the tests suite: - make sure you have a MongoDB database running on `localhost:27017` (you can spawn one with `docker-compose up -d`); - install developers requirements with `pip install -r requirements.txt`; - run `pytest`. # Sponsors %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for Mongo-Thingy Provides: python3-Mongo-Thingy-doc %description help [pymongo]: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver [thingy]: https://github.com/Refty/thingy [mongomock]: https://github.com/mongomock/mongomock [montydb]: https://github.com/davidlatwe/montydb [motor]: https://github.com/mongodb/motor [mongomock-motor]: https://github.com/michaelkryukov/mongomock_motor  **_Mongo-Thingy_ is the most idiomatic and friendly-yet-powerful way to use MongoDB with Python.** It is an _"Object-Document Mapper"_ that gives you full advantage of MongoDB schema-less design by **not** asking you to define schemas in your code. What you'll get: - a simple and robust pure-Python code base, with 100% coverage and few dependencies; - [PyMongo][pymongo] query language - no need to learn yet another one; - both sync and async support! choose what suits you best; - [Thingy][thingy] views - control what to show, and create fields based on other fields; - swappable backend - wanna use SQLite behind the scenes? well, you can; - versioning *(optional)* - rollback to any point in any thingy history; - and more! # Compatibility We support all Python and MongoDB versions supported by [PyMongo][pymongo], namely: - CPython 3.7+ and PyPy3.7+ - MongoDB 3.6, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, and 5.0. As a backend, Mongo-Thingy supports the following libraries: - Synchronous: * [PyMongo][pymongo] (default) * [Mongomock][mongomock] * [MontyDB][montydb] - Asynchronous: * [Motor][motor] (default when Motor is installed) * [Motor][motor] with Tornado (default when Motor and Tornado are installed) * [Mongomock-Motor][mongomock-motor] # Install ```sh pip install mongo-thingy ``` # Examples ## First steps ### Connect, insert and find thingies ```python >>> from mongo_thingy import connect, Thingy >>> connect("mongodb://localhost/test") >>> class User(Thingy): ... pass >>> user = User({"name": "Mr. Foo", "age": 42}).save() >>> User.count_documents() 1 >>> User.find_one({"age": 42}) User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 42}) ``` In an AsyncIO (or Tornado) environment, use the asynchronous class instead: ```python >>> from mongo_thingy import connect, AsyncThingy >>> connect("mongodb://localhost/test") >>> class User(AsyncThingy): ... pass >>> user = await User({"name": "Mr. Foo", "age": 42}).save() >>> await User.count_documents() 1 >>> await User.find_one({"age": 42}) User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 42}) ``` To use another backend than the default ones, just pass its client class with ``client_cls``: ```python >>> import mongomock >>> connect(client_cls=mongomock.MongoClient) ``` ### Update a thingy ```python >>> user.age 42 >>> user.age = 1337 >>> user.save() User({'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337}) ``` ## Thingy views power ### Complete information with properties ```python >>> class User(Thingy): ... @property ... def username(self): ... return "".join(char for char in self.name if char.isalpha()) >>> User.add_view(name="everything", defaults=True, include="username") >>> user = User.find_one() >>> user.view("everything") {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337, 'username': 'MrFoo'} ``` ### Hide sensitive stuff ```python >>> User.add_view(name="public", defaults=True, exclude="password") >>> user.password = "t0ps3cr3t" >>> user.view() {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337, 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} >>> user.view("public") {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'name': 'Mr. Foo', 'age': 1337} ``` ### Only use certain fields/properties ```python >>> User.add_view(name="credentials", include=["username", "password"]) >>> user.view("credentials") {'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} ``` ### Apply views on cursors ```python >>> cursor = User.find() >>> for credentials in cursor.view("credentials"): ... print(credentials) {'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} {'username': 'MrsBar', 'password': '123456789'} ... ``` And if your cursor is already exhausted, you can still apply a view! ```python >>> users = User.find().to_list(None) >>> for credentials in users.view("credentials"): ... print(credentials) {'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'} {'username': 'MrsBar', 'password': '123456789'} ... ``` ## Versioning ```python >>> from mongo_thingy.versioned import Versioned >>> class Article(Versioned, Thingy): ... pass >>> article = Article(content="Cogito ergo sum") >>> article.version 0 >>> article.save() Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Cogito ergo sum'}) >>> article.version 1 >>> article.content = "Sum ergo cogito" >>> article.save() Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Sum ergo cogito'}) >>> article.version 2 >>> article.revert() Article({'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'content': 'Cogito ergo sum'}) >>> article.version 3 ``` ## Database/collection "discovery" ### Default behaviour ```python >>> class AuthenticationGroup(Thingy): ... pass >>> connect("mongodb://localhost/") >>> AuthenticationGroup.collection Collection(Database(MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], ...), 'authentication'), 'group') ``` ### Use mismatching names for Thingy class and database collection You can either specify the collection name: ```python >>> class Foo(Thingy): ... collection_name = "bar" ``` or the collection directly: ```python >>> class Foo(Thingy): ... collection = db.bar ``` You can then check what collection is being used with: ```python >>> Foo.collection Collection(Database(MongoClient('localhost', 27017), 'database'), 'bar') ``` ## Indexes ### Create an index ```python >>> User.create_index("email", sparse=True, unique=True) ``` ### Add one or more indexes, create later ```python >>> User.add_index("email", sparse=True, unique=True) >>> User.add_index("username") >>> User.create_indexes() ``` ### Create all indexes of all thingies at once ```python >>> from mongo_thingy import create_indexes >>> create_indexes() ``` ## Dealing with camelCase data ```python >>> from mongo_thingy.camelcase import CamelCase >>> class SystemUser(CamelCase, Thingy): ... collection_name = "systemUsers" >>> user = SystemUser.find_one() >>> user.view() {'_id': ObjectId(...), 'firstName': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe'} >>> user.first_name 'John' >>> user.first_name = "Jonny" >>> user.save() SystemUser({'_id': ObjectId(...), firstName: 'Jonny', lastName: 'Doe'}) ``` # Tests To run the tests suite: - make sure you have a MongoDB database running on `localhost:27017` (you can spawn one with `docker-compose up -d`); - install developers requirements with `pip install -r requirements.txt`; - run `pytest`. # Sponsors %prep %autosetup -n Mongo-Thingy-0.17.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-Mongo-Thingy -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot