%define _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: anaconda Version: 36.16.5 Release: 21 Summary: Graphical system installer License: GPLv2+ and MIT URL: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda Source0: https://github.com/rhinstaller/%{name}/releases/download/%{name}-%{version}-1/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source1: openeuler.conf Source2: euleros.conf Source3: hce.conf Source4: disable-disk-encryption.patch %ifarch sw_64 Patch6001: anaconda-33.19.sw.patch %endif %ifarch loongarch64 Patch6002: 0001-add-loongarch-support-for-anaconda.patch %endif Patch9000: add-passwd-policy.patch Patch9001: bugfix-GUI-nfs-unknown-error.patch Patch9002: bugfix-set-up-LD_PRELOAD-for-the-Storage-and-Services-module.patch Patch9003: bugfix-Solve-the-problem-that-the-circular-loading-progress-bar-does-not-rotate.patch Patch9004: change-inst-repo-default-value.patch Patch9005: disable-disk-encryption.patch Patch9006: disable-ssh-login-checkbox.patch Patch9007: fix-hostname-info.patch Patch9008: hide-help-button.patch Patch9009: modify-interface-is-extended-in-Chinese-mode.patch Patch9010: modify-timezone-and-delete-datezone-map.patch Patch9011: remove-vender-issue-in-netdev.patch Patch9012: Support-configuration-of-additional-boot-arguments.patch Patch9013: support-use-sm3-crypt-user-password.patch Patch9014: bugfix-with-use-local-kickstart-version.patch Patch9015: bugfix-change-gnome-kiosk-to-use-metacity.patch Patch9016: bugfix-add-log-and-background.patch Patch9017: bugfix-add-SM3-with-tui.patch Patch9018: bugfix-change-product-name-do-not-with-upper.patch Patch6003: backport-dracut-handle-compressed-kernel-modules.patch Patch6004: backport-Ignore-SIGINT-in-D-Bus-launcher-and-x11-too.patch Patch6005: backport-network-use-separate-main-conext-for-NM-client-in-threads.patch Patch6006: backport-Sort-RPM-versions-via-rpm.labelCompare-and-not-via-p.patch Patch9019: bugfix-adapt-active-connection-without-interface-name.patch Patch9020: bugfix-password-tooltip-text-adapt-language.patch Patch9021: bugfix-revert-Unify-GRUB-configuration-file-location-across-all-platforms.patch Patch9022: bugfix-change-the-startup-mode-of-do_transaction-sub-proces.patch # openEuler summer ospp Patch10000: summer-ospp-replace-isomd5sum-with-isosm3sum.patch %define dasbusver 1.3 %define dbusver 1.2.3 %define dnfver 3.6.0 %define dracutver 034-7 %define gettextver 0.19.8 %define gtk3ver 3.22.17 # openEuler summer ospp %define isosm3sumver 1.0.0 %define langtablever 0.0.54 %define libarchivever 3.0.4 %define libblockdevver 2.1 %define libxklavierver 5.4 %define mehver 0.23-1 %define nmver 1.0 %define pykickstartver 3.32-1 %define pypartedver 2.5-2 %define pythonblivetver 1:3.4.0-1 %define rpmver 4.15.0 %define simplelinever 1.1-1 %define utillinuxver 2.15.1 BuildRequires: python3-pygments BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel libtool gettext-devel >= %{gettextver} gtk3-devel >= %{gtk3ver} BuildRequires: gtk-doc gtk3-devel-docs >= %{gtk3ver} glib2-doc gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires: glade-devel libgnomekbd-devel libxklavier-devel >= %{libxklavierver} pango-devel BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: python3-kickstart >= %{pykickstartver} python3-devel systemd BuildRequires: rpm-devel >= %{rpmver} libarchive-devel >= %{libarchivever} gdk-pixbuf2-devel BuildRequires: libxml2 BuildRequires: gsettings-desktop-schemas metacity Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release} Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release} Requires: libblockdev-plugins-all >= %{libblockdevver} realmd # openEuler summer ospp Requires: isosm3sum >= %{isosm3sumver} Requires: kexec-tools createrepo_c tmux gdb rsync python3-meh-gui >= %{mehver} Requires: adwaita-icon-theme python3-kickstart Requires: tigervnc-server-minimal libxklavier >= %{libxklavierver} libgnomekbd Requires: nm-connection-editor keybinder3 system-logos Requires: python3 BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils Requires: zenity Provides: anaconda-gui = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: anaconda-gui < %{version}-%{release} Provides: anaconda-widgets = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: anaconda-widgets < %{version}-%{release} Provides: anaconda-install-env-deps = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: anaconda-install-env-deps < %{version}-%{release} %description The anaconda package is a metapackage for the Anaconda installer. %package core Summary: Core of the Anaconda installer Requires: python3-libs python3-dnf >= %{dnfver} python3-blivet >= %{pythonblivetver} Requires: python3-blockdev >= %{libblockdevver} rpm-python3 >= %{rpmver} python3-productmd Requires: libreport-anaconda >= 2.0.21-1 libselinux-python3 python3-meh >= %{mehver} Requires: python3-pyparted >= %{pypartedver} python3-requests python3-requests-file Requires: python3-requests-ftp python3-kickstart >= %{pykickstartver} Requires: python3-langtable >= %{langtablever} util-linux >= %{utillinuxver} python3-gobject-base Requires: python3-dbus python3-pwquality python3-systemd python3-dasbus >= %{dasbusver} Requires: python3-packaging Requires: cracklib-dicts python3-pytz teamd NetworkManager >= %{nmver} NetworkManager-libnm >= %{nmver} Requires: NetworkManager-team kbd chrony systemd python3-pid Requires: python3-ordered-set >= 2.0.0 glibc-langpack-en dbus-daemon Requires: systemd-resolved # Required by the systemd service anaconda-fips. Requires: crypto-policies Requires: /usr/bin/update-crypto-policies # required because of the rescue mode and VNC question Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release} Provides: anaconda-images = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: anaconda-images <= 10 Provides: anaconda-runtime = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: anaconda-runtime < %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: booty <= 0.107-1 # Ensure it's not possible for a version of grubby to be installed # that doesn't work with btrfs subvolumes correctly... Conflicts: grubby < 8.40-10 Requires: usermode %description core The anaconda-core package contains the program which was used to install your system. %package tui Summary: Textual user interface for the Anaconda installer Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release} python3-simpleline >= %{simplelinever} %description tui This package contains textual user interface for the Anaconda installer. %package devel Summary: Development files for anaconda-widgets Requires: glade Requires: %{name}-widgets = %{version}-%{release} %description devel This package contains libraries and header files needed for writing the anaconda installer. It also contains Python and Glade support files, as well as documentation for working with this library. %package dracut Summary: The anaconda dracut module Requires: dracut >= %{dracutver} Requires: dracut-network Requires: dracut-live Requires: xz Requires: python3-kickstart %description dracut The 'anaconda' dracut module handles installer-specific boot tasks and options. This includes driver disks, kickstarts, and finding the anaconda runtime on NFS/HTTP/FTP servers or local disks. %prep %autosetup -n %{name}-%{version} -p1 %build # use actual build-time release number, not tarball creation time release number %if "%toolchain" == "clang" %configure ANACONDA_RELEASE=%{release} CC=clang %else %configure ANACONDA_RELEASE=%{release} %endif %make_build %install %make_install %delete_la cp %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE1}_tmp cp %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE2}_tmp cp %{SOURCE3} %{SOURCE3}_tmp # install openEuler conf for anaconda %ifarch x86_64 sed -i "/^additional_arguments =*/ s/$/ crashkernel=512M/" %{SOURCE1} sed -i "/^additional_arguments =*/ s/$/ panic=3 nmi_watchdog=1/" %{SOURCE2} sed -i "/^additional_arguments =*/ s/$/ panic=3 nmi_watchdog=1/" %{SOURCE3} %endif %ifarch aarch64 sed -i "/^additional_arguments =*/ s/$/ crashkernel=1024M,high smmu.bypassdev=0x1000:0x17 smmu.bypassdev=0x1000:0x15/" %{SOURCE1} sed -i "/^additional_arguments =*/ s/$/ panic=1 vga=0x317 nohz=off smmu.bypassdev=0x1000:0x17 smmu.bypassdev=0x1000:0x15/" %{SOURCE2} sed -i "/^additional_arguments =*/ s/$/ panic=1 vga=0x317 nohz=off smmu.bypassdev=0x1000:0x17 smmu.bypassdev=0x1000:0x15/" %{SOURCE3} %endif install -m 0644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/profile.d/ install -m 0644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/profile.d/ install -m 0644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/profile.d/ mv %{SOURCE1}_tmp %{SOURCE1} mv %{SOURCE2}_tmp %{SOURCE2} mv %{SOURCE3}_tmp %{SOURCE3} # Create an empty directory for addons install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/anaconda/addons desktop-file-install --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/liveinst.desktop # If no langs found, keep going %find_lang %{name} || : %ldconfig_scriptlets %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 %post update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : %postun update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : %endif #Anaconda test cases require python3-nose. However, python3-nose on 22.03 has been deleted due to aging. #As a result, the anaconda lacks dependency. Now, the anaconda needs to remove the python3-nose dependency. #However, the removal will affect the test cases. %files %defattr(-,root,root) %license COPYING %{_libdir}/libAnacondaWidgets.so.* %{_libdir}/girepository*/AnacondaWidgets*typelib %{python3_sitearch}/gi/overrides/* %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/gui/* %exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/blivet_gui.* %files core %defattr(-,root,root) %license COPYING %{_sbindir}/anaconda %{_sbindir}/handle-sshpw %{_bindir}/instperf %{_bindir}/analog %{_bindir}/anaconda-cleanup %{_bindir}/anaconda-disable-nm-ibft-plugin %{_libdir}/libAnacondaWidgets.so %{_prefix}/libexec/anaconda %{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-generators/* %{_unitdir}/* %{_datadir}/anaconda %{_datadir}/locale/* %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda %exclude %{_prefix}/libexec/anaconda/dd_* %exclude %{_libdir}/libAnacondaWidgets.so %exclude %{_datadir}/gtk-doc %exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/ui/spokes/blivet_gui.* %exclude %{_datadir}/glade/catalogs/AnacondaWidgets.xml %exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/rescue.py* %exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/__pycache__/rescue.* %exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/gui/* %exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/tui/* %{_bindir}/analog %{_bindir}/anaconda-cleanup %dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/* %dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d %config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d/* %dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/profile.d %config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/profile.d/* %{_sbindir}/liveinst %{_bindir}/liveinst %{_libexecdir}/liveinst-setup.sh %{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop %{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/*.desktop %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/* %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/* %files tui %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/rescue.py %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/__pycache__/rescue.* %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/tui/* %files devel %{_libdir}/libAnacondaWidgets.so %{_libdir}/glade/modules/libAnacondaWidgets.so %{_includedir}/* %{_datadir}/glade/catalogs/AnacondaWidgets.xml %{_datadir}/gtk-doc %files dracut %dir %{_prefix}/lib/dracut/modules.d/80%{name} %{_prefix}/lib/dracut/modules.d/80%{name}/* %{_prefix}/libexec/anaconda/dd_* %changelog * Thu Sep 07 2023 raki007 <278366432@qq.com> - 36.16.5-21 - Type:enhance - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: add summer ospp patch * Mon Jul 10 2023 sunhai - 36.16.5-20 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: keep source code consistency * Mon Jul 10 2023 sunhai - 36.16.5-19 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: change the startup mode of do_transaction sub proces * Fri Jun 09 2023 sunhai - 36.16.5-18 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: set grub configuration file is as original * Fri Jun 09 2023 sunhai - 36.16.5-17 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: Ignore SIGINT in D Bus launcher and x11 too network use separate main conext for NM client in threads dracut handle compressed kernel modules Sort RPM versions via rpm.labelCompare * Sat Jun 03 2023 sunhai - 36.16.5-16 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: fix gui hostname warn info * Tue May 16 2023 Chenxi Mao - 36.16.5-15 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: Support build with clang. * Fri Feb 24 2023 sunhai - 36.16.5-14 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: backport password tooltip text adapt language close disk encryption * Tue Dec 27 2022 Chenxi Mao - 36.16.5-13 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: Change patch sequence. * Mon Dec 26 2022 fengtao - 36.16.5-12 - Type:feature - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: add loongarch and sw support patch in SP1 * Tue Dec 20 2022 Qingqing Li - 36.16.5-11 - Type:feature - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:cgroup files is a additional enhanced cgroup feature, which will limit cgroup opened files, add cgroup_disable=files to default cmdline to disable this feature to keep cgroup's default behavior. * Thu Dec 15 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-10 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix conf of storage * Wed Dec 14 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-9 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:adapt active connection without interface name * Sat Dec 10 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-8 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:ignore detect enable smt open swap in storage * Tue Nov 29 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-7 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:change product name not with upper add SM3 with tui * Thu Nov 24 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-6 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add logo with install the kickstart version change to patch * Wed Nov 23 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-5 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:pxe kickstart version with local pykickstart and with build save patch by source4 * Mon Nov 21 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-4 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:open disk encryption on openEuler * Tue Nov 15 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-3 - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: fix install with tui and gui * Fri Nov 11 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-2 - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: use kickstart version with local pykickstart * Tue Nov 08 2022 sunhai - 36.16.5-1 - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:update anaconda to 36.16.5 * Mon Mar 28 2022 Wenlong Zhang - 33.19-49 - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: add loongarch support for anaconda * Tue Oct 18 2022 wuzx - 33.19-48 - Type:feature - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:Add sw64 architecture * Wed Sep 21 2022 sunhai - 33.19-47 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:solve the problem that the circular loading progress bar does not rotate * Tue Aug 23 2022 zhangqiumiao - 33.19-46 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix missing group information in dnf * Fri Aug 5 2022 wanglu - 33.19-45 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix a mistake about revert "Set default entry to the BLS id instead of the entry index" * Thu Aug 4 2022 wanglu - 33.19-44 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:revert "Set default entry to the BLS id instead of the entry index" * Fri Apr 8 2022 zhangqiumiao - 33.19-43 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:change the grub2 user.cfg permission from 0700 to 0600 * Thu Apr 7 2022 zhangqiumiao - 33.19-42 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add support for configuration of additional boot arguments change the startup mode of do_transaction sub process to spawn * Sat Mar 05 2022 gaihuiying - 33.19-41 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:separate anaconda-dracut * Mon Feb 21 2022 gaihuiying - 33.19-40 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:remove yelp and foce-utils from requires * Sun Jan 30 2022 yanan - 33.19-39 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:remove authconfig support * Thu Jan 27 2022 liufushou - 33.19-38 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:let networking up after reboot * Wed Jan 26 2022 zhujunhao - 33.19-37 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:support use sm3 crypt user password * Sun Jan 23 2022 liuxin - 33.19-36 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:Cancel planned manual update of system time on turning ntp on * Sat Jan 22 2022 fengtao - 33.19-35 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:revert "fix deadlock when forking in multithread" * Thu Jan 13 2022 gaihuiying - 33.19-34 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:remove flatpak support in source code * Tue Jan 11 2022 gaihuiying - 33.19-33 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:remove anaconda-user-help dependency * Fri Dec 31 2021 xihaochen - 33.19-32 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:remove flatpak dependency * Fri Dec 31 2021 xihaochen - 33.19-31 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:remove python3-nose dependency * Fri Oct 29 2021 zhujunhao - 33.19-30 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix boot options generated by dracut module * Sat Aug 28 2021 yanan - 33.19-29 - Type:bugfix - CVE:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix deadlock when forking in multithread * Mon Aug 23 2021 wangce - 33.19-28 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:Change sidebar background size * Sat Aug 7 2021 zhujunhao - 33.19-27 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:delete date zone map * Thu Jun 24 2021 youyifeng - 33.19-26 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:change inst.repo default value * Mon Jun 21 2021 gaihuiying - 33.19-25 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:change topbar background size * Mon Jun 21 2021 zhangqiumiao - 33.19-24 - Type:requirement - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:replace openEuler by %{_vendor} * Mon Jun 21 2021 liuxin - 33.19-23 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:Fix section headers in docstrings * Wed May 19 2021 liuxin - 33.19-22 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:Fix issue when ns_info cannot be retrieved for NVDimm namespace * Sat May 8 2021 fengtao - 33.19-21 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix xorg timeout and throw exception * Thu Apr 29 2021 zhangrui - 33.19-20 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:do not mount dbus sources * Mon Mar 29 2021 xuxiaolong - 33.19-19 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:sync 50 bugfix commit from github * Sat Mar 27 2021 zhangrui - 33.19-18 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:reset the state of the custom partitioning spoke * Mon Jan 25 2021 liuxin - 33.19-17 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:Propagate a lazy proxy o the storage model * Thu Jan 14 2021 yuboyun - 33.19-16 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:set up LD_PRELOAD for the Storage and Services module * Thu Dec 10 2020 zhouyihang - 33.19-15 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:Change length limit of hostname from 255 to 64 * Fri Dec 04 2020 gaihuiying - 33.19-14 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:improve ntp servers to fix unkown error * Sat Nov 28 2020 lunankun - 33.19-13 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix issue of iscsi_tcp and sha256 not found * Mon Oct 26 2020 fengtao - 33.19-12 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:bugfix for partitioning when sda exists a ext4 filesystem * Sat Sep 26 2020 fengtao - 33.19-11 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add dnf transactions timeout * Thu Sep 17 2020 zhuqingfu - 33.19-10 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:do not require treeinfo * Wed Sep 16 2020 xiaqirong - 33.19-9 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:disable disk encryption * Fri Sep 11 2020 fengtao - 33.19-8 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add boot args for smmu and video * Thu Sep 10 2020 zhangqiumiao - 33.19-7 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:revert add-passwd-check-policy.patch and bugfix-fix-encrypt-weak-passphrase-save.patch fix password policy * Fri Sep 4 2020 zhangqiumiao - 33.19-6 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix password policy * Mon Aug 31 2020 zhangqiumiao - 33.19-5 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix kdump patch err * Fri Aug 28 2020 zhangqiumiao - 33.19-4 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:remove dependency on blivet-gui-runtime * Fri Aug 7 2020 fengtao - 33.19-3 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix stage2 as default sources * Tue Jul 14 2020 zhangqiumiao - 33.19-2 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add kdump parameter into kernel cmdline * Fri Jun 19 2020 fengtao - 33.19-1 - update version to 33.19 * Mon Mar 9 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-28 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add boot options for dummy * Wed Feb 12 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-27 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:Remove initThreading method from pyanaconda.threading * Thu Feb 06 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-26 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:modify network hostname dot error * Thu Jan 16 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-25 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:modify default timezone and zh_CN.po * Thu Jan 16 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-24 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix setup fail in decode * Thu Jan 16 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-23 - Type:enhancement - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:modify openeuler in welcome to lowercase * Thu Jan 16 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-22 - optimization the patch * Wed Jan 15 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-21 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add boot options for kdump. * Sat Jan 11 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-20 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add boot options for raid 3408 * Wed Jan 8 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-19 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:modify arguments parsing * Wed Jan 1 2020 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-18 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:bugfix for encrypting partition * Mon Dec 30 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-17 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:bugfix in setup * Mon Dec 30 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-16 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:bugfix in network spokes when add virtual devices * Mon Dec 30 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-15 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:fix bug * Mon Dec 23 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-14 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:modify the patches * Mon Dec 16 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-13 - Type:bugfix - Id:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:modify interface is extended in Chinese mode * Thu Dec 12 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-12 - Type:bugfix - Id:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add quiet cmdline args for x86 * Tue Oct 22 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-11 - Type:bugfix - Id:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add dracut-live packages as requires * Mon Oct 21 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-10 - Type:bugfix - Id:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:add anaconda-core and anaconda-tui package * Sun Oct 13 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 29.24.7-9 - Package init