aops-ceres src 1c941d3b081264800dccba785877cd1611234c922f4890f25fb96278d42e2710 An agent which needs to be adopted in client, it managers some plugins, such as gala-gopher(kpi collection), fluentd(log collection) and so on. An agent which needs to be adopted in client, it managers some plugins, such as gala-gopher(kpi collection), fluentd(log collection) and so on. aops-ceres x86_64 ab5168948281e08530055ec535d630e012094ef5579941c497ece62cd2f657c5 An agent which needs to be adopted in client, it managers some plugins, such as gala-gopher(kpi collection), fluentd(log collection) and so on. An agent which needs to be adopted in client, it managers some plugins, such as gala-gopher(kpi collection), fluentd(log collection) and so on.