%global debug_package %{nil} Name: python-iopath Version: 0.1.9 Release: 1 Summary: A python library that provides common I/O interface across different storage backends. License: MIT URL: https://github.com/facebookresearch/iopath Source0: https://github.com/facebookresearch/iopath/archive/refs/tags/v%{version}.zip BuildRequires: python3-devel python3-setuptools python3-setuptools_scm gcc Requires: python3-tqdm python3-portalocker python3-typing-extensions %description iopath is a light-weight core library that provides the most common and essential functionality %package -n python3-iopath Summary: A python library that provides common I/O interface across different storage backends. %{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-iopath} %description -n python3-iopath iopath is a light-weight core library that provides the most common and essential functionality %prep %autosetup -n iopath-%{version} -p1 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install %files -n python3-iopath %{python3_sitelib}/* %changelog * Sun Jan 28 2024 Binshuo Zu <274620705z@gmail.com> - 0.1.9-1 - Package init