%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-invokust
Version: 0.77
Release: 1
Summary: A small wrapper for locust to allow running load tests from within Python or on AWS Lambda
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/FutureSharks/invokust
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/67/13/83581f9223005692752eb95f4de88eda1b9cf4f8ded77f62fabf652e2291/invokust-0.77.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
# invokust
A tool for running [Locust](http://locust.io/) load tests from within Python without the need to use the locust command line. This gives more flexibility for automation such as QA/CI/CD tests and also makes it possible to run locust on [AWS Lambda](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/) for ultimate scalability.
## Installation
Install via pip:
pip3 install invokust
## Examples
Running a load test using a locust file:
import invokust
settings = invokust.create_settings(
loadtest = invokust.LocustLoadTest(settings)
"{'requests': {'GET_/': {'request_type': 'GET', 'num_requests': 923, 'min_response_time': 113.54585000000128, 'median_response_time': 120.0, 'avg_response_time': 145.68631223510297, 'max_response_time': 331.89674199999786, 'response_times': {270.0: 2, 120.0: 479, 150.0: 17, 200.0: 83, 210.0: 80, 160.0: 20, 190.0: 55, 220.0: 9, 130.0: 30, 170.0: 22, 230.0: 5, 110.0: 69, 140.0: 19, 180.0: 27, 240.0: 2, 320.0: 3, 330.0: 1}, 'response_time_percentiles': {55: 120.0, 65: 150.0, 75: 190.0, 85: 200.0, 95: 210.0}, 'total_rps': 5.136500841568583, 'total_rpm': 308.190050494115}, 'GET_/about': {'request_type': 'GET', 'num_requests': 308, 'min_response_time': 113.23035299999873, 'median_response_time': 120.0, 'avg_response_time': 146.04534828246747, 'max_response_time': 290.40608500000076, 'response_times': {120.0: 147, 200.0: 36, 190.0: 25, 110.0: 27, 160.0: 12, 150.0: 6, 180.0: 13, 210.0: 12, 170.0: 13, 220.0: 2, 130.0: 8, 140.0: 6, 290.0: 1}, 'response_time_percentiles': {55: 120.0, 65: 160.0, 75: 180.0, 85: 200.0, 95: 200.0}, 'total_rps': 1.7140219492991589, 'total_rpm': 102.84131695794953}}, 'failures': {}, 'num_requests': 1231, 'num_requests_fail': 0, 'start_time': 1608207776.312684, 'end_time': 1608207956.070369}"
Running a load test without locust file:
import invokust
from locust import HttpUser, between, task
class WebsiteUser(HttpUser):
wait_time = between(1, 3)
def get_home_page(self):
Gets /
settings = invokust.create_settings(
loadtest = invokust.LocustLoadTest(settings)
"{'requests': {'GET_/': {'request_type': 'GET', 'num_requests': 71, 'min_response_time': 138.60819600000696, 'median_response_time': 360.0, 'avg_response_time': 327.0060322394364, 'max_response_time': 603.2539320000012, 'response_times': {590.0: 1, 210.0: 3, 370.0: 2, 230.0: 5, 200.0: 2, 490.0: 2, 420.0: 4, 480.0: 1, 190.0: 5, 180.0: 6, 400.0: 3, 270.0: 1, 260.0: 3, 280.0: 2, 360.0: 4, 470.0: 2, 460.0: 3, 350.0: 1, 250.0: 1, 380.0: 4, 410.0: 2, 140.0: 1, 440.0: 1, 600.0: 1, 390.0: 2, 450.0: 1, 430.0: 3, 290.0: 1, 240.0: 2, 340.0: 1, 220.0: 1}, 'response_time_percentiles': {55: 370.0, 65: 390.0, 75: 420.0, 85: 450.0, 95: 490.0}, 'total_rps': 0.4443058717398536, 'total_rpm': 26.658352304391215}}, 'failures': {'GET_/': {'method': 'GET', 'name': '/', 'error': "ConnectionError(ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')))", 'occurrences': 1}}, 'num_requests': 71, 'num_requests_fail': 1, 'start_time': 1608208114.321394, 'end_time': 1608208276.0525749}"
## Running Locust on AWS Lambda

[AWS Lambda](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/) is a great tool for load testing as it is very cheap (or free) and highly scalable.
There are many load testing tools such as [ab](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/programs/ab.html) and [wrk](https://github.com/wg/wrk). Then there are other cloud based load testing options such as [BlazeMeter](https://www.blazemeter.com/) or [Loader](https://loader.io/) and some more DIY solutions that use AWS Lambda too such as [Goad](https://goad.io/) or [serverless-artillery](https://github.com/Nordstrom/serverless-artillery). But these all have the same drawback: They are too simplistic. They can perform simple GET or POST requests but can't accurately emulate more complex behaviour. e.g. browsing a website, selecting random items, filling a shopping cart and checking out. But with [Locust](http://locust.io/) this is possible.
Included is an example function for running Locust on AWS Lambda, `lambda_locust.py`.
### Creating a Lambda function
The process for running a locust test on Lambda involves [creating a zip file](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-python-how-to-create-deployment-package.html) of the locust load test, creating a Lambda function and then triggering the function.
Install invokust (and its dependencies) python packages locally:
pip3 install invokust --target=python-packages
Or if running on a Mac (python packages need to be compiled for 64 bit Linux) you can use docker:
docker run -it --volume=$PWD:/temp python:3.7 bash -c "pip install /temp --target=/temp/python-packages"
Create the zip file:
zip -q -r lambda_locust.zip lambda_locust.py locustfile_example.py python-packages
Then create the Lambda function using using the AWS CLI:
aws lambda create-function --function-name lambda_locust --timeout 300 --runtime python3.7 --role arn:aws:iam::9999999999:role/lambda_basic_execution --handler lambda_locust.handler --zip-file fileb://lambda_locust.zip
Or [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io/) and the example [main.tf](main.tf) file:
terraform apply
### Invoking the function
The Locust settings can be passed to the Lambda function or can be set from environment variables. The environment variables are:
- LOCUST_LOCUSTFILE: Locust file to use for the load test
- LOCUST_CLASSES: Names of locust classes to use for the load test (instead of a locustfile). If more than one, separate with comma.
- LOCUST_HOST: The host to run the load test against
- LOCUST_NUM_CLIENTS: Number of clients to simulate
- LOCUST_HATCH_RATE: Number of clients per second to start
- LOCUST_RUN_TIME: The time the test should run for
- LOCUST_LOGLEVEL: Level of logging
[AWS CLI](https://aws.amazon.com/cli/) example with Locust settings in a payload:
aws lambda invoke --function-name lambda_locust --invocation-type RequestResponse --payload '{"locustfile": "locustfile_example.py", "host":"http://www.iana.org", "num_users": "1", "spawn_rate": "1", "run_time":"3m"}' --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out output.txt
"StatusCode": 200
cat output.txt
"{\"success\": {\"GET_/\": {\"request_type\": \"GET\", \"num_requests\": 20, \"min_response_time\": 86, \"median_response_time\": 93 ...
Python boto3 example:
import json
from boto3.session import Session
from botocore.client import Config
session = Session()
config = Config(connect_timeout=10, read_timeout=310)
client = session.client('lambda', config=config)
lambda_payload = {
'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py',
'host': 'https://example.com',
'num_users': '1',
'spawn_rate': 1,
response = client.invoke(FunctionName='lambda_locust', Payload=json.dumps(lambda_payload))
'{"success": {"GET_/": {"request_type": "GET", "num_requests": 20, "min_response_time": 87, "median_response_time": 99, "avg_response_time": 97.35 ...
### Running a real load test
Lambda function execution time is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes. To run a real load test the function will need to be invoked repeatedly and likely in parallel to generate enough load. To manage this there is a class called `LambdaLoadTest` that can manage invoking the function in parallel loops and collecting the statistics.
import logging
from invokust.aws_lambda import LambdaLoadTest
lambda_payload = {
'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py',
'host': 'https://example.com',
'num_users': 1,
'spawn_rate': 1,
load_test = LambdaLoadTest(
The output:
Starting load test...
Function name: lambda_locust
Ramp time: 0s
Threads: 2
Lambda payload: {'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py', 'host': 'https://example.com', 'num_users': '1', 'spawn_rate': 1, 'run_time': '3m'}
Start ramping down after: 30s
INFO:root:thread started
INFO:root:Invoking lambda...
INFO:root:threads: 1, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 0s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 1, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 3s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:thread started
INFO:root:Invoking lambda...
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 6s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 9s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 12s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 15s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 18s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 21s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 24s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 27s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 30s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 33s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:Time limit reached. Starting ramp down...
INFO:root:Waiting for all Lambdas to return. This may take up to 3m.
INFO:invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test:Lambda invocation complete. Requests (errors): 1867 (0), execution time: 180066ms, sleeping: 0s
INFO:root:thread finished
INFO:invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test:Lambda invocation complete. Requests (errors): 1884 (0), execution time: 180065ms, sleeping: 0s
INFO:root:thread finished
{'lambda_invocation_count': 2, 'total_lambda_execution_time': 360131, 'requests_total': 3751, 'request_fail_ratio': 0.0, 'invocation_error_ratio': 0.0}
There is also an example CLI tool for running a load test, `invokr.py`:
$ ./invokr.py --function_name=lambda_locust --locust_file=locustfile_example.py --locust_host=https://example.com --threads=1 --time_limit=15 --locust_users=2
2017-05-22 20:16:22,432 INFO MainThread
Starting load test
Function: lambda_locust
Ramp time: 0
Threads: 1
Lambda payload: {'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py', 'host': 'https://example.com', 'num_users': 2, 'spawn_rate': 10, 'run_time': '15s'}
[2020-06-28 19:58:22,103] pudli/INFO/root: thread started
[2020-06-28 19:58:22,107] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 0, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:25,108] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 3, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:28,109] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 6, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:31,110] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 9, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:34,112] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 12, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:37,113] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 15, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:39,001] pudli/INFO/invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test: Invocation complete. Requests (errors): 224 (120), execution time: 15066, sleeping: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:40,116] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 795, run_time: 18, requests_total: 224, request_fail_ratio: 0.5357142857142857, invocation_error_ratio: 0.0
[2020-06-28 19:58:40,117] pudli/ERROR/root: Error limit reached, invocation error ratio: 0.0, request fail ratio: 0.5357142857142857
[2020-06-28 19:58:40,117] pudli/INFO/root: Waiting for threads to exit...
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,086] pudli/INFO/invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test: Invocation complete. Requests (errors): 242 (131), execution time: 15052, sleeping: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,086] pudli/INFO/root: thread finished
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,142] pudli/INFO/root: Aggregated results: {"requests": {"GET_/": {"median_response_time": 92.0, "total_rps": 7.18569301694931, "avg_response_time": 91.08271769409947, "max_response_time": 114.66264724731445, "min_response_time": 84.4886302947998, "response_times": {"histogram": [85, 45, 4, 6, 7, 47, 11, 0, 0, 10], "bins": [84.0, 86.6, 89.2, 91.8, 94.4, 97.0, 99.6, 102.2, 104.8, 107.4, 110.0]}, "total_rpm": 431.1415810169586, "num_requests": 215}, "POST_/post": {"median_response_time": 150.0, "total_rps": 8.38878329746517, "avg_response_time": 157.73737294831653, "max_response_time": 1087.4686241149902, "min_response_time": 142.15636253356934, "response_times": {"histogram": [247, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "bins": [140.0, 236.0, 332.0, 428.0, 524.0, 620.0, 716.0, 812.0, 908.0, 1004.0, 1100.0]}, "total_rpm": 503.32699784791026, "num_requests": 251}}, "failures": {"POST_/post": {"method": "POST", "name": "/post", "error": "HTTPError('404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://example.com/post',)", "occurrences": 251}}, "num_requests": 466, "num_requests_fail": 251, "total_lambda_execution_time": 30118, "lambda_invocations": 2, "approximate_cost": 6.3008e-05, "request_fail_ratio": 0.5386266094420601, "invocation_error_ratio": 0.0, "locust_settings": {"locustfile": "locustfile_example.py", "host": "https://example.com", "num_users": 2, "spawn_rate": 10, "run_time": "15s"}, "lambda_function_name": "lambda_locust", "threads": 1, "ramp_time": 0, "time_limit": 15}
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,142] pudli/INFO/root: ===========================================================================================================================
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,143] pudli/INFO/root: TYPE NAME #REQUESTS MEDIAN AVERAGE MIN MAX #REQS/SEC
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,143] pudli/INFO/root: ===========================================================================================================================
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,143] pudli/INFO/root: GET / 215 92.0 91.08 84.49 114.66 7.19
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,144] pudli/INFO/root: POST /post 251 150.0 157.74 142.16 1087.47 8.39
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,144] pudli/INFO/root: Exiting...
### Occasional errors
* ERROR : `xxxxx-3f19-11e7-a1d1-xxxxxxx Process exited before completing request"`
- SOLUTION: Double the size of the memory for the function.
%package -n python3-invokust
Summary: A small wrapper for locust to allow running load tests from within Python or on AWS Lambda
Provides: python-invokust
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-invokust
# invokust
A tool for running [Locust](http://locust.io/) load tests from within Python without the need to use the locust command line. This gives more flexibility for automation such as QA/CI/CD tests and also makes it possible to run locust on [AWS Lambda](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/) for ultimate scalability.
## Installation
Install via pip:
pip3 install invokust
## Examples
Running a load test using a locust file:
import invokust
settings = invokust.create_settings(
loadtest = invokust.LocustLoadTest(settings)
"{'requests': {'GET_/': {'request_type': 'GET', 'num_requests': 923, 'min_response_time': 113.54585000000128, 'median_response_time': 120.0, 'avg_response_time': 145.68631223510297, 'max_response_time': 331.89674199999786, 'response_times': {270.0: 2, 120.0: 479, 150.0: 17, 200.0: 83, 210.0: 80, 160.0: 20, 190.0: 55, 220.0: 9, 130.0: 30, 170.0: 22, 230.0: 5, 110.0: 69, 140.0: 19, 180.0: 27, 240.0: 2, 320.0: 3, 330.0: 1}, 'response_time_percentiles': {55: 120.0, 65: 150.0, 75: 190.0, 85: 200.0, 95: 210.0}, 'total_rps': 5.136500841568583, 'total_rpm': 308.190050494115}, 'GET_/about': {'request_type': 'GET', 'num_requests': 308, 'min_response_time': 113.23035299999873, 'median_response_time': 120.0, 'avg_response_time': 146.04534828246747, 'max_response_time': 290.40608500000076, 'response_times': {120.0: 147, 200.0: 36, 190.0: 25, 110.0: 27, 160.0: 12, 150.0: 6, 180.0: 13, 210.0: 12, 170.0: 13, 220.0: 2, 130.0: 8, 140.0: 6, 290.0: 1}, 'response_time_percentiles': {55: 120.0, 65: 160.0, 75: 180.0, 85: 200.0, 95: 200.0}, 'total_rps': 1.7140219492991589, 'total_rpm': 102.84131695794953}}, 'failures': {}, 'num_requests': 1231, 'num_requests_fail': 0, 'start_time': 1608207776.312684, 'end_time': 1608207956.070369}"
Running a load test without locust file:
import invokust
from locust import HttpUser, between, task
class WebsiteUser(HttpUser):
wait_time = between(1, 3)
def get_home_page(self):
Gets /
settings = invokust.create_settings(
loadtest = invokust.LocustLoadTest(settings)
"{'requests': {'GET_/': {'request_type': 'GET', 'num_requests': 71, 'min_response_time': 138.60819600000696, 'median_response_time': 360.0, 'avg_response_time': 327.0060322394364, 'max_response_time': 603.2539320000012, 'response_times': {590.0: 1, 210.0: 3, 370.0: 2, 230.0: 5, 200.0: 2, 490.0: 2, 420.0: 4, 480.0: 1, 190.0: 5, 180.0: 6, 400.0: 3, 270.0: 1, 260.0: 3, 280.0: 2, 360.0: 4, 470.0: 2, 460.0: 3, 350.0: 1, 250.0: 1, 380.0: 4, 410.0: 2, 140.0: 1, 440.0: 1, 600.0: 1, 390.0: 2, 450.0: 1, 430.0: 3, 290.0: 1, 240.0: 2, 340.0: 1, 220.0: 1}, 'response_time_percentiles': {55: 370.0, 65: 390.0, 75: 420.0, 85: 450.0, 95: 490.0}, 'total_rps': 0.4443058717398536, 'total_rpm': 26.658352304391215}}, 'failures': {'GET_/': {'method': 'GET', 'name': '/', 'error': "ConnectionError(ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')))", 'occurrences': 1}}, 'num_requests': 71, 'num_requests_fail': 1, 'start_time': 1608208114.321394, 'end_time': 1608208276.0525749}"
## Running Locust on AWS Lambda

[AWS Lambda](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/) is a great tool for load testing as it is very cheap (or free) and highly scalable.
There are many load testing tools such as [ab](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/programs/ab.html) and [wrk](https://github.com/wg/wrk). Then there are other cloud based load testing options such as [BlazeMeter](https://www.blazemeter.com/) or [Loader](https://loader.io/) and some more DIY solutions that use AWS Lambda too such as [Goad](https://goad.io/) or [serverless-artillery](https://github.com/Nordstrom/serverless-artillery). But these all have the same drawback: They are too simplistic. They can perform simple GET or POST requests but can't accurately emulate more complex behaviour. e.g. browsing a website, selecting random items, filling a shopping cart and checking out. But with [Locust](http://locust.io/) this is possible.
Included is an example function for running Locust on AWS Lambda, `lambda_locust.py`.
### Creating a Lambda function
The process for running a locust test on Lambda involves [creating a zip file](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-python-how-to-create-deployment-package.html) of the locust load test, creating a Lambda function and then triggering the function.
Install invokust (and its dependencies) python packages locally:
pip3 install invokust --target=python-packages
Or if running on a Mac (python packages need to be compiled for 64 bit Linux) you can use docker:
docker run -it --volume=$PWD:/temp python:3.7 bash -c "pip install /temp --target=/temp/python-packages"
Create the zip file:
zip -q -r lambda_locust.zip lambda_locust.py locustfile_example.py python-packages
Then create the Lambda function using using the AWS CLI:
aws lambda create-function --function-name lambda_locust --timeout 300 --runtime python3.7 --role arn:aws:iam::9999999999:role/lambda_basic_execution --handler lambda_locust.handler --zip-file fileb://lambda_locust.zip
Or [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io/) and the example [main.tf](main.tf) file:
terraform apply
### Invoking the function
The Locust settings can be passed to the Lambda function or can be set from environment variables. The environment variables are:
- LOCUST_LOCUSTFILE: Locust file to use for the load test
- LOCUST_CLASSES: Names of locust classes to use for the load test (instead of a locustfile). If more than one, separate with comma.
- LOCUST_HOST: The host to run the load test against
- LOCUST_NUM_CLIENTS: Number of clients to simulate
- LOCUST_HATCH_RATE: Number of clients per second to start
- LOCUST_RUN_TIME: The time the test should run for
- LOCUST_LOGLEVEL: Level of logging
[AWS CLI](https://aws.amazon.com/cli/) example with Locust settings in a payload:
aws lambda invoke --function-name lambda_locust --invocation-type RequestResponse --payload '{"locustfile": "locustfile_example.py", "host":"http://www.iana.org", "num_users": "1", "spawn_rate": "1", "run_time":"3m"}' --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out output.txt
"StatusCode": 200
cat output.txt
"{\"success\": {\"GET_/\": {\"request_type\": \"GET\", \"num_requests\": 20, \"min_response_time\": 86, \"median_response_time\": 93 ...
Python boto3 example:
import json
from boto3.session import Session
from botocore.client import Config
session = Session()
config = Config(connect_timeout=10, read_timeout=310)
client = session.client('lambda', config=config)
lambda_payload = {
'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py',
'host': 'https://example.com',
'num_users': '1',
'spawn_rate': 1,
response = client.invoke(FunctionName='lambda_locust', Payload=json.dumps(lambda_payload))
'{"success": {"GET_/": {"request_type": "GET", "num_requests": 20, "min_response_time": 87, "median_response_time": 99, "avg_response_time": 97.35 ...
### Running a real load test
Lambda function execution time is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes. To run a real load test the function will need to be invoked repeatedly and likely in parallel to generate enough load. To manage this there is a class called `LambdaLoadTest` that can manage invoking the function in parallel loops and collecting the statistics.
import logging
from invokust.aws_lambda import LambdaLoadTest
lambda_payload = {
'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py',
'host': 'https://example.com',
'num_users': 1,
'spawn_rate': 1,
load_test = LambdaLoadTest(
The output:
Starting load test...
Function name: lambda_locust
Ramp time: 0s
Threads: 2
Lambda payload: {'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py', 'host': 'https://example.com', 'num_users': '1', 'spawn_rate': 1, 'run_time': '3m'}
Start ramping down after: 30s
INFO:root:thread started
INFO:root:Invoking lambda...
INFO:root:threads: 1, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 0s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 1, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 3s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:thread started
INFO:root:Invoking lambda...
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 6s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 9s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 12s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 15s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 18s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 21s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 24s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 27s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 30s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 33s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:Time limit reached. Starting ramp down...
INFO:root:Waiting for all Lambdas to return. This may take up to 3m.
INFO:invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test:Lambda invocation complete. Requests (errors): 1867 (0), execution time: 180066ms, sleeping: 0s
INFO:root:thread finished
INFO:invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test:Lambda invocation complete. Requests (errors): 1884 (0), execution time: 180065ms, sleeping: 0s
INFO:root:thread finished
{'lambda_invocation_count': 2, 'total_lambda_execution_time': 360131, 'requests_total': 3751, 'request_fail_ratio': 0.0, 'invocation_error_ratio': 0.0}
There is also an example CLI tool for running a load test, `invokr.py`:
$ ./invokr.py --function_name=lambda_locust --locust_file=locustfile_example.py --locust_host=https://example.com --threads=1 --time_limit=15 --locust_users=2
2017-05-22 20:16:22,432 INFO MainThread
Starting load test
Function: lambda_locust
Ramp time: 0
Threads: 1
Lambda payload: {'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py', 'host': 'https://example.com', 'num_users': 2, 'spawn_rate': 10, 'run_time': '15s'}
[2020-06-28 19:58:22,103] pudli/INFO/root: thread started
[2020-06-28 19:58:22,107] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 0, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:25,108] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 3, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:28,109] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 6, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:31,110] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 9, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:34,112] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 12, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:37,113] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 15, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:39,001] pudli/INFO/invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test: Invocation complete. Requests (errors): 224 (120), execution time: 15066, sleeping: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:40,116] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 795, run_time: 18, requests_total: 224, request_fail_ratio: 0.5357142857142857, invocation_error_ratio: 0.0
[2020-06-28 19:58:40,117] pudli/ERROR/root: Error limit reached, invocation error ratio: 0.0, request fail ratio: 0.5357142857142857
[2020-06-28 19:58:40,117] pudli/INFO/root: Waiting for threads to exit...
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,086] pudli/INFO/invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test: Invocation complete. Requests (errors): 242 (131), execution time: 15052, sleeping: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,086] pudli/INFO/root: thread finished
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,142] pudli/INFO/root: Aggregated results: {"requests": {"GET_/": {"median_response_time": 92.0, "total_rps": 7.18569301694931, "avg_response_time": 91.08271769409947, "max_response_time": 114.66264724731445, "min_response_time": 84.4886302947998, "response_times": {"histogram": [85, 45, 4, 6, 7, 47, 11, 0, 0, 10], "bins": [84.0, 86.6, 89.2, 91.8, 94.4, 97.0, 99.6, 102.2, 104.8, 107.4, 110.0]}, "total_rpm": 431.1415810169586, "num_requests": 215}, "POST_/post": {"median_response_time": 150.0, "total_rps": 8.38878329746517, "avg_response_time": 157.73737294831653, "max_response_time": 1087.4686241149902, "min_response_time": 142.15636253356934, "response_times": {"histogram": [247, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "bins": [140.0, 236.0, 332.0, 428.0, 524.0, 620.0, 716.0, 812.0, 908.0, 1004.0, 1100.0]}, "total_rpm": 503.32699784791026, "num_requests": 251}}, "failures": {"POST_/post": {"method": "POST", "name": "/post", "error": "HTTPError('404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://example.com/post',)", "occurrences": 251}}, "num_requests": 466, "num_requests_fail": 251, "total_lambda_execution_time": 30118, "lambda_invocations": 2, "approximate_cost": 6.3008e-05, "request_fail_ratio": 0.5386266094420601, "invocation_error_ratio": 0.0, "locust_settings": {"locustfile": "locustfile_example.py", "host": "https://example.com", "num_users": 2, "spawn_rate": 10, "run_time": "15s"}, "lambda_function_name": "lambda_locust", "threads": 1, "ramp_time": 0, "time_limit": 15}
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,142] pudli/INFO/root: ===========================================================================================================================
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,143] pudli/INFO/root: TYPE NAME #REQUESTS MEDIAN AVERAGE MIN MAX #REQS/SEC
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,143] pudli/INFO/root: ===========================================================================================================================
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,143] pudli/INFO/root: GET / 215 92.0 91.08 84.49 114.66 7.19
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,144] pudli/INFO/root: POST /post 251 150.0 157.74 142.16 1087.47 8.39
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,144] pudli/INFO/root: Exiting...
### Occasional errors
* ERROR : `xxxxx-3f19-11e7-a1d1-xxxxxxx Process exited before completing request"`
- SOLUTION: Double the size of the memory for the function.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for invokust
Provides: python3-invokust-doc
%description help
# invokust
A tool for running [Locust](http://locust.io/) load tests from within Python without the need to use the locust command line. This gives more flexibility for automation such as QA/CI/CD tests and also makes it possible to run locust on [AWS Lambda](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/) for ultimate scalability.
## Installation
Install via pip:
pip3 install invokust
## Examples
Running a load test using a locust file:
import invokust
settings = invokust.create_settings(
loadtest = invokust.LocustLoadTest(settings)
"{'requests': {'GET_/': {'request_type': 'GET', 'num_requests': 923, 'min_response_time': 113.54585000000128, 'median_response_time': 120.0, 'avg_response_time': 145.68631223510297, 'max_response_time': 331.89674199999786, 'response_times': {270.0: 2, 120.0: 479, 150.0: 17, 200.0: 83, 210.0: 80, 160.0: 20, 190.0: 55, 220.0: 9, 130.0: 30, 170.0: 22, 230.0: 5, 110.0: 69, 140.0: 19, 180.0: 27, 240.0: 2, 320.0: 3, 330.0: 1}, 'response_time_percentiles': {55: 120.0, 65: 150.0, 75: 190.0, 85: 200.0, 95: 210.0}, 'total_rps': 5.136500841568583, 'total_rpm': 308.190050494115}, 'GET_/about': {'request_type': 'GET', 'num_requests': 308, 'min_response_time': 113.23035299999873, 'median_response_time': 120.0, 'avg_response_time': 146.04534828246747, 'max_response_time': 290.40608500000076, 'response_times': {120.0: 147, 200.0: 36, 190.0: 25, 110.0: 27, 160.0: 12, 150.0: 6, 180.0: 13, 210.0: 12, 170.0: 13, 220.0: 2, 130.0: 8, 140.0: 6, 290.0: 1}, 'response_time_percentiles': {55: 120.0, 65: 160.0, 75: 180.0, 85: 200.0, 95: 200.0}, 'total_rps': 1.7140219492991589, 'total_rpm': 102.84131695794953}}, 'failures': {}, 'num_requests': 1231, 'num_requests_fail': 0, 'start_time': 1608207776.312684, 'end_time': 1608207956.070369}"
Running a load test without locust file:
import invokust
from locust import HttpUser, between, task
class WebsiteUser(HttpUser):
wait_time = between(1, 3)
def get_home_page(self):
Gets /
settings = invokust.create_settings(
loadtest = invokust.LocustLoadTest(settings)
"{'requests': {'GET_/': {'request_type': 'GET', 'num_requests': 71, 'min_response_time': 138.60819600000696, 'median_response_time': 360.0, 'avg_response_time': 327.0060322394364, 'max_response_time': 603.2539320000012, 'response_times': {590.0: 1, 210.0: 3, 370.0: 2, 230.0: 5, 200.0: 2, 490.0: 2, 420.0: 4, 480.0: 1, 190.0: 5, 180.0: 6, 400.0: 3, 270.0: 1, 260.0: 3, 280.0: 2, 360.0: 4, 470.0: 2, 460.0: 3, 350.0: 1, 250.0: 1, 380.0: 4, 410.0: 2, 140.0: 1, 440.0: 1, 600.0: 1, 390.0: 2, 450.0: 1, 430.0: 3, 290.0: 1, 240.0: 2, 340.0: 1, 220.0: 1}, 'response_time_percentiles': {55: 370.0, 65: 390.0, 75: 420.0, 85: 450.0, 95: 490.0}, 'total_rps': 0.4443058717398536, 'total_rpm': 26.658352304391215}}, 'failures': {'GET_/': {'method': 'GET', 'name': '/', 'error': "ConnectionError(ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')))", 'occurrences': 1}}, 'num_requests': 71, 'num_requests_fail': 1, 'start_time': 1608208114.321394, 'end_time': 1608208276.0525749}"
## Running Locust on AWS Lambda

[AWS Lambda](https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/) is a great tool for load testing as it is very cheap (or free) and highly scalable.
There are many load testing tools such as [ab](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/programs/ab.html) and [wrk](https://github.com/wg/wrk). Then there are other cloud based load testing options such as [BlazeMeter](https://www.blazemeter.com/) or [Loader](https://loader.io/) and some more DIY solutions that use AWS Lambda too such as [Goad](https://goad.io/) or [serverless-artillery](https://github.com/Nordstrom/serverless-artillery). But these all have the same drawback: They are too simplistic. They can perform simple GET or POST requests but can't accurately emulate more complex behaviour. e.g. browsing a website, selecting random items, filling a shopping cart and checking out. But with [Locust](http://locust.io/) this is possible.
Included is an example function for running Locust on AWS Lambda, `lambda_locust.py`.
### Creating a Lambda function
The process for running a locust test on Lambda involves [creating a zip file](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-python-how-to-create-deployment-package.html) of the locust load test, creating a Lambda function and then triggering the function.
Install invokust (and its dependencies) python packages locally:
pip3 install invokust --target=python-packages
Or if running on a Mac (python packages need to be compiled for 64 bit Linux) you can use docker:
docker run -it --volume=$PWD:/temp python:3.7 bash -c "pip install /temp --target=/temp/python-packages"
Create the zip file:
zip -q -r lambda_locust.zip lambda_locust.py locustfile_example.py python-packages
Then create the Lambda function using using the AWS CLI:
aws lambda create-function --function-name lambda_locust --timeout 300 --runtime python3.7 --role arn:aws:iam::9999999999:role/lambda_basic_execution --handler lambda_locust.handler --zip-file fileb://lambda_locust.zip
Or [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io/) and the example [main.tf](main.tf) file:
terraform apply
### Invoking the function
The Locust settings can be passed to the Lambda function or can be set from environment variables. The environment variables are:
- LOCUST_LOCUSTFILE: Locust file to use for the load test
- LOCUST_CLASSES: Names of locust classes to use for the load test (instead of a locustfile). If more than one, separate with comma.
- LOCUST_HOST: The host to run the load test against
- LOCUST_NUM_CLIENTS: Number of clients to simulate
- LOCUST_HATCH_RATE: Number of clients per second to start
- LOCUST_RUN_TIME: The time the test should run for
- LOCUST_LOGLEVEL: Level of logging
[AWS CLI](https://aws.amazon.com/cli/) example with Locust settings in a payload:
aws lambda invoke --function-name lambda_locust --invocation-type RequestResponse --payload '{"locustfile": "locustfile_example.py", "host":"http://www.iana.org", "num_users": "1", "spawn_rate": "1", "run_time":"3m"}' --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out output.txt
"StatusCode": 200
cat output.txt
"{\"success\": {\"GET_/\": {\"request_type\": \"GET\", \"num_requests\": 20, \"min_response_time\": 86, \"median_response_time\": 93 ...
Python boto3 example:
import json
from boto3.session import Session
from botocore.client import Config
session = Session()
config = Config(connect_timeout=10, read_timeout=310)
client = session.client('lambda', config=config)
lambda_payload = {
'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py',
'host': 'https://example.com',
'num_users': '1',
'spawn_rate': 1,
response = client.invoke(FunctionName='lambda_locust', Payload=json.dumps(lambda_payload))
'{"success": {"GET_/": {"request_type": "GET", "num_requests": 20, "min_response_time": 87, "median_response_time": 99, "avg_response_time": 97.35 ...
### Running a real load test
Lambda function execution time is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes. To run a real load test the function will need to be invoked repeatedly and likely in parallel to generate enough load. To manage this there is a class called `LambdaLoadTest` that can manage invoking the function in parallel loops and collecting the statistics.
import logging
from invokust.aws_lambda import LambdaLoadTest
lambda_payload = {
'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py',
'host': 'https://example.com',
'num_users': 1,
'spawn_rate': 1,
load_test = LambdaLoadTest(
The output:
Starting load test...
Function name: lambda_locust
Ramp time: 0s
Threads: 2
Lambda payload: {'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py', 'host': 'https://example.com', 'num_users': '1', 'spawn_rate': 1, 'run_time': '3m'}
Start ramping down after: 30s
INFO:root:thread started
INFO:root:Invoking lambda...
INFO:root:threads: 1, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 0s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 1, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 3s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:thread started
INFO:root:Invoking lambda...
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 6s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 9s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 12s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 15s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 18s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 21s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 24s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 27s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 30s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:threads: 2, rpm: 0, time elapsed: 33s, total requests from finished threads: 0, request fail ratio: 0, invocation error ratio: 0
INFO:root:Time limit reached. Starting ramp down...
INFO:root:Waiting for all Lambdas to return. This may take up to 3m.
INFO:invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test:Lambda invocation complete. Requests (errors): 1867 (0), execution time: 180066ms, sleeping: 0s
INFO:root:thread finished
INFO:invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test:Lambda invocation complete. Requests (errors): 1884 (0), execution time: 180065ms, sleeping: 0s
INFO:root:thread finished
{'lambda_invocation_count': 2, 'total_lambda_execution_time': 360131, 'requests_total': 3751, 'request_fail_ratio': 0.0, 'invocation_error_ratio': 0.0}
There is also an example CLI tool for running a load test, `invokr.py`:
$ ./invokr.py --function_name=lambda_locust --locust_file=locustfile_example.py --locust_host=https://example.com --threads=1 --time_limit=15 --locust_users=2
2017-05-22 20:16:22,432 INFO MainThread
Starting load test
Function: lambda_locust
Ramp time: 0
Threads: 1
Lambda payload: {'locustfile': 'locustfile_example.py', 'host': 'https://example.com', 'num_users': 2, 'spawn_rate': 10, 'run_time': '15s'}
[2020-06-28 19:58:22,103] pudli/INFO/root: thread started
[2020-06-28 19:58:22,107] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 0, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:25,108] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 3, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:28,109] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 6, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:31,110] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 9, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:34,112] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 12, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:37,113] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 0, run_time: 15, requests_total: 0, request_fail_ratio: 0, invocation_error_ratio: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:39,001] pudli/INFO/invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test: Invocation complete. Requests (errors): 224 (120), execution time: 15066, sleeping: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:40,116] pudli/INFO/root: threads: 1, rpm: 795, run_time: 18, requests_total: 224, request_fail_ratio: 0.5357142857142857, invocation_error_ratio: 0.0
[2020-06-28 19:58:40,117] pudli/ERROR/root: Error limit reached, invocation error ratio: 0.0, request fail ratio: 0.5357142857142857
[2020-06-28 19:58:40,117] pudli/INFO/root: Waiting for threads to exit...
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,086] pudli/INFO/invokust.aws_lambda.lambda_load_test: Invocation complete. Requests (errors): 242 (131), execution time: 15052, sleeping: 0
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,086] pudli/INFO/root: thread finished
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,142] pudli/INFO/root: Aggregated results: {"requests": {"GET_/": {"median_response_time": 92.0, "total_rps": 7.18569301694931, "avg_response_time": 91.08271769409947, "max_response_time": 114.66264724731445, "min_response_time": 84.4886302947998, "response_times": {"histogram": [85, 45, 4, 6, 7, 47, 11, 0, 0, 10], "bins": [84.0, 86.6, 89.2, 91.8, 94.4, 97.0, 99.6, 102.2, 104.8, 107.4, 110.0]}, "total_rpm": 431.1415810169586, "num_requests": 215}, "POST_/post": {"median_response_time": 150.0, "total_rps": 8.38878329746517, "avg_response_time": 157.73737294831653, "max_response_time": 1087.4686241149902, "min_response_time": 142.15636253356934, "response_times": {"histogram": [247, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "bins": [140.0, 236.0, 332.0, 428.0, 524.0, 620.0, 716.0, 812.0, 908.0, 1004.0, 1100.0]}, "total_rpm": 503.32699784791026, "num_requests": 251}}, "failures": {"POST_/post": {"method": "POST", "name": "/post", "error": "HTTPError('404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://example.com/post',)", "occurrences": 251}}, "num_requests": 466, "num_requests_fail": 251, "total_lambda_execution_time": 30118, "lambda_invocations": 2, "approximate_cost": 6.3008e-05, "request_fail_ratio": 0.5386266094420601, "invocation_error_ratio": 0.0, "locust_settings": {"locustfile": "locustfile_example.py", "host": "https://example.com", "num_users": 2, "spawn_rate": 10, "run_time": "15s"}, "lambda_function_name": "lambda_locust", "threads": 1, "ramp_time": 0, "time_limit": 15}
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,142] pudli/INFO/root: ===========================================================================================================================
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,143] pudli/INFO/root: TYPE NAME #REQUESTS MEDIAN AVERAGE MIN MAX #REQS/SEC
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,143] pudli/INFO/root: ===========================================================================================================================
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,143] pudli/INFO/root: GET / 215 92.0 91.08 84.49 114.66 7.19
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,144] pudli/INFO/root: POST /post 251 150.0 157.74 142.16 1087.47 8.39
[2020-06-28 19:58:54,144] pudli/INFO/root: Exiting...
### Occasional errors
* ERROR : `xxxxx-3f19-11e7-a1d1-xxxxxxx Process exited before completing request"`
- SOLUTION: Double the size of the memory for the function.
%autosetup -n invokust-0.77
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-invokust -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Fri Jun 09 2023 Python_Bot - 0.77-1
- Package Spec generated