# Tests requires network access %bcond_with test # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/#_do_not_use_noarch %global debug_package %{nil} Name: toml11 Version: 3.7.1 Release: 1 Summary: TOML for Modern C++ License: MIT URL: https://github.com/ToruNiina/toml11 Source0: %{url}/archive/v%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: ninja-build %if %{with test} BuildRequires: boost-devel BuildRequires: git-core %endif %global _description %{expand: toml11 is a C++11 (or later) header-only toml parser/encoder depending only on C++ standard library. * It is compatible to the latest version of TOML v1.0.0. * It is one of the most TOML standard compliant libraries, tested with the language agnostic test suite for TOML parsers by BurntSushi. * It shows highly informative error messages. You can see the error messages about invalid files at CircleCI. * It has configurable container. You can use any random-access containers and key-value maps as backend containers. * It optionally preserves comments without any overhead. * It has configurable serializer that supports comments, inline tables, literal strings and multiline strings. * It supports user-defined type conversion from/into toml values. * It correctly handles UTF-8 sequences, with or without BOM, both on posix and Windows.} %description %{_description} %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Provides: %{name}-static = %{version}-%{release} %description devel %{_description} Development files for %{name}. %prep %autosetup -p1 %build %cmake . -B"%{_vpath_builddir}" \ -G Ninja \ %if %{with test} -Dtoml11_BUILD_TEST=ON \ %endif %{nil} %ninja_build -C "%{_vpath_builddir}" %install %ninja_install -C "%{_vpath_builddir}" %files devel %license LICENSE %doc README.md %{_includedir}/*.hpp %{_includedir}/toml/ %{_libdir}/cmake/%{name}/ %changelog * Sat Jul 22 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.7.1-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jan 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.7.1-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jul 23 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.7.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Mar 12 2022 Artem Polishchuk - 3.7.1-1 - chore(update): 3.7.1 * Mon Feb 21 2022 Lukáš Hrázký - 3.6.1-5 - Backport from upstream: 21732fc - Resolve g++ warning: free-nonheap-object * Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.6.1-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.6.1-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Apr 27 2021 Artem Polishchuk - 3.6.1-2 - fix: Do not use noarch | RH#1954188 * Wed Apr 21 2021 Artem Polishchuk - 3.6.1-1 - Initial package