Name: hello-cangjie-eur Version: 0.0.8 Release: 7%{?dist} Summary: Cangjie Eur demo. License: MIT Source:{name}/archive/refs/tags/v%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: wget, dnf-plugins-core, binutils, glibc-devel, gcc-c++, openssl Requires(pre): wget %description A demo for Cangjie and Eur. %global output_name hello_cangjie_eur %global debug_package %{nil} # 根据环境设置下载地址 %ifarch x86_64 # 这里的指令仅在 x86_64 架构下运行 %global download_url "" %endif %ifarch aarch64 # 这里的指令仅在 ARM 架构下运行 %global download_url "" %endif %prep %autosetup -n %{name}-%{version} cd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version} bash ./ %build cd %{_builddir} # 检查文件是否存在,并设置一个宏 if [ ! -f %{_builddir}/Cangjie-0.53.13-linux.tar.gz ]; then wget -O Cangjie-0.53.13-linux.tar.gz %{download_url} fi tar xvf Cangjie-0.53.13-linux.tar.gz %install cd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version} rm -rf %{_buildrootdir}/* source %{_builddir}/cangjie/ cjpm install --root %{_buildrootdir}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{_arch} %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %post for user_dir in /home/* do # 检查是否为目录 if [ -d "$user_dir" ]; then # 获取 .bashrc 的完整路径 bashrc="$user_dir/.bashrc" content="alias main='/usr/bin/%{output_name}'" # 检查 .bashrc 是否存在 if [ -f "$bashrc" ]; then # 检查是否已经包含 "$content" if ! grep -Fxq "$content" "$bashrc"; then # 在 .bashrc 文件末尾添加 "$content" echo "$content" >> "$bashrc" fi else echo "$content" >> "$bashrc" fi source "$bashrc" fi done %postun #!/bin/bash rm -rf %{_libdir}/cangjie # sed -i '\|source .*/cangjie/|d' $HOME/.bashrc # sed -i "\|alias main='/usr/bin/%{name}'|d" $HOME/.bashrc for user_dir in /home/* do # 检查是否为目录 if [ -d "$user_dir" ]; then # 获取 .bashrc 的完整路径 bashrc="$user_dir/.bashrc" # 检查 .bashrc 是否存在 if [ -f "$bashrc" ]; then # sed -i '\|source %{_libdir}/cangjie/|d' "$bashrc" sed -i "\|alias main='/usr/bin/%{output_name}'|d" "$bashrc" source "$bashrc" fi fi done %files # %license add-license-file-here # %doc add-docs-here /bin/%{output_name} %exclude /.packages.toml %changelog * Thu Jan 02 2025 stevending1st Project init. * Sat Feb 15 2025 stevending1st Add pre, post and postun script.