nloadaarch648ed485c62268b4da930e8df78345fc55eb5c8bc5ebfaff0b8234d1916564b07eA tool can monitor network traffic and bandwidth usage in real timenload is a console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth
usage in real time. It visualizes the in and outgoing traffic using two graphs
and provides additional info like total amount of transfered data and min/max
network usage. Copr - user suuyaooApplications/Systemresalloc-bf5d4938-f0fa-4459-8631-f2938e21b55fnload-0.7.4-4.src.rpm/usr/bin/nloadnloadsrc86dc4ba8b307a61253fd6cdfe23f38701257ed902ce58d7256d3850193663a14A tool can monitor network traffic and bandwidth usage in real timenload is a console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth
usage in real time. It visualizes the in and outgoing traffic using two graphs
and provides additional info like total amount of transfered data and min/max
network usage. Copr - user suuyaooApplications/Systemresalloc-bf5d4938-f0fa-4459-8631-f2938e21b55fnload-debuginfoaarch648ad133552733d92ce46aefa7cf373b0a82ab1d54a95e56dcebeaaf15bae921b7Debug information for package nloadThis package provides debug information for package nload.
Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this
package or when debugging this package. Copr - user suuyaooDevelopment/Debugresalloc-bf5d4938-f0fa-4459-8631-f2938e21b55fnload-0.7.4-4.src.rpm/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/nload-0.7.4-4.aarch64.debugnload-debugsourceaarch64256320000345d182a87a8d9c0d3318123ec5b83d74905c94a19b0d49a2f65747Debug sources for package nloadThis package provides debug sources for package nload.
Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this
package or when debugging this package. Copr - user suuyaooDevelopment/Debugresalloc-bf5d4938-f0fa-4459-8631-f2938e21b55fnload-0.7.4-4.src.rpm