%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-cxsystem2 Version: Release: 1 Summary: A cerebral cortex simulation framework License: GPL v3.0 URL: https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2 Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/6e/6a/e1fdd9b9acf7db78a83f6776ca3e0e8093e62dd9840118252f26b9ebb379/cxsystem2- BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-wheel Requires: python3-requests Requires: python3-asn1crypto Requires: python3-bcrypt Requires: python3-brian2 Requires: python3-brian2genn Requires: python3-cffi Requires: python3-cryptography Requires: python3-cycler Requires: python3-cython Requires: python3-django Requires: python3-django-extensions Requires: python3-django-sslserver Requires: python3-docopt Requires: python3-ipython Requires: python3-jinja2 Requires: python3-kiwisolver Requires: python3-markupsafe Requires: python3-matplotlib Requires: python3-mpmath Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-pandas Requires: python3-ping3 Requires: python3-paramiko Requires: python3-pycparser Requires: python3-pynacl Requires: python3-pyopenssl Requires: python3-pyparsing Requires: python3-dateutil Requires: python3-pytz Requires: python3-scipy Requires: python3-scp Requires: python3-six Requires: python3-sqlparse Requires: python3-sympy Requires: python3-werkzeug Requires: python3-sphinx Requires: python3-sphinx-rtd-theme Requires: python3-pyyaml %description # CxSystem2, A Flexible Cortical Simulation Framework > Warning: CxSystem2 BUI is developed for using in a local environment and should not be installed on a publicly accessible server unless extra security measures are added on top of it [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Github Issues](http://img.shields.io/github/issues/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/bug.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abug) [![Github Issues](http://img.shields.io/github/issues/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/enhancement.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aenhancement) [![Github Issues](http://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/pulls) [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/cxsystem2/badge/?version=latest)](https://cxsystem2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest) [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/cxsystem2.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/cxsystem2) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2) ## Table of Contents - [Synopsis](#synopsis) - [Installation](#installation) * [Windows](#windows) * [Linux/Mac](#linuxmac) * [Development](#development) - [Interfaces](#interfaces) * [Browser User Interface (BUI)](#browser-user-interface-bui) * [Command Line Interface (CLI)](#command-line-interface-cli) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Citation](#citation) - [Support](#support) - [Team](#team) - [License](#license) ## Synopsis CxSystem is a cerebral cortex simulation framework, which operates on personal computers. We have tested the simulation software with a simplified version of a comprehensive cortical microcircuit model [1], which is available as configuration file. The CxSystem aims at easy testing and buildup of diverse models at single cell resolution. Implemented on the top of the Python-based [Brian2 simulator](https://github.com/brian-team/brian2), CxSystem supports the main goal of Brian, i.e. minimizing development time, by providing the user with a simplified interface. The preliminary version of this software has been developed at Aalto University 2012-2015 [2], and the full version at the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa and University of Helsinki 2013-2017. The software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Copyright 2017 Vafa Andalibi, Henri Hokkanen and Simo Vanni. ## Installation We highly recommend installing `CxSystem2` on a virtual environment. Use the following commands to install a Python3 virtual environment and install CxSystem: ### Windows Make sure you have python 3.5 or above. To create activate a `venv` in windows at `~/CX2` (you can deactivate the environment with the command `deactivate` and reactivate later by running the second command): ```shell C:\> python --version Python 3.7.4 C:\> python3 -m venv %userprofile%\CX2 C:\> %userprofile%\CX2\Scripts\activate (CX2) C:\> pip install --upgrade setuptools (CX2) C:\> pip install -U cxsystem2 ``` Moreover, to use the C++ standalone device on Windows, install the [Visual C++ Build Tools 2015](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48159). ### Linux/Mac Make sure you have python 3.5 or above. To create activate a `venv` in Linux/Mac at `~/CX2` (you can deactivate the environment with the command `deactivate` and reactivate later by running the second command): ```shell $ python --version Python 3.7.4 $ python3 -m venv ~/CX2 $ source ~/CX2/bin/activate (CX2) $ pip install --upgrade setuptools (CX2) $ pip install -U cxsystem2 ``` ### Development To develop `CxSystem2`, after cloning the repository install it with the following commands: ```shell (CX2) $ git clone https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2 (CX2) $ cd CxSystem2 (CX2) $ pip install --upgrade setuptools (CX2) $ pip install -r requirements.txt (CX2) $ pip install -U -e . ``` With this method any change to the code will be reflected on the package immediately. ## Interfaces `CxSystem2` comes with two interfaces: ### Browser User Interface (BUI) CxSystem's BUI is built to provide users with an interactive environment for changing the parameters for simulations. ### Command Line Interface (CLI) Beside the BUI, Some of the main functionalities of the `CxSystem2` are available in terminal, including the BUI itself. All of the following commands have built-in documentations available with `-h` or `--help` flags: #### `cxsystem2` This command (all in lower letters and case sensitive) can be used to run a simulation locally using anatomy and physiology configuration files. #### `cxserver` This command will run the `CxSystem2` BUI django server. #### `cxconfig` CxSystem2 supports `csv` and `json` for importing/exporting configuration files. To convert the configuration files, use the `cxconfig` and pass the path to the configuration file path as its argument. This command recognizes the file type and convert it to the alternative extension. #### `cxcluster` Use `cxcluster` to download the results from the cluster. `cxcluster` takes in one argument which is the path to the metadata file saved as a result of cluster-run submission. For convenience, at the end of a cluster-run job submission, `CxSystem2` prints the command that should be run to retrieve the result. #### `cxvisualize` This command can be used to visualize the result of the simulation using `visimpl` visualizer. ViSimpl binaries are available at the Modeling and Virtual Reality Group [download page](https://vg-lab.es/visimpl/) at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. This command can also be used to generate a pdf of rasterplots from a set of simulations. ## Documentation You can access the documentation of the CxSystem2 at [cxsystem2.readthedocs.io](https://cxsystem2.readthedocs.io). ## Citation If you use CxSystem2 for your work, we kindly ask you to cite any of our related articles: ``` Andalibi, V., Hokkanen, H., Vanni, S., Controlling complexity of cerebral cortex simulations—I: CxSystem, a flexible cortical simulation framework, 2019, Neural computation ```
``` Hokkanen, H., Andalibi, V., Vanni, S., Controlling complexity of cerebral cortex simulations—II: Streamlined microcircuits, 2019, Neural computation ``` ## Support You are encouraged to use Github's Issues to report bugs, or request enhancements or new features. ## Team - [Vafa Andalibi](https://www.andalibi.me) - [Henri Hokkanen](https://github.com/henhok) - [Simo Vanni](https://scholar.google.fi/citations?user=nRiUf30AAAAJ&hl=en) ## License [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD%203--Clause-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) - **[GPL-3-Clause](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)** - Copyright 2019 © HUS Helsinki University Hospital. *** [1] Markram, H., Muller, E., Ramaswamy, S., Reimann, M. W., Abdellah, M., Sanchez, C. A., … Schürmann, F. (2015). Reconstruction and Simulation of Neocortical Microcircuitry. Cell, 163(2), 456–492. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.029 [2]Heikkinen, H., Sharifian, F., Vigário, R., & Vanni, S. (2015). Feedback to distal dendrites links fMRI signals to neural receptive fields in a spiking network model of the visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(1), 57–69. http://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00169.2015 %package -n python3-cxsystem2 Summary: A cerebral cortex simulation framework Provides: python-cxsystem2 BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-cxsystem2 # CxSystem2, A Flexible Cortical Simulation Framework > Warning: CxSystem2 BUI is developed for using in a local environment and should not be installed on a publicly accessible server unless extra security measures are added on top of it [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Github Issues](http://img.shields.io/github/issues/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/bug.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abug) [![Github Issues](http://img.shields.io/github/issues/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/enhancement.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aenhancement) [![Github Issues](http://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/pulls) [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/cxsystem2/badge/?version=latest)](https://cxsystem2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest) [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/cxsystem2.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/cxsystem2) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2) ## Table of Contents - [Synopsis](#synopsis) - [Installation](#installation) * [Windows](#windows) * [Linux/Mac](#linuxmac) * [Development](#development) - [Interfaces](#interfaces) * [Browser User Interface (BUI)](#browser-user-interface-bui) * [Command Line Interface (CLI)](#command-line-interface-cli) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Citation](#citation) - [Support](#support) - [Team](#team) - [License](#license) ## Synopsis CxSystem is a cerebral cortex simulation framework, which operates on personal computers. We have tested the simulation software with a simplified version of a comprehensive cortical microcircuit model [1], which is available as configuration file. The CxSystem aims at easy testing and buildup of diverse models at single cell resolution. Implemented on the top of the Python-based [Brian2 simulator](https://github.com/brian-team/brian2), CxSystem supports the main goal of Brian, i.e. minimizing development time, by providing the user with a simplified interface. The preliminary version of this software has been developed at Aalto University 2012-2015 [2], and the full version at the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa and University of Helsinki 2013-2017. The software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Copyright 2017 Vafa Andalibi, Henri Hokkanen and Simo Vanni. ## Installation We highly recommend installing `CxSystem2` on a virtual environment. Use the following commands to install a Python3 virtual environment and install CxSystem: ### Windows Make sure you have python 3.5 or above. To create activate a `venv` in windows at `~/CX2` (you can deactivate the environment with the command `deactivate` and reactivate later by running the second command): ```shell C:\> python --version Python 3.7.4 C:\> python3 -m venv %userprofile%\CX2 C:\> %userprofile%\CX2\Scripts\activate (CX2) C:\> pip install --upgrade setuptools (CX2) C:\> pip install -U cxsystem2 ``` Moreover, to use the C++ standalone device on Windows, install the [Visual C++ Build Tools 2015](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48159). ### Linux/Mac Make sure you have python 3.5 or above. To create activate a `venv` in Linux/Mac at `~/CX2` (you can deactivate the environment with the command `deactivate` and reactivate later by running the second command): ```shell $ python --version Python 3.7.4 $ python3 -m venv ~/CX2 $ source ~/CX2/bin/activate (CX2) $ pip install --upgrade setuptools (CX2) $ pip install -U cxsystem2 ``` ### Development To develop `CxSystem2`, after cloning the repository install it with the following commands: ```shell (CX2) $ git clone https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2 (CX2) $ cd CxSystem2 (CX2) $ pip install --upgrade setuptools (CX2) $ pip install -r requirements.txt (CX2) $ pip install -U -e . ``` With this method any change to the code will be reflected on the package immediately. ## Interfaces `CxSystem2` comes with two interfaces: ### Browser User Interface (BUI) CxSystem's BUI is built to provide users with an interactive environment for changing the parameters for simulations. ### Command Line Interface (CLI) Beside the BUI, Some of the main functionalities of the `CxSystem2` are available in terminal, including the BUI itself. All of the following commands have built-in documentations available with `-h` or `--help` flags: #### `cxsystem2` This command (all in lower letters and case sensitive) can be used to run a simulation locally using anatomy and physiology configuration files. #### `cxserver` This command will run the `CxSystem2` BUI django server. #### `cxconfig` CxSystem2 supports `csv` and `json` for importing/exporting configuration files. To convert the configuration files, use the `cxconfig` and pass the path to the configuration file path as its argument. This command recognizes the file type and convert it to the alternative extension. #### `cxcluster` Use `cxcluster` to download the results from the cluster. `cxcluster` takes in one argument which is the path to the metadata file saved as a result of cluster-run submission. For convenience, at the end of a cluster-run job submission, `CxSystem2` prints the command that should be run to retrieve the result. #### `cxvisualize` This command can be used to visualize the result of the simulation using `visimpl` visualizer. ViSimpl binaries are available at the Modeling and Virtual Reality Group [download page](https://vg-lab.es/visimpl/) at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. This command can also be used to generate a pdf of rasterplots from a set of simulations. ## Documentation You can access the documentation of the CxSystem2 at [cxsystem2.readthedocs.io](https://cxsystem2.readthedocs.io). ## Citation If you use CxSystem2 for your work, we kindly ask you to cite any of our related articles: ``` Andalibi, V., Hokkanen, H., Vanni, S., Controlling complexity of cerebral cortex simulations—I: CxSystem, a flexible cortical simulation framework, 2019, Neural computation ```
``` Hokkanen, H., Andalibi, V., Vanni, S., Controlling complexity of cerebral cortex simulations—II: Streamlined microcircuits, 2019, Neural computation ``` ## Support You are encouraged to use Github's Issues to report bugs, or request enhancements or new features. ## Team - [Vafa Andalibi](https://www.andalibi.me) - [Henri Hokkanen](https://github.com/henhok) - [Simo Vanni](https://scholar.google.fi/citations?user=nRiUf30AAAAJ&hl=en) ## License [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD%203--Clause-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) - **[GPL-3-Clause](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)** - Copyright 2019 © HUS Helsinki University Hospital. *** [1] Markram, H., Muller, E., Ramaswamy, S., Reimann, M. W., Abdellah, M., Sanchez, C. A., … Schürmann, F. (2015). Reconstruction and Simulation of Neocortical Microcircuitry. Cell, 163(2), 456–492. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.029 [2]Heikkinen, H., Sharifian, F., Vigário, R., & Vanni, S. (2015). Feedback to distal dendrites links fMRI signals to neural receptive fields in a spiking network model of the visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(1), 57–69. http://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00169.2015 %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for cxsystem2 Provides: python3-cxsystem2-doc %description help # CxSystem2, A Flexible Cortical Simulation Framework > Warning: CxSystem2 BUI is developed for using in a local environment and should not be installed on a publicly accessible server unless extra security measures are added on top of it [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Github Issues](http://img.shields.io/github/issues/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/bug.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abug) [![Github Issues](http://img.shields.io/github/issues/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/enhancement.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aenhancement) [![Github Issues](http://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2.svg)](https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2/pulls) [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/cxsystem2/badge/?version=latest)](https://cxsystem2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest) [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/cxsystem2.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/cxsystem2) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2) ## Table of Contents - [Synopsis](#synopsis) - [Installation](#installation) * [Windows](#windows) * [Linux/Mac](#linuxmac) * [Development](#development) - [Interfaces](#interfaces) * [Browser User Interface (BUI)](#browser-user-interface-bui) * [Command Line Interface (CLI)](#command-line-interface-cli) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Citation](#citation) - [Support](#support) - [Team](#team) - [License](#license) ## Synopsis CxSystem is a cerebral cortex simulation framework, which operates on personal computers. We have tested the simulation software with a simplified version of a comprehensive cortical microcircuit model [1], which is available as configuration file. The CxSystem aims at easy testing and buildup of diverse models at single cell resolution. Implemented on the top of the Python-based [Brian2 simulator](https://github.com/brian-team/brian2), CxSystem supports the main goal of Brian, i.e. minimizing development time, by providing the user with a simplified interface. The preliminary version of this software has been developed at Aalto University 2012-2015 [2], and the full version at the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa and University of Helsinki 2013-2017. The software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Copyright 2017 Vafa Andalibi, Henri Hokkanen and Simo Vanni. ## Installation We highly recommend installing `CxSystem2` on a virtual environment. Use the following commands to install a Python3 virtual environment and install CxSystem: ### Windows Make sure you have python 3.5 or above. To create activate a `venv` in windows at `~/CX2` (you can deactivate the environment with the command `deactivate` and reactivate later by running the second command): ```shell C:\> python --version Python 3.7.4 C:\> python3 -m venv %userprofile%\CX2 C:\> %userprofile%\CX2\Scripts\activate (CX2) C:\> pip install --upgrade setuptools (CX2) C:\> pip install -U cxsystem2 ``` Moreover, to use the C++ standalone device on Windows, install the [Visual C++ Build Tools 2015](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48159). ### Linux/Mac Make sure you have python 3.5 or above. To create activate a `venv` in Linux/Mac at `~/CX2` (you can deactivate the environment with the command `deactivate` and reactivate later by running the second command): ```shell $ python --version Python 3.7.4 $ python3 -m venv ~/CX2 $ source ~/CX2/bin/activate (CX2) $ pip install --upgrade setuptools (CX2) $ pip install -U cxsystem2 ``` ### Development To develop `CxSystem2`, after cloning the repository install it with the following commands: ```shell (CX2) $ git clone https://github.com/VisualNeuroscience-UH/CxSystem2 (CX2) $ cd CxSystem2 (CX2) $ pip install --upgrade setuptools (CX2) $ pip install -r requirements.txt (CX2) $ pip install -U -e . ``` With this method any change to the code will be reflected on the package immediately. ## Interfaces `CxSystem2` comes with two interfaces: ### Browser User Interface (BUI) CxSystem's BUI is built to provide users with an interactive environment for changing the parameters for simulations. ### Command Line Interface (CLI) Beside the BUI, Some of the main functionalities of the `CxSystem2` are available in terminal, including the BUI itself. All of the following commands have built-in documentations available with `-h` or `--help` flags: #### `cxsystem2` This command (all in lower letters and case sensitive) can be used to run a simulation locally using anatomy and physiology configuration files. #### `cxserver` This command will run the `CxSystem2` BUI django server. #### `cxconfig` CxSystem2 supports `csv` and `json` for importing/exporting configuration files. To convert the configuration files, use the `cxconfig` and pass the path to the configuration file path as its argument. This command recognizes the file type and convert it to the alternative extension. #### `cxcluster` Use `cxcluster` to download the results from the cluster. `cxcluster` takes in one argument which is the path to the metadata file saved as a result of cluster-run submission. For convenience, at the end of a cluster-run job submission, `CxSystem2` prints the command that should be run to retrieve the result. #### `cxvisualize` This command can be used to visualize the result of the simulation using `visimpl` visualizer. ViSimpl binaries are available at the Modeling and Virtual Reality Group [download page](https://vg-lab.es/visimpl/) at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. This command can also be used to generate a pdf of rasterplots from a set of simulations. ## Documentation You can access the documentation of the CxSystem2 at [cxsystem2.readthedocs.io](https://cxsystem2.readthedocs.io). ## Citation If you use CxSystem2 for your work, we kindly ask you to cite any of our related articles: ``` Andalibi, V., Hokkanen, H., Vanni, S., Controlling complexity of cerebral cortex simulations—I: CxSystem, a flexible cortical simulation framework, 2019, Neural computation ```
``` Hokkanen, H., Andalibi, V., Vanni, S., Controlling complexity of cerebral cortex simulations—II: Streamlined microcircuits, 2019, Neural computation ``` ## Support You are encouraged to use Github's Issues to report bugs, or request enhancements or new features. ## Team - [Vafa Andalibi](https://www.andalibi.me) - [Henri Hokkanen](https://github.com/henhok) - [Simo Vanni](https://scholar.google.fi/citations?user=nRiUf30AAAAJ&hl=en) ## License [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD%203--Clause-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) - **[GPL-3-Clause](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)** - Copyright 2019 © HUS Helsinki University Hospital. *** [1] Markram, H., Muller, E., Ramaswamy, S., Reimann, M. W., Abdellah, M., Sanchez, C. A., … Schürmann, F. (2015). Reconstruction and Simulation of Neocortical Microcircuitry. Cell, 163(2), 456–492. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.029 [2]Heikkinen, H., Sharifian, F., Vigário, R., & Vanni, S. (2015). Feedback to distal dendrites links fMRI signals to neural receptive fields in a spiking network model of the visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(1), 57–69. http://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00169.2015 %prep %autosetup -n cxsystem2- %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-cxsystem2 -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue Jun 20 2023 Python_Bot - - Package Spec generated