python-nn src a9b57045edd698f379ef3c7877696042442ae73027b56b0d36251737dca193ef A neural network library built on top of TensorFlow for quickly building deep learning models. A neural network library built on top of TensorFlow for quickly building deep learning models. [![Build Status](]( `nn.Tensor` is the core data structure which is a wrapper for `tf.Tensor` and provides additional functionality. It can be created using the `nn.tensor()` function: ```py import nn a = nn.tensor([1, 2, 3]) assert isinstance(a, nn.Tensor) assert a.shape == (3, ) ``` It supports method chaining: ```py c = a.square().sum() assert c.numpy() == 14 ``` and can be used with `tf.Tensor` objects: ```py import tensorflow as tf b = tf.constant(2) c = (a - b).square().sum() assert c.numpy() == 2 ``` It can also be used with high level APIs such as `tf.keras`: ```py model = nn.Sequential([ nn.Dense(128, activation='relu'), nn.Dropout(0.2), nn.Dense(10) ]) y = model(x) assert isinstance(y, nn.Tensor) ``` and to perform automatic differentiation and optimization: ```py optimizer = nn.Adam() with nn.GradientTape() as tape: outputs = model(inputs) loss = (targets - outputs).square().mean() grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables)) ``` To use it with ops that expect `tf.Tensor` objects as inputs, wrap the ops using `nn.op()`: ```py mean = nn.op(tf.reduce_mean) c = mean(a) assert isinstance(c, nn.Tensor) maximum = nn.op(tf.maximum, binary=True) c = maximum(a, b) assert isinstance(c, nn.Tensor) ``` or convert it to a `tf.Tensor` object using the `tf()` method or `` function: ```py b = assert isinstance(b, tf.Tensor) b = assert isinstance(b, tf.Tensor) ``` See more examples [here][examples]. Requirements: - TensorFlow >= 2.0 - Python >= 3.6 Install from PyPI (recommended): ```sh pip install nn ``` Alternatively, install from source: ```sh git clone cd nn pip install -e . ``` [TensorFlow] should be installed separately. To run tests, install dependencies: ```sh pip install -e .[tests] ``` and run: ```sh pytest tests ``` [tensorflow]: [examples]: python-nn-help noarch d35ff48563863b8f98d50190c3cecc09889cd694ddbc06323959cf7b38f605f7 Development documents and examples for nn A neural network library built on top of TensorFlow for quickly building deep learning models. [![Build Status](]( `nn.Tensor` is the core data structure which is a wrapper for `tf.Tensor` and provides additional functionality. It can be created using the `nn.tensor()` function: ```py import nn a = nn.tensor([1, 2, 3]) assert isinstance(a, nn.Tensor) assert a.shape == (3, ) ``` It supports method chaining: ```py c = a.square().sum() assert c.numpy() == 14 ``` and can be used with `tf.Tensor` objects: ```py import tensorflow as tf b = tf.constant(2) c = (a - b).square().sum() assert c.numpy() == 2 ``` It can also be used with high level APIs such as `tf.keras`: ```py model = nn.Sequential([ nn.Dense(128, activation='relu'), nn.Dropout(0.2), nn.Dense(10) ]) y = model(x) assert isinstance(y, nn.Tensor) ``` and to perform automatic differentiation and optimization: ```py optimizer = nn.Adam() with nn.GradientTape() as tape: outputs = model(inputs) loss = (targets - outputs).square().mean() grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables)) ``` To use it with ops that expect `tf.Tensor` objects as inputs, wrap the ops using `nn.op()`: ```py mean = nn.op(tf.reduce_mean) c = mean(a) assert isinstance(c, nn.Tensor) maximum = nn.op(tf.maximum, binary=True) c = maximum(a, b) assert isinstance(c, nn.Tensor) ``` or convert it to a `tf.Tensor` object using the `tf()` method or `` function: ```py b = assert isinstance(b, tf.Tensor) b = assert isinstance(b, tf.Tensor) ``` See more examples [here][examples]. Requirements: - TensorFlow >= 2.0 - Python >= 3.6 Install from PyPI (recommended): ```sh pip install nn ``` Alternatively, install from source: ```sh git clone cd nn pip install -e . ``` [TensorFlow] should be installed separately. To run tests, install dependencies: ```sh pip install -e .[tests] ``` and run: ```sh pytest tests ``` [tensorflow]: [examples]: python3-nn noarch df896d800fdc79c778fc6cbc0a63d4c25f98e35e388de03112dbbdfdd6956fc2 A neural network library built on top of TensorFlow for quickly building deep learning models. A neural network library built on top of TensorFlow for quickly building deep learning models. [![Build Status](]( `nn.Tensor` is the core data structure which is a wrapper for `tf.Tensor` and provides additional functionality. It can be created using the `nn.tensor()` function: ```py import nn a = nn.tensor([1, 2, 3]) assert isinstance(a, nn.Tensor) assert a.shape == (3, ) ``` It supports method chaining: ```py c = a.square().sum() assert c.numpy() == 14 ``` and can be used with `tf.Tensor` objects: ```py import tensorflow as tf b = tf.constant(2) c = (a - b).square().sum() assert c.numpy() == 2 ``` It can also be used with high level APIs such as `tf.keras`: ```py model = nn.Sequential([ nn.Dense(128, activation='relu'), nn.Dropout(0.2), nn.Dense(10) ]) y = model(x) assert isinstance(y, nn.Tensor) ``` and to perform automatic differentiation and optimization: ```py optimizer = nn.Adam() with nn.GradientTape() as tape: outputs = model(inputs) loss = (targets - outputs).square().mean() grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables)) ``` To use it with ops that expect `tf.Tensor` objects as inputs, wrap the ops using `nn.op()`: ```py mean = nn.op(tf.reduce_mean) c = mean(a) assert isinstance(c, nn.Tensor) maximum = nn.op(tf.maximum, binary=True) c = maximum(a, b) assert isinstance(c, nn.Tensor) ``` or convert it to a `tf.Tensor` object using the `tf()` method or `` function: ```py b = assert isinstance(b, tf.Tensor) b = assert isinstance(b, tf.Tensor) ``` See more examples [here][examples]. Requirements: - TensorFlow >= 2.0 - Python >= 3.6 Install from PyPI (recommended): ```sh pip install nn ``` Alternatively, install from source: ```sh git clone cd nn pip install -e . ``` [TensorFlow] should be installed separately. To run tests, install dependencies: ```sh pip install -e .[tests] ``` and run: ```sh pytest tests ``` [tensorflow]: [examples]: